##Packing sp-x.x.x.jar in an application jar
This note describes how to pack any sp-xxx.jar file into an application jar file for an easy deployment or distribution purpose.
Download latest sp-xxx.jar from repository. https://github.com/RishiGupta12/SerialPundit/tree/master/prebuilt-release
Build you application in Eclipse IDE including sp-xxx.jar as an external jar dependency. Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Add External JARs..
Right click on your Eclipse project and select Export. A windows will get opened. Then; Java -> Runnable JAR file and click next. Select a launch configuration of your choice and Package required libraries into generated jar option. Click finish.
The generated application jar will contain sp-xxx.jar file. The Eclipse will automatically set classpath and its loaders.
Eclipse will automatically configure correct classpath internally.
To run application (Linux) run following command.
$ java -jar MyApplication.jar