This repository contains on-device neural network compiler, GPU+PIM runtime and python libs.
- Neural network compiler consists of model importer, high/low level IR optimizer, PIM code generator.
- GPU+PIM Runtime mainly provides stream executor with MIOpen, PIM and custom GPU kernels.
- Python libs provide model compile and inference for both pytorch and tensorflow in runtime.
- Build Image
$ docker/
** Please comment out proxy settings in Dockerfile according to build environment **
- Launch container
$ docker/ <image name> [directory to be mapped]
Please refer PIM SDK manual to configure environment prerequisites with detailed instructions.
Note that
To build and test PIM AI Compiler on PIM system, environment prerequisites have to be completely setup according to PIM SDK manual.
[update submodule]
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
When your environment has to use proxy server, please ensure that the HTTP proxy settings are correct.
$ export LIBTORCH_DIR=/home/user/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch
[clean build & install]
$ ./scripts/ all -o .
PIM AI Compiler provides simpleMain example program for users who want to validate its functionalities.
./build/examples/runtime/simpleMain -h [--help]
General Options:
-i, <input file> Input file path
-m, <model type> Model type. Possible values: RNNT/GNMT/HWR/Transformer/SwitchTransformer
-p, <profiling> Run with profiling
-?, <--help> Help info
[unit test]
$ ./build/runtime/unit-tests/NNCompilerAtenOpUnitTest
$ ./build/runtime/unit-tests/NNCompilerCustomOpUnitTest
$ ./build/runtime/unit-tests/NNCompilerPrimOpUnitTest
[C++ API test]
$ ./build/examples/runtime/simpleMain
[python API test]
$ export LIBTORCH_DIR=/home/user/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch
$ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/opt/rocm/lib/
$ python3 ./examples/runtime/python/