This repository employs a git flow based workflow, to incorporate your changes the following conditions must be true:
- Your change lives on either feature/your_change_name or bugfix/your_change_name.
- You must create a pull request.
- If your branch is a bugfix it must mention an issue.
- It must adhere to the code-style mentioned below.
Furthermore the following rules are to be met when attempting to merge:
- To merge into a develop branch, you require the approval of one peer reviewer of that team.
- You can only merge from develop_<your_team> into develop.
- To merge into main you require the approval of a code-owner and the ci must pass (if applicable).
- You can only merge from develop into main via a release branch.
- To merge into release you require the approval of a code-owner and the ci must pass on strict latest (if applicable) and your commit must be signed!.
- You can only branch develop into a release branch, a release branch must be merged into main and develop directly.
- Hotfix branches are only allowed in special cases and must be communicated with a code owner.
- A file name cannot have any uppercase letters
- Headers must have the ending .hpp or .h respectively. (use hpp for c++ headers)
- Source must have the ending .cpp or .c respectively.
Everything needs to go into the namespace rythe
and should be in it's own general namespace within that. Also use that as an indication where to put your file.
i.e.: The file /core/math/vector.hpp uses
namespace rythe::core::math { ... }
Use the new c++17 convention for nested namespaces, namespace names may only have snake_case letters.
Types that provide a lot of functionality unlike "stl-likes" should be classes and start with an uppercase letter and continue in PascalCase.
(examples: Window, LZMA2Adaptor, VK_WindowHelper)
POD types that are completely compatible with the stl should all be structs, lower-case and should stay that way.
(examples: mat4f, vec2f, angle<float>)
"stl-likes" and primitive typedefs should use stl-like snake_case naming.
(examples: entity_id, sparse_set, default_index_list)
variables should start with m_
and continued in camelCase.
variables should not have a prefix and use camelCase, the same applies to local variables.
Methods of non "stl-likes" should use camelCase naming and methods of "stl-likes" should use stl-like snake_case naming.
In feature branches there is no comments enforcement, however in order to get a pull request accepted to any of the main branches doxygen style comments are mandatory. Check The Chapter "On the Topic of Doxygen" at the end of this document.
When doing template-meta-programming make sure to use constexpr
and using
#pragma once // we use pragma it is supported pretty much everywhere
#include <core/math/vector.hpp> // always include from the root, makes the file more readable
#include <application/application.hpp> // even if it is your own directory
// in cpp files you may use using namespace if you so desire
using namespace rythe::core;
namespace rythe::application
Application::Application() : m_OtherVector { 1.0f, 2.0f } // use this constructor syntax (it's faster)
math::vec3f someVector = { 1.f, 2.f, 3.f };
To ensure that your doxygen comments are in line with the rest of the code base we have created some basic rules you should follow:
We exclusively use
to document our files. for example:/** @brief Example for a function. * @tparam T A quick example of what the template param does. * (not when it can be inferred by a param) * @param bar_parameter A quick description of what the param does. * Additionally you might use [in] [out] [in/out] for * clarity. * @return int A quick explanation of what to expect from * the function. * @note Some additional noteworthy documentation details. * @throw std::exception If your function is at risk of * throwing an exception. */ template <class T> int foo_function(int bar_parameter);
To keep the file small we encourage you to drop any commands, when the function is small enough to be explained by
alone. for example:/** @brief Gets the size of the container. * @return size_type The size of the container. */ L_NODISCARD auto size() const noexcept { return m_container.size(); }
should really be
/** @brief Gets the size of the container. */ L_NODISCARD auto size() const noexcept { return m_container.size(); }
To decide if a type is simple enough to drop info about extra commands, thing about how much text you would repeat & how complicated the types are you are taking or returning.
Try to adhere to proper English. While this is not a super critical condition. we do appreciate good punctuation and spelling (we also make these mistakes at times). A good spell-check plugin for your favorite editor helps tremendously.
Default Constructors & Destructors should not be documented, unless it does something very unexpected. In which case you should ask yourself if a constructor is the right place for your custom behavior.