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SuperRonanCraft edited this page Nov 24, 2020 · 20 revisions

The BetterRTP API is a fairly powerful tool when it comes to changing and listening to RTP events.

Getting Started

Remember to add BetterRTP to your plugin.yml -> softdepend.
BetterRTP does not currently have an online maven repository, so this will need to be installed manually.


Events are implemented right into the Bukkit API. Just use a Listener class and @EventHandler to listen to these events.

Event Description
RTP_CancelledEvent Called when an rtp is cancelled due to a player moving while under a delay
RTP_CommandEvent Called everytime a player executes /rtp []
RTP_TeleportEvent Called right when a safe location is found and about to teleport a player
RTP_TeleportPostEvent Called after a random teleport
RTP_TeleportPreEvent Called before a random teleport


With BetterRTP, you are able to extend the command library by registering your own sub command. Lets for example try to add /rtp link into the list of commands. This can be used by implementing RTPCommand

import me.SuperRonanCraft.BetterRTP.player.commands.RTPCommand;

public class LinkCommand implements RTPCommand {

    public String getName() {
        return "link";

    public void execute(CommandSender sendi, String label, String[] args) {
        sendi.sendMessage("Link Command!");

If you would like add a help message when someone executes /rtp help, have the class also implement RTPCommandHelpable

import me.SuperRonanCraft.BetterRTP.player.commands.RTPCommand;
import me.SuperRonanCraft.BetterRTP.player.commands.RTPCommandHelpable;

public class LinkCommand implements RTPCommand, RTPCommandHelpable {

    public String getName() {
        return "link";

    public String getHelp() {
        return " - &6/%command% link &8| &7Help with linking!";

Reload Listener

Adding commands are nice, but one pet peeve is that the command gets unloaded everytime someone executes /rtp reload. So we will need a reload listener and register our commands every time this happens. Which can be detected using the RTP_CommandEvent event. Example:

import me.SuperRonanCraft.BetterRTP.player.commands.types.CmdReload;
import me.SuperRonanCraft.BetterRTP.references.customEvents.RTP_CommandEvent;

public class ReloadListener implements Listener {

    public ReloadListener(Main pl) {
        Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, pl);

    void reload(RTP_CommandEvent e) {
        if (e.getCmd() instanceof CmdReload)
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