Project Name Plus One
Heading Plus One
Sub-Heading For anyone looking for a no-strings attached lunch date.
Summary On days when you want to go out to lunch, but none of your friends are free, let Plus One find you a franger and enjoy an hour of food and good conversation.
Problem Some people don't like eating lunch by themselves, but love going out to eat. This app allows you to find a partner in crime for an hour, no strings attached, and just enjoy meeting someone new.
Solution Users can start looking for a lunch date an hour or two before they want to eat, and flip through the profiles of other nearby users who they may want to meet up with. If two users match, a temporary chatroom will be created in order to allow users to formalize their lunch plans.
Quote from You "I hate going to restaurants alone. I think it's so awkward. Plus I love talking to strangers and hearing their stories. This app is perfect for me!" - Athena Turek
How to Get Started A user signs up, creates a profile, and gets matched with someone based on proximity and lunch preferences.
Closing and Call to Action Download the app, get talking, share a meal. The human condition is a social one.