Converts prometheus remote write samples directly into Telegraf metrics. It can be used with http_listener_v2. There are no additional configuration options for Prometheus Remote Write Samples.
## Address and port to host HTTP listener on
service_address = ":1234"
## Path to listen to.
path = "/recieve"
## Data format to consume.
data_format = "prometheusremotewrite"
Timeseries: []*prompb.TimeSeries{
Labels: []*prompb.Label{
{Name: "__name__", Value: "go_gc_duration_seconds"},
{Name: "instance", Value: "localhost:9090"},
{Name: "job", Value: "prometheus"},
{Name: "quantile", Value: "0.99"},
Samples: []prompb.Sample{
{Value: 4.63, Timestamp: time.Date(2020, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).UnixNano()},
prometheus_remote_write,instance=localhost:9090,job=prometheus,quantile=0.99 go_gc_duration_seconds=4.63 1614889298859000000
For alignment with the InfluxDB v1.x Prometheus Remote Write Spec
- Use the Starlark processor rename prometheus remote write script to rename the measurement name to the fieldname and rename the fieldname to value.