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{"MC-279261":"Making a mob its own owner causes persistent crashes","MC-279242":"Kelp, twisting vines, weeping vines, and cave vines can no longer be stacked above or below one another by placing","MC-157196":"Tamed animals cannot be added to a team ","MC-186241":"World border faces are rendered incorrectly with \"Fabulous!\" graphics","MC-279950":"Modifying command data storage throws an error","MC-279719":"Tooltip description for saddle attribute modifier slot is not translated","MC-279688":"Sprinting is canceled upon flying with elytra","MC-279857":"Piglins summoned by the /summon command do not pick up gold items","MC-279760":"Typing an inline definition in the provides_trim_material component crashes the game","MC-279577":"Test blocks are restricted to one within a block-based structure","MC-279497":"Structure preview outline breaks for max integer-length sizes","MC-279531":"GameTest entrypoint doesn't report failures to spawn the structure","MC-279556":"The \"/execute on attacker\" command does not target an entity previously targeted by the \"/data\" command","MC-279543":"Neutral Mobs don't attack the player back when attacked under certain conditions","MC-279353":"The minecraft:fall_damage_multiplier attribute doesn't function when riding specific rideable mobs","MC-279698":"provides_banner_pattern component does not use hash prefix","MC-279685":"Shields no longer consume durability when blocking attacks","MC-279684":"Shield blocking animation no longer plays when blocking an attack","MC-279534":"Display entities use interpolation duration value for teleport duration","MC-279390":"Baby zombified piglin helmet clipping","MC-279257":"crafting_transmute recipes don't give output if the resulting item has the same ID as the input item","MC-165711":"Eye of ender hitbox always lags behind the animation","MC-108495":"Non-LivingBase entities can be on a team (and show color) but can't be targeted using team=","MC-279693":"Summoned lingering potions render as splash potions","MC-279315":"Warm pigs do not spawn in windswept savannas","MC-279280":"windswept_hills is in both the warm and cold variant farm animal biome tags","MC-279697":"Llamas show a non-interactive saddle slot","MC-279692":"Instrument component crashes the game","MC-279504":"\"minecraft:enchantments\" component does not work on the select property of Item Models","MC-279653":"Block Entity Data desynchronizes after subsequent setblock commands","MC-279570":"Some piston operations don't send neighbor updates","MC-276061":"Decorated pot sherds don't visually update until relog when replacing with blank pot","MC-279601":"\"test.error.expected_entity_at_pos\" translation is missing","MC-279599":"/test pos is offset by one on the y and z axis","MC-279588":"Test instance field typo 'sky_accesss'","MC-279490":"No command feedback messages are displayed when attempting to reset tests that don't exist","MC-279485":"Test block and test instance block menus have blurred backgrounds","MC-279483":"Test blocks set to start mode show the \"Message:\" text despite no text field being present","MC-279482":"Elements within the test block and test instance block menus are not selected in order when using the TAB key","MC-279217":"Arrows and tridents constantly spin after hitting a block in flowing lava","MC-278400":"Arrows and tridents move after hitting a block in flowing lava","MC-279553":"Players using items no longer turn their body in the moving direction while moving diagonally","MC-279454":"hide_additional_tooltip no longer hides author and generation on written books","MC-279646":"Toggling fullscreen with F11 does not visually update the fullscreen option in the video settings menu","MC-279232":"SNBT text components prevent mixing text styles in lists","MC-255756":"When the shield is broken between players, the attacking side has no shield breaking sound","MC-165461":"Crossbow loading animation stops after loading, even when still holding down right click.","MC-98271":"The sound of blocking with a shield is only hearable by other players (not the person blocking)","MC-279539":"Villager variant is not applied to spawned zombie villagers","MC-279505":"Horse-esque mobs that disallow horse armor still show an non-interactive slot","MC-279527":"GameTest entrypoint doesn't load custom tests from datapacks","MC-279488":"Leaf litter generates very sparsely in Dark Forests","MC-279481":"Leaf litter no longer generates in forests or wooded badlands","MC-165421":"Bubble columns have the opposite effect on tridents and wind charges","MC-279573":"The \"test_instance_block.error.no_test\" string is missing the word \"no\"","MC-279225":"Players jitter and land slightly too high up when landing on powder snow while wearing leather boots","MC-279491":"The \"commands.test.no_tests\" raw translation key is displayed when using \"/test run...\" commands in situations where no tests exist","MC-279538":"The key name of the test instances field that represents the namespaced ID of the test environment is different from the changelog","MC-279519":"Some words within some test command strings are always pluralized","MC-279511":"Using \"minecraft:always_pass\" while the player is inside the test zone breaks the world","MC-279498":"Test blocks and test instance blocks aren't part of the \"#minecraft:dragon_immune\" or \"#minecraft:wither_immune\" tags","MC-279493":"No command feedback messages are displayed when using the \"/test create\" command","MC-279492":"An unexpected error occurs when attempting to locate tests that don't exist","MC-279489":"An unexpected error occurs when attempting to create tests with large sizes","MC-279487":"The \"Test Instance ID\" and \"Test Structure Size\" text within the test instance block interface are positioned too far to the right","MC-279486":"Some strings displayed within the test instance block interface are untranslatable","MC-279480":"The \"test_instance_block.reset_success\" string incorrectly spells the word \"succeeded\" as \"succeded\"","MC-279218":"The minecraft:enchant.thorns.hit sound does not play when mobs or players are killed by the Thorns enchantment","MC-279522":"GameTest entrypoint doesn't load zip datapacks","MC-279518":"Test environment accepts minecraft:raining instead of minecraft:weather","MC-279389":"The minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player sound is played when player is hit by an arrow shot by himself","MC-279502":"Axolotl variants are no longer saved when bucketing","MC-278734":"Sheep's heads stutter when they look up or down","MC-278728":"smithing_transform recipes can't set an item's components back to default","MC-278659":"Attacking a natural stationary creaking does not trigger sculk sensors","MC-278615":"Reinforcement zombified piglins are angry at you even if you killed the \"caller\" in one hit","MC-141297":"You cannot set lit state of redstone torches using setblock, debug stick and BlockStateTag, to be to opposite of the situation it would be in","MC-55800":"Successful \"/fill air destroy\" commands give error message and return 0 for result/success","MC-278801":"The closed eyeblossom to gray dye recipe is not grouped with the other gray dye recipe","MC-278249":"Experience orb positions desync severely and abruptly correct themselves","MC-278841":"Powder snow no longer slows down the player falling from a high place","MC-278040":"Creaking swim pathfinding breaks after being submerged","MC-248099":"Mob pathfinding breaks after falling into water accidentally while walking","MC-278733":"Breaking a double resin brick slab block only returns a single slab","MC-278755":"Teleporting far away while riding an entity softlocks the game","MC-278708":"Throwing ender pearls while mounted only dismounts you, without teleporting","MC-260440":"Players can no longer activate swimming mode in water while flying with elytra","MC-277537":"Pale moss carpets sometimes generate disjointed","MC-167125":"Rounding error on fall damage","MC-261385":"Bubble columns act differently at the surface depending on non-air blocks","MC-278683":"Mobs spawned from spawners or /summon never drop their equipment","MC-278591":"Ender dragon spawn egg is no longer given when using pick block on the ender dragon entity","MC-265514":"HRTF stuck on even when directional audio is set to off in update 1.20.2","MC-118470":"Narrator plays at full volume when volume is off","MC-56653":"Zombified Piglins drop XP and rare drops if killed by anything while in angered state","MC-278164":"Click sound is played twice when you click a setting button and there's a slider under the mouse in the next screen","MC-262928":"The \"minecraft:entity.player.hurt\" sound is no longer played when players receive thorns damage from guardians or elder guardians","MC-97244":"The \"minecraft:enchant.thorns.hit\" sound event doesn't play when non-player entities are damaged by the thorns enchantment","MC-90212":"You cannot hang on to climbable blocks while gliding with elytra","MC-278376":"Arrows and tridents act weirdly in one block deep bubble columns","MC-277922":"Boats in 1 block high downward bubble column will continue to rock back and forth","MC-273338":"Flying boat glitch using string and rising bubble columns","MC-135192":"Boats are immediately sunken if there is a string on the surface of the water","MC-278375":"Feeding wheat or hay bale to llama or trader llama with maximum Temper causes item stack to be desynced","MC-277807":"Teleporting the player's mount causes rotation de-sync, previously did not","MC-278634":"Trying to /setblock a 'waterlogged=true' state on glow lichen, resin clumps, sculk veins etc. produces an error","MC-278627":"Players wearing leather boots will take fall damage when landing on the edge of powder snow","MC-278621":"Client/server desync when placing powder snow while landing in it","MC-278585":"Players can get stuck when landing on the edge of Powder Snow","MC-278552":"minecraft:entity.player.big_fall no longer plays the sound when falling from great height","MC-278422":"Reloading the world after removing Owner tag from a sitting tamed wolf with /data remove make the wolf moving and sitting at the same time","MC-278204":"Blaze fireballs now cause TNT minecarts to explode instantly","MC-278096":"\"Fabulous!\" graphics and clouds disabled causes all particles to linger in frame buffer for one frame","MC-277780":"Minecraft resaves all maps with every autosave even after the 1st patch","MC-274187":"The sweeping attack from a sword enchanted with Fire Aspect can ignite other players with PVP disabled","MC-272790":"Shulker boxes and other blocks in the end exit portal when it changes state are not dropped as items","MC-271065":"Diagonal movement is not normalized when crouching or using certain items","MC-267323":"Items fields with old boolean JSON formatting are cleared upon world update","MC-267221":"\"value\" within \"change_page\" clickEvent json looks for a string instead of an integer","MC-253721":"Wrong logs when running /op @a","MC-241951":"Player momentum on X and Z axis are cancelled separately at low values","MC-118053":"Wolves with the Owner of a non-player are spawned sitting","MC-93185":"The exit portal in the end generates at highest block at 0 0 which can make it generate incomplete","MC-276962":"JVM crash occurs when minimizing maximized window","MC-277889":"Villagers' iron golem detection range is increased for villagers upgraded from 1.21.1 or earlier","MC-278573":"Updating can cause straight biome borders with pale garden","MC-278548":"Spyglass is held incorrectly when used from the off hand","MC-278494":"Resin Bricks appears twice in \"mineable/pickaxe\" block tag","MC-278444":"Waterlogged resin clumps do not drop when their supporting block is broken/moved","MC-278518":"Player takes damage from jumping down from one block","MC-277977":"Teleporting large distances whilst gliding prevents the world from loading and player model glitchiness","MC-278497":"Using items while sneaking slows down the player way less than in previous versions","MC-278370":"Winter drop feature flag is not added to the removed features list","MC-278430":"Trim materials item tag is not deterministic in data generation","MC-278256":"Horses jumping multiple times in a row take fall damage","MC-275952":"Riding a minecart above the water with Frost Walker boots on will also give the Frost Walker effect","MC-197857":"Villagers trying to claim claimed beds","MC-10025":"Burn time indicator of a furnace not working correctly after reloading the world","MC-277169":"Creaking moves while a player is looking at it while moving a certain way and looking through pale moss","MC-278282":"\"Tried to load a DUMMY block entity\"/\"Tried to load a block entity\" errors at specific coordinates","MC-278390":"Opening shulkers no longer trigger tripwire or pressure plates","MC-278311":"Creakings don't persist when the world is reloaded unless hit once","MC-278300":"Creakings struck by lightning show visual fire","MC-278387":"Creaking respawns when going to the nether and back","MC-278312":"Creakings spawned from a creaking heart can be name-tagged once again","MC-278134":"The TAB key cannot be used to select messages to report after clicking the \"X message(s) hidden\" element","MC-265788":"The \"Start free Snapshot Realm\" element can be selected or remain selected causing its tooltip to erroneously be visible when other interfaces are open","MC-278193":"Baby piglins can't decide between crossbows and golden items","MC-278290":"Using items while swimming or walking underwater doesn't slow the player down","MC-278302":"Bundle always takes out first item and ignores selected item","MC-278257":"Oxygen bar animation can be interrupted by applying water breathing","MC-207605":"/data remove entity [tamed wolf] Owner does not remove ownership of the wolf","MC-179815":"Data command doesn't remove leash from a mob","MC-138100":"/data remove doesn't work for the Jukebox's RecordItem tag","MC-128225":"'/data remove' can't remove the NBT \"CustomName\"","MC-278212":"Resin clump is placed in an unexpected position in the creative inventory","MC-278191":"Wandering Traders may repeatedly sell Pale Oak Saplings","MC-278184":"Eyeblossoms can generate replacing Pale Oak logs","MC-278124":"Resin clumps are not waterloggable","MC-256649":"Hanging signs aren't rendered when held by endermen or as block display entities","MC-160001":"Skulls, signs, hanging signs, banners and decorated pots have no breaking/sprinting particles","MC-271480":"Horses no longer drop their horse armor when the gamerule doMobLoot is false","MC-278158":"Block/item models can no longer override parent model texture references by referencing the textures in the parent model of the first parent model","MC-278028":"Using items underwater can force you to exit swimming mode","MC-277962":"Chiseled Resin Bricks have a miscolored pixel","MC-277948":"Suspicious stew gives different durations of Blindness for Eyeblossom and Azure Bluet","MC-277226":"Creakings not linked to any heart display wrong subtitles when attacked with non-damaging projectiles","MC-277074":"The entity shadows of creakings are slightly too large in relation to the size of their models","MC-274571":"The advancement \"Little Sniffs\" can be obtained by unleashing the snifflet and not feeding it","MC-272245":"You can get the advancement \"Shear Brilliance\" when you use shears on a leashed wolf","MC-271169":"The \"Isn't It Scute?\" advancement is granted when unleashing an armadillo while holding a brush","MC-278132":"Using items while riding camels that are sprinting slows the camel down","MC-278131":"Resin clumps can be placed inside smithing tables","MC-278130":"Resin bricks cannot be placed or used inside smithing tables","MC-277972":"You can no longer swim when crouched under a slab","MC-277915":"Translucency sorting seems incorrect in some cases in water","MC-278136":"Bees still get poisoned when touching closed eyeblossoms","MC-277152":"The statistic for killing a creaking doesn't increment when breaking a creaking heart","MC-277140":"The statistics screen does not visually differentiate the creaking and creaking_transient entities","MC-277071":"Middle clicking on a creaking spawned naturally through a creaking heart doesn't give you the spawn egg","MC-278058":"Breeze entity model rods no longer spin around when it is moving","MC-150224":"Rabbits can occasionally get stuck on the edges of blocks","MC-278102":"Bone meal recipe is displayed incorrectly in the recipe book if both ways to craft it are available","MC-277892":"Clicking on the selected recipe a second time in the stonecutter GUI turns the result item into a ghost item","MC-266991":"Exposed Copper Bulb has inconsistent pixels","MC-278149":"Strays, bogged, and wither skeletons hold their bows incorrectly when charging and shooting","MC-277533":"Bundles can remain in the open state when taken out from saved hotbars","MC-277399":"The hand animation isn't played when constantly emptying items from bundles","MC-277042":"Blue and Red open bundle are inconsistent with the other colors","MC-276986":"Missing pixel in open bundle texture","MC-275339":"Bad contrast in bundle interface with dark blocks","MC-277413":"The empty state sprite for the oxygen bar takes a little longer to start displaying compared to Bedrock Edition","MC-276697":"Neutral mobs don't pathfind correctly to their target after being unleashed","MC-273861":"When a leashed bee enters a hive, the leash disappears","MC-275215":"Experiments warning goes off the screen if viewed at low window size","MC-277264":"The Creaking can be knocked back by zoglins","MC-277243":"Creakings take knockback from Punch bows","MC-277149":"Creakings are affected by knockback from mace smash attacks","MC-277082":"Creakings take knockback from wind charges","MC-275011":"Instant mine does not work when standing inside of cobwebs","MC-273522":"Mobs with CanPickUpLoot no longer pick up enchanted items after picking up an unenchanted item","MC-273450":"Mobs with CanPickUpLoot:1b behave inconsistently with the mace / trident","MC-193176":"Most mobs with CanPickUpLoot prefer swords over axes and will downgrade their weapon","MC-278071":"\"minecraft.used:minecraft.trident\" doesn't increase when throwing a trident","MC-277970":"Hanging signs don't display chains when attached to the side of a block","MC-277955":"Using a loom crashes the game","MC-277916":"Containers are locked when upgrading a world from certain versions","MC-271786":"Empty block states in noise_provider does not cause validation to fail, causing crash","MC-186341":"Command autocomplete doesn't consider parts after a slash","MC-272994":"Allays assigned to a player can be set on fire with sweeping and fire aspect","MC-278004":"Hitting a creaking heart with a wind charge kills the creaking","MC-278002":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon resin clumps spawning from creaking hearts","MC-277983":"Naturally-spawned creaking hearts drop experience when broken in Creative mode","MC-277967":"The game crashes when certain explosions occur near a creaking in its death animation","MC-277966":"Creaking does not generate resin from player-caused explosions","MC-277964":"Resin is not generated when a creaking is attacked by a wolf owned by a player","MC-277954":"Creaking Heart underwater plays spawning sounds in a loop","MC-277951":"Eyeblossom is placed in an unexpected position in the Creative inventory","MC-277950":"Open potted eyeblossom is shaded (flower_pot_cross_emissive)","MC-277945":"Incorrect verb form in \"Elytra swooshes\" subtitle","MC-277941":"resin_clump is not mirrored correctly from behind","MC-277933":"Smithing Table doesn't show a Clump icon for ingredient slot","MC-277932":"Resin Clump is not part of the #replaceable block tag","MC-277931":"Incorrect display on the map of the flower Closed and Open Eyeblossom","MC-277930":"Eyeblossom subtitles are inverted","MC-277926":"Resin Brick Slab is not part of the #slab block and items tags","MC-277925":"Resin Brick Stairs are not part of the #stairs block and items tags","MC-277092":"The eyes of creakings aren't visible when creakings have the invisibility effect","MC-249079":"Sculk veins not mirrored correctly from behind","MC-277994":"Picking a decorated pot or a shulker box always keeps its container data","MC-277929":"The game crashes when attempting to use the void preset","MC-159508":"Ctrl + Pick block on beehives and nests does not copy their honey levels","MC-276847":"Bundles given the model of a different bundle will not preserve their color when scrolled through","MC-276828":"Minecraft no longer prints an error to the game log when a model fails to define a texture","MC-276771":"Missing texture when a damageable item with one of several template models is destroyed","MC-276732":"Colors will carry over from item ID to target model","MC-276731":"Items which use entity models will not render another entity model if specified via item model component","MC-276730":"Bundles appear dark in the inventory if given a custom item model for a block and then scrolled through","MC-276728":"Tridents and spyglasses appear dark in the inventory if given a custom item model for a block","MC-276654":"item_model item component breaks on trident","MC-276412":"Custom item models set to a shield and various other items all create invisible items","MC-276115":"New Bee Nest and Beehive item models don't use the block parent","MC-276110":"honey_level model predicate range is 1 for level 5 and 0 for levels 1-4","MC-270136":"Thrown projectiles with custom_model_data do not maintain proper particles when breaking","MC-260216":"Decorated pots aren't rendered when held by endermen or as block display entities","MC-229142":"Spyglass texture doesn't allow override through resource pack","MC-206684":"Spyglass particles have no associated texture","MC-193336":"Heads/skulls don't render when held by an enderman or as block display entities","MC-166072":"Custom Trident model ignores \"layer0\" and \"elements\" section","MC-158872":"Models use model of last matched predicate, not closest match","MC-277961":"Experience orbs incorrectly bounce up","MC-201940":"After dying, Ender Dragon body part hitboxes do not move upwards with the main hitbox","MC-212":"Fall damage is ignored for a couple of seconds when reloading into LAN or singleplayer worlds","MC-277952":"Sprinting isn't canceled upon flying with elytra","MC-267343":"Sprinting isn't canceled upon riding entities","MC-99848":"Sprinting isn't canceled upon receiving the blindness effect","MC-269616":"Telemetry Data scroll bar does not have a background","MC-277939":"Programmer Art's empty slot icons may not have been correctly updated for 24w44a","MC-274268":"Trial Spawner keeps flashing after cooldown ends","MC-273635":"Trial spawners forget their designated mob when placed by player out of creative mode, assigned by spawn eggs","MC-277557":"Creaking Heart has inconsistent and miscolored pixels","MC-277387":"Evokers run away from creakings faster than other illagers","MC-277268":"Pufferfish have no hit delay on creakings; they make a loud buzzing noise constantly","MC-277214":"The sound event associated with the \"Creaking sees player\" subtitle doesn't exist","MC-277145":"The 2 brightest pixel colors on pale oak boat items are wrong","MC-277115":"Creaking mob can spawn inside block","MC-277113":"Pale oak sign item and block texture is inconsistent with the other signs","MC-277101":"Destroying a creaking heart with player-activated TNT does not grant the Monster Hunter advancement","MC-277094":"Pale oak hanging sign uses a totally different palette to the rest of the wood set","MC-277076":"Pale hanging moss doesn't have an assigned tool","MC-277072":"You can use bone meal on pale moss carpets in situations where nothing grows","MC-158205":"Ender Dragon doesn't take damage from melee attacks unless hit a certain way","MC-268522":"The last language option is not deselected if you reach the bottom of the list and exit the menu","MC-255254":"Use /setblock can't place snowy grass block","MC-192959":"Cannot setblock a directional state on redstone wire nor tripwire","MC-192956":"Cannot setblock chest type other than single without other adjacent chest","MC-192791":"Doors' block states cannot be set if another door half exists","MC-192498":"/fill and /setblock cannot set different directional block states of several blocks, such as glass panes and iron bars","MC-191698":"Cannot set \"shape\" block state of stairs with /setblock","MC-191096":"Fences and walls can no longer be placed in invalid block states by using /setblock or /fill","MC-267730":"Text wall when trying to join a server","MC-277682":"Arrows and tridents glitch after shooting/throwing them onto magma/soul sand blocks underwater","MC-277658":"Tridents glitch up and down in rising bubble columns","MC-277657":"Arrows are not affected by rising bubble columns correctly","MC-277651":"Arrows and tridents glitch when in an explosion or wind charge burst","MC-203146":"No subtitle for item.crossbow.loading_middle","MC-272062":"Dimension padding doesn't affect the start piece","MC-277833":"Creakings can attack players in the same team as them","MC-277815":"Creakings on a team can still be observed and stopped by teammate players","MC-266019":"Large bold text can have gaps in the middle of characters","MC-267095":"Nether Brick block texture misalignment","MC-277871":"Creaking Hearts do not have a unique place sound","MC-277164":"Music plays in the pale garden ","MC-277617":"The base damage of the Power enchantment was reduced in 1.21","MC-277510":"When grass or mycelium grows under powder snow the grass is not snowy","MC-272105":"Decorated Pot is missing the \"contents\" implicit data component type","MC-267878":"Tutorial hint for movement may not fit all the required text if controls are changed","MC-265637":"/execute on origin doesn't work on Area Effect Cloud's owner after rejoining","MC-225367":"Magma Cube's layers UV mapping overlaps","MC-86153":"Ctrl Pick Block gives new item even if picked item already exists in inventory","MC-277549":"Arrows summoned with custom motion don't render correctly","MC-277742":"Creakings activate for a brief moment when switching from Creative to Spectator mode","MC-277363":"Creakings cannot rotate their heads independently from their bodies","MC-277305":"Creakings are able to be pushed around by entities and players when standing on soul sand and mud","MC-277129":"The Creaking \"slides\" on the ground when not aggro towards the player","MC-277213":"Subtitles for cave sounds, creaking heart idle sounds, and pale hanging moss idle sounds are identical but are shown separately","MC-152728":"The player continues sprinting when performing actions that slow them down","MC-277754":"Chunks on the corner of the rendering distance are not synchronized between client and server for the terrain","MC-277275":"Crash upon loading chunks when teleporting","MC-277776":"Baby cats and ocelots size is changed","MC-277779":"Salmon from 1.21.1 or before shrink when updating to 1.21.2","MC-268364":"Wind Charges don't ignite TNT minecarts","MC-277271":"Sniffers can't dig into pale moss","MC-277134":"Pale chest boat item is incorrect","MC-277123":"You can get soft locked if a creaking falls in a hole with you","MC-277066":"Creakings do not show particles leading to the creaking heart if Particles are set to Minimal","MC-277791":"Attempting to join a Realm with a Resource Pack enabled fails with an error","MC-275917":"Consumable blocking animation is broken in first person","MC-277202":"Differences in the highlight effect of empty slot outlines in the GUI","MC-265033":"Slots with item outline textures behave inconsistently when items are placed inside of these slots","MC-264541":"Nine_sliced sprite glitch","MC-74408":"The brewing stand GUI does not have container sprites for the fuel and potion output slots","MC-277444":"There are no shadows on text used to display the names of text boxes within the realms settings menu","MC-277480":"There are no shadows on placeholder text displayed within the \"Please describe what happened\" box within the reporting menu","MC-277479":"There are no shadows on text used to display the names of game rules within the game rules menu","MC-277478":"The \"Layer Material\" and \"Height\" text within the \"Superflat Customization\" menu is positioned too close to the header separator","MC-277477":"There are no shadows on text used to display the description of advancements within the advancements menu","MC-277443":"There are no shadows on text displayed when connecting to realms","MC-277441":"There are no shadows on text used to display the start date and time left of your realm subscription within the realms menu","MC-277440":"There are no shadows on text used to display the speed at which a world is being uploaded within the realms menu","MC-277408":"There are no shadows on text used to display the description of report categories within the \"Select Report Category\" menu","MC-277374":"There are no shadows on text used to display the names of lists within the resource pack and data pack menus","MC-277373":"There are no shadows on text used to display the names of categories within the key binds menu","MC-277368":"The \"message(s) selected\" text within the \"Select Chat Messages to Report\" menu is positioned too close to the header separator","MC-276969":"TNT Minecarts with explosion_power set to 0 can still break blocks","MC-276799":"There are no shadows on text displayed within the superflat customization or preset lists","MC-276794":"There are no shadows on text displayed within the social interactions list menu","MC-276389":"The \"Can hold a mixed stack of items\" text within bundle tooltips doesn't have a shadow","MC-276123":"Display entity shadow_radius updates for all display entities","MC-271218":"Empty Offers:{} NBT doesn't disable trades anymore","MC-268822":"There are no shadows on text displayed within the singleplayer, multiplayer, and realms list menus","MC-256822":"Advancement description text cuts words in weird places if title is too short","MC-166614":"Advancements menu doesn't render titles fully when they're longer than roughly 30 characters","MC-134002":"Blocks at y=-64 don't render on a map","MC-111516":"Player flickers/turns invisible when flying at high speeds","MC-72846":"Altering the time of day using commands is delayed","MC-71990":"The 'Hat' layer of a player skin is not shown in the tab list under certain conditions","MC-59308":"Dark/pale oak leaves sometimes do not generate centered on the tree","MC-55347":"Title with long duration shows in other world","MC-50614":"Villager trading window is not closed when villager leaves interaction range","MC-49071":"The title of written books is not displayed in item frames unless renamed with anvils","MC-16132":"Cave carvers don't cut through snow blocks","MC-12829":"Flying through climbable blocks in creative mode slows you down","MC-277732":"Block break block updates can stop working in a chunk","MC-277718":"Minecart behaviour altered even with experiments disabled","MC-277708":"The sound of breaking leaves on a riding mob is not played In survival","MC-277625":"Player's OnGround tag doesn't update when riding a vehicle","MC-273812":"Intersection chests in trial chambers not generating correctly","MC-277636":"Projectiles visually fall when relogging","MC-277638":"Client sometimes rejects a set passengers packet","MC-277634":"Arrows shot at walls when facing south sometimes end up vertical instead of horizontal","MC-277630":"Recipe book is not updated when one of the available recipes is used","MC-277517":"Arrows' landing points are lower than in previous versions","MC-277496":"Text on maps that are in item frames render through blocks","MC-277513":"Item cooldowns of item stacks greater than 1 render in front of item tooltips","MC-277548":"Invisible block entities and items disappearing","MC-277559":"Sliding down honey blocks is still different from previous versions","MC-277552":"Wandering traders look smaller than in previous versions","MC-277518":"Crafting an item that has not yet been crafted removes all tabs in the recipe book other than the topmost one","MC-277505":"Clocks are mirrored and spin in the wrong direction when in left hand","MC-277502":"Compasses do not point in correct direction when in left hand","MC-277453":"Projectiles visually fall when shot in a wall with high tick rate","MC-277491":"Mobs in their death animations that are inside both water and lava produce the fire extinguishing sound every tick","MC-277488":"Mobs in their death animations produce the fire extinguishing sound every tick while being in lava while it's raining","MC-277316":"Passengers dismount minecarts/boats when converting","MC-275834":"Jumping when falling onto a slime block no longer cancels the bounce effect","MC-54532":"Sneaking while falling on Slime Blocks inflicts fall damage","MC-275941":"Consumable item components with inlined sound event definitions cause undefined behavior","MC-277452":"Player idle timeout does not kick players","MC-277389":"Armor stand in the smithing table interface no longer render armor when appropriate","MC-277424":"The pale garden can prevent trial chambers from spawning","MC-277392":"The realms description text and the game mode text within the realms menu can intersect one another","MC-277309":"Missing translations for Pale Oak Wall (Hanging) Signs","MC-277175":"#overworld_natural_logs block tag contains #pale_oak_logs instead of pale_oak_log","MC-277165":"Particles produced upon creakings spawning are spawned one block too far to the east","MC-277096":"When selecting a biome in the single biome world type, there is no translation for the pale garden","MC-277091":"Pale oak boats are in the chest boats tag in place of pale oak chest boats","MC-277073":"Pale moss and pale moss carpets cannot be broken faster using hoes","MC-276906":"Specifying a block tag in an item's can_place_on or can_break component in a recipe or loot table causes validation error","MC-277376":"Consumable block animation inherits shield behaviors","MC-277212":"The \"options.accessibility.high_contrast_block_outline.tooltip\" string is missing an article before the word \"targeted\"","MC-276813":"Minecraft no longer prints an error to the game log when trying to render a character without a defined glyph in the loaded fonts","MC-276072":"Tridents enchanted with Loyalty fly around drowned upon returning to them","MC-277438":"Wolf Armor no longer shows cracks when damaged","MC-276978":"Mobs produce the fire extinguishing sound every tick while standing in lava in rain","MC-276963":"Mobs standing inside both lava and water produce the fire extinguishing sound every tick","MC-277404":"Entities' limbs are incorrectly positioned for a brief second when entities are damaged while riding entities","MC-277135":"Entity collision order is now locational ","MC-276716":"Thrown ender pearl teleport position is inconsistent","MC-276624":"Nether portal can send you back when your ender pearl land in the portal","MC-276605":"Throwing an ender pearl through a portal or gateway often results in the player being placed slightly too low","MC-277417":"/tp no longer works when run from a command block without context from \"execute as\"","MC-277402":"Horse armor doesn't render properly in horse inventory again","MC-160810":"Some items are held sideways in left hand","MC-269851":"Breeze idle animations are different than Bedrock Edition","MC-276825":"Transmute recipes allow air as output","MC-277405":"Mounts no longer receive damage when riding them through sweet berry bushes","MC-277409":"Text on glowing signs no longer looks different to text on normal signs","MC-276954":"Ender pearl interaction with bubble columns is still broken","MC-277000":"Entities can be damaged by fire without being ignited","MC-277398":"The horse armor equipping sound is unusually loud","MC-266494":"Jump Boost does not affect the breeze's jump","MC-266480":"Breeze can jump on top of honey blocks","MC-276360":"Repeating command block data is often lost when moving it around in inventory","MC-277160":"Pale hanging moss is often immediately destroyed when placed using the \"/fill\" command","MC-276965":"Post shader ColorModulate uniform not reset properly after spectating spiders","MC-277017":"Flaming arrows no longer extinguish when water or powder snow is placed in its location","MC-277019":"Execute command teleporting across dimensions does not use correct relative coordinates","MC-276979":"Lock field on containers and minecraft:lock data component do not get datafixed correctly when a \\ is present","MC-277176":"Team affixes have dark lines between them and the username in player name tags","MC-277108":"The \"below_name\" scoreboard display mode renders with dark parts when custom colors are set","MC-277302":"The enchantment glint isn't visible on shields that are enchanted in third person when using Fabulous graphics","MC-277301":"The enchantment glint isn't visible on thrown tridents that are enchanted or held in the hand in third person when using Fabulous graphics","MC-277143":"Horse armor has damage-related components","MC-276604":"Horse Armor no longer has enchantment glint","MC-277163":"Map color for pale oak saplings is incorrect","MC-277131":"Pale garden missing from #minecraft:is_overworld biome tag","MC-277118":"Creakings can spawn with doMobSpawning set to false","MC-277111":"Wandering traders can sell pale oak saplings even when they're disabled","MC-277215":"The game crashes when attempting to accept or reject already accepted or rejected realm invitations","MC-277027":"Shapeless recipes accept anything if one of their ingredients is an empty tag","MC-277141":"/rotate command is not restricted to permission level 2","MC-277067":"The high contrast and programmer art resource packs are displayed as being incompatible","MC-277028":"Bundles do not empty smoothly","MC-276815":"Dyed bundles are missing the \"filled\" predicate","MC-277148":"Pack filters removing recipes that the player has unlocked causes data pack loading to fail","MC-277144":"Furnaces, blast furnaces, and smokers delete all of their contents inside them once reloaded after smelting items","MC-277078":"Trim advancements use recipe registry key","MC-276640":"Riding an entity constantly teleported with relative coordinates produces jittery camera movement","MC-276669":"Pausing the game spams \"Trying to save removed ender pearl, skipping\" to log if ender pearls have landed","MC-276980":"Projectiles on the wall in the water will continue to produce bubble trails","MC-276956":"Cannot access registries in container block entity \"lock\" field","MC-276651":"damage_item does not repair items when the value is negative","MC-275505":"The /tp command forces a mounted entity to dismount","MC-64265":"Teleporting passengers does not dismount them","MC-275706":"Vanilla clients can't display items with components in recipe book anymore","MC-276596":"Damageable horse armor with \"damage_on_hurt\" enabled doesn't take damage when the horse wearing it is hurt","MC-276876":"Lava cauldrons deal less damage to boats and minecarts than before","MC-273848":"Players can spawn underwater again in 1.21","MC-276948":"Split boat entity types have capitalized 'With'","MC-276947":"Command server output in singleplayer is printed into chat","MC-275790":"Non-existent entries in certain tags that are not required causes validation error","MC-276806":"The text of name tags behind blocks or entities is rendered completely invisible or barely visible when the \"Text Background Opacity\" accessibility option is set to high values","MC-276005":"The text of sneaking players' name tags is rendered completely invisible or barely visible when the \"Text Background Opacity\" accessibility option is set to high values","MC-108323":"Underlines in chat and /title command intersect each other, causing an ugly effect when fading","MC-276440":"Items within bundle tooltips can be unselected by scrolling despite only one item being present","MC-276391":"The item durability and bundle fullness bars render incorrectly when held over recipe book elements","MC-276387":"Bundles can remain in the open state when using hotkeys to move them into different slots","MC-276330":"Bundles no longer play a sound when being emptied","MC-185144":"Item durability bar and all items renders incorrectly in the villager trade UI","MC-272946":"The block outline is nearly invisible for some blocks","MC-276949":"Old boat entity type translation keys are not deprecated","MC-276707":"Underwater fireballs constantly play fire extinguishing sound","MC-275544":"Drowned do not summon reinforcements anymore","MC-275216":"Bowl is consumed when feed a rabbit stew to wolf","MC-276807":"All blocks and entities flicker at night or at lower light levels than 15","MC-276674":"Entities with emissive eyes aren't properly affected by fog of any kind","MC-276598":"The slot_highlight_front texture renders incorrectly behind with missing recipe items","MC-276919":"/tp teleports twice the relative distance if there's a block on the teleport point","MC-276727":"Projectiles are choppy while moving after hitting blocks or entities","MC-276724":"Arrows and potions resist upward flowing bubble columns","MC-276610":"Ender pearl interaction with bubble columns is broken","MC-276638":"The server console or LAN game output spammed with \"PLAYER moved too quickly!