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8cb1cc6 · Jul 11, 2024


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File metadata and controls

1283 lines (1108 loc) · 37.3 KB

Quick start

  1. git clone from simpleapp-generator
git clone myapp
cd ~/myapp
simpleapp-generator -c config.json
  1. start backend
cd ~/myapp/backend
pnpm start:dev
  1. start frontend
cd ~/myapp/frontend
pnpm dev
  1. try ui:
  1. Match the json schema and the generated forms
code ~/mydoc

Concept of Development

Development using simpleapp-generator involve below steps: [Simple]

  1. create appropriate jsonschema
  2. generate frontend and backend architectures
  3. start backend service, obtain and save api definations into openapi.yaml
  4. regenerate codes so frontend can obtain openapi clients
  5. align frontend UI, add necessary component such as css and ui components


  1. complete simple task
  2. add more api/process at backend controller,service,schema. Such as: a. special search b. special workflows c. connect external api d. additional data processing and validation which is not supported by jsonschema (AJV)
  3. security like sso/jwt, plugins a. keycloak integration at frontends b. backend manage jwt
  4. allow additional field formats, validations by modifying ajv a. allow custom jsonschema field property, and do something at backend b. allow custom field format, and do something at backend
  5. repeat same typscript formula at frontend and backend

after generate

  1. ./backend/tsconfig.ts add bolow into compile options
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,

2../backend/.env change mongodb setting as below example:

  1. download http://localhost:8080/api into ./openapi.yaml

  2. regenerate code (for frontend can function completely)

  3. install openapi-generator, pnpm, nest, rename openapi for new setup

  4. load backend tsconfig and add more property: **

  5. add prettier formating option for frontend

  6. error messages

  7. fix single and multi select bugs

  8. function of remain menulist

  9. security of string input, block xss

errors formating 18.keep audit trail into db 10.add backend find options 10.add frontend find options 11.retain modifications of controller, service, apiclients 14.add permission control 16.access right 17.setting of tenants

authentication in nuxt jwt in backend

  1. beautify default tailwind ui
  2. front page
  3. top bar
  4. menu bars
  5. default with of each component is it nicely fit
  6. table layout
  7. error formating
  8. write proper user guide 13.add workflow functions


10.plugin for ajv long string format for description


x21.control csrf x8. simpleapp generate currentfolder error ** x1. override app.vue * x2. create layout
simpleapp (first time only) /default * x3. components/ (first time only) x /MonitorEvent.vue * x /CrudBasic.vue ** x /Menubar * 4. create page/docs (everytime) /index.ts //create page if docs/documentname not exists *** //override if docs/documentname/delete-me-for-avoid-override exists * 5. login/logout sessions x6. auto create * x server/api to backend *

  1. define foreign key relationship in json schema2
  2. auto index and block deletion
  3. when delete identify foreign connected documents
  4. how to unique key
  5. how to multi-tenancy
  6. login/logout in nuxt
  7. jwt in nestjs
  8. format errors at server side link back client side
  9. how to auto toast 10.server side custom validation link back client side 11.permission controls 12.find records 13.audit trail isolation by org, branch and tenant 15.statistics, aggregations generate frontend page


this project still in alpha stage!

SimpleApp is an frontend and backend code generator, the ideal of this project is to allow developer build reliable and scalable application with low code methods.

It suitable for complex schema +complex calculation such as:

  1. sales invoice: having parent and childs as 1 document, it need to calculate tax, discount, exchange rate
  2. delivery order: need to calculate total quantity, unit of measurement conversion

Key Ideal:

  1. Every data store as json format, name as document

  2. Every document defined by jsonschema, and store in folder definations

  3. We store jsonschema as <uniquedocumentname>.<uniquedocumentshortname>.jsonschema.json. Example: purchaseorder.po.jsonschema.json, student.std.jsonschema.json

