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SmartDNS is a local DNS server. SmartDNS accepts DNS query requests from local clients, obtains DNS query results from multiple upstream DNS servers, and returns the fastest access results to clients.
Avoiding DNS pollution and improving network access speed, supports high-performance ad filtering.
Unlike dnsmasq's all-servers, smartdns returns the fastest access resolution. (read more

Support Raspberry Pi, openwrt, ASUS router, Windows and other devices.

Table Of Content

  1. Software Show
  2. Features
  3. Architecture
  4. Usage
    1. Download the package
    2. Standard Linux system installation/Raspberry Pi, X86_64 system
    3. openwrt/LEDE
    4. ASUS router native firmware / Merlin firmware
    5. optware/entware
    6. Windows 10 WSL Installation/WSL ubuntu
  5. Configuration parameter
  6. Donate
  7. FAQ

Software Show

Use Ali DNS to query Baidu's IP and test the results.

pi@raspberrypi:~/code/smartdns_build $ nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:   canonical name =

pi@raspberrypi:~/code/smartdns_build $ ping -c 2
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=24.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 time=24.2 ms

--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 24.275/24.327/24.380/0.164 ms
pi@raspberrypi:~/code/smartdns_build $ ping -c 2
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=31.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 time=31.0 ms

--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 31.014/31.094/31.175/0.193 ms

Use SmartDNS to query Baidu IP and test the results.

pi@raspberrypi:~/code/smartdns_build $ nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:   canonical name =

pi@raspberrypi:~/code/smartdns_build $ ping -c 2
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 time=6.31 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=56 time=5.95 ms

--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 5.954/6.133/6.313/0.195 ms

From the comparison, smartdns found the fastest IP address to visit, so accessing Baidu's DNS is 5 times faster than Ali DNS.


  1. Multiple upstream DNS servers
    Support configuring multiple upstream DNS servers and query at the same time.the query will not be affected, Even if there is a DNS server exception.

  2. Return the fastest IP address
    Supports finding the fastest access IP address from the IP address list of the domain name and returning it to the client to avoid DNS pollution and improve network access speed.

  3. Support for multiple query protocols
    Support UDP, TCP, TLS, HTTPS queries, and non-53 port queries, effectively avoiding DNS pollution.

  4. Domain IP address specification
    Support configuring IP address of specific domain to achieve the effect of advertising filtering, and avoid malicious websites.

  5. Domain name high performance rule filtering
    Support domain name suffix matching mode, simplify filtering configuration, filter 200,000 recording and take time <1ms.

  6. Linux/Windows multi-platform support
    Support standard Linux system (Raspberry Pi), openwrt system various firmware, ASUS router native firmware. Support Windows 10 WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).

  7. Support IPV4, IPV6 dual stack
    Support IPV4, IPV6 network, support query A, AAAA record, dual-stack IP selection, and disale IPV6 AAAA record.

  8. High performance, low resource consumption
    Multi-threaded asynchronous IO mode, cache cache query results.



  1. SmartDNS receives DNS query requests from local network devices, such as PCs and mobile phone query requests.
  2. SmartDNS sends query requests to multiple upstream DNS servers, using standard UDP queries, non-standard port UDP queries, and TCP queries.
  3. The upstream DNS server returns a list of Server IP addresses corresponding to the domain name. SmartDNS detects the fastest Server IP with local network access.
  4. Return the fastest accessed Server IP to the local client.


Download the package

Download the matching version of the SmartDNS installation package. The corresponding installation package is as follows.

