diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f93ffb19d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+# Remove the line below if you want to inherit .editorconfig settings from higher directories
+root = true
+# C# files
+#### Core EditorConfig Options ####
+# Indentation and spacing
+indent_size = 4
+indent_style = Space
+tab_width = 4
+# New line preferences
+end_of_line = crlf
+insert_final_newline = true
+#### .NET Coding Conventions ####
+# Organize usings
+dotnet_separate_import_directive_groups = false
+dotnet_sort_system_directives_first = false
+file_header_template = unset
+# this. and Me. preferences
+dotnet_style_qualification_for_event = false
+dotnet_style_qualification_for_field = false
+dotnet_style_qualification_for_method = false
+dotnet_style_qualification_for_property = false
+# Language keywords vs BCL types preferences
+dotnet_style_predefined_type_for_locals_parameters_members = true
+dotnet_style_predefined_type_for_member_access = true
+# Parentheses preferences
+dotnet_style_parentheses_in_arithmetic_binary_operators = always_for_clarity
+dotnet_style_parentheses_in_other_binary_operators = always_for_clarity
+dotnet_style_parentheses_in_other_operators = never_if_unnecessary
+dotnet_style_parentheses_in_relational_binary_operators = always_for_clarity
+# Modifier preferences
+dotnet_style_require_accessibility_modifiers = for_non_interface_members
+# Expression-level preferences
+dotnet_style_coalesce_expression = true
+dotnet_style_collection_initializer = true
+dotnet_style_explicit_tuple_names = true
+dotnet_style_namespace_match_folder = true
+dotnet_style_null_propagation = true
+dotnet_style_object_initializer = true
+dotnet_style_operator_placement_when_wrapping = beginning_of_line
+dotnet_style_prefer_auto_properties = true
+dotnet_style_prefer_collection_expression = when_types_loosely_match
+dotnet_style_prefer_compound_assignment = true
+dotnet_style_prefer_conditional_expression_over_assignment = true
+dotnet_style_prefer_conditional_expression_over_return = true
+dotnet_style_prefer_foreach_explicit_cast_in_source = when_strongly_typed
+dotnet_style_prefer_inferred_anonymous_type_member_names = true
+dotnet_style_prefer_inferred_tuple_names = true
+dotnet_style_prefer_is_null_check_over_reference_equality_method = true
+dotnet_style_prefer_simplified_boolean_expressions = true
+dotnet_style_prefer_simplified_interpolation = true
+# Field preferences
+dotnet_style_readonly_field = true
+# Parameter preferences
+dotnet_code_quality_unused_parameters = all
+# Suppression preferences
+dotnet_remove_unnecessary_suppression_exclusions = none
+# New line preferences
+dotnet_style_allow_multiple_blank_lines_experimental = true
+dotnet_style_allow_statement_immediately_after_block_experimental = true
+#### C# Coding Conventions ####
+# var preferences
+csharp_style_var_elsewhere = false
+csharp_style_var_for_built_in_types = false
+csharp_style_var_when_type_is_apparent = false
+# Expression-bodied members
+csharp_style_expression_bodied_accessors = true
+csharp_style_expression_bodied_constructors = false
+csharp_style_expression_bodied_indexers = true
+csharp_style_expression_bodied_lambdas = true
+csharp_style_expression_bodied_local_functions = false
+csharp_style_expression_bodied_methods = false
+csharp_style_expression_bodied_operators = false
+csharp_style_expression_bodied_properties = true
+# Pattern matching preferences
+csharp_style_pattern_matching_over_as_with_null_check = true
+csharp_style_pattern_matching_over_is_with_cast_check = true
+csharp_style_prefer_extended_property_pattern = true
+csharp_style_prefer_not_pattern = true
+csharp_style_prefer_pattern_matching = true
+csharp_style_prefer_switch_expression = true
+# Null-checking preferences
+csharp_style_conditional_delegate_call = true
+# Modifier preferences
+csharp_prefer_static_local_function = true
+csharp_preferred_modifier_order = public,private,protected,internal,file,static,extern,new,virtual,abstract,sealed,override,readonly,unsafe,required,volatile,async
+csharp_style_prefer_readonly_struct = true
+csharp_style_prefer_readonly_struct_member = true
+# Code-block preferences
+csharp_prefer_braces = true
+csharp_prefer_simple_using_statement = true
+csharp_style_namespace_declarations = block_scoped
+csharp_style_prefer_method_group_conversion = true
+csharp_style_prefer_primary_constructors = true
+csharp_style_prefer_top_level_statements = true
+# Expression-level preferences
+csharp_prefer_simple_default_expression = true
+csharp_style_deconstructed_variable_declaration = true
+csharp_style_implicit_object_creation_when_type_is_apparent = true
+csharp_style_inlined_variable_declaration = true
+csharp_style_prefer_index_operator = true
+csharp_style_prefer_local_over_anonymous_function = true
+csharp_style_prefer_null_check_over_type_check = true
+csharp_style_prefer_range_operator = true
+csharp_style_prefer_tuple_swap = true
+csharp_style_prefer_utf8_string_literals = true
+csharp_style_throw_expression = true
+csharp_style_unused_value_assignment_preference = discard_variable
+csharp_style_unused_value_expression_statement_preference = discard_variable
+# 'using' directive preferences
+csharp_using_directive_placement = outside_namespace
+# New line preferences
+csharp_style_allow_blank_line_after_colon_in_constructor_initializer_experimental = true
+csharp_style_allow_blank_line_after_token_in_arrow_expression_clause_experimental = true
+csharp_style_allow_blank_line_after_token_in_conditional_expression_experimental = true
+csharp_style_allow_blank_lines_between_consecutive_braces_experimental = true
+csharp_style_allow_embedded_statements_on_same_line_experimental = true
+#### C# Formatting Rules ####
+# New line preferences
+csharp_new_line_before_catch = true
+csharp_new_line_before_else = true
+csharp_new_line_before_finally = true
+csharp_new_line_before_members_in_anonymous_types = true
+csharp_new_line_before_members_in_object_initializers = true
+csharp_new_line_before_open_brace = all
+csharp_new_line_between_query_expression_clauses = true
+# Indentation preferences
+csharp_indent_block_contents = true
+csharp_indent_braces = false
+csharp_indent_case_contents = true
+csharp_indent_case_contents_when_block = false
+csharp_indent_labels = one_less_than_current
+csharp_indent_switch_labels = true
+# Space preferences
+csharp_space_after_cast = false
+csharp_space_after_colon_in_inheritance_clause = true
+csharp_space_after_comma = true
+csharp_space_after_dot = false
+csharp_space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements = true
+csharp_space_after_semicolon_in_for_statement = true
+csharp_space_around_binary_operators = before_and_after
+csharp_space_around_declaration_statements = false
+csharp_space_before_colon_in_inheritance_clause = true
+csharp_space_before_comma = false
+csharp_space_before_dot = false
+csharp_space_before_open_square_brackets = false
+csharp_space_before_semicolon_in_for_statement = false
+csharp_space_between_empty_square_brackets = false
+csharp_space_between_method_call_empty_parameter_list_parentheses = false
+csharp_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis = false
+csharp_space_between_method_call_parameter_list_parentheses = false
+csharp_space_between_method_declaration_empty_parameter_list_parentheses = false
+csharp_space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis = false
+csharp_space_between_method_declaration_parameter_list_parentheses = false
+csharp_space_between_parentheses = false
+csharp_space_between_square_brackets = false
+# Wrapping preferences
+csharp_preserve_single_line_blocks = true
+csharp_preserve_single_line_statements = true
+#### Naming styles ####
+# Naming rules
+dotnet_naming_rule.interface_should_be_begins_with_i.severity = suggestion
+dotnet_naming_rule.interface_should_be_begins_with_i.symbols = interface
+dotnet_naming_rule.interface_should_be_begins_with_i.style = begins_with_i
+dotnet_naming_rule.types_should_be_pascal_case.severity = suggestion
+dotnet_naming_rule.types_should_be_pascal_case.symbols = types
+dotnet_naming_rule.types_should_be_pascal_case.style = pascal_case
+dotnet_naming_rule.non_field_members_should_be_pascal_case.severity = suggestion
+dotnet_naming_rule.non_field_members_should_be_pascal_case.symbols = non_field_members
+dotnet_naming_rule.non_field_members_should_be_pascal_case.style = pascal_case
+# Symbol specifications
+dotnet_naming_symbols.interface.applicable_kinds = interface
+dotnet_naming_symbols.interface.applicable_accessibilities = public, internal, private, protected, protected_internal, private_protected
+dotnet_naming_symbols.interface.required_modifiers =
+dotnet_naming_symbols.types.applicable_kinds = class, struct, interface, enum
+dotnet_naming_symbols.types.applicable_accessibilities = public, internal, private, protected, protected_internal, private_protected
+dotnet_naming_symbols.types.required_modifiers =
+dotnet_naming_symbols.non_field_members.applicable_kinds = property, event, method
+dotnet_naming_symbols.non_field_members.applicable_accessibilities = public, internal, private, protected, protected_internal, private_protected
+dotnet_naming_symbols.non_field_members.required_modifiers =
+# Naming styles
+dotnet_naming_style.pascal_case.required_prefix =
+dotnet_naming_style.pascal_case.required_suffix =
+dotnet_naming_style.pascal_case.word_separator =
+dotnet_naming_style.pascal_case.capitalization = pascal_case
+dotnet_naming_style.begins_with_i.required_prefix = I
+dotnet_naming_style.begins_with_i.required_suffix =
+dotnet_naming_style.begins_with_i.word_separator =
+dotnet_naming_style.begins_with_i.capitalization = pascal_case
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Assembly-CSharp.csproj b/Assembly-CSharp/Assembly-CSharp.csproj
index e2fa85001..6a84b925f 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Assembly-CSharp.csproj
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Assembly-CSharp.csproj
@@ -333,6 +333,11 @@
@@ -1372,6 +1377,14 @@
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Assets/Sources/Graphics/Movie/MovieMaterial.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Assets/Sources/Graphics/Movie/MovieMaterial.cs
index c3ca68951..ec2a6e735 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Assets/Sources/Graphics/Movie/MovieMaterial.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Assets/Sources/Graphics/Movie/MovieMaterial.cs
@@ -165,11 +165,17 @@ public void Update()
if (this.advance)
- double elapsedTime = this.m_elapsedTime;
- float num = Mathf.Max(this.playSpeed, 0f);
- bool flag = false;
- flag |= this.isFMV;
- if (flag)
+ int soundID = SoundLib.MovieAudioPlayer.GetActiveSoundID();
+ double elapsedTime = ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_GetElapsedPlaybackTime(soundID) / 1000.0;
+ // We allow +/- 66ms of delay
+ if (elapsedTime > 0 && Math.Abs(elapsedTime - m_elapsedTime) > 0.066)
+ {
+ // Forces sync with audio
+ this.m_elapsedTime = elapsedTime;
+ }
+ if (this.isFMV)
if (this.preciseTimeCycleCounter == 0)
@@ -190,9 +196,9 @@ public void Update()
- this.m_elapsedTime += (double)(Mathf.Min(Time.deltaTime, 0.067f) * num);