  4. JsonSchema used to generate:

    • multiple pattern of data types for database, dto, frontend, backend. The data type match to jsonschema
    • api controller (openapi)
    • simpleapp frontend and backend objects
  5. Generated code will control data validation in both frontend and backend using ajv

  6. There is few important keyword need to know:

    • jsondata: actual data like {"document_no":"PO001",amount:300}
    • jsonschema: it is schema of jsondata, we use it to generate CRUD codes
    • frontend: user interface framework using nuxt (vue+typescript), it doesn't store any data
    • backend: api server using nest(typescript), it provide openapi, and store data into mongodb
    • doc service: a typescript class use for process specific document in server. example" po.service.ts
    • doc controller: it is api router for route http traffic to document service. example: po.controller.ts
    • doc client: frontend client, it provide reactive data and data processing mechanism for frontend
  7. To make our app useful, we perform development at

    • backend: modify api controller and backend document service
    • frontend: layout user interface, bind input fields to doc client , and modify doc client required
  8. We may frequently change jsonschema, doc service, doc controller, doc client:

    • the previous modified code remain when you regenerate code (with specific rules)
  9. After regenerate codes, some data processing codes in doc service will sync into doc client, to reduce repeat coding at both end


  • Use jsonschema generate most of the frontend and backend code
  • Generated frontend and backend code in typescript+OOP.
  • it control as tight as possible the frontend and backend data consistency
  • support complex data schema, included parent and childs, nested objects
  • enforce frontend and backend use same data type
  • data store in mongodb, exactly same with schema, no join no headache
  • flexible frontend, you can code react or vue, no problem. simpleapp generator only focus data, not ui
  • allow developer enforce specific data processing in frontend and backend
  • you can regenerate source code multiple time without worry your customization gone (there is a way!)

Init Nuxt script

  1. npm i -D @sidebase/nuxt-auth
  2. pnpm i --save next-auth@4.21.1 npm i -D @sidebase/nuxt-session

You shall know

This project assume you familiar with below:

  1. typescript (no typescript, not reliable frontend)
  2. mongodb
  3. vue/react kind of ecosystem

Special Format:

There is special format value:

  1. field-autcomplete-code:field for document code, like student_code,document_no
  2. field-autocomplete-label: field for document name, like student_name, product_name

Special properties:


  • autocomplete-src=category => autocomplete list from server-url/category/autocomplete

You need to install mongodb and openapi generator:


Quick Start

This quick start create a example project developed by simpleapp-generator

  1. Install simpleapp-generator
npm install -g simpleapp-generator
  1. mkdir project folder for store frontend and backend codes
mkdir ~/myapp
cd myapp
  1. generate sample project
simpleapp-generator -e person    # -e mean use example schema "person". Currently only 1 example
  1. run backend apiserver
cd backend
pnpm start:dev
  1. browse to http://localhost:8000/api for swagger ui, http://localhost:8000/api-yaml for openapi documents
  2. You may use vscode to see the example code in backend/src/docs/pes:
  • pes.controller.ts //document api controller
  • pes.service.ts //document service controller
  • pes.type.ts, pes.apischema.ts, pes.model.ts //multiple datatype or schema
mkdir definations   #we put json schema here

  1. create configuration file config.json
echo '{"definationsFolder":"./definations","backendFolder":"./backend", "frontendFolder":"./frontend","openapi3Yaml":""}' > config.json
  1. create below content and save as ~/myapp/definations/person.pes.jsonschema.json
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "firstName": {
          "type": "string",
          "example": [
        "lastName": {
          "type": "string",
          "example": [
    "age": {
      "type": "integer",
      "example": [
    "email": {
      "type": "string",
      "example": [
      "format": "email"
    "dob": {
      "type": "string",
      "example": [
      "format": "date"
    "hobbies": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "string",
        "example": [
    "addresses": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "required": [
        "properties": {
          "street1": {
            "type": "string",
            "example": [
              "11, Fox Road"
          "street2": {
            "type": "string",
            "example": [
              "My Home Town"
          "postcode": {
            "type": "integer",
            "example": [
  1. generate backend and frontend codes, and define backend/.env mongodb connection string:
simpleapp-generator -c ./config.json
code backend # use vscode open backend project, edit .env
  1. You can start backend server and try the generated api at http://localhost:8000/api
cd ~/myapp/backend
pnpm start:dev   
  1. Next we need more frontend work, put content of http://localhost:8000/api-yaml into ~/myapp/openapi.yaml, and edit config.json as:
  1. regenerate source code, and use vscode open both backend and frontend project:
simpleapp-generator -c ./config.json
code ./frontend ;
code ./backend ;