\" after a player dies and respawns","MC-276843":"Touching an end portal while in spectator mode teleports the player when they exit spectator mode","MC-276341":"The time how long you remain on fire no longer increases while being in the fire","MC-276817":"Teleport command offsets are applied incorrectly","MC-276615":"Cured Zombie Villagers keep CanPickUpLoot:0b","MC-276611":"Converted mobs do not keep CanBreakDoors tag","MC-276426":"Slimes or magma cubes spawned by splitting synchronize inherited status effects","MC-219083":"Hunger client/server desync when natural regeneration is off in peaceful mode","MC-276646":"Unique Horse Armor sound event is no longer used","MC-276588":"Boat with chest inventory names no longer are suffixed with 'with Chest'","MC-276603":"No High Norwegian language option","MC-276373":"Items dropped from the hotbar are sometimes lost when the Survival Inventory tab is not selected","MC-276372":"Player drops 2 items from the hotbar at once when the Survival Inventory tab is not selected","MC-276292":"Shift-clicking the \"Destroy Item\" slot in the creative inventory deletes the items server-side but not client-side, causing a desync","MC-225060":"Burning entity sound repeats every tick","MC-164258":"Recipe book search field is not selected when clicking on the search icon","MC-216016":"Launching fireworks into a crystal sound block will make the breaking noise","MC-204050":"Subtitle for shooting amethyst blocks is \"Block breaking\"","MC-276722":"Teleporting to your current position every tick sometimes doesn't let you move properly","MC-169660":"/teleport without <targets> can change the entity's rotation","MC-276621":"Game crashes when opening inventory that renders entity with both Invisibility and Glowing effects","MC-276573":"Spruce boat item translation key misspells \"minecaft\"","MC-13246":"On certain enchanted items, the Anvil will display a \"too expensive\" message before attempting to repair, combine, or rename them","MC-276539":"Name tags and text displays render brighter in dark areas when behind blocks or entities","MC-276459":"Item display rotation wrapping does not interpolate cleanly","MC-228070":"Name tags rendered in blocks have letters brighter depending on your angle","MC-275347":"Minecart with Furnace does not travel correctly over curves","MC-276428":"Player cannot drink honey bottles when they're not hungry","MC-275413":"Squid and glow squid is not affected by the thrust of the bubble column","MC-134626":"Squids/glow squids bounce up and down in bubble columns, teleporting high up in the air","MC-276501":"Returning tridents get stuck on blocks and spam sounds","MC-276495":"Creative player can go through nether portal without being teleported when throwing riptide trident","MC-276480":"Projectile no longer moves correctly when it is deflected","MC-276429":"Projectiles move after hitting a block","MC-260537":"Tree growth can replace leaves that have the 'persistent' block state set to true","MC-276527":"Duplicate UUID error causes player to teleport to origin when riding on a pig after it is converted by lightning","MC-276378":"Converted witches lose their armor yet are still protected by it","MC-276339":"Witches converted from villagers move very fast","MC-276338":"Converted mob keeps the same loot table of the first mob ","MC-276335":"Cured villagers have the wrong movement speed","MC-276295":"Zombies always kill villagers","MC-276111":"Salmon spawned from a bucket are the wrong size for one tick","MC-206436":"Stonecutter ignores anything over 64 when shift-clicking","MC-276415":"Turtle helmet does not give water breathing effect when equipped on any slot other than the head","MC-276317":"Projectiles visually update slowly when their motion is changed","MC-275792":"Bottom faces of torches and soul torches are not culled against solid blocks","MC-276533":"Game crashes when three or more skeletons are about to release their arrows","MC-119369":"Boats crash/break and can kill their passengers when falling certain distances","MC-275909":"Wrong death message is displayed when being killed by a mob's smash attack","MC-275300":"Mace smash attack damage does not work with mobs, even though particles and sounds happen","MC-275833":"Hand animation plays higher than before","MC-275205":"The hand animation is delayed and doesn't play all the time","MC-276293":"Mobs no longer get damaged by sweet berry bushes","MC-276484":"Fireballs and wither skulls do too much damage","MC-275538":"Breeze still do not attack when super close to them","MC-276463":"Armor on piglins detach from their bodies while bartering","MC-276433":"set_enchantments function removes enchantments component from books","MC-276263":"explosion_power nbt does not work for minecarts with tnt","MC-275765":"Missing full stop in string gamerule.minecartMaxSpeed.description","MC-275468":"Gamerule minecartMaxSpeed can't be set through functions","MC-275406":"Grammatical error in \"options.rotateWithMinecart.tooltip\"","MC-276476":"Crash when a boat is destroyed by a hazard","MC-276320":"Shields no longer block incoming projectiles","MC-276314":"Wind charges cause entities to be launched extremely high when directly hit by them","MC-276394":"Some specially rendered elements are no longer affected by fog of any type","MC-276384":"Players' capes detach from their bodies when moving","MC-276370":"Golden armor pieces have wrong max durabilities","MC-276364":"Non-armor items with equippable tag cannot be given to wolves","MC-276376":"/tp command cannot teleport to the correct facing angles","MC-276127":"Fractions in bee nest tooltip are not padded with whitespace","MC-275883":"Riding a minecart cluster into a wall freezes the game","MC-276383":"Middle-clicking on boats in creative mode crashes the game ","MC-276327":"The item_name component no longer overrides potion names","MC-276326":"\"Air\" item lost its name","MC-276365":"Armor sleeves do not follow arms when switching to and from items and on item use animations","MC-276344":"Hovered items in bundles do not reflect any tooltip_style component","MC-276321":"Elytra loses durability when taking damage","MC-276311":"Players' capes illogically point upward when flying with non-elytra items","MC-276310":"Players' capes detach from their bodies when wearing non-chestplate items in the chest slot","MC-276304":"Carved pumpkins and skulls can be equipped through right-clicking","MC-276299":"Horse armor doesn't render properly in horse inventory","MC-275751":"Head snaps when coming out of crawling","MC-275302":"The animation speed of end crystals is no longer constant","MC-265399":"Players' heads are incorrectly positioned while exiting the swimming/crawling state when other players are on screen","MC-275352":"Spectral arrow texture is not updated properly for Programmer Art","MC-276315":"Teleport command runs at the entity's position and ignores location from execution context","MC-276316":"Ender pearls no longer teleport entities to the point of impact","MC-276134":"Can't scoll in creative inventory while hovered over the bundle","MC-276025":"Model overrides are not applied to items shown in an open bundle","MC-275990":"Bundles can remain in the open state through the crafting table","MC-275964":"Bundles can remain in the open state when held by the mouse cursor via swapping items","MC-275504":"Custom model data is not applied to open bundle","MC-276322":"Boats don't drop as items when destroyed","MC-276301":"Item tooltip padding is gone","MC-276297":"Worn netherite armor appears as diamond armor","MC-276296":"Worn chainmail armor has a missing texture","MC-270842":"Scores are not kept when a mob converts to another mob","MC-261666":"Armor given to Villagers is lost when they convert to Zombie Villagers","MC-230317":"Lead disappear when mooshroom cow is sheared","MC-196964":"Fall damage is reset when an entity converts to another entity","MC-135898":"Teams are not retained when a mob converts to another mob","MC-88967":"Most NBT tags are not kept when a mob converts to another mob","MC-276132":"Translucency sorting seems to be slightly broken","MC-38022":"Order of rendering translucent block faces fails to update with camera position","MC-275345":"Inventory bug that causes items to be constantly shuffled","MC-275299":"Crafting using Ctrl + Drop key crafts the incorrect amount of items","MC-275239":"Item duplication while a screen is opened (Creative Mode)","MC-275228":"You can duplicate items in your creative hotbar","MC-275450":"Player Motion data no longer updates while riding another entity","MC-275767":"Camera is shaky when riding an entity that is being constantly teleported","MC-275455":"Player motion is no longer retained on relative teleportation","MC-276204":"Dolphins and axolotls keep trying to swim into the seabed","MC-276179":"Zombie villagers don't raise their arms to attack again","MC-276122":"Soul sand and magma block bubble columns don't move the player vertically in creative mode when not flying","MC-275437":"Fast moving entities freeze the server which causes watchdog crash","MC-275622":"Minecarts with TNT are more volatile than in previous releases","MC-275344":"Sweet Berry Bushes deal damage inconsistently ","MC-259936":"Equipping armor in hand via right-click equips entire stack","MC-276064":"Tall grass generated from bone mealing a grass block will delete the 2nd block above it","MC-276030":"The blue highlighted text background for signs is gone","MC-276027":"Chestplates and Boots on Armor Stands render the helmet overlay texture","MC-275655":"Entity rotation does not visually update when using the teleport command until the world is reloaded","MC-275537":"Sliding down honey blocks is slower than in previous versions","MC-275445":"Specifying the size of a target in post effect shaders fails","MC-275497":"The repairable data component does not exist in armor items by default","MC-271826":"Armor default attribute modifier component can't be removed","MC-16829":"The horse armor model does not show the enchantment glint effect","MC-275642":"Baby dolphins do not spawn naturally","MC-275462":"Bats can spawn in unusual places, such as in woodland mansions and beneath trees","MC-275418":"Feeding baby dolphins won't speed up their growth","MC-275416":"Baby squid or baby glow squid produces ink particles that are too far away from itself","MC-196556":"When projectiles (such as arrows and tridents) move too fast, they can't be teleported by portals and end gateways","MC-250924":"Goat horns are missing sounds","MC-275638":"It is still possible to go through portals without being teleported when going quickly enough by throwing riptide tridents","MC-92875":"Collisionless blocks ignore entities with high velocity","MC-275745":"A scoreboard objective with display mode below_name renders right behind the player's name","MC-275770":"Guardian beam attacks stay yellow and do not shift colors anymore","MC-275624":"Redstone wire with custom model unexpectedly appears green","MC-275298":"Blocks with special collision behavior have a larger detection range in 24w33a than previously","MC-276053":"Glass bottles are deleted when used on a water source block","MC-275851":"diameter in teleport_randomly consume effect is ignored","MC-275837":"The use_cooldown component uses field cooldownGroup instead of cooldown_group","MC-275801":"Use cooldown triggers without item consumption","MC-275204":"Coast Armor Trim has generic \"Smithing Template\" name","MC-275778":"Bundle fullness bar texture and color are hardcoded","MC-275612":"Items with rarity values highlighted in bundles do not display their rarity colors","MC-275586":"Renamed items highlighted in the bundle are not in italics","MC-275409":"Stuffing too many items into a bundle through commands will cause the capacity bar to overflow","MC-275358":"Renamed bundle's contents are not centered","MC-275208":"You cannot move the bundle into or around the inventory using hotkeys","MC-273601":"The channeling enchantment no longer functions on tridents without an owner","MC-270742":"Displays don't rotate properly between 179 and 180","MC-275959":"Drowned no longer raise their arms to attack","MC-203382":"The \"Bee Our Guest\" advancement description only states a beehive is required to unlock","MC-168546":"Bee nest / hive items have no lore","MC-168329":"Bees do not leave their hives in the Nether/End in some cases","MC-167906":"Beehive items at full honey level do not appear with honey in inventory/as item/in hand","MC-148982":"Map color for wheat is incorrect","MC-146805":"Trader Llamas don't attack zombies, drowned, husks, zombie villager and illagers","MC-129298":"Drowned don't chase you if they are in 1 block deep water","MC-124331":"Redstone lamps do not show on maps","MC-275410":"Flying in Creative Mode no longer resists the thrust of the bubble column","MC-275523":"Reduced shield glint applies to the shield's item appearance","MC-275828":"Game crashes when there is an invalid shader path","MC-275800":"Translucency sorting is broken","MC-275754":"Random stack trace sometimes appears","MC-275417":"Creepers can destroy vehicles even if mobGriefing is set to false","MC-275838":"Drowned holds trident upside down","MC-275752":"Villagers indefinitely stand around items when their \"CanPickUpLoot\" tag is set to \"0b\"","MC-272345":"Some trial spawners don't have an extra breeze out at once when ominous","MC-275275":"Footsteps on Monster Spawners create missing subtitle","MC-275774":"Observers no longer detect redstone dust powering/unpowering","MC-273745":"Soul speed momentum resets when jumping on soul sand","MC-275353":"Item Frame/Glow Item Frame \"Fixed\" tag behaving strangely since 24w33a","MC-275521":"Tall seagrass can now generate when bone mealing one-high water","MC-275222":"Salmons always have same hitbox regardless of their size","MC-275220":"Picking up a Salmon in a Bucket doesn't keep its size","MC-275843":"Using an empty map (single item in stack) doesn't create a map in survival mode","MC-275757":"Using a bucket deletes the bucket in most cases","MC-275755":"Attempting to swap armor by right clicking deletes it","MC-275279":"Raiders do not spawn on small islands even though there are close enough places around the village","MC-275256":"Snow golem shoots to the sky/floor instead of at mobs","MC-275322":"\"Subspace Bubble\" is granted when exiting and entering some Nether Portals ","MC-275397":"Redstone dust doesn't update properly","MC-275332":"The rotation of a wall/ceiling lever and buttons does not affect the update order of wire in Redstone Experiment","MC-272643":"Items containing using_converts_to cannot be stacked with the original items after restarting the world.","MC-269715":"Food won't be eaten when the component food.eat_seconds is less than 0.05","MC-275554":"Minecarts between two downward slopes will shake violently and never settle","MC-275482":"Minecarts do not pick up mobs like they used to","MC-275479":"Dispensers cannot place minecarts onto rails if there is a minecart one block away","MC-275467":"Minecarts can launch you hundreds of thousands of blocks upwards if you derail inside cobwebs or powdered snow","MC-275270":"Minecart not oriented correctly when placed on a sloped unpowered powered rail","MC-275241":"Minecarts continue to produce sound for a short while after being stopped","MC-275229":"Minecarts behave strangely on bubble columns ","MC-275224":"Minecart items desync when using them on a rail with a minecart above it","MC-275219":"Hand animation still plays in creative when trying to use minecarts inside each other on the same rail","MC-275218":"\"Minecart rolls\" sound does not play when on tracks after de-railing then re-railing","MC-275210":"Minecarts can phase through blocks when travelling diagonally upwards","MC-275203":"Minecarts always spawn facing east/west and move upward slightly when being placed on rails","MC-269376":"Breeze fires wind charge from center of hitbox","MC-275343":"Projectiles stuck in the world border can float in the air if the border size is changed","MC-275237":"Cannot rename written book in an anvil","MC-275569":"Outer layer of the skin shows when disabled until you go into third person","MC-275498":"Clocks, compasses and recovery compasses don't function in item frames","MC-275473":"Slim model's arms are now lower than the torso by 0.5 pixels","MC-275361":"Baby zombie variant arms disconnect from their body when attacking","MC-275329":"As of 24w33a zombie villagers no longer raise their arms to attack","MC-275319":"End crystals in 24w33a appear to be slightly smaller than in previous versions","MC-275307":"Hand doesn't show up when switching from Spectator mode","MC-275297":"Failing selectors and fake players in \"score\" selector result in an unexpected error","MC-275296":"Emissive textures are not emissive in the player's hand ","MC-275252":"Player head angle when crawling is now strange","MC-275486":"Enchantable data component doesn't work with items that only have enchantments through a data pack","MC-275213":"Hand animation still plays when trying to put lava or powder snow in an underwater cauldron","MC-275209":"It's impossible to put water in a cauldron underwater","MC-275436":"Cannot enchant books in enchanting table","MC-275310":"Cannot enchant armor in enchanting table","MC-275293":"Internal exception when picking blocks not in hotbar but in inventory in Survival mode","MC-275271":"Crash after attempting to move item to hotbar slot in Creative inventory","MC-275246":"Crash after attempting to move item from off-hand in Creative inventory","MC-275248":"Torches no longer have bottom faces","MC-275566":"Game crash when trying to open various GUIs with Fabulous graphics","MC-275328":"Enchantment glint is not visible on items in item frames","MC-275273":"Baby mooshroom uses wrong scale","MC-275249":"\"FOV Effects\" slider incorrectly modifying zoom values on the spyglass","MC-275232":"The mining fatigue animation appears too close","MC-275230":"The game crashes when opening the inventory while in spectator mode","MC-275226":"Enchantment glint is not visible on items held by player and mobs in third person","MC-275221":"Baby polar bear model is messed up in 24w33a","MC-275211":"The enchantment glint isn't visible on dropped items","MC-191431":"Player spectator head is invisible / does not render in the inventory after switching to \"Fabulous!\"","MC-144327":"The bottom face texture of a blaze's rods is the same as their top face texture","MC-273629":"Adding effects with an effects_changed advancement causes a packet error (ConcurrentModificationException) if it was triggered by Milk","MC-73178":"Villagers' \"CanPickUpLoot\" tag cannot be set to zero","MC-275289":"There are empty chests in some chambers even after 24w33a","MC-275277":"Trial chambers' encounter_4 trap often does not hit the player on Java Edition","MC-53602":"Projectiles don't collide with the world border","MC-274852":"\"item_name\" component has priority over signed book title","MC-274960":"Registries allow duplicate entries","MC-224454":"Entities don't recognize azaleas or flowering azaleas as obstacles when pathfinding","MC-215332":"Glow squids lack a baby variant","MC-240948":"Filled powder snow cauldrons are able to be put under water","MC-203748":"Filled lava cauldrons are able to be put under water","MC-182877":"Piglins use one hand to hold a loaded crossbow","MC-379":"spawn-animals and spawn-npcs=false removes all villagers and prevents summoning new mobs","MC-209947":"minecraft:block/scaffolding_unstable has incorrect cullfaces","MC-245510":"Piglin Brute's generic.follow_range attribute functions oddly","MC-183636":"follow_range attribute not working for piglins","MC-145656":"Attribute \"follow_range\" is not working to hostile mobs before they find the target","MC-132804":"Low follow range attribute also affects mobs' idle wandering range","MC-121013":"\"Followrange\" Attribute only targets mobs on (roughly) the same y level.","MC-3697":"TNT submerged in water can destroy item frames, paintings, armor stands, and other similar entities","MC-274911":"If the raid begins more than 112 blocks above the ground, all illagers will be summoned and the player wins","MC-195754":"Illagers in raids continuously try and fail to pick up ominous banners if they can't reach them","MC-269656":"Feeding parrots poison while holding mace grants Over-Overkill challenge","MC-268528":"Cave Vines can be pollinated infinitely (instead of limit of 10)","MC-226687":"Sea Level is assumed to be Y = 63 in numerous parts of Minecraft","MC-129826":"[\"shade\": false] is missing from potted cross models, resulting in most potted plants appearing darker than they should","MC-127995":"You can use bone meal on sea pickles in situations where no sea pickles will grow","MC-125642":"Bone meal is consumed when used on fern, grass and seagrass even if it cannot grow","MC-267401":"All the player skin report's category descriptions use the chat message ones","MC-59471":"String duplication","MC-274400":"Dispensers firing a wind charge play the crafter crafting world event, showing incorrect particles beneath the block","MC-269428":"Mace fall damage multiplier does not apply to mobs","MC-249901":"Frogs don't play the frog eating sound when given a slime ball","MC-273771":"Passengers can glitch into walls when their mounts are killed","MC-273288":"Dropping a stack of items while in the creative mode inventory deletes them","MC-273263":"Attributes are retained even if destroyed by \"damage_item\"","MC-201":"Field of Vision does not turn at all with a turning minecart","MC-215752":"Z-fighting with paintings and item frames in solid blocks","MC-55863":"It rains over unloaded chunks, ignoring the biome","MC-190163":"Zoglin spawn eggs don't occasionally spawn baby zoglins on their own accord","MC-265693":"Movement does not reset a player's last action time","MC-234318":"Small dripleaf stems intersect its leaves","MC-224035":"Small Dripleaf's model is inconsistent","MC-166880":"Pufferfish spikes model seems to be broken","MC-274372":"using_item advancement trigger keeps being activated even after the item stops being used, after teleporting to another dimension","MC-130097":"Tropical fish fin UV mapping wrong","MC-269352":"The breeze rod uses an incorrect model for holding","MC-137053":"You cannot set the \"CanBreakDoors\" NBT tag of drowned to \"1b\"","MC-274244":"minecraft:villager_plantable_seeds tag does not allow farmer Villagers to pick up items","MC-273914":"Client game options that do not constitute sending a network packet will send one anyway","MC-273828":"Movement predicate is incorrect for stationary players until either mouse is moved or one second elapses","MC-272670":"Crash while saving entity NBT - Cannot encode empty ItemStack","MC-262498":"Underground seagrass feature files exist despite never generating","MC-260013":"Baby Llama's head has incorrect scale method","MC-274708":"Exiting the end portal first time removes player attribute modifiers","MC-262652":"Dragon egg's side texture is mapped strangely as of 1.8 (and the model is also unoptimized)","MC-271113":"Bees occasionally freezing right before they enter the hives","MC-261691":"Bees get stuck while trying to pathfind to inaccessible flowers","MC-188217":"Bees circle above flower that is covered by all sides","MC-187920":"Bees sometimes give up when returning home","MC-72494":"In Statistics screen 'm' is the same unit for both minutes and meters","MC-274519":"Minecraft resaves all maps with every autosave","MC-271191":"Poor saving performance due to large amount of item frames","MC-273822":"The words \"forwards\" and \"backwards\" within two movement key bind strings aren't spelled in American English","MC-270571":"/tick command uses OS locale specific number formatting","MC-270570":"TPS chart uses OS locale specific number formatting","MC-268045":"The name of Entity Argument is plural in Query literal node of Experience command","MC-265703":"BrushableBlock's codec misspells 'completed' as 'comleted'","MC-262175":"The \"advancements.adventure.trim_with_any_armor_pattern.description\" text contains incorrect English grammar","MC-260914":"\"/spreadplayers\" strings for entities consist of inconsistent noun usage","MC-260913":"The word \"blocks\" within some \"/spreadplayers\" command feedback messages is always pluralized","MC-260860":"Some words within some chat delay strings are always pluralized","MC-260859":"Some words within a tick profiling feedback message are always pluralized","MC-256422":"Some words within some strings use right single quotation marks instead of apostrophes","MC-4665":"Anvil consuming 2 unbroken items of the same kind when renaming them","MC-247238":"Sky fog is not cylindrical","MC-227139":"Sky fog stutters","MC-179629":"Faces in between cloud \"blocks\" can still render from outside of the cloud","MC-162713":"Clouds are generated with offset to east and south","MC-161913":"Misalignment on edges/corners of clouds","MC-268645":"Scheduling a macro function silently fails","MC-265695":"The feedback for setting the idle timeout to 0 minutes does not reflect the actual behavior","MC-260858":"The word \"ticks\" within a \"/schedule\" command feedback message is always pluralized","MC-226038":"Scheduled functions are part of weather in profile results","MC-180272":"en_us.json contains unused strings","MC-133862":"Optimize world screen backup button has inaccurate text","MC-268929":"pack.png does not support translucent pixels","MC-49628":"When in spectator mode the head overlay shows even if it is set not to show in the skin customisation options","MC-183518":"High CPU usage on hypervisor host possibly due to excessive syscall usage by Minecraft Server","MC-182478":"Mob armor generates starting with boots rather than helmet","MC-269375":"Breeze's wind charge attack can move or break armor stands when mobGriefing is disabled","MC-270775":"Ominous vault failed to generate sometimes","MC-270348":"Some slime trial spawners in trial chambers won't spawn slimes without player intervention","MC-270696":"Traps are generated behind walls in Trial Chambers","MC-266441":"Multiple trial chamber templates have missing or incorrect blocks","MC-273377":"No debug stick in hand, but I can still edit blocks","MC-269738":"Recipe book cannot quick-move oversized item stacks into applicable recipe slots","MC-273672":"When spectatorsGenerateChunks is set to false, the player cannot stop spectating an entity without running /spectate","MC-239581":"Bees do not become angry at the closest player when hive is exploded","MC-120417":"Incorrect dragon egg block model","MC-264986":"Item count of fuel slot affects the way smelting recipe book moves ingredients","MC-144761":"Animated texture interpolation ignores alpha channel during transition from/to transparent pixels","MC-268241":"The bottom faces of vaults aren't culled when covered by blocks","MC-269895":"Breezes missing higher fidelity jump animation from Bedrock","MC-249067":"Ominous banners lose their rarity color when renamed using anvils","MC-274657":"Ominous Banner's orange name is handled as a custom text color, rather than as a rarity","MC-14800":"When zombie villagers, husks, drowned or zombified piglins are damaged, they spawn regular zombie reinforcements","MC-270697":"Stonecutter recipe buttons render translucent pixels as opaque","MC-270765":"Bundle background does not handle translucent pixels correctly","MC-270764":"Recipe book buttons and icons do not render translucent pixels correctly","MC-270741":"Realms main menu icons do not render translucent pixels correctly, but accessibility/language icons do","MC-270726":"Advancement backgrounds render translucent pixels as opaque","MC-270698":"Loom recipe buttons render translucent pixels as opaque","MC-270692":"Textures for empty slots do not support translucent pixels","MC-269936":"Transferable list (resource pack, data pack) screen buttons render translucent pixels as opaque","MC-269834":"Statistics screen sprites render translucent pixels as opaque","MC-269832":"Gamemode switcher sprites render translucent pixels as opaque","MC-270564":"Brewing stand fuel, bubbles and progress sprites do not support translucent textures","MC-270563":"Furnace, blast furnace and smoker smelting progress and burn time indicators do not support translucent textures","MC-270519":"\"Error\" textures in block/entity GUIs do not support translucent textures","MC-270518":"Scrollers in block UIs render translucent pixels as opaque","MC-270051":"Recipe book button renders translucent pixels as opaque","MC-269937":"World list buttons render translucent pixels as opaque","MC-269751":"Advancement frames render translucent pixels as opaque","MC-269627":"Toasts render translucent pixels as opaque","MC-269622":"Previous/Next Page buttons render translucent pixels as opaque","MC-269445":"Some empty slot icons render translucent pixels as opaque","MC-269441":"Difficulty lock button renders translucent pixels as opaque","MC-269083":"Effect background texture in inventory renders translucent pixels as opaque","MC-263858":"Text Displays are rendered differently compared to name tags","MC-270680":"Buttons in the beacon GUI do not support translucent pixels","MC-270678":"Tabs in recipe book and Creative inventory do not support translucent pixels","MC-270641":"Crafter UI sprites do not support translucent pixels","MC-270640":"Anvil text field does not support translucent textures","MC-269549":"Items held in cursor are rendered behind recipe book UI elements","MC-269528":"Recipe book tabs are rendered over items held by the mouse cursor","MC-269440":"Text fields render translucent pixels as opaque","MC-269152":"nine_slice texture scaling will cause ridiculous levels of lag when used on small textures","MC-174732":"Semi-transparent status effect textures do not render correctly in the inventory or beacon UI","MC-165182":"Inventory/GUI textures no longer handle translucent pixels correctly","MC-273578":"Interaction entities position passengers incorrectly","MC-269996":"Interaction entity custom names render at wrong location","MC-241873":"Ravagers can move armor stands even with mobGriefing turned off","MC-225270":"Goats can move armor stands even with mobGriefing turned off","MC-75494":"Lead item drop is not affected by doEntityDrops gamerule","MC-1673":"Several mobs can pop off paintings, item frames and leads and destroy minecarts, armor stands and anything in item form even when mobGriefing is turned off","MC-264886":"Geode features ignore the invalid_blocks field","MC-244720":"\"Erased cached data\" button in Optimize World is not labeled in the right order when using Tab","MC-151828":"Woodland mansion structure '1x1_b3' has dark oak leaf block with persistent tag set to 'false'","MC-135971":"Can't use CTRL+Q in crafting table","MC-112257":"Some NBT tags require the correct suffix","MC-259798":"Block hitboxes cause semi-transparent blocks not to render behind them in lower than \"Fabulous\" graphics settings","MC-274371":"Depleting a Respawn Anchor doesn't play any sound","MC-273489":"Sneaking players' name tags are barely visible","MC-190484":"Player names are partly invisible when crouching / sneaking in multiplayer","MC-270510":"youJustLostTheGame is not the first item in the mappings","MC-272932":"Auto-save text in the pause menu is rendered at the wrong position","MC-273850":"Shield enchantment glint is too bright to clearly see banner patterns","MC-272506":"Fast switching between servers causes disconnect","MC-274030":"Item stacks with a count over 99 cause the player to get kicked from their world in creative mode","MC-86252":"Shields can continue to block after entity changes dimensions due to client and server desync","MC-269814":"Can’t feed fish to wolves","MC-273328":"Stars are smaller than supposed to","MC-273281":"\"projectile_spawned\" Enchantment Component runs predicates and effects on projectiles before all of their data has been assigned","MC-271628":"Enchantment effect \"projectile_spawned\" doesn't trigger for fishing rods and tridents","MC-267838":"Projectile Rendering Bug (Flickering)","MC-101376":"Elytra appearance doesn't update in 1st person mode; only in 3rd person","MC-273758":"Ominous item spawner's animation breaks if the level.dat \"Time\" value is over a certain number","MC-272802":"Ender pearls deal no damage to their owners after switching dimensions and landing","MC-273076":"Breeze immediately forgets the player once Line of Sight is lost, even through transparent blocks","MC-273662":"Trial spawners with silverfish can not spawn them at all/have unusually long delays between spawns","MC-268220":"Zoglins ignore monster spawning requirements when spawning naturally.","MC-267107":"Spawners unsuccessfully try to summon hostile entities on peaceful difficulty","MC-266949":"Monster spawner tries to spawn breezes when the difficulty is Peaceful","MC-257309":"Monster spawner tries to spawn wardens and zoglins when the difficulty is Peaceful","MC-273239":"Trial Spawners rapidly change block state when switching gamerule \"doMobSpawning\" from false to true","MC-273960":"The NBT data stored in the world affects copying a Decorated Pot in creative mode","MC-273400":"Baby zombified piglin chicken jockeys immediately teleport","MC-3266":"Your experience level overflows once it exceeds the integer limit","MC-273464":"Incorrect partial tick during screen render","MC-270299":"New data pack component crafting doesn't work with suspicious stews","MC-263838":"doLimitedCrafting gamerule does not work on suspicious stew","MC-243413":"Some Explorer Maps are missing their icon","MC-273811":"Ender pearls don't teleport the player if he hasn't been in the pearl's dimension after relog","MC-272821":"Wind Charges incorrectly negate fall damage","MC-273311":"Taking near Float.MAX_VALUE damage from mob attack through commands on hard causes NaN Absorption and Health","MC-273361":"Entities teleported to the player from a force loaded chunk are not rendered","MC-156579":"Creative players can fly through portals when going quickly enough using elytra or Riptide trident","MC-272603":"Riding an entity into the end fountain skips the credits","MC-273427":"Respawn anchor loses charges when returning from the End","MC-273555":"Using a crossbow enchanted with Quick Charge 0 crashes the game","MC-267006":"The Distance Flown statistics rapidly increases when you are standing in Ender Dragon's hitbox","MC-259687":"\"Distance by Elytra\" statistic is approximately doubled","MC-89883":"Squid and glow squid collision error and rubberbanding","MC-272414":"Redundant calculation causes 2x lag during explosions","MC-262112":"Wither skull's bounding box is wrongly positioned in the first tick, and cannot be selected with volume checks in commands","MC-272766":"When riding a minecart through a portal, the direction the player is facing after they go through the portal is not the same as when they entered","MC-272649":"After a chest with the item component \"container_loot\" is opened, it will appear on the subsequent pick Block","MC-265554":"Aaron Cherof listed as \"Aaron Cherof\\u00a0\" in credits.json","MC-272805":"Command blocks made from Pick Block still do not activate when placed near sources of power","MC-272804":"The mining fatigue animation plays in reverse","MC-272327":"Attribute effects not properly postfixed with slot name","MC-273007":"Projectiles have incorrect motion when shot from a vehicle which was entered with player velocity","MC-272888":"Zooming with riptide still applies mace wind burst if held in main hand","MC-273158":"Animals stay floating after getting on a boat","MC-270540":"The prevention of fall damage from wind charges is not retained upon reloading the world","MC-272947":"Boat clutching after using a wind charge results in the player taking fall damage","MC-271971":"Wind Charges sometimes don't prevent fall damage","MC-272981":"Using a wind charge to stop the fall damage after using the wind burst enchantment doesn't correctly cancel the damage","MC-272982":"Mace can have sharpness","MC-272948":"Wind Burst damages the player twice on one use, even when using Wind Charges","MC-272935":"Blast protection explosion knockback resistance now stacks for every piece of armor","MC-272933":"Fire protection burning time reduction now stacks for every piece of armor","MC-272814":"Entering an end gateway does not consistently grant the Remote Getaway advancement","MC-272886":"Maces incorrectly cause damage to the player","MC-272901":"Boats & Rafts with Chests cannot be leashed if they have a passenger","MC-272870":"/execute on leasher does not work for leashed boats","MC-272854":"Crash when entity is leashed by non-LivingEntity","MC-272827":"Unleashing boats leashed to fences via Use Item/Place Block drops the lead in Creative mode","MC-272798":"Teleporting a leashed boat (with chest) or raft (with chest) to another dimension make ghost lead","MC-272789":"Leashing a boat to a fence which already has a lead attached to it removes the existing lead rather than attaching the new one","MC-272772":"Leashed Boats' leashes disappear upon rejoining world","MC-272565":"Hanging leashed boats gain excessive upward momentum","MC-267988":"Tamed entities ignore their \"LookAtPlayerGoal\" distance and look in the direction of their owners from any distance when being stood up","MC-272843":"Stepping up blocks while falling on the side of them can sometimes allow players to climb to normally unreachable heights","MC-272879":"Entering an End portal makes you face the entering direction rather than always facing west","MC-272661":"Entities have wrong rotation when loading a world","MC-272809":"Placed boats/rafts no longer face the same direction as the player","MC-272577":"Summoning any entity with rotation causes it to be rotated incorrectly","MC-252817":"Placing a map into an item frame and removing it does not remove the green player marker","MC-272582":"Mip-mapping not properly applied to moss carpet","MC-272194":"Empty Attribute Modifiers lost during upgrade","MC-272571":"Server crashes upon updating from 24w21b to 1.21 Pre-release 1.","MC-272595":"Breaking a Carrot/Warped Fungus on a Stick no longer gives a Fishing Rod","MC-272563":"The ender dragon death animation is rendered behind blocks when using \"Fabulous!