system package Description
Standard Linux system (Raspberry Pi) smartdns.xxxxxxxx.arm-debian-all.deb Support Raspberry Pi Raspbian stretch, Debian 9 system.
Standard Linux system (Armbian arm64) smartdns.xxxxxxxx.aarch64-debian-all.deb Support Armbian debian stretch, Debian 9 system.
Standard Linux system (x86_64) smartdns.xxxxxxxx.x86_64-linux-all.tar.gz Support for x86_64 Linux systems.
Windows 10 WSL (ubuntu) smartdns.xxxxxxxx.x86_64-linux-all.tar.gz Windows 10 WSL ubuntu.
Standard Linux system (x86) smartdns.xxxxxxxx.x86-linux-all.tar.gz Support for x86_64 systems.
optware smartdns.xxxxxxxx.mips-optware-all.ipk Support the MIPS big-endian architecture for optware。
optware smartdns.xxxxxxxx.mipsel-optware-all.ipk Support the MIPS little-endian architecture for optware。
optware smartdns.xxxxxxxx.arm-optware-all.ipk Support the arm architecture for optware。
openwrt smartdns.xxxxxxxx.mips-openwrt-all.ipk Support the MIPS big-endian architecture for openwrt。
openwrt smartdns.xxxxxxxx.mipsel-openwrt-all.ipk Support the MIPS little-endian architecture for openwrt。
openwrt smartdns.xxxxxxxx.arm-openwrt-all.ipk Support the arm architecture for openwrt。
openwrt LUCI luci-app-smartdns.xxxxxxxxx.all.ipk Openwrt management interface.
openwrt LUCI luci-app-smartdns.xxxxxxxxx.all-luci-compat-all Compat Openwrt management interface for early openwrt.
  • The released packages are statically compiled. If you need a small size package, please compile it yourself or obtain it from the openwrt / entware repository.

  • Please download from the Release page: Download here
  • For the installation procedure, please refer to the following sections.

Standard Linux system installation/Raspberry Pi, X86_64 system

  1. Installation

    Download the installation package like smartdns.xxxxxxxx.arm-debian-all.deb and upload it to the Linux system. Run the following command to install

    dpkg -i smartdns.xxxxxxxx.arm-debian-all.deb

    For X86-64 system, download the installation package like smartdns.xxxxxxxx.x86_64-linux-all.tar.gz and upload it to the Linux system. Run the following command to install

    tar zxf smartdns.xxxxxxxx.x86_64-linux-all.tar.gz
    cd smartdns
    chmod +x ./install
    ./install -i
  2. Configuration

    After the installation is complete, you can configure the upstream server to smartdns. Refer to the Configuration Parameters for specific configuration parameters.
    In general, you only need to add server [IP]:port, server-tcp [IP]:port configuration items.
    Configure as many upstream DNS servers as possible, including servers at home and abroad. Please refer to the Configuration Parameters section for configuration parameters.

    vi /etc/smartdns/smartdns.conf
  3. Start Service

    systemctl enable smartdns
    systemctl start smartdns
  4. Forwarding DNS request to SmartDNS

    Modify the DNS server of the local router and configure the DNS server as SmartDNS.

    • Log in to the router on the local network and configure the Raspberry Pi to assign a static IP address.
    • Modify the WAN port or DHCP DNS to the Raspberry Pi IP address. Note: I. Each router configuration method is different. Please search Baidu for related configuration methods. II. some routers may not support configuring custom DNS server. in this case, please modify the PC's, mobile phone's DNS server to the ip of Raspberry Pi.
  5. Check if the service is configured successfully

    Query domain name with nslookup -querytype=ptr smartdns
    Check if the name item in the command result is displayed as smartdns or hostname, such as smartdns

    pi@raspberrypi:~/code/smartdns_build $ nslookup -querytype=ptr smartdns
    Non-authoritative answer:
    smartdns         name = smartdns.


  1. Installation

    Upload the software to the /root directory of the router with winscp or other tool, and execute the following command to install it.

    opkg install smartdns.xxxxxxxx.xxxx.ipk
    opkg install luci-app-smartdns.xxxxxxxx.xxxx.all.ipk
    • Note: For versions before openwrt 19.07, please install luci-app-smartdns.xxxxxxxxx.all-luci-compat-all package.
  2. Configuration

    Log in to the openwrt management page and open Services->SmartDNS to configure SmartDNS.

    • Add upstream DNS server configuration to Upstream Servers. It is recommended to configure multiple DNS servers at home and abroad.
    • Specify the IP address of a specific domain name in Domain Address, which can be used for ad blocking.
  3. Start Service

    There are two ways to use the SmartDNS service, one is directly as the primary DNS service, the other is as the upstream of dnsmasq.
    By default, SmartDNS uses the first method. You can choose according to your needs in the following two ways.