+ this.m_elapsedTime += (double)(Mathf.Min(Time.deltaTime, 0.067f) * Mathf.Max(this.playSpeed, 0f));
- if (this.shouldSync)
+ /*if (this.shouldSync)
SoundLib.SeekMovieAudio(this.movieKey, this.PlayPosition);
this.shouldSync = false;
@@ -205,7 +211,7 @@ public void Update()
SoundLib.SeekMovieAudio(this.movieKey, this.PlayPosition);
this.syncElapsed = 0f;
- }
+ }*/
@@ -591,7 +597,7 @@ public void Destroy()
public Action OnFinished;
- private String movieKey;
+ public String movieKey;
private Boolean advance;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Assets/Sources/Scripts/UI/Common/FF9UIDataTool.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Assets/Sources/Scripts/UI/Common/FF9UIDataTool.cs
index f589521ea..37dc246ba 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Assets/Sources/Scripts/UI/Common/FF9UIDataTool.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Assets/Sources/Scripts/UI/Common/FF9UIDataTool.cs
@@ -971,1554 +971,493 @@ public static Sprite LoadWorldTitle(SByte titleId, Boolean isShadow)
public static readonly Dictionary IconSpriteName = new Dictionary
- {
- 1,
- "cursor_hand_choice"
- },
- {
- 19,
- "arrow_up"
- },
- {
- 20,
- "arrow_down"
- },
- {
- 27,
- "help_mog_dialog"
- },
- {
- 28,
- "help_mog_hand_1"
- },
- {
- 29,
- "help_mog_hand_2"
- },
- {
- 92,
- "item00_00"
- },
- {
- 93,
- "item01_00"
- },
- {
- 94,
- "item02_00"
- },
- {
- 95,
- "item03_00"
- },
- {
- 96,
- "item04_00"
- },
- {
- 97,
- "item05_00"
- },
- {
- 98,
- "item06_00"
- },
- {
- 99,
- "item07_00"
- },
- {
- 100,
- "item08_00"
- },
- {
- 101,
- "item09_00"
- },
- {
- 102,
- "item10_00"
- },
- {
- 103,
- "item11_00"
- },
- {
- 104,
- "item12_00"
- },
- {
- 105,
- "item13_01"
- },
- {
- 106,
- "item14_02"
- },
- {
- 107,
- "item15_01"
- },
- {
- 108,
- "item16_01"
- },
- {
- 109,
- "item17_01"
- },
- {
- 110,
- "item18_00"
- },
- {
- 111,
- "item19_02"
- },
- {
- 112,
- "item20_01"
- },
- {
- 113,
- "item21_00"
- },
- {
- 114,
- "item22_02"
- },
- {
- 115,
- "item23_00"
- },
- {
- 116,
- "item24_00"
- },
- {
- 117,
- "item25_03"
- },
- {
- 118,
- "item26_09"
- },
- {
- 119,
- "item27_01"
- },
- {
- 120,
- "item28_03"
- },
- {
- 121,
- "item29_01"
- },
- {
- 122,
- "item30_00"
- },
- {
- 123,
- "item31_08"
- },
- {
- 124,
- "item32_02"
- },
- {
- 125,
- "item33_01"
- },
- {
- 126,
- "item34_02"
- },
- {
- 127,
- "item35_03"
- },
- {
- 131,
- "icon_status_22"
- },
- {
- 132,
- "icon_status_23"
- },
- {
- 133,
- "icon_status_11"
- },
- {
- 134,
- "icon_status_00"
- },
- {
- 135,
- "icon_status_01"
- },
- {
- 136,
- "icon_status_02"
- },
- {
- 137,
- "icon_status_03"
- },
- {
- 138,
- "icon_status_04"
- },
- {
- 139,
- "icon_status_05"
- },
- {
- 140,
- "icon_status_06"
- },
- {
- 141,
- "icon_status_07"
- },
- {
- 142,
- "icon_status_08"
- },
- {
- 143,
- "icon_status_09"
- },
- {
- 144,
- "icon_status_10"
- },
- {
- 145,
- "icon_status_12"
- },
- {
- 146,
- "icon_status_13"
- },
- {
- 147,
- "icon_status_14"
- },
- {
- 148,
- "icon_status_15"
- },
- {
- 149,
- "icon_status_16"
- },
- {
- 150,
- "icon_status_17"
- },
- {
- 151,
- "icon_status_18"
- },
- {
- 152,
- "icon_status_19"
- },
- {
- 153,
- "icon_status_20"
- },
- {
- 154,
- "icon_status_21"
- },
- {
- 180,
- "text_lv_us_uk_jp_gr_it"
- },
- {
- 188,
- "ability_stone"
- },
- {
- 189,
- "skill_stone_on"
- },
- {
- 190,
- "ability_stone_null"
- },
- {
- 191,
- "skill_stone_null"
- },
- {
- 192,
- "ap_bar_complete_star"
- },
- {
- 193,
- "skill_stone_gem"
- },
- {
- 244,
- "skill_stone_off"
- },
- {
- 254,
- "ap_bar_full"
- },
- {
- 255,
- "ap_bar_half"
- },
- {
- 257,
- "balloon_exclamation"
- },
- {
- 258,
- "balloon_question"
- },
- {
- 259,
- "balloon_card"
- },
- {
- 260,
- "icon_action"
- },
- {
- 261,
- "icon_back"
- },
- {
- 262,
- "icon_analog"
- },
- {
- 263,
- "virtual_up"
- },
- {
- 264,
- "virtual_down"
- },
- {
- 265,
- "virtual_left"
- },
- {
- 266,
- "virtual_right"
- },
- {
- 267,
- "icon_left"
- },
- {
- 268,
- "icon_up"
- },
- {
- 269,
- "icon_right"
- },
- {
- 270,
- "icon_down"
- },
- {
- 271,
- "icon_x"
- },
- {
- 272,
- "icon_y"
- },
- {
- 273,
- "icon_b"
- },
- {
- 274,
- "icon_a"
- },
- {
- 275,
- "icon_minus"
- },
- {
- 276,
- "icon_plus"
- },
- {
- 277,
- "icon_racing_01"
- },
- {
- 278,
- "icon_racing_02"
- },
- {
- 279,
- "icon_help"
- },
- {
- 280,
- "virtual_aside"
- },
- {
- 281,
- "icon_world_map"
- },
- {
- 282,
- "icon_world_mog"
- },
- {
- 283,
- "icon_world_map"
- },
- {
- 284,
- "icon_cam_rotate"
- },
- {
- 285,
- "icon_cam_perspective"
- },
- {
- 286,
- "icon_world_dismount"
- },
- {
- 287,
- "icon_cam_align"
- },
- {
- 288,
- "icon_menu_jp"
- },
- {
- 289,
- "icon_menu_us"
- },
- {
- 290,
- "icon_menu_fr"
- },
- {
- 291,
- "icon_menu_es"
- },
- {
- 292,
- "icon_menu_gr"
- },
- {
- 293,
- "icon_menu_it"
- },
- {
- 294,
- "icon_menu_uk"
- },
- {
- 295,
- "icon_deck_jp"
- },
- {
- 296,
- "icon_deck_us"
- },
- {
- 297,
- "icon_deck_fr"
- },
- {
- 298,
- "icon_deck_es"
- },
- {
- 299,
- "icon_deck_gr"
- },
- {
- 300,
- "icon_deck_it"
- },
- {
- 301,
- "icon_deck_uk"
- },
- {
- 302,
- "icon_battle_run"
- },
- {
- 303,
- "icon_battle_all"
- },
- {
- 304,
- "icon_pause"
- },
- {
- 305,
- "icon_bubble_question"
- },
- {
- 306,
- "text_touch_us_uk_fr_gr_it_es"
- },
- {
- 307,
- "text_touchconfirm_us_uk_fr_gr_it_es"
- },
- {
- 308,
- "text_touchscreen_us_uk_fr_gr_it_es"
- },
- {
- 309,
- "text_characterpanel_us_uk_fr_gr_it_es"
- },
- {
- 310,
- "icon_bubble_card"
- },
- {
- 311,
- "icon_chocobo_dig"
- },
- {
- 312,
- "icon_bubble_question"
- },
- {
- 313,
- "icon_ate_us_uk_jp"
- },
- {
- 314,
- "icon_ate_es_fr"
- },
- {
- 315,
- "icon_ate_gr_it"
- },
- {
- 316,
- "text_touch_jp"
- },
- {
- 317,
- "text_touch_us_uk"
- },
- {
- 318,
- "text_touch_fr"
- },
- {
- 319,
- "text_touch_es"
- },
- {
- 320,
- "text_touch_gr"
- },
- {
- 321,
- "text_touch_it"
- },
- {
- 322,
- "text_touchconfirm_jp"
- },
- {
- 323,
- "text_touchconfirm_us_uk"
- },
- {
- 324,
- "text_touchconfirm_fr"
- },
- {
- 325,
- "text_touchconfirm_es"
- },
- {
- 326,
- "text_touchconfirm_gr"
- },
- {
- 327,
- "text_touchconfirm_it"
- },
- {
- 328,
- "text_touchscreen_jp"
- },
- {
- 329,
- "text_touchscreen_us_uk"
- },
- {
- 330,
- "text_touchscreen_fr"
- },
- {
- 331,
- "text_touchscreen_es"
- },
- {
- 332,
- "text_touchscreen_gr"
- },
- {
- 333,
- "text_touchscreen_it"
- },
- {
- 334,
- "text_characterpanel_jp"
- },
- {
- 335,
- "text_characterpanel_us_uk"
- },
- {
- 336,
- "text_characterpanel_fr"
- },
- {
- 337,
- "text_characterpanel_es"
- },
- {
- 338,
- "text_characterpanel_gr"
- },
- {
- 339,
- "text_characterpanel_it"
- },
- {
- 340,
- "icon_ate_us_uk_jp"
- },
- {
- 341,
- "icon_ate_es_fr"
- },
- {
- 342,
- "icon_ate_gr_it"
- },
- {
- 343,
- "icon_beach"
- },
- {
- 512,
- "item01_06"
- },
- {
- 513,
- "item01_12"
- },
- {
- 514,
- "item03_03"
- },
- {
- 515,
- "item03_05"
- },
- {
- 516,
- "item03_09"
- },
- {
- 517,
- "item03_11"
- },
- {
- 518,
- "item03_13"
- },
- {
- 519,
- "item04_03"
- },
- {
- 520,
- "item05_03"
- },
- {
- 521,
- "item05_05"
- },
- {
- 522,
- "item05_06"
- },
- {
- 523,
- "item05_12"
- },
- {
- 524,
- "item06_03"
- },
- {
- 525,
- "item06_06"
- },
- {
- 526,
- "item06_13"
- },
- {
- 527,
- "item08_03"
- },
- {
- 528,
- "item08_04"
- },
- {
- 529,
- "item08_12"
- },
- {
- 530,
- "item09_02"
- },
- {
- 531,
- "item09_03"
- },
- {
- 532,
- "item09_07"
- },
- {
- 533,
- "item10_02"
- },
- {
- 534,
- "item10_05"
- },
- {
- 535,
- "item10_09"
- },
- {
- 536,
- "item10_11"
- },
- {
- 537,
- "item11_02"
- },
- {
- 538,
- "item11_04"
- },
- {
- 539,
- "item13_02"
- },
- {
- 540,
- "item13_03"
- },
- {
- 541,
- "item13_07"
- },
- {
- 542,
- "item13_14"
- },
- {
- 543,
- "item14_08"
- },
- {
- 544,
- "item14_09"
- },
- {
- 545,
- "item14_11"
- },
- {
- 546,
- "item15_02"
- },
- {
- 547,
- "item15_04"
- },
- {
- 548,
- "item15_07"
- },
- {
- 549,
- "item15_08"
- },
- {
- 550,
- "item15_09"
- },
- {
- 551,
- "item15_12"
- },
- {
- 552,
- "item16_03"
- },
- {
- 553,
- "item16_08"
- },
- {
- 554,
- "item16_09"
- },
- {
- 555,
- "item16_12"
- },
- {
- 556,
- "item17_02"
- },
- {
- 557,
- "item17_03"
- },
- {
- 558,
- "item17_08"
- },
- {
- 559,
- "item17_14"
- },
- {
- 560,
- "item18_06"
- },
- {
- 561,
- "item18_08"
- },
- {
- 562,
- "item18_09"
- },
- {
- 563,
- "item18_10"
- },
- {
- 564,
- "item18_11"
- },
- {
- 565,
- "item18_14"
- },
- {
- 566,
- "item19_03"
- },
- {
- 567,
- "item19_06"
- },
- {
- 568,
- "item19_08"
- },
- {
- 569,
- "item19_11"
- },
- {
- 570,
- "item19_12"
- },
- {
- 571,
- "item20_02"
- },
- {
- 572,
- "item20_03"
- },
- {
- 573,
- "item20_06"
- },
- {
- 574,
- "item20_10"
- },
- {
- 575,
- "item20_11"
- },
- {
- 576,
- "item20_14"
- },
- {
- 577,
- "item21_01"
- },
- {
- 578,
- "item21_02"
- },
- {
- 579,
- "item21_03"
- },
- {
- 580,
- "item21_04"
- },
- {
- 581,
- "item21_05"
- },
- {
- 582,
- "item21_06"
- },
- {
- 583,
- "item21_07"
- },
- {
- 584,
- "item21_08"
- },
- {
- 585,
- "item21_10"
- },
- {
- 586,
- "item21_12"
- },
- {
- 587,
- "item21_13"
- },
- {
- 588,
- "item21_14"
- },
- {
- 589,
- "item22_06"
- },
- {
- 590,
- "item22_08"
- },
- {
- 591,
- "item22_09"
- },
- {
- 592,
- "item23_03"
- },
- {
- 593,
- "item23_05"
- },
- {
- 594,
- "item23_06"
- },
- {
- 595,
- "item23_07"
- },
- {
- 596,
- "item23_09"
- },
- {
- 597,
- "item23_10"
- },
- {
- 598,
- "item24_02"
- },
- {
- 599,
- "item24_03"
- },
- {
- 600,
- "item24_04"
- },
- {
- 601,
- "item24_06"
- },
- {
- 602,
- "item24_08"
- },
- {
- 603,
- "item24_10"
- },
- {
- 604,
- "item24_11"
- },
- {
- 605,
- "item25_09"
- },
- {
- 606,
- "item27_09"
- },
- {
- 607,
- "item28_08"
- },
- {
- 608,
- "item29_02"
- },
- {
- 609,
- "item29_03"
- },
- {
- 610,
- "item29_04"
- },
- {
- 611,
- "item29_08"
- },
- {
- 612,
- "item29_10"
- },
- {
- 613,
- "item29_12"
- },
- {
- 614,
- "item29_14"
- },
- {
- 615,
- "item31_09"
- },
- {
- 616,
- "item31_14"
- },
- {
- 617,
- "item32_03"
- },
- {
- 618,
- "item33_02"
- },
- {
- 619,
- "item33_03"
- },
- {
- 620,
- "item33_04"
- },
- {
- 621,
- "item33_05"
- },
- {
- 622,
- "item33_11"
- },
- {
- 623,
- "item33_14"
- },
- {
- 624,
- "item35_12"
- },
- {
- 625,
- "icon_equip_0"
- },
- {
- 626,
- "icon_equip_1"
- },
- {
- 627,
- "icon_equip_2"
- },
- {
- 628,
- "icon_equip_3"
- },
- {
- 629,
- "icon_equip_4"
- },
- {
- 630,
- "keyboard_button_enter"
- },
- {
- 631,
- "keyboard_button_esc"
- },
- {
- 632,
- "keyboard_button_arrow_up"
- },
- {
- 633,
- "keyboard_button_arrow_left"
- },
- {
- 634,
- "keyboard_button_arrow_right"
- },
- {
- 635,
- "keyboard_button_arrow_down"
- },
- {
- 636,
- "text_lv_es"
- },
- {
- 637,
- "text_lv_fr"
- },
- {
- 638,
- "joystick_start"
- },
- {
- 639,
- "joystick_l2"
- },
- {
- 640,
- "joystick_r2"
- },
- {
- 641,
- "joystick_button_y"
- }
+ { 1, "cursor_hand_choice" },
+ { 2, "cursor_hand_here" },
+ { 17, "arrow_left" },
+ { 18, "arrow_right" },
+ { 19, "arrow_up" },
+ { 20, "arrow_down" },
+ { 27, "help_mog_dialog" },
+ { 28, "help_mog_hand_1" },
+ { 29, "help_mog_hand_2" },
+ { 92, "item00_00" },
+ { 93, "item01_00" },
+ { 94, "item02_00" },
+ { 95, "item03_00" },
+ { 96, "item04_00" },
+ { 97, "item05_00" },
+ { 98, "item06_00" },
+ { 99, "item07_00" },
+ { 100, "item08_00" },
+ { 101, "item09_00" },
+ { 102, "item10_00" },