\" graphic settings","MC-272638":"Leads attached to a boat are deleted when breaking the boat","MC-272650":"Can respawn mid-air with default spawnpoint","MC-272559":"Players cannot traverse dimensions when throwing ender pearls into portals while riding entities","MC-272333":"The gamerule spawnRadius doesn't work anymore on respawn (always respawn at the same place)","MC-272224":"'in_bounding_box' vertical position for 'spawn_particles' effect is anchored incorrectly","MC-272596":"Throwing an ender pearl into the end fountain skips the credits","MC-271892":"Your FOV doesn't immediately change when jump onto soul sand/soul soil when you have slow falling effect and wearing a soul speed boot","MC-271887":"Your FOV doesn't change back to normal after jumping off from soul sand/soul soil when wearing a soul speed boot.","MC-272639":"trial_spawner_bottom texture is different from Bedrock","MC-269390":"Guster banner pattern is treated as common loot","MC-269389":"Flow banner pattern is treated as common loot","MC-223165":"The Snout Banner Pattern is treated as common in the game.","MC-272553":"Naturally generated End Stone drops in cases where the Obsidian platform generates inside the island","MC-272585":"Crash when bow or crossbow enchanted with multishot runs out of durability","MC-272588":"Wind Charges can trigger Wind Burst","MC-272583":"Each time you pass through an end gateway with an ender pearl from the main island a new portal is created","MC-272625":"Game crashes when saving after teleporting a leashed entity to another dimension","MC-272556":"Ender pearls don't work correctly when riding entities and cause players to be teleported for a split second","MC-270033":"Infested or Oozing effect cloud shrinks when silverfish or slime enters it","MC-272550":"End crystals now receive fire damage causing them to explode instantly","MC-271754":"Copper doors can be used as furnace fuel","MC-272547":"block.portal.travel sound no longer plays when entering End portal","MC-271199":"Advancement 'Local Brewery' not granted on shift-clicking","MC-272241":"Error when traveling through nether portal outside world border","MC-269359":"\"Field Masoned\", \"Skull Charge\", \"Flow\", and \"Guster\" banner patterns are not mirrored on the backside","MC-270181":"Wind charges go through an entity if it is close to a player","MC-269921":"Wind charges can be thrown though corners","MC-272469":"When the wind charge, fireball or shulker bullet is in the lava, it will continue to make a high-loudness noise","MC-272079":"Medium/small Slimes and magma cube's attack reach is too short","MC-272515":"Component-Modified Saddles get their components wiped when dispensed onto a horse, mule, or camel.","MC-191591":"Saddles lose their NBT data when equipped on horses, zombie horses, skeleton horses, mules or donkeys via right-clicking","MC-272442":"Comparator output of jukebox no longer persists on music disc finish","MC-272399":"Primed TNT entities can't go through an End portal anymore","MC-272364":"Players spawn one block above the obsidian platform when entering an end portal","MC-271897":"End Portal makes items disappear","MC-160140":"Shulker boxes on the obsidian platform are destroyed and do not drop when a player enters the End","MC-272267":"\"Changes the blurriness of menu background\" lacks punctuation","MC-270981":"View Bobbing toggle is not available in Accessibility Settings","MC-148741":"Selection boxes in some screens are misaligned in comparison with their text","MC-272445":"Command blocks made from Ctrl + Pick Block do not activate on first try","MC-268023":"The \"selectWorld.experimental.details.title\" string displayed within the experimental features details menu is improperly capitalized","MC-267954":"World upgrade and downgrade realms strings are improperly capitalized","MC-267474":"Strings referencing the player's off hand are inconsistently spelled","MC-267071":"The word \"packs\" within the \"download.pack.failed\" string is always pluralized","MC-267050":"Chat disabled strings are missing verbs","MC-266140":"The \"Open link\" button within the realms menu is improperly capitalized","MC-265818":"The \"gamerule.doVinesSpread.description\" string consists of grammatically incorrect word usage","MC-265583":"Incorrect pluralization for skin customization strings for pants","MC-50612":"Command blocks does not update when you place them near any source of power","MC-272369":"Can respawn in a solid block with default spawnpoint","MC-902":"The end obsidian platform resets every time entities go through the end portal, which can cause blocks to be deleted","MC-272438":"End crystal entities can't go through an End portal anymore","MC-272329":"Riding an entity into portals may cause the game softlock","MC-272322":"When you are riding an entity through portals, you and the entity may teleport to the wrong place","MC-272424":"Chunks occasionally have large dark areas in the sky","MC-272004":"The damage of a critical hit is the original attack damage x 1.5 + increased damage due to sharpness","MC-270572":"Programmer Art resource pack duplicates some GUI texture files","MC-271870":"random_chance_with_looting function base value is for enchantment level 1","MC-272053":"The \"armor_effectiveness\" effect does not work with projectiles or indirect damage","MC-272014":"Ender Dragon death animation is broken since 20w22a (and broken again in 20w45a)","MC-271929":"Applying multiple layers of \"using_converts_to\" will produce ghost items","MC-270795":"Mobs despawned by Ominous Trial Spawners can delete picked up items","MC-270649":"The width of challenge advancements header is calculated in relation to the slash formatting of progress counter, causing overlap in some languages","MC-272403":"Portal linking chunk loading changes","MC-272490":"@n can select dying entities, unlike @e","MC-272347":"Upgrading from before 24w21a doesn't update structures saved by structure blocks","MC-272308":"Axolots can be attached to new leads when being already leashed","MC-272430":"Breaking a Carrot/Warped Fungus on a Stick gives a damaged Fishing Rod","MC-272408":"set_attributes item modifier can add the same attribute modifier twice","MC-272374":"24w21b will not upgrade attribute_modifiers from previous versions","MC-272038":"The error \"Can't access registry ResourceKey[minecraft:root / minecraft:game_event]\" is sometimes in the log file","MC-270821":"Regular Trial Spawners spawn the first mob with Ominous Trial equipment if they were last active as Ominous","MC-272264":"Narrator button in Accessibility Settings doesn't update upon pressing Ctrl+B","MC-268185":"Copper grates in trial chambers are waterlogged","MC-266471":"Trial chambers can intersect aquifers, causing some blocks inside the structure to be waterlogged","MC-169698":"Blocks within igloo basements can generate waterlogged when generating in close proximity to water","MC-272253":"The strength of the riptide enchantment is increased when holding tridents enchanted with riptide in both hands","MC-272427":"Flame, power, punch, and piercing enchantments no longer work on the last use of the item","MC-97087":"Attributes won't work in main hand if they were in offhand","MC-272339":"Holding crossbows in both hands stacks quick charge","MC-272406":"Crash when zombie tries to spawn second reinforcement","MC-272279":"Resource packs containing TrueType fonts fail to load on x64 macOS systems","MC-272361":"Minecarts and Passengers offset from block when riding through portals ","MC-272258":"block.portal.travel sound now plays when teleporting to a different dimension using commands","MC-272198":"Shulkers' models sometimes appear offset upon end city generation","MC-170907":"Network position deltas are processed relative to a wrong point","MC-272400":"Shield in Inventory with Banner Shows as White","MC-272343":"Ender pearls don't work when riding an entity","MC-272328":"entitiesWithPassengersCanUsePortals game rule description is missing the proper term capitalization","MC-272315":"Serial comma is missing from the entitiesWithPassengersCanUsePortals game rule description","MC-172031":"Throwing an ender pearl into a Nether or End portal often has no effect","MC-114566":"Can't teleport back to the central island with End Gateway Portal on outer End islands","MC-272342":"Typo in mining fatigue attribute ID 'minecraft:effect.minining_fatigue'","MC-272344":"When teleported by an ender pearl, the \"portal noise fades\" sound is played","MC-272365":"Inventory Images of All Banners are Completely White","MC-272355":"Ellipsis text is stringified within NBT text formatter list truncation","MC-272311":"Enchantment glint is gone","MC-272073":"Item displays with billboard and rotation values create major visual bug","MC-272313":"The game crashes when attempting to open the realms menu","MC-272321":"Crash after upgrading snapshot world to 24w21a","MC-67":"Entities with passengers cannot travel through portals","MC-151648":"Non player entities cannot travel through non linked nether portals","MC-116279":"Non-player entities going through Nether portal do not generate portal in Nether if none exists","MC-270808":"Any item in the armor.body slot protects wolves from taking damage","MC-268438":"Baby armadillos can still eat while rolled up","MC-170103":"Untamed wolves only beg for food while being angry and jumping","MC-271753":"Crash due to overflow inside cost calculation in by_cost_with_difficulty","MC-272182":"Knowledge Books no longer function properly with a stack size of 1 in survival/adventure mode","MC-269034":"Wolves no longer teleport while trying to pathfind out of Lava","MC-269351":"The Bolt Armor Trim cannot be duplicated with Waxed Copper Block","MC-260346":"Custom music discs cut off when vanilla disc would normally end","MC-271573":"Attribute Enchantments Don't Behave Properly on Armor","MC-270024":"When drinking ominous bottles, bad omen of higher levels can be overriden by lower amplifiers","MC-270377":"Wind charges can be hit and redirected the moment they are thrown","MC-271458":"Channeling tridents no longer summon lightning bolt every time hitting lightning rod under thunderstorm","MC-270573":"Mounted entities are immune to wind charge damage","MC-269964":"Ominous item spawners are missing an NBT load for spawn_item_after_ticks","MC-269460":"Doesn't activate the thorns enchant when the entity is hit by a wind charge","MC-267967":"Breezes ignore the deflects_projectiles entity type tag","MC-266626":"Breeze doesn't stop attacking the player when it enters on the same team","MC-272084":"Creepers with potion effects no longer create area effect clouds upon exploding","MC-272075":"Attempting to step up while controlling entity and moving fast often glitches","MC-272042":"If players have max health over 20 and die, when they respawn they will have 20 health instead of their max health","MC-272039":"Soul Speed uses durability in creative mode","MC-271911":"Frost walker no longer works with void or cave air","MC-271901":"Entity effect \"play_sound\" Field \"pitch\" value upper limit is 1.0 instead of 2.0","MC-271868":"Frost walker replaces flowing water now","MC-271718":"Crash when randomized_int_state_provider is applied to blocks lacking the property","MC-271634":"Custom Enchantments won't show in creative menu","MC-31819":"Hunger saturation depletes on Peaceful","MC-269988":"New potion effects don't apply their respective behaviors when creeper explodes","MC-266586":"Trial chambers can spawn directly inside the deep dark biome","MC-271856":"Crossbows enchanted with Quick Charge do not benefit from its effects when used in the offhand","MC-272043":"The game crashes when entities die while having the oozing effect","MC-266290":"Double doors do not automatically form between waxed and unwaxed copper doors, even of the same variant","MC-269370":"Sharp lag spike caused by incorrect upper limit on particles created by mace smash attack","MC-271914":"Soul speed enchantment doesnt emit particles when the entity is controlled by a player","MC-271896":"Using Shift+F3+I on a villager crashes the game","MC-271881":"Soul speed doesn't soul make particles.","MC-137719":"The player's horizontal motion doesn't affect fired projectiles in certain situations","MC-271414":"Damage command at position applies knockback in random direction","MC-268370":"Japanese CJK variants use the same diacritic","MC-267230":"Hangul fonts are rendered with missing pixels","MC-270637":"maxentityCramming set to 0 prevents slime spawning from oozing effect","MC-271678":"damage_item enchantment entity effect doesn't break items","MC-271948":"Entering the Nether breaks the game.","MC-271854":"Trying to generate new chunks crashes the server","MC-271803":"Custom enchantment with very large max level causes game to hang after opening Creative inventory","MC-271716":"Fraction value provider allows division by zero","MC-271715":"Crash when the sum of enchantments' weights overflow","MC-271360":"Horse armor and wolf armor are deleted when used on an armor stand","MC-270539":"The blast protection enchantment, when applied to horse armor, no longer diminishes the knockback effect from explosions on horse","MC-270301":"The fire protection enchantment applied to horse armor no longer decreases the duration of time the horse remains ablaze","MC-83590":"Armor attribute giant list","MC-271244":"Auto-save text does not respect \"Text Background\" setting in accessibility settings","MC-271168":"Demo timer does not respect \"Text Background\" setting","MC-271034":"List entries in the Social interaction menu are rendered over the background","MC-270052":"Blur levels below 10% do not appear to actually work","MC-271863":"Crafter recipe gets stuck on an item with a similar recipe","MC-271636":"Attempting to modify NBT of killer rabbit throws unexpected error","MC-271574":"Inlining a painting variant causes players to disconnect when receiving entity data","MC-271566":"Game crash on insufficient \"ammo_use\" amount","MC-271547":"Can't immediately sprint jump into a 2 block ceiling when standing next to it since 24w18a","MC-271468":"Game crashes with custom enchantment's \"rotated_block_provider\"","MC-271853":"Random \"Failed to store chunk\" error","MC-268113":"the minecraft:generic.scale attribute is desynchronized when the player leaves the End dimension via an End portal","MC-181604":"Exiting the end portal resets player attributes to their default values","MC-179940":"Player's attributes resets back to default values upon respawning","MC-6431":"Status effects are lost when returning to the overworld from the exit end portal","MC-271583":"Soul speed no longer works through partial blocks","MC-271937":"Strike a villager with channeling trident in thunder doesn't obtain the advancement \"Very Very Frightening\"","MC-271629":"Channeling doesn't work / \"post_attack\" effect requires enchanted item to be in the mainhand","MC-269147":"Shearing a bogged spawns mushrooms at the bogged's feet","MC-269036":"Bogged do not drop mushrooms when sheared with doMobLoot false","MC-268598":"The \"weight\" of skeletons in swamp biomes is too high causing less bogged spawns","MC-269951":"When the gamerule \"doImmediateRespawn\" is set to true, the Wind Charged, Oozing or Weaving effects don't function for players","MC-271532":"Mace only loses durability during smash attacks","MC-271462":"Buttons make the deactivation sound when pressed","MC-271843":"Crash when a villager dies","MC-271726":"The item.trident.thunder sound can no longer be heard by the player who was struck by a lightning","MC-271710":"Key Binds background is darker than the rest of UI","MC-271725":"Enchantment entity effect \"apply_mob_effect\" never applies an amplifier even if one is defined.","MC-271005":"Knowledge books with a max stack size over 1 consume all items in the stack when used","MC-269809":"Feeding an axolotl an oversized tropical fish bucket resets the stack size to 1","MC-269717":"Cauldron deletes overstacked tinted shulker boxes","MC-269708":"Dispensers using an oversized stack of Water Bottles resets the stack size to 1","MC-269686":"Oversized music disc stacks can be duplicated with jukeboxes","MC-269685":"Buckets are lost when consuming oversized milk buckets","MC-269674":"Oversized book and quill stacks reset count when signed","MC-269642":"Eating an oversized Soup / Stew resets the stack size to 1","MC-269633":"Placing a oversized filled bucket resets the stack size to 1","MC-269318":"Books placed on a lectern in creative mode are consumed","MC-175619":"Dispenser drops honey bottle unless empty slot is available","MC-271461":"Interacting with certain villagers with the villager trade rebalance enabled causes client crash","MC-271427":"Sweep attacks no longer trigger consistently","MC-271406":"Blocks reappear when mined instantly","MC-271423":"Riptide enchantment does not work properly","MC-271400":"The quick charge enchantment on crossbows no longer increases the crossbow loading speed","MC-269601":"Mace smash attack does not knock back other players when they are not the attacked entity","MC-270687":"Maces enchanted with wind burst don't reliably protect players from fall damage","MC-271652":"Holding items enchanted with thorns in your hand no longer works as if you were wearing them","MC-271637":"The enchantment entity effect type \"run_command\" always runs the command in the overworld","MC-271632":"Weapon with Bane of Arthropods can only give the target slowness I instead of slowness IV","MC-271556":"The drop rate of wither skeleton skulls is lowered by 0.01","MC-271484":"Lighting candles and campfires with fire aspect doesn't sent vibration to sculk sensors","MC-271477":"\"projectile_spawned\" enchantment effect always activates at 0, 0, 0","MC-271459":"Frost walker deletes waterlogged blocks","MC-271455":"When holding a fire aspect weapon in the mainhand, thrown tridents in the offhand will set mobs on fire","MC-271444":"The fire aspect enchantment can turn on campfires and candles while underwater","MC-271442":"The fire aspect enchantment can change the \"lit\" states of redstone lamps, redstone torches, copper bulbs, furnaces, smokers, and blast furnaces","MC-271436":"Mace can no longer be enchanted with Fire Aspect","MC-271422":"Soul Speed causes your FOV to change whenever you jump","MC-271404":"Breach and Density enchantments aren't mutually exclusive","MC-271402":"Sharpness and mob-specific damage enchantments reduce attack damage instead of increasing it","MC-271435":"Moving while being attacked deals no knockback","MC-267947":"Ender pearls can teleport players in spectator mode","MC-96198":"Boats / rafts move into blocks when landing in less than one block deep water","MC-26304":"Brewing stands reset brew cycle when unloaded","MC-16345":"Reducing the player's base max health using /attribute does not always reduce their current health","MC-14923":"Players can be kicked for spamming in a singleplayer world with cheats disabled","MC-9644":"Launched falling_block entities do not travel through portals","MC-253791":"Frogs suffocating when growing","MC-252846":"Mobs can pass through fences with carpets on top when growing up","MC-9568":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-271565":"The game can crash when upgrading worlds with zombie villagers from before 1.9","MC-270635":"Trial spawners textures are inconsistent","MC-270296":"Ominous Item Spawner spawns unstackable arrows with potion effects","MC-267981":"The \"Trial Spawner crackles\" subtitle is only displayed for a split second upon the \"minecraft:block.trial_spawner.ambient\" sound being played","MC-271001":"Items in a container can be given a count above 99 (to max integer), and can crash the world","MC-271441":"Fire Protection tooltip is displayed in red text despite being a positive effect","MC-270779":"Getting data with /data command from a block/chest with a large amount of data can cause the game to crash","MC-271170":"Unexpected error when modifying skull's custom name to an invalid value","MC-271159":"Banner pattern entries without colors are invalidated when upgrading to 1.20.5","MC-271094":"Entity ID inside EntityTag is ignored when updating a world to 1.20.5","MC-271026":"Components that set a status effect sometimes lose parts of the data","MC-270965":"The data type of the \"minecraft:custom_data\" component of the recipe result will be forcibly modified","MC-270926":"\"foodSaturationLevel\" can be negative","MC-270818":"Data generator items report is not deterministic","MC-270684":"set_attributes loot function doesn't accept an empty list","MC-268772":"Fall damage multiplier attribute has unintuitive coloring","MC-271434":"Campfires knockback the player","MC-271398":"Crafting ingredients remain in the grid after crafting certain items","MC-267951":"The game freezes and eventually crashes when creating a world with the \"spawnChunkRadius\" gamerule set to high values","MC-270278":"\"Who needs rockets?\" is granted at heights lower than 8 blocks when using slow falling","MC-269969":"Using a normal trial key on the ominous vault grants Under Lock and Key advancement","MC-269966":"\"A Furious Cocktail\" Advancement does not require the new potion effects","MC-269958":"New effects are not required for the \"How Did We Get Here?\" advancement","MC-270974":"Breeze wind charges can change activation blockstates of redstone components when mobGriefing is disabled","MC-270849":"Breeze can extinguish lit candles when mobGriefing is false","MC-269881":"Flow and Bolt Armor Trims don't grant \"Crafting a New Look\" advancement","MC-268564":"Entities receive knockback in incorrect directions when being hit by projectiles deflected by breezes","MC-258967":"Knockback dealt from splash potions is dependent on the direction you were facing when you threw the potion","MC-232770":"Firework Explosions Deal Knockback Away From Their Owner","MC-44280":"Projectiles fired from dispensers don't knock back mobs","MC-271039":"Upgrading to 1.20.5 leads to the removal of all enchantments if item had the \"sweeping\" enchantment without namespace","MC-258497":"Parity issue: Fire Aspect enchant does not set fire to candles","MC-253457":"Cats and Ocelots are immune to Thorns damage","MC-248272":"Enchantment::doPostHurt and Enchantment::doPostAttack are called twice for players","MC-237063":"Particles produced from using boots enchanted with soul speed are inconsistently displayed for other players","MC-237057":"The \"minecraft:particle.soul_escape\" sound is very rarely heard by other players when using boots enchanted with soul speed","MC-234880":"Llama's unaffected by Thorns","MC-225312":"Evokers using evoker fangs are not affected by the Thorns enchantment","MC-224743":"Jumping on soul sand uses durability of Soul Speed boots","MC-223301":"Goats not taking damage when attacking Thorns armor","MC-213349":"Certain mobs that can melee can't use the Fire Aspect enchantment","MC-200991":"Soul Speed in minecart uses durability","MC-200899":"Players don't receive thorns damage when attacking entities wearing thorns armor with indirect sweeping attacks","MC-189365":"Player can retain Soul Speed effect by bridging","MC-188693":"FOV doesn't change back when riding a mob after staying on Soul Sand with Soul Speed","MC-182606":"When sneak-walking with Soul Speed on a Soul Sand or Soul Soil block (most noticeably) adjacent to lava, too many soul particles spawn","MC-177965":"Putting on/taking off soul speed boots while standing on soul sand/soil does not properly give speed","MC-158245":"Fire Aspect enchantment from mobs can set you on fire even when blocking with a shield","MC-131637":"The slowness effect is applied to entities when the bane of arthropods enchantment is held in the off hand","MC-117361":"Mob type specific damage enchantment (Smite, Bane of Anthropods) affects all nearby entities when hitting affected mob with Sweeping Edge","MC-116643":"Silk Touch cannot be combined with Looting or Luck of the Sea","MC-99411":"Frost Walker ice only semi-affected by randomTickSpeed gamerule","MC-93669":"The sweeping attack doesn't ignite other mobs when using the fire aspect enchantment","MC-76104":"Guardians are unaffected by Thorns enchantment","MC-59626":"Arrows lose their Punch enchantment property when unloaded","MC-270682":"modify_contents item modifier can create overstacked items","MC-270588":"Hitting Wind Charges and Fireballs makes no sound","MC-270379":"Buttons and Levers don't make sounds when toggled by Wind Charges","MC-268551":"When a wind charge is fired from a dispenser, it makes a \"dispensed item\" sound instead of a \"Wind Charge flies\" sound","MC-271157":"\"Telemetry is disabled\" tooltip does not get updated when the client locale changes","MC-270021":"Drinking a single ominous bottle in survival doesn't grant bad omen with the correct amplifier","MC-261701":"Lag spike when opening creative inventory for first time in world","MC-271109":"Trader llama inventory shifted, partially lost during upgrade","MC-270031":"Arrows spawned from ominous trial spawner can be picked up","MC-270934":"Missing trial chamber structure minecraft:trial_chambers/chamber/addon/c6","MC-270977":"Breezes don't make deflection sounds","MC-270791":"Mace smash attack can knockback tamed mobs","MC-266556":"Trial spawner cannot be activated in peaceful difficulty","MC-267154":"Using an Eye of Ender plays the minecraft:entity.ender_eye.launch sound event twice","MC-270216":"Mace smash attack particles cannot be reduced with the Particles setting","MC-270047":"Axe Prioritizes Scraping Copper over Shield","MC-268347":"Setting gravity higher than 0.84 allows you to jump up a block","MC-267441":"When a player's generic.step_height attribute is set to more than two, attempting to step atop of more than two blocks may fail if there are blocks higher up","MC-268367":"Arrows repeatedly bouncing off a breeze spam sound","MC-270499":"Riptide trident in off-hand applies mace effects in main hand","MC-215144":"A re-created \"Default\" world has world type of \"Custom\"","MC-270964":"Race condition in can_break/can_place_on item stack components","MC-270902":"Game unpauses when credits are played via pause menu","MC-270916":"Villagers can sell experimental enchantments without the 1.21 experiment enabled","MC-270862":"Firework Star item displays have inconsistent color updates","MC-270867":"Severe lag when upgrading 1.20.4 worlds","MC-270871":"Upgrading a world with horses wearing leather horse armor makes the horse immune to freezing forever","MC-270845":"Summoned wind charges can no longer be redirected","MC-270825":"Certain simulation distance values cannot be saved visually","MC-270838":"Stationary fireballs can no longer be redirected","MC-270666":"The game tries to spawn bogged without experimental feature \"update 1.21\" active (but failed)","MC-270609":"Client requires a tick between StoreCookiePacket and TransferPacket for cookie to be stored","MC-270097":"Crash when set_ominous_bottle_amplifier item modifier sets out-of-range amplifier","MC-269384":"Panorama sometimes spins quickly when exiting world","MC-270608":"Projectiles can no longer deflect ghast fireballs","MC-270375":"The screen flashes when changing graphics, smooth lighting, render distance, and biome blend settings","MC-270799":"Player can no longer sprint/walk across one block gaps since 1.20.5 Pre-Release 2","MC-270634":"Fireworks shot from Dispensers go much higher than before","MC-270668":"Item data serialization is significantly slower than before","MC-270712":"Cannot move while sneaking if attribute generic.step_height is set to 0","MC-270559":"FreeType error: Unrecognized error: 0x62 (Loading glyph)","MC-267381":"Moving while sneaking is impossible with high generic.step_height attribute","MC-270767":"Leather horse armor no longer prevents horses from freezing in powder snow","MC-270648":"Wolf armor with the curse of binding enchantment cannot be removed from wolves using shears in creative mode","MC-270610":"Some new advancement titles are incorrectly capitalized","MC-270679":"Clicking on text with run_command can cause EncoderException and will exit to multiplayer menu","MC-270262":"You can see the world loading while in the process of entering it","MC-270603":"Crash updating world: ClassCastException: RegularImmutableList cannot be cast to class com.mojang.datafixers.util.Pair","MC-269415":"set_fireworks \"mode\" is required even when \"explosions\" is optional","MC-267868":"Vanilla resource pack not properly enabled on first launch","MC-265741":"Waterlogged barriers don't show up on maps","MC-265709":"Stonecutter outputs are broken past the 32nd row in the GUI (server only)","MC-270265":"Blur slider does not say \"OFF\" when set to 0%","MC-270049":"Enchanting table buttons and level icons render translucent pixels as opaque","MC-269660":"arguments.item.predicate.unknown quotes are different","MC-269619":"Scroller in Telemetry Data screen renders translucent pixels as opaque, unlike elsewhere","MC-269300":"The \"Alternatively, here's some we made earlier!\" text is positioned too close to the header separator","MC-268810":"Ctrl+Picking chests still says (+NBT) even though NBT is replaced by components","MC-259355":"Game crashes because /place sometimes does not check whether position is loaded and out of world","MC-268854":"Firework explosions in items without a `Type` field are not correctly upgraded","MC-270590":"Dropped items from creative mode get deleted when inventory is open","MC-270117":"The calculation of fall damage for horses, donkeys, mules, zombie horses, skeleton horses, camels, llamas, trader llamas, and foxes disregards the minecraft:generic.safe_fall_distance","MC-270116":"The minecraft:generic.fall_damage_multiplier attribute does not function for many mobs with nonstandard fall damage behaviour","MC-269932":"Item disappears when trying to trade using items with lower max stack count","MC-269123":"Enabling or disabling a resource pack that changes a shader will not affect that shader until the resource pack is reloaded","MC-268015":"Shulker bullets shot from shulkers don't account for the scale attribute","MC-266997":"Sky light doesn't update when breaking a shulker box while its (closing) animation is playing","MC-265585":"Waterlogged barriers do not diffuse sky light","MC-269304":"Horse armor renders incorrectly when worn by wolves","MC-268858":"Wolf armor can be placed in an enchanting table","MC-268804":"Wolves attacked while wearing wolf armor resets eating timer despite being at full health","MC-268257":"Equipping a carpet on a Llama doesn't play a sound","MC-268064":"Armadillos that aren't rolled up can roll up during their death animation","MC-199973":"Wet wolf is rendered too dark compared to past versions","MC-269472":"Crash when table_bonus loot condition has empty chances list","MC-270003":"Ominous banners are not \"pick block\"-ed properly","MC-270413":"A nbt copy of a block is ABSOLUTELY the same as the first nbt copy of the original and n (+nbt) display for tooltip of (a copy of)×n a block have an \"Items\" block data","MC-269802":"Selecting a villager trade merges items with different components","MC-269173":"The server cannot send the client the system_chat packet containing deeply nested NBT data","MC-269171":"The client is disconnected when receiving the system_chat packet containing deeply nested NBT data","MC-269161":"Stonecutter does not support multiple recipes with the same result item type","MC-268984":"Running /give command throws EncoderException","MC-268035":"True Type Font when changing Language causes error with Rendering overlay","MC-267414":"Scale attribute causes extreme TPS loss with the ender dragon","MC-267352":"Singleplayer worlds don't load the player.dat when the \"Player\" tag is absent from level.dat","MC-268000":"The client crashes when using /give to give players a skull","MC-270001":"The particle 'minecraft:item minecraft:air' crashes the client","MC-188497":"AngerTime and AngryAt cannot be set on summon","MC-267934":"Sending ClientboundTransferPacket followed by disconnect just kicks the player","MC-270475":"Container component slot -1 crash","MC-265390":"Forceload Command provides wrong output","MC-269501":"The text above the hotbar has no background, even when the \"Text Background\" setting is \"Everywhere\" in spectator mode","MC-270236":"area_effect_cloud and lingering potions causing potion_contents.custom_color to be slightly transparent","MC-269357":"Flow and guster banner pattern descriptions display as raw translation strings","MC-270125":"Wind Burst can be obtained from chest and fishing loot","MC-269977":"Wind Burst enchantment is obtainable in Enchanting Table","MC-269976":"Wind Burst book available from villager trading","MC-269496":"You don't get any damage if you fight against the breeze in a minecart or in a boat","MC-269610":"Wind charges have the capability to harm the wither when it has reached half health or less","MC-269609":"Wind charges can harm the ender dragon while it perches atop the end portal, unlike arrows and tridents.","MC-270412":"Wind charge item crash on non-experimental worlds.","MC-270201":"Fishing rod line does not account for the scale attribute in third-person","MC-270119":"The contents slot for the /item command does not function with shot arrows, tridents, and fireballs","MC-269707":"Brewing stand slots have artificial maximum stack size of 64","MC-269192":"Breeze is not affected by the 'execute on target' command","MC-268947":"Flying cannot be initiated reliably when the minecraft:generic.gravity attribute is increased","MC-268346":"Jump can be used with generic.jump_strength set to 0 resulting in a speed boost","MC-264456":"Entity targeted by frogs and axolotls can't be detected by /execute on target","MC-263315":"Attack Target of hoglins/zoglins can't be detected by /execute on target","MC-165435":"Can't trigger flying mode in creative while standing in the middle of 2×2 magma block bubble column","MC-269508":"Player keeps vertical momentum when jumping when landing on the ground from sonic boom","MC-269948":"The subtitle for the \"minecraft:event.mob_effect.raid_omen\" sound event displays as a raw translation string","MC-270158":"Wind Burst Activates While Mace is on Cooldown","MC-269980":"Wind Burst enchantment triggers from normal attacks rather than smash attacks","MC-270099":"Killing a mob with Weaving effect places cobwebs even if mobGriefing is disabled","MC-270009":"Entities with the infested effect can spawn silverfish without actually being hurt","MC-269974":"Mobs with the weaving effect, when dying, are unable to replace replaceable blocks with cobwebs","MC-269961":"Non-player entities with the Weaving effect can't walk through Cobweb at normal speeds","MC-269999":"Potions of Infestation, Oozing and Weaving can be obtained without experimental features enabled","MC-269963":"Bad Omen is not removed when experimental features are disabled","MC-269266":"Area effect cloud particles from creeper explosions are incorrectly tinted","MC-269933":"limit_count item modifier can create overstacked items","MC-269680":"Game crashes when trying to save after modifying item stack to have a max_stack_size below its current stack size","MC-269320":"Books with more than 100 pages get cut off when upgraded","MC-269191":"Old villagers can't trade","MC-269959":"\"Not a list\" printed to console when loading into a world","MC-270005":"Mace smash attack can be done multiple times from a single fall","MC-269947":"Clicking spam with Mace causes very high damage","MC-269765":"Mace damage does not reset after a hit while still falling","MC-270161":"Wind burst enchantment is significantly stronger on vehicle entities","MC-269993":"Hitting wind charges using mace with Wind Burst creates very high upwards momentum","MC-270060":"glowy bits in trial spawner textures are inconsistent","MC-270048":"Vault textures are inconsistent","MC-270094":"Fletcher sells new tipped arrows without experimental features enabled","MC-269955":"When flying in creative mode, hitting ender dragons with a mace enchanted with Wind Burst pushes the player upward, unlike when attacking other mobs","MC-269949":"New \"Raid Omen\" effect texture is using Programmer Art Evoker as base","MC-207353":"Ghast fireballs and wind charges can't be redirected in melee if the attack does 0 damage","MC-270004":"Giving yourself an item with a Wind Burst enchantment level higher than 3, then hitting certain entities crashes the game","MC-269954":"Striking non-living entities with a mace enchanted with Wind Burst propels the player upward, even when they are flying","MC-269366":"Mace doesn't break Decorated Pots unlike other tools","MC-269983":"Player Head Data is not evaluated when id is present","MC-269700":"Item count in \"/item replace\" is restricted to the default stack size","MC-269684":"Commands accepting stack sizes are restricted to a maximum of 64","MC-269677":"Filterable \"text\" field conflicts with text components","MC-269596":"EntityTag of existing items is not upgraded to entity_data component","MC-269553":"Items with empty enchantments NBT tag do not upgrade as expected","MC-269503":"Goat horn default instrument is missing when using /give","MC-269482":"The set_attributes function in loot tables no longer replaces default attribute modifiers","MC-268945":"Some interfaces instantly close when opened from long distances when players have their \"minecraft:player.block_interaction_range\" attribute set to high values","MC-268877":"Beehives/bee nests in inventory lose honey level after converting to 24w09a","MC-269991":"Dragon breath particles look wrong","MC-270187":"Command block's nbt cannot copy before second save","MC-270061":"Ctrl + Pick Block does not copy Trial Spawner data correctly","MC-269960":"Ctrl + Pick block is not copying container data correctly","MC-270162":"The game crashes when attempting to upgrade a world from version 1.12.2 and below ","MC-269716":"Unable to craft the maximum possible allowed items using shift-click in the recipe book","MC-269355":"Heavy Core has no required tool","MC-269446":"\"Are you sure you want to quit?\" screen uses background blur","MC-268597":"Hitting a breeze with a player reflected/dispensed wind charge causes it to become trapped within the breeze until it moves","MC-268563":"Snowballs, eggs, experience bottles, and ender pearls are destroyed instead of being deflected when hitting breezes","MC-266467":"Wind charges stutter when flying through the air","MC-80142":"Power tag for wither skulls, small/dragon fireballs and wind charges is not synced correctly, leading to stuttering during flight","MC-268727":"Server disconnects the client when sending a keepalive packet while transitioning out of configuration phase","MC-268882":"Same Enchantments in an item components crashes the game","MC-269427":"Lingering potion particles are tinted black instead of the potion's color","MC-269635":"The game crashes when attempting to eat lily pads or frogspawn","MC-268716":"Magma Cubes spawn even if there's only 2 blocks in height","MC-268627":"Slime spawns are incorrect","MC-269670":"Game crash when giving bundle with hide tooltip","MC-178410":"Banners don't support the HideFlags tag when placed down as blocks","MC-148057":"Ominous banners generated in outposts show the pattern list","MC-123804":"Explorer map and Ominous banner names appear in item frames, draw in italics, and can be removed with an anvil","MC-269371":"If the 'GUI Scale' option is on 'Auto', and if you try to scale it down using CTRL + mouse wheel, it shows as '-1'","MC-269342":"The experimental features details menu is rendered incorrectly after resizing the game window","MC-166361":"GUI scale does not visually update when the option is changed using the keyboard and without the mouse","MC-269143":"Attribute modifiers cannot exclusively target the \"body\" slot","MC-269659":"Parrots can now be fed carrots to kill them instead of cookies","MC-268893":"Comparators requiring a block update to function properly, and droppers/observers receiving false state changes.","MC-269628":"Heavy cores delete water when placed into it","MC-269649":"Who Needs Rockets advancement is granted after launching yourself up 8 blocks instead of 7 blocks","MC-269015":"Wind charges can destroy end crystals","MC-269387":"Mace sounds use the neutral sound category","MC-268578":"Bogged mob sits wrong in boats","MC-269388":"Mace falling damage increase is applied while using an elytra","MC-269643":"Water Logged Heavy Core Has No Logic","MC-268171":"Some GUI textures can no longer be transparent in Minecraft","MC-269393":"Game crashes when wind charge hits entity","MC-269373":"/datapack disable doesn't work","MC-269336":"Crash with set_enchantments item modifier above level 255","MC-269457":"Crash with set_lore item modifier setting more than 256 lores","MC-269452":"Crash when using item modifier with replace_section mode and very large size field","MC-269401":"The minecraft:set_written_book_pages item modifier is inconsistent with minecraft:set_name and minecraft:set_lore","MC-269268":"components don't work on the smithing table","MC-268510":"Items with \"Unbreakable:1b\" NBT can no longer have the unbreaking enchant applied","MC-268312":"Impaling enchantment uses #aquatic tag instead of #sensitive_to_impaling","MC-268311":"Bane of arthropods enchantment uses #arthropods tag instead of #sensitive_to_bane_of_arthropods","MC-267943":"Anvil exclusive enchantments can be obtained from enchanting tables","MC-267933":"Silk Touch and Fortune enchanted books cannot be found in Creative inventory","MC-269354":"The subtitle for the \"minecraft:item.mace.smash_air\" sound event displays as a raw translation string","MC-269409":"Unable to execute /particle entity_effect","MC-269299":"The red text within the \"Experiments\" menu cannot be narrated or selected","MC-269280":"The right side of incompatible resource or data packs isn't rendered correctly when the scroll bar is present","MC-269085":"Experience bar and jump bar render translucent pixels as opaque","MC-268068":"Pieces of text in the \"Reset World\" realm menu can intersect when using some resolutions","MC-267747":"Click and hover events don't work when viewing chat while F1 is enabled","MC-269169":"Wolf variant not present in advancement criteria","MC-269422":"Carpet on powder snow no longer negates fall damage","MC-269361":"Weird Wind Charge behavior when deflecting","MC-268343":"Breeze charge has laggy unnatural flightpaths when punched","MC-269419":"Heavy Core cannot be waterlogged","MC-268556":"Wind charges go through non-full blocks instead of colliding","MC-269279":"The \"Normal user\" button within the realms player menu is improperly capitalized","MC-269136":"Incorrect weapon.