The complete development process:

  1. Prepare documents a. Prepare sample json data b. Convert json data to jsonschema c. touch up jsonschema, like define require fields, format, minLength and etc d. place json schema into definations folder
  2. Generate source codes a. generate source code into backend project b. start backend service, obtain yaml content and save into project folder c. re-generate source code, it create required codes for frontend
  3. Begin Frontend development: a. use vscode open frontend project b. create user interface with several input fields, bind to generated simpleapp object

1. Prepare documents

  1. click here allow you create json data with lesser effort. Lets use this example:
  "docNo": "SI001",
  "customer": "My Customer Pte Ltd",
  "amount": 200,
  "products": [
  "details": [
      "item": "apple",
      "qty": 100,
      "unitprice": 1,
      "subtotal": 100
      "item": "orange",
      "qty": 100,
      "unitprice": 1,
      "subtotal": 100
  "remarks": "need fast delivery"

b. Copy generated json data to here using below setting, you may define data type/format/required parameters according jsonschema standard

output format: json
add example to schema: true
infer require property for array items: true
disable additionalProperty: true

Here is the result:

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "docNo": {
      "type": "string",
      "example": [
    "customer": {
      "type": "string",
      "example": [
        "My Customer Pte Ltd"
    "amount": {
      "type": "integer",
      "example": [
    "products": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "string",
        "example": [
    "details": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "required": [
        "properties": {
          "item": {
            "type": "string",
            "example": [
          "qty": {
            "type": "integer",
            "example": [
          "unitprice": {
            "type": "integer",
            "example": [
          "subtotal": {
            "type": "integer",
            "example": [
    "remarks": {
      "type": "string",
      "example": [
        "need fast delivery"

c. save the json data into definations folder

Backend NestJS project preparation

  1. install backend nest application: npm i -g pnpm @nestjs/cli (cli tools for pnpm and nestjs)
  2. create a folder ~/myapp
  3. cd ~/myapp
  4. create blank nest project nest new backend, pick pnpm
  5. enter backend folder: cd backend
  6. install dependency: pnpm install --save @nestjs/swagger @nestjs/mongoose mongoose ajv ajv-formats @nestjs/config (ignore ✕ missing peer webpack)
  7. create .env file with following settings:
PROJECT_NAME='SimpleApp Demo1'
  1. change src/main.ts, allow openapi document:
import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';
import { AppModule } from './app.module';
import { SwaggerModule, DocumentBuilder } from '@nestjs/swagger';

async function bootstrap() {
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
  const config = new DocumentBuilder()
  const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, config);
  SwaggerModule.setup('api', app, document, {
    swaggerOptions: { showExtensions: true },

  await app.listen(process.env.HTTP_PORT); //listen which port
  1. start backend server pnpm start:dev, monitor http://localhost:3000/api

Frontend NuxtJS project preparation (or, any others framework if you have know how)

  1. cd ~/myapp
  2. create new frontend nuxt project npx nuxi@latest init frontend
  3. cd frontend
  4. install required package: pnpm install ajv ajv-formats axios json-schema
  5. create .env file with below content
  1. run frontend: pnpm dev -o

setup Mongodb

  1. you can use mongodb, either docker or install binary ** remember create database, and define suitable credentials (user/password)

Setup openapi-generator

Refer below:

I'm using mac, so i use brew install openapi-generator

Job Begin!