+ { 103, "item11_00" },
+ { 104, "item12_00" },
+ { 105, "item13_01" },
+ { 106, "item14_02" },
+ { 107, "item15_01" },
+ { 108, "item16_01" },
+ { 109, "item17_01" },
+ { 110, "item18_00" },
+ { 111, "item19_02" },
+ { 112, "item20_01" },
+ { 113, "item21_00" },
+ { 114, "item22_02" },
+ { 115, "item23_00" },
+ { 116, "item24_00" },
+ { 117, "item25_03" },
+ { 118, "item26_09" },
+ { 119, "item27_01" },
+ { 120, "item28_03" },
+ { 121, "item29_01" },
+ { 122, "item30_00" },
+ { 123, "item31_08" },
+ { 124, "item32_02" },
+ { 125, "item33_01" },
+ { 126, "item34_02" },
+ { 127, "item35_03" },
+ { 131, "icon_status_22" },
+ { 132, "icon_status_23" },
+ { 133, "icon_status_11" },
+ { 134, "icon_status_00" },
+ { 135, "icon_status_01" },
+ { 136, "icon_status_02" },
+ { 137, "icon_status_03" },
+ { 138, "icon_status_04" },
+ { 139, "icon_status_05" },
+ { 140, "icon_status_06" },
+ { 141, "icon_status_07" },
+ { 142, "icon_status_08" },
+ { 143, "icon_status_09" },
+ { 144, "icon_status_10" },
+ { 145, "icon_status_12" },
+ { 146, "icon_status_13" },
+ { 147, "icon_status_14" },
+ { 148, "icon_status_15" },
+ { 149, "icon_status_16" },
+ { 150, "icon_status_17" },
+ { 151, "icon_status_18" },
+ { 152, "icon_status_19" },
+ { 153, "icon_status_20" },
+ { 154, "icon_status_21" },
+ { 155, "icon_status_04_es" },
+ { 180, "text_lv_us_uk_jp_gr_it" },
+ { 188, "ability_stone" },
+ { 189, "skill_stone_on" },
+ { 190, "ability_stone_null" },
+ { 191, "skill_stone_null" },
+ { 192, "ap_bar_complete_star" },
+ { 193, "skill_stone_gem" },
+ { 194, "skill_stone_gem_00" },
+ { 195, "skill_stone_gem_01" },
+ { 196, "skill_stone_gem_02" },
+ { 197, "skill_stone_gem_03" },
+ { 198, "skill_stone_gem_04" },
+ { 199, "skill_stone_gem_05" },
+ { 200, "skill_stone_gem_06" },
+ { 244, "skill_stone_off" },
+ { 245, "config_arrow" },
+ { 246, "balloon_beach_act" },
+ { 247, "balloon_exclamation_act" },
+ { 248, "balloon_question_act" },
+ { 249, "balloon_card_act" },
+ { 250, "virtual_map" },
+ { 254, "ap_bar_full" },
+ { 255, "ap_bar_half" },
+ { 256, "balloon_beach" },
+ { 257, "balloon_exclamation" },
+ { 258, "balloon_question" },
+ { 259, "balloon_card" },
+ { 260, "icon_action" },
+ { 261, "icon_back" },
+ { 262, "icon_analog" },
+ { 263, "virtual_up" },
+ { 264, "virtual_down" },
+ { 265, "virtual_left" },
+ { 266, "virtual_right" },
+ { 267, "icon_left" },
+ { 268, "icon_up" },
+ { 269, "icon_right" },
+ { 270, "icon_down" },
+ { 271, "icon_x" },
+ { 272, "icon_y" },
+ { 273, "icon_b" },
+ { 274, "icon_a" },
+ { 275, "icon_minus" },
+ { 276, "icon_plus" },
+ { 277, "icon_racing_01" },
+ { 278, "icon_racing_02" },
+ { 279, "icon_help" },
+ { 280, "virtual_aside" },
+ { 281, "icon_world_map" },
+ { 282, "icon_world_mog" },
+ { 283, "icon_world_map" },
+ { 284, "icon_cam_rotate" },
+ { 285, "icon_cam_perspective" },
+ { 286, "icon_world_dismount" },
+ { 287, "icon_cam_align" },
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+ { 290, "icon_menu_fr" },
+ { 291, "icon_menu_es" },
+ { 292, "icon_menu_gr" },
+ { 293, "icon_menu_it" },
+ { 294, "icon_menu_uk" },
+ { 295, "icon_deck_jp" },
+ { 296, "icon_deck_us" },
+ { 297, "icon_deck_fr" },
+ { 298, "icon_deck_es" },
+ { 299, "icon_deck_gr" },
+ { 300, "icon_deck_it" },
+ { 301, "icon_deck_uk" },
+ { 302, "icon_battle_run" },
+ { 303, "icon_battle_all" },
+ { 304, "icon_pause" },
+ { 305, "icon_bubble_question" },
+ { 306, "text_touch_us_uk_fr_gr_it_es" },
+ { 307, "text_touchconfirm_us_uk_fr_gr_it_es" },
+ { 308, "text_touchscreen_us_uk_fr_gr_it_es" },
+ { 309, "text_characterpanel_us_uk_fr_gr_it_es" },
+ { 310, "icon_bubble_card" },
+ { 311, "icon_chocobo_dig" },
+ { 312, "icon_bubble_question" },
+ { 313, "icon_ate_us_uk_jp" },
+ { 314, "icon_ate_es_fr" },
+ { 315, "icon_ate_gr_it" },
+ { 316, "text_touch_jp" },
+ { 317, "text_touch_us_uk" },
+ { 318, "text_touch_fr" },
+ { 319, "text_touch_es" },
+ { 320, "text_touch_gr" },
+ { 321, "text_touch_it" },
+ { 322, "text_touchconfirm_jp" },
+ { 323, "text_touchconfirm_us_uk" },
+ { 324, "text_touchconfirm_fr" },
+ { 325, "text_touchconfirm_es" },
+ { 326, "text_touchconfirm_gr" },
+ { 327, "text_touchconfirm_it" },
+ { 328, "text_touchscreen_jp" },
+ { 329, "text_touchscreen_us_uk" },
+ { 330, "text_touchscreen_fr" },
+ { 331, "text_touchscreen_es" },
+ { 332, "text_touchscreen_gr" },
+ { 333, "text_touchscreen_it" },
+ { 334, "text_characterpanel_jp" },
+ { 335, "text_characterpanel_us_uk" },
+ { 336, "text_characterpanel_fr" },
+ { 337, "text_characterpanel_es" },
+ { 338, "text_characterpanel_gr" },
+ { 339, "text_characterpanel_it" },
+ { 340, "icon_ate_us_uk_jp" },
+ { 341, "icon_ate_es_fr" },
+ { 342, "icon_ate_gr_it" },
+ { 343, "icon_beach" },
+ { 350, "icon_ff" },
+ { 351, "icon_battle" },
+ { 352, "icon_9999" },
+ { 353, "icon_encounter" },
+ { 354, "icon_gil" },
+ { 355, "icon_masterskill" },
+ { 360, "icon_bubble" },
+ { 361, "icon_card" },
+ { 362, "icon_new_exclamation" },
+ { 363, "icon_new_text" },
+ { 364, "icon_time" },
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+ { 451, "item01_15" },
+ { 452, "item02_15" },
+ { 453, "item03_15" },
+ { 454, "item04_15" },
+ { 455, "item05_15" },
+ { 456, "item06_15" },
+ { 457, "item07_15" },
+ { 458, "item08_15" },
+ { 459, "item09_15" },
+ { 460, "item10_15" },
+ { 461, "item11_15" },
+ { 462, "item12_15" },
+ { 463, "item13_15" },
+ { 464, "item14_15" },
+ { 465, "item15_15" },
+ { 466, "item16_15" },
+ { 467, "item17_15" },
+ { 468, "item18_15" },
+ { 469, "item19_15" },
+ { 470, "item20_15" },
+ { 471, "item21_15" },
+ { 472, "item22_15" },
+ { 473, "item23_15" },
+ { 474, "item24_15" },
+ { 475, "item25_15" },
+ { 476, "item26_15" },
+ { 477, "item27_15" },
+ { 478, "item28_15" },
+ { 479, "item29_15" },
+ { 480, "item30_15" },
+ { 481, "item31_15" },
+ { 482, "item32_15" },
+ { 483, "item33_15" },
+ { 484, "item34_15" },
+ { 485, "item35_15" },
+ { 512, "item01_06" },
+ { 513, "item01_12" },
+ { 514, "item03_03" },
+ { 515, "item03_05" },
+ { 516, "item03_09" },
+ { 517, "item03_11" },
+ { 518, "item03_13" },
+ { 519, "item04_03" },
+ { 520, "item05_03" },
+ { 521, "item05_05" },
+ { 522, "item05_06" },
+ { 523, "item05_12" },
+ { 524, "item06_03" },
+ { 525, "item06_06" },
+ { 526, "item06_13" },
+ { 527, "item08_03" },
+ { 528, "item08_04" },
+ { 529, "item08_12" },
+ { 530, "item09_02" },
+ { 531, "item09_03" },
+ { 532, "item09_07" },
+ { 533, "item10_02" },
+ { 534, "item10_05" },
+ { 535, "item10_09" },
+ { 536, "item10_11" },
+ { 537, "item11_02" },
+ { 538, "item11_04" },
+ { 539, "item13_02" },
+ { 540, "item13_03" },
+ { 541, "item13_07" },
+ { 542, "item13_14" },
+ { 543, "item14_08" },
+ { 544, "item14_09" },
+ { 545, "item14_11" },
+ { 546, "item15_02" },
+ { 547, "item15_04" },
+ { 548, "item15_07" },
+ { 549, "item15_08" },
+ { 550, "item15_09" },
+ { 551, "item15_12" },
+ { 552, "item16_03" },
+ { 553, "item16_08" },
+ { 554, "item16_09" },
+ { 555, "item16_12" },
+ { 556, "item17_02" },
+ { 557, "item17_03" },
+ { 558, "item17_08" },
+ { 559, "item17_14" },
+ { 560, "item18_06" },
+ { 561, "item18_08" },
+ { 562, "item18_09" },
+ { 563, "item18_10" },
+ { 564, "item18_11" },
+ { 565, "item18_14" },
+ { 566, "item19_03" },
+ { 567, "item19_06" },
+ { 568, "item19_08" },
+ { 569, "item19_11" },
+ { 570, "item19_12" },
+ { 571, "item20_02" },
+ { 572, "item20_03" },
+ { 573, "item20_06" },
+ { 574, "item20_10" },
+ { 575, "item20_11" },
+ { 576, "item20_14" },
+ { 577, "item21_01" },
+ { 578, "item21_02" },
+ { 579, "item21_03" },
+ { 580, "item21_04" },
+ { 581, "item21_05" },
+ { 582, "item21_06" },
+ { 583, "item21_07" },
+ { 584, "item21_08" },
+ { 585, "item21_10" },
+ { 586, "item21_12" },
+ { 587, "item21_13" },
+ { 588, "item21_14" },
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+ { 590, "item22_08" },
+ { 591, "item22_09" },
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+ { 593, "item23_05" },
+ { 594, "item23_06" },
+ { 595, "item23_07" },
+ { 596, "item23_09" },
+ { 597, "item23_10" },
+ { 598, "item24_02" },
+ { 599, "item24_03" },
+ { 600, "item24_04" },
+ { 601, "item24_06" },
+ { 602, "item24_08" },
+ { 603, "item24_10" },
+ { 604, "item24_11" },
+ { 605, "item25_09" },
+ { 606, "item27_09" },
+ { 607, "item28_08" },
+ { 608, "item29_02" },
+ { 609, "item29_03" },
+ { 610, "item29_04" },
+ { 611, "item29_08" },
+ { 612, "item29_10" },
+ { 613, "item29_12" },
+ { 614, "item29_14" },
+ { 615, "item31_09" },
+ { 616, "item31_14" },
+ { 617, "item32_03" },
+ { 618, "item33_02" },
+ { 619, "item33_03" },
+ { 620, "item33_04" },
+ { 621, "item33_05" },
+ { 622, "item33_11" },
+ { 623, "item33_14" },
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+ { 626, "icon_equip_1" },
+ { 627, "icon_equip_2" },
+ { 628, "icon_equip_3" },
+ { 629, "icon_equip_4" },
+ { 630, "keyboard_button_enter" },
+ { 631, "keyboard_button_esc" },
+ { 632, "keyboard_button_arrow_up" },
+ { 633, "keyboard_button_arrow_left" },
+ { 634, "keyboard_button_arrow_right" },
+ { 635, "keyboard_button_arrow_down" },
+ { 636, "text_lv_es" },
+ { 637, "text_lv_fr" },
+ { 638, "joystick_start" },
+ { 639, "joystick_l2" },
+ { 640, "joystick_r2" },
+ { 641, "joystick_button_y" },
+ { 642, "joystick_button_x" },
+ { 643, "joystick_button_a" },
+ { 644, "joystick_button_b" },
+ { 645, "joystick_analog_r" },
+ { 646, "joystick_select" },
+ { 647, "joystick_l1" },
+ { 648, "joystick_r1" },
+ { 649, "keyboard_button" },
+ { 650, "keyboard_button_backspace" },
+ { 651, "keyboard_button_backspace_fr_gr_it" },
+ { 652, "keyboard_button_enter_fr_gr" },
+ { 653, "keyboard_button_enter_it" },
+ { 654, "keyboard_button_num" },
+ { 655, "ps_dpad" },
+ { 656, "ps_dpad_down" },
+ { 657, "ps_dpad_left" },
+ { 658, "ps_dpad_right" },
+ { 659, "ps_dpad_up" },
+ { 700, "shop_icon_part_0" },
+ { 701, "shop_icon_part_1" },
+ { 702, "shop_icon_part_2" },
+ { 703, "shop_icon_part_3" },
+ { 704, "shop_icon_part_4" },
+ { 710, "status_arrow" },
+ { 720, "text_hp_es" },
+ { 721, "text_hp_us_uk_jp_fr_gr_it" },
+ { 722, "text_mp_es" },
+ { 723, "text_mp_us_uk_jp_fr_gr_it" },
+ { 724, "text_sp_us_uk_jp_es_fr_gr_it" },
public static readonly Dictionary TutorialIconSpriteName = new Dictionary
- {
- 769,
- "tutorial_quadmist_2"
- },
- {
- 770,
- "tutorial_quadmist_3"
- }
+ { 769, "tutorial_quadmist_2" },
+ { 770, "tutorial_quadmist_3" }
public static readonly Dictionary KeyboardIconLabel = new Dictionary
- {
- KeyCode.Exclaim,
- "!"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.DoubleQuote,
- "\""
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Hash,
- "#"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Dollar,
- "$"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Ampersand,
- "&"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Quote,
- "'"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.LeftParen,
- "("
- },
- {
- KeyCode.RightParen,
- ")"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Asterisk,
- "*"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Plus,
- "+"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Comma,
- ","
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Minus,
- "-"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Period,
- "."
