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Exercise 5: Enhance the BO Behavior – Validations


In the previous exercise, you've defined and implemented a determination for setting the inital value of the field OverallStatus to Open (O) during the creation of new instances of BO entity Travel (see Exercise 4).

In the present exercise, you're going to define and implement two back-end validations, validateCustomer and validateDates, to respectively check if the customer ID that is entered by the consumer is valid and if the begin date is in the future and if the value of the end date is after the begin date. These validations are only performed in the back-end (not on the UI) and are triggered independently of the caller, i.e. Fiori UIs or EML APIs.

Frontend validation & Backend validations
Validations are used to ensure the data consistency.
As the name suggests, frontend validations are performed on the UI. They are used to improve the user experience by providing faster feedback and avoiding unnecessary roundtrips. In the RAP context, front-end validations are defined using CDS annotation or UI logic.
On the other hand, backend validations are performed on the back-end. They are defined in the BO behavior definitons and implemented in the respective behavior pools.
Frontend validations can be easily bypassed - e.g. by using EML APIs in the RAP context. Therefore, backend validations are a MUST to ensure the data consistency.

Reminder: Do not forget to replace the suffix placeholder ### with your choosen or assigned group ID in the exercise steps below.

About Validations

A validation is an optional part of the business object behavior that checks the consistency of business object instances based on trigger conditions.

A validation is implicitly invoked by the business object’s framework if the trigger condition of the validation is fulfilled. Trigger conditions can be MODIFY operations and modified fields. The trigger condition is evaluated at the trigger time, a predefined point during the BO runtime. An invoked validation can reject inconsistent instance data from being saved by passing the keys of failed instances to the corresponding table in the FAILED structure. Additionally, a validation can return messages to the consumer by passing them to the corresponding table in the REPORTED structure.

Further reading: Validations

Exercise 5.1: Define the Validations validateCustomer and validateDates

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Define the validations validateCustomer and validateDates.

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  1. Open your behavior definition behaviordefinition ZRAP100_R_TRAVELTP_###

  2. Because empty values will not be accepted for the fields CustomerID, BeginDate, and EndDate, specify them as mandatory field by adding the following code snippet after the determination as shown on the screenshot below.

     field ( mandatory )

    Your source code should look like this:

  3. Define the validations validateCustomer and validateDates.

    For that, add the following code snippet after the determination as shown on the screenshot below.

    validation validateCustomer on save { create; field CustomerID; }
    validation validateDates on save { create; field BeginDate, EndDate; }
  4. In order to have draft instances being checked by validations and determinations being executed before they become active, they have to be specified for the draft determine action prepare in the behavior definition.

    Replace the code line draft determine action Prepare; with the following code snippet as shown on the screenshot below

    draft determine action Prepare
    validation validateCustomer;
    validation validateDates;    }

    Your source code should look like this:


    Short explanation:

    • Validations are always invoked during the save and specified with the keyword validateCustomer on save.
    • validateCustomer is a validation with trigger operation create and trigger field CustomerID.
    • validateDates is a validation with trigger operation create and trigger fields BeginDate and EndDate.

    ℹ Hint:

    In case a validation should be invoked at every change of the BO entity instance, then the trigger conditions createand update must be specified: e.g. validation validateCustomer on save { create; update; }

  5. Save save icon and activate activate icon the changes.

  6. Add the appropriate FOR VALIDATE ON SAVE methods to the local handler class of the behavior pool of the Travel BO entity via quick fix.

    For that, set the cursor on one of the validation names and press Ctrl+1 to open the Quick Assist view and select the entry Add all 2 missing methods of entity zrap100_r_travel_### ....

    As a result, the FOR VALIDATE ON SAVE methods validateCustomer and validateDates will be added to the local handler class lcl_handler of the behavior pool of the Travel BO entity class iconZRAP100_BP_TRAVELTP_###.

  7. Save save icon and activate activate icon the changes.

If you get an error message in the behavior implementation The entity "ZRAP100_R_TRAVELTP_###" does not have a validation "VALIDATECUSTOMER". try to activate the behvavior definition once again.

Exercise 5.2: Implement the Validation validateCustomer

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Implement the validation validateCustomer which checks if the customer ID (CustomerID) that is entered by the consumer is valid.
An appropriate message should be raised and displayed on the UI for each invalid value.

