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Axel Albrecht |
This CICD Jenkins job simply allows you to configure the value of an externalized parameter.
A typical flow would look something like this:
- You build/upload an integration artefact on your Cloud Integration tenant containing some externalized parameters.
- Using this job you can update the value of an externalized parameter.
- You deploy the integration artefact.
- You can perform some tests.
Instructions to consume the CICD Jenkins file
Configure the following environment variables before executing the pipeline job
Name | Example | Description |
IntegrationFlowID | "IntegrationFlow1" |
The ID of the integration artefact for which you want to change an externalized parameter |
ConfigParameter | "parameter1" |
Specify the name of an externalized parameter |
NewConfigValue | "myNewValue" |
Specify the new value for the specified externalized parameter |
CPIHost | "${env.CPI_HOST}" Neo: "xxxxxx-tmn.hci.eu2.hana.ondemand.com" CF: "xxxxxx.it-cpi001.cfapps.eu10.hana.ondemand.com" |
The host name (without HTTPS) of your Cloud Integration tenant |
CPIOAuthHost | "${env.CPI_OAUTH_HOST}" "xxxxxx.authentication.sap.hana.ondemand.com" |
The host name (without HTTPS) of the OAuth token server of your Cloud Integration tenant |
CPIOAuthCredentials | "${env.CPI_OAUTH_CRED}" "CPIOAuthCredentials" |
The alias of the OAuth credentials for the Cloud Integration tenant which is deployed on your build server (like Jenkins) |