3 steps:

  1. Prepare json schema
  2. use json schema generate frontend and backend codes
  3. persom simple development

1. Prepare sample data schema

  1. lets assume we have a sample data:
    "addresses": [{"street1":"11, Fox Road","street2":"My Home Town","postcode":12345}]
  1. Generate it become jsonschema here, format as json. Follow below settings:
add example to schema: true
infer require property for array items: true
disable additionalProperty: true

Below is the sample of jsonschema:

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "firstName": {
          "type": "string",
          "example": [
        "lastName": {
          "type": "string",
          "example": [
    "age": {
      "type": "integer",
      "example": [
    "email": {
      "type": "string",
      "example": [
      "format": "email"
    "dob": {
      "type": "string",
      "example": [
      "format": "date"
    "hobbies": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "string",
        "example": [
    "addresses": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "required": [
        "properties": {
          "street1": {
            "type": "string",
            "example": [
              "11, Fox Road"
          "street2": {
            "type": "string",
            "example": [
              "My Home Town"
          "postcode": {
            "type": "integer",
            "example": [

Generate Code

  1. install simpleapp-generetor npm install -g simpleapp-generator
  2. create a folder ~/myapp/definations
  3. copy above jsonschema example as ~/myapp/definations/
  • person: unique document name (small letter alphabet [a-z])
  • ps: unique document type (small letter [a-z])
  • jsonschema.json: all files ending with this extension will process
  1. create ~/myapp/config.json with below content
  1. run simpleapp-generator -c ./config.json
  2. restart nestjs, the microservice is ready and you can test at http://localhost:8000/api. All generated api accessible via swagger-ui.
  3. Frontend need further work. Browse http://localhost:8000/api-yaml, save content as openapi.yaml
  4. Rerun simpleapp-generator -c ./config.json, it will help us to generate axios executable using openapi.yaml
  5. use vscode open both ~/myapp/frontend and ~/myapp/backend

perform simple development

  1. in frontend project, edit app.vue, put in below code:
      <input v-model="">  
    {{ reactivedata }}
    <button @click="person.create().then((res)=>console.log(">try</button>
<script setup lang="ts">
import {PersonDoc} from './server/docs/PersonDoc'
const person = new PersonDoc()

// person.update().then((res)=>console.log("dosomething"))
// person.delete('record-id').then((res)=>console.log("dosomething"))
// person.getById('record-id').then((res)=>console.log("dosomething"))
// person.list().then((res)=>console.log(res))
const noreactivedata = person.getData()  //give not reactive data, it cant apply 2 way data binding
const reactivedata = person.getReactiveData() //give vue reactive data, it can apply 2 way data binding using v-model

We notice:

  1. PersonDoc auto generated, it come with plenty of build in crud features which you can use without knowing API:
  1. person.getData() gave reactive object, we can bind all properties directly to vue component using v-model
  2. you may try add more input bind to,, reactivedata.age and monitor result
  3. button can directly trigger save method from person.getData()
  4. You wont able to save the record because it not pass validation rules, check browser console it tell you what is happening
  5. There is UI component simpleapp-uicomponent which can integrate nicely with with PersonDoc. Refer the link here

We can do more With SimpleApp

no time for full documentation yet

  1. Monitor variable change at frontend step 1: add new methods for frontend's class PesonDoc.ts
    watchChanges = ()=>{
            //apply others changes here

step 2: edit app.vue to on the watcher

//others codes
const person = new PersonDoc()
person.watchChanges()  //<-- add this line to on watcher at frontend
//others codes
  1. create more api to person, such as post /person/:id/sendEmail {title:"title",body:"body"} step 1: edit backend <backend>/src/docs/pes/pes.controller.ts, add new source code between <begin-controller-code> and <end-controller-code>:
//new api, wont override when regenerate code
    status: 200,
    description: 'success',
    type: pesapischema.Person,
  @ApiResponse({ status: 404, description: 'Document not found' })
  @ApiResponse({ status: 500, description: 'Internal error' })
  @ApiOperation({ operationId: 'newFindOne' })  //important, frontend access it via person.newFindOne()
  async newFindOne(@Param('id') id: string) {
    return this._findOne(id);

step 2: try browse to http://localhost:8000/api to check new api appear or not. step 3: You shall regenerate the code

simpleapp-generator -c ./config.json

step 4: go frontend project, edit app.vue you may try type person.newFindOne() see new method exists?