  4. Method 1: SmartDNS as primary DNS Server (default scheme)

    • Enable SmartDNS port 53 port redirection

      Log in to the router, click on Services->SmartDNS->redirect, select Redirect 53 port to SmartDNS option to enable port 53 forwarding.

    • Check if the service is configured successfully

      Query domain name with nslookup -querytype=ptr smartdns See if the name item in the command result is displayed as smartdns or hostname, such as smartdns

      pi@raspberrypi:~/code/smartdns_build $ nslookup -querytype=ptr smartdns
      Non-authoritative answer:
      smartdns         name = smartdns.
    • The interface prompts that the redirect failed

      • Check if iptable, ip6table command is installed correctly.
      • The openwrt 15.01 system does not support IPV6 redirection. If the network needs to support IPV6, please change DNSMASQ upstream to smartdns, or change the smartdns port to 53, and disable dnsmasq.
      • After LEDE system, please install IPV6 nat forwarding driver. Click system->Software, click update lists to update the software list, install ip6tables-mod-nat
      • Use the following command to check whether the routing rule takes effect.
      iptables -t nat -L PREROUTING | grep REDIRECT
      • If the forwarding function is abnormal, please use Method 2: As the upstream of DNSMASQ.
  5. Method 2: SmartDNS as upstream DNS Server of DNSMASQ

    • Forward dnsmasq's request to SmartDNS

      Log in to the router, click on Services->SmartDNS->redirect, select Run as dnsmasq upstream server option to forwarding dnsmasq request to Smartdns.

    • Check if the service is configured successfully

      • Method 1: Query domain name with nslookup -querytype=ptr See if the name item in the command result is displayed as smartdns or hostname, such as smartdns
      pi@raspberrypi:~/code/smartdns_build $ nslookup -querytype=ptr smartdns
      Non-authoritative answer:
      smartdns         name = smartdns.
      • Method 2: Use nslookup to query the domain name to see if the IP address of Baidu in the result is `only one. If there are multiple IP addresses returned, it means that it is not valid. Please try to check several domain names.
      pi@raspberrypi:~ $ nslookup
      Non-authoritative answer:   canonical name =
  6. Start Service

    Check the `Enable' in the configuration page to start SmartDNS server.

  7. Note

    • If chinaDNS is already installed, it is recommended to configure the upstream of chinaDNS as SmartDNS.
    • SmartDNS defaults to forwarding port 53 requests to the local port of SmartDNS, controlled by the Redirect configuration option.

ASUS router native firmware / Merlin firmware

Note: Merlin firmware is derived from ASUS firmware and can theoretically be used directly with the ASUS package. However, it is currently unverified. If you have any questions, please submit an issue.

  1. Prepare

    When using this software, you need to confirm whether the router supports U disk and prepare a USB disk.

  2. Enable SSH login

    Log in to the management interface, click System Management-> Click System Settings and configure Enable SSH to Lan Only.
    The SSH login username and password are the same as the management interface.

  3. Insstall Download Master

    In the management interface, click USB related application-> click Download Master to download.
    After the download is complete, enable Download Master. If you do not need the download function, you can uninstall Download Master here, but make sure that Download Master is enabled before uninstalling.

  4. Install SmartDNS

    Upload the software to the router's /tmp/mnt/sda1 directory using winscp. (or copy the network neighborhood to the sda1 shared directory)

    ipkg install smartdns.xxxxxxx.mipsbig.ipk
  5. Restart router

    After the router is started, use nslookup -querytype=ptr smartdns to query the domain name.
    See if the name item in the command result is displayed as smartdns or hostname, such as smartdns

    pi@raspberrypi:~/code/smartdns_build $ nslookup -querytype=ptr smartdns
    Non-authoritative answer:
    smartdns         name = smartdns.
  6. Note

    In the above process, smartdns will be installed to the root directory of the U disk and run in optware mode.
    Its directory structure is as follows: (only smartdns related files are listed here)

    └── asusware.mipsbig
            ├── bin
            ├── etc
            |    ├── smartdns
            |    |     └── smartdns.conf
            |    └── init.d
            |          └── S50smartdns
            ├── lib
            ├── sbin
            ├── usr
            |    └── sbin
            |          └── smartdns

    To modify the configuration, you can use ssh to login to the router and use the vi command to modify it.

    vi /opt/etc/smartdns/smartdns.conf

    It can also be modified from Network Neighborhood. From the neighbor sharing directory sda1 you can't see the asusware.mipsbig directory, but you can directly enter asusware.mipsbig\etc\init.d in File Manager to modify it.



