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RonanCraft edited this page Apr 12, 2022 · 16 revisions

Main configuration file, enable and disable features and configure rtp parameters.



Set the language, accessible at the lang file


Basic plugin settings that can be disabled/changed

  • Respect

    Enable Plugin hooks to disallow players from teleporting randomly into defined regions.
    View which plugins are supported here
  • MaxAttempts

    The maximum amount of tries to find a safe location before giving up.
    May cause performance issues if set above 100!
    Can't find a location most of the time? Try increasing the search area, and/or make sure there is mostly land around the search area!
  • Cooldown

    The amount of time (in seconds) someone without the 'betterrtp.bypass.cooldown' permission must wait before rtp'ing again.
    PerWorld setting allows to have each world have a cooldown and players can rtp instantly after an rtp into another world, rather than having to wait for the most recent cooldown.
          Enabled: true
          LockAfter: 0 #Lock the player in infinite cooldown after X rtp's
          Time: 60 #In seconds
          PerWorld: false #Cooldowns handled only for each world? If disabled, player cannot rtp in another world until cooldown has passed
  • Delay

    Delay time someone types /rtp, to actually start rtp'ing
      Enabled: true
      Time: 5 #In Seconds
      CancelOnMove: true
  • DisableUpdater

    Disable displaying when a new update is available?


Set defaults when rtp'ing to a non customized world, or to a customized world missing a value, also applies to locations!

  • UseWorldBorder

    Use the vanilla worldborder of a world? (Must set worldborder with the vanilla '/worldborder' command!)
  • Biomes

    Set a list of biomes you'd like to limit rtp to teleport to, view more biomes here
    Caution: Limiting the amount of biomes allowed to rtp into will use up significant amount of more CPU and more attempts.
  • MaxRadius

    Maximum allowed radius from the center X/Z
    Specifics: If useworldborder is true, this value will be capped at the worldborders radius
  • MinRadius

    Minimum allowed radius from the centers X/Z
  • CenterX/Z

    Center X/Z position that you'd like BetterRTP to function in any world, if useworldborder is true, this will be set to the vanilla worldborder center
  • Shape

    Type of shape a random location should be found, supported: square, circle
    Default: Square
  • MinY

    Minimum Y to find a safe location, cannot be higher than 0
    Default: 0
  • MaxY

    Maximum Y to find a safe location, cannot be lower than 64 (water level)
    Default: 320


A list of blocks you'd like to not have BetterRTP teleport a player onto (1.8 -> current)


  - stationary_water
  - stationary_lava
  - water
  - flowing_water
  - lava
  - flowing_lava
  - cactus
  - leaves
  - leaves_2
  - air
  - void_air
  - bedrock


A list of worlds to NOT allowed BetterRTP to function, only overriding a world to another will allow it to function


  - prison
  - creative


Have multiple worlds follow different teleportation parameters other than the default


  - custom_world_name:
      UseWorldBorder: false
      MaxRadius: 1000
      MinRadius: 100
      CenterX: 0
      CenterZ: 0
      Shape: circle
      Price: 50
      MinY: 0
      MaxY: 320
      Cooldown: 300 #5 minute world cooldown
  - other_custom_world:
      MaxRadius: 100000
      MinRadius: 1000
      CenterX: 123
      CenterZ: -123
      Price: 0
        - 'desert'
        - 'forest'


Redirect one worlds '/rtp' command to another world
Formatting is as follows, the "current world" means the world a player is standing in, and "desired world" is the world the player should be redirected to when the players executes "/rtp" in the "current world".
Caution: Please be sure to include the "-" as this is YAML file formatting for creating a list!


  - master_world: 'world'
  - creative_world: 'world'


Set how to determine a safe location (underground or highest block)

Valid Values: 'NORMAL', 'NETHER'

  • NORMAL: finds the safest highest block in the world
  • NETHER: finds the safest lowest block in the world (aka: caves)

Tip: Execute '/rtp info world [world_name]' to find out if the world type was registered (these are caps sensitive)


  - world: 'NORMAL'
  - world_nether: 'NETHER'
  - world_the_end: 'NORMAL'


Setup a group that will customize a players parameters for a world
Permission node is setup as such<group_name>

PermissionGroup: #Player requires "<world_name>" to trigger these configs
  Enabled: false
    - vip: # permission:
        - Build_World: #World named "Build_World"
            Priority: 100 #Higher the less prioritized
            MaxRadius: 10000
            MinRadius: 1000
            Cooldown: 500 #Custom Cooldowns for Permission Group!
        - Survival_World:
            UseWorldBorder: false
            MaxRadius: 5000
            MinRadius: 1000
            CenterX: 10
            CenterZ: 10
            Cooldown: 500 #Custom Cooldowns for Permission Group!
    - vip2: # permission:
        - Build_World:
            Priority: 1 #Lower the more prioritized
            MaxRadius: 25000
            MinRadius: 10000
            Cooldown: 450 #Custom Cooldowns for Permission Group!
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