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Alexandr Kalinin edited this page Apr 6, 2014 · 7 revisions

SOCR Framework is designed to be highly scalable. Adding new modules to it's infrastructure is pretty easy. According to Architecture requirements, each module has to have standard structure.

Module template

Empty template

First of all, each module is an Angular module

'use strict'
myModule = angular.module('app.myModule', [

Config block

Every module have it's own config block which is started at the stage of module initialization. Services, providers from ng module (such as $http, $resource) can be injected in config. Note, that services, providers in this module cannot be injected in the config block, because it's run before their initialization.

  () ->
    console.log "config block of myModule module"

Event Manager

This is another essential module component. Every module has to have a MODULE_NAMEEventMngr() service which provides messaging with core

.service('myModuleEventMngr', [
  () ->
    sb = null

    msgList =
      outcome: ['outcomeMsg']
      income: ['incomeMsg']
      scope: ['myModule']

    eventManager = (msg, data) ->
      # here goes implementation of inner listener

    setSb: (_sb) ->
      return false if _sb is undefined
      sb = _sb

    getMsgList: () ->

    listenToIncomeEvents: () ->
      console.log 'subscribed for ' + msgList.income[0]
        msg: msgList.income[0]
        listener: eventManager
        msgScope: msgList.scope

    sum: sum


Module initialization is handled by the Core module of the Framework by invoking the Angular factory of the same name. For example, app.myModule module has to have myModule factory. Factory takes Sandbox object sb as a parameter. Factory returns an object containing methods init() and destroy() and message list msgList. In the init() method module subscribes for messages from it's own components (communication within the module).

.factory('myModule', [
  # Factory has Event Manager as a dependency
  (myModuleEventMngr) ->
    # Sandbox is used in Event Manager for communications
    (sb) ->

      # List of messages is retrieved from Event Manager
      msgList = myModuleEventMngr.getMsgList()
      myModuleEventMngr.setSb sb unless !sb?

      # This method invoked on module initialization
      init: (opt) ->
        console.log 'myModule init invoked'

      # This method invoked on module destruction
      destroy: () ->

      # Return list of messages to Core
      msgList: msgList
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