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  1. First, check the interface of the new methods in the declaration part of the local handler class lcl_handler of the behavior pool of the Travel BO entity class iconZRAP100_BP_TRAVELTP_###.

    For that, set the cursor on the method name, validateCustomer, press F2 to open the ABAP Element Info view, and examine the full method interface.

    Travel BO Behavior Pool

    Short explanation:

    • The addition FOR VALIDATE ON SAVE indicates that the method provides the implementation of a validation executed on save. Validations are always executed on save.
    • Method signature for the validation method:
    • IMPORTINGparameter keys - an internal table containing the keys of the instances on which the validation should be performed.
    • Implicit CHANGING parameters (aka implicit response parameters):
      • failed - table with information for identifying the data set where an error occurred
      • reported - table with data for instance-specific messages

    You can go ahead and implement the validation method.

  2. Now implement the method validateCustomer in the implementation part of the class.

    The logic consists of the following main steps:

    1. Read the travel instance(s) of the transferred keys (keys) using the EML statement READ ENTITIES.
    2. The addition FIELDS is used to specify the fields to be read. Only CustomerID is relevant for the present validation.
      The addition ALL FIELDS can be used to read all fields.
    3. The addition IN LOCAL MODE is used to exclude feature controls and authorization checks.
    4. Read all the transfered (distinct, non-initial) customer IDs and check if they exist.
    5. Prepare/raise messages for all transferred travel instances with initial and non-existing customer ID (CustomerID)
      and set the changing parameter reported

    Replace the current method implementation of validateCustomer with following code snippet and replace all occurrences of the placeholder ### with your group ID.

    You can use the F1 Help to get detailed information on the different ABAP and EML statements.

    * Validation: Check the validity of the entered customer data
      METHOD validateCustomer.
        "read relevant travel instance data
        ENTITY Travel
         FIELDS ( CustomerID )
         WITH CORRESPONDING #( keys )
        RESULT DATA(travels).
        DATA customers TYPE SORTED TABLE OF /dmo/customer WITH UNIQUE KEY customer_id.
        "optimization of DB select: extract distinct non-initial customer IDs
        customers = CORRESPONDING #( travels DISCARDING DUPLICATES MAPPING customer_id = customerID EXCEPT * ).
        DELETE customers WHERE customer_id IS INITIAL.
        IF customers IS NOT INITIAL.
          "check if customer ID exists
          SELECT FROM /dmo/customer FIELDS customer_id
                                    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN @customers
                                    WHERE customer_id = @customers-customer_id
            INTO TABLE @DATA(valid_customers).
        "raise msg for non existing and initial customer id
        LOOP AT travels INTO DATA(travel).
          APPEND VALUE #(  %tky                 = travel-%tky
                           %state_area          = 'VALIDATE_CUSTOMER'
                         ) TO reported-travel.
          IF travel-CustomerID IS  INITIAL.
            APPEND VALUE #( %tky = travel-%tky ) TO failed-travel.
            APPEND VALUE #( %tky                = travel-%tky
                            %state_area         = 'VALIDATE_CUSTOMER'
                            %msg                = NEW /dmo/cm_flight_messages(
                                                                    textid   = /dmo/cm_flight_messages=>enter_customer_id
                                                                    severity = if_abap_behv_message=>severity-error )
                            %element-CustomerID = if_abap_behv=>mk-on
                          ) TO reported-travel.
          ELSEIF travel-CustomerID IS NOT INITIAL AND NOT line_exists( valid_customers[ customer_id = travel-CustomerID ] ).
            APPEND VALUE #(  %tky = travel-%tky ) TO failed-travel.
            APPEND VALUE #(  %tky                = travel-%tky
                             %state_area         = 'VALIDATE_CUSTOMER'
                             %msg                = NEW /dmo/cm_flight_messages(
                                                                    customer_id = travel-customerid
                                                                    textid      = /dmo/cm_flight_messages=>customer_unkown
                                                                    severity    = if_abap_behv_message=>severity-error )
                             %element-CustomerID = if_abap_behv=>mk-on
                          ) TO reported-travel.
  3. Save save icon and activate activate icon the changes.

Exercise 5.3: Implement the Validation validateDates

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Implement the validation validateDates which checks the validity of entered begin dates (BeginDate) and end dates (EndDate). An appropriate messages should be raised and displayed on the UI for each invalid value.