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Slash,
- "/"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Alpha0,
- "0"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Alpha1,
- "1"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Alpha2,
- "2"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Alpha3,
- "3"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Alpha4,
- "4"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Alpha5,
- "5"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Alpha6,
- "6"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Alpha7,
- "7"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Alpha8,
- "8"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Alpha9,
- "9"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Colon,
- ":"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Semicolon,
- ";"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Less,
- "<"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Equals,
- "="
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Greater,
- ">"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Question,
- "?"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.At,
- "@"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.LeftBracket,
- "["
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Backslash,
- "\\"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.RightBracket,
- "]"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Caret,
- "^"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Underscore,
- "_"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.BackQuote,
- "`"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.A,
- "A"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.B,
- "B"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.C,
- "C"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.D,
- "D"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.E,
- "E"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.F,
- "F"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.G,
- "G"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.H,
- "H"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.I,
- "I"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.J,
- "J"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.K,
- "K"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.L,
- "L"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.M,
- "M"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.N,
- "N"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.O,
- "O"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.P,
- "P"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Q,
- "Q"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.R,
- "R"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.S,
- "S"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.T,
- "T"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.U,
- "U"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.V,
- "V"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.W,
- "W"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.X,
- "X"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Y,
- "Y"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Z,
- "Z"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Keypad0,
- "0"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Keypad1,
- "1"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Keypad2,
- "2"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Keypad3,
- "3"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Keypad4,
- "4"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Keypad5,
- "5"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Keypad6,
- "6"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Keypad7,
- "7"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Keypad8,
- "8"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.Keypad9,
- "9"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.KeypadDivide,
- "/"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.KeypadPeriod,
- "."
- },
- {
- KeyCode.KeypadMultiply,
- "*"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.KeypadPlus,
- "+"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.KeypadMinus,
- "-"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.F1,
- "F1"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.F2,
- "F2"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.F3,
- "F3"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.F4,
- "F4"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.F5,
- "F5"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.F6,
- "F6"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.F7,
- "F7"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.F8,
- "F8"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.F9,
- "F9"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.F10,
- "F10"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.F11,
- "F11"
- },
- {
- KeyCode.F12,
- "F12"
- }
+ { KeyCode.Exclaim, "!" },
+ { KeyCode.DoubleQuote, "\"" },
+ { KeyCode.Hash, "#" },
+ { KeyCode.Dollar, "$" },
+ { KeyCode.Ampersand, "&" },
+ { KeyCode.Quote, "'" },
+ { KeyCode.LeftParen, "(" },
+ { KeyCode.RightParen, ")" },
+ { KeyCode.Asterisk, "*" },
+ { KeyCode.Plus, "+" },
+ { KeyCode.Comma, "," },
+ { KeyCode.Minus, "-" },
+ { KeyCode.Period, "." },
+ { KeyCode.Slash, "/" },
+ { KeyCode.Alpha0, "0" },
+ { KeyCode.Alpha1, "1" },
+ { KeyCode.Alpha2, "2" },
+ { KeyCode.Alpha3, "3" },
+ { KeyCode.Alpha4, "4" },
+ { KeyCode.Alpha5, "5" },
+ { KeyCode.Alpha6, "6" },
+ { KeyCode.Alpha7, "7" },
+ { KeyCode.Alpha8, "8" },
+ { KeyCode.Alpha9, "9" },
+ { KeyCode.Colon, ":" },
+ { KeyCode.Semicolon, ";" },
+ { KeyCode.Less, "<" },
+ { KeyCode.Equals, "=" },
+ { KeyCode.Greater, ">" },
+ { KeyCode.Question, "?" },
+ { KeyCode.At, "@" },
+ { KeyCode.LeftBracket, "[" },
+ { KeyCode.Backslash, "\\" },
+ { KeyCode.RightBracket, "]" },
+ { KeyCode.Caret, "^" },
+ { KeyCode.Underscore, "_" },
+ { KeyCode.BackQuote, "`" },
+ { KeyCode.A, "A" },
+ { KeyCode.B, "B" },
+ { KeyCode.C, "C" },
+ { KeyCode.D, "D" },
+ { KeyCode.E, "E" },
+ { KeyCode.F, "F" },
+ { KeyCode.G, "G" },
+ { KeyCode.H, "H" },
+ { KeyCode.I, "I" },
+ { KeyCode.J, "J" },
+ { KeyCode.K, "K" },
+ { KeyCode.L, "L" },
+ { KeyCode.M, "M" },
+ { KeyCode.N, "N" },
+ { KeyCode.O, "O" },
+ { KeyCode.P, "P" },
+ { KeyCode.Q, "Q" },
+ { KeyCode.R, "R" },
+ { KeyCode.S, "S" },
+ { KeyCode.T, "T" },
+ { KeyCode.U, "U" },
+ { KeyCode.V, "V" },
+ { KeyCode.W, "W" },
+ { KeyCode.X, "X" },
+ { KeyCode.Y, "Y" },
+ { KeyCode.Z, "Z" },
+ { KeyCode.Keypad0, "0" },
+ { KeyCode.Keypad1, "1" },
+ { KeyCode.Keypad2, "2" },
+ { KeyCode.Keypad3, "3" },
+ { KeyCode.Keypad4, "4" },
+ { KeyCode.Keypad5, "5" },
+ { KeyCode.Keypad6, "6" },
+ { KeyCode.Keypad7, "7" },
+ { KeyCode.Keypad8, "8" },
+ { KeyCode.Keypad9, "9" },
+ { KeyCode.KeypadDivide, "/" },
+ { KeyCode.KeypadPeriod, "." },
+ { KeyCode.KeypadMultiply, "*" },
+ { KeyCode.KeypadPlus, "+" },
+ { KeyCode.KeypadMinus, "-" },
+ { KeyCode.F1, "F1" },
+ { KeyCode.F2, "F2" },
+ { KeyCode.F3, "F3" },
+ { KeyCode.F4, "F4" },
+ { KeyCode.F5, "F5" },
+ { KeyCode.F6, "F6" },
+ { KeyCode.F7, "F7" },
+ { KeyCode.F8, "F8" },
+ { KeyCode.F9, "F9" },
+ { KeyCode.F10, "F10" },
+ { KeyCode.F11, "F11" },
+ { KeyCode.F12, "F12" }
private static readonly SByte WorldTitleMistContinent = 0;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/AbilityUI.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/AbilityUI.cs
index eb242e532..0857c23d2 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/AbilityUI.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/AbilityUI.cs
@@ -230,10 +230,12 @@ public override Boolean OnKeyConfirm(GameObject go)
Character player = FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.party.GetCharacter(this.currentPartyIndex);
this.currentAbilityIndex = go.GetComponent().ItemDataIndex;
Int32 abilId = this.aaIdList[this.currentAbilityIndex];
- this.canMultiTarget = this.IsMulti(abilId);
- if (abilId != 0 && ff9abil.IsAbilityActive(abilId))
- {
- if (this.CheckAAType(abilId, player) == AbilityType.Enable)
+ if (abilId != 0 && ff9abil.IsAbilityActive(abilId))
+ {
+ BattleAbilityId battleAbilId = ff9abil.GetActiveAbilityFromAbilityId(abilId);
+ BattleAbilityId patchedId = this.PatchAbility(battleAbilId);
+ this.canMultiTarget = this.IsMulti(patchedId);
+ if (this.CheckAAType(abilId, player) == AbilityType.Enable)
if (this.canMultiTarget)
@@ -259,7 +261,7 @@ public override Boolean OnKeyConfirm(GameObject go)
this.targetTransition.animatedInStartPosition = new Vector3(-1543f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
this.targetTransition.animatedOutEndPosition = new Vector3(-1543f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
- this.TargetListPanel.transform.localPosition = new Vector3((Single)(-TargetPositionXOffset - 60.0), 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ this.TargetListPanel.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-TargetPositionXOffset - 60f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
this.targetTransition.DestinationPosition = new Vector3[1]
@@ -373,7 +375,8 @@ public override Boolean OnKeyConfirm(GameObject go)
Int32 memberIndex = go.transform.GetSiblingIndex();
PLAYER caster = FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.party.member[this.currentPartyIndex];
BattleAbilityId abilId = ff9abil.GetActiveAbilityFromAbilityId(this.aaIdList[this.currentAbilityIndex]);
- AA_DATA aaData = FF9StateSystem.Battle.FF9Battle.aa_data[abilId];
+ BattleAbilityId patchedId = this.PatchAbility(abilId);
+ AA_DATA aaData = FF9StateSystem.Battle.FF9Battle.aa_data[patchedId];
if (!this.multiTarget)
canUseAbility = SFieldCalculator.FieldCalcMain(caster, FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.party.member[memberIndex], aaData, aaData.Ref.ScriptId, 0U);
@@ -397,7 +400,7 @@ public override Boolean OnKeyConfirm(GameObject go)
ButtonGroupState.ActiveGroup = ActionAbilityGroupButton;
- FF9StateSystem.EventState.IncreaseAAUsageCounter(abilId);
+ FF9StateSystem.EventState.IncreaseAAUsageCounter(patchedId);
BattleAchievement.IncreaseNumber(ref FF9StateSystem.Achievement.whtMag_no, 1);
AchievementManager.ReportAchievement(AcheivementKey.WhtMag200, FF9StateSystem.Achievement.whtMag_no);
@@ -905,8 +908,8 @@ private void DisplayAADetail(Transform item, ListDataTypeBase data, Int32 index,
BattleAbilityId battleAbilId = ff9abil.GetActiveAbilityFromAbilityId(abilityListData.Id);
ButtonGroupState.SetButtonAnimation(itemListDetailHud.Self, abilityListData.Type == AbilityType.Enable);
- Int32 mp = GetMp(FF9StateSystem.Battle.FF9Battle.aa_data[battleAbilId]);
- BattleAbilityId patchedId = this.PatchAbility(battleAbilId);
+ BattleAbilityId patchedId = this.PatchAbility(battleAbilId);
+ Int32 mp = GetMp(FF9StateSystem.Battle.FF9Battle.aa_data[patchedId]);
itemListDetailHud.NameLabel.text = FF9TextTool.ActionAbilityName(patchedId);
itemListDetailHud.NumberLabel.text = mp != 0 ? mp.ToString() : String.Empty;
if (abilityListData.Type == AbilityType.CantSpell)
@@ -1046,7 +1049,8 @@ private void DisplayTarget()
FF9UIDataTool.DisplayCharacterDetail(player, charHud);
FF9UIDataTool.DisplayCharacterAvatar(player, new Vector2(), new Vector2(), charHud.AvatarSprite, false);
- switch (ff9abil.GetActionAbility(this.aaIdList[this.currentAbilityIndex]).Info.DisplayStats)
+ AA_DATA patchedAbil = FF9StateSystem.Battle.FF9Battle.aa_data[this.PatchAbility(ff9abil.GetActiveAbilityFromAbilityId(this.aaIdList[this.currentAbilityIndex]))];
+ switch (patchedAbil.Info.DisplayStats)
case TargetDisplay.None:
case TargetDisplay.Hp:
@@ -1071,9 +1075,8 @@ private void DisplayTarget()
- private Boolean IsMulti(Int32 abil_id)
+ private Boolean IsMulti(BattleAbilityId battleAbilityId)
- BattleAbilityId battleAbilityId = ff9abil.GetActiveAbilityFromAbilityId(abil_id);
switch (FF9BattleDB.CharacterActions[battleAbilityId].Info.Target)
case TargetType.ManyAny:
@@ -1095,8 +1098,8 @@ private Boolean IsMulti(Int32 abil_id)
private AbilityType CheckAAType(Int32 abilityId, Character player)
- BattleAbilityId battleAbilId = ff9abil.GetActiveAbilityFromAbilityId(abilityId);
- AA_DATA aa_data = FF9BattleDB.CharacterActions[battleAbilId];
+ BattleAbilityId patchedId = this.PatchAbility(ff9abil.GetActiveAbilityFromAbilityId(abilityId));
+ AA_DATA patchedAbil = FF9BattleDB.CharacterActions[patchedId];
if (!this.equipmentPartInAbilityDict.ContainsKey(abilityId))
@@ -1115,7 +1118,7 @@ private AbilityType CheckAAType(Int32 abilityId, Character player)
- return (player.Data.status & BattleStatusConst.CannotUseAbilityInMenu) != 0 || (aa_data.Type & 1) == 0 || GetMp(aa_data) > player.Data.cur.mp ? AbilityType.CantSpell : AbilityType.Enable;
+ return (player.Data.status & BattleStatusConst.CannotUseAbilityInMenu) != 0 || (patchedAbil.Type & 1) == 0 || GetMp(patchedAbil) > player.Data.cur.mp ? AbilityType.CantSpell : AbilityType.Enable;
private AbilityType CheckSAType(Int32 abilityId, Character player)
@@ -1167,7 +1170,7 @@ private static BattleCommandId GetCommand(Int32 abil_id, Character play)
BattleCommandId cmdId = CharacterCommands.CommandSets[play.PresetId].GetRegular(commandNumber);
CharacterCommand ff9Command = CharacterCommands.Commands[cmdId];
foreach (BattleAbilityId abilId in ff9Command.EnumerateAbilities())
