- This scenario describes how to deploy the petstore service(https://petstore.swagger.io/v2) on a kubernetes cluster as a managed API secured with OAuth2. Hence the API invocation will be done with a opaque OAuth2 token only.
- First, we will create Kubernetes opaque secret with username and password of the key manager server.
- Then, we will create another Kubernetes secret from the the public cert of the auth server(Key Manager).
- After that, we will deploy Security custom resource(CR) according to OAuth2 security related configurations including the above created secret.
- Created OAuth2 Security CR will be referred in the swagger definition of the API.
- Then the petstore service will be deployed in the Kubernetes cluster as a managed API with OAuth2 secured.
- Then we will create the API and push it to API Manager deployment to obtain OAuth2 access token. Hence we would need API Portal in the Kubernetes cluster to try out this scenario.
Follow the main README and deploy the apim-operator and configuration files. Make sure to set the analyticsEnabled to "true" and deploy analytics secret with credentials to analytics server and certificate, if you want to check analytics.
Navigate to api-k8s-crds-1.0.0/scenarios/scenario-5 directory.
Deploy Kubernetes secret from the credentials of the key manager server.
apictl apply -f credentials-secret.yaml
- Output:
secret/oauth-credentials created
Deploy Kubernetes secret of the public cert of the key manager server and OAuth2 Security custom resource.
apictl apply -f oauth-security.yaml
- Output:
security.wso2.com/petstoreoauth created secret/wso2am300-secret created
Prepared petstore swagger definition can be found within this directory.
Security schema of the API is referred in the swagger file with the "security" extension. In this swagger definition, the security schema of the "petstore" service has been mentioned as follows.
security: - petstoreoauth: []
This can be referred either in the root level of the swagger(globally) or under resources such that the defined security will be reflected only for a specific resource.
Execute the following to expose pet-store as a managed API.
Deploy the API
apictl add api -n petstore-oauth --from-file=swagger.yaml
- Output:
creating configmap with swagger definition configmap/petstore-oauth-swagger created api.wso2.com/petstore-oauth created
Get available API
apictl get apis
- Output:
NAME AGE petstore-oauth 3m
Obtain an access token to invoke the API
- Publish the API in WSO2 API Manager deployment.
Add the APIM deployment as an environment to the apictl
apictl add-env -e k8s --registration https://wso2apim:32001/client-registration/v0.15/register --apim https://wso2apim:32001 --token https://wso2apim:32003/token --admin https://wso2apim:32001/api/am/admin/v0.15 --api_list https://wso2apim:32001/api/am/publisher/v0.15/apis --app_list https://wso2apim:32001/api/am/store/v0.15/applications
Create the API project using swagger file
apictl init petstore-oauth --oas=swagger.yaml
- Output:
Initializing a new WSO2 API Manager project in /home/dinusha/wso2am-k8s-crds-1.0.0/scenarios/scenario-5/petstore-oauth Project initialized Open README file to learn more
First line of the output shows the location of the API project.
Open that project and navigate to Meta-Information/api.yaml.
- Change API's status to "PUBLISHED" in Meta-Information/api.yaml file. (By default it is in created status)
- Assign the value of "x-wso2-basePath" in Meta-Information/swagger.yaml, to "context" and "contextTemplate" in Meta-Information/api.yaml file.
context: /petstoreoauth/v1 contextTemplate: /petstoreoauth/v1
Import the API to API Manager deployment
apictl import-api -f petstore-oauth -e k8s -k --update
- Output:
Login to k8s Username:admin Password: Logged into k8s environment WARNING: credentials are stored as a plain text in /Users/ramesha/.wso2apictl/keys.json The specified API was not found. Creating: Petstore-Oauth v1 Successfully imported API
Obtain OAuth2 access token
apictl set --token-type oauth
- Output:
Token type set to: oauth
- Subscribe the API to to default application and get an access token using the following command.
apictl get-keys -n Petstore-Oauth -v v1 -r admin -k -e k8s
- Output:
API name: Petstore-Oauth & version: v1 exists API Petstore-Oauth : v1 subscribed successfully. Access Token: a68e6467-023e-3670-909c-11752449997e
- Publish the API in WSO2 API Manager deployment.
Invoking the API
Get service details to invoke the API. (Please wait until the external-IP is populated in the corresponding service)
apictl get services
- Output:
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE petstore-oauth LoadBalancer 9095:32465/TCP,9090:30163/TCP 4m39s
- You can see petstore service has been exposed as a managed API.
- Get the external IP of the managed API's service
curl -X GET "https://<external IP of LB service>:9095/petstoreoauth/v1/pet/55" -H "accept: application/xml" -H "Authorization:Bearer <Access-Token>" -k
Once you execute the above command, it will call to the managed API (petstore-oauth), which then call its endpoint(https://petstore.swagger.io/v2). If the request is success, you would be able to see the response as below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><Pet><category><id>55</id><name>string</name></category><id>55</id><name>SRC_TIME_SIZE</name><photoUrls><photoUrl>string</photoUrl></photoUrls><status>available</status><tags><tag><id>55</id><name>string</name></tag></tags></Pet>
Delete the API
- Following command will delete all the artifacts created with this API including pods, deployment and services.
apictl delete api petstore-oauth
- Output:
api.wso2.com "petstore-oauth" deleted