* command suggestions","MC-186626":"/weather not working in custom dimensions","MC-268405":"Wind charges can move in unusual ways","MC-269122":"Editing signs causes background blur","MC-269081":"Some Realms icons are rendered behind the button in the main menu, instead of not being rendered at all","MC-269077":"Sign editing screen uses menu_background.png","MC-269032":"Blur shader runs when menu blurriness is 0%","MC-268967":"Night vision does not work properly in high constrast mode","MC-268956":"Command blocks, structure blocks and jigsaw blocks use menu_background.png","MC-268953":"Layout of gamerules screen breaks when toggling fullscreen mode or changing resolution","MC-268908":"Trying to navigate to the Font Settings menu using the Tab key exits the language menu","MC-268902":"Low FPS when blurred menu background is visible","MC-268862":"The End is incredibly dark with the \"High Contrast\" resource pack enabled","MC-268819":"Programmer Art, High Contrast, other resource packs: top of \"Create New World\" screen is transparent/not dirt","MC-268816":"Credits background texture no longer scrolls in Programmer Art and other such resource packs","MC-268812":"Dirt background is used in the pause menu and some other menus in Programmer Art; black background used in High Contrast resource pack","MC-268811":"Clicking 'Done' for language settings is ineffective; changes apply after double-clicking the language option","MC-268805":"panorama_overlay.png no longer works","MC-268796":"\"Saving world\" text is blurred when pausing","MC-267930":"No element is focused when opening the statistics screen using keyboard navigation","MC-267923":"The \"Done\" button doesn't always deselect when you close out of a Sign UI, making typing spaces difficult","MC-260921":"Data is focused last on the statistics screen when using keyboard navigation","MC-268855":"Typing /function then space closes the internal server","MC-268582":"Facing direction no longer affects shading of the first person arm","MC-268408":"Game crashes when a wind charge hits an entity after disabling update_1_21 data pack","MC-268282":"Picking up lava, powder snow or water using a bucket can be desynced","MC-268110":"Deleting world results in a file directory error","MC-170000":"Hand lighting / lighting of held items changes drastically in first-person mode when looking around","MC-229919":"Bees don't recognize beehives or bee nests with a campfire directly below and a block on top","MC-208528":"Feeding tamed baby wolves and cats causes them to sit down/stand up","MC-168407":"Bees can get stuck in a lantern","MC-165948":"Bees can be lured into dangerous blocks","MC-232560":"Tamed wolf movement speed decreases when unleashed from a fence","MC-221754":"Leashed wolves no longer attack when unleashed","MC-173303":"Leashed pets teleport to the player when reloaded","MC-172047":"Wolves try to attack armor stands","MC-153329":"Leashing an iron golem breaks its pathfinding until reloading the world","MC-269091":"AttributeModifiers NBT with missing fields is not upgraded correctly to components","MC-269066":"Item modifier cannot remove `custom_name`","MC-269062":"Bundles with \"Bundle Contents\" component removed return after right clicking","MC-269005":"Player heads from previous versions cause game crash and/or are converted incorrectly","MC-268971":"Lodestone compass stops being a lodestone compass after breaking its tracked lodestone","MC-268921":"Arrows lose particles after unloading world","MC-268897":"Cannot select entities who have any itemstack with the count being 1.","MC-268851":"Crossbows don't make a firing sound","MC-268845":"Items with can_break/can_place_on components update every time the inventory is changed in creative mode","MC-217084":"Player head NBT \"ExtraType\" is no longer saved but doesn't use DataFixerUpper upgrade path","MC-174496":"Player heads lose their name after being placed","MC-268904":"Suspicious stew not giving effects","MC-268879":"Having a high damage value breaks and crashes the game","MC-268864":"An item modifier with a duplicate item stack component prevents the entire data pack from (re)loading, rather than ignoring that one specific item modifier","MC-268856":"Loading shulker box/bundle with a single 'invalid' item in it renders the whole component invalid","MC-268853":"Unable to load paintings for any variants","MC-268850":"Attribute Modifier: Not updated when switching items in hotbar","MC-268842":"Crash when saving world with painting","MC-268830":"Effect Particles appear when specifying no particles using /effect command","MC-268824":"Disenchanted books from grindstone don't stack with books that were in the inventory","MC-268813":"Crash when spawning item with can_break/can_place_on component containing unknown/invalid tag","MC-268801":"Shulker boxes in saved hotbars inconsistently update to item components","MC-268800":"All tools have 4 attack damage, and 1.6 attack speed","MC-268462":"Saturation suspicious stew now grants 7 seconds of effect instead of 7 ticks","MC-268392":"Setting gravity attribute to 0.0 kicks player for flying","MC-157133":"Enchanted books with curses can be stacked using a grindstone","MC-140397":"When combining two enchanted unbreakable items, the result will be two stacked items","MC-268834":"Vault texture is inconsistent","MC-268236":"Search field in the social interactions menu not focused by default","MC-268022":"Elements within the list in the \"Experimental feature requirements\" menu cannot be selected via the mouse cursor","MC-267976":"The scroll bar in the realms player list can no longer be dragged using the mouse cursor","MC-267975":"The realms player list is rendered larger than its visual size","MC-251042":"Third-party warning buttons are not positioned well in non-English languages","MC-268778":"Baby armadillos shouldn't drop scutes when brushed","MC-267451":"Items named with an anvil on 1.20.4 don't stack with items named prior","MC-268011":"Hoppers leak the last world they sucked item on","MC-267500":"Attribute modifier on an item with the first and/or last 2 integers of the UUID being 0 are non-functional","MC-259284":"Severe performance issues with inventories with lots of data","MC-257119":"Lodestone Compass does not stack after dropping and destroying the Lodestone","MC-118890":"Tipped arrows stuck in the ground never lose their effect","MC-268710":"The fall damage reduction for the Wind Charge is not working","MC-195572":"The fog from lava is much denser when having the Fire Resistance effect active compared to Bedrock Edition","MC-226775":"Extinguishing candle shows inaccurate subtitle","MC-268350":"Wind Charges never despawn","MC-268580":"Chiseled bookshelf model is not deterministic in data generation","MC-268355":"Tick freeze lets chunk tickets expire","MC-268353":"Tick Freeze randomizes next AI tick type","MC-267866":"Panda slimeball drop is hardcoded","MC-268344":"Breezes are not affected by the looting enchantment","MC-268426":"Wind charges shot from breezes no longer explode and instead are deleted upon hitting breezes after being deflected","MC-268342":"Breeze can be damaged by wind charge","MC-268080":"When the projectiles are reflected from the breeze, the projectiles will deflect in the opposite direction in Bedrock, but in Java they will always deflect downward","MC-268349":"Hopper minecarts with a full block above them no longer search for item entities to pick up","MC-268418":"Pre-1.9 chunks get regenerated seemingly randomly when upgrading","MC-268389":"Fall damage is conserved between game modes with Wind Charge","MC-268383":"Wind Charges negate ALL fall damage that does not occur below the hit point, regardless of whether the fall was caused by the charge or not","MC-268368":"Wind charge bounces cause fall damage after exiting water","MC-268362":"Blocks which typically negate fall damage fail to do so from falls after using wind charges","MC-266570":"Wind charges can't go through non solid blocks","MC-268451":"Hoppers can't pull honey bottles from bee hives or bee nests","MC-268339":"\"Japanese\" is misspelled as \"Japanse\" in options.japaneseGlyphVariants.tooltip","MC-267732":"/place jigsaw still caps max depth at 7","MC-72151":"Snow Golem's snowballs damage wolves instead of pushing them","MC-268091":"\"Shuniji\", \"Dragon Fish\" and \"Axolotl\" no longer play underwater","MC-193202":"Tamed wolf health resets when NBT is loaded (e.g. relog)","MC-267917":"Baby armadillos don't make an eating sound when feeding them spider eyes","MC-268065":"Armadillos with no AI roll up after being attacked","MC-267940":"Armadillo's scute drop timer is not saved to data","MC-259142":"Hoppers with barrel facing downwards on top picking up item","MC-261846":"Japanese language uses a Chinese font?","MC-268179":"Horse armor and wolf armor disappear when right-clicking in the air","MC-268096":"Singleplayer client discards synced biome tags","MC-264684":"Too long macro silently fail","MC-267512":"Invulnerable ghasts can be killed with reflected fireballs","MC-268189":"\"block.vault.fall\" uses placeholder sounds","MC-268172":"Game crashes when saving an entity's effect above 127","MC-268168":"Chainmail armor texture broken due to armor material renaming","MC-118857":"Effect amplifier is read/written as byte from NBT despite being stored as an integer","MC-267922":"Wolf armor loses custom display name and other NBT when equipped","MC-264821":"The fog on armor worn by entities occurs too early","MC-260099":"Sniffer's snout shading changes during sniffing","MC-225170":"Normal matrix scaling broken in some situations","MC-267941":"The end portal kills mobs at spawnChunkRadius 0","MC-267938":"The world loading percentage value can get covered by the spawn chunk loading animation when the \"spawnChunkRadius\" gamerule is set to large values","MC-267953":"No element is focused when opening the realms world backups menu using keyboard navigation","MC-266449":"Breeze doesn't attack or retaliate against mob on sight","MC-267937":"Shooting a breeze with a piercing crossbow makes the game crash","MC-266707":"Trial spawners ignore custom_spawn_rules","MC-267925":"Retrieving an item from a flower pot while holding something causes the item to end up in your off hand","MC-232489":"Retrieving a plant from a flower pot ignores inventory contents","MC-267935":"Items on top of soul sand or mud will be rendered black","MC-267927":"The hitboxes of magma cubes are too large","MC-267918":"The game crashes when opening the configure realms menu","MC-266577":"Some trial spawners in trial chambers spawn mobs without persistence","MC-266032":"Attempting to copy a \"Copy of a copy\" book in a Crafter behaves incorrectly","MC-267725":"Players' experience levels no longer render above the health and hunger bars","MC-267708":"The wither's skull projectile attacks do not account for the scale attribute","MC-267707":"Wither particles do not account for scale attribute","MC-267706":"Evoker and illusioner summon particles do not account for scale attribute","MC-267565":"Low scale attribute lets you breathe underwater","MC-267479":"Inventory view model scales with generic.scale","MC-267470":"The regeneration effect granted from beacons is no longer applied to players","MC-267434":"Upside-down mobs with big scale attribute are displayed above hitbox","MC-267428":"Phantom wing particles do not account for scale attribute","MC-267427":"Rendering offset of sleeping entities does not account for scale attribute","MC-267418":"Warden sonic boom attack doesn't account for the scale attribute","MC-267417":"Suffocation overlay shown when on solid almost-full blocks at scale > .06","MC-267378":"Armor stand interaction points do not change with scale","MC-265749":"Tooltips flash when the values of buttons or fields are changed","MC-265520":"Switching connection protocols sometimes produces errors","MC-266078":"The output of Crafting and Stonecutting Copper Grates is inconsistent with each other","MC-267538":"Putting placeable blocks inside decorated pots also places them","MC-153160":"Villagers don't auto-fill items if NBT data doesn't match","MC-267588":"The hand animation is no longer played when putting items inside decorated pots","MC-267086":"Compass does not indicate spawn point correctly when game is frozen with /tick","MC-267045":"Some tick strings are missing articles and are unclear","MC-267044":"Tick status strings contain inconsistent word usage","MC-267497":"Baby armadillos do not sound high pitched when curling up","MC-267726":"Applying bone meal to blocks underwater no longer produces any particles","MC-267104":"The bottom face textures of breezes' rods are incorrect and don't match with surrounding colors","MC-267149":"Crafter top face has an inverted UV texture map","MC-265273":"The tab list in create world screen does not indicate it's tab-focused by highlight or rendering borders","MC-261596":"Crafting Table search keyboard shortcut not working","MC-267465":"1.20.3 upload error: \"Cannot invoke \"ctt.c()\" because \"this.b\" is null\"","MC-267384":"Unused duplicate wolf armor sound events","MC-267435":"Baby armadillos do not follow parents consistently or closely","MC-267413":"Feeding an armadillo a spider eye doesn't cancel eating it","MC-267406":"Armadillos with their \"Silent\" NBT tag set to \"1b\" still play their landing and rolling up sounds","MC-267405":"Scared armadillo can move when having a passenger","MC-267402":"Head of armadillo in boat is twitching when turning the boat","MC-267398":"Armadillos don't play a roll out sound after finishing hiding","MC-267397":"Armadillos and baby armadillos stand a bit too far away from players that are tempting them","MC-267395":"Armadillos panic when receiving fall damage","MC-267392":"Armadillos are scared of players in spectator mode","MC-267389":"Armadillos don't always stand in close proximity to one another when breeding","MC-267388":"The subtitle for brushing armadillos is inconsistent with other item usage subtitles","MC-267367":"Wolf armor flashes red when the wolf takes damage","MC-267366":"You cannot use Spider Eyes on Baby Armadillos to age them up","MC-267456":"Changes to item_used_on_block advancement criteria breaks previous functionality","MC-260889":"Players can use water buckets and lava buckets on blocks that are out of reach","MC-267454":"Baby striders are visibly the same size as normal striders","MC-267422":"Attribute entity_interaction_range is classified as 'generic', but has no effect on mobs","MC-267420":"Boat placement ignores custom \"block_interaction_range\" attribute","MC-267416":"Particles created from Slimes do not account for the scale attribute","MC-267385":"Attribute entity_interaction_range is capped by block_interaction_range","MC-267383":"Can't place water and lava with extended attribute \"block_interaction_range\"","MC-267380":"Cannot open inventories beyond default block reach","MC-267371":"Shulkers hitbox doesn't scale with generic.scale","MC-267404":"Scared armadillo pushed into boat is scared of player riding the boat","MC-187372":"There is no space between fps limit/vsync and graphics level in the debug screen","MC-171981":"Map of fuel times is created anew every time an item is placed in a furnace, instead of being cached","MC-267379":"Applying bone meal to rooted dirt no longer produces any particles","MC-267377":"Applying bone meal to mangrove leaves no longer produces any particles","MC-155857":"Team command doesn't affect illagers and witches AI","MC-153643":"Debug overlay is rendered behind hotbar items","MC-198787":"Inefficient streams in GoalSelector","MC-265541":"player.dat_old won't be read even if player.dat doesn't exist","MC-266334":"Shulker bullets break armor stands","MC-267194":"/return run function in combination with a fork and a function that doesn't return has inconsistent behavior.","MC-267193":"A function with /return fail run in chat doesn't indicate failure.","MC-266389":"Glow berry particles are barely visible when bonemealed","MC-259587":"Negative item durability causes the durability bar to render incorrectly","MC-252409":"Memory statistics within the debug menu contain some unnecessary spaces","MC-249335":"Using bone meal on mangrove leaves spawns growth particles at the center of the block instead of below it","MC-238242":"There is an unnecessary black pixel in the upper right corner of small potion UI icons in the inventory","MC-219899":"Bone meal used on rooted dirt causes the particles to appear above it, despite the growth being below it","MC-194948":"Block breaking subtitle inconsistent with painting, item frame and lead breaking subtitles ","MC-193753":"Respawn anchor ambient sound subtitle refers to it as a portal","MC-185379":"Baby polar bear subtitle does not explicitly mention it comes from a baby polar bear","MC-184066":"Respawn anchors do not produce ambient sound","MC-167375":"Baby turtle subtitles are grammatically incorrect","MC-184622":"Sound for exiting a portal/travelling to another dimension does not use its subtitle string despite it existing in en_us.json","MC-266738":"Subtitles string \"subtitles.block.trial_spawner.spawn_mob\" is misleading and inconsistent","MC-266533":"Breeze's AI has serious flaws in open terrain","MC-251027":"Wearing a helmet doesn't reduce the damage of falling anvils or stalactites by 1⁄4","MC-248961":"takenDamage for achievement criteria is calculated wrongly when the player has equipped a helmet","MC-266589":"Armor durability is changed when swapping on creative","MC-266628":"High polling rate causing stuttering","MC-266055":"Opening or closing a copper door or trapdoor while holding an axe / honeycomb grants wax-related advancement","MC-266524":"Breezes sometimes get the zoomies after jumping","MC-266469":"When attacked, breezes sometimes stop pathfinding, jumping, or firing wind charges","MC-266999":"Crafter's tooltip buttons can still be visible to players on spectator mode","MC-266432":"Exposed, weathered and oxidised copper bulbs are unwaxed in trial chambers ","MC-266145":"Copper Trapdoors are not part of the #trapdoors item tag","MC-266144":"Copper Doors are not part of the #doors item tag","MC-266308":"Copper Bulbs have unused \"turn_off\" sound","MC-267185":"Decorated pots can delete items when reloading the world","MC-266430":"Breeze on top of a non-full block produces particles of the block below it","MC-266688":"Breeze model's glowing eyes are not resource pack-friendly","MC-266685":"The entity shadows of breezes are too large in relation to the size of their models","MC-266680":"The glowing outline isn't applied to the eyes or eyebrows of breezes","MC-150278":"Red sand can't be used to make concrete powder","MC-266990":"Maps with the same 'map' tag value, but different 'display' tag data can cause markers to disappear","MC-266136":"Macro commands ignore function-permisson-level server setting, including when lower than default","MC-266135":"Cached macro commands ignore permission level, allowing limited permission escalation","MC-266960":"Bossbar text renders in front of player list background and player icons","MC-265835":"The freezing effect is rendered totally opaque when using a spyglass","MC-265669":"Hotbar text renders above subtitle background but under subtitle text","MC-263256":"Chat renders on top of TAB, blocking information","MC-261577":"The nether portal overlay is rendered completely opaque when using spyglasses while standing inside of nether portals","MC-198963":"Chat text renders in front of player names in player list","MC-193524":"Boss bar text strikethough/underline renders on tab list","MC-193521":"Boss bar text renders in front of F3","MC-193517":"Boss bar text renders in front of sidebar","MC-193515":"Boss bar text renders in front of narrator text","MC-193511":"Title text renders in front of narrator text","MC-187267":"Title text renders in front of sidebar","MC-173672":"Title text renders in front of player names in player list","MC-130244":"When opening chat in F1 mode, previous messages aren't visible","MC-266537":"Disparity between the read/write logic of the explosion packet","MC-267062":"Server list ping icon doesn't display tooltip","MC-266968":"/return executed within an advancement reward function globally discards all subsequent commands","MC-266903":"Incorrect part of copper door texture","MC-266335":"Copper Doors/Trapdoors have wrong Blast Resistance","MC-266920":"Server Resource Packs Setting disabled no longer overridden by require-resource-pack","MC-266115":"Inconsistent Copper Door block drops when broken with tools weaker than stone","MC-266948":"You can run \"/summon wind_charge\" without enabling the 1.21 datapack","MC-266210":"Dragon respawn is unable to be frozen with /tick freeze","MC-266189":"Freezing the game during pick-up animation desyncs item position","MC-266060":"The word \"ignored\" is misspelled as \"ingored\" within the \"commands.tick.query.rate.sprinting\" string","MC-266934":"Breeze wind charges do not break pointed dripstone blocks","MC-265908":"Pool aliases don't redirect start pool","MC-266728":"The \"styled\" number format uses the resource location \"result\"","MC-265772":"A command with multiple redirect modifiers can ignore \"maxCommandChainLength\"","MC-265291":"Command suggestions within the command block interface don't disappear when the console command field is unselected","MC-266380":"Rain texture doesn't loop correctly","MC-265426":"Certain inputs pressed whilst in F3+Esc Pause will be carried out after game is unpaused","MC-266075":"\"Player teleports\" not shown in subtitles when an ender pearl lands far from the thrower","MC-266439":"Decorated pots with loot table desync item consumption if it cannot be inserted in the pot","MC-266496":"Wind Charge can not break Decorated Pots","MC-266890":"The minecraft:grass item does not get upgraded to minecraft:short_grass","MC-266886":"Backspace in Anvil no longer works when renaming an item","MC-266206":"Renamed arrows are reffered as just \"Arrow\" in the death message","MC-266516":"Arrows on fire set breezes on fire, despite being deflected","MC-251126":"Server resource pack is not redownloaded when a hash mismatch is detected with the previously downloaded version","MC-164316":"Resource pack update by a hash doesn't work","MC-266563":"End Crystals and TNT Minecarts that explode without a source entity deal no damage at all","MC-266729":"Unformatted objects in scoreboard error messages","MC-266724":"scoreboard players reset <targets> <objective> no longer works","MC-266723":"Monsters Hunted advancement requires killing a Breeze even when they're disabled","MC-266656":"The interpolation of particle, entity and block entity transforms is disrupted when pausing the game in singleplayer","MC-142160":"pausedTickDelta updated when the game is unpaused rather than paused","MC-266507":"Number of block drops from TNT explosions is capped to 16","MC-266472":"Charged creeper / wither armor is rendered incorrectly","MC-265929":"Ctrl+Backspacing a word with non-BMP characters in an edit box deletes additional characters","MC-265927":"Edit box length restrictions can result in unpaired surrogate characters","MC-266571":"Breezes won't attack while under the effects of levitation status","MC-266468":"Breeze cannot attack in deep water","MC-266456":"Breezes in minecarts or boats are passive","MC-265950":"Crafters will stack items when outputting into chiseled bookshelf","MC-266120":"Some advancements for 1.21 block recipes are in the regular datapack","MC-266099":"Spectating an entity that takes damage makes the camera shake","MC-265910":"Crafter block has a one game tick cooldown","MC-265662":"\"Cannot kick server owner in LAN game\" message when trying to kick yourself from non-LAN singleplayer world","MC-266076":"Copper Grates can't be waterlogged","MC-266622":"Wind Charges can't switch levers off","MC-266459":"The hitboxes and models of wind charges are misaligned","MC-266455":"Breeze spawn eggs are in the incorrect place in the creative inventory","MC-266445":"Breeze mob doesn't count to Monster Hunter","MC-266437":"Wind charge subtitles are improperly capitalized","MC-266538":"Trial spawners can be replaced by lava pools and other features","MC-266190":"Tuff blockset palette is inconsistent with itself","MC-266148":"Some Crafting recipes for the new copper blocks appear when Experiment is disabled","MC-265873":"Narrator Hotkey description mentions the wrong modifier key on macOS","MC-259321":"Spawner counts related entities against MaxNearbyEntities","MC-266063":"Copper Doors and Trapdoors make generic metal sounds when placing","MC-131646":"Drowned spawners only work in biomes where drowned spawn","MC-266248":"No error message when granting/revoking an advancement that is already granted/revoked","MC-265875":"Compasses, Clocks and Recovery Compasses work normally within the output slot of the crafter","MC-265702":"Text components in commands accept malformed JSON","MC-255244":"NBT link/reference when using /fill","MC-186797":"Functioning clock and compasses in crafting output slot","MC-177446":"\"RootVehicle\" tag in playerdata entry is not upgraded","MC-266256":"Accessibility button in the Welcome screen still needs its own string","MC-265747":"Punching a TNT Minecart in creative mode drops the minecart","MC-266096":"Mobs can spawn on oxidized or waxed copper grates","MC-266091":"Copper Bulbs do not cull faces correctly","MC-266090":"Light can pass through copper bulbs","MC-266056":"Mobs suffocate inside most copper grate block variants","MC-266054":"Side Water texture on Copper bulbs","MC-266289":"Could not save data raids.dat and random_sequences.dat","MC-266287":"Can't load .dat and .nbt files (server list & saved hotbar)","MC-266117":"Chiseled copper cannot be stonecut from cut copper blocks","MC-266064":"Footsteps on Polished Tuff create missing subtitle","MC-266084":"Top of copper doors include an open part of the window","MC-266197":"The \"Transfer Now\" button in the realms menu cannot be selected via keyboard navigation","MC-219293":"When teleporting via Chorus Fruit, the burping and teleporting sounds play at the wrong location","MC-266215":"The pivot point of the head of the new bats is different from that of Bedrock's","MC-266112":"New Bat's ears are lower than the official render and Bedrock's","MC-266105":"Bat head upside down when spawned while ticks are frozen","MC-266147":"Copper Door item texture is inconsistent with the block","MC-266086":"Tuff bricks do not properly align with other bricks","MC-266052":"Subtitles for turning copper bulb on or off display raw translation string","MC-266053":"Subtitles for opening or closing a copper trapdoor display raw translation string","MC-265805":"Executing a tail-recursive function consumes memory resources linearly with recursion depth","MC-265886":"The built-in update_1_21 pack contains duplicate files from the vanilla pack","MC-265901":"Comparator sometimes doesn't update when crafting with the Crafter","MC-1981":"All arrow types lose their name/NBT data when shot and picked up","MC-265939":"The \"No pending invites!\" text within the realms invitation menu cannot be narrated or selected","MC-265938":"Elements within the list in the \"Changes From Last Backup\" realms menu cannot be selected via the mouse cursor","MC-263309":"You can configure your realm before it has been created by using the TAB key","MC-263272":"You cannot click on an area to set a value within the spawn protection slider in the realms world options menu","MC-263263":"The operator buttons intersect the scroll bar within the realms player menu","MC-257786":"The game takes a long time to process players leaving realms groups or accepting or declining realms invitations","MC-265961":"Inconsistent pixels near light on the crafter's side","MC-265896":"Additional lines appear on the crafter's face when it crafts","MC-265891":"Placing items into the crafter output slot deletes them","MC-265880":"The subtitle for Crafters crafting something uses inconsistent tense","MC-265874":"Right-clicking and keyboard input can disable or enable slots in the crafter","MC-265899":"The translation for \"gamerule.commandModificationBlockLimit\" is in title case instead of sentence case","MC-265885":"Extra space in the word \"cannot\" in selectWorld.incompatible.description","MC-265884":"Word \"occurred\" is misspelled as \"occured\" in recover_world.message","MC-265872":"\"available\" in recover_world.no_fallback is misspelled as \"availible\"","MC-265761":"Decorated pots are missing from the creative inventory's redstone blocks tab","MC-265758":"Decorated pots can be destroyed by projectiles in adventure mode","MC-265751":"Decorated pot subtitles are inconsistent","MC-265745":"You can’t break decorated pots with fireworks launched from crossbow","MC-223774":"Firework Rockets can't be used to break Chorus Flowers","MC-265778":"\"gamerule maxCommandChainLength 0\" prevents subsequent command execution in the world","MC-265773":"Functions executed as advancement rewards are executed at the top level","MC-265767":"Commands don't show error messages in chat","MC-262888":"Clicking \"I know what I'm doing!\" on the world loading screen when loading a world in a new snapshot is way too loud","MC-232719":"The scroll bar within the singleplayer menu doesn't reset its position to the top of the list when searching for worlds","MC-264966":"\"Signature is missing from Property textures\" appears in the logs of some Minecraft worlds due to player heads","MC-265789":"Realms popup strings consist of inconsistent concluding punctuation","MC-265551":"\"No pending invites!\" tooltip in Realms is now untranslatable","MC-265517":"The \"Buy a realm!\" button is automatically selected when opening the \"Add Realm\" interface","MC-265515":"The \"You don't seem to have a Realm\" element in the realms menu cannot be selected via the mouse cursor","MC-234483":"Some strange pixels can be seen on the left side of world slot frames within several realms menus","MC-189261":"Various Realms buttons and texts are incorrectly capitalized","MC-265744":"Kick during login causes client error","MC-189227":"First time tutorial uses old textures ","MC-81656":"Field determining whether or not a wither skull is blue is not saved to and read from NBT","MC-264710":"\"/execute if function\" always fails and \"/execute unless function\" always succeeds if run from a function","MC-264699":"Functions return the output of commands only if the command doesn't start with return run","MC-264595":"Return command cannot run function when inside another function","MC-260576":"Incomplete 'execute summon' command still runs","MC-198113":"Incomplete commands do not prevent functions from loading ","MC-143269":"Nested intermediate functions are skipped when maxCommandChainLength commands are already queued","MC-143266":"Nested function calls reevaluate maxCommandChainLength before queueing commands","MC-265656":"Pumpkins can no longer be sheared","MC-264880":"Gui slider uses new texture with programmer art","MC-265516":"The \"Cancel\" button within some realms menus can be deselected using keyboard navigation despite it being the only element within the said menu","MC-265647":"Shield arm position is incorrect while in a boat","MC-50319":"Player owned projectiles lose their player ownership when exiting portals","MC-16937":"Shooting an arrow into the nether portal can hurt anybody when PvP is disabled","MC-263660":"\"Sign wobbles\" subtitle is the same for signs and hanging signs, causing translation issues","MC-263575":"When an item is extracted from suspicious sand/gravel, gravity does not work on this block","MC-262105":"Entities can block brushing actions when players look very close to their hitboxes","MC-261682":"Brushing can continue when block goes out of range","MC-233276":"You can feed adult donkeys, horses, llamas or mules with maximum Temper value, and hand animation is not played","MC-249408":"Boats with Chests lose their name when placed","MC-236501":"Renamed minecarts and boats don't show their name tag in the world","MC-234323":"Performance issue with text parsing","MC-118403":"Vexes summoned by evoker do not have evoker team applied","MC-265519":"Game minimizes when certain areas of the screen are clicked on Mac in fullscreen mode","MC-254850":"An operator can kick a host of a LAN world","MC-265462":"Sending resource pack during play phase shows loading terrain screen for a long time","MC-265353":"Clocks and Compasses in Item Display Entities don't show correct time/direction","MC-114761":"Area effect cloud applies effect to dying mob","MC-263123":"Mending incorrectly calculates overflow after full repair","MC-253819":"Bells don't rotate correctly when loaded by structure/jigsaw blocks","MC-227255":"Beehives and bee nests do not rotate/mirror correctly in structure blocks","MC-221558":"Light particles aren't shown if particles are set to minimal","MC-47607":"Barrier particles aren't shown if particles are set to minimal","MC-261303":"Decorated pots have an unused \"cracked\" block state","MC-172398":"Fire texture renders according to the player's rotation in the player inventory","MC-78314":"(Marker) Armor stands create bubbles in water","MC-255173":"Nether portal teleportation is inaccurate at large coordinate values","MC-50647":"Slime mob spawners spawn slimes only in slime chunks","MC-236946":"Shield attack vector is normalized incorrectly","MC-109101":"Shields do not block damage while the player faces straight up","MC-264748":"GLX._initGlfw Treats Pointer as a String","MC-265388":"Mobs now sit too high in minecarts","MC-265238":"trade_rebalance loot tables have a wrong type","MC-265289":"Error in log: java.lang.IllegalStateException: onTrackingStart called during navigation iteration","MC-265239":"Error in logs: java.lang.IllegalStateException: recursive call to sendBlockUpdated","MC-265335":"Hoglins can't be bred","MC-264564":"Record attribute is stripped from records with no components","MC-265296":"Player sits lower in minecarts","MC-265280":"Mobs sometimes become invisible when you join a singleplayer world","MC-265253":"Fullscreen Resolution value is untranslatable","MC-261119":"Accessibility button in the Welcome screen needs its own string","MC-265276":"Fire under naturally generated end crystals does not always emit light correctly","MC-262754":"Change in AbstractScrollWidget breaks MultiLineEditBox click-to-move-cursor behaviour","MC-249702":"Server crash: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke \"com.google.gson.JsonArray.iterator()\" because \"$$1\" is null","MC-235762":"Screenshots wider than 16384 pixels causes a crash / java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Out of stack space","MC-264759":"Narrator narrates incorrect tab action in command block suggestions","MC-206182":"Cannot tab out of console text field of command block","MC-265264":"trade_rebalance tags are not in the trade_rebalance pack","MC-265262":"Revoked recipes remain in the recipe book until relogging","MC-265245":"Crafting book search doesn't find anything when a space is included in the search","MC-265243":"Uncraftable variants of a craftable recipe are shown as craftable now","MC-265241":"Recipe book search no longer finds relevant items in languages where compound words are not separated","MC-265237":"Recipe book search no longer finds anything containing non-English characters","MC-265244":"Macro arguments entered as floats are converted to scientific notation","MC-265263":"Ender Pearl vanishes client side when enderPearlsVanishOnDeath is false","MC-265260":"Boats and rafts when placed turn south","MC-109346":"Newly rendered players always look south until they move their head","MC-265209":"Switching to protocol \"CONFIGURATION\" causes race condition","MC-264574":"symlink does not work for root world folder","MC-265060":"Missing sprite for error in Loom GUI (loom.png)","MC-103800":"Sometimes armor stands won't update their visual rotation","MC-264809":"Redstone comparators cause redstone dust connection issue","MC-255418":"Vertical redstone dust placed against dropper/dispenser/hopper doesn't visually disappear when the dust above is removed","MC-70127":"Some block state changes aren't communicated to clients","MC-265213":"The chat message from the /random command says \"between 1 and 6\" instead of \"1 to 6\"","MC-263133":"Inconsistent word usage in Out of Memory screen","MC-260819":"The \"death.attack.message_too_long\" string is missing an article before the word \"stripped\"","MC-252316":"The word \"burnt\" within some death messages isn't spelled in American English","MC-252298":"Death messages relating to the Thorns enchantment don't contain conjunctions where appropriate","MC-252295":"The word \"whilst\" within several death messages isn't spelled in American English","MC-154827":"Typo in splash text \"Verlet intregration!\"","MC-265053":"Programmer Art lapis lazuli outline texture in enchanting table UI incorrectly uses the old formatting","MC-264657":"Absorption gold heart refilling is determined by whether the low level and the high level have the same hideParticles parameter","MC-264656":"Regular golden apples don't increase the number of gold hearts if you previously ate an enchanted golden apple and then took damage","MC-264615":"It takes several seconds for the absorption effect icon to display after obtaining the effect","MC-264233":"Player is shown as Anonymous after dying and respawning","MC-72721":"Chat messages show after death independent of chat setting","MC-265126":"'requirements' field can no longer be skipped in advancements","MC-264658":"Only integer numeric data type can be used in macro","MC-265151":"The \"(Unknown)\" string that's displayed when being banned from a server for an unknown reason is untranslatable","MC-256777":"The two characters used within the tab list to show players' health are untranslatable","MC-253638":"The symbols used within shulker box tooltips to show random loot table contents are untranslatable","MC-253283":"The percentage and chunk indicator symbols used within the optimize world menu are untranslatable","MC-253281":"Text within filled map tooltips when advanced tooltips are hidden is untranslatable","MC-253278":"The percentage symbol used within the level loading screen to show the loading progress of the world is untranslatable","MC-253270":"The hyphen used within boss bars for raids is untranslatable","MC-253269":"The advancement progress indicator symbol within the advancements menu is untranslatable","MC-253241":"The player count indicator symbol within the multiplayer menu is untranslatable","MC-249355":"The hyphen used within the statistics menu to show a null value is untranslatable","MC-248846":"The colon used within the death screen to show the player's score is untranslatable","MC-248844":"The page indicator symbol within the recipe book GUI is untranslatable","MC-248833":"The parentheses used before and after the warning label within the language menu are untranslatable","MC-248778":"The item count symbol within shulker box tooltips is untranslatable","MC-177172":"Dash in villager/trader UI is hardcoded / untranslatable","MC-119873":"The text used for the credits button within the title screen is untranslatable","MC-264698":"The absorption effect is lost when reloading the world","MC-264920":"Some buttons within the \"Report Player\" menu are improperly capitalized","MC-264917":"Entry list gradients render below content","MC-264899":"Narrator is not capitalized in the Narrator Hotkey tooltip","MC-264619":"Strings for returning to menus and loading lists are inconsistently spelled and capitalized","MC-264561":"Some new strings introduced in 23w31a are missing articles","MC-264559":"Grammar error in \"Added pack(s) contain symbolic links\"","MC-264897":"Shift-clicking to unequip armor bypasses vibrations in survival","MC-264686":"Z-fighting occurs on the backs of bamboo chest rafts","MC-261951":"Dragon/piglin head does not move when placed on a jukebox that is playing a record","MC-264558":"The word \"reconfiguring\" is spelled as \"reconfiging\" within the \"connect.reconfiging\" translation key","MC-242385":"Inconsistency on the buffer size calculation in the chunk packet data","MC-264750":"Effects are lost when updating to 23w32a","MC-264092":"Functions execute commands out of order when containing /say","MC-229121":"JVM crash in jdk.internal.loader.NativeLibraries.load","MC-259860":"Sitting camels that have passengers continuously look up and down for other players","MC-259475":"The rotation of controlling passengers on sitting camels is sometimes restricted while adjusting your rotation slowly","MC-256737":"Sniffers, frogs, goats, and camels prioritize pathfinding to their lover when fed over panicking when being damaged","MC-256549":"Baby camels that aren't moving face in the direction of their adults when pathfinding to players that are tempting them","MC-264566":"Force loaded chunks reset when changing versions","MC-264947":"Torches generated on end fountain don't emit light","MC-264915":"Some mobs can still attack you through blocks","MC-217629":"Tripwire hooks use stone sounds, rather than wood","MC-217628":"Levers use wood sounds rather than stone","MC-200484":"Jukeboxes use stone sounds despite being composed predominantly of wood","MC-214126":"Bees don't pollinate themselves with spore blossoms or chorus flowers","MC-118616":"The sounds of magma cubes and slimes aren't controlled by the \"Hostile Creatures\" sound slider","MC-112133":"Eating chorus fruit does not reset fall distance","MC-1788":"Ocelots do not spawn naturally on peaceful difficulty in jungle and bamboo jungle biomes","MC-197473":"Renamed block entities don't stack properly","MC-181109":"Grindstone adds RepairCost: 0","MC-125046":"\"RepairCost\" NBT tag is created on any renamed item using anvils which can cause items to not stack properly","MC-122645":"Narrator hotkey cannot be customized or disabled","MC-264741":"Unequip vibration only works in creative mode","MC-182820":"Repeaters and comparators use wood sounds for placing/breaking despite being made mostly of stone","MC-264753":"Eye armor trim on chainmail helmets now has absolutely no effect","MC-264746":"Armor trims no longer render their second layer","MC-257909":"Zoglins, hoglins, and pandas can still attack players riding camels","MC-2310":"Wrong attack radius calculation damages/kills entities through blocks and corners","MC-264743":"The \"Debug\" line on the debug screen that shows which debug graphs are enabled doesn't mention the ping and network traffic chart","MC-264773":"There's a misplaced label in the network traffic graph, overlapping minimum B/s rate text","MC-264689":"High Contrast resource pack makes extra pixels appear at a full bossbar","MC-264610":"The game hangs if \"border\" in button.png.mcmeta is changed to half of \"width\" or greater and you try to open the Game Menu","MC-264548":"A strange error appears in the log file with Minecraft 23w31a","MC-264260":"Furnace GUI is displayed incorrectly when modifying block data","MC-264687":"The capes and skins of the hosts of LAN worlds don't render for other players","MC-263338":"Armor Trim texture overhangs Turtle Helmet shape","MC-259982":"Wild and eye armor trims display \"floating\" pixels when applied on the chainmail helmet","MC-253137":"The game output console is logged with errors regarding missing signatures from property textures when joining LAN worlds","MC-135339":"Host's skin is not visible to other players in a LAN world if the host has not opened any world before","MC-264664":"High contrast slider indicators in menus missing","MC-177110":"Mob stepping sounds are inconsistently subtitled","MC-264576":"Bossbar gets visually stretched instead of cut off","MC-264565":"\"bundle\" folder in the sprites directory with only an mcmeta file","MC-264557":"The file names for the food full and half sprites for both normal and hunger are backwards","MC-262591":"Camels emit mob interaction vibrations instead of item consumption vibrations when eating cactus","MC-264468":"GUI texture \"legacy_smithing.png\" still present in game files despite not being used anymore","MC-264467":"GUI texture \"villager2.png\" contains unused sections","MC-228420":"World not loading / falling through the world when joining a server / travelling between dimensions / respawning","MC-264356":"Sniffers attached to a lead will dig in the same spot forever, ignoring \"explored positions\"","MC-147766":"Shift key stays pressed until press any other key","MC-181190":"The discount for curing a villager is multiplied if the villager is reinfected and cured again","MC-263126":"Sponges no longer make a sound when absorbing water","MC-260675":"Decorated pots render blank on the first frame after being placed","MC-258379":"Parity issue: The locations of camels' ears differ across platforms","MC-257342":"You get slowed down when riding a camel in a 3 block tall area","MC-256675":"Z-fighting occurs between the legs of the camel and the texture of the saddle when it is sitting","MC-257431":"Bamboo fence gates utilize the wrong textures","MC-242076":"The skeleton of a spider jockey sits \"inside\" of spider model rather than on top of the spider","MC-263313":"You cannot use the TAB key to initially create a realm","MC-262132":"Pigstep music disc is in wrong location in the creative menu","MC-259401":"Lapis lazuli icons in enchanting table and smithing table are inconsistent","MC-122296":"Horizontal scrolling does not work on Mac [Magic Mouse]","MC-121772":"Can't scroll while holding SHIFT on macOS","MC-263322":"When a camel walks on suspicious sand, the sound produced is \"camel steps\" instead of \"camel sands\"","MC-262751":"Blank decorated pot's NBT depends on method used to obtain it","MC-262436":"Copying a pot in creative does not save NBT data","MC-261965":"The \"Glow and Behold!