  1. Prepare

    When using this software, you need to confirm whether the router supports USB disk and prepare a USB disk.

  2. Install SmartDNS

    Upload the software to /tmp directory of the router using winscp, and run the flollowing command to install.

    ipkg install smartdns.xxxxxxx.mipsbig.ipk
  3. Modify the smartdns configuration

    Vi /opt/etc/smartdns/smartdns.conf

    Note: if you need to support IPV6, you can set the worke-mode to 2, this will disable the DNS service of dnsmasq, and smartdns run as the primary DNS server. Change SMARTDNS_WORKMODE in the file /opt/etc/smartdns/smartdns-opt.conf to 2.

  4. Restart the router to take effect

    After the router is started, use nslookup -querytype=ptr smartdns to query the domain name. See if the name item in the command result is displayed as smartdns or hostname, such as smartdns

    Pi@raspberrypi:~/code/smartdns_build $ nslookup -querytype=ptr smartdns
    Non-authoritative answer:
    smartdns        name = smartdns.

    Note: If the service does not start automatically, you need to set optwre/entware to start automatically. For details, see the optware/entware documentation.

Windows 10 WSL Installation/WSL ubuntu

  1. Install Windows 10 WSL ubuntu

    Install the Windows 10 WSL environment and select Ubuntu as default distribution. Please refer to WSL installation instructions for installation steps

  2. Install smartdns

    download install package smartdns.xxxxxxxx.x86_64-linux-all.tar.gz,and unzip to the D:\ directory, after decompression, the directory is as follows:

    │  ├─default
    │  ├─init.d
    │  └─smartdns
    │  └─windows

    Double-click install.bat in the D:\smartdns\package\windows directory for installation. Please enter the password for WLS ubuntu when input password.

  3. Configuration

    Edit smartdns.conf configuration file in D:\smartdns\etc\smartdns directory, you can configure the upstream server to smartdns. Refer to the Configuration Parameters for specific configuration parameters.
    In general, you only need to add server [IP]:port, server-tcp [IP]:port configuration items.
    Configure as many upstream DNS servers as possible, including servers at home and abroad. Please refer to the Configuration Parameters section for configuration parameters.

  4. Start Service

    Double-click reload.bat in the D:\smartdns\package\windows directory for reload.

  5. Forwarding DNS request to SmartDNS

    Modify the default DNS server for Windows to, with these steps referred to IP configuration

  6. Check if the service is configured successfully

    Query domain name with nslookup -querytype=ptr smartdns
    Check if the name item in the command result is displayed as smartdns or hostname, such as smartdns

    pi@raspberrypi:~/code/smartdns_build $ nslookup -querytype=ptr smartdns
    Non-authoritative answer:
    smartdns         name = smartdns.

