Copy in your output.txt to the same directory run step '4' and '5' if you feel like it
The stack sizes of the threads are assigned within osThreadAttr_t objects (.stack_size) in units of bytes You can get the space remaining with a rtos function (osThreadGetStackSpace) also in bytes (
so to get the stack space that the thread is actually using subtract the stack space from the .stack_size.
FreeRTOS checks the top 20 bytes of the stack to check for overflow. so osThreadGetStackSpace() needs to be atleast 20 to not get the overflow message.
As a 2140 project I wrote some python that makes a graph of the data over time. I had a timer printf out the stack space every tick, probably not ideal. If you want to use it call ner serial > output.txt move the output file into the folder of the program and start at step '4'. (