\" advancement is granted when interacting with empty signs while holding glow ink sacs, despite no glow ink sacs being consumed","MC-260096":"Decorated pots don't have creative mode tooltips","MC-260058":"Pick Block does not work properly for blank decorated pots","MC-67532":"Bottom 2 rows of pixels in selected hotbar slot texture don't appear in game","MC-263833":"Minecraft is incorrectly assuming it is able to set the window icon on Wayland","MC-263387":"The chat scroll bar no longer renders","MC-29371":"Several buttons and icons use the old tooltip design upon being hovered over","MC-263011":"Sniffers can sniff out and follow players from incredibly large distances","MC-255967":"Old chunks that would have Deep Dark biomes below Y=0 if generated newly doesn't completely generate; only Ancient Cities are spawned","MC-93320":"Water freezes even if randomTickSpeed is 0","MC-263879":"Open shulker boxes transmit redstone power","MC-190815":"Shulker boxes don't conduct redstone when open, but don't trigger redstone updates when opened","MC-262295":"Warped and Crimson hanging signs uses their respective plank sounds, despite their stripped stems having unique sounds","MC-263049":"Camels indefinitely dash while in lava","MC-261739":"Bamboo raft next to visually half blocks z-fights","MC-261657":"Sculk sensor range is still spherical, creating different outputs from within a given block","MC-260054":"Pink Petals hitbox does not adjust to contents","MC-261411":"All Smithing Templates share the same translation key","MC-261182":"Sign color looks different in world and in editing screen","MC-259794":"Armor enchanted with curse of binding cannot be swapped via right-clicking in creative mode","MC-262720":"One of the pink petals' stems has an incomplete model","MC-263200":"Entities riding on snifflet float","MC-262638":"When a \"Size:0\" slime and magma cube rides on some mobs the rendering position is too low","MC-260490":"Passenger's riding position is too low for non-default-sized mobs","MC-232840":"Baby zombie legs clip through heads of mobs they are riding","MC-164080":"Entities riding on Ghast are partially or fully inside it","MC-80876":"Entity riding vehicle has always same offset","MC-261369":"Washed banner does not stack with blank banner","MC-252231":"Warm Frog texture has inconsistent pixels","MC-242592":"Texture map for the polar bear (polarbear.png) contain unused pixels","MC-242591":"Texture maps for the Llama and Trader Llama (white/gray/creamy/brown.png) contain unused pixels","MC-242398":"Texture maps for the sheep and sheep fur (sheep.png & sheep_fur.png) contain unused pixels","MC-242397":"Texture maps for cow, red & brown mooshroom (red/brown_mooshroom.png & cow.png) contain unused pixels","MC-242396":"Texture map for armor stand (wood.png) contains unused pixels","MC-242395":"Texture map for the blaze (blaze.png) contains unused pixels ","MC-242092":"Texture map for magma cube (magmacube.png) has unused pixels","MC-263430":"Memory leak in TickingTracker","MC-263296":"Game softlocks after cancelling joining a server","MC-263340":"Incorrect Protochunk#setStatus call on chunk generate","MC-263245":"Buttons in the \"Add Realm\" interface within the realms menu no longer render","MC-249109":"Sniffers, frogs, goats, and camels don't panic when attached to leads","MC-263244":"The realms invitation icon that appears on the realms button in the main menu is displayed incorrectly","MC-260085":"Particles are created when using a brush on a barrier","MC-122547":"Barriers can produce fall particles","MC-262615":"Ridden camels need to be equipped with a saddle before they can be moved by mob control which is inconsistent with other rideable mobs","MC-261123":"item_display entity breaks certain mobs' AI when being used as a passenger","MC-262636":"Mobs with passengers that are slimes or magma cubes can't move and don't function correctly","MC-262620":"Llamas and trader llamas need to be tamed in order to be ridden by the mob which is inconsistent with other rideable mobs","MC-262613":"Mobs can't control some rideable mobs","MC-263283":"Loading a 1.12.2 structure block with signs on 1.20 removes the text","MC-260485":"The \"/item\" command cannot remove items within chiseled bookshelves","MC-69387":"The \"/item\" command cannot replace items within jukeboxes","MC-262804":"Players' swimming animations are jittery for other players","MC-262766":"NBSP is a valid invisible character that can be added into Book titles so that they have blank names","MC-261440":"Resizing the window makes it so you can't change names in anvils","MC-260968":"The narrator does not narrate the word \"Experimental\" in the world selection screen","MC-259769":"Firework explosions no longer deal knockback to entities","MC-258620":"Piglins barter every 121 game ticks instead of every 120 game ticks","MC-254100":"Iron golem spawn rate decreased","MC-230732":"Minecraft local difficulty setting is calculated/displayed wrongly when running a world in a server","MC-140646":"Text fields don't scroll while selecting text with Shift","MC-259152":"Player's model displayed in inventory while sneaking differs between the versions ","MC-85582":"Entity models in the inventory can render outside the boundaries of the black box","MC-262947":"The \"Smithing with Style\" advancement doesn't grant experience upon completion","MC-262108":"Smithing table GUI issue with custom recipes","MC-262442":"Camels stand a bit too close to players that are tempting them","MC-261611":"Placing blocks against a waxed sign does not play the block's placement sound","MC-261427":"Sculk sensors and calibrated sculk sensors don't detect totem of undying activating","MC-261420":"Sculk sensor and calibrated sculk sensor don't detect a witch drinking a potion ","MC-259452":"Baby Camel's laying down/getting up sound are not sped up","MC-259382":"Message \"Failed to get element\" is logged repeatedly when giving yourself armor with invalid trimming pattern or material","MC-257628":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon camels dashing","MC-256690":"Camels attempt to stand up when blocks are placed over them, causing them to take suffocation damage if blocks are at eye level","MC-256641":"Bamboo fence and fence gate aren't grouped with the other fences and fence gates in the crafting table","MC-256485":"Camels that spawn within villages can spawn inside blocks","MC-256482":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon camels standing up or sitting down","MC-256466":"Raft entities are named boats","MC-215768":"Sculk sensors do not detect turtles clearing away sand","MC-260604":"Terrible loudness following consecutive use of /fill","MC-262853":"Pitcher plant breaks and floats when growing without enough light","MC-256477":"Knowledge books can't be placed in chiseled bookshelves","MC-257778":"Bamboo Mosaic Slabs and Stairs are not in the #slabs and #stairs block and item tags","MC-262575":"Company names are still inconsistent in the credits","MC-241326":"Thomas Guimbretière's name is listed twice and misspelt in the credits","MC-262340":"Iron Golems can spawn on transparent blocks","MC-237042":"Killing players in the sneaking state that have their sneak option set to \"Toggle\" in their accessibility settings, results in other players not being able to see them in this state when they respawn","MC-260411":"Re-summoned dragons don't spawn end gateways when exiting the world before killing the dragon","MC-262801":"Z-fighting occurs on trimmed enchanted armor in the inventory","MC-262797":"Book model not rendering in Enchanting Table GUI","MC-262334":"Item display entities have wrong lighting when they're rotated","MC-261294":"Jack o'lantern can be placed on the player or armor stand head without commands and without appearing the blur","MC-262773":"Markers, interaction, and display entities prevent weighted pressure plates from deactivating","MC-120158":"Anvils and other falling_blocks with HurtEntities set to true kill items and xp orbs","MC-262778":"Losing control of a ridden mob with levitation and then re-gaining control causes levitation to persist indefinitely","MC-262504":"New crafts are not stacked by type in craftbook","MC-262730":"Biomes being partially overwritten / regenerated in 1.20pre2 inside old world","MC-262690":"The player can still jump from the edge of the honey block","MC-262514":"Unbreakable blocks display the first breaking animation frame when attempting to mine them","MC-262513":"Blocks placed in the spot of a previously broken block will display the first frame of the breaking animation until updated","MC-181280":"Incorrect textures can sometimes be displayed","MC-262712":"Alternative recipes in recipe book do not appear on right-click","MC-262593":"The word \"occurred\" is misspelled as \"occured\" within two realms strings","MC-152258":"Riding an entity with slow falling will not stop fall damage","MC-260903":"Less recent attacker can be credited for kill","MC-262324":"Teleporting a mob while riding it doesn't work well","MC-262684":"Game icon has low resolution","MC-259912":"Saddled horses can infinitely retain Levitation effect","MC-262714":"The \"key.keyboard.unknown\" string displayed within the key binds menu is improperly capitalized","MC-262709":"Dispensers do not dispense boats at the correct height","MC-262505":"Iron golems can produce particles for blocks they're not colliding with","MC-261202":"Teleporting a display entity jitters the player riding on the stack","MC-260653":"Markers, interaction, and display entities can prevent pressure plates from deactivating","MC-262213":"Baby sniffer's head is smaller on the first frame of existing","MC-258360":"Horse armor loses its NBT data when equipped on horses via right-clicking","MC-124327":"Changing the name of an item and then emptying the text field in an anvil doesn't make the rename unavailable, keeps last non-empty name on output item","MC-262506":"Parts of beds render through the alternative recipe GUI in the recipe book","MC-262181":"NBSP is a valid invisible character that can be used to rename items to have blank names","MC-261080":"Player can fall through scaffolding when loading a world","MC-262355":"Death messages for falling from climbable blocks do not work","MC-262557":"Ender Dragon respawns and exit portal does not open if the world was Saved and Quit in End before killing the dragon","MC-261988":"Inconsistency with Mangrove Roots and Leaves in the Creative Tab","MC-260468":"Wither rose is not grouped with other small flowers in the creative inventory","MC-257512":"Dead tube coral in creative inventory is in wrong order","MC-257370":"Buckets of fish are not sorted in the same order as the fish items","MC-261349":"Chiseled Bookshelf won't rotate when placed as part of a structure","MC-262106":"Smithing recipe must have template to work","MC-1310":"Dispensed boats and rafts get stuck inside of dispensers used to place them","MC-262471":"Random skylight underwater where it shouldn't be, that cuts off at the chunk border","MC-262518":"The \"mco.configure.world.uninvite.player\" string contains an unnecessary space before the question mark","MC-262311":"The \"telemetry.event.game_load_times.description\" string is missing an article before the word \"execution\"","MC-262310":"Telemetry description strings consist of inconsistent concluding punctuation","MC-260716":"Some words within \"/fill\", \"/fillbiome\", and \"/clone\" command feedback messages are always pluralized","MC-260715":"Some words within \"/bossbar\" command feedback messages are always pluralized","MC-260713":"Some words within \"/team\" command feedback messages are always pluralized","MC-260712":"Some words within \"/scoreboard\" command feedback messages are always pluralized","MC-260711":"Some words within \"/datapack list\" command feedback messages are always pluralized","MC-258461":"The \"Detect structure size and position:\" string displayed within the structure block GUI is improperly capitalized","MC-252408":"Chat restriction strings consist of inconsistent concluding punctuation","MC-250197":"Glass bottles are inconsistently referred to throughout some advancement description strings","MC-224976":"NativeImage.setPixelRGBA throws exception with message getPixelRGBA","MC-220096":"Graphics warning button(s) improperly capitalized","MC-261024":"/execute if loaded does not guarantee entities are loaded","MC-226344":"Changing the \"Owner\" tag of a projectile doesn't affect the outcome of the projectile unless the world is reloaded","MC-175504":"Single quotation marks are not supported in NBT paths","MC-159633":"Command feedback messages are unnecessarily created during function execution","MC-262033":"The command block GUI remains open when the said command block is destroyed","MC-262542":"Loot tables have the same loot sequence in each dimension","MC-262446":"Text within buttons renders above the semi-transparent black lines at the edges of menus","MC-262445":"The text cursor no longer renders above text","MC-262135":"Recipe book GUI issues","MC-261816":"Most two block tall flowers do not block enchanting tables / are part of #minecraft:replaceable","MC-261433":"Shield doesn't block TNT explosion","MC-257052":"You cannot double-click on languages within the \"Language\" menu to select them","MC-262531":"\"death.attack.genericKill.player\" displays raw translation string (is untranslated)","MC-262441":"Baby sniffers stand a bit too far away from players that are tempting them","MC-262440":"Sniffers can sniff while in love and pathfinding to their lover","MC-165562":"Command suggestion report \"incorrect argument\" when cursor is at the start of a node without suggestions","MC-252216":"65540: Invalid scancode -1 logged in key bind menu when an option is unbound","MC-132076":"Lowercase Letters in controls menu + \"Not Bound\" is missing","MC-256833":"Ridable entities that can be steered build up fall damage when on climbable blocks","MC-260602":"'data modify from string' index failure does not return 0 for 'execute store success'","MC-262508":"Torchflower_crop causes the game to crash and locks the world when pollinated by bees","MC-261233":"Minecart movement is not reliably detected by sculk sensors","MC-237960":"New potion effect GUI doesn't work when using Programmer Art","MC-262296":"Rabbits are no longer affected by jump boost","MC-35078":"Breaking animation is one frame off","MC-180":"When reaching the other side of a nether portal the animation plays forever until stepped out of","MC-262313":"Nether won't load in upgraded worlds","MC-123081":"Placing an end crystal when entering The End prevents Ender Dragon from spawning","MC-262300":"Menu text is now rendered in front of the Mojang Studios loading screen fade animation","MC-262006":"Melon and Pumpkin are in the default '#maintains_farmland' tag despite not maintain farmland","MC-146582":"When entering spectator mode while standing on the ground, the player moves down by 0.19051 blocks, which makes you fall down","MC-262424":"Sprinting particles on the edges of blocks are still incorrect","MC-262363":"Player can still gain a normal jump off of a honey block with precise timing, despite the fix for MC-1133","MC-262351":"Worldgen deadlock caused by supporting block checks","MC-262317":"Items don't respect properties of the block they are supported on","MC-262308":"Entities do not stick to honey blocks pushed by pistons if their center isn't over the honey block","MC-262304":"The stepping_on predicate condition does not correctly succeed on trapdoors","MC-198202":"Options background texture does not match dirt texture","MC-262265":"Changing resource pack that overrides a font crashes JVM","MC-2215":"Encoding errors in server.properties","MC-257336":"Some chiseled bookshelf interaction subtitles are improperly capitalized","MC-256424":"Game mode is sometimes referred to as \"gamemode\"","MC-250571":"Gamerule description strings within the world creation menu consist of inconsistent concluding punctuation","MC-236606":"Lightning bolt related string lacks capitalization","MC-226454":"The \"Light as a Rabbit\" advancement description has no space after the ellipsis","MC-206548":"Leash knot subtitles are not properly capitalized","MC-203039":"Incorrect use of colon in options.hideMatchedNames.tooltip","MC-195825":"\"datapacks\" string is inconsistent with \"data pack\" string in \"datapackFailure.title\" text","MC-195781":"The \"Include entities:\" string displayed within the structure block GUI is improperly capitalized","MC-262253":"Music composers not listed in credits","MC-262208":"In the credits, \"Lionbridge\" is misspelt in one place (no \"g\")","MC-241736":"Company names are still inconsistent and partly misspelled in the credits","MC-18060":"Several multiplayer and realms strings are untranslatable","MC-48923":"Slime/magma cubes not affected by jump boost potion effect","MC-1133":"Whether or not a player experiences some effect is calculated based on the block under the center of the player","MC-262123":"Advancement titles of new advancements introduced in 23w17a are improperly capitalized","MC-262218":"Block light updates don't cross chunk borders properly in 23w17a","MC-262104":"Rendering of FPS graph seems to be performing worse than before","MC-262069":"Sniffers continue digging after their target block is destroyed","MC-262067":"The type of sniffer digging particles that are produced is determined by the block that sniffers are located on instead of the block that sniffers are digging","MC-257269":"Sculk sensor detects player walking between carpet and wool","MC-262003":"Bundle tooltip does not show its interface","MC-261952":"Clocks flicker rapidly when enchanted and in an unnatural dimension","MC-262133":"Strong lag spikes when moving above a cleared area with exposed void","MC-261417":"The hitboxes of sniffers are not adjusted when they lay down","MC-249341":"Some Mojang employees are not mentioned in the credits","MC-241803":"credits.json: Line 2632 has typo in (C instead of O)","MC-241741":"Certain names are listed twice in the credits","MC-241733":"In the credits, \"Insight\" is misspelt in one place","MC-241732":"In the credits, \"Lionbridge\" is misspelt in one place","MC-241730":"In the credits, a closing parenthesis is missing for Konrad Jówko","MC-241725":"In the credits, an opening parenthesis is missing for Riley Manns","MC-249508":"Light emitted from cave vines and glow lichens upon world generation still sometimes doesn't propagate across chunk borders","MC-245819":"Lighting can still occasionally lag behind world generation","MC-225742":"When light emitting blocks generate as ores, they do not emit light","MC-172980":"Block light updates don't cross chunk borders properly when updated","MC-261626":"Reversed Comma doesn't render properly when using the Unicode font","MC-258926":"Space is no longer treated as padding in fonts","MC-254506":"Font file of some Korean completed font area is wrong","MC-197772":"Missing textures in minecraft:uniform font","MC-127394":"Minecraft does not render characters in Unicode mb4 range","MC-108045":"Minecraft not using latest unifont unicode chart; characters are missing","MC-262024":"Sniffer eggs are sometimes spawned in the ground when sniffers breed","MC-262030":"Sniffers stand a bit too close to players that are tempting them","MC-261938":"Sniffer animation is not smooth on slime blocks","MC-261900":"Sniffers cannot properly pathfind into water while burning","MC-262022":"Tooltips get cut off at the bottom of the screen","MC-262012":"Telemetry Tooltip out of screen","MC-261997":"Game crashes when generating new chunk / java.lang.IllegalStateException: Asking for biomes before we have biomes","MC-261413":"Particles spawned by brushes held by left-handed players move in the wrong direction","MC-261608":"Sculk sensors and calibrated sculk sensors lack a cooldown state","MC-261857":"Using the \"/setblock\", \"/fill\", or \"/clone\" commands to create little amounts of blocks in completely isolated areas causes large client-side stutters","MC-254410":"/setidletimeout set to a timer longer than 35791 disconnects idle player immediately","MC-261746":"Incorrect sound event ID spelling for \"block.sniffer.egg_crack\" and \"block.sniffer.egg_hatch\"","MC-261646":"Subtitle for Sniffers laying eggs is \"Chicken plops\"","MC-261515":"You can't brush blocks if a dropped item is between you and the block","MC-260237":"Sniffers can sniff while panicking","MC-257178":"Chiseled Bookshelf redstone behavior is inconsistent","MC-260219":"Sniffer eating sounds aren't played when feeding them the last item of torchflower seeds within a stack","MC-261740":"Feeding a Sniffer while it is digging causes it to lay motionless for a while then dig again with no animation","MC-261605":"Splash text sometimes covers several letters of \"Java Edition\"","MC-261286":"Walking near liquids causes stone footstep sounds to play","MC-199752":"Polished Blackstone Button takes longer to break than other buttons","MC-261214":"Amethyst in calibrated sculk sensor is shaded and not stretched","MC-260466":"Torchflower doesn't mantain farmland used to grow it","MC-261804":"Expired Key preventing players from logging in on servers","MC-261620":"Crash when modifying age property of a pitcher crop","MC-260849":"Sniffer can't get into minecart","MC-261643":"Villagers can't plant torchflower seeds or pitcher plant pods, despite picking them up","MC-260221":"Sniffers can still dig when floated by levitation status effect","MC-252786":"SculkSensorBlockEntity and SculkShriekerBlockEntity leak VibrationListeners on update","MC-249450":"Sculk shriekers placed with NBT don't receive signals from nearby sculk sensors","MC-207251":"Sculk sensors and shriekers do not work correctly when cloned, generated on superflat worlds or placed with custom structures","MC-261625":"\"Programmer Art\" and \"High contrast\" built-in Resource Packs are incompatible","MC-170012":"Lightmaps are missing for initial skylight","MC-170010":"Sky-lightmaps not properly initialized","MC-169498":"Empty top subchunks don't update skylight in some cases","MC-162253":"Lag spike when crossing certain chunk borders","MC-260038":"Sniffer does not have smooth animation transitions some of its animations, like sniffing","MC-261201":"Pitcher plant can be replaced by the use of placed blocks, which is not consistent with other tall flowers","MC-261176":"Pitchers don't maintain the farmland used to grow it","MC-261365":"Players being hurt is not detected by a calibrated sculk sensor set to 7","MC-261253":"Sculk sensor no longer triggers the advancement \"Sneak 100\" by just sneaking ","MC-261423":"Pitcher pod crop with a block on top consumes bone meal despite being unable to grow","MC-261503":"Ravager cannot destroy pitcher crop","MC-260348":"Sniffers will never dig in normal mud despite being a \"sniffer_diggable\" block","MC-260152":"Sculk sensors are not activated by sniffers digging","MC-261547":"Suspicious Sand on Java Edition can be replaced with Sculk by a Sculk Catalyst, unlike in Bedrock Edition or its gravel counterpart","MC-261235":"Sign editing GUI forcibly closing does not save entered text in some cases","MC-261197":"Players can edit signs in adventure mode","MC-261179":"Attempting to interact with a waxed sign plays a sound but displays no subtitle","MC-258939":"Non-atomic cached state can cause multithreaded crashes","MC-261356":"Sculk shriekers and wardens aren't triggered by vibrations emitted by a resonating amethyst block","MC-261255":"Amethyst Block isn't in \"Redstone\" tab in creative inventory","MC-261226":"Calibrated sculk sensors have to be 'hard' powered by redstone from the side","MC-261198":"Calibrated sculk sensors don't glow like original sculk sensors","MC-261304":"Cyan dye crafting recipes are not grouped","MC-254588":"Miscolored pixel on slowness effect icon","MC-252099":"Incorrect texture mapping in potted mangrove propagule (mirror effect)","MC-203406":"Kelp and seagrass models appear to reference biome tints despite not using any","MC-176309":"Illusioner has a few misplaced pixels left in their texture","MC-155084":"Horses' armor, reins, and bridles experience z-fighting","MC-138358":"Levers on top of item frames Z-fighting with blocks in item frames","MC-260240":"Sniffers that are in love sometimes don't attempt to approach one another to breed","MC-261487":"Z-fighting occurs on the backs of sniffers' heads","MC-256419":"Incomplete commands run through aliases don't produce errors","MC-165773":"/execute run does not cause syntax error when arguments are missing","MC-261298":"Pitcher plant is not next to other two tall plants in the creative inventory","MC-260527":"The coordinates of the sniffer \"minecraft:sniffer_explored_positions\" tag do not check the dimension","MC-2474":"Transparent blocks placed between bookshelves and enchanting tables negate bonuses received from bookshelves","MC-260779":"Sniffers can dig into blocks outside the world border","MC-260778":"Sniffer tries to sniff out blocks outside the world border","MC-260105":"The name tags of sniffers are partly inside their models","MC-261297":"Pitcher plant doesn't craft into two dyes, which is inconsistent with other two block tall flowers","MC-261196":"Torchflowers and pitcher plants can't burn","MC-261172":"Pitcher crop hitboxes don't change in size according to their age","MC-260810":"Villagers can't pick up torchflower seeds, despite being able to farm torchflowers","MC-260478":"Torchflower crop hitboxes don't change in size according to their age","MC-260467":"Torchflower is not grouped with other small flowers in the creative inventory","MC-261174":"Suspicious gravel is not part of the #overworld_carver_replaceables tag, causing carvers to not cut through it","MC-261171":"You can't plant bamboo on suspicious gravel","MC-260042":"Cannot waterlog a decorated pot by using a water bucket or dispenser","MC-260036":"Can't plant cactus and sugar cane on suspicious sand","MC-261167":"Suspicious gravel does not have an assigned tool","MC-251538":"Desert villager missing some pixels for the sandals","MC-251537":"Desert (zombie) villager has solid-color on inner of arm, unlike other villagers","MC-251536":"Desert zombie villager feet still mismatch the sides of the feet","MC-249514":"Button UV appears to be upside-down","MC-246459":"Drowned have some transparent pixels within their inner body texture","MC-241314":"Filled cauldrons' bottom faces are still culled when they should not be","MC-230792":"Cat's tail shows Z-Fighting","MC-224433":"Clouds texture contains semi-transparent background","MC-212271":"Glow squid and squid show Z-fighting","MC-203399":"Hoppers use the side texture on the bottom","MC-261189":"Inconsistent naming of block states for sniffer and turtle eggs","MC-261186":"Entities don't recognize sniffer eggs as obstacles when pathfinding","MC-261187":"Entities will often spin while pathfinding on top of sniffer eggs","MC-259873":"Skeleton/Zombie Horse's chests are outdated","MC-256540":"The top texture of the camel's front left leg contains some redundant gray pixels","MC-237556":"Legs of black cat model are white at the top","MC-261346":"Sniffers have no egg laying sound, despite laying them like Chickens","MC-261183":"Sniffer egg sound events are listed under \"entity\" instead of \"block\"","MC-260459":"Baby sniffers don't sound high pitched when sniffing","MC-261208":"Pitcher Plant has unused bottom texture","MC-260401":"When Brush is broken in offhand, the broken Particle is the Item in mainhand","MC-260347":"Falling suspicious sand does not break when reopening the world","MC-260202":"The sound of using the brush isn't affected by blocks","MC-260435":"Sniffers don't play their walking animation when moving through cobwebs","MC-261213":"Sniffer eggs can be destroyed by fluids which is different from turtle eggs","MC-260693":"potted_torchflower is still not part of the #flower_pots block tag","MC-260465":"The torchflower crop still has an age 2 blockstate that looks like the regular torchflower","MC-260238":"Sniffer digging particles are produced slightly too high up","MC-260086":"Entities riding sniffers are positioned too low down","MC-260252":"Sniffer walking animation is broken when walking on ice","MC-260090":"Sniffers ignore the \"minecraft:generic.movement_speed\" attribute","MC-261224":"Editing sign from an angle (or the side) will edit the back instead of the front. ","MC-261223":"Editing hanging sign doesn't work while right clicking while holding placeable","MC-261190":"Signs no longer resolve JSON text components","MC-261181":"The \"Glow and Behold!\" advancement is granted when interacting with waxed signs while holding glow ink sacs","MC-261241":"Saddle equips sound plays twice when equipping a saddle on a camel","MC-257268":"The dashing animations of camels sometimes aren't displayed for other players","MC-256506":"Camels riding entities get permanently stuck in dash mode","MC-256503":"Camel can swim sitting down","MC-260454":"Decorated pots are translated off-center when displayed on head","MC-261229":"Crashes and Chunk Resetting involving Suspicious Sand with Loot Tables updating from 1.19.4","MC-261193":"Calibrated sculk sensor placed by commands is waterlogged by default","MC-260146":"Pink petals are not next to other flowers in the creative inventory","MC-259364":"The \"item.minecraft.smithing_template.netherite_upgrade.base_slot_description\" string is missing a serial comma","MC-257246":"Horses do not make step_wood sounds when walking on Nether wood, cherry wood, bamboo wood, or stems","MC-261243":"Pitcher Crop isn't part of the #crops tag","MC-261237":"Using bone meal on upper pitcher crop doesn't advance the age of the lower half","MC-261206":"\"A Seedy Place\" advancement not granted when planting Pitcher Pods","MC-261205":"Using bone meal on pitcher pod (crop) advances several growth stages at once","MC-261204":"When is farmland broken under a pitcher crop, the crop doesn't get broken","MC-261191":"Pitcher plants aren't part of the #minecraft:flowers or #minecraft:tall_flowers block tags","MC-261264":"The advancement \"Two by Two\" is no longer obtainable due to the change to sniffer's breeding","MC-260320":"Parity Issue: Snifflets (Baby Sniffers) have an inconsistent model with Bedrock","MC-260974":"Aggressive mobs can't control \"vehicle\" mobs","MC-260834":"\"Alpha\" can play during gameplay","MC-159637":"Mobs with passengers have broken movements","MC-261262":"Raiser and Wayfinder smithing templates are offset by one pixel","MC-230916":"\"Potted Flowering Azalea Bush Plant\" uses the wrong texture","MC-261275":"Sniffers drop moss blocks when killed","MC-261232":"Texture minecraft:block/sniffer_egg_slightly_cracked with size 40x32 limits mip level from 4 to 3","MC-261170":"Sniffer egg faces aren't culled when covered by blocks","MC-260898":"Brushes can be used through entities ","MC-260093":"Particles spawned by brushes in the left hand move in the wrong direction","MC-260075":"Player holds brush by ferrule in third person","MC-260061":"Sniffer's ears and head z-fight","MC-260750":"Magma blocks use unnecessary random ticking for an outdated feature, causing performance issues","MC-197241":"Players can change the color of a wolf's collar even if they're not its owner","MC-260678":"Potion of Invisibility looks too similar to the Potion of Slow Falling","MC-260777":"Sniffers ignore some dangerous blocks while sniffing and pathfinding resulting in them being damaged","MC-259201":"The tops and bottoms of donkeys' ears are miscolored","MC-260317":"Sniffers try to sniff out obstructed blocks they can't reach","MC-260282":"Sniffers can sniff out and follow players in spectator mode","MC-260503":"Sniffers refuse to dig into soil with a non-solid block on top","MC-260326":"Dying sniffers continue to dig","MC-260251":"The walking animations of sniffers don't change in relation to their movement speed","MC-260897":"Display entity's previous state of interpolation doesn't work as expected","MC-260885":"Display entities summoned with initial transformation interpolate incorrectly from default transformation during next transformation","MC-260053":"When rotating a Decorated Pot with the debug stick, it will spawn a decorated pot item","MC-260043":"Decorated Pots don't play breaking sound in creative mode","MC-260020":"Reloading the world resets the Brown Mooshroom's given flower","MC-165221":"3D Modeled Potions are not rendered correctly in the \"GUI Display\"","MC-157727":"The small cube in honey/slime blocks isn't displayed in inventory","MC-260047":"Decorated pots from the creative inventory and new blank decorated pots with no NBT will match their texture to the last decorated pot you crafted","MC-260839":"Mobs can replace weapons held in their main hand with armor","MC-256585":"Z-fighting occurs on the text of hanging signs","MC-256551":"Baby camels have a visible inventory","MC-256488":"Bamboo Raft and Raft with Chest models float above ground","MC-260409":"Cherry Grove biome is not in the #is_overworld biome tag","MC-260296":"Pink petal block models are not optimized","MC-260069":"Growing cherry trees inside each other causes their leaves to decay","MC-260632":"Riding an entity that is far away causes client/server desync","MC-259879":"Display entities with a rather large shadow_radius value can cause performance issues","MC-201647":"Entity riding an entity can cause location/coordinate desync","MC-260757":"Updating a large amount of Iron Bars causes the game to hang in-game or during the Saving world screen","MC-260901":"Guardians deal thorns damage even while their spikes are retracted","MC-260881":"Transparent 3D models dont render properly in the GUI/Hotbar","MC-260677":"Advancement icons handle translucent textures wrong","MC-260878":"Guardians apply Thorns damage when hit by projectiles","MC-260857":"Display entities summoned with initial transformation interpolate incorrectly from default transformation during next transformation","MC-260285":"Applying an identical transformation will result in the previous interpolation repeating instead of having no effect","MC-260774":"Players are kicked from server environments due to chat message validation failures when attempting to type in chat after having previously altered chat settings","MC-260681":"UI click sounds in Create New World menu tabs are louder than they should be","MC-260642":"tall_grass and large_fern display gray as block_display entities","MC-259896":"item_display has a wrong default value","MC-259853":"block_display transform breaks when shearing","MC-193497":"Tall Grass & Large Fern are rendered incorrectly when an Enderman is holding them","MC-259259":"Hostile mobs can't replace armor they're wearing with better armor","MC-260765":"Right-clicking will move packs in the pack edit screen","MC-260764":"Right-clicking will focus text fields","MC-260265":"Lighting does not transform with display entities","MC-259637":"Natural spider potion effects still last max int instead of infinity","MC-260214":"Entities will often spin while pathfinding on top of decorated pots","MC-260196":"Entities don't recognize decorated pots as obstacles when pathfinding","MC-260735":"You can block falling anvils and dripstone with a shield","MC-260321":"Sniffers in the distance have lots of Z-fighting on their body","MC-210816":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon breaking shulker bullets","MC-260215":"Water within waterlogged decorated pots doesn't flow","MC-260429":"The texture of the Cherry Sign post has an inconsistency with the other Signs","MC-260068":"The sounds of using brushes don't show any subtitles","MC-260497":"Villager trade button interferes with the slider","MC-259715":"The \"death.attack.message_too_long\" string is missing an article before the word \"message\"","MC-259714":"Death messages relating to dragons' breath aren't possessive","MC-259702":"The \"death.attack.hotFloor.player\" string is missing an article before the word \"danger\"","MC-257784":"Some words within some realms strings are always pluralized","MC-256270":"Some words within some multiplayer command feedback messages are always pluralized","MC-255087":"Some words within \"/worldborder\" command feedback messages are always pluralized","MC-255060":"Some words within \"/function\" and \"/schedule\" command feedback messages are always pluralized","MC-211071":"Some words within \"/spreadplayers\" command feedback messages are always pluralized","MC-172305":"Some words within \"/clear\" command feedback messages are always pluralized","MC-259603":"The \"selectWorld.gameMode.hardcore.info\" string displayed within the create new world GUI is improperly capitalized","MC-259792":"The \"selectWorld.experimental.message\" string is missing a serial comma","MC-259610":"Gamemode information strings consist of inconsistent concluding punctuation","MC-260470":"Enderman can't dodge the arrows fired by the dispenser","MC-258561":"Endermen teleport away instead of taking damage from end crystal, TNT and wither skull explosions","MC-260627":"Dolphins with passengers either accelerate to ludicrous speed or are immobilized completely","MC-260501":"Cannot delete previous snapshot world in launcher","MC-260451":"Inventory character with semi-transparent outer skin layer not rendered correctly when looking right","MC-250486":"Error saving GUI scale option when toggling fullscreen while fullscreen resolution is changed","MC-260456":"Certain potions are still indistinguishable by color","MC-259666":"Reloading a resource pack that has a custom texture atlas for a second time causes severe FPS lag on the client","MC-260605":"Repeating command block summoning piglins/villagers causes memory usage to constantly increase","MC-260579":"Crash when a guardian deals damage to itself after removing thorns from avoids_guardian_thorns","MC-260474":"Players and mobs are no longer affected by knockback upon death","MC-148458":"Ridable mobs aren't knocked back upon death","MC-260277":"potted_cherry_sapling and potted_torchflower not part of #flower_pots block tag","MC-259831":"UI Buttons break certain resource packs as of 23w06a","MC-260443":"Loading a snapshot 23w07a experimental world says it can be opened in \"safe mode\" and clicking \"safe mode\" does nothing","MC-260268":"Can't scroll using arrows in \"Telemetry Data Collection\" screen","MC-229293":"Casting issue: Broken blocks drop items in the wrong position at high distances","MC-260434":"There is no \"Will be saved in...