step 3: Regenerate code for frontend

  1. create backend only execution for person. It is useful cause some work only step 1: Edit backend backend/src/docs/pes/pes.service.ts, add new source code between <begin-backend-code> and <end-backend-code>:
   //new method, wont override when regenerate code
  logSomething = () => {
    console.log('Access try api');

step 2: modify <backend>/src/docs/pes/pes.controller.ts, call the new method

async newFindOne(@Param('id') id: string) {
    this.service.logSomething();  //this.service is our service class
    return this._findOne(id);
  1. create frontend only code for person, such as: person.addHobbies('hobby1'),person.addAddress({}),person.delAddress(index:number) edit newFindOne:
  1. create bothend code for person

foreign key cat category_id category_code category_name

product product_id product_code product_name category => category_id: category_code

invoice invoice_id invoice_no invoice_date total details => product => product_id: product_code qty price subtotal

order order_id order_no order_date total details => product => product_id: product_code qty price subtotal

cat => foreignkey: [] prd => foreignkey: category => category invoice => foreignkey: detail.product=>product order => foreignkey: detail.product=>product

cat =[product.category] product=[invoice.detail.product, order.detail.product]


high priority Job

[ ] add special search like isolate by user for autocomplete (add property of) choose org then branch [ ] create invoice and receipt [x] fix error reporting and success reporting at frontend [x] define some allow override and some not [ ] json schema can set generate what page type, no define = no generate page [ ] create tenant/org/branch auto increament [ ] focus on functions customer, product, invoice and receipt [~] repeat same typscript formula at frontend and backend [ ] frontend search [ ] new transaction CRUD ui [ ] student UI [ ] structure of save into another document

Permission and Authorization [x] hide no permission window [ ] hide no permission buttons [x] permission user/group (pick hard coded group from some place) [ ] figure how to get enum list from permission list for user schema

  1. copy group-to-role to both frontend and backend
  2. loop backend role code, and define into user role
  3. loop frontend role code, and 1 update to getMenus, 2. existing all menus store as permission list 3. crud and etc page need verify existing user can go in this menu or not. if can't will render no permission 4. use directive to control show or not show button (new, save, delete)

Custom Document Status and API [ ] document status control [ ] document api touch up

  1. auto add document status column
  2. change document status when change status
  3. enum document status, but UI dont show the field
  4. have document action, then show document button

Quick start

** You need to have mongodb installed **

  1. git clone from simpleapp-generator
npm -i @simitgroup/simpleapp-generator@latest
git clone myapp
# edit myapp/config.json to match you mongodb connection string
cd ~/myapp
simpleapp-generator -c config.json
  1. start backend
cd ~/myapp/backend
pnpm start:dev
  1. start frontend
cd ~/myapp/frontend
pnpm dev
  1. try ui:
  1. Open project with vscode, explore json schema and the generated forms
code ~/mydoc

you can change your project at:

  • myapp/backend/.env

  • myapp/backend/src/hooks/*

  • myapp/frontend/.env

  • myapp/frontend/pages/*

Special Properties:

Special root level property

_id: tenantId: orgId: branchId: created: createdBy: updated: updatedBy: documentStatus _v: x-document-status: [optional]array of document satus: such as: { "":{"readonly":false,"allowApi":["confirm","void"],"description":"new"}, "D":{"readonly":false,"allowApi":["confirm","void"],"description":"draft"}, "V":{"readonly":true,"allowApi":[],"description":"v"}, "CO":{"readonly":true,"allowApi":["void","revert"],"description":"confirmed"}, "CL":{"readonly":true,"allowApi":[],"description":"closed"} } x-document-api: [optional]array of custom api (beside default)