- if (BattleAbilityHelper.Patch(abilId, play.Data) == battleAbilId)
+ if (abilId == battleAbilId)
return cmdId;
return BattleCommandId.None;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/AllSoundDispatchPlayer.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/AllSoundDispatchPlayer.cs
index f850e68e4..0d47f24f1 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/AllSoundDispatchPlayer.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/AllSoundDispatchPlayer.cs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ public class AllSoundDispatchPlayer : SoundPlayer
public static Single NormalizeVolume(Int32 originalVolume)
- return (Single)originalVolume / 127f;
+ return Mathf.Clamp01((Single)originalVolume / 127f);
public static Int32 ReverseNormalizeVolume(Single normalizedVolume)
@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ public void UpdatePlayingMusicVolume()
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.SoundVolume * SoundLib.MusicPlayer.Volume, 0);
+ }
+ public void UpdatePlayingSoundEffectVolume()
+ {
AllSoundDispatchPlayer.PlayingSfx[] array = this.sfxResSlot;
for (Int32 i = 0; i < (Int32)array.Length; i++)
@@ -42,39 +46,19 @@ public void UpdatePlayingMusicVolume()
if (ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_IsExist(playingSfx.SoundID) != 0)
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(playingSfx.SoundID, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(playingSfx.SndEffectVol) * SoundLib.MusicPlayer.Volume, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- foreach (AllSoundDispatchPlayer.PlayingSfx playingSfx2 in this.sfxChanels)
- {
- if (playingSfx2 != null)
- {
- if (FF9Snd.GetIsExtEnvObjNo(playingSfx2.ObjNo))
- {
- if (ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_IsExist(playingSfx2.SoundID) != 0)
- {
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(playingSfx2.SoundID, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(playingSfx2.SndEffectVol) * SoundLib.MusicPlayer.Volume, 0);
- }
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(playingSfx.SoundID, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(playingSfx.SndEffectVol) * SoundLib.SoundEffectPlayer.Volume, 0);
- }
- public void UpdatePlayingSoundEffectVolume()
- {
foreach (AllSoundDispatchPlayer.PlayingSfx playingSfx in this.sfxChanels)
if (playingSfx != null)
- if (!FF9Snd.GetIsExtEnvObjNo(playingSfx.ObjNo))
+ if (ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_IsExist(playingSfx.SoundID) != 0)
- if (ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_IsExist(playingSfx.SoundID) != 0)
+ if (playingSfx.ObjNo != 1261 && playingSfx.ObjNo != 3096) // Why? - SamsamTS
- if (playingSfx.ObjNo != 1261 && playingSfx.ObjNo != 3096)
- {
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(playingSfx.SoundID, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(playingSfx.SndEffectVol) * SoundLib.SoundEffectPlayer.Volume, 0);
- }
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(playingSfx.SoundID, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(playingSfx.SndEffectVol) * SoundLib.SoundEffectPlayer.Volume, 0);
@@ -134,16 +118,17 @@ public void FF9SOUND_SONG_LOAD(Int32 ObjNo)
soundProfile.SoundVolume = 1f;
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, SoundLib.MusicPlayer.Volume, 0);
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetPause(soundProfile.SoundID, 1, 0);
Int16 fldMapNo = FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo;
if (fldMapNo == 503 && PersistenSingleton.Instance.eBin.getVarManually(EBin.SC_COUNTER_SVR) == 2970 && PersistenSingleton.Instance.eBin.getVarManually(EBin.MAP_INDEX_SVR) == 11 && ObjNo == 35)
+ // What is this for ? - SamsamTS
// Cargo Ship/Bridge
soundProfile.SoundVolume = 0f;
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.SoundVolume, 0);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, 0f, 0);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
this.currentMusicID = ObjNo;
this.StopAndClearSuspendBGM(ObjNo, true);
@@ -156,7 +141,7 @@ public void FF9SOUND_SONG_LOAD(Int32 ObjNo)
public void StopAndClearSuspendBGM(int ObjNo, Boolean SetCurrentMusic = false)
if (this.suspendBgmNo != -1 && ObjNo != this.suspendBgmNo)
@@ -192,7 +177,8 @@ public void FF9SOUND_SONG_PLAY(Int32 ObjNo, Int32 vol = 127, int time = 0)
if (soundProfile != null)
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Stop(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
+ if (time < MINIMUM_SONG_FADE_MS) time = MINIMUM_SONG_FADE_MS; // Add a fadeout for smoother transition
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Stop(soundProfile.SoundID, time);
this.currentMusicID = -1;
@@ -201,8 +187,8 @@ public void FF9SOUND_SONG_PLAY(Int32 ObjNo, Int32 vol = 127, int time = 0)
soundProfile.SoundVolume = AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(vol);
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, time * 1000);
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.SoundVolume * SoundLib.MusicPlayer.Volume, 0);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, time);
this.currentMusicID = ObjNo;
this.StopAndClearSuspendBGM(ObjNo, true);
@@ -213,7 +199,7 @@ public void FF9SOUND_SONG_PLAY(Int32 ObjNo, Int32 vol = 127, int time = 0)
if (soundProfile != null)
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetPause(soundProfile.SoundID, 0, time * 1000);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetPause(soundProfile.SoundID, 0, time);
soundProfile.SoundVolume = AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(vol);
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.SoundVolume * SoundLib.MusicPlayer.Volume, 0);
this.StopAndClearSuspendBGM(ObjNo, true);
@@ -270,7 +256,7 @@ public void FF9SOUND_SONG_STOP(int ObjNo)
if (soundProfile != null)
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Stop(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Stop(soundProfile.SoundID, MINIMUM_SONG_FADE_MS);
if (ObjNo == this.suspendBgmNo)
@@ -304,7 +290,7 @@ public void FF9SOUND_SONG_STOPCURRENT()
if (soundProfile != null)
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Stop(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Stop(soundProfile.SoundID, MINIMUM_SONG_FADE_MS);
this.currentMusicID = -1;
@@ -348,7 +334,7 @@ public void FF9SOUND_SONG_VOL_FADE(Int32 ObjNo, Int32 ticks, Int32 from, Int32 t
if (soundProfile != null)
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetPause(soundProfile.SoundID, 0, 0);
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(from), 0);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(from) * SoundLib.MusicPlayer.Volume, 0);
soundProfile.SoundVolume = AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(to);
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.SoundVolume * SoundLib.MusicPlayer.Volume, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.ConvertTickToMillisec(ticks));
@@ -459,10 +445,19 @@ public void FF9SOUND_SONG_SKIPPHRASE_MILLISEC(Int32 ObjNo, Int32 offsetTimeMSec)
if (soundProfile != null)
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Stop(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
- soundProfile.SoundID = ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_CreateSound(soundProfile.BankID);
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, offsetTimeMSec);
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, SoundLib.MusicPlayer.Volume, 0);
+ if (Configuration.Audio.Backend == 0)
+ {
+ Single volume = ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_GetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Stop(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
+ soundProfile.SoundID = ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_CreateSound(soundProfile.BankID);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, volume, 0);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, offsetTimeMSec);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This will seek with Soloud
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, offsetTimeMSec);
+ }
@@ -477,9 +472,9 @@ public void FF9SOUND_SNDEFFECT_PLAY(Int32 ObjNo, Int32 attr, Int32 pos, Int32 vo
soundProfile.Pitch = 1f;
if (this.TuneUpSoundEffectByObjNo(ObjNo, soundProfile) == 0)
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(vol) * SoundLib.SoundEffectPlayer.Volume, 0);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
AllSoundDispatchPlayer.PlayingSfx playingSfx = new AllSoundDispatchPlayer.PlayingSfx();
playingSfx.ObjNo = ObjNo;
@@ -524,10 +519,10 @@ private Int32 TuneUpSoundEffectByObjNo(Int32 ObjNo, SoundProfile soundProfile)
if (ObjNo == 1748)
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, 0.6f * SoundLib.SoundEffectPlayer.Volume, 0);
soundProfile.Pitch *= 0.6f;
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetPitch(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.Pitch, 0);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
return 1;
// TODO: This special way to handle this sound (Fire effect) seems to crash the game when the INI option "[Import] Audio" is used
@@ -541,6 +536,15 @@ private Int32 TuneUpSoundEffectByObjNo(Int32 ObjNo, SoundProfile soundProfile)
// ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetPitch(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.Pitch, 0);
// return 1;
+ if (ObjNo == 58 && Configuration.Audio.Backend > 0)
+ {
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, 0f, 0);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, SoundLib.SoundEffectPlayer.Volume, 300);
+ soundProfile.Pitch *= 0.8f;
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetPitch(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.Pitch, 0);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 900);
+ return 1;
+ }
return 0;
@@ -706,8 +710,8 @@ public void FF9SOUND_SNDEFFECTRES_PLAY(Int32 slot, Int32 ObjNo, Int32 attr, Int3
this.CreateSoundProfileIfNotExist(ObjNo, SoundProfileType.SoundEffect, delegate(SoundProfile soundProfile)
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(vol) * SoundLib.SoundEffectPlayer.Volume, 0);
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(vol) * SoundLib.MusicPlayer.Volume, 0);
AllSoundDispatchPlayer.PlayingSfx playingSfx = new AllSoundDispatchPlayer.PlayingSfx();
playingSfx.ObjNo = ObjNo;
playingSfx.SoundID = soundProfile.SoundID;
@@ -788,7 +792,7 @@ public void FF9SOUND_SNDEFFECTRES_RESTORE(Int32 slot)
else if (playingSfx.PrevSndEffectMapID == (Int32)FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo)
- this.FF9SOUND_SNDEFFECTRES_PLAY(slot, playingSfx.ObjNo, 0, 0, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.ReverseNormalizeVolume((Single)playingSfx.SndEffectVol));
+ this.FF9SOUND_SNDEFFECTRES_PLAY(slot, playingSfx.ObjNo, 0, 0, playingSfx.SndEffectVol);
@@ -806,7 +810,7 @@ public void FF9SOUND_SNDEFFECTRES_VOL(Int32 slot, Int32 ObjNo, Int32 attr, Int32
if (playingSfx.ObjNo == ObjNo)
playingSfx.SndEffectVol = vol;
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(playingSfx.SoundID, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(vol) * SoundLib.MusicPlayer.Volume, 0);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(playingSfx.SoundID, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(vol) * SoundLib.SoundEffectPlayer.Volume, 0);
@@ -826,7 +830,7 @@ public void FF9SOUND_SNDEFFECTRES_VOL_INTPL(Int32 slot, Int32 ObjNo, Int32 attr,
if (playingSfx.ObjNo == ObjNo)
playingSfx.SndEffectVol = to;
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(playingSfx.SoundID, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(to) * SoundLib.MusicPlayer.Volume, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.ConvertTickToMillisec(ticks));
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(playingSfx.SoundID, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(to) * SoundLib.SoundEffectPlayer.Volume, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.ConvertTickToMillisec(ticks));
@@ -844,7 +848,7 @@ public void FF9SOUND_SNDEFFECTRES_VOL_ALL(Int32 vol)
if (playingSfx != null)
playingSfx.SndEffectVol = vol;
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(playingSfx.SoundID, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(vol) * SoundLib.MusicPlayer.Volume, 0);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(playingSfx.SoundID, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(vol) * SoundLib.SoundEffectPlayer.Volume, 0);
@@ -861,7 +865,7 @@ public void FF9SOUND_SNDEFFECTRES_VOL_INTPLALL(Int32 ticks, Int32 to)
if (playingSfx != null)
playingSfx.SndEffectVol = to;
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(playingSfx.SoundID, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(to) * SoundLib.MusicPlayer.Volume, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.ConvertTickToMillisec(ticks));
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(playingSfx.SoundID, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.NormalizeVolume(to) * SoundLib.SoundEffectPlayer.Volume, AllSoundDispatchPlayer.ConvertTickToMillisec(ticks));
@@ -881,8 +885,8 @@ public void FF9SOUND_STREAM_PLAY(Int32 streamid, Int32 pos, Int32 reverb)
this.CreateSoundProfileIfNotExist(streamid, SoundProfileType.Song, delegate(SoundProfile soundProfile)
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, SoundLib.SoundEffectPlayer.Volume, 0);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