\" text in the new world creation menu","MC-260364":"Cherry Door inconsistent item texture","MC-260324":"Cherry Boat with Chest item texture has a misplaced pixel","MC-260436":"Item Tags in 1.19.4-pre1 have extra entries","MC-260208":"Display entities in spawn chunks with interpolation_duration greater than 0 visually reset to default transformation on rejoin","MC-260461":"Water mobs cannot be ridden in water","MC-260445":"Player can climb up one block while riding a boat or raft","MC-260438":"Items are not rendered in the bundle UI","MC-260427":"Button text is visible outside menus","MC-260335":"Clicking with an item that is out of stock in the villager trading menu with sufficient payment will allow purchase of the item regardless","MC-259979":"Striders and blazes do not take five times the damage when using /damage with freeze type","MC-259961":"item_display does not take some nbt tags into account","MC-259885":"Upon entering the credits screen while in F1 mode, the Minecraft: Java Edition logo does not display correctly","MC-259839":"Duplicated \"minecraft:freeze\" in damage_type tag \"bypasses_armor\"","MC-259208":"Zombie riding chicken or skeleton riding spider not considered controllers by /execute on controller command","MC-137552":"Loaded crossbows look unloaded in item frames and when dropped on the ground","MC-259609":"Tooltips from selected buttons and sliders don't disappear when expected","MC-260185":"Pink Petals aren't insta-mined","MC-260059":"Pigs do not seem to spawn in Cherry Grove biome","MC-260355":"The server process crashes when making a slime ride a iron golem","MC-260195":"Cherry Logs and Wood are missing from the #log, #logs_that_burn and #complete_find_tree_tutorial item tags","MC-260193":"Cherry Logs and Wood can't be used as fuel in furnaces","MC-260192":"You can't make Charcoal with Cherry Logs or Wood","MC-260191":"Cherry Leaves aren't part of the #leaves and #complete_find_tree_tutorial item tags","MC-260189":"Cherry Sapling is not part of the #saplings item tag","MC-260171":"Cherry Leaves and Pink Petals aren't part of the #flower block tag","MC-260149":"Cherry logs can't be used to craft campfires","MC-260051":"Bees are not tempted by or attempt to pollinate Pink Petals and Torchflowers","MC-260262":"Cherry Saplings can be obtained in world with experimental settings turned off","MC-260210":"Brush Recipe is in the Vanilla datapack, not 1.20","MC-260209":"breaks_decorated_pots Item Tag is in the Vanilla datapack, not 1.20","MC-256861":"Camels panic when receiving fall damage","MC-253211":"Frogs will panic when receiving fall damage","MC-253210":"Goats will panic when receiving fall damage","MC-260234":"Sniffers jump multiple times when attempting to climb blocks","MC-260223":"Torchflowers seeds and Torchflowers hitboxes are different","MC-260181":"Torchflower seeds are not grouped with other seeds in the creative inventory","MC-260172":"Torchflower isn't part of the #flowers block or item tags","MC-260168":"Torchflower crop aren't part of the #crops block tag","MC-260156":"The sound of the torchflower being broken after growing is different than the sound of it breaking after being placed","MC-260126":"Using pick block function on grown torchflower crop gives torchflower seeds instead of the plant item","MC-260125":"Sniffer's head occasionally disappears","MC-260109":"Sniffers do not rotate their head to look at the player","MC-260107":"Sniffers don't swim properly and their walking animations freeze when in water","MC-260102":"Torchflower seeds don't contribute to the \"A Seedy Place\" advancement","MC-260098":"Sniffers aren't required for the \"Two by Two\" advancement","MC-260092":"Sniffers' hitboxes are too small resulting in sniffers not being rendered from certain angles despite being visible on the screen","MC-260089":"Sniffers panic when receiving fall damage","MC-260071":"Sniffer Digging Sounds can be heard from way too far","MC-260035":"Chickens and parrots are not tempted by torchflower seeds","MC-260033":"Torchflowers cannot be used to craft suspicious stew","MC-260227":"When re-creating the superflat world, the customize content is lost","MC-260157":"On existing snapshot servers, cherry grove biomes cannot be found with \"/locate\", nor do they generate","MC-260118":"Disabling experimental features on the world creation screen causes pack validation to fail","MC-260030":"Starting data.Main for data generation crashes","MC-259613":"Enchantment glint is hardly noticeable on some items, even when the Glint Strength is set to 100%","MC-106484":"Some potions are indistinguishable by color","MC-259920":"The \"ITEM_INTERACT_FINISH\" game event overrides other game events causing several actions to not produce their intended vibration frequency","MC-260121":"Hoppers are ghost blocks for other players when placed on jukeboxes that are playing music","MC-132200":"Ghost block hoppers appear if summoned by command to powered location","MC-259917":"Entities immune to fall damage are damaged when using minecraft:fall damage type in /damage","MC-259576":"Passenger's riding position is too high on a phantom","MC-256731":"The sounds of camels recovering aren't controlled by the \"Friendly Creatures\" sound slider","MC-256489":"Sitting camels that are in love don't attempt to stand up and approach one another to breed","MC-256484":"Sitting camels don't stand up and begin following players that are tempting them with their favorite food","MC-260367":"Crash when damaging a Guardian using a command block: java.lang.StackOverflowError: Executing command block","MC-259918":"Text scrolling speed isn't accessible-friendly","MC-259630":"Camels, horses and mules bounce high into the air when being ridden across water","MC-259246":"Passengers on an ender dragon ride too high","MC-259192":"Server/client position desync when running /ride too fast and manually dismounting","MC-259893":"Long texts on buttons scroll too fast","MC-260194":"Create new world screen appears even when world is created; clicking on button causes freeze or crash","MC-259882":"Axolotls no longer give the Regeneration effect to nearby players after they kill a mob, and do not grant \"The Healing Power of Friendship!\" advancement","MC-181412":"Removing a jukebox with a command while it's playing a music disc won't stop playing the music disc","MC-16533":"Horse Breeding never exceeds egg/spawn horse attributes","MC-259808":"Allay wing animation skips frames/loops incorrectly as of 23w06a","MC-259796":"Creeper does not flash white and expand before exploding","MC-259691":"Drowned that are swimming render outside of their hitboxes when looking up or down","MC-259489":"Experimental \"disabled items\" can still be suggested as fuel by the recipe book","MC-259241":"Turtles can spawn inside each other causing them to get stuck and play constant sounds","MC-259218":"Onboarding isn't resumed after restarting Minecraft","MC-258907":"Advancement trigger \"player_interacted_with_entity\" doesn't work with \"area_effect_cloud\" entity when used \"glass_bottle\" item on it","MC-258902":"Opening a lectern on Adventure mode and closing it causes inventory desyncs","MC-258697":"Invalid translation of \"translationKey=narration.suggestion\" in command block GUI","MC-258459":"Invalid forced resource pack can cause infinite reload loop on client","MC-258457":"Resource Pack won't load if it contains reference to non-existing particles","MC-226729":"Memory leakage problem in native operations","MC-134448":"Drowned animation glitch","MC-259999":"Entities mounted on display entities do not visually update until after resync","MC-259819":"Z-fighting on the text of text displays","MC-259816":"Odd behavior when an item_display, block_display, or text_display entity mounts another entity","MC-259805":"Players cannot dismount when riding item_display, block_display and text_display using the ride command","MC-64522":"Server show as \"Old\" in server list while starting","MC-259240":"The game crashes when navigating with arrow keys after changing key binds","MC-259107":"Opening the crafting recipe book selects the recipe that appears under the mouse cursor","MC-258624":"The Title Screen Warning menu doesn't disappear after the player respawns","MC-248249":"minecraft:forest_rock feature does not work correctly when used with /place","MC-259729":"\"Falling Block\" can appear in death messages","MC-259675":"Capes occasionally jitter when moving and adjusting your rotation","MC-258580":"Player is kicked from a server for flying in death screen when dying on a Horse or Camel","MC-209409":"Sitting cats sink in water","MC-194080":"Elytra model stutters by flying and turning","MC-259797":"Z-fighting occurs on the bottom of boots","MC-259573":"Blast Protection does not reduce explosion knockback in creative game mode","MC-257282":"Allays sometimes have a several-second delay before deciding to follow the player","MC-256465":"Baby camels can enter boats despite adult camels not being able to","MC-84633":"Resource packs: ambientocclusion flag only respects topmost parent","MC-259640":"The lightest three colors of \"iron\" and \"iron_darker\" color palettes are identical","MC-259635":"The color palettes for \"iron\" and \"iron_darker\" trims are flipped","MC-252434":"Sculk sensors are activated when interacting with fences while holding leads","MC-237879":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon villagers working with composters","MC-209929":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon filling composters","MC-210294":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon mounting or dismounting any non-biological entities","MC-257873":"Swapping an armor piece with an armor piece of the same type doesn't play its equipping sound","MC-251917":"No gear equipping sound or subtitle when a shield is placed into the offhand slot","MC-259468":"empty_slot_amethyst_shard does not show in Smithing Table slot","MC-259197":"The damage tilt effect isn't accessible-friendly","MC-210715":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon attaching or removing leads from entities","MC-259224":"Blocking attacks with shields causes the damage tilt to play and red damage tint to show","MC-259193":"The \"Notification Display Time\" text can appear outside of its slider","MC-249878":"Text can appear outside of the \"Device\" button within the music and sound options menu","MC-237450":"The \"Simulation Distance\" text can appear outside of its slider","MC-233972":"Text can appear outside of buttons in the key binds menu when assigning keys to functions or when multiple functions are assigned to the same key","MC-156443":"In some languages, text is too long and escapes buttons","MC-145765":"Both \"Text Background\" settings strings are overflowing the buttons","MC-258156":"The Warden does not deal the same amount of damage to the player and entities in difficult mode","MC-259360":"The \"selectWorld.mapFeatures.info\" string is missing a comma after the word \"Shipwrecks\"","MC-259247":"The execute on owner sub-command does not select the owner of a horse, donkey, llama, or mule","MC-259245":"An enderman ridden with /ride constantly teleports if the player looks at the enderman's eyes","MC-259233":"Argument error messages for low values are inconsistently spelled","MC-259227":"/execute if loaded <pos> alone always fails","MC-259221":"Using the \"/ride\" command on invalid entities teleports players to their position","MC-259195":"Using /ride on an entity in another dimension causes client/server desync","MC-209896":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon placing glowstone into respawn anchors","MC-210334":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon sheep being dyed","MC-210276":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon trampling farmland","MC-12729":"Z-fighting can be seen on leggings and boots worn by entities","MC-209622":"Sculk sensors do not detect item frame / glow item frame interactions","MC-212501":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon collecting books from lecterns","MC-213803":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon harvesting glow berries from cave vines","MC-210707":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon closing chest boats, chest rafts, or chest minecarts","MC-198874":"Opening a Minecart with Hopper provokes Piglins, even though opening a Hopper doesn't provoke them","MC-236988":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon using shears on cave/twisting/weeping vines or kelp","MC-251934":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon frogs laying frogspawn","MC-215767":"Sculk sensors do not detect turtles laying an egg","MC-259454":"Loot table for hoglin stable chests uses the loot table for bridge chests instead","MC-258622":"Fire charge isn't in the Ingredients tab in creative inventory","MC-259442":"Can't shift click items into second anvil slot","MC-259432":"Single missing pixel in 'chestplate_trim' item texture","MC-259599":"Curse of Binding armor can be removed by swapping armor with right click in hotbar","MC-257464":"Axolotl walking animation stutters when moving slowly","MC-256664":"Camels play their walking animations after the \"NoAI\" NBT tag is applied to them","MC-256650":"Frogs don't have smooth transitions to their idle states when they stop moving","MC-256493":"Camels don't have smooth transitions to their idle states when they stop moving","MC-256479":"Camels don't play their walking animations when they are damaged","MC-254074":"Frogs don't play their walking animation when they take damage","MC-252625":"Frogs play a running animation after the NoAI NBT is applied","MC-147711":"Drowned no longer have a different swimming animation","MC-127749":"Cape is jittering; movement way sharper than in snapshot 18w03b","MC-259418":"Camels with large \"LastPoseTick\" NBT values still behave strangely and cause a variety of issues","MC-259370":"Stronghold library loot table has been replaced by stronghold altar loot table","MC-216270":"It's not possible to replace armor by right clicking while holding the armor item","MC-259206":"The accessibility onboarding screen can not display any language other than English (US)","MC-259420":"Pixels not present in the palettes get erased, not kept","MC-259356":"Netherite trim material applied on netherite armor by upgrading diamond armor","MC-259389":"Incompatible crafting arrow overlay in the new smithing GUI uses the position of the legacy smithing GUI","MC-259399":"The armor stand model within the smithing table GUI doesn't render the output item after resizing the game window","MC-259357":"Text inside the smithing table GUI renders behind the armor stand model in some languages","MC-259362":"The \"item.minecraft.smithing_template.netherite_upgrade.additions_slot_description\" string is missing an article before the word \"Netherite\"","MC-198809":"Blast Protection does not reduce explosion knockback except at very high levels","MC-259204":"All goat horns display as Ponder goat horns and play the Ponder instrument","MC-259211":"You cannot select incompatible resource packs within the resource packs menu via keyboard navigation","MC-259189":"\"Narrator: Not Available\" isn't grayed out on accessibility splash","MC-257755":"Elements within the realms menu are not selected in order when using the TAB key if you're not currently a member of any realm","MC-258295":"Villager AI broken when workstation is nearby","MC-258430":"Camels with large LastPoseTime values offset the player view model strangely","MC-149144":"Multiple buttons can be selected by pressing another button and Tab","MC-258953":"Out of memory screen has raw message in the title","MC-224960":"The spectate command does not work between dimensions","MC-191942":"The buttons in the multiplayer menu are not evenly spaced","MC-181832":"The \"/spreadplayers\" command doesn't spread entities in the specified dimension","MC-122595":"/weather command with duration 0 has the same weather for longer time","MC-222518":"Skeleton/Zombie Horse's & Donkey/Mule's saddles and chests are outdated/have errors","MC-165595":"Guardian beam does not render when over a certain \"Time\" in level.dat","MC-257082":"Sprinting whilst riding an entity or flying with elytra changes your field of view","MC-30403":"Sprinting isn't canceled when dismounting rideable entities while sprinting","MC-257418":"Camels sometimes sit down for a split second when receiving damage","MC-256838":"The facing direction of the camel doesn't match","MC-256555":"Camel sits down for a split second when spawned","MC-136534":"All command blocks think they're facing south with caret notation","MC-255811":"Level#isRainingAt(BlockPos) always returns false for snowy and frozen biomes, even when it is raining","MC-247836":"Riptide doesn't work in rain within a frozen ocean biome","MC-233893":"Burning mobs won't get extinguished by rain in warm patches of Frozen Ocean biome","MC-230678":"Cauldron fills with powder snow in frozen ocean biome while it's visually raining","MC-121048":"When an entity dies, the combat tracker only records the killing blow","MC-257875":"Fire charges aren't consumed when igniting creepers using them in survival or adventure mode","MC-26678":"Damage wobble no longer shows direction of incoming damage","MC-256576":"Players become the controlling passengers of unsaddled camels when mounting them while other players are already riding them","MC-257346":"Vexes with empty hand make obscene gesture","MC-258246":"\"Telemetry Data\" button is missing an ellipsis","MC-258173":"Entering an End Portal whilst sleeping causes the bed to be occupied permanently","MC-258163":"ClientboundSectionBlocksUpdatePacket serialization breaks after 2^19 block states","MC-256292":"Goats don't spawn on grass after initial world generation","MC-255545":"Magma Cube shadows do not change with size","MC-252773":"Goat Horn without instrument NBT and with other NBT data (such as text) does not play","MC-235260":"Hopper minecart at (0, 0, 0) transfers items slower than normal","MC-155433":"Minecart with hopper not picking matching items from a mixed pile","MC-258258":"The \"EntityTag\" NBT data on armor stands is no longer applied upon placement","MC-108707":"Potion effects, particles, and fire animations persist client-side after death in server environments","MC-258279":"Particle groups aren't cleared on resource reload","MC-258256":"Cannot join a LAN world while offline","MC-258251":"Slots (like %s) in translations no longer ignore missing elements in \"with\"","MC-187812":"The buttons are not selected in the right order using Tab in the new datapacks and resource packs menus","MC-258209":"Storage data is broken","MC-258203":"/data modify thinks NBT is too large, but /data merge doesn't","MC-258195":"Performance degradation of NBT modification","MC-240724":"There are no shadows on text displayed within the subtitles overlay","MC-187816":"Using Tab multiple times to select a datapack / resource pack from the list does not deselect it","MC-185279":"\"Done\" and \"Cancel\" buttons in the game rules screen are not selected in the right order when navigating using Tab","MC-258196":"Stray pixel in gui/toasts.png","MC-258190":"Bubble columns let skylight through","MC-258159":"Pick block doesn't work on Ender Dragon","MC-254809":"You cannot get water bottles from water in creative mode if there's a potion in your inventory","MC-248589":"World border texture jumps back and forth between two positions as the player's y level changes","MC-227250":"Mobs continue converting after the conversion process starts and the block causing the conversion is removed","MC-58668":"Smooth Lighting Minimum and Maximum levels no longer differ","MC-257411":"Vex Renders Offhand Items Incorrectly","MC-257392":"Vex's new model's head does not rotate to where it looks","MC-257340":"Vexes' hitboxes aren't vertically centered with their models","MC-257121":"Players' capes and outer skin layers don't render client-side in server environments when joining worlds while dead","MC-256706":"Carpet texture is cut off in the recipe book","MC-233051":"Server crashes as player logs in","MC-228976":"Entity collision is run on render thread","MC-257843":"note_block_sound data is lost when breaking a player head","MC-257817":"Player heads with a custom skin lose their noteblock sound data when using Ctrl+Pick block","MC-177141":"Cleric working subtitle is \"Brewing Stand bubbles\" instead of \"Cleric works\"","MC-165686":"Knowledge book texture in the crafting UI hasn't been updated","MC-257861":"Villagers and Piglin no longer seek out Items","MC-257350":"Top and bottom texture of block of bamboo rotated incorrectly","MC-194501":"IllegalArgumentException (Cannot set property) when using a block without the \"axis\" property in fancy_tree_placer","MC-257839":"NullPointerException when attempting to render a tooltip in the Game Rules menu","MC-257530":"When Chat is set to Hidden, the Chat Hidden Warning appears in chat instead of the actionbar when attempting to send a message whilst sleeping or switching gamemode","MC-250428":"Narrator does not narrate the death screen","MC-257495":"Dying whilst in the Shulker Box GUI will spam \"Shulker Closes\" sound","MC-208051":"Chests/trapped chests/barrels do not 'open' after respawning","MC-108597":"Shulker box still plays the close sound, even if it is destroyed or replaced","MC-201769":"Copying deeply nested NBT causes StackOverflowError","MC-257664":"Buttons within the list in the social interactions menu display their hover text regardless of the position of the cursor","MC-257616":"The \"Data Collection\" button in the telemetry menu displays its hover text regardless of the position of the cursor","MC-187744":"\"Place pack files here\" hover text on pack selection screen shows everywhere when \"Open pack folder\" button has focus","MC-257636":"Villagers rarely close doors after going through them","MC-185618":"Creepers can't be ignited with a fire charge","MC-257668":"The draft report icon isn't present on any of the \"Title Screen\" buttons within the death screen when attempting to disconnect from worlds while having saved draft reports","MC-256655":"Some shorter mobs can attack Players on a Camel","MC-189111":"Bees get stuck on non-full blocks","MC-257525":"Allay movement AI is broken in 22w42a+ causing them to sometimes spin mid-air","MC-256679":"Axolotls commonly hesitate when avoiding danger and occasionally start pathfinding in dangerous directions","MC-245697":"Certain mobs can't get out of water that is at least two blocks deep","MC-156663":"Villager pathfinding broken in water","MC-177676":"Armorer working subtitle is \"Blast Furnace crackles\" instead of \"Armorer works\"","MC-177596":"Weaponsmith working subtitle is \"Grindstone used\" instead of \"Weaponsmith works\"","MC-257341":"Vex texture does not utilize translucency","MC-257648":"The fillbiome command can result in flickering biome colors","MC-255133":"Extra copper ore generates in deep dark","MC-257663":"The \"Hide messages\" button in the social interactions menu can now no longer be toggled due to it being executed twice upon being pressed","MC-256883":"Elements within the game menu are now positioned slightly lower than they were in previous versions","MC-257374":"The word \"number\" isn't capitalized in \"Port number\"","MC-257373":"The cursor in the port number text box doesn't blink","MC-257368":"Not a valid port error in Open to LAN doesn't show if port is <1024","MC-257619":"Baby piglins and zombified piglins take damage when they hit their head on a block","MC-257658":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon taking books from chiseled bookshelves","MC-256481":"minecraft.used:minecraft.BOOK_TYPE doesn't increase when placing books onto chiseled bookshelves","MC-257617":"You cannot scroll with the mouse wheel on the telemetry screen after clicking the \"Open my data\" or \"Data collection\" button","MC-257625":"Piglin Head placed on noteblock play the piglin angry sound instead of the piglin ambient sound","MC-257349":"Vex does not sit in boats and minecarts properly anymore","MC-257506":"Top and bottom texture of chiseled bookshelf rotates depending on placement","MC-257618":"The word \"pair\" uses the incorrect verb form within the \"telemetry.event.world_loaded.description\" string","MC-257386":"Inventory menu has broken textures with Programmer Art enabled","MC-233042":"Server Address field isn't focused when Direct Connection menu is opened","MC-151412":"\"Edit Server Info\" window does not focus \"Server Name\" text field automatically","MC-147605":"Text cursors can exist in multiple fields","MC-257410":"\"Game Menu\" on the pause menu is clickable","MC-257401":"Frog walk animation speeds up greatly when tempted by food or chasing slimes","MC-257105":"The walking animation of frogs and camels doesn't play when they are moving slowly","MC-256510":"Using a glow ink sac on a hanging sign does not grant the advancement \"Glow and Behold!\"","MC-256472":"Camels aren't required for the \"Two by Two\" advancement","MC-257378":"Villagers and piglins can't open or close doors","MC-257073":"You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the \"Experimental Features Warning\" menu","MC-256878":"You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the \"Edit draft chat report\" menu","MC-256669":"Crafting recipe for bamboo hanging signs is unlocked by having any stripped log","MC-257114":"Incoherency: A random seed is already generated on the \"Create New World\" seed text field screen despite the \"Leave blank for a random seed\" label","MC-234904":"You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the \"Data Packs\" menu","MC-234846":"You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the \"switch world\" realms menu","MC-234782":"You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the \"Close realm\" realms menu","MC-234621":"You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the \"remove player\" realms menu","MC-234572":"You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the \"Delete Server\" menu","MC-234409":"You cannot hold any key to rapidly execute the same function in the \"World options\" realms menu","MC-234408":"You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the \"Reset world\" realms menu","MC-234240":"You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the \"Superflat Customization\" menu","MC-234161":"You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the \"Optimize World\" menu","MC-234029":"You cannot hold any key to rapidly navigate between elements quickly after opening the inventory","MC-257355":"The \"Social Interactions\" menu now falsely claims that there are no reportable messages for given players","MC-257354":"Messages sent by the hosts of LAN worlds are now considered unverified and cannot be reported","MC-257329":"Right-hand side tabs in the creative inventory are misaligned","MC-257266":"Entities sink or fall through snow when it accumulates while the \"snowAccumulationHeight\" gamerule is set to any value greater than 1","MC-257113":"Ender dragon, wither, snow golem and iron golem spawn eggs from before 1.13 do not convert properly","MC-256993":"End crystal knockback bug","MC-256308":"\"limit\" selector parameter with \"arbitrary\" sorting does not stop searching early","MC-187539":"\"tick\" function tag runs before \"load\" instead of the other way around","MC-257334":"Stacked items do not show creative inventory tab label","MC-256509":"Heads and Skulls are placed backwards","MC-221722":"Squids use the new texture when using Programmer Art","MC-121865":"High potion effect durations being displayed as **:** is misleading","MC-222099":"Endermen holding candle cakes do not drop the candle or the cake upon being killed","MC-209621":"Endermen holding potted plants do not drop the pot nor the plant","MC-205563":"Endermen holding powder snow drop a powder snow bucket when killed","MC-257188":"You aren't prompted that your draft reports will be discarded upon disconnecting from worlds by using the \"Title Screen\" button within the death screen","MC-256935":"Long player names within the \"Select Chat Messages to Report\" menu can extend past the scroll bar","MC-256882":"Bats fly in the perched position and vertical movement is not smooth","MC-250262":"Players sometimes get stuck on the \"Loading terrain...\" screen after switching dimensions whilst dead","MC-249059":"Loading terrain screen cannot close before 2 seconds have passed","MC-248926":"Setting \"spectatorsGenerateChunks\" to false and relogging freezes the game on the Loading Terrain screen","MC-193360":"Inconsistent eye level between piglins or zombified piglins and piglin brutes","MC-257118":"Buttons are placed different than pressure plates in Creative Inventory","MC-177523":"Enderman angry/screaming sound event subtitled identically to idle sound","MC-256616":"Weighted pressure plates make incorrect sounds","MC-257102":"Missing Structure Block in creative tab","MC-257234":"Applying bone meal to warped or crimson fungus crashes client on multiplayer","MC-256903":"Lodestone compass's enchantment glint is scaled incorrectly","MC-255743":"Bees' path finding system may cause performance issues","MC-255370":"Chat hover & click events are offset if \"Line Spacing\" chat setting is used","MC-244550":"Empty Tags match Empty Slots in Shaped Recipes","MC-200000":"Merchant trade select packet (C2S) does not check for negative indices","MC-118140":"Result map tooltip when zooming out a map shows previous zoom value instead of new one","MC-256888":"New network protocols prevent logging into offline servers","MC-256885":"The word \"messages\" within the \"gui.chatSelection.fold\" string is always pluralized","MC-256765":"References to chat reporting in singleplayer","MC-256884":"Mobs don't shoot correctly from crossbows","MC-235414":"Player desynchronization with Nether Portals","MC-256990":"Superflat Worlds can use Disabled Blocks as part of their layers","MC-256854":"Error in any model file causes resource reload fail now","MC-256674":"FileAlreadyExistsException if the resourcepacks directory is a symbolic link","MC-256951":"TNT Minecarts don't record what caused its explosion","MC-256917":"Death message from explosions by TNT and TNT minecarts that are not the cause of a player or another mob has changed","MC-80032":"Horses can suffocate when going through nether portals","MC-256961":"Multishot shoots projectiles backwards","MC-127110":"You can't empty water buckets into waterlogged blocks","MC-256511":"Non-controlling passengers can make camels dash","MC-256516":"Inconsistent textures with jungle hanging signs","MC-256461":"Camel's back of neck is visible during the sit down animation","MC-256532":"Sounds for Bamboo, Crimson and Warped hanging signs use the generic wood sound","MC-257104":"\"Lava\" in gamerule.lavaSourceConversion is misspelled as \"Lave\"","MC-257060":"Bee nest is absent from Functional Blocks","MC-257059":"Mushroom stem comes after nether fungus stems in Creative inventory, but mushroom blocks come before wart blocks","MC-257058":"Cactus is not grouped with sugar cane in Creative inventory","MC-256934":"You aren't prompted to save your chat reports as drafts while only having report categories inputted","MC-256887":"Tinted glass is not considered a 'Functional Block'","MC-256881":"The game crashes when pressing the ESC key while having draft chat reports saved","MC-256879":"Weighted pressure plates are placed wrong in creative inventory","MC-254435":"Neither the secure chat warning toast nor the chat preview warning screen is presented to the player when joining a server using the --server argument","MC-256768":"Entities no longer have random rotations upon being summoned from spawn eggs","MC-256647":"Mobs face south even with a given rotation value","MC-256606":"Camel walking animation is slowed down when applied with slow falling","MC-253387":"Frog walking animation is slowed down when applied with slow falling","MC-256526":"Bamboo Fence Gate has missing textures / culling issues","MC-256463":"Camels will not pathfind over 1.5 high blocks","MC-255115":"Lily pads do not produce sounds when walking on them","MC-137136":"Lily Pads use incorrect sound","MC-137306":"Turtles don't have breeding delay","MC-256637":"Some bamboo blocks can't be used as furnace fuel","MC-256623":"Bamboo mosaic slabs aren't flammable","MC-256480":"Non Flammable Wood Item tag contains 1.20 content even when disabled","MC-191790":"Re-creating a world doesn't allow a blank seed and uses recreated world's seed instead of random","MC-244721":"\"Erase cached data\" is not capitalized","MC-195780":"\"Data mode\" and \"Load mode\" aren't capitalized while \"Save Mode\" and \"Corner Mode\" are","MC-189911":"Splash water bottles don't extinguish mobs and player","MC-256734":"Entities will often spin while pathfinding on top of wall hanging signs","MC-256661":"Line spacing on Hanging Signs is too small, causing certain characters to overlap","MC-244694":"The sounds of goats stomping and ramming aren't controlled by the \"Friendly Creatures\" sound slider","MC-256515":"Hanging signs connects weirdly on the bottom of a fence gate.","MC-256847":"Bone Meal isn't in the Tools & Utilities Tab in the creative inventory","MC-256846":"Chiseled Bookshelf isn't in the Redstone Blocks Tab in the creative inventory","MC-256848":"String isn't in the Redstone Blocks Tab in the creative inventory","MC-256845":"Nether Wart isn't in the Nature Blocks tab in the creative inventory","MC-256843":"Milk Bucket isn't in the Consumable Tab in the creative inventory","MC-256534":"Saved hotbars can import disabled items","MC-254597":"Mobs hurt by water don't take water damage when they are on a boat","MC-252214":"Going into water does not extinguish the fire on you if you're in a boat","MC-256462":"If camel is sitting while exiting and reloading the world, it will play the sitting animation again","MC-222407":"Endermen holding big dripleaf stems don't drop big dripleaves upon being killed","MC-188506":"AngryAt cannot be manually applied to endermen","MC-128003":"When destroying one block of tall seagrass, the other block becomes air when destroyed, rather than water","MC-253542":"Spawner blocks with SpawnPotential and no SpawnData will crash during worldgen","MC-256612":"Waxed Exposed Copper blocks are out of order in Building Blocks creative tab","MC-256582":"Lectern isn't in Functional Blocks tab in creative inventory","MC-256581":"Lightning Rod isn't in Functional Blocks tab in creative inventory","MC-256573":"Water bottles, awkward/mundane/thick potions and tipped arrows don't appear in the Creative Inventory","MC-256522":"Coral Blocks are sorted different than Corals and Coral Fans","MC-249691":"Nylium is not grouped with netherrack in the Creative inventory","MC-202513":"Weeping vines and twisting vines are not grouped with regular vines in creative inventory","MC-256705":"Discrepancy exists between identifier-allowed characters and path segment-allowed characters","MC-254634":"POIs are not created properly when upgrading worlds","MC-84873":"DeathTime values 20+ cause corrupted mobs","MC-256476":"Panorama Scroll Speed isn't saved","MC-256639":"Allays, Piglins, and Villagers lose inventory if unloaded and reloaded","MC-198493":"Villagers lose their discounts when relogging while it is a zombie villager","MC-256495":"Z-fighting occurs when the legs of camels intersect one another","MC-256494":"Can't craft birch hanging signs","MC-256483":"You cannot craft acacia hanging signs","MC-200006":"Explosions from beds and respawn anchors can't be blocked by shields","MC-191948":"Ghast fireballs explosions still inflict damage when blocked by a shield","MC-188247":"Explosions from end crystals can't be blocked by shields","MC-92017":"Shield damage direction is incorrect","MC-256575":"Some of the translation keys were merged, resulting in some language translation errors","MC-256502":"Crash when pressing certain buttons while on spectator mode","MC-249419":"Map color for mud brick slab is no longer consistent with map color for other mud brick blocks","MC-218534":"Blackstone stairs & slabs are not grouped with the other stone type stairs & slabs","MC-217644":"Wart blocks and shroomlights are in different Creative tabs","MC-216733":"Basalt and blackstone are not grouped together with other \"polishable\" stone types in the Creative inventory","MC-201759":"Obsidians aren't grouped together in Creative","MC-182708":"Nether and warped wart blocks do not come after leaves in the Creative inventory","MC-249513":"Frogspawn is not grouped with turtle eggs in the Creative inventory","MC-239465":"Emerald block in creative inventory looks out of place","MC-234446":"Moss Block appears in the wrong creative inventory tab","MC-228475":"Pointed dripstone is not grouped with dripstone blocks in the creative inventory","MC-226566":"Inconsistency: Blocks are not placed correctly in Creative inventory","MC-222879":"Netherite scrap comes after netherite ingot in the creative inventory","MC-220489":"Beds and respawn anchors are not grouped in the Creative inventory","MC-201684":"Torches and soul torches aren't grouped together in the creative inventory","MC-170817":"Click sound of sliders in the video settings noticeably louder than anywhere else","MC-145748":"Clicking a settings button when there's a slider under the mouse in the next screen plays the click sound twice","MC-249232":"Frogs can sometimes fall into deep holes when pathfinding to entities","MC-226184":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-224921":"Mob pathfinding fails under certain circumstances / mobs fall on closed turns","MC-255715":"Menu panorama stops spinning after several days","MC-255151":"net.minecraft.client.Camera#getMaxZoom(double) issue","MC-250943":"minecraft.used:minecraft.goat_horn doesn't increase when using goat horns","MC-183899":"You can set your spawn point inside an end portal, causing the player to become stuck in the End","MC-177738":"Spawnpoint set on respawn anchor using /spawnpoint depletes glowstone charge, and doesn't stay on respawn anchor if its charge is depleted","MC-197150":"Horse armor and carpets cannot be equipped onto horses or llamas by right-clicking them whilst having these items held in your hand","MC-183069":"Donkeys, mules and undead horses cannot be saddled by right-clicking","MC-146930":"The \"Programmer Art\" resource pack is internally called \"programer_art\"","MC-202607":"Cat can get off lead by teleporting when it gives a gift after sleeping","MC-150488":"Mobs can spawn on scaffolding","MC-249806":"Allay renders too low in boat, boat with chest, minecart and entities","MC-249257":"The sounds of splashing when creating mud aren't controlled by the \"Blocks\" sound slider","MC-249463":"Shulkers in boats with chests are lowered","MC-256217":"Explosions create ghost blocks on servers at high coordinates","MC-135973":"Can't hold Q to drop items rapidly from container inventories","MC-183502":"The sounds for collecting honey in a bottle and collecting honeycomb with shears is categorised under friendly creatures","MC-96449":"Rabbits sometimes don't drop any raw rabbit upon being killed","MC-249935":"New advancement \"Birthday Song\" grants no experience","MC-254119":"Breeding a Screaming Goat and a Regular Goat never results in a screaming goat","MC-14167":"Mobs build up fall damage when dangling on a lead","MC-160610":"Mobs are able to spawn on Chorus Flowers","MC-250311":"The minecraft:entity.tadpole.grow_up sound event doesn't have a translation key","MC-221568":"Inconsistency: Barriers and structure voids produce particles when broken, but light blocks do not","MC-248753":"Pressure plates don't activate even though visually they should","MC-170457":"Chest latch doesn't rotate properly","MC-254535":"Nether portals cannot replace snow layers","MC-183831":"Villagers breed when not standing up","MC-254395":"Command suggestions can overlap the chat preview field when the chat preview option is set to \"When Sending\"","MC-253367":"The screen is sometimes flashed with the \"Loading terrain...