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The easiest way to use Bluetooth (BLE )in ios,even baby can use . CoreBluetooth wrap.


  • 1:CoreBluetooth wrap,simple and eary for use.
  • 2:CoreBluetooth is dependency on delegate ,and most times,call method at delegate then go into delegate,and over and over,it's messy.BabyBluetooth favor to using block.
  • 3:call methor in a serial,it's simple and elegant syntax.
  • 4:using channel switch blcoks in a group.
  • 5:convenience tools class
  • 6:comprehensive documentation and active project
  • 7:more star library for ios bluetooch in github(not PhoneGap and SensorTag)
  • 8:include demo and tutorial
  • 9:works with both central model and peripheral model

current verison 0.7.0

update histroy



central model

let you apps be Central and cotact other BLE4.0 peripheral

//import head files
#import "BabyBluetooth.h"
//define var
BabyBluetooth *baby;

-(void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];

    //init BabyBluetooth
    baby = [BabyBluetooth shareBabyBluetooth];
    //set delegate
    [self babyDelegate];
    //direct use,no longer wait for status Of CBCentralManagerStatePoweredOn

//set babybluetooth delegate

    //when scanfor perihpheral
    [baby setBlockOnDiscoverToPeripherals:^(CBCentralManager *central, CBPeripheral *peripheral, NSDictionary *advertisementData, NSNumber *RSSI) {
    //discover peripherals filter
    [baby setFilterOnDiscoverPeripherals:^BOOL(NSString *peripheralName, NSDictionary *advertisementData, NSNumber *RSSI) {
        //最常用的场景是查找某一个前缀开头的设备 most common usage is discover for peripheral that name has common prefix
        //if ([peripheralName hasPrefix:@"Pxxxx"] ) {
        //    return YES;
        //return NO;
        //设置查找规则是名称大于1 , the search rule is length > 1
        if (peripheralName.length >1) {
            return YES;
        return NO;

more method and delegate please see : wiki

Central model deme see:BabyBluetoothAppDemo

peripheral model

let you apps be a BLE4.0 peripheral

mock a peripheral which has 2 service and 6 characteristic together

//import head files
#import "BabyBluetooth.h"
//define var
BabyBluetooth *baby;

-(void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];

    //config first service
    CBMutableService *s1 = makeCBService(@"FFF0");
    //config s1‘s characteristic
    makeCharacteristicToService(s1, @"FFF1", @"r", @"hello1");//can read
    makeCharacteristicToService(s1, @"FFF2", @"w", @"hello2");//can write
    makeCharacteristicToService(s1, genUUID(), @"rw", @"hello3");//can read,write ,uuid be automatically generate
    makeCharacteristicToService(s1, @"FFF4", nil, @"hello4");//default property is rw
    makeCharacteristicToService(s1, @"FFF5", @"n", @"hello5");//can notiy
    //config seconed service s2
    CBMutableService *s2 = makeCBService(@"FFE0");
    //a static characteristic and has cached vuale ,it must be only can read.
    makeStaticCharacteristicToService(s2, genUUID(), @"hello6", [@"a" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
    //init BabyBluetooth
    baby = [BabyBluetooth shareBabyBluetooth];
    //config delegate
    [self babyDelegate];
    //let peripheral add services and start advertising

//set baby peripheral model delegate

     //设置添加service委托 | set didAddService block
    [baby peripheralModelBlockOnPeripheralManagerDidUpdateState:^(CBPeripheralManager *peripheral) {
        NSLog(@"PeripheralManager trun status code: %ld",(long)peripheral.state);
    //设置添加service委托 | set didAddService block
    [baby peripheralModelBlockOnDidStartAdvertising:^(CBPeripheralManager *peripheral, NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"didStartAdvertising !!!");
    //设置添加service委托 | set didAddService block
    [baby peripheralModelBlockOnDidAddService:^(CBPeripheralManager *peripheral, CBService *service, NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"Did Add Service uuid: %@ ",service.UUID);


more method and delegate please see : wiki

peripheral model demo see :BluetoothStubOnIOS

how to install

##1 manual step1: let src folder‘s files import your project

step2:import .h

#import "BabyBluetooth.h"

##2 cocoapods step1:add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'BabyBluetooth','~> 0.6.0'

step2:import header files

#import "BabyBluetooth.h"

how to use

please see wiki

demo explain

BabyBluetoothExamples/BabyBluetoothAppDemo :similar to lightblue ,implement by BabyBluetooch


  • 1:scan for nearby bluetooch peripheral
  • 2:cannect and discover peripheral’s services and characteristic
  • 3:read characteristic and characteristic‘s value,and descriptors or descriptors's value
  • 4:write 0x01 to characteristic
  • 5:subscription/unsubscription characteristic

BabyBluetoothExamples/BluetoothStubOnIOS : a iOS apps, when they launch, they will start a BLE4,0 peripheral and privide two services and together six charactistic . it's Babybluetooth peripheral model develope example

BabyBluetoothExamples/BabyBluetoothOSDemo :mac osx app,osx and ios is not diffent on CoreBluetooth,so BabyBluetooth can use in both ios and osx 。 functionality

  • 1:scanfor peripheral, conncet peripheral 、read characteristic,read characteristic 's value,discover descriptors and descriptors's value,the message all in nslog,this app none UI

BabyBluetoothExamples/BluetoothStubOnOSX :mac os app 。it can act a bluetooth peripheral.this app solve that learning Bluetooch but without periphera。and it also can be a demo and learing peripheral model program 。it write by swift


  • 1:be a bluetooch peripheral,and can be scaned ,connected,writed,readed,subscibe by CBCentralManager
  • 2:provide a service and contian three characteristic,each has one of read,write,subscibe permission


  • Bluetooch 4.0,another name is BLE,ios6 free access
  • both os and ios
  • in ios app,it's can be ues in simulator

plan for update

  • improve englist code note
  • babybluetooth test application
  • swift babybluetooth develop

history verison,see wiki

Community with US

QQ Group Number:168756967. QQ is a IM from china

Or Mail

nearst update: be support for BLE peripheral model


  • coding BabyBluetooth is work hard , wish audience star BabyBluetooch for support
  • if find bug or function is not enough,please issues me
  • wish everyone join BabyBluetooth and active pull requests 。my code is only just beginning and it have lot of area for improvements。
  • wish learning,communicating,growing with yours by pull requests in BabyBluetooch
  • english grammar issue, please help for fix
  • thanks