this.currentSongID = soundProfile.SoundIndex;
@@ -1397,12 +1401,14 @@ public void UpdatePlayingSoundEffectPitchFollowingGameSpeed()
- public override Single Volume => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public override Single Volume => throw new NotImplementedException();
- public const Int32 VOLUME_MAX = 127;
+ public const Int32 VOLUME_MAX = 127;
public const Int32 SNDEFFECTRES_SLOT_MAX = 2;
+ public const Int32 MINIMUM_SONG_FADE_MS = 500;
private Int32 currentMusicID = -1;
private Int32 suspendBgmNo = -1;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Asset/AssetManager.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Asset/AssetManager.cs
index 1993a26d0..b9a183778 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Asset/AssetManager.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Asset/AssetManager.cs
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
using Memoria.Prime.CSV;
using Memoria.Assets;
using Object = System.Object;
+using System.Reflection;
public static class AssetManager
@@ -33,7 +34,12 @@ public static class AssetManager
static AssetManager()
- AssetManager.IsFullyInitialized = false;
+ Version assemblyVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
+ DateTime assemblyDate = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1).AddDays(assemblyVersion.Build).AddSeconds(assemblyVersion.Revision * 2);
+ Log.Message($"[Initialization] Memoria version: {assemblyDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}");
+ Log.Message($"[Initialization] OS version: {Environment.OSVersion}");
+ AssetManager.IsFullyInitialized = false;
Array moduleList = Enum.GetValues(typeof(AssetManagerUtil.ModuleBundle));
String[] foldname = new String[Configuration.Mod.FolderNames.Length + 1];
String path;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/BGCAM_DEF.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/BGCAM_DEF.cs
index 95eca2624..3aad5d731 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/BGCAM_DEF.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/BGCAM_DEF.cs
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public Vector3 GetCamPos()
return new Vector3(this.t[0], this.t[1], this.t[2]);
- private void RefreshCache(Boolean force)
+ public void RefreshCache(Boolean force)
Int16 actualFieldWidth = FieldMap.PsxFieldWidth;
if (!force && _knownFieldWidth == actualFieldWidth)
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/BGOVERLAY_DEF.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/BGOVERLAY_DEF.cs
index ee715fcdc..f47f43bb9 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/BGOVERLAY_DEF.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/BGOVERLAY_DEF.cs
@@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ public BGOVERLAY_DEF()
this.startOffset = 0L;
this.spriteList = new List();
- this.isSpecialParallax = false;
- this.canCombine = true;
- this.isCreated = false;
- }
+ this.canCombine = true;
+ this.isCreated = false;
+ }
public void SetFlags(OVERLAY_FLAG flagDiff, Boolean isSet)
@@ -40,18 +39,18 @@ public void ReadData(BinaryReader reader)
this.orgZ = (UInt16)(buffer >> 20 & 0xFFFu);
this.w = reader.ReadUInt16();
this.h = reader.ReadUInt16();
- this.orgX = reader.ReadInt16();
- this.orgY = reader.ReadInt16();
- this.curX = reader.ReadInt16();
- this.curY = reader.ReadInt16();
+ this.orgX = (float)reader.ReadInt16();
+ this.orgY = (float)reader.ReadInt16();
+ this.curX = (float)reader.ReadInt16();
+ this.curY = (float)reader.ReadInt16();
this.minX = reader.ReadInt16();
this.maxX = reader.ReadInt16();
this.minY = reader.ReadInt16();
this.maxY = reader.ReadInt16();
- this.scrX = reader.ReadInt16();
- this.scrY = reader.ReadInt16();
- this.dX = reader.ReadInt16();
- this.dY = reader.ReadInt16();
+ this.scrX = (float)reader.ReadInt16();
+ this.scrY = (float)reader.ReadInt16();
+ this.scrollX = reader.ReadInt16();
+ this.scrollY = reader.ReadInt16();
this.fracX = reader.ReadInt16();
this.fracY = reader.ReadInt16();
Byte bitPos = 0;
@@ -72,28 +71,31 @@ public void ReadData(BinaryReader reader)
public UInt16 orgZ;
public UInt16 w;
public UInt16 h;
- public Int16 orgX;
- public Int16 orgY;
- public Int16 curX;
- public Int16 curY;
+ public float orgX;
+ public float orgY;
+ public float curX;
+ public float curY;
+ public float prevX;
+ public float prevY;
public Int16 minX;
public Int16 maxX;
public Int16 minY;
public Int16 maxY;
- public Int16 scrX;
- public Int16 scrY;
+ public float scrX;
+ public float scrY;
- public Int16 dX;
- public Int16 dY;
+ public Int16 scrollX; // negative is slower (further) than main, positive faster (closer)
+ public Int16 scrollY;
public Int16 fracX;
public Int16 fracY;
public Byte camNdx;
public Byte isXOffset;
- public UInt32 indnum;
+ public UInt32 indnum;
public Byte viewportNdx;
public UInt16 spriteCount;
@@ -110,13 +112,8 @@ public void ReadData(BinaryReader reader)
public Transform transform;
- public Boolean canCombine;
- public Boolean isCreated;
- public Boolean isSpecialParallax;
- public Single parallaxCurX;
- public Single parallaxCurY;
+ public Boolean canCombine;
+ public Boolean isCreated;
public Boolean isMemoria = false;
public Vector2 memoriaSize;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/BGSCENE_DEF.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/BGSCENE_DEF.cs
index e9795ab31..1ce5cd694 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/BGSCENE_DEF.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/BGSCENE_DEF.cs
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
using Memoria.Scripts;
using Global.TileSystem;
using System.Linq;
+using System.Globalization;
#pragma warning disable 169
#pragma warning disable 414
@@ -68,8 +69,8 @@ public class BGSCENE_DEF
public Int16 minY;
public Int16 maxY;
- public Int16 scrX;
- public Int16 scrY;
+ public float scrX;
+ public float scrY;
public String name;
@@ -221,8 +222,8 @@ private Boolean ProcessMemoriaOverlay(BGOVERLAY_DEF bgOverlay, String operation,
else if (operation == "Position" && arguments.Length >= 3)
- Int16.TryParse(arguments[0], out bgOverlay.orgX);
- Int16.TryParse(arguments[1], out bgOverlay.orgY);
+ float.TryParse(arguments[0], NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out bgOverlay.orgX);
+ float.TryParse(arguments[1], NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out bgOverlay.orgY);
UInt16.TryParse(arguments[2], out bgOverlay.orgZ);
bgOverlay.curX = bgOverlay.orgX;
bgOverlay.curY = bgOverlay.orgY;
@@ -511,7 +512,7 @@ public void ExportMemoriaBGX(String bgxExportPath)
bgsStr += $"Position: {this.orgX + bgOverlay.orgX + spriteMinX}, {this.orgY + bgOverlay.orgY + spriteMinY}, {this.orgZ + bgOverlay.orgZ + spriteMinZ}\n";
bgsStr += $"Size: {spriteMaxX - spriteMinX}, {spriteMaxY - spriteMinY}\n";
if ((bgOverlay.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScrollWithOffset) != 0)
- bgsStr += $"ScrollWithOffset: {bgOverlay.dX}, {bgOverlay.dY}\n";
+ bgsStr += $"ScrollWithOffset: {bgOverlay.scrollX}, {bgOverlay.scrollY}\n";
bgsStr += $"Image: {textureName}\n";
bgsStr += $"Shader: PSX/FieldMap_Abr_{(bgFirstSprite.trans == 0 ? "None" : Math.Min(3, (Int32)bgFirstSprite.alpha).ToString())}\n";
TextureHelper.WriteTextureToFile(texture, folder + textureName);
@@ -522,7 +523,7 @@ public void ExportMemoriaBGX(String bgxExportPath)
bgsStr += $"Position: {this.orgX + bgOverlay.orgX}, {bgOverlay.orgY}, {bgOverlay.orgZ}\n";
bgsStr += $"Size: {bgOverlay.memoriaSize.x}, {bgOverlay.memoriaSize.y}\n";
if ((bgOverlay.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScrollWithOffset) != 0)
- bgsStr += $"ScrollWithOffset: {bgOverlay.dX}, {bgOverlay.dY}\n";
+ bgsStr += $"ScrollWithOffset: {bgOverlay.scrollX}, {bgOverlay.scrollY}\n";
bgsStr += $"Image: {textureName}\n";
bgsStr += $"Shader: {bgOverlay.memoriaMaterial.shader.name}\n";
TextureHelper.WriteTextureToFile(bgOverlay.memoriaImage, folder + textureName);
@@ -1425,8 +1426,8 @@ private void doCreateAtlas(List layers, List overlays,
// okay guise let's get a tile
- int grabX = (overlayInfo.curX + spriteInfo.offX - tileSystem.MinX) / 16;
- int grabY = (overlayInfo.curY + spriteInfo.offY - tileSystem.MinY) / 16;
+ int grabX = ((short)overlayInfo.curX + spriteInfo.offX - tileSystem.MinX) / 16;
+ int grabY = ((short)overlayInfo.curY + spriteInfo.offY - tileSystem.MinY) / 16;
Tile memoriaTile = memoriaOverlay.GetTile(grabX, grabY);
copyHelper.CopyTile(atlasArray, atlasSide, atlasX, atlasY, memoriaTile, memoriaOverlay, false);
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/BGSPRITE_LOC_DEF.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/BGSPRITE_LOC_DEF.cs
index 3d151a2dc..fd3ccd062 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/BGSPRITE_LOC_DEF.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/BGSPRITE_LOC_DEF.cs
@@ -35,38 +35,27 @@ public void ReadData_BGSPRITELOC_DEF(BinaryReader reader)
this.offX = (UInt16)BitUtil.ReadBits(input, ref b, 10);
- public UInt16 clutY;
public UInt16 clutX;
- public Byte texY;
+ public UInt16 clutY;
public Byte texX;
+ public Byte texY;
public Byte res;
public Byte alpha;
- public Byte v;
public Byte u;
- public UInt16 h;
+ public Byte v;
public UInt16 w;
+ public UInt16 h;
public Byte trans;
public Byte pad;
public Int32 depth;
- public UInt16 offY;
public UInt16 offX;
+ public UInt16 offY;
public UInt16 atlasX;
public UInt16 atlasY;
public Int64 startOffset;
@@ -75,5 +64,5 @@ public void ReadData_BGSPRITELOC_DEF(BinaryReader reader)
public Transform transform;
- public Vector3 cacheLocalPos;
+ public Vector3 cacheLocalPos;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Config/ConfigUI.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Config/ConfigUI.cs
index e51bb2021..9ba9a529f 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Config/ConfigUI.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Config/ConfigUI.cs
@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ public enum Configurator
- ATBMode
+ ATBMode,
+ AutoText
public enum ATBMode
@@ -1269,6 +1270,9 @@ private void DisplayConfigValue()
int mode = Configuration.Battle.ATBMode >= 3 ? 3 : Configuration.Battle.ATBMode;
current.Value = mode / 3f;
+ case Configurator.AutoText:
+ current.Value = Configuration.VoiceActing.AutoDismissDialogAfterCompletion ? 0 : 1;
+ break;
current.Value = 0f;
@@ -1451,6 +1455,10 @@ private void setConfigValue(GameObject configGameObject, Single value, Boolean i
Configuration.Battle.ATBMode = mode >= 3 ? 5 : mode;
+ case Configurator.AutoText:
+ Configuration.VoiceActing.AutoDismissDialogAfterCompletion = configField.Value == 0;
+ Configuration.VoiceActing.SaveAutoText();
+ break;
configField.Value = 0f;
@@ -1510,6 +1518,34 @@ private void ListComponents(GameObject go, int indent = 0)
+ private GameObject CreateChoice(GameObject template, Configurator id, String choice1, String choice2, int siblingIndex)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ GameObject go = Instantiate(template);
+ go.transform.parent = template.transform.parent;
+ go.transform.localPosition = template.transform.localPosition;
+ go.transform.localScale = template.transform.localScale;
+ go.transform.SetSiblingIndex(siblingIndex);
+ go.name = $"{id} Panel - Choice";
+ go.GetComponent().ID = (int)id;
+ if (siblingIndex <= fieldMessageConfigIndex)
+ fieldMessageConfigIndex++;
+ var locs = go.GetComponentsInChildren();
+ locs[0].key = id.ToString();
+ if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(choice1)) locs[1].key = choice1;
+ if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(choice2)) locs[2].key = choice2;
+ return go;
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ Log.Error($"[ConfigUI] Couldn't create silder\n{ex.Message}\n{ex.StackTrace}");
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
private GameObject CreateSlider(GameObject template, Configurator id, int siblingIndex)
@@ -1572,15 +1608,20 @@ private void Awake()
FadingComponent = ScreenFadeGameObject.GetComponent();
ConfigFieldList = new List();
- // Adding the volume sliders
- GameObject template = SliderMenuTemplate;
- CreateVolumeSlider(template, Configurator.SoundVolume, 0);
- CreateVolumeSlider(template, Configurator.MusicVolume, 1);
- CreateVolumeSlider(template, Configurator.MovieVolume, 2);
+ // Adding the volume sliders and auto-text
+ GameObject sliderTemplate = SliderMenuTemplate;
+ GameObject choiceTemplate = ConfigList.GetChild(1).GetChild(0).GetChild(0);
+ CreateVolumeSlider(sliderTemplate, Configurator.SoundVolume, 0);
+ CreateVolumeSlider(sliderTemplate, Configurator.MusicVolume, 1);
+ CreateVolumeSlider(sliderTemplate, Configurator.MovieVolume, 2);
if (Configuration.VoiceActing.Enabled)
- CreateVolumeSlider(template, Configurator.VoiceVolume, 3);
+ {
+ CreateVolumeSlider(sliderTemplate, Configurator.VoiceVolume, 3);
+ CreateChoice(choiceTemplate, Configurator.AutoText, null, null, 4);
+ }
- CreateATBModeSlider(template, Configurator.ATBMode, 9);
+ CreateATBModeSlider(sliderTemplate, Configurator.ATBMode, 9);
foreach (Transform trans in ConfigList.GetChild(1).GetChild(0).transform)
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/EBG_ATTACH_DEF.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/EBG_ATTACH_DEF.cs
index 279e7bad8..a32c5ee7f 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/EBG_ATTACH_DEF.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/EBG_ATTACH_DEF.cs
@@ -3,16 +3,10 @@