Configuration parameter

parameter Parameter function Default value Value type Example
server-name DNS name host name/smartdns any string like hosname server-name smartdns
bind DNS listening port number [::]:53 Support binding multiple ports
IP:PORT: server IP, port number.
[-group]: The DNS server group used when requesting.
[-no-rule-addr]: Skip the address rule.
[-no-rule-nameserver]: Skip the Nameserver rule.
[-no-rule-ipset]: Skip the Ipset rule.
[-no-rule-soa]: Skip address SOA(#) rules.
[-no-dualstack-selection]: Disable dualstack ip selection.
[-no-speed-check]: Disable speed measurement.
[-no-cache]: stop caching
bind :53
bind-tcp TCP mode DNS listening port number [::]:53 Support binding multiple ports
IP:PORT: server IP, port number.
[-group]: The DNS server group used when requesting.
[-no-rule-addr]: Skip the address rule.
[-no-rule-nameserver]: Skip the Nameserver rule.
[-no-rule-ipset]: Skip the Ipset rule.
[-no-rule-soa]: Skip address SOA(#) rules.
[-no-dualstack-selection]: Disable dualstack ip selection.
[-no-speed-check]: Disable speed measurement.
[-no-cache]: stop caching
bind-tcp :53
cache-size Domain name result cache number 512 integer cache-size 512
cache-persist enable persist cache Auto: Enabled if the location of cache-file has more than 128MB of free space. [yes|no] cache-persist yes
cache-file cache persist file /tmp/smartdns.cache 路径 cache-file /tmp/smartdns.cache
tcp-idle-time TCP connection idle timeout 120 integer tcp-idle-time 120
rr-ttl Domain name TTL Remote query result number greater than 0 rr-ttl 600
rr-ttl-min Domain name Minimum TTL Remote query result number greater than 0 rr-ttl-min 60
rr-ttl-max Domain name Maximum TTL Remote query result number greater than 0 rr-ttl-max 600
log-level log level error fatal,error,warn,notice,info,debug log-level error
log-file log path /var/log/smartdns.log File Pah log-file /var/log/smartdns.log
log-size log size 128K number+K,M,G log-size 128K
log-num archived log number 2 Integer log-num 2
audit-enable audit log enable no [yes|no] audit-enable yes
audit-file audit log file /var/log/smartdns-audit.log File Path audit-file /var/log/smartdns-audit.log
audit-size audit log size 128K number+K,M,G audit-size 128K
audit-num archived audit log number 2 Integer audit-num 2
conf-file additional conf file None File path conf-file /etc/smartdns/smartdns.more.conf
server Upstream UDP DNS server None Repeatable
[ip][:port]: Server IP, port optional.
[-blacklist-ip]: The "-blacklist-ip" parameter is to filtering IPs which is configured by "blacklist-ip".
[-whitelist-ip]: whitelist-ip parameter specifies that only the IP range configured in whitelist-ip is accepted.
[-group [group] ...]: The group to which the DNS server belongs, such as office, foreign, use with nameserver.
[-exclude-default-group]: Exclude DNS servers from the default group
server -blacklist-ip
server-tcp Upstream TCP DNS server None Repeatable
[ip][:port]: Server IP, port optional.
[-blacklist-ip]: The "-blacklist-ip" parameter is to filtering IPs which is configured by "blacklist-ip".
[-whitelist-ip]: whitelist-ip parameter specifies that only the IP range configured in whitelist-ip is accepted.
[-group [group] ...]: The group to which the DNS server belongs, such as office, foreign, use with nameserver.
[-exclude-default-group]: Exclude DNS servers from the default group
server-tls Upstream TLS DNS server None Repeatable
[ip][:port]: Server IP, port optional.
[-spki-pin [sha256-pin]]: TLS verify SPKI value, a base64 encoded SHA256 hash
[-host-name]:TLS Server name.
[-tls-host-verify]: TLS cert hostname to verify.
-no-check-certificate:: No check certificate.
[-blacklist-ip]: The "-blacklist-ip" parameter is to filtering IPs which is configured by "blacklist-ip".
[-whitelist-ip]: whitelist-ip parameter specifies that only the IP range configured in whitelist-ip is accepted.
[-group [group] ...]: The group to which the DNS server belongs, such as office, foreign, use with nameserver.
[-exclude-default-group]: Exclude DNS servers from the default group
server-https Upstream HTTPS DNS server None Repeatable
https://[host][:port]/path: Server IP, port optional.
[-spki-pin [sha256-pin]]: TLS verify SPKI value, a base64 encoded SHA256 hash
[-host-name]:TLS Server name
[-http-host]:http header host.
[-tls-host-verify]: TLS cert hostname to verify.
-no-check-certificate:: No check certificate.
[-blacklist-ip]: The "-blacklist-ip" parameter is to filtering IPs which is configured by "blacklist-ip".
[-whitelist-ip]: whitelist-ip parameter specifies that only the IP range configured in whitelist-ip is accepted.
[-group [group] ...]: The group to which the DNS server belongs, such as office, foreign, use with nameserver.
[-exclude-default-group]: Exclude DNS servers from the default group
speed-check-mode Speed ​​mode None [ping|tcp:[80]|none] speed-check-mode ping,tcp:443
address Domain IP address None address /domain/[ip|-|-4|-6|#|#4|#6], - for ignore, # for return SOA, 4 for IPV4, 6 for IPV6 address /
nameserver To query domain with specific server group None nameserver /domain/[group|-], group is the group name, - means ignore this rule, use the -group parameter in the related server nameserver /
ipset Domain IPSet None ipset /domain/[ipset|-|#[4|6]:[ipset|-][,#[4|6]:[ipset|-]]], - for ignore ipset /,#6:-
ipset-timeout ipset timeout enable auto [yes] ipset-timeout yes
domain-rules set domain rules None domain-rules /domain/ [-rules...]
[-c|-speed-check-mode]: set speed check mode,same as parameter speed-check-mode
[-a|-address]: same as parameter address
[-n|-nameserver]: same as parameter nameserver
[-p|-ipset]: same as parameter ipset
[-d|-dualstack-ip-selection]: same as parameter dualstack-ip-selection
domain-rules / -speed-check-mode none
bogus-nxdomain bogus IP address None [IP/subnet], Repeatable bogus-nxdomain
ignore-ip ignore ip address None [ip/subnet], Repeatable ignore-ip
whitelist-ip ip whitelist None [ip/subnet], Repeatable,When the filtering server responds IPs in the IP whitelist, only result in whitelist will be accepted whitelist-ip
blacklist-ip ip blacklist None [ip/subnet], Repeatable,When the filtering server responds IPs in the IP blacklist, The result will be discarded directly blacklist-ip
force-AAAA-SOA force AAAA query return SOA no [yes|no] force-AAAA-SOA yes
prefetch-domain domain prefetch feature no [yes|no] prefetch-domain yes
serve-expired Cache serve expired feature no [yes|no], Attempts to serve old responses from cache with a TTL of 0 in the response without waiting for the actual resolution to finish. serve-expired yes
serve-expired-ttl Cache serve expired limite TTL 0 second,0:disable,> 0 seconds after expiration serve-expired-ttl 0
serve-expired-reply-ttl TTL value to use when replying with expired data 5 second,0:disable,> 0 seconds after expiration serve-expired-reply-ttl 30
dualstack-ip-selection Dualstack ip selection no [yes|no] dualstack-ip-selection yes
dualstack-ip-selection-threshold Dualstack ip select threadhold 30ms millisecond dualstack-ip-selection-threshold [0-1000]
ca-file certificate file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt path ca-file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
ca-path certificates path /etc/ssl/certs path ca-path /etc/ssl/certs


