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App Reverse Proxy with OIDC Authentication Middleware


This sample provides a reverse proxy feature which dispatches requests to other microservices running in Kyma. It includes a middleware to handle authentication which is based on Open ID Connect and can be configured using XSUAA or SAP IAS. The authentication middleware creates a server side session which is referenced by a cookie provided to the client. It also includes a middleware to validate user scopes based on HTTP methods. By default the app will use a memory store for storing user sessions which is meant for development only. It also contains a Redis implementation for storing session which is the preferred usage. See store-implementations for other options.

This sample demonstrates how to:

  • Create a development Namespace in the Kyma runtime.
  • Consume the SCP service XSUAA
  • Deploy the following Kubernetes resources:
    • API deployment written in GO
    • API Rule
    • Service
    • Configmap
    • ServiceBinding
    • ServiceBindingUsage


  • SAP BTP, Kyma runtime instance
  • Docker
  • Go
  • kubectl configured to use the KUBECONFIG file downloaded from the Kyma runtime


Create XSUAA Service Instance

  1. Create a new dev Namespace:

    kubectl create namespace dev
    kubectl label namespaces dev istio-injection=enabled
  2. Open the file k8s/xsuaa-instance.yaml and adjust the value <cluster domain> and then apply the file

    kubectl -n dev apply -f ./k8s/xsuaa-instance.yaml

    For a complete list of parameters visit Application Security Descriptor Configuration Syntax

  3. Once the instance is provisioned choose the menu option Service Management -> BTP Service Bindings within the dev namespace.

  4. Choose the Secret which should display the instance secret in a dialog. Choose Decode to view the values. These will be needed if running the sample locally.

Run the API locally

  1. Optionally set the environment variables required to connect with the XSUAA instance which can be found in the Secret generated with the service instance:

    export IDP_clientid='<instance clientid>'
    export IDP_clientsecret=<instance clientsecret>
    export IDP_url=<instance url>
    export IDP_xsappname=<xsappname>
  2. Adjust the config.json which contains the following properties. The provided config.json is configured to use the examples

    Property Description Remarks
    routes An array of routes to be proxied
    routes.path The incoming path
    routes.priority The priority of the path with 1 be the highest
    routes.protected If the auth middleware is required on the path
    routes.remove_from_path If assigned, this value will be removed from routes.path before the call is proxied The target of the proxied route which can be a service url
    routes.http_method_scopes An array containing HTTP methods and thier associated user scopes For no restrictions this can be obmitted or assigned: http-method: "*", "scope": "*"
    routes.http_method_scopes.http_method An HTTP methods for example GET
    routes.http_method_scopes.scope A scope which is allowed the call the given http_method on the route path Use $XSAPPNAME for the application name, for example using a Kyma scopes - $XSAPPNAME.runtimeDeveloper
    idp_config Optionally set IDP config if not using a service binding
    idp_config.url The IDP url If this value is not set, the environment variables will be used
    idp_config.clientsecret The IDP client secret
    idp_config.clientid The IDP client ID
    idp_config.token_endpoint_auth_method The htttp method used to during authentication For XSUAA use client_secret_post, for SAPIAS us client_secret_basic
    redirect_uri The registered redirect_uri to be called
    debug Toggle debug on or off
    redis_store When configure app will you redis to store the sessions, otherwise a memory store is used which should only be used for evaluation.
    redis_store.addr The service address of the Redis database If this value is not set, memory storage will be used to store the session
    redis_store.password The password of the Redis database
    redis_store.db The database index
    cookie.session_name The name of the session cookie
    cookie.max_age_seconds The max age of the session cookie
    cookie.key The key used to encrypt the session cookie
    cookie.httponly If the cookie can be accessed with Javascript or only http
  3. Run the application:

    go run ./cmd/proxy
  4. Accessible endpoints include

Build the Docker image

  1. Build and push the image to your Docker repository:

    docker build -t {your-docker-account}/app-auth-proxy -f docker/Dockerfile .
    docker push {your-docker-account}/app-auth-proxy
  2. To run the image locally adjust the config.json and either set the env variables individually, or copy them from your environment:

      docker run -p 8000:8000 --env-file ./env.list --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/config/config.json,target=/app/config/config.json -d jcawley5/app-auth-proxy:latest
      docker run -p 8000:8000 --env-file <(env | grep IDP) --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/config/config.json,target=/app/config/config.json -d jcawley5/app-auth-proxy:latest

Deploy the APP

  1. Create a new dev Namespace:

    kubectl create namespace dev
  2. Within ./k8s/configmap.yaml adjust the values and then apply the ConfigMap:

    kubectl -n dev apply -f ./k8s/configmap.yaml
  3. Get the name of the ServiceInstance:

    kubectl -n dev get serviceinstances

    For example:

    xsuaa-showy-yard ClusterServiceClass/xsuaa application Ready 63m
  4. Within ./k8s/deployment.yaml adjust the value of <Service Instance Name> to the XSUAA service instance name and the apply the Deployment:

    kubectl -n dev apply -f ./k8s/deployment.yaml
  5. Apply the APIRule:

    kubectl -n dev apply -f ./k8s/apirule.yaml
  6. Verify that the Deployment is up and running:

    kubectl -n dev get deployment app-auth-proxy
  7. Use the APIRule https://app-auth-proxy.{cluster-domain}