The following guide explains how you can generate binary frameworks for FioriThemeManager
, FioriCharts
and FioriSwiftUICore
You need to install XcodeGen if not present on your machine.
You will need to checkout the commit/branch from which you want to take the sources to generate the binary frameworks.
Next, you need to specify a version for the binary framework's Info.plist
with an environment variable.
Then run the following command to create the required Xcode project based on project.yml
xcodegen generate
Once FioriSwiftUI.xcodeproj
was generated by XcodeGen command line tool, you can build binary frameworks for modules FioriThemeManager
, FioriCharts
and FioriSwiftUICore
with the following command.
xcodebuild -project FioriSwiftUI.xcodeproj -scheme buildBinaryFramework -configuration Release
The modules will be build for iOS, visionOS, watchOS and MacCatalyst. If you need other platforms please change the run script in porject.yml accordingly.
The binary frameworks will be placed in the XCFramework
GitHub action workflow XCFrameworks
can be used by maintainers to build the binary frameworks in a virtual environment.