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1. Getting Started

The title of our paper submitted to EDBT21 is

HorsePower: Accelerating Database Queries for Advanced Data Analytics

This repository is created for showing the reproducibility of our experiments in this paper. There are mainly two systems: HorsePower and RDBMS MonetDB. We supply instructions to configure and deploy both systems in the experiments.

On this page, you will see

  • experiment setup (Section 2),
  • Experiment: TPC-H SQL Benchmarks (Section 3),
  • Experiment: MATLAB benchmarks (Section 4),
  • Experiment: SQL and UDF benchmarks with TPC-H (Section 5)
  • Experiment: SQL and UDF benchmarks with MATLAB (Section 6)

2. Experiment Setup

All experiments were run on a server called sable-intel equipped with

  • 4 Intel Xeon E7-4850 2.00GHz
  • total 40 cores with 80 threads
  • 24 MB of shared L3 CPU cache
  • 128 GB RAM
  • Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS

Required software

  • TPC-H: version v2.17.0
  • GCC-8: version v8.1.0
  • Python: v2.7.17 (NumPy v1.13.3)
  • MATLAB: R2019a
  • MonetDB: v11.35.9 (Nov2019-SP1)
  • HorsePower

Configurations for MonetDB

We first install MonetDB from its source code with all optimizations enabled. Then, we create a new database tpch8 which means the scale factor 8 (SF8) for the TPC-H benchmark.

Download and install

# Download MonetDB Nov2019-SP1
tar -xf MonetDB-11.35.9.tar.bz2
cd MonetDB-11.35.9

# Configure with performance flags enabled
./configure --prefix=<DIR_EXP>/monetdb19 --enable-debug=no --enable-assert=no --enable-optimize=yes

make install

# Post installation
export PATH="<DIR_EXP>/monetdb19/bin":$PATH

Create a configuration file ~/.monetdb with the following content:


Then, type mclient to login MonetDB. Please check if you see the version number Nov2019-SP1 on the top of the welcome message. Moreover, try the following command to see if the database has been installed successfully.

sql>SELECT 'Hello world';
| L2          |
| Hello world |
1 tuple (1.328ms)

Create and start a datafarm

monetdbd create /path/to/datafarm
monetdbd start /path/to/datafarm

Create and start a database tpch8 (use all available threads)

monetdb create tpch8
monetdb release tpch8
monetdb start tpch8

Login MonetDB using its client tool mclient

mclient -d tpch8
## ... MonetDB version v11.35.9 (Nov2019-SP1)

sql> SELECT 'Hello world';
| L2          |
| Hello world |
1 tuple

Leave the session

sql> \q

Load the schema and data

mclient -d tpch8 configure/monetdb/dss.ddl
mclient -d tpch8 configure/monetdb/initTPCH8.txt

Login tpch8 and display the list of tables in the current database

sql> \d
TABLE  sys.customer
TABLE  sys.lineitem
TABLE  sys.nation
TABLE  sys.orders
TABLE  sys.part
TABLE  sys.partsupp
TABLE  sys.region
TABLE  sys.supplier

Stop MonetDB

monetdb stop tpch8


Configurations for HorsePower

The HorsePower project can be found with the following GitHub link:

Step 1: Download HorsePower

git clone

Step 2: Set up environment

cd HorsePower && source ./

Step 3: Deploy library and data


Configurations for MATLAB

We use an alias matlab19 pointing to the MATLAB version R2019a in our scripts.

alias matlab19="/path/to/matlab/R2019a/bin/matlab -nodesktop"

Note that MATLAB is a proprietary software owned by the company MathWorks. You can download it from its official website.

Configurations for NumPy

Install numpy

pip install numpy

Check NumPy version

>> python -c "import numpy; print(numpy.version.version)"

If the version is not v1.13.3, you can install the specific version.

pip install -Iv numpy==1.13.3 --force-reinstall

3. Experiment: TPC-H SQL Benchmarks

Two variations

  • MonetDB
  • HorsePower




Step 1: Run the server

mserver5 --dbpath=/path/to/datafarm --set monet_vault_key=/path/to/datafarm/.vaultkey --set gdk_nr_threads=1

Step 2: Run the client in a new terminal

(time ./runtest | mclient -d tpch8)  &> "log/sf8/log_thread_1.log"

Step 3: Fetch results (average execution time - ms)

grep -A 3 avg_query log/sf8/log_thread_1.log | python

Step 4: Repeat for threads 2/4/8/16/32/64

## Repeat step 1/2/3 for different number of threads

Experiment results





Compilation time

./ compile optn &> log/compile-optn-paper.txt

Then, fetch compilation time (ms)

cat log/compile-optn-paper.txt | grep "TOTAL" | awk -F " " '{print $5}' | python

Run all queries (about 149 minutes)

time ./

Generate time for copy

./ fetch log | python

Experiment results

paper/paper-log.tar.gz        # Execution time
paper/compile-optn-paper.txt  # Compilation time

4. Experiment: MATLAB Benchmarks

Two variations

  • HorsePower




Execute the script

time ./

Large input data files (about 1.15 GB)

>> ls data/
in_1M.txt  in_2M.txt  in_4M.txt  in_8M.txt

Note: We consider putting these large data files to a public site other than GitHub due to the constraint of file sizes.

Experiment results


Fetch execution time

cat paper/log_matlab-paper.txt  | grep -i "The average elapsed time"

5. Experiment: SQL and UDF benchmarks with TPC-H

Two variations

  • MonetDB
  • HorsePower

Directory (MonetDB)


Directory (HorsePower)


6. Experiment: SQL and UDF benchmarks with MATLAB

Two variations

  • MonetDB
  • HorsePower

Directory (MonetDB)


Directory (HorsePower)