\" screen after proceeding with the chat preview warning when all nearby chunks are loaded","MC-252089":"The chat preview warning menu is forcibly closed when the player dies or changes dimensions","MC-251688":"Chat preview can overlap chat contents if the message is long enough","MC-206854":"Multiplayer warning and Chat Preview warning are off center","MC-242663":"Melons can generate underwater","MC-249294":"Rabbits ignore the \"MoreCarrotTicks\" value, causing them to always try to eat carrots","MC-175313":"Composter filling sounds originate from the bottom northwest corner of the block","MC-152752":"Jukebox music sound originates from north-west edge of the block","MC-199162":"One farmland block in plains_large_farm_1 has moisture level 0","MC-243458":"Worldgen data packs don't work on servers","MC-254695":"\"Narrator Disabled\" pop-up doesn't render fully","MC-254427":"Secure chat warning toast can appear on singleplayer worlds","MC-254774":"Crash when a villager with a gossip of value 0 shares gossips","MC-255164":"Sculk Shrieker warning level resets to 0 after player's death","MC-252415":"Bedrock Edition's new 1.19.10 splash text is not available on Java 1.19","MC-254529":"Warning and information toasts can overlap one another","MC-254355":"Key binds set to mouse buttons of number greater than 8 switch over by 1 when the game starts","MC-254405":"Debug messages aren't prefixed with gray color indicators","MC-254349":"Crash when putting dye into a loom on a modded server","MC-252258":"Wool block / carpet items generate vibrations, unless thrown by crouching players","MC-252190":"Player-dropped items creating vibrations depends on you sneaking at the moment the item hits the ground, instead of when you threw the item","MC-207077":"Crash on loading pre-1.13 world with noteblock + note NBT in inventory","MC-253402":"Game crash when you shift right click on item in your hotbar to the chest at the same time as you die","MC-252265":"--server argument causes java.lang.NullPointerException crash on some servers","MC-235614":"Reference to unexisting predicate in a datapack causes java.lang.NullPointerException ","MC-148149":"Linux game crash when opening links","MC-254261":"The background opacity box of the chat preview field renders behind the \"Leave Bed\" button when sleeping in beds","MC-254255":"Unable to text in chat with Chat Preview On send while sleeping","MC-254284":"Sending chat packets with invalid message type id crashes the game","MC-149047":"Scroll Sensitivity slider label uses OS locale for number formatting","MC-130243":"/debug stop message uses OS locale specific number formatting","MC-253223":"A preposition is incorrectly used within the \"gui.abuseReport.reason.terrorism_or_violent_extremism.description\" string","MC-252702":"Game crashes when trying to launch 1.19 when system is in Arabic, Persian, or adjacent formats","MC-252546":"Poor audio quality compared to 1.18.2","MC-253888":"Messages that servers have tampered with through chat reporting are signed and reportable","MC-254089":"Chat Preview components allow server to \"hide\" content","MC-253950":"Sending a chat message too fast after typing it fails to sign the eventual proper chat preview","MC-249106":"Water rendering incorrectly through frogspawn hitbox/model","MC-253997":"The current description of \"Imminent harm - Threat to harm others\" report category seems not matching its title","MC-253813":"Chat commands with entity selectors often reported as \"This message is not secure\"","MC-253743":"The server console doesn't state if chat messages aren't secure or have been modified","MC-253738":"Vibration particle faces at a constant pitch of about 60 degs, not pointing towards the target","MC-251296":"Allay has a transparent texture but it is not transparent in game","MC-249875":"Parity Issue: Allays hesitate for a few seconds before following, throwing items, or doing other actions in Java","MC-249842":"Allays attempt to pathfind to items that are outside of the world border","MC-249765":"Allays don't render semi-transparent when invisible where appropriate","MC-249720":"Allay's wings are not attached to its body","MC-250249":"Parity Issue: Allays pick up arrow/potion items with other effects than the ones they're holding","MC-253214":"Tooltips will become offset in certain cases ","MC-253076":"Allay duplicates Items when its NBT data is updated every tick","MC-253182":"The second instance of a reflexive pronoun is used incorrectly within the \"gui.abuseReport.reason.self_harm_or_suicide.description\" string","MC-253742":"The chat scroll bar overlaps the colored indicators used to show the trust status of messages","MC-253496":"/execute as {player} run say counts to the report system","MC-253773":"Whispers appear as modified by the server","MC-253112":"The game output console is logged with warnings regarding chat packets with invalid signatures when using entity selectors within commands","MC-253497":"Entities and other non-player chat message sources appear in the Social Interactions menu","MC-253121":"Entities and other non-player chat message sources appear as players on the Select Chat Messages to Report screen","MC-253517":"Online players cannot connect to offline server because \"invalid profile public key signature\"","MC-253501":"Long messages within the \"Select Chat Messages to Report\" menu can extend beyond selection boxes and past the scroll bar","MC-253495":"Selection boxes of fields within the \"Select Report Category\" menu list don't contain white outlines when selected using the TAB key","MC-253493":"The descriptions of report categories can once again overlap the \"Description:\" subtitle","MC-253227":"Players can only be reported using the reporting system if they're present within the world","MC-253225":"Selection boxes of fields within player reporting menu lists don't contain white outlines when selected using the TAB key","MC-253188":"Selection boxes within the \"Select Chat Messages to Report\" menu differ in size ever so slightly depending on how they're selected","MC-253114":"Selection boxes within the \"Select Chat Messages to Report\" menu don't disappear when deselecting fields after reentering the menu","MC-253189":"Allays with NoAI can dance","MC-250020":"Allay doesn't ignore items when mobGriefing is set to false","MC-253422":"The selection of the \"Please report breaches of our Community Standards\" text within the \"Select Report Category\" menu is slightly confusing due to the words \"Community Standards\" being underlined by default","MC-252511":"Bedrock not generating on the new blending border between old and new blending","MC-253336":"Using the eye of ender \"crashes\" game in the seed: -3721742095548798177","MC-252987":"Illegal character '\\n' in text component clickEvent","MC-253125":"Allays can dance while panicking","MC-251518":"Allay's poses, flying animations, and dancing animations for duping differ from Bedrock's, causing intense clipping, inconsistencies, choppy movements, and strange item positioning","MC-250423":"Frog frequently fails to long jump to small blocks","MC-130754":"Jumping on farmland pushes the player a bit","MC-253191":"Particles produced from allays duplicating cannot be seen by other players","MC-253185":"The ESC key cannot be used to exit the \"Sending your report\" menu","MC-253176":"The character indicator symbol within the \"Report Chat\" menu is untranslatable","MC-253134":"Allays from older worlds don't duplicate","MC-253111":"You cannot use CTRL+HOME or CTRL+END to navigate to the beginning or end of text within the \"Report Chat\" menu","MC-253110":"Text within the \"Discard report and comments?\" menu isn't horizontally centered","MC-253055":"Resource packs causing each WeighedSoundEvents to duplicate Sounds","MC-252508":"Realms worldgen type missing language string","MC-252327":"World list fails to load after restarting game and deleting a world","MC-249973":"Loading resource packs is significantly slower in 1.19","MC-253183":"The word \"Unrelated\" within the \"gui.chatSelection.fold\" string is incorrectly capitalized","MC-253178":"The word \"Non-consensual\" is spelled as \"Non-consentual\" within the \"gui.abuseReport.reason.non_consensual_intimate_imagery\" string","MC-253127":"Reason is not provided when chat report creation is not able to be started","MC-253126":"The scroll bar within the \"Select Chat Messages to Report\" menu sometimes resets its position to the bottom of the list after scrolling upwards","MC-253123":"The button within the \"Sending your report\" menu changes upon resizing the game window","MC-253113":"Chat message content can extend past the outline of a button and past the scroll bar","MC-253109":"The descriptions of report categories can overlap the \"Description:\" subtitle","MC-253108":"Selection boxes within the \"Select Report Category\" menu aren't vertically centered with the text inside them","MC-253105":"Chat report category scroll bar intersects the selected option outline","MC-253102":"Chat reporting uses \"Messages\" for one message","MC-252539":"Commands sending messages use formatting of regular chat in server logs","MC-252683":"Unexpected exception in the selector loop causing server lag","MC-252439":"Cured Villager trades are not refreshing","MC-177505":"Cured Villager can work at wrong workstation","MC-146891":"Nitwit villager can have a profession","MC-144043":"Trader llamas continue to spit after their target died","MC-252363":"Mobs that naturally spawn in with equipment will play the respective equipping noise","MC-249523":"Sky color is visible for a brief moment after applying Night Vision under Darkness effect","MC-250267":"Frogs don't lay their spawn on waterlogged blocks","MC-250261":"Frogs can lay spawn on flowing water","MC-252082":"Loading server resource packs reloads twice when one is already loaded","MC-249780":"Blocks that require support can generate floating in ancient cities","MC-252398":"Darkness effect fading in death screen causes subtle flashing","MC-249323":"Modifying a world preset to not include overworld settings will not give a datapack error, but selecting the world type will instantly crash your game","MC-252157":"'CustomName' NBT tag still prevents wardens from digging down","MC-249121":"Sculk is missing subtitles for some sounds","MC-252108":"Eating a food item no longer opens the piston doors in city_center_2 ","MC-250295":"Allay's head does not rotate to where it looks","MC-251030":"Standing on top of soul sand or mud that converts to sculk will cause entities to fall through it","MC-250034":"Standing on top of mud as it converts to clay causes the player to fall through or be pushed out of the block","MC-252352":"URL in eula.txt (dedicated server) points to the wrong location","MC-252038":"Warden attacks immediately if hit during emerging animation","MC-251594":"Leads are leashed too high on allays","MC-251323":"Mobs target emerging warden/ warden faces attacking mob while emerging if dealt melee damage","MC-249831":"Aquifers can cut themselves off at chunk borders","MC-220067":"Chunk corruption with command block full of certain Unicode characters","MC-245504":"Touchscreen mode crash // java.lang.ClassCastException: class eec$a cannot be cast to class eec$c (eec$a and eec$c are in unnamed module of loader 'app')","MC-251840":"Game crash whilst getting block state: cwj: Missing Palette entry for index 8","MC-251989":"Cannot send chats or use commands in 1.19 Pre-release 1","MC-251859":"Gear equipping sound plays every time armor/elytra durability changes while equipped","MC-251968":"/execute running chat related commands logs \"Received chat packet without valid signature\" warning","MC-252071":"Warden still detects after death if signal is traveling before death","MC-251420":"Demo Mode: The \"Purchase Now!\" link's destination is incorrect","MC-251872":"The game output and server console are logged with warnings regarding chat packets with invalid signatures when using entity selectors within commands","MC-251220":"Block lighting on extended parts are a lot darker in 22w17a compared to 1.18.2","MC-250238":"Frogs attempt to pathfind to entities outside of their reach causing them to spin and twitch constantly","MC-250162":"Placing a map in an item frame will break any intersecting paintings and item frames with a map inside","MC-252078":"Allays no longer flee or panic when taking damage","MC-251858":"Subtitles are higher than in previous versions","MC-250983":"Allays can get stuck and freeze inside non-full blocks","MC-249094":"Unexpected culling of inner sculk shrieker faces","MC-249230":"Frogs prioritize eating entities over panicking when being damaged","MC-251878":"Sculk sensors hearing items being dropped on the ground doesn't alert shriekers even if a player drops it","MC-209932":"Sculk sensors only detect the last turtle egg being broken when being stepped on","MC-214622":"Sculk sensors do not detect daylight detector mode switching","MC-210278":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon bees entering or leaving their hive or nest","MC-210277":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon chickens laying eggs","MC-251670":"Villager sometimes won't refill their stock","MC-251601":"Darkness rendering incorrectly when reloading the game","MC-251336":"Darkness fog flashes at high duration values","MC-251500":"Wardens ignore PersistenceRequired and dig away","MC-251412":"Warden afflicting Darkness to players in the same team","MC-210330":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon throwing eyes of ender","MC-209701":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon placing food onto campfires","MC-251929":"Gear equips sound plays when filling a single bottle with water from a water source","MC-251928":"Gear equips sound plays when filling a single bottle with honey","MC-251927":"Gear equipping sounds and subtitles are played when CanPickUpLoot mobs pick up items","MC-251925":"Gear equipping sounds and subtitles are played when dolphins throw around items","MC-251924":"Gear equipping sounds and subtitles are played when foxes pick up any item","MC-251922":"\"Gear equips\" sound plays when equipping or removing a saddle from a horse wearing horse armor","MC-251921":"Equipping horse armor onto a horse plays the \"Gear equips\" sound","MC-251920":"Taking a plant from a pot plays the gear equipping sound and subtitle","MC-251919":"Equipping a player head, skull or carved pumpkin displays the generic \"Gear equips\" subtitle","MC-251916":"Eating food items that return empty containers plays gear equipping sound","MC-251915":"Milking cows, mooshrooms and goats plays gear equipping sound","MC-209900":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon inserting or retrieving music discs from jukeboxes","MC-251646":"\"death.attack.sonic_boom.item\" displays raw translation string (is untranslated)","MC-251639":"Warden emerging particles don't match up with block they emerge on the entire way","MC-186851":"\"death.attack.sting.item\" displays raw translation string (is untranslated)","MC-186148":"\"death.attack.witherSkull.item\" displays raw translation string (is untranslated)","MC-210801":"Wool incorrectly occludes the vibration of item frames being placed","MC-251889":"io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException when evaluating too many entity selectors in chat preview","MC-251824":"Wardens aren't angered by being hit with damageless projectiles","MC-251675":"Mesa Mineshafts no longer generate with /place command outside of badlands biomes despite saying the structure has been generated successfully","MC-251314":"Goats loaded from older worlds lose their horns","MC-250956":"Baby goats with horns lose their horns when fed","MC-250941":"Goats' horns don't snap on copper ore","MC-220087":"Sculk sensors do not detect using a honeycomb to wax copper","MC-220086":"Sculk sensors do not detect using an axe to clear the wax/weathering of a copper block","MC-213387":"Sculk sensors don't detect endermen/shulkers teleporting from a place to another","MC-212430":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon rain or snow filling partially filled cauldrons","MC-210496":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon harvesting sweet berry bushes","MC-210489":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon pointed dripstone filling partially filled cauldrons","MC-208761":"Sculk Sensor's 'block destroyed' doesn't trigger when blocks are destroyed by pistons","MC-208760":"Sculk Sensor's 'block placed' doesn't trigger when snow golems place snow layers","MC-208759":"Sculk Sensor's 'block placed' doesn't trigger with villagers placing crops","MC-207268":"Sculk sensors don't detect stripping logs, tilling dirt, or pathing grass","MC-251890":"run_command click events send value as command instead of chat message","MC-250259":"Warden AI doesn't function properly when it rides on entities","MC-251736":"Reflected ghast fireball cannot hit the ghast","MC-251876":"Villagers produce armor equipping sound when previewing armor","MC-251862":"Shift clicking the destroy item button in the creative inventory creates a vibration when there is nothing in your equipment slots","MC-251854":"\"It Spreads\" advancement can be granted when killing a mob that does not give experience","MC-249696":"Certain void worlds fail to spawn the player on the stone platform","MC-251871":"The minecraft:item.armor.equip_generic sound is produced and can only be heard by other players when switching items between hands","MC-251864":"The minecraft:item.armor.equip_generic sound is produced when filling water buckets with fish, axolotls, or tadpoles","MC-251860":"The minecraft:item.armor.equip_generic sound is produced when giving items to allays","MC-251690":"Wardens can spawn on any non-full block, as long as it's solid","MC-225195":"Goats don't panic when tempted with their favorite food","MC-250317":"The subtitle for picking up a Tadpole with a bucket is the generic \"Bucket fills\" subtitle","MC-249456":"Tadpoles drop experience, unlike other baby mobs","MC-249260":"Tadpoles are not tempted by slime balls","MC-249141":"No subtitles are produced upon frogs stepping","MC-250940":"Goat horn playing isn't detected as a vibration","MC-250019":"Sculk catalyst triggers when a villager converts into zombie villager by a zombie","MC-249757":"'It Spreads' advancement is not a child of 'Monster Hunter'","MC-249619":"The comparator frequency of sculk sensors when you are stepping on it is the last frequency it heard","MC-218222":"Distance value for Sculk Sensors is limited to integers, causing certain values to never be output","MC-210279":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon entities being summoned by a spawner","MC-249711":"Items collected off the ground by allays travel too high above their hitboxes","MC-249209":"Frogs don't panic when tempted with their favorite food","MC-251773":"The --dev argument for the data generators no longer converts nbt to snbt properly.","MC-251550":"Failed to launch the game on 32-bit operating system","MC-251355":"Potted mangrove propagule model is incorrect","MC-251656":"/say command fails to apply server message styling when sent from a command block, server console, or RCON, unlike /msg","MC-251312":"Entity selectors in /say commands are no longer evaluated","MC-251762":"You can run commands with double slash prefix","MC-251649":"Clicking \"incomplete command\" message removes / in chat","MC-251640":"io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException when using special characters in chat message","MC-251405":"Structure Block messages are formatted as chat","MC-134892":"PacketBuffer.writeString's max length is in bytes, while readString is in characters","MC-249834":"Swapping items to the player's off-hand can generate vibrations","MC-213915":"Equipping armor through the inventory does not count as a vibration","MC-94060":"Equipping armor/elytra through inventory or dispenser doesn't play sounds","MC-251650":"Iron golems can spawn on non spawnable blocks such as leaves, glass, sea lanterns, etc","MC-249328":"Frogs can jump around while being tempted with slimeballs","MC-250919":"The server crashes when attempting to load chunks that contain command blocks that consist of large numbers of characters within the previous output field","MC-251479":"Duplicate object key [lang file]","MC-251132":"Server logs \"Game test server\" messages","MC-250932":"Goat horn subtitles are improperly capitalized","MC-250006":"ID of the british cat doesn't match texture name","MC-249980":"The Birthday Song advancement description is incorrectly capitalized","MC-249164":"The entity.frog.tounge sound is misspelled","MC-230735":"\"FOV Effects\" setting description is innacurate","MC-209222":"Attempting to open the Minecraft Realms menu claims that the client is outdated, even if the snapshot may be newer than the release","MC-251652":"Warden emerge/roar/sonic charge/dig animation (and possibly other similar animations) don't start unless the player looks at the Warden first","MC-251647":"Chat closes itself if the control for Open Chat is set to Enter","MC-250351":"/tp \"argument\" duplicated on the tab options","MC-251641":"Game crash regarding warden anger","MC-249801":"Mineshafts can intersect ancient cities","MC-231600":"Sculk sensor continuously receives vibrations when next to a powered big dripleaf","MC-197647":"Players cannot jump off the edge of blocks when sneaking if they have a block above","MC-251464":"When passive mobs take damage from warden's sonic boom, they won't flee in panic","MC-251321":"Warden can be pushed by explosions while emerging","MC-251029":"Warden froze and stopped being hostile towards the player","MC-250966":"Dying to the warden's sonic boom doesn't count as the warden's kill","MC-250948":"Warden's ranged attack is no longer affected by the game's difficulty","MC-250357":"Sculk sensors and Wardens detect when a player holds up a shield despite not making sound","MC-250353":"Warden cannot spawn on a single snow layer like other mobs","MC-250272":"Warden spawns in blocks that have no collision","MC-250255":"Warden's Sonic Boom cannot hurt Ender Dragon, it only pushes it back","MC-250233":"A warden summoned from a spawn egg suddenly losing its AI","MC-250172":"Warden doesn't turn towards the direction it is firing the Sonic Boom attack","MC-249966":"Warden can forget a target it just roared at","MC-249910":"Warden \"Nearby Closest\" sound is unused","MC-249888":"Warden is not angered when hit by a blaze fireball","MC-249664":"Warden despawns when far away","MC-249634":"Warden's sniffing behavior continues after being distracted","MC-249161":"Frogs frequently get stuck below lily pads","MC-251263":"\"Invalid signature for profile public key\" when trying to open a singleplayer world","MC-249130":"Tadpoles hatch inside of adjacent blocks, causing them to suffocate and die","MC-251350":"/give @s goat_horn gives a unregistered goat horn","MC-251316":"The game crashes when loading chunks that consist of jigsaw blocks","MC-232009":"Minecraft does not resolve SRV records correctly","MC-250145":"Warden/frogs continue animations when the game is paused","MC-249129":"The walking animation of frogs doesn't change in relation to their movement speed","MC-249175":"Only one sculk vein drops when using a Silk Touch hoe on multiple in a single block space","MC-249740":"Allays leashed to a fence do not move and refuse to pick up items","MC-250144":"\"Sneak 100\" advancement includes sculk shriekers as a block that can \"hear\" the player","MC-250143":"Improper advancement description for \"Sneak 100\"","MC-250139":"Snow layers cannot be placed on top of mud","MC-249454":"Sculk Catalysts will spread sculk if a baby mob that does not drop experience dies around it","MC-250506":"Mangrove leaves can appear at a higher altitude when grown below y = 0","MC-250939":"Game crashes when a goat horn with an invalid sound variant is used / java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index <index> out of bounds for length 8","MC-249021":"The invitation and news buttons aren't consistently displayed within the realms menu","MC-249857":"Parity Issue: Allays don't follow the player / note blocks as closely on Java","MC-250292":"Wardens can sometimes freeze when overwhelmed with enemies/attacks/sounds","MC-250245":"Warden sonic boom attacks can hit player even if the player has entered another dimension","MC-250244":"Warden continues to roar when the target enters the nether portal, end portal or end gateway","MC-250218":"Warden continues to roar at despawned target","MC-250216":"Warden continues to roar at targets in unloaded chunks","MC-250207":"Warden continues to roar at disconnected players","MC-250198":"Warden continues to roar when the target of the enraged warden suffers an unnatural death","MC-250183":"Warden continues to roar when angered by an ignited creeper","MC-250163":"Warden can still detect things after it dies","MC-250864":"Game fails to load worldgen settings when .DS_Store files are present in datapack","MC-207935":"Simultaneous vibrations don't trigger as expected","MC-250974":"MinecraftClientHttpException when opening/creating a world","MC-250557":"Allay permanently stuck trying to pick up item stack if its slots contain stack of the same type with differing NBT (and vice versa)","MC-249732":"Allays lose picked up items on world restart","MC-250954":"Player is assigned a new UUID in singleplayer","MC-250937":"User skins don't load in singleplayer","MC-249784":"Ancient Cities can be submerged in aquifers","MC-250926":"There is a goat horn in the creative Destroy Item slot","MC-249190":"Sculk blocks don't drop experience orbs when blown up","MC-176840":"Ores no longer drop experience when blown up","MC-249919":"Pillar in Ancient City can generate with waterlogged stairs","MC-250000":"Allays and villagers create ghost items when they take items from a stack and cannot fit the whole stack in their inventory","MC-250321":"Flying and aquatic mobs pathfinding in certain blocks cause crash || The game crashed whilst ticking entityError: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke \"dnm.a()\" because \"$$1\" is null","MC-210901":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon entities sliding on ice","MC-210712":"Sculk sensors are not activated upon backwards movement in a boat","MC-208597":"Boats ridden over wool are detected by sculk sensor","MC-207309":"Landing entities such as minecarts and armor stands trigger sculk sensors but boats do not","MC-250400":"Blocks and items can cause the world to render invisibly","MC-250331":"Chunk rendering is glitchy / incorrect when redrawing","MC-208771":"Projectiles landing on wool trigger sculk sensors","MC-250027":"Allays ignore the dimension when checking for liked note blocks","MC-249745":"If allay is holding an item, it can be equipped with armor using a dispenser","MC-250240":"Z-fighting can be seen around the backs of frogs when they open their mouths","MC-250429":"Narrator improperly narrates chat","MC-250165":"Doing /locate stronghold in some single biomes causes an unexpected error","MC-250076":"Shading is disabled for the two inner planes in mangrove roots, even though it isn't for all the other planes","MC-250075":"The inner two planes in mangrove roots are smaller than they should be","MC-250411":"Sculk can spread in ancient city structures and replace soul sand with fire on top, extinguishing fires","MC-250288":"Some blocks in Ancient City structures can only be covered by sculk veins and can't be converted into a sculk block.","MC-249262":"Sculk cannot replace soul sand or mud when mobs die on top of them","MC-249180":"Sculk blocks can spread outside the world border","MC-250460":"The rendering of players is delayed for others","MC-250379":"Teleporting armor stands results in visual desync and abnormal behavior","MC-249669":"tadpole.png has unused frog egg texture","MC-249039":"\"Half\" armor bar icon texture is incorrect","MC-249032":"Fence item model's bars inconsistent with placed block","MC-248562":"Iron golem has unused pixels in the texture","MC-248561":"Vindicator's crossed arms element has miscolored pixels on the faces touching the other arm elements","MC-248557":"Savanna villager body defines pixels identical to base villager texture","MC-248556":"Savanna Zombie Villager missing a body texture","MC-248555":"Mismatches within (zombie) villager textures","MC-248292":"Llama uses pre-1.14 chest texture","MC-248161":"Weaponsmith zombie villager texture has leftover pixels from the regular weaponsmith texture","MC-141064":"Cleric collar z-fighting","MC-106627":"Leather cap texture overlay doesn't align correctly","MC-53312":"Illager/(zombie) villager/witch robes don't render the last two rows of pixels","MC-13103":"Texture Z-Fighting at Wolf/Dog/Cat snout","MC-250339":"Paintings are off-centered in multiplayer servers","MC-250312":"Game crashing when clicking singleplayer || java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke \"java.lang.Comparable.compareTo(Object)\" because \"pivot\" is null","MC-250294":"Parity Issue: Allays item detection range is significantly smaller than in Bedrock","MC-249790":"Allay follows and drops items for players in spectator mode","MC-249766":"Allays can despawn after being given an item if they haven't picked up any items yet","MC-249715":"Allays don't drop their held items upon death","MC-187188":"Painting NBT and registry contain a typo: \"Motive\" instead of \"Motif\"","MC-111809":"Paintings unrender when entity data is updated rapidly","MC-81870":"Editing entitydata of Painting does not reflect ingame until chunk reload","MC-250293":"The \"allay_dust\" particle is unused","MC-249084":"No sound is present for placing a Bucket of Tadpole","MC-249459":"Cactus is not destroyed by froglights","MC-249265":"Some blocks cannot be placed on froglights","MC-249217":"Fluid level next to froglights is too low","MC-249176":"Froglights are not visible on maps","MC-249246":"Strider can't pathfind through open doors","MC-249245":"Turtle can't pathfind through open doors","MC-249193":"Frog can't pathfind through open doors","MC-228049":"Axolotl can't pathfind through open doors","MC-249855":"Parity Issue: Allays don't have a flying animation in Java","MC-249838":"Allays lose their idle animation once they start moving","MC-249912":"minecraft:ancient_city/city_center_3 is one block shorter compared than the other ancient city centers","MC-250044":"Observers don't detect mangrove roots when tree grows","MC-249928":"Mangrove tree roots do not update blocks around them when generating","MC-249092":"Mangrove Stripped Log, Stripped Wood and Wood are in the incorrect order in the creative inventory","MC-245001":"\"Manage with Microsoft account\" button in Social Interactions menu is not centered","MC-244957":"\"Search\" Option in Social Interactions Screen is not labeled in the right order when using Tab","MC-228174":"Axolotls try to pathfind through 2 tall walls","MC-250095":"Wardens can spawn in very narrow places, causing them to suffocate","MC-250094":"Wardens ignore /kill execution whilst they're emerging or digging","MC-250041":"Wardens can spawn outside of world border","MC-250040":"Wardens can hear mobs beyond the world border","MC-250039":"Wardens can get angry at mobs outside world border","MC-249679":"Incorrect activation of warden's sniffing animations and behavior","MC-249663":"The subtitles of some parrot imitation sounds are inconsistent with the original sounds' subtitles","MC-249632":"The Darkness effect is not required for the \"How Did We Get Here?\" advancement","MC-249947":"Top of Sculk Shrieker model is vertically squished","MC-250099":"Mangrove Log and Mangrove Planks don't spawn in bonus chest","MC-249927":"You can use a Recovery Compass on a Lodestone","MC-249977":"Harsh chunk borders appear when upgrading a 1.18.2 world","MC-250106":"Overworld vegetation cannot be placed on muddy mangrove roots","MC-250104":"Can't plant big dripleaf on mud","MC-250103":"Can't plant bamboo on mud","MC-250101":"Can't plant sugar cane on mud","MC-249938":"Mangrove Leaves do not drop from Silk Touch tools","MC-249936":"Cave carvers don't cut through mud","MC-249917":"Mangrove trees don't replace certain blocks with roots","MC-249688":"Mangrove stairs come after nether wood stairs in the Building Blocks tab","MC-249347":"Map color for mangrove sign and mangrove wall sign is incorrect","MC-249315":"Mangrove Roots cannot be composted","MC-249208":"Vines, glow lichens, and sculk veins cannot be placed on the side or top faces of mud","MC-219642":"Vines cannot be placed on the sides of soul sand","MC-216569":"Glow lichen cannot be placed on the side of 8 layers of snow","MC-216567":"Vines cannot be placed on the sides of 8 layers of snow","MC-212610":"Glow lichens cannot be put on soul sand","MC-250017":"UUID launch argument required","MC-249933":"Game crash related to the frog occurred (Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads)","MC-249785":"Warden can be pushed when emerging and digging","MC-249445":"Activated sculk shriekers fail to summon the warden when broken","MC-249968":"Powering a beacon disconnects player from server","MC-249931":"Growing a Mangrove Tree with bone meal creates a ghost block","MC-249087":"The inside texture of mangrove roots darkens when solid blocks are placed adjacent to them","MC-249072":"Sculk shriekers replace water blocks","MC-249495":"Inconsistent shading in boat item sprites","MC-250025":"The \"You Got a Friend in Me\" advancement is incorrectly presented in the past tense","MC-249984":"note_block is inconsistently spelled as noteblock in the allay_deliver_cake_to_noteblock advancement","MC-249741":"New advancement names are not properly capitalized","MC-237924":"The word \"villager\" within the \"Star Trader\" advancement description is improperly capitalized","MC-231458":"The word \"ingot\" within the \"Serious Dedication\" advancement description is improperly capitalized","MC-249923":"Recovery compass isn't sorted with regular compass in creative inventory","MC-249942":"Water got removed after waterlogged Mangrove Propagule grows","MC-249979":"Chance to have mangrove roots not waterlogged when growing from a sapling with underwater","MC-249934":"Mangrove roots sometimes don't generate waterlogged when generating within water","MC-249737":"Allay can be pushed around with {NoAI:1b}","MC-249488":"Darkness pulsing option is not saved","MC-249111":"sculk_charge cannot be used in /particle command","MC-235035":"Sleeping in a custom dimension with \"natural\" set to false causes crash","MC-212629":"Leashes from two or more invisible entities connect to each other","MC-183520":"Phantoms with NoAI can go through blocks","MC-147686":"Joining a world that uses custom resources shows default resources until fully loaded.","MC-36783":"Item frames/Glow item frames don't change their hitbox if they contain a map","MC-249423":"You can't open the boat with chests without a shift, even when you can't get into the boat","MC-249674":"Wardens forget their targets on world reload","MC-249646":"The warden sniffs excessively after killing a mob","MC-249526":"Sculk shriekers are not activated when the player is riding something","MC-249434":"The warden indefinitely roars when attacked by multiple entities","MC-249816":"Wardens hitbox doesn't adjust when emerging and digging","MC-249751":"Warden UV overlapping","MC-249727":"Wardens stop sensing vibrations after world reload","MC-249531":"Warden indefinitely roars when the attack target is invulnerable","MC-249530":"Warden's hitbox shows up in peaceful difficulty","MC-249517":"Warden doesn't detect non-player mobs colliding with them","MC-249509":"Warden is invisible for a split second when spawned in by spawner or spawn egg","MC-249504":"The sounds of wardens groaning angrily aren't controlled by the \"Hostile Creatures\" sound slider","MC-249499":"Warden summoned with 'Silent' tag still plays heartbeat sounds","MC-249479":"Wardens will attack their teammates","MC-249476":"Warden can spawn in water","MC-249473":"Some Warden sounds play in Peaceful difficulty","MC-249455":"\"Not a string\" appears in log when serializing angered Warden","MC-249451":"Warden doesn't appear in spawner","MC-249447":"Activated sculk shriekers fail to summon the warden if you run away","MC-249430":"Wardens remember players in creative mode","MC-249426":"Angered wardens play the \"warden takes notice angrily\" sound when hit in survival on top of their hurt sound","MC-249422":"Some subtitles relating to the warden don't contain possessive apostrophes where appropriate","MC-249415":"Wardens won't pathfind through lava even though they're immune to it ","MC-249401":"Warden spawn egg isn't alphabetized correctly","MC-249400":"The vertical movement of wardens when they're in liquids is too sensitive","MC-249387":"Warden's digging sound is the same as its emerging sound","MC-249386":"The entity shadows of wardens are too small in relation to the size of their models","MC-249384":"Warden can create Light, barriers or structure voids particles when digging","MC-249075":"Sculk shrieker isn't grouped with other sculk related blocks in the decorations tab of creative inventory","MC-249800":"Eating doesn't activate redstone door Ancient City center","MC-249769":"Unused structures in ancient cities","MC-249768":"entrance_path_5 can never generate","MC-249764":"Second lamp in the centres of ancient cities is missing its sculk sensor","MC-249761":"Trapdoor of Ice Box in Ancient Cities is by default open","MC-249728":"Lava can generate in ancient cities and burn wool/make structures fly","MC-207635":"Sculk sensors react differently to wool occlusion depending on the global direction.","MC-207289":"Sculk sensor wool occlusion has directional bias","MC-249758":"Z-fighting can be seen when the arms of allays intersect their bodies","MC-249729":"Z-fighting can be seen on the underside of allays' heads","MC-249714":"Z-fighting can be seen on the wings of allays during their death animation","MC-249659":"Sculk Catalyst and Sculk Veins only drop when broken by Silk Touch hoe","MC-249122":"block.sculk_catalyst.bloom has no subtitle","MC-249254":"Frogs eating named slimes or magma cubes isn't logged in console","MC-249712":"Server hangs and game stops responding when loading a chunk containing a structure with an allay","MC-249474":"Four-legged mobs do not sit correctly in a boat with a chest","MC-249404":"Boats with Chest aren't grouped in the recipe book","MC-249382":"Boats with chest do not drop items contained in chest when destroyed in Creative","MC-249380":"The locks of chests within chest boats are positioned slightly too high","MC-249349":"Dispensing a Bucket of Tadpole dispenses the item, instead of water with a tadpole","MC-249132":"Frogs are not required to be bred for the Two by Two advancement","MC-249115":"Frogs spawn with wrong color in some biomes","MC-249409":"Furnaces, blast furnaces and smokers don't cook without fuel in the bottom slot, even if they are already fired up","MC-249405":"chatScale option defaults to 0.0 instead of 1.0, causing chat to disappear","MC-249392":"Options have missing or untranslated names","MC-249389":"GUI Scale is a slider instead of a button","MC-249110":"Z-fighting textures inside the frog's mouth","MC-249103":"Z-fighting can be seen on the underside of frogs' feet","MC-249397":"Bottom face of Warden's right arm missing in 'warden_bioluminescent_layer' texture","MC-249642":"Wardens can't pass over rails","MC-249398":"Game crash regarding warden","MC-239019":"/locatebiome command doesn't consistently locate the nearest cave biome","MC-249143":"Mud, Mangrove Roots, and their variants are too loud in comparison with other blocks","MC-248621":"TagKey creation leads to memory leak","MC-190661":"Pressing Esc or using the Cancel button in the \"Experimental Settings\" warning returns to main menu","MC-179916":"Foxes path towards origin (0,0) during a thunderstorm","MC-176081":"Striders with NoAI still get cold","MC-236212":"You cannot use CTRL+ARROW KEY to navigate the cursor between words in the book and quill GUI","MC-236149":"You cannot use CTRL+BACKSPACE to delete words in the book and quill GUI","MC-197854":"Cannot use Ctrl+Backspace to delete entire words in Edit sign GUI","MC-149805":"While editing a book, you cannot use Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+End to jump to the beginning or end of the text","MC-249181":"Powered rail / activator rail update order is reversed","MC-165503":"End portal frames, doors and fence gates (between walls) aren't affected by ambient occlusion/smooth lighting","MC-249316":"Mangrove fence, fence gate and boat cannot be used for fuel","MC-249312":"Mud Brick Slab has a slower mining speed then other mud bricks","MC-249303":"Mangrove Leaves cannot be composted","MC-249270":"Mangrove leaves do not have a hoe as their preferred tool","MC-249253":"Bee tries to pollinate a waterlogged mangrove propagule and dies","MC-249195":"Some Mangrove Propagules float after leaves decayed","MC-249184":"The mangrove fence recipe is not grouped with the fence recipes of other wood types","MC-249098":"Mud brick slabs uses generic stone sound","MC-249081":"Placing water inside the mangrove propagule breaks it","MC-249073":"Mangrove Fence Gate & Mangrove Fence are in the wrong tab in the creative inventory","MC-238009":"Some end cities can generate floating above the ground","MC-249174":"Map color for mud bricks, mud brick stairs, and mud brick walls is incorrect","MC-249173":"Map color for mangrove trapdoor is incorrect","MC-249172":"Map color for mangrove slab is incorrect","MC-249171":"Map color for mangrove log is incorrect","MC-177321":"Soul sand doesn't have smooth lightning/ambient occlusion","MC-249134":"Subtitle \"Frog hatches\" should be \"Tadpole hatches\"","MC-249112":"Ender dragon fight is not triggered upon entering the End","MC-235964":"Crash on \"Saving world\" when F3+L profiling is active - java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read field \"f\" because \"this.D\" is null","MC-219875":"You can cause a desync when repeatably picking up liquids","MC-183309":"Player reach is different for client and server when crawling","MC-195717":"Custom Dimensions JSON Requires Seed","MC-248936":"Minecraft icon on MacOS is not showing correct icon","MC-238807":"\"Out of memory!