  1. What is the difference between SmartDNS and DNSMASQ?
    Smartdns is not designed to replace DNSMASQ. The main function of Smartdns is focused on DNS resolution enhancement, the difference are:

    • Multiple upstream server concurrent requests, after the results are measured, return the best results;
    • address, ipset domain name matching uses efficient algorithms, query matching is faster and more efficient, and router devices are still efficient.
    • Domain name matching supports ignoring specific domain names, and can be individually matched to IPv4, IPV6, and supports diversified customization.
    • Enhance the ad blocking feature, return SOA record, this block ads better;
    • IPV4, IPV6 dual stack IP optimization mechanism, in the case of dual network, choose the fastest network.
    • Supports the latest TLS, HTTPS protocol and provides secure DNS query capabilities.
    • DNS anti-poison mechanism, and a variety of mechanisms to avoid DNS pollution.
    • ECS support, the query results are better and more accurate.
    • IP blacklist support, ignoring the blacklist IP to make domain name queries better and more accurate.
    • Domain name pre-fetch, more faster to access popular websites.
    • Domain name TTL can be specified to make access faster.
    • Cache mechanism to make access faster.
    • Asynchronous log, audit log mechanism, does not affect DNS query performance while recording information.
    • Domain group mechanism, specific domain names use specific upstream server group queries to avoid privacy leakage.
    • The second DNS supports customizing more behavior.
  2. What is the best practices for upstream server configuration?
    Smartdns has a speed measurement mechanism. When configuring an upstream server, it is recommended to configure multiple upstream DNS servers, including servers in different regions, but the total number is recommended to be around 10. Recommended configuration

    • Carrier DNS.
    • Public DNS, such as,,

    For specific domain names, if there is a pollution, you can enable the anti-pollution mechanism.