      {"action":"confirm","method":"put","setDocumentStatus":"CO", "bpmn":"generic-confirm", 
      {"action":"void",,"method":"put", "setDocumentStatus":"V", "bpmn":"generic-void", 
      {"action":"revert",,"method":"put", "setDocumentStatus":"D", "bpmn":"generic-revert", 
      {"action":"duplicate", ,"method":"post","data":{"document":"document"}},

Custom Format

Custom Property

Concept of Development

Development using simpleapp-generator involve below steps:


  1. create appropriate jsonschema
  2. generate frontend and backend architectures
  3. start backend service, obtain and save api definations into openapi.yaml
  4. regenerate codes so frontend can obtain openapi clients
  5. align frontend UI, add necessary component such as css and ui components


  1. complete simple task
  2. add more api/process at backend controller,service,schema. Such as: a. customized search and filters b. customized workflows c. connect external api d. additional data processing and validation which is not supported by jsonschema (AJV)
  3. security like sso/jwt, plugins a. keycloak integration at frontends b. backend manage jwt
  4. allow additional field formats, validations by modifying ajv a. allow custom jsonschema field property, and do something at backend b. allow custom field format, and do something at backend
  5. repeat same typscript formula at frontend and backend

Special Root Level property [x] x-ignore-autocomplete: optional boolean, define it to allow undefine x-document-no & x-document-label [x] x-isolation-type: optional string, how data isolated, 'none,tenant,org,branch', default 'org'

Special Field Level property

JSON Schema supported String Format

all format recognize by ajv plus below:

  1. tel: only digit, auto generate input tel
  2. documentno : will use documentno generator for auto generate document no
  3. text: do nothing, will auto generate textarea
  4. html editor: do nothing, will auto generate html editor


Update documentation and reference

  1. create github simpleapp-generator-template and documentation
  2. update documentation for simpleapp-generator and simpleapp-vue-component

workflow ideal

  1. define apiserver at backend .env

  2. api-service class can have standardway for a. excute new workflow b. get tasklist belong to me or my group c. trigger task move d. cancel workflow e. can define workflow inputs

  3. bind hook to workflow?

  4. try possibility of no backend modifications

  5. completely hide all generated codes of frontend and backend, except allow change items

  6. define hidden control infra of admin tenant, user api+ui (like need special role system-admin from keycloak) add lodash plugin at both side

autocomplete can have more dependency filter like setting in jsonschema 2. way in jsonschema to use share source code for frontend/backend like calculate tax calculate subtotal

  1. new transaction crud d. windows new user no tenant record how to do?

  2. way to handle :id/api

  3. service class which not using source code

  4. create follow data a. users b. tenant / users c. org branch/user group

  5. json schema setting can define isolation type

  6. page/index first login can pick tenant

  7. create all window as xorg/index

  8. transaction crud window with x-document-api can have button for api-buttons, control by document status support readonly status

  9. simple crud only support crud

  10. support document-no

  11. add special isolation method by user

  12. beautify nuxt page

  13. foreign key with different schema

  14. tidy up error at frontend/backend messages fix success msg at frontend 11.add simple and consistent external hook in service class. 13.have way to create more api using different openapi schema but on same object

  15. support half schema setting in crud, the rest at background

no auto logout after session expired, or auto renew token - menulist ** less priority, can customize manually bind apiclient methods to compatible with openapi methods a. create backend service method b. create controller handle

b. add popup dialog for edit table c. separate list table and form table d. 5. tenant setting 6. user management 5. security of string input, block xss 12.add pusher listener in apiclient also

