diff --git a/geometry/optimization/BUILD.bazel b/geometry/optimization/BUILD.bazel
index 067f3c70cb99..d2b2e434478d 100644
--- a/geometry/optimization/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/geometry/optimization/BUILD.bazel
@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ drake_cc_googletest(
+        "//common/test_utilities:expect_throws_message",
diff --git a/geometry/optimization/test/vpolytope_test.cc b/geometry/optimization/test/vpolytope_test.cc
index bd7688b9a210..9587fa10ff0d 100644
--- a/geometry/optimization/test/vpolytope_test.cc
+++ b/geometry/optimization/test/vpolytope_test.cc
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include "drake/common/eigen_types.h"
 #include "drake/common/test_utilities/eigen_matrix_compare.h"
+#include "drake/common/test_utilities/expect_throws_message.h"
 #include "drake/geometry/geometry_frame.h"
 #include "drake/geometry/optimization/test_utilities.h"
 #include "drake/geometry/scene_graph.h"
@@ -18,7 +19,10 @@ namespace drake {
 namespace geometry {
 namespace optimization {
+using Eigen::Matrix;
+using Eigen::Vector2d;
 using Eigen::Vector3d;
+using Eigen::Vector4d;
 using internal::CheckAddPointInSetConstraints;
 using internal::MakeSceneGraphWithShape;
 using math::RigidTransformd;
@@ -155,7 +159,7 @@ GTEST_TEST(VPolytopeTest, UnitBox6DTest) {
   EXPECT_FALSE(V.PointInSet(out2_W, kTol));
-GTEST_TEST(VPolytopeTest, FromHPolyhedronTest) {
+GTEST_TEST(VPolytopeTest, FromHUnitBoxTest) {
   HPolyhedron H = HPolyhedron::MakeUnitBox(6);
   VPolytope V(H);
   EXPECT_EQ(V.ambient_dimension(), 6);
@@ -172,6 +176,104 @@ GTEST_TEST(VPolytopeTest, FromHPolyhedronTest) {
   EXPECT_FALSE(V.PointInSet(out2_W, kTol));
+GTEST_TEST(VPolytopeTest, From2DHPolytopeTest) {
+  Matrix<double, 4, 2> A;
+  Vector4d b;
+  A <<  1, -1,  // y ≥ x
+        1,  0,  // x ≤ 1
+        0,  1,  // y ≤ 2
+       -1,  0;  // x ≥ 0
+  b << 0, 1, 2, 0;
+  HPolyhedron H(A, b);
+  VPolytope V(H);
+  // Vertices are (0,0), (1,1), (1,2), and (0,2).
+  const Vector2d in1_W{.01, .02}, in2_W{.99, 1.0}, in3_W{.99, 1.99},
+      in4_W{.01, 1.99}, out1_W{-.01, -.01}, out2_W{1.01, .99},
+      out3_W{1.01, 2.01}, out4_W{-.01, 2.01};
+  const double kTol = 1e-11;
+  EXPECT_TRUE(V.PointInSet(in1_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(V.PointInSet(in2_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(V.PointInSet(in3_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(V.PointInSet(in4_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(V.PointInSet(out1_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(V.PointInSet(out2_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(V.PointInSet(out3_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(V.PointInSet(out4_W, kTol));
+GTEST_TEST(VPolytopeTest, From3DHSimplexTest) {
+  Matrix<double, 4, 3> A;
+  Vector4d b;
+  A <<  -1,  0,  0,
+         0, -1,  0,
+         0,  0, -1,
+         1,  1,  1;
+  b << 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  HPolyhedron H(A, b);
+  VPolytope V(H);
+  // Vertices are (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (0,1,0), and (0,0,1).
+  const Vector3d in1_W{.01, .01, .01}, in2_W{.9, .01, .01}, in3_W{.01, .9, .01},
+      in4_W{.01, .01, .9}, in5_W{.33, .33, .33}, out1_W{-.01, -.01, -.01},
+      out2_W{1., .01, .01}, out3_W{.01, 1., .01}, out4_W{.01, .01, 1.},
+      out5_W{.34, .34, .34};
+  const double kTol = 1e-11;
+  EXPECT_TRUE(V.PointInSet(in1_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(V.PointInSet(in2_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(V.PointInSet(in3_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(V.PointInSet(in4_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(V.PointInSet(in5_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(V.PointInSet(out1_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(V.PointInSet(out2_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(V.PointInSet(out3_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(V.PointInSet(out4_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(V.PointInSet(out5_W, kTol));
+// Same as FromHPolytopeTest but with two redundant constraints.