  3. How to enable the audit log
    The audit log records the domain name requested by the client. The record information includes the request time, the request IP address, the request domain name, and the request type. If you want to enable the audit log, configure audit-enable yes in the configuration file, audit-size, Audit-file, audit-num configure the audit log file size, the audit log file path, and the number of audit log files. The audit log file will be compressed to save space.

  4. How to avoid DNS privacy leaks By default, smartdns will send requests to all configured DNS servers. If the upstream DNS servers record DNS logs, it will result in a DNS privacy leak. To avoid privacy leaks, try the following steps:

    • Use trusted DNS servers.
    • Use TLS servers.
    • Set up an upstream DNS server group.
  5. How to block ads Smartdns has a high-performance domain name matching algorithm. It is very efficient to filter advertisements by domain name. To block ads, you only need to configure records like the following configure. For example, if you block *, configure as follows:

    Address /

    The suffix mode of the domain name, filtering *, # means returning SOA record. If you want to only block IPV4 or IPV6 separately, add a number after #, such as #4 is for IPV4 blocking. If you want to ignore some specific subdomains, you can configure it as follows. e.g., if you ignore, you can configure it as follows:

    Address /
  6. DNS query diversion In some cases, some domain names need to be queried using a specific DNS server to do DNS diversion. such as.

    .home ->
    .office ->

    The domain name ending in .home is sent to for resolving The domain name ending in .office is sent to for resolving Other domain names are resolved using the default mode. The diversion configuration for this case is as follows:

    # Upstream configuration, use -group to specify the group name, and -exclude-default-group to exclude the server from the default group.
    Server -group home -exclude-default-group
    Server -group office -exclude-default-group
    #Configure the resolved domain name with specific group
    Nameserver /.home/home
    Nameserver /.office/office

    You can use the above configuration to implement DNS resolution and offload. If you need to implement traffic distribution on the requesting port, you can configure the second DNS server. The bind configuration is added. The group parameter specifies the traffic distribution name.

    Bind :7053 -group office
    Bind :8053 -group home
  7. How to use the IPV4, IPV6 dual stack IP optimization feature
    At present, IPV6 network is not as fast as IPV4 in some cases. In order to get a better experience in the dual-stack network, SmartDNS provides a dual-stack IP optimization mechanism, the same domain name, and the speed of IPV4. Far faster than IPV6, then SmartDNS will block the resolution of IPV6, let the PC use IPV4, the feature is enabled by dualstack-ip-selection yes, dualstack-ip-selection-threshold [time] is for threshold. if you want to disable IPV6 AAAA record complete, please try force-AAAA-SOA yes.

  8. How to improve cache performace
    Smartdns provides a domain name caching mechanism to cache the queried domain name, and the caching time is in accordance with the DNS TTL specification. To increase the cache hit rate, the following configuration can be taken:

    • Increase the number of cache records appropriately
      Set the number of cache records by cache-size. In the case of a query with a high pressure environment and a machine with a large memory, it can be appropriately adjusted.

    • Set the minimum TTL value as appropriate
      Set the minimum DNS TTL time to a appropriate value by rr-ttl-min to extend the cache time. It is recommended that the timeout period be set to 10 to 30 minutes to avoid then invalid domain names when domain ip changes.

    • Enable domain pre-acquisition
      Enable pre-fetching of domain names with prefetch-domain yes to improve query hit rate. by default, Smartdns will send domain query request again before cache expire, and cache the result for the next query. Frequently accessed domain names will continue to be cached. This feature will consume more CPU when idle.

    • Cache serve expired feature
      Enable cache serve expired feature with serve-expired yes to improve the cache hit rate and reduce the CPU consumption. This feature will return TTL = 0 to the client after the TTL timeout, and send a new query request again at the same time, and cache the new results for later query.

  9. How does the second DNS customize more behavior? The second DNS can be used as the upstream of other DNS servers to provide more query behaviors. Bind configuration support can bind multiple ports. Different ports can be set with different flags to implement different functions, such as

    # Binding 6053 port, request for port 6053 will be configured with the upstream query of the office group, and the result will not be measured. The address configuration address is ignored.
    bind [::]:6053 -no-speed-check -group office -no-rule-addr


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Open Source License

Smartdns is licensed to the public under the GPL V3 License.