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Extension Mechanisms

You can extend SPARQL Anything by including custom triplifiers, functions or magic properties. There are two ways of doing that wrapping the extension into a new package or develop a plugin.

Wrapping the extension into a new package

To wrap the extension into a new package, you have into include the engine module within your dependencies.


A maven project showing how to extend SPARQL Anything is available here.

This project defines a new triplifier, called MyTriplifier, which reads the input resource byte-by-byte, transforms each byte into a character, and adds the character as a slot of the root container. MyTriplifier is used to transform resources having mime type my-mime-type and extension myext.

Source code of the MyTriplifier class

package sparqlanything.user;

import io.github.sparqlanything.model.FacadeXGraphBuilder;
import io.github.sparqlanything.model.SPARQLAnythingConstants;
import io.github.sparqlanything.model.Triplifier;
import io.github.sparqlanything.model.TriplifierHTTPException;

import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;

public class MyTriplifier implements Triplifier {

    public void triplify(Properties properties, FacadeXGraphBuilder facadeXGraphBuilder) throws IOException, TriplifierHTTPException {

        // Declare the identifier of the data source id, use the default data source id "".
        String dataSourceId = SPARQLAnythingConstants.DATA_SOURCE_ID;

        // Get the identifier of the root container
        String rootId = Triplifier.getRootArgument(properties);

        // Get the input stream form the resource
        InputStream inputStream = Triplifier.getInputStream(properties);

        // add the root container

        // add slots to the root container
        int slot = 1;
        for (int byteRead =; byteRead != -1; byteRead = {
            facadeXGraphBuilder.addValue(dataSourceId, rootId, slot++, (char) byteRead);

    Define the mime types of the triplifier
    public Set<String> getMimeTypes() {
        return Sets.newHashSet("my-mime-type");

    Define the mime types of the extensions
    public Set<String> getExtensions() {
        return Sets.newHashSet("myext");

Moreover, the project defines:

  • a function, implemented by the class TheAnswer.class, which returns the integer 42 for any input; and,
  • a magic property, implemented by the class Assign42.class, that assigns to the object of the triple pattern the string "42".
package sparqlanything.user;

import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.NodeValue;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.function.FunctionBase1;

public class TheAnswer extends FunctionBase1  {

	public NodeValue exec(NodeValue nodeValue) {
		return NodeValue.makeInteger(42);
 * Copyright (c) 2024 SPARQL Anything Contributors @
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package sparqlanything.user;

import org.apache.jena.graph.Node;
import org.apache.jena.graph.NodeFactory;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.pfunction.PFuncAssignToObject;

public class Assign42 extends PFuncAssignToObject {

    public Node calc(Node node) {
        return NodeFactory.createLiteralString("42");

Then, you can register the new triplifier, the new function and the new magic property via the following lines.

TriplifierRegister.getInstance().registerTriplifier(MyTriplifier.class.getCanonicalName(), new String[]{"myext"}, new String[]{"my-mime-type"});
FunctionRegistry.get().put("", TheAnswer.class);
PropertyFunctionRegistry.get().put("", Assign42.class);

Finally, you can use the Triplifier as usual. For example, via a Java client

package sparqlanything.user ;

import io.github.sparqlanything.engine.FacadeX;
import io.github.sparqlanything.model.TriplifierRegister;
import io.github.sparqlanything.model.TriplifierRegisterException;
import org.apache.jena.query.*;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.main.QC;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.function.FunctionRegistry;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.pfunction.PropertyFunctionRegistry;
import org.apache.jena.sys.JenaSystem;

public class SPARQLAnythingClientViaSPARQL {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws TriplifierRegisterException, TriplifierRegisterException {



        // Set FacadeX OpExecutor as default executor factory
        QC.setFactory(ARQ.getContext(), FacadeX.ExecutorFactory);

        // Register the new Triplifier
        TriplifierRegister.getInstance().registerTriplifier(MyTriplifier.class.getCanonicalName(), new String[]{"myext"}, new String[]{"my-mime-type"});

        // Register the new function
        FunctionRegistry.get().put("", TheAnswer.class);

        // Register the new magic property
        PropertyFunctionRegistry.get().put("", Assign42.class);

        // Execute the query by using standard Jena ARQ's API
        Dataset kb = DatasetFactory.createGeneral();

        Query query = QueryFactory.create(
                "PREFIX fx:  <> " +
                        "PREFIX xyz: <> " +
                        "SELECT ?slotNumber ?o ?assignment ?answer{ " +
                        "SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:> { " +
                        "fx:properties fx:content 'abc' ; " +
                        "fx:media-type 'my-mime-type' . " +
                        "?s ?p ?o ." +
                        "?s <> ?assignment " +
                        "BIND(fx:cardinal(?p) AS ?slotNumber) " +
                        "BIND(<>(?p) AS ?answer) " +
                        "FILTER(BOUND(?slotNumber))" +



which prints

| slotNumber | o   | assignment | answer |
| 1          | "a" | "42"       | 42     |
| 2          | "b" | "42"       | 42     |
| 3          | "c" | "42"       | 42     |

Develop a plugin

You can integrate MyTriplifier, TheAnswer, Assign42 into SPARQL Anything by wrapping it in a separate JAR and dynamically loading it at runtime.

To this end, instead of importing the engine module, you need to import the model module.


Then, you need to implement the PluginInitializer interface that will register the custom extensions.

package sparqlanything.user;

import io.github.sparqlanything.model.PluginInitializer;
import io.github.sparqlanything.model.TriplifierRegister;
import io.github.sparqlanything.model.TriplifierRegisterException;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.function.FunctionRegistry;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.pfunction.PropertyFunctionRegistry;

public class Extension implements PluginInitializer {

    public void run() {
        try {
            // Register the new Triplifier
            TriplifierRegister.getInstance().registerTriplifier(MyTriplifier.class.getCanonicalName(), new String[]{"myext"}, new String[]{"my-mime-type"});
        } catch (TriplifierRegisterException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

        // Register function and magic properties as in Apache Jena

        // Register the new function
        FunctionRegistry.get().put("", TheAnswer.class);

        // Register the new magic property
        PropertyFunctionRegistry.get().put("", Assign42.class);

Then, you need to build the JAR wrapping all the classes and pass the path of the JAR to the CLI via the -j argument.

This project provides a complete example of plugin.

Finally, to load the plugin you need to pass the path of the JAR via the -j option of the CLI.

java -jar sparql.anything-<version> -q <query> -j /path/to/the/project/target/plugin-0.0.1-shaded.jar