+GTEST_TEST(VPolytopeTest, FromRedundantHPolytopeTest) {
+  Matrix<double, 6, 2> A;
+  Vector6d b;
+  A <<  1, -1,  // y ≥ x
+        1,  0,  // x ≤ 1
+        0,  1,  // y ≤ 2
+       -1,  0,  // x ≥ 0
+        1,  1,  // x + y ≤ 3.1   (redundant)
+       -1, -1;  // x + y ≥ - 0.1 (redundant)
+  b << 0, 1, 2, 0, 3.1, 0.1;
+  HPolyhedron H(A, b);
+  VPolytope V(H);
+  const Vector2d in1_W{.01, .02}, in2_W{.99, 1.0}, in3_W{.99, 1.99},
+      in4_W{.01, 1.99}, out1_W{-.01, -.01}, out2_W{1.01, .99},
+      out3_W{1.01, 2.01}, out4_W{-.01, 2.01};
+  const double kTol = 1e-11;
+  EXPECT_TRUE(V.PointInSet(in1_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(V.PointInSet(in2_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(V.PointInSet(in3_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(V.PointInSet(in4_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(V.PointInSet(out1_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(V.PointInSet(out2_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(V.PointInSet(out3_W, kTol));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(V.PointInSet(out4_W, kTol));
+GTEST_TEST(VPolytopeTest, FromUnboundedHPolytopeTest) {
+  Matrix<double, 4, 2> A;
+  Vector4d b;
+  A <<  1, -1,  // y ≥ x
+        1,  0,  // x ≤ 1
+        0,  1,  // y ≤ 2
+  b << 0, 1, 2;
+  HPolyhedron H(A, b);
+  DRAKE_EXPECT_THROWS_MESSAGE(VPolytope{H}, ".*hpoly.IsBounded().*");
 GTEST_TEST(VPolytopeTest, CloneTest) {
   VPolytope V = VPolytope::MakeBox(Vector3d{-3, -4, -5}, Vector3d{6, 7, 8});
   std::unique_ptr<ConvexSet> clone = V.Clone();
diff --git a/geometry/optimization/vpolytope.cc b/geometry/optimization/vpolytope.cc
index aa59ceadea50..b2de0acebdde 100644
--- a/geometry/optimization/vpolytope.cc
+++ b/geometry/optimization/vpolytope.cc
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include <memory>
 #include "libqhullcpp/Qhull.h"
+#include "libqhullcpp/QhullVertexSet.h"
 #include "drake/common/is_approx_equal_abstol.h"
 #include "drake/solvers/solve.h"
@@ -44,6 +45,8 @@ VPolytope::VPolytope(const QueryObject<double>& query_object,
 VPolytope::VPolytope(const HPolyhedron& hpoly)
     : ConvexSet(&ConvexSetCloner<VPolytope>, hpoly.ambient_dimension()) {
+  DRAKE_THROW_UNLESS(hpoly.IsBounded());
   Eigen::MatrixXd coeffs(hpoly.A().rows(), hpoly.A().cols() + 1);
   coeffs.leftCols(hpoly.A().cols()) = hpoly.A();
   coeffs.col(hpoly.A().cols()) = -hpoly.b();
@@ -65,11 +68,19 @@ VPolytope::VPolytope(const HPolyhedron& hpoly)
   vertices_.resize(hpoly.ambient_dimension(), qhull.facetCount());
   int ii = 0;
-  for (orgQhull::QhullFacet facet = qhull.beginFacet();
-       facet != qhull.endFacet(); facet = facet.next()) {
-    std::vector<double> vertex = facet.getCenter().toStdVector();
-    vertices_.col(ii) = Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::Unaligned>(
-        vertex.data(), vertex.size()) * hpoly.ambient_dimension();
+  for (const auto& facet : qhull.facetList()) {
+    auto incident_hyperplanes = facet.vertices();
+    Eigen::MatrixXd vertex_A(incident_hyperplanes.count(),
+                             hpoly.ambient_dimension());
+    for (int jj = 0; jj < incident_hyperplanes.count(); jj++) {
+      std::vector<double> hyperplane =
+          incident_hyperplanes.at(jj).point().toStdVector();
+      vertex_A.row(jj) = Eigen::Map<Eigen::RowVectorXd, Eigen::Unaligned>(
+          hyperplane.data(), hyperplane.size());
+    }
+    vertices_.col(ii) = vertex_A.partialPivLu().solve(Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(
+                            incident_hyperplanes.count())) +
+                        eigen_center;