NNI supports to build an assessor by yourself for tuning demand.
If you want to implement a customized Assessor, there are three things to do:
- Inherit the base Assessor class
- Implement assess_trial function
- Configure your customized Assessor in experiment YAML config file
1. Inherit the base Assessor class
from nni.assessor import Assessor
class CustomizedAssessor(Assessor):
def __init__(self, ...):
2. Implement assess trial function
from nni.assessor import Assessor, AssessResult
class CustomizedAssessor(Assessor):
def __init__(self, ...):
def assess_trial(self, trial_history):
Determines whether a trial should be killed. Must override.
trial_history: a list of intermediate result objects.
Returns AssessResult.Good or AssessResult.Bad.
# you code implement here.
3. Configure your customized Assessor in experiment YAML config file
NNI needs to locate your customized Assessor class and instantiate the class, so you need to specify the location of the customized Assessor class and pass literal values as parameters to the __init__ constructor.
codeDir: /home/abc/myassessor
classFileName: my_customized_assessor.py
className: CustomizedAssessor
# Any parameter need to pass to your Assessor class __init__ constructor
# can be specified in this optional classArgs field, for example
arg1: value1
Please noted in 2. The object trial_history
are exact the object that Trial send to Assessor by using SDK report_intermediate_result
The working directory of your assessor is <home>/nni/experiments/<experiment_id>/log
, which can be retrieved with environment variable NNI_LOG_DIRECTORY
More detail example you could see: