All translation texts need to be annotated, so translators have more context. An annotation consists of an "X/Y" text type classification, an optional length restriction, and some freetext comment for translators explaining how the string is used in the UI.
#<SAP-Text-Type>:<Note for translator>
#<SAP-Text-Type>,<Length-Restriction>:<Note for translator>
Used for all texts with less than 120 characters.
Text type | According S2X-type | Description |
XACT | accessibility | Accessibility |
XALT | alternativetext | Alternative text |
XBCB | breadcrumbstep | Breadcrumb step |
XBLI | listitem | Bullet list item text |
XBUT | button | Button text |
XCAP | caption | Caption |
XCEL | cell | Cell |
XCKL | checkbox | Checkbox |
XCOL | tableColumnHeading | Column header |
XCRD | tabStrip | Tabstrip |
XDAT | datanavigationtext | Data navigation text |
XFLD | label | Label |
XFRM | frame | Frame |
XGLS | term | Term |
XGRP | grouptitle | Group title |
XHED | heading | Heading |
XLGD | legendtext | Legend text |
XLNK | hyperlink | Hyperlink text |
XLOG | logentry | Log entry |
XLST | listbox | List box item |
XMEN | menu | Menu header |
XMIT | menuitem | Menu item |
XMSG | messagetext | Message text |
XRBL | radio | Radiobutton |
XRMP | roadMapStep | Roadmap step |
XROW | tableRowHeading | Table Row Heading |
XSEL | selectiontext | Selection text |
XTBS | tab | Tab strip text |
XTIT | tableTitle | Table Title |
XTND | treeNode | Tree node text |
XTOL | quickInfo | Quick info text |
XTXT | generaltext | General text |
All texts over 120 characters. Use only the types specified here. There are other Y types, but do not use them.
Text type | According S2X-type | Description |
YACT | accessibilitylong | Accessibility (long) |
YBLI | list | Bullet list item text |
YDEF | definition | Definition |
YDES | description | Description |
YEXP | explanation | Explanation |
YFAA | faqa | FAQ answer |
YFAQ | faq | FAQ |
YGLS | glossarydefinition | Glossary definition |
YINF | informationtextlong | Information |
YINS | instruction | Instruction |
YLOG | logEntrylong | Log entry |
YMSE | errorMessage | Error message |
YMSG | messagetextlong | Message text (long) |
YMSI | informationMessage | Information message long |
YMSW | warningMessage | Warning message |
YTEC | technicaltextlong | Technical text |
YTIC | ticker | Ticker / Marquee |
YTXT | generaltextlong | General text long |
Type | Description |
NOTR | No Translation |
#XMSG: a random text used for demonstration purposes, the meaning is not related to any other content in the UI
HelloWorld=Hello world!
#XMSG: The user has just triggered an action which cannot be executed
Unauthorized=User {0} is not authorized to execute command {1}
Multiline=Line 1\nLine 2
#XFLD: The money you get back at shop's checkout-counter