public class EBG_ATTACH_DEF
public SByte surroundMode;
public Byte r;
public Byte g;
public Byte b;
public Int16 ndx;
public Int16 x;
public Int16 y;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Event/Engine/EventEngine.DoEventCode.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Event/Engine/EventEngine.DoEventCode.cs
index 4abc79b5c..b82a58930 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Event/Engine/EventEngine.DoEventCode.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Event/Engine/EventEngine.DoEventCode.cs
@@ -568,6 +568,11 @@ public Int32 DoEventCode()
num12 = 2970;
+ else if (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 53) // fix for scene where Blank jumps in hole, position adjustment
+ {
+ if (num11 == 250 && num12 == 1200)
+ num11 = 330;
+ }
Boolean flag2 = this.MoveToward_mixed((Single)num11, 0.0f, (Single)num12, 0, (PosObj)null);
eulerAngles1 = po.go.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles;
if (flag2)
@@ -1386,6 +1391,7 @@ public Int32 DoEventCode()
case EBin.event_code_binary.BGSSCROLL:
+ //this.fieldmap.EBG_scene2DScroll((float)this.getv2(), (float)this.getv2(), (UInt16)this.getv1(), (UInt32)this.getv1());
this.fieldmap.EBG_scene2DScroll((Int16)this.getv2(), (Int16)this.getv2(), (UInt16)this.getv1(), (UInt32)this.getv1());
return 0;
@@ -1602,6 +1608,9 @@ public Int32 DoEventCode()
case EBin.event_code_binary.CFLAG:
Int32 cflag = (Int32)(Byte)this.getv1();
+ // Hotfix: do not hide NPCs when they are offscreen for widescreen compatibility
+ if (cflag == 14 && FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 103 && this.gCur.uid >= 6 && this.gCur.uid <= 17) // In Alexandria/Square, many NPCs and the Jump Rope
+ return 0;
if ((Int32)FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 2934 && MBG.Instance.GetFrame < 10)
this.StartCoroutine(this.DelayedCFLAG(this.gCur, cflag));
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Event/Engine/EventEngine.GetSysvar.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Event/Engine/EventEngine.GetSysvar.cs
index 03e35c397..c4c116233 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Event/Engine/EventEngine.GetSysvar.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Event/Engine/EventEngine.GetSysvar.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
using System;
+using System.Reflection;
using FF9;
using UnityEngine;
+using Memoria;
public partial class EventEngine
@@ -14,7 +16,7 @@ public Int32 GetSysvar(Int32 code)
num = Comn.random8();
case 1:
- num = this.fieldmap.GetCurrentCameraIndex();
+ num = this.fieldmap.camIdx;
case 2:
num = (Int32)this._context.usercontrol;
@@ -75,10 +77,21 @@ public Int32 GetSysvar(Int32 code)
case 19:
num = FF9StateSystem.MiniGame.GetNumberOfCards();
+ // Hotfix: in non-modded scripts, number of cards are retrieved either:
+ // - in order to check if the player has at least 5 (for playing with NPCs)
+ // - in order to check if the player has less than 100 (for preventing a card pickup)
+ // - in very special cases (Ticketmaster gifts / finding Hippaul secret cards), in order to check if the player has less than 96 or 98
+ // So we use "Min(95, CardCount)" here except when the card count approaches the MaxCardCount
+ if (Configuration.TetraMaster.MaxCardCount != 100)
+ num = num + 4 >= Configuration.TetraMaster.MaxCardCount ? 100 - (Configuration.TetraMaster.MaxCardCount - num) : Math.Min(num, 95);
//Debug.Log((object)("num of cards = " + (object)num));
case 20:
num = Convert.ToInt32(FF9StateSystem.Settings.time);
+ if (Configuration.Hacks.ExcaliburIINoTimeLimit && FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 2919) {
+ num = 0;
+ break;
+ }
if (num > 8388607)
num = 8388607;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Event/Engine/EventEngine.ProcessEvents.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Event/Engine/EventEngine.ProcessEvents.cs
index 7101ba891..65b3431d1 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Event/Engine/EventEngine.ProcessEvents.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Event/Engine/EventEngine.ProcessEvents.cs
@@ -316,6 +316,7 @@ public Int32 ProcessEvents()
BGCAM_DEF new_camera_view = this.fieldmap.scene.cameraList[this.fieldmap.camIdx];
this.fieldmap.EBG_scene2DScroll((Int16)((new_camera_view.vrpMinX + new_camera_view.vrpMaxX) / 2), (Int16)((new_camera_view.vrpMinY + new_camera_view.vrpMaxY) / 2), 1, 0);
+ //this.fieldmap.EBG_scene2DScroll((float)((new_camera_view.vrpMinX + new_camera_view.vrpMaxX) / 2), (float)((new_camera_view.vrpMinY + new_camera_view.vrpMaxY) / 2), 1, 0);
else if (this.sExternalFieldFade < 510 && this.sExternalFieldFade + 25 >= 510)
@@ -430,6 +431,7 @@ public Int32 ProcessEvents()
new_camera_position.x += cameraMove.x * 5f;
new_camera_position.x = Mathf.Clamp(new_camera_position.x, bgCamera.vrpMinX, bgCamera.vrpMaxX);
new_camera_position.y = Mathf.Clamp(new_camera_position.y, bgCamera.vrpMinY, bgCamera.vrpMaxY);
+ //this.fieldmap.EBG_scene2DScroll(new_camera_position[0], new_camera_position[1], 1, 0);
this.fieldmap.EBG_scene2DScroll((Int16)new_camera_position[0], (Int16)new_camera_position[1], 1, 0);
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Field/Map/Actor/FieldMapActorController.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Field/Map/Actor/FieldMapActorController.cs
index 528d6972d..e3208b526 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Field/Map/Actor/FieldMapActorController.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Field/Map/Actor/FieldMapActorController.cs
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
using UnityEngine;
using Memoria;
using Object = System.Object;
+using Memoria.Prime;
+using static Memoria.Configuration;
public partial class FieldMapActorController : HonoBehavior
@@ -321,15 +323,15 @@ public void UpdateMovement(Boolean copyLastPos = true)
this.isMoving = false;
if (this.isPlayer)
- if (PersistenSingleton.Instance.GetUserControl() || FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 1751 || FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 404 || (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 205 && this.originalActor.sid == 16) || (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 2150 && this.originalActor.sid == 13) || (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 900 && this.originalActor.sid == 13))
- {
- // Iifa Tree/Inner Roots (entrance after elevator)
- // or Dali/Entrance
- // or Prima Vista/Hallway (front of Steiner's cell), Steiner
- // or L. Castle/Royal Chamber, Zidane
- // or Treno/Pub, Dagger
- if (copyLastPos)
- this.CopyLastPos();
+ if (PersistenSingleton.Instance.GetUserControl()
+ || FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 1751 // Iifa Tree/Inner Roots (entrance after elevator)
+ || FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 404 // Dali underground Entrance
+ || (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 205 && this.originalActor.sid == 16) //Prima Vista/ Hallway(front of Steiner's cell), Steiner
+ || (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 2150 && this.originalActor.sid == 13) //L. Castle/Royal Chamber, Zidane
+ || (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 900 && this.originalActor.sid == 13)) //Treno/Pub, Dagger
+ {
+ if (!PersistenSingleton.Instance.GetUserControl() || copyLastPos)
+ this.CopyLastPos();
if (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 916 && this.originalActor.uid == 10 && this.curPos.z > -15900f && this.curPos.z < -15700f && this.curPos.x < 130f)
@@ -345,13 +347,12 @@ public void UpdateMovement(Boolean copyLastPos = true)
- if ((FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 2050 && this.originalActor.sid == 5) || (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 350 && this.originalActor.sid == 11) || (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 1315 && this.originalActor.sid == 12))
- {
- // Alexandria/Main Street, Mistodon
- // or Dali/Village Road, Dali_GirlA
- // or Lindblum/Town Walls, Lindblum_Soldier
- if (copyLastPos)
- this.CopyLastPos();
+ if ((FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 2050 && this.originalActor.sid == 5) // Alexandria/Main Street, Mistodon
+ || (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 350 && this.originalActor.sid == 11) // Dali/Village Road, Dali_GirlA
+ || (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 1315 && this.originalActor.sid == 12)) // Lindblum/Town Walls, Lindblum_Soldier
+ {
+ if (!PersistenSingleton.Instance.GetUserControl() || copyLastPos)
+ this.CopyLastPos();
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Field/Map/FieldMap.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Field/Map/FieldMap.cs
index 1059b4de6..bb91c007f 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Field/Map/FieldMap.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Field/Map/FieldMap.cs
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
using Memoria;
using Memoria.Scripts;
using Object = System.Object;
+using Memoria.Prime;
+using Assets.Scripts.Common;
public enum FieldMapFlags : uint
@@ -25,7 +27,6 @@ public enum FieldMapFlags : uint
Unknown128 = 128,
public class FieldMap : HonoBehavior
public FieldMap()
@@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ public override void HonoAwake()
this.rainRenderer = goCamera.AddComponent();
this.camIdx = 0;
+ //Log.Message("HonoAwake() this.camIdx = 0;");
this.curCamIdx = -1;
this.charAimHeight = 324;
this.mapName = FF9StateSystem.Field.SceneName;
@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ public override void HonoAwake()
HonoBehaviorSystem.TargetFrameTime = 0.0333333351f;
this.attachList = new EBG_ATTACH_DEF[10];
this.isBattleBackupPos = false;
- this.EBG_init();
+ this.BG_init();
if (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 2507) // I. Castle/Stairwell, room with ladders and stairs
@@ -183,9 +185,7 @@ public Camera GetMainCamera()
public BGCAM_DEF GetCurrentBgCamera()
- if (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 70) // Opening-For FMV
- return null;
- if (this.curCamIdx < 0 || this.curCamIdx > this.scene.cameraList.Count)
+ if (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 70 || this.curCamIdx < 0 || this.curCamIdx > this.scene.cameraList.Count)
return null;
return this.scene.cameraList[this.camIdx];
@@ -217,12 +217,12 @@ public void ChangeFieldMap(String name)
public void CreateBorder(Int32 overlayNdx, Byte r, Byte g, Byte b)
- BGOVERLAY_DEF bgoverlay_DEF = this.scene.overlayList[overlayNdx];
+ BGOVERLAY_DEF bgOverlay = this.scene.overlayList[overlayNdx];
Material material = new Material(ShadersLoader.Find("PSX/FieldMap_Abr_None"));
for (Int32 i = 0; i < 4; i++)
GameObject gameObject = new GameObject("border" + i.ToString("D3"));
- gameObject.transform.parent = bgoverlay_DEF.transform;
+ gameObject.transform.parent = bgOverlay.transform;
gameObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
gameObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
gameObject.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
@@ -241,27 +241,27 @@ public void CreateBorder(Int32 overlayNdx, Byte r, Byte g, Byte b)
case 0:
width = -this.scene.cameraList[index].vrpMinX;
- height = bgoverlay_DEF.h;
+ height = bgOverlay.h;
posX = 0;
posY = height;
case 1:
width = this.scene.cameraList[index].vrpMinX;
- height = bgoverlay_DEF.h;
- posX = bgoverlay_DEF.w;
+ height = bgOverlay.h;
+ posX = bgOverlay.w;
posY = height;
case 2:
- width = bgoverlay_DEF.w;
+ width = bgOverlay.w;
height = this.scene.cameraList[index].vrpMinY;
posX = 0;
posY = 0;
case 3:
- width = bgoverlay_DEF.w;
+ width = bgOverlay.w;
height = -this.scene.cameraList[0].vrpMinY;
posX = 0;
- posY = bgoverlay_DEF.h;
+ posY = bgOverlay.h;
vertList.Add(new Vector3(posX, posY - height, 0f));
@@ -309,8 +309,19 @@ public override void HonoUpdate()
- this.EBG_animationService();
- this.EBG_attachService();
+ this.BgAnimationService();
+ this.BgAttachService();
+ }
+ public override void HonoLateUpdate()
+ {
+ this.SceneService2DScroll();
+ this.SceneService3DScroll();
+ if (Configuration.Graphics.InitializeWidescreenSupport())
+ OnWidescreenSupportChanged();
+ this.CenterCameraOnPlayer();
+ this.SceneServiceScroll(this.scene);
+ this.UpdateOverlayAll();
public override void HonoOnGUI()
@@ -386,22 +397,6 @@ public static Int32 ff9fieldCharGetActiveList(List CharArray)
return result;
- public override void HonoLateUpdate()
- {
- this.EBG_sceneService2DScroll();
- this.EBG_sceneService3DScroll();
- this.EBG_sceneServiceScroll(this.scene);
- if (Configuration.Graphics.InitializeWidescreenSupport())
- OnWidescreenSupportChanged();
- this.CenterCameraOnPlayer();
- this.UpdateOverlayAll();
- }
- public Int32 GetCurrentCameraIndex()
- {
- return this.camIdx;
- }
public void SetCurrentCameraIndex(Int32 newCamIdx)
if (this.camIdx == newCamIdx)
@@ -413,6 +408,7 @@ public void SetCurrentCameraIndex(Int32 newCamIdx)
BGCAM_DEF bgCamera = this.scene.cameraList[this.camIdx];
Vector2 centerOffset = bgCamera.GetCenterOffset();
this.offset.x = centerOffset.x + bgCamera.w / 2 - HalfFieldWidth;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("SetCurrentCameraIndex(" + newCamIdx + ") | this.offset.x(" + this.offset.x + ") = centerOffset.x(" + centerOffset.x + ") + bgCamera.w(" + bgCamera.w + ") / 2 - HalfFieldWidth(" + HalfFieldWidth + ")");
