Personal To-Do app project aimed practice intermediate Kotlin concepts. Such as Room Database, Shared Preferences, Notifications, Work Manager, Dagger-Hilt, Alarm Manager, Navigation, App Theming etc
- Kotlin
Generally the creators purpose was to develope a ToDo List Application employing various android concepts during his learning expedition; making this a long term project.
It is therefore bound to grow in complexity with improves to performance, functionality and others, with time.
Below are some of the major targets the creator has been able to come up with time. And the list keeps on growing!
- Implement theme switching with shared preference
- Employ Dependency Injection
- Show notifcations 30 minutes before due time
- Migrate to Android 12 splash screen API. *Yet to know how to sync theme with shared pref
- Properly Adopt Material Theming
- Write Unit and Instrumented Tests
- Dynamically display due and overdue tasks
- Sync notifications with done and undone tasks
- Enable undo delete using snackbar
- Better display time
- Migrate to Jetpack Compose
- Implemented DI for Instrumented Tests and Action bar UI Tests
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Installed Android Studio or Any other android development IDEs and their respective dependencies
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! You can pick a thing to do from the list provided above and work on it.
Feel free to check the issues page or discussions page.
Give a ⭐ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.