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188 lines (167 loc) · 9.14 KB


|    _____  __  __  _  _      ____    ____    ____   _______  _        ____             _____   ______  _____    |
|   / ____||  \/  || || |    |  _ \  / __ \  / __ \ |__   __|| |      / __ \     /\    |  __ \ |  ____||  __ \   |
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|  | |     | |\/| ||__   _|  | |_ < | |  | || |  | |   | |   | |     | |  | |  / /\ \  | |  | ||  __|  |  _  /   |
|  | |____ | |  | |   | |    | |_) || |__| || |__| |   | |   | |____ | |__| | /  __  \ | |__| || |____ | | \ \   |
|   \_____||_|  |_|   |_|    |____/  \____/  \____/    |_|   |______| \____/ /_/    \_\|_____/ |______||_|  \_\  |
|                                                                                                                |

An experimental bootloader implementation on ARM Cortex-M4 processor.


cm4-bootloader dependents on some third-party packages to build code and burn into processor like ARM GNU Toolchain and stlink. Therefore, before using the project, we need to install these packages.

Install ARM GNU Toolchain:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get -y install gcc-arm-none-eabi

Install stlink:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get -y install stlink-tools

Install OpenOCD:

$ sudo apt install openocd

Build cm4-bootloader. It will compile bootloader and application respectively.

$ make

Burn the code into processor:

$ make upload

Execute the host program:

$ make host


The toolchain downloaded using the command sudo apt-get -y install gcc-arm-none-eabi does not include arm-none-eabi-gdb. Therefore, it needs to be added separately, which can be downloaded from Arm GNU Toolchain Downloads. Then. adding arm-none-eabi-gdb into path /usr/bin/.

In cm4-bootloader, it uses cortex-debug to trace the source code and find the bugs. Before using cortex-debug, the following libraries that are necessaty for arm-none-eabi-gdb need to be installed.

$ sudo apt-get install libncursesw5
$ sudo apt install python3.8

Memory layout

In cm4-bootloader, the memory layout is shown as follows:

+--------------+ 0x08000000
|              |
|  Bootloader  |
|              |
+--------------+ 0x08004000
|              |
|  Application |
|              |

Bootloader commands

The following shows all commands provided by cm4-bootloader. It refers to USART protocol used in the STM32 bootloader.

command code description
BL_GET_CMD 0x00 Get the version and the allowed commands supported by the current version of the protocol
BL_GET_VERSION 0x01 Get the protocol version
BL_GET_ID 0x02 Get the chip ID
BL_GET_PROTECT_LEVEL 0x03 Get the protection level status
BL_READ_MEM 0x11 Read up to 256 bytes of memory starting from an address specified by the application
BL_JUMP_TO_APP 0x21 Jump to user application code located in the internal flash memory or in the SRAM
BL_WRITE_MEM 0x31 Write a binary file data to flash
BL_ERASE_MEM 0x43 Erase from one to all the flash memory pages
BL_WRITE_PROTECT 0x63 Enable the write protection for some sectors
BL_WRITE_UNPROTECT 0x73 Disable the write protection for all flash memory sectors
BL_READ_PROTECT 0x82 Enable the read protection
BL_RELOAD_OPT_BYTES 0xA1 Reload option bytes

Communicate with host

cm4-bootloader uses USART to send and receive data. The following picture shows how bootloader to communicate with host.

  1. Host sends the command package to bootloader.
  2. Bootloader receives the package and reply ACK or NACK to host based on cyclic redundancy check (CRC). If bootloader sends ACK, then it will send the length of reply data.
  3. Finally, bootloader sends the reply data if it sends ACK at previous step. That is, the communication will stop if bootloader sends NACK.
 host                       bootloader
   |                             |
   |     1. command package      |
   | --------------------------> |
   |                             |
   |         2. ACK/NACK         |
   | <-------------------------- |
   |                             |
   |        3. reply data        |
   | <-------------------------- |
   |                             |

Command package format

The following picture shows the command package format.

  1. Command code defined at bootloader.c uses to check the current command and its size is 1 byte.
  2. Buffer size means the size of buffer and its size is 1 byte.
  3. CRC data calculated from the previous data (command code + buffer size + buffer). It used to check the correctness of command and its size is 4 byte.
| command code | buffer size | buffer | CRC data |

Read memory command format

The following picture shows the command format of memory reading.

  1. Buffer is composed of a combination of "base address" and "length of data".
  2. Base addrress means the first address to read. (4 bytes)
  3. Length of data means the number of data to read. (Up to 256 bytes)
| command code | buffer size | base address | length of data | CRC data |

Write memory command format

The following picture shows the command format of memory writing.

  1. Buffer is composed of a combination of "base address", "payload length" and "payload".
  2. Base addrress means the first address to write. (4 bytes)
  3. Payload length means the length of payload. (1 byte)
  4. Payload means the data to write to flash. (Up to 250 bytes)
| command code | buffer size | base address | payload length | payload | CRC data |

Erase memory command format

The following picture shows the command format of memory erasing.

  1. Buffer is composed of a combination of "page number" and "number of page".
  2. Both of "page number" and "number of page" are 1 byte. That is, buffer size is 2.
| command code | buffer size | page number | number of page | CRC data |

Write protection option bytes command format

Enable the write protection for some sectors

  • One bit of the user option bytes is used to protect 2 pages of 2 Kbytes in the main memory block.
  • Page 62 ~ 255 is protected by 1 bit.
| command code | buffer size | number of page | page numbers | CRC data |

Write unprotection option bytes command format

Disable the write protection for all flash memory sectors

| command code | buffer size | CRC data |

Read protection option bytes command format

Set the RDP option byte in option bytes.

  • The buffer size is 1.
| command code | buffer size | read protection level | CRC data |