this.offset.y = -centerOffset.y - bgCamera.h / 2 + HalfFieldHeight;
Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_OffsetX", this.offset.x);
Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_OffsetY", this.offset.y);
@@ -430,11 +426,17 @@ public void SetCurrentCameraIndex(Int32 newCamIdx)
this.flags |= FieldMapFlags.Unknown128;
+ SmoothCamDelay = 6;
+ SmoothCamActive = (!SmoothCamExcludeMaps.Contains(FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo));
+ String camIdxIfCam = this.scene.cameraList.Count > 1 ? "-" + this.camIdx : "";
+ PlayerWindow.Instance.SetTitle($"Map: {FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo}{camIdxIfCam} ({FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.mapNameStr}) | Index/Counter: {PersistenSingleton.Instance.eBin.getVarManually(EBin.MAP_INDEX_SVR)}/{PersistenSingleton.Instance.eBin.getVarManually(EBin.SC_COUNTER_SVR)} | Loc: {FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldLocNo}");
+ if (dbug) Log.Message(" |_ SetCurrentCameraIndex | ShaderMulX: " + ShaderMulX + " | bgCamera.depthOffset: " + bgCamera.depthOffset + " | bgCamera.vrpMaxX " + bgCamera.vrpMaxX + " | bgCamera.depthOffset: " + bgCamera.depthOffset + " | this.scene.maxX: " + this.scene.maxX);
public static Boolean IsNarrowMap()
- return NarrowMapList.IsCurrentMapNarrow();
+ //Log.Message("NarrowMapList.IsCurrentMapNarrow((Int32)CalcPsxFieldWidth()) " + NarrowMapList.IsCurrentMapNarrow((Int32)CalcPsxFieldWidth()));
+ return NarrowMapList.IsCurrentMapNarrow((Int32)CalcPsxFieldWidth());
public void LoadFieldMap(String name)
@@ -452,6 +454,7 @@ public void LoadFieldMap(String name)
BGCAM_DEF bgCamera = this.scene.cameraList[this.camIdx];
Vector2 centerOffset = bgCamera.GetCenterOffset();
this.offset.x = centerOffset.x + bgCamera.w / 2 - HalfFieldWidth;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("LoadFieldMap(" + FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo + " | this.offset.x(" + this.offset.x + ") = centerOffset.x(" + centerOffset.x + ") + bgCamera.w(" + bgCamera.w + ") / 2 - HalfFieldWidth(" + HalfFieldWidth + ")");
this.offset.y = -centerOffset.y - bgCamera.h / 2 + HalfFieldHeight;
Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_OffsetX", this.offset.x);
Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_OffsetY", this.offset.y);
@@ -468,8 +471,30 @@ public void LoadFieldMap(String name)
+ SmoothCamDelay = 6;
+ SmoothCamActive = (!SmoothCamExcludeMaps.Contains(FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo));
FPSManager.DelayMainLoop(Time.realtimeSinceStartup - loadStartTime);
- }
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("_ LoadFieldMap | ShaderMulX: " + ShaderMulX + " | bgCamera.depthOffset: " + bgCamera.depthOffset + " | bgCamera.vrpMaxX " + bgCamera.vrpMaxX + " | bgCamera.depthOffset: " + bgCamera.depthOffset + " | this.scene.maxX: " + this.scene.maxX);
+ }
+ public static readonly HashSet SmoothCamExcludeMaps = new HashSet()
+ {
+ 575, // Hunting festival
+ 767, // Burmecia, the queen slides from her layer
+ 1754, // Fast scroll on Iifa platform buggy
+ 3000, // ending
+ 3001,
+ 3002,
+ 3003,
+ 3004,
+ 3005,
+ 3006,
+ 3007,
+ 3008,
+ 3009,
+ 3010,
+ 3011,
+ 3012,
+ };
public void ActivateCamera()
@@ -565,11 +590,11 @@ public void RestoreShadowOff(int actorUid, Actor actorOfObj)
private void SetCharScale(Actor actorOfObj, int sx, int sy, int sz)
- int num = 18;
+ int scalingFactor = 18;
if (actorOfObj != null)
if (actorOfObj.go != null)
- geo.geoScaleSetXYZ(actorOfObj.go, sx << 24 >> num, sy << 24 >> num, sz << 24 >> num);
+ geo.geoScaleSetXYZ(actorOfObj.go, sx << 24 >> scalingFactor, sy << 24 >> scalingFactor, sz << 24 >> scalingFactor);
actorOfObj.scaley = (byte)sy;
@@ -675,21 +700,25 @@ public void CenterCameraOnPlayer()
if (this.curCamIdx < 0 || this.curCamIdx > this.scene.cameraList.Count)
- BGCAM_DEF bgcam_DEF = this.scene.cameraList[this.camIdx];
+ BGCAM_DEF bgCamera = this.scene.cameraList[this.camIdx];
Vector3 localPosition = camera.transform.localPosition;
- localPosition.x = bgcam_DEF.centerOffset[0] + this.charOffset.x;
- localPosition.y = bgcam_DEF.centerOffset[1] - this.charOffset.y;
+ float CamPositionX = bgCamera.centerOffset[0] + this.charOffset.x;
+ float CamPositionY = bgCamera.centerOffset[1] - this.charOffset.y;
+ //Log.Message("bgCamera.centerOffset[0] begin center camera on player " + bgCamera.centerOffset[0]);
- if (Configuration.Graphics.InitializeWidescreenSupport())
+ if (Configuration.Graphics.InitializeWidescreenSupport() && map != 931)
- Int32 threshmargin = Math.Min(bgcam_DEF.w - PsxFieldWidth, 0); // Offset value for fields that are between 320 & 398
- if (!IsNarrowMap() && map != 507) // Cargo Ship/Deck
+ Int32 mapWidth = NarrowMapList.MapWidth(map);
+ Int32 threshmargin = Math.Min((Int32)bgCamera.w - PsxFieldWidth, 0); // Offset value for fields that are between 320 & 398
+ //if (dbug) Log.Message("PsxFieldWidth" + PsxFieldWidth);
+ if (mapWidth > PsxFieldWidth && map != 507) // Cargo Ship/Deck
- foreach (KeyValuePair entry in mapCameraMargin)
+ foreach (KeyValuePair entry in NarrowMapList.mapCameraMargin)
if (map == entry.Key)
threshmargin = entry.Value;
- Int32 threshright = bgcam_DEF.w - PsxFieldWidth - threshmargin;
+ Int32 threshright = bgCamera.w - PsxFieldWidth - threshmargin;
if (map == 103 || map == 1853 || map == 2053 || map == 2606) // Exceptions in alex center, branbal
threshmargin += 16;
@@ -698,268 +727,69 @@ public void CenterCameraOnPlayer()
else if (map == 2923) // Exception in crystal world
threshmargin += 20;
- localPosition.x = (Int32)Math.Max(threshmargin, localPosition.x);
- localPosition.x = (Int32)Math.Min(threshright, localPosition.x);
+ CamPositionX = (float)Math.Max(threshmargin, CamPositionX);
+ CamPositionX = (float)Math.Min(threshright, CamPositionX);
- else if (map == 1205 || map == 1652 || map == 2552)
+ else if (map == 1205 || map == 1652 || map == 2552 || map == 154 || map == 1215 || map == 1807) // A. Castle/Chapel, Iifa Tree/Roots, Earth Shrine/Interior, Alex grand hall
- // A. Castle/Chapel, Iifa Tree/Roots or Earth Shrine/Interior
if (map == 1652 && this.camIdx == 0) // Iifa Tree/Roots
threshmargin += 16;
- Int32 threshright = bgcam_DEF.w - PsxFieldWidth - threshmargin;
- localPosition.x = (Int32)Math.Max(threshmargin, localPosition.x);
- localPosition.x = (Int32)Math.Min(threshright, localPosition.x);
+ Int32 threshright = bgCamera.w - PsxFieldWidth - threshmargin;
+ CamPositionX = (float)Math.Max(threshmargin, CamPositionX);
+ CamPositionX = (float)Math.Min(threshright, CamPositionX);
else if (IsNarrowMap())
- foreach (KeyValuePair entry in actualNarrowMapWidthDict)
- if (map == entry.Key)
- localPosition.x = (Int32)((bgcam_DEF.w - entry.Value) / 2);
- switch (map) // offsets for scrolling maps stretched to WS
+ if (mapWidth <= PsxFieldWidth && mapWidth > 320)
- case 456: // Dali Mountain/Summit
- localPosition.x = 160;
- break;
- case 505: // Cargo ship offset
- localPosition.x = 105;
- break;
- case 1153: // Rose Rouge cockpit offset
- localPosition.x = 175;
- break;
- default:
- break;
+ CamPositionX = (float)((bgCamera.w - mapWidth) / 2);
- if (Configuration.Graphics.ScreenIs16to10())
- {
- switch (map) // offsets for scrolling maps stretched to WS
- {
- case 456: // Dali Mountain/Summit
- localPosition.x = 160 + 35;
- break;
- case 505: // Cargo ship offset
- localPosition.x = 105 - 35;
- break;
- case 1153: // Rose Rouge cockpit offset
- localPosition.x = 175 - 35;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
+ switch (map) // offsets for scrolling maps stretched to WS
+ {
+ case 456: // Dali Mountain/Summit
+ CamPositionX = Configuration.Graphics.ScreenIs16to10() ? 195 : 160; break;
+ case 505: // Cargo ship offset
+ CamPositionX = Configuration.Graphics.ScreenIs16to10() ? 70 : 105; break;
+ case 1153: // Rose Rouge cockpit offset
+ CamPositionX = Configuration.Graphics.ScreenIs16to10() ? 140 : 175; break;
+ case 2716: // fix for Kuja descending camera too high
+ CamPositionY = (float)Math.Min(0, CamPositionY); break;
+ default:
+ break;
- camera.transform.localPosition = localPosition;
- }
+ if (SmoothCamActive)
+ {
+ if (SmoothCamDelay <= 0)
+ {
+ SmoothCamDelta.x = (Prev_CamPositionX - CamPositionX) * (float)(SmoothCamPercent() / 100f);
+ CamPositionX += SmoothCamDelta.x;
+ Prev_CamPositionX = CamPositionX;
+ SmoothCamDelta.y = (Prev_CamPositionY - CamPositionY) * (float)(SmoothCamPercent() / 100f);
+ CamPositionY += SmoothCamDelta.y;
+ Prev_CamPositionY = CamPositionY;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SmoothCamDelay -= 1;
+ Prev_CamPositionX = CamPositionX;
+ Prev_CamPositionY = CamPositionY;
+ }
+ }
+ localPosition.x = CamPositionX;
+ localPosition.y = CamPositionY;
- private static readonly Dictionary mapCameraMargin = new Dictionary
- {
- //{mapNo,pixels on each side to crop because of scrollable}
- {1051,8},
- {1057,16},
- {1058,16},
- {1060,16},
- {1652,16},
- {1653,16},
- };
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("CenterCameraOnPlayer | X: " + CamPositionX + " Y:" + CamPositionY);
- public static readonly Dictionary actualNarrowMapWidthDict = new Dictionary
- {
- //{mapNo,(actualWidth - 2)}
- {203,334},
- {502,334},
- {503,334},
- {760,334},
- {814,334},
- {816,334},
- {1151,334},
- {1458,334},
- {1500,334},
- {1506,334},
- {1605,334},
- {1606,334},
- {1608,334},
- {1660,334},
- {1661,334},
- {1662,334},
- {1705,334},
- {1707,334},
- {1751,334},
- {2202,334},
- {2204,334},
- {2205,334},
- {2208,334},
- {2254,334},
- {2257,334},
- {2303,334},
- {2365,334},
- {2513,334},
- {2756,334},
- {2932,334},
- {3057,334},
- {114,350},
- {550,350},
- {620,350},
- {802,350},
- {803,350},
- {1212,350},
- {1300,350},
- {1370,350},
- {1508,350},
- {1650,350},
- {1752,350},
- {1757,350},
- {1863,350},
- {1951,350},
- {1952,350},
- {2000,350},
- {2055,350},
- {2771,350},
- {2203,350},
- {2261,350},
- {2356,350},
- {2362,350},
- {2500,350},
- {2501,350},
- {2654,350},
- {60,366},
- {150,366},
- {161,366},
- {201,366},
- {262,366},
- {565,366},
- {911,366},
- {1213,366},
- {1222,366},
- {1251,366},
- {1254,366},
- {1312,366},
- {1403,366},
- {1803,366},
- {1814,366},
- {1817,366},
- {1911,366},
- {1953,366},
- {2002,366},
- {2004,366},
- {2006,366},
- {2112,366},
- {2400,366},
- {2502,366},
- {2503,366},
- {2650,366},
- {2904,366},
- {2913,366},
- {2928,366},
- {3100,366},
- {102,382},
- {109,382},
- {162,382},
- {206,382},
- {207,382},
- {251,382},
- {252,382},
- {407,382},
- {553,382},
- {556,382},
- {705,382},
- {751,382},
- {813,382},
- {950,382},
- {1017,382},
- {1018,382},
- {1058,380},
- {1108,380},
- {1201,382},
- {1210,382},
- {1303,382},
- {1404,382},
- {1452,382},
- {1453,382},
- {1509,382},
- {1656,382},
- {1820,382},
- {1852,382},
- {1858,382},
- {2052,382},
- {2103,382},
- {2200,382},
- {2222,382},
- {2355,382},
- {2406,382},
- {2451,382},
- {2657,382},
- {2851,382},
- {2855,382},
- {2856,382},
- {2915,382},
- {3052,382},
- {55,398},
- {157,398},
- {405,398},
- {456,398},
- {505,398},
- {561,398},
- {566,398},
- {568,398},
- {569,398},
- {571,398},
- {613,398},
- {656,398},
- {657,398},
- {658,398},
- {659,398},
- {663,398},
- {753,398},
- {755,398},
- {806,398},
- {851,398},
- {855,398},
- {901,398},
- {913,398},
- {1054,398},
- {1104,398},
- {1153,398},
- {1218,398},
- {1313,398},
- {1363,398},
- {1408,398},
- {1414,398},
- {1424,398},
- {1456,398},
- {1600,398},
- {1601,398},
- {1602,398},
- {1700,398},
- {1701,398},
- {1702,398},
- {1810,398},
- {1901,398},
- {1913,398},
- {2113,398},
- {2163,398},
- {2212,398},
- {2213,398},
- {2352,398},
- {2353,398},
- {2551,398},
- {2601,398},
- {2658,398},
- {2706,398},
- {2906,398},
- {3005,398},
- {3055,398},
- {1205,384},
- {154,352},
- {1215,352},
- {1805,352},
- {1807,352},
- {1652,336},
- {2552,352},
- };
+ camera.transform.localPosition = localPosition;
+ }
public void ff9fieldInternalBattleEncountService()
@@ -985,6 +815,7 @@ public void ff9fieldInternalBattleEncountService()
FF9StateSystem.Field.FF9Field.attr &= 4294960870u;
PersistenSingleton.Instance.attr |= 2u;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("ff9fieldInternalBattleEncountStart");
public void ff9fieldInternalBattleEncountStart()
@@ -996,44 +827,33 @@ public void ff9fieldInternalBattleEncountStart()
FieldMap.FF9FieldAttr.ff9[0, 0] = 67;
FieldMap.FF9FieldAttr.ff9[0, 2] = 60;
FieldMap.FF9FieldAttr.field[0, 2] = 6425;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("ff9fieldInternalBattleEncountStart");
- private void EBG_init()
- {
- this.EBG_stateInit();
- if (this.EBG_sceneInit() != 1)
- return;
- this.EBG_animationInit();
- this.EBG_attachInit();
- }
- private void EBG_stateInit()
+ private void BG_init()
+ // EBG_stateInit();
this.flags = FieldMapFlags.GenericInitial;
this.curVRP = Vector2.zero;
this.charOffset = Vector2.zero;
this.startPoint = Vector2.zero;
this.endPoint = Vector2.zero;
+ this.SmoothCamDelta = Vector2.zero;
this.curFrame = 0;
this.prevScr = Vector2.zero;
this.charAimHeight = 324;
- }
- private Int32 EBG_sceneInit()
- {
- if (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 70) // Opening-For FMV
- return 0;
- BGCAM_DEF bgcam_DEF = this.scene.cameraList[this.curCamIdx];
- Single num = (Single)((bgcam_DEF.vrpMinX + bgcam_DEF.vrpMaxX) / 2 - bgcam_DEF.centerOffset[0]) - HalfFieldWidth;
- Single num2 = (Single)((bgcam_DEF.vrpMinY + bgcam_DEF.vrpMