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Object Functions

Rohan Singh edited this page Aug 23, 2014 · 11 revisions

object values have the following functions defined.

Note: The functions that return object just return the value they acted on, not a new value. This enables calls to be chained like this: {}.add('a', 1).add('b', 2)

Note: None of these functions take the prototype value into consideration.


add(key, value): object

Adds or overwrites a key-value pair in the object.


clear(): object

Removes all values from the object, including any user-defined prototype value.


containsKey(key): bool

Returns true if the object contains the given key.


containsValue(value): bool

Returns true if the object contains the given value.


get(key): any

Returns the value for the given key, or undefined if it was not found.


remove(key): object

Removes a key from the object.


length(): number

Returns the number of key-value pairs defined in the object. This does not include values inherited from the prototype.


getEnumerator(): object

Returns an enumerator for iterating over values defined in the object. Values will be returned as key-value pair objects: { key: 'age', value: 12 }


prototype(): any

Returns the current prototype for the object.

prototype(value: any)

Sets the object's prototype. value should be an object, null, or undefined. null terminates the prototype chain while undefined will restore the default prototype.