  1. add transaction screen templates

Lower Priority

  1. multi-lingual
  2. audit trails
  3. permissions
  4. update record need replace updated,updatedBy, line item also need headache

11.frontend add parent/child ui for invoices

[done] x16. support table details in generator x3. settle instancePath in form x17. auto add source code for addarray item a. render autocomplete readonly field xauto index x-document-name x8. jwt ximprove tel control to allow empty string x15. some autocomplete wish to allow additional column like 6% tax, now become additional fields x9. frontend authentication x1. auto pretty backend and frontend x2. fix pages:id issue x3. search at backend

  1. remain codes after regenerate (backend) x - service x - schema x - controller x8. block uniquekey
  2. remain codes after regenerate (frontend) x - pages x - composable (no need ) x6. fill in data for tenant/org/branch created,updated,createdBy,updatedBy
  3. force x-document-no/name is required

Bug fix

  1. Openapi some schema like primarykey/more not generated, cause error in ide

Document Numbering System

  1. generate prepare list of document no for generate. x-document-no + document-format
  2. if x-document-no, will auto add docformat={}
  3. button can pick document-no format
  4. have add new function
  5. if type manually wont create new
  6. preview next no api
  7. generate next no api
  8. if _id = '', will auto preview next no
  9. after change default format, will preview another next no
  10. have list to pick format
  11. support transactions
  12. only list current branch document no options
  13. master data a. add list for document type b. click doctype then can available document settings c. document will set by branch

SimpleApp-Vue-Component Fix:

  1. table a. column title b. nested column data, like primarykey label c. search and functions like filters, pagination, large datas
  2. single/multi select
  3. search at frontend

Coding Rules

  1. create type and codes in 'shares'
  2. service class and doc class

JSON Properties document level property { "type":"object" "x-simpleapp-config":{ //isolation type, none/tenant/org/branch "isolationType":"none",

//what special allow access it, undefine mean only super admin, and resource+action role can go in  

// page type (example: crud), undefine will not generate page in frontend

//unique key for document, it build compound index depends on isolationtype

//use as display name in autocomplete, also add into textsearch
"documentTitle":"InvoiceTitle",      //no define this will not have auto complete and text search for this field

//frontend uniqueKey field become special input field which can generate doc number, once activated auto create new field `docNoFormat`

//frontend use this field to show current month document, docNumberFormat generator will have monthly document number setting

//manage document status and accessibility, it auto add field `documentStatus` when define

//all custom api, response, paras, operation put here. variable define at entryPoint or querypara
  "description":"confirm document and change status to CO"
  "description":"confirm document and change status to CO"

// simple => pure model and service(no page,api),
// default => force masterdata property,  
// transaction => force masterdata property
"schemaType": "default",  

//frontend(client) and backend (processor) typescript class auto import this lib, helper for `formula`
"libs":[{"lib":"lodash","as":"_"}],   // both process class and frontend client class will import same lib

// frontend apply recalculation everytime current document change
// backend auto apply formula during create and update
"formula": [   //apply both frontend and backend, it different with concept on change, sequence of formula important
  {"jsonPath":"$.subtotal","formula":"jslib.getDocumentSubTotal(@F{$.details})"},  //apply formula into single field
  {"jsonPath":"$.tags","formula":"$F{$.tags}.map(item=>item.toUppeCase())"}, //apply upper case to all item in string array
  {"jsonPath":"$.details","loop":"jslib.calculateLineTotal(item)"}, //apply multiple calculation of subtotal, tax, amtaftertax and etc, using loop
  {"jsonPath":"$.total","formula":"@F{$.subtotal} + @F{$.taxamt}"}, //apply simple formula here

// auto generate fields
documentType: 'SI',
documentName: 'Sales Invoice',

//auto generated foreign keys catalogue
"foreignKeys":{ "customer":["$.customer._id"], "user":[{"$.preparedby._id"},{$.approveby._id"}]}  

}, "properties":{ "invoiceDate":{"type":"string"}, //and others field } }