\" message is untranslatable","MC-225837":"The word \"Recipe\" is spelled as \"Reciple\" within the \"narration.recipe\" string","MC-221639":"Light Block isn't Dragon or Wither Immune","MC-165990":"Crafting bamboo into scaffolding gives you 8 times the furnace fuel for free","MC-165036":"Boss bars with the notched style are rendered incorrectly if more than one boss bar is active","MC-158668":"Vex continue to attack their target after it has been killed","MC-106510":"Long structure names (over 64 characters) do not fit in the Structure Block GUI","MC-238070":"Brewing stand arms do not connect with their bases","MC-230603":"Wolf ears and legs aren't mirrored","MC-219852":"Corner in smoker_bottom texture is still rotated incorrectly","MC-219843":"Mycelium's side texture differs from other dirt-based blocks","MC-202580":"Transition between end stone texture and end portal frame is not as seamless as it previously was","MC-201150":"Unused pixels in end rod texture","MC-127885":"The textures on the spider models aren't mirrored properly","MC-99930":"Brewing stand extends arms and inverts its texture when bottles are placed","MC-95103":"Shield item rendering not adjusted to the center","MC-67308":"Door top and side textures flip illogically when opened and closed","MC-109055":"Large Cocoa Pod texture is inconsistent","MC-248814":"Unknown structure start: minecraft:ruined_portal_standard","MC-248764":"Some worldgen datapacks can kill the internal server (possibly related to density functions)","MC-244682":"Some custom dimensions settings can cause the server to stop running, but not crash","MC-248748":"Explorer maps leading to custom structures can cause the server to hang","MC-248637":"Crash when opening singleplayer screen due to StackOverflowError in net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag$1.skip","MC-218739":"Glow berries and glow lichen generation does not cause light updates across chunk borders","MC-244772":"Can't double click to join a realm","MC-248636":"The game output and server console are logged and spammed with \"Creating a MIN function between two non-overlapping inputs\" when joining or creating a world","MC-248680":"The world freezes on superflat when using the locate command to find a pillager outpost","MC-248539":"/locate command not working properly in Flat Worlds","MC-248717":"Fortress mobs can spawn outside of fortresses","MC-248694":"An empty generator-settings string crashes the server when starting up - it would work fine on prior versions","MC-248681":"Superflat worlds cannot be created without using presets","MC-248638":"Strongholds can generate in The Void biome","MC-243766":"Not able to label \"Copyright Mojang AB. Do not distribute\" using Tab key","MC-248532":"Elytra firework particle spawns on the wrong hand when dual wielding fireworks","MC-241288":"Support for custom structures has been removed","MC-210612":"Strongholds do not generate in certain customized worlds despite /locate saying otherwise","MC-179315":"Ruined portals never generate in superflat worlds by default","MC-3524":"Structure related mobs do not spawn in flat type world generation","MC-146854":"Player movement favors x axis when in a corner","MC-244137":"The option \"level-seed\" is not present in server.properties by default","MC-237110":"Grass blocks can generate underwater","MC-243190":"Rooted dirt can replace cave vines","MC-245925":"Falling block visual glitch when dying with doImmediateRespawn","MC-246465":"Lava can burn, damage, and destroy entities client-side and lead to de-sync","MC-245857":"Enchanting table registers block diagonally above the bookshelves as blocking said bookshelf","MC-244683":"Tropical Fish in lush caves spawn in bubble columns","MC-238977":"Glow squids spawn in villager farms and wells in superflat worlds","MC-248095":"Active repeating command blocks stop running after world conversion to 1.18","MC-248523":"The game crashes when attempting to open the beacon GUI","MC-105317":"Structure blocks do not rotate entities correctly when loading","MC-248106":"Parrot dying while using riptide enchantment","MC-245937":"Flashing particles when boosting upwards with firework rockets","MC-239708":"Superflat world \"Water World\" preset settings are obsolete for the 1.18 update","MC-248210":"Harsh chunk borders appear when upgrading to 22w03a","MC-232290":"Foxes will lay down in powder snow and not try to escape even when taking damage","MC-245910":"Campfires and hoppers cause constant chunk saving","MC-248230":"Players get stuck on the \"Loading terrain...\" screen after rejoining the world whilst above or below the build limit","MC-248189":"Teleporting below level 0 from the overworld to another dimension freezes the game on the loading screen until player dies","MC-236775":"Biome Selector is disordered in other languages","MC-247636":"Deleting a world no longer logs that a world is being deleted","MC-245772":"Outdated chests' loot tables get deleted when updating to 1.18.1","MC-243152":"Slimes spawn in \"Redstone Ready\" superflat worlds","MC-248225":"Incorrect BlockPos getSquaredDistance() calculation","MC-248181":"The player disappears at certain heights","MC-216589":"Abandoned Mineshafts don't delete dripstone in certain situations","MC-216004":"Wood pillars from mineshafts are generating on pointed dripstones","MC-214289":"Pointed dripstone can replace blocks when generating","MC-70848":"Water flows up","MC-4533":"Water graphical glitch when connecting diagonally","MC-248195":"Typing /placefeature crashes client when connected to a server","MC-247415":"Game crashes if coral related block tags are empty during coral reef generation","MC-246464":"Game crashes when dispensing a bone meal in a warm ocean and there is a block with no facing block state in #wall_corals","MC-246449":"Game crashes when villager tries to open non-door in #wooden_doors tag","MC-246445":"Game crashes when dispenser with shears is used on non-beehive block in #beehives tag","MC-244164":"Upgrade to 1.18 makes chests invisible and empty","MC-243015":"Falling blocks at chunk generation cause tons of entities and (client-side) lag","MC-185545":"Knockback Resistance on players is still affected by chance","MC-241205":"Sandstone generates 2-5 layers instead of 3-8 layers","MC-226359":"The Zero-Width Non-Joiner shows as a \"ZWNJ\" box","MC-242010":"Snow Blocks, Powder Snow aren't a part of #azalea_root_replaceable / Rooted dirt can't replace Snow Blocks & Powder Snow","MC-241152":"Powder snow is part of #goat_spawnable_on block tag / Goats can spawn on powder snow","MC-238866":"Snow / powder snow can generate underwater","MC-244174":"Fog effect for void, blindness, water, lava & powder snow is cylindrical","MC-230905":"Sky background is visible on certain reduced fog situations","MC-205232":"Player can see farther in powder snow with blindness effect","MC-167763":"Blindness does not work underwater for certain graphics cards","MC-126772":"Underwater fog doesn't hide edge of chunks correctly at low render distances","MC-223834":"Pointed dripstone can form below some non-full (non-solid) blocks","MC-135989":"Kicked for flying using trident with riptide enchantment","MC-111082":"Riding a boat with NoGravity on a server without flight enabled causes kick for flying","MC-98727":"Server: Entering a boat/minecart/horse while going upwards from jumping causes a kick for flying","MC-83938":"Standing on entities with solid collision boxes (shulkers, boats) kicks you for flying","MC-235574":"Game crashes when replacing a block with a wall with blockstate up:false","MC-243196":"Driver view angle resets when another player enters or exits boat","MC-233599":"/spreadplayers command does not allow for negative \"under\" values","MC-245345":"Crash when reloading chunks","MC-243619":"Raid waves can spawn outside of simulation distance","MC-245416":"Baby turtles suffocate on soul sand","MC-242543":"Suffocation always uses the entity head center position for predicate and collision box","MC-245347":"Flying with an elytra and colliding with floating flowing water sometimes doesn't reset fall damage","MC-229313":"Some blocks that negate fall damage don't reliably protect mobs at certain heights","MC-185695":"Twisting vines don't reliably protect the player from fall damage","MC-239436":"Broken culling in very long caves","MC-245406":"Memory leak leading to crashes when loading pre-1.18 chunks","MC-243245":"Unable to label \"What is Realms?\" button using tab","MC-239031":"Glitchy chunk rendering persists since 21w41a","MC-240559":"JFR JSON report's bytesPerSecond is incorrectly calculated","MC-236693":"\"Done\" button in controls submenu is very low","MC-242331":"Entities are displayed faster than chunks","MC-242709":"Pointed dripstone clusters create holes in the ground when generating in aquifers","MC-243489":"Console spam: Skipping update for removed player","MC-237262":"Crash report and tick profiling causes \"Failed to find module info for _\" spam to log","MC-238114":"Meadow trees can spawn without bee nests","MC-245010":"Sometimes certain chunks will never load","MC-244190":"Entity fog doesn't match the fog of blocks around them","MC-243796":"Random non fatal exceptions in console: Failed to store chunk ConcurrentModificationException","MC-229321":"Bees inside of bee hives / nests sometimes despawn when the world is reloaded","MC-243216":"Chunk render distance on servers seems shorter than in 1.17.1","MC-242729":"Observer activating without any updates nearby, caused by /clone","MC-219507":"Beacon's power reverts back to previous one on world reload","MC-242859":"Blocks losing the loot inside them after dying","MC-242547":"In large caves, the cave generation can't reach y= -54, not allowing to generate large lava lakes","MC-242708":"Moving through blocks in spectator mode causes a memory leak","MC-242647":"Crash for blocks finding block states // Missing Palette entry for index","MC-227537":"Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke \"it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectSet.remove(Object)\" because \"$$4\" is null","MC-236783":"Parity Issue: Ravagers still attack baby villagers in Java Edition","MC-241991":"Game freezes without crash logs when upgrading from 1.12.2 to 1.18 pre-5","MC-230866":"Eating whilst traveling through a Nether portal prints error in game log","MC-242375":"Cats no longer scare phantoms away","MC-242068":"Dirt part of the Dirt Path texture is one pixel too low","MC-218592":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-241327":"Render Distance 13 at the world border causes excessive lag","MC-241277":"Server can't generate amplified/large biomes worlds from scratch","MC-242546":"When optimizing 1.17 world in 1.18, old \"Level\" Compound is not deleted, resulting in increased world size","MC-242016":"Dripstone doesn't generate at high y values","MC-241820":"Ocean Monuments upgraded from previous versions appears to have the bounding box shifted to chunk borders north and west","MC-242479":"Pointed dripstone makes holes in lava pools","MC-239900":"Upgrading custom world to 21w43a ignores min_y and height","MC-241767":"Breaking a vine or ladder block while the player is climbing it while sneaking allows the player to hover in place indefinetly ","MC-236947":"Signature attribute is stripped from java records","MC-239880":"Some chunks have missing blocks below 0","MC-238959":"Falling block placing at Y=1 changes into dropped item when landing on Y=0","MC-241263":"Off-heap memory leak","MC-241830":"Windswept savannas in amplified worlds have the incorrect surface blocks","MC-238930":"Soul Sand and Soul Soil generate below the nether ceiling","MC-241409":"Game crashes when terrain shaper data is missing","MC-241941":"Nether bedrock roof can generate exposed","MC-242022":"Game crashes when loading new chunks (Exception generating new chunk, caused by ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 268435455 out of bounds for length 32)","MC-241630":"Temperatures don't properly get converted","MC-241566":"Mossy cobblestone boulders generate in a grid pattern in old-growth spruce taigas","MC-241256":"Some feature configs still expect a configured feature instead of a placed feature","MC-239489":"Melons generate rarely in jungle biomes","MC-239128":"Sweet berry bushes generate extremely rare in comparison with 1.17.1","MC-231272":"Cave vines can sometimes generate hanging on cobwebs","MC-222154":"Cave vines can generate hanging on pointed dripstone","MC-198007":"Villages replace ice with path blocks instead of wood","MC-241672":"Mobs don't panic when burning if standing on blocks placed above water","MC-233883":"The hide and show messages buttons in the social interactions menu display their hover text regardless of the position of the cursor","MC-241800":"Cannot change numbers for gamerules on world creation","MC-241728":"Converting world to 1.18 pre-release 2 generates new caves in too many places","MC-241933":"Spore blossoms, cave vines, and pointed dripstones generate indented into the cave surface","MC-231818":"You can no longer use the up or down arrow to navigate between servers in the multiplayer menu","MC-239847":"Chunk blending occasionally produces sharp chunk border edges","MC-241539":"Stone generates in the side of hoodoos","MC-235567":"Clusters of dripstone (stalagmites) tend to generate abnormally frequent with thickness \"tip\" on tall caves","MC-241747":"Inconsistent Colors in grindstone gui ","MC-234039":"The back of wild axolotls are off-centered","MC-226711":"Carrot crop texture has an incorrect pixel","MC-225553":"Oak and iron doors have a line in their textures","MC-222763":"Armor stands use the old smooth stone slab texture","MC-221172":"Warped and Crimson Stems use different top texture from Bedrock Edition","MC-204901":"Side texture for dirt paths hasn't been updated with the texture update","MC-202910":"Inconsistent highlight color on armor","MC-200957":"Melon seeds texture is not vertically centered","MC-200956":"Beetroot seeds texture is not vertically centered","MC-200137":"Lectern base plate texture still uses the old planks texture","MC-200046":"Cartography table planks texture is incorrect/slightly outdated","MC-199662":"Extra pixels in cocoa pod textures as of Texture Update","MC-194950":"Cactus in potted cactus is vertically squished","MC-194822":"Glass pane top texture has not changed with the Texture Update","MC-176833":"Anvil GUI hammer uses an outdated iron pallet","MC-176824":"Red glass and outline of blue glass are slightly more opaque.","MC-170557":"Spruce door top/bottom has the incorrect texture","MC-162803":"Lily Pad mirrors texture when placed","MC-162038":"Pillagers have no hood texture","MC-150567":"Dark oak log top texture bark ring not updated","MC-148422":"Stripped dark oak log side texture is too bright","MC-138118":"Parrot Wing - Texture Issue","MC-241847":"Floating stone platform doesn't generate in void superflat world preset ","MC-229977":"Breaking blocks with pistons on the east/west direction causes significant lag","MC-180398":"Too many sounds causes client to stall, limit can be easily reached with rabbits","MC-177664":"Sound system warning messages are spamming to the system log","MC-241588":"Cave vines can sometimes generate hanging on water","MC-241278":"Azalea trees are no longer generating","MC-239237":"Azalea trees can be generated on icebergs","MC-238892":"Rooted dirt doesn't replace red sand","MC-238529":"Azalea trees can fail to generate","MC-238360":"Rooted dirt cannot replace terracotta","MC-237500":"Azalea trees can generate on top of huge mushrooms, trees & bamboo","MC-228900":"Cave vines can generate floating (Recurrance of MC-218817)","MC-227258":"Flowering Azalea Leaves are in both #minecraft:mineable/hoe and #minecraft:mineable/axe tags, while regular Azalea Leaves (and all other leaves) are only in #minecraft:mineable/hoe","MC-241784":"Some sliders in options menu do not work properly","MC-236723":"The Floating Islands preset does not seem to be generating correctly","MC-241778":"Game crashes or freeze when loading and upgrading the 1.17.1 version of the Superflat world // java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: z: Biome decoration ","MC-241775":"Crash when going through end portals or creating a single biome world with end biomes // java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException: -5","MC-241774":"Crash when going nether portals or create a single biome world about Nether // java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0","MC-236740":"Server-side lag spike sometimes occurs when attempting to locate a buried treasure or opening/breaking a chest containing a map","MC-241352":"Directory structure is not consistent between server and client","MC-241245":"Generated Deepslate overwrites ore veins (mainly Iron ore veins)","MC-109260":"Full-width punctuation characters are rendered incorrectly","MC-239397":"Lava pockets generate in icebergs","MC-239950":"Feature placement doesn't check for biomes, causing unnecessary lag","MC-240483":"Foxes that spawn in grove biomes aren't the snowy variant","MC-240229":"Rain and snow fall on the same blocks in a certain height range","MC-239610":"Severe world corruption due to 1.18 snapshots failing to deserialize chunks that 1.17 loads fine","MC-236764":"Lighting lags behind world generation","MC-223840":"Lava blocks from \"Lava Aquifers\" don't get updated when a cave cuts through underneath them","MC-241255":"Gigantic Performance Drop after a couple of minutes","MC-240589":"Game froze for several minutes and then crashed while flying around and loading chunks","MC-239682":"Out of memory crash: World generation exhausts Java heap space","MC-185263":"Non full chunks in cache memory \"semi-leak\"","MC-240783":"Powder snow does not reduce or negate fall damage","MC-217056":"Some high-speed particles lag/freeze the game","MC-239884":"Water from old chunks don't properly propagate into new chunks","MC-238587":"Sprinting while flying into a block causes the screen to rapidly zoom in and out ","MC-236756":"Biome-exclusive mob spawn rates are reduced","MC-240570":"Biomes in old chunks are not copied to new caves below Y=0 when chunks are extended","MC-241208":"Powered buttons, pressure plates, and tripwire hooks remain powered forever after upgrading old worlds","MC-241413":"Floating water generates around ravines","MC-32813":"Floating water / lava above caves / cave carver doesn't update water","MC-241199":"Double chests have incorrect block states after upgrading old worlds","MC-241234":"Fossils get cut of at chunk borders","MC-240610":"\"Allow Server Listings\" option doesn't save its last setting","MC-238375":"Crash and/or data corruption upon attempting to save a world with a world border center over 30 million blocks","MC-237608":"Server address shown when connection fails during server startup","MC-241111":"Some Mojang employees are not mentioned in the credits","MC-239423":"Kumi Tanioka isn't under \"Music composed by\" in the credits","MC-231782":"Missing \"(\" in Frank Criscione credit","MC-227329":"The usage and punctuation of \"Inc\" is still inconsistent in the credits","MC-227239":"In the credits, Elizabeth Batson's company name is improperly capitalized","MC-227231":"Steven Silvester's name might be misspelt in the credits","MC-227206":"Random names in the new credits use curly quotes/apostrophes","MC-227204":"\"Explore, dream, discover\" quote no longer appears after new credits","MC-227163":"Credits say ''IT Manager'' instead of ''IT Managers''","MC-226689":"Albert Pastore's name is grey and improperly indented in the credits","MC-241194":"Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke \"ddm.a(cao, cps, java.util.Random, gh)\" because the return value of \"java.util.function.Supplier.get()\" is null","MC-217038":"Large dripstone structures can be generated outside the caves","MC-223917":"Goats on fire do not attempt to pathfind towards water","MC-238049":"Passive mobs (cows, pigs, sheep, chickens) sometimes do not spawn","MC-236858":"Seeds that spawn you in the middle of the ocean cause lag","MC-240507":"Mob Spawning in structures fails in pre-1.18 generated monuments/swamp huts/outposts","MC-240494":"Duplicate Mineshafts With New Cave Generation","MC-238076":"UpgradeData in chunk is not migrated to new world height","MC-220061":"Painting back texture is mirrored","MC-206303":"Minecarts have old textures on the bottom","MC-239899":"Connected redstone does not properly upgrade from older versions","MC-239857":"Fences, iron bars, and glass panes often use an incorrect block state after conversion","MC-239856":"Upgrading old worlds causes vines to have the wrong block state","MC-240030":"Infdev and Alpha holes in the world below y=0 after conversion since 21W43A","MC-240482":"There is no bedrock in the overworld in old chunks","MC-240516":"Cave carvers don't generate below old chunks","MC-236628":"Lava pools cause sand to fall now instead of putting sandstone beneath it","MC-236610":"Lava lakes generates without stone around","MC-222388":"Acacia trees under y=0 often grow with bare branches","MC-236803":"Extremely low amount of pillager spawns in outpost on jagged peaks, groves, snowy slopes & frozen peaks","MC-240998":"Portals no longer load chunks as non entity processing","MC-240631":"Extremely slow End terrain generation","MC-240481":"Deepslate doesn't generate in the new cave generation under old chunks","MC-239851":"Upgrading old worlds causes leaves to change to surface builder blocks","MC-215139":"Some water in caves will not start flowing","MC-206660":"Stalactites don't fall properly if there are blocks directly below it","MC-240503":"Bedrock doesn`t generate in Badlands or Wooded Badlands","MC-240495":"Deepslate does not generate below Y=0 in Badlands or Wooded Badlands Biomes","MC-238972":"Deserts generate with little or no sandstone","MC-239852":"Lava pools intersecting strongholds can cause end portal frames to be deleted","MC-237040":"Falling blocks still sometimes disappear for a moment when landing","MC-236652":"Weather can be incorrect sometimes within a biome","MC-231666":"Dragon egg can teleport to outside the world border","MC-117800":"Half bed can be placed outside the worldborder","MC-187174":"Worldborder does not take nether coordinates into account","MC-136523":"Invisible world border in the end dimension","MC-121997":"Every dimension's world border is operating independently, and doesn't appear where it actually is","MC-62550":"Worldborder not correctly initialized for the End and Nether","MC-237791":"Villager spawn eggs used on grove, frozen peaks, snowy slopes and jagged peaks don't spawn snowy plains villagers","MC-229013":"Lava lake decorator config is unused","MC-219035":"Fossil structures can't generate in far east and south blocks of a chunk","MC-131808":"Forests don't spawn trees near the positive edges, but overstretch bounds on the negative edges","MC-239714":"Doing /locate desert_pryamid on a desert superflat world freezes the world","MC-96535":"Ambient property of potion effects with ShowParticles:0b is not disregarded","MC-240021":"Cullface arguments in cauldrons are excessive","MC-229517":"Conversion sounds for strays & drowned is controlled by Friendly Creatures mixer, not Hostile Creatures","MC-113425":"Player can interact with entities outside the worldborder","MC-54119":"Can place/take water/lava/lilypads outside worldborder and inside spawn protection","MC-53444":"You can get outside of the worldborder by mounting a rideable entity (boat, pig, etc.) outside of it","MC-46584":"Clicking and dragging MOUSE3 (Mouse wheel) over item slots incorrectly attempts to place full stacks in survival","MC-237598":"Projectiles glitch around in the air when exiting simulation distance","MC-237621":"Missing biome definitions in some peak grid cells causes unintended ocean placement","MC-238038":"Newly added advancements' Namespace ID not match its translation key","MC-237954":"The \"Sound of Music\" and \"Feels like home\" advancements are internally located in the incorrect tab folder","MC-240534":"Clicking a JFR link copies full server-side path to clipboard","MC-240531":"Block simulation distance is always 8 chunks, regardless of the slider's value.","MC-239858":"Nether decorations can be generated on the original bedrock layer","MC-239854":"Nether and caves world is missing bedrock","MC-63340":"Sleeping always resets time until rain","MC-238062":"Foxes & Wolves don't spawn in Groves","MC-170551":"Foxes can't spawn on podzol or coarse dirt","MC-239280":"Withers do not move down to follow the player when the wither's health is half or lower","MC-238962":"Icebergs go all the way to ocean floor.","MC-238900":"Values of 'Infinity' in noise settings in default worldgen ","MC-239359":"Wither Skeletons can only spawn on Nether Bricks","MC-237986":"Mobs specific to structures aren't spawning in their structures","MC-238912":"Powder snow strips can't generate exposed to the surface","MC-239866":"Terrain shaper in noise_settings is not used","MC-236938":"/jfr stop output does not have a link","MC-238968":"Windswept Gravelly Hills & Windswept Savanna aren't apart of the \"Adventuring Time\" advancement","MC-238966":"Old Growth Spruce Taiga and Old Growth Birch Forest aren't apart of the \"Adventuring Time\" advancement","MC-238877":"Deep Ocean & Ocean is not needed for the \"Adventure Time\" advancement","MC-238761":"Adventuring Time does not account for the new cave biomes","MC-236701":"New mountain biomes don't count towards \"Adventuring Time\" advancement","MC-239344":"All torches in mineshafts are facing the wrong way","MC-216561":"Torches not spawning in abandoned mineshafts under y=0","MC-216432":"Mineshafts can generate with light but without any torches","MC-200494":"In mineshafts, torches can generate attached to blocks other than the wooden supports","MC-239689":"The \"amplified\" boolean in noise settings does nothing","MC-217379":"Pufferfish don't spawn in deep warm ocean","MC-131930":"Deep warm ocean generates without coral and sea pickles","MC-238939":"Stone can generate in the Nether","MC-238073":"Decorators are independent of world seed","MC-236970":"Badlands strata is covered by orange terracotta at Y=160 and above","MC-156616":"Badlands layers not generating properly","MC-236624":"Deep Warm Oceans don't count towards the \"Adventuring Time\" advancement","MC-233771":"Parity issue: Light blocks do not display their light level when shown via a held light block item","MC-214288":"Player does not spawn on the surface of the world when min_y is greater than 0","MC-236837":"The player can occasionally spawn underground when loading into a new world","MC-132347":"Spawning inside icebergs","MC-129912":"Player no longer spawned at highest level at world spawn","MC-238582":"Beaches generate between desert and ocean","MC-237330":"Worlds created with seed \"REDApRES\" (0) crash when trying to load new 1.18 mountain biomes / java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke \"dfw.a(double, double, double)\" because \"this.a\" is null","MC-238561":"Axolotls aren't able to spawn at all in lush caves (recurrence of MC-218701)","MC-236650":"Minecraft in 1.18 has 2^48 seeds instead of 2^64 seeds.","MC-230302":"Glow Item Frame item texture is missing two pixels","MC-227398":"Misplaced pixel on cave vines texture","MC-225949":"Parity Issue: different Bedrock and Java sign items textures.","MC-203155":"Enchanting table GUI uses old lapis texture","MC-173339":"Comparators lit base texture is incorrect","MC-160256":"Texture of door items does not match the blocks","MC-152506":"Wither skull projectile has faces with old texture","MC-148182":"The zombie villager \"profession\" texture uses villager-skin-colored pixels","MC-142385":"Campfire texture has one pixel extending into hotbar outline","MC-137950":"Signs textures does not correspond to the actual texture of their handle","MC-118134":"Item frame texture as an item uses texture of oak planks","MC-238661":"InhabitedTime value/Local Difficulty doesn't increase","MC-166508":"Glitchy chunk rendering is back","MC-236620":"Nether biomes don't generate correctly","MC-238003":"Stone in jagged peaks is always covered by snow blocks","MC-237457":"Snowy Slopes biome no longer generates stone cliff feature from experimental snapshots","MC-237666":"Unused biomes still present in game files","MC-227064":"Floating grass can still generate above water lakes","MC-225858":"Seeds and flowers appear in ponds","MC-225842":"Flowers can generate on large plants near lakes","MC-169523":"As of 18w06a, the sand, clay and gravel blocks no longer generate around small lakes","MC-132306":"Snowy grass without snow near lakes in snowy biome","MC-236617":"Mountains & Gravelly Mountains use their 1.17.1 biome ID name","MC-197688":"Mountain Edge never generates","MC-237490":"The bottom parts of aquifers aren't always surrounded by blocks which can occasionally cause them to spill into caves in ways that appear bizarre","MC-236896":"Strange mini broken aquifer walls generating commonly on the surface","MC-238104":"Blue Orchid generation has decreased","MC-237962":"Entities bob their head up and down when targeting towards the player","MC-237951":"Cave vines can generate into water","MC-237950":"Cave vines can generate without tip because prioritize_tip option is negated","MC-237933":"Sweet Berries generate much too often","MC-229365":"Large amounts of goats causes performance issues ","MC-217906":"Large amounts of axolotls cause performance issues","MC-236736":"No relief on treasure map or explorer maps","MC-238265":"version.json contains internal revision ID instead of game version ID","MC-237925":"Opening world from 1.12.2 (or older) in latest snapshot regenerates random chunks","MC-236663":"Command blocks do not display command in their UI","MC-236632":"Banners without patterns do not render properly","MC-3":"Placeholder","MC-610":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-1483":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-3366":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-3587":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-12363":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-19690":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-29318":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-29522":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-54545":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-55775":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-65587":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-68129":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-70738":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-70850":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-71530":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-84121":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-87019":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-87935":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-98219":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-101010":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-102220":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-102269":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-104897":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-105080":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-108469":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-108636":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-111534":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-112147":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-117653":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-117708":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-118757":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-123277":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-123587":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-123654":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-124667":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-125033":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-127201":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-127692":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-130098":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-130449":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-130584":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-131290":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-133691":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-135552":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-136497":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-136551":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-136560":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-136647":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-136681":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-136776":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-139044":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-141034":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-142711":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-145501":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-147589":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-148432":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-148809":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-149495":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-149777":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-150054":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-150784":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-152265":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-153254":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-154006":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-154094":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-156155":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-157116":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-160195":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-160388":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-162953":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-163673":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-163945":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-166423":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-167853":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-169900":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-169945":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-170443":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-171852":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-172304":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-174685":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-174701":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-175959":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-175964":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-177622":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-177624":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-181889":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-182362":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-185357":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-185359":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-185360":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-186879":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-187544":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-187664":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-187914":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-189336":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-189535":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-189565":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-190128":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-190774":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-190896":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-191338":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-191714":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-192591":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-192594":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-192629":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-192876":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-192879":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-192889":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-192930":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-193071":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-194183":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-194736":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-195125":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-195126":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-195351":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-195640":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-195806":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-196298":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-196542":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-196999":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-197009":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-197073":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-197140":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-197179":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-197524":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-197561":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-197616":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-197883":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-197942":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-198129":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-198200":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-198414":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-198432":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-198805":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-198807":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-198957":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-199065":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-199237":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-199239":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-199242":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-199356":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-200009":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-200906":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-201269":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-201316":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-201748":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-201751":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-201753":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-202246":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-202249":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-202760":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203131":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203553":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203554":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203558":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203561":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203570":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203605":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203606":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203617":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203623":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203637":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203661":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203676":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203704":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203712":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203718":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203745":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203753":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203757":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203773":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203813":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203838":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203847":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203854":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203855":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203867":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-203918":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-204016":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-204031":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-204133":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-204244":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-204393":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-204430":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-204649":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-204707":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-204801":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-204862":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-204902":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-204969":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-205035":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-205060":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-205079":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-205083":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-205104":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-205106":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-205120":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-205131":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-205143":"Do not translate placeholder","MC-205158":"Do not translate 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