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  1. In your implementation class class ZRAP100_BP_TRAVELTP_###, replace the current method implementation of validateDates with following code snippet and replace all occurrences of the placeholder ### with your group ID.

    The main implementation steps are similar to the one of method validateCustomer.

    This validation is performed on the fields BeginDate and EndDate. It checks if the entered begin date (BeginDate) is in the future and if the value of the entered end date (EndDate) is after the begin date (BeginDate).

* Validation: Check the validity of begin and end dates
  METHOD validateDates.

      ENTITY Travel
        FIELDS (  BeginDate EndDate TravelID )
        WITH CORRESPONDING #( keys )
      RESULT DATA(travels).

    LOOP AT travels INTO DATA(travel).

      APPEND VALUE #(  %tky               = travel-%tky
                       %state_area        = 'VALIDATE_DATES' ) TO reported-travel.

      IF travel-BeginDate IS INITIAL.
        APPEND VALUE #( %tky = travel-%tky ) TO failed-travel.

        APPEND VALUE #( %tky               = travel-%tky
                        %state_area        = 'VALIDATE_DATES'
                         %msg              = NEW /dmo/cm_flight_messages(
                                                                textid   = /dmo/cm_flight_messages=>enter_begin_date
                                                                severity = if_abap_behv_message=>severity-error )
                        %element-BeginDate = if_abap_behv=>mk-on ) TO reported-travel.
      IF travel-BeginDate < cl_abap_context_info=>get_system_date( ) AND travel-BeginDate IS NOT INITIAL.
        APPEND VALUE #( %tky               = travel-%tky ) TO failed-travel.

        APPEND VALUE #( %tky               = travel-%tky
                        %state_area        = 'VALIDATE_DATES'
                         %msg              = NEW /dmo/cm_flight_messages(
                                                                begin_date = travel-BeginDate
                                                                textid     = /dmo/cm_flight_messages=>begin_date_on_or_bef_sysdate
                                                                severity   = if_abap_behv_message=>severity-error )
                        %element-BeginDate = if_abap_behv=>mk-on ) TO reported-travel.
      IF travel-EndDate IS INITIAL.
        APPEND VALUE #( %tky = travel-%tky ) TO failed-travel.

        APPEND VALUE #( %tky               = travel-%tky
                        %state_area        = 'VALIDATE_DATES'
                         %msg                = NEW /dmo/cm_flight_messages(
                                                                textid   = /dmo/cm_flight_messages=>enter_end_date
                                                                severity = if_abap_behv_message=>severity-error )
                        %element-EndDate   = if_abap_behv=>mk-on ) TO reported-travel.
      IF travel-EndDate < travel-BeginDate AND travel-BeginDate IS NOT INITIAL
                                           AND travel-EndDate IS NOT INITIAL.
        APPEND VALUE #( %tky = travel-%tky ) TO failed-travel.

        APPEND VALUE #( %tky               = travel-%tky
                        %state_area        = 'VALIDATE_DATES'
                        %msg               = NEW /dmo/cm_flight_messages(
                                                                textid     = /dmo/cm_flight_messages=>begin_date_bef_end_date
                                                                begin_date = travel-BeginDate
                                                                end_date   = travel-EndDate
                                                                severity   = if_abap_behv_message=>severity-error )
                        %element-BeginDate = if_abap_behv=>mk-on
                        %element-EndDate   = if_abap_behv=>mk-on ) TO reported-travel.

  1. Save save icon and activate activate icon the changes.

Exercise 5.4: Preview and Test the enhanced Travel App

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Now the SAP Fiori elements app can be tested.

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You can either refresh your application in the browser using F5 if the browser is still open - or go to your service binding ZRAP100_UI_TRAVEL_O4_### and start the Fiori elements App preview for the Travel entity set.

  1. Click Create to create a new entry.

  2. Select Sunshine Travel (70001) as Agency ID, select a customer by starting to add a name Theresia, Nov 20, 2022 as starting date and Nov 15, 2022 as end date. The draft will be updated.




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Now that you've...

  • defined two validations in the behavior definition,
  • implemented them in the behavior pool, and
  • preview and test the enhanced Fiori elements app,

you can continue with the next exercise – Exercise 6: Enhance the BO Behavior – Actions