- find whether a point is inside or outside a polygon (pseudocode)
- idea
- a line from point in/on the polygon would intersect it odd no of times
- for point outside it would intersect even no of times
def isInside(point, polygon, Nvertices):
# if Nvertices < 3 return;
extreme = Point(point.y, INF)
count = i = 0
while True:
next = (i+1)%Nvertices
if intersecting_line_segement(point, extreme, polygon[i], polygon[next]):
# case to handle when point is on polygon
if colinear(polygon[i],point, polygon[next]):
return on_line_segment(polygon[i], p, polygon[next]) # return true or false
if i == 0:
# odd count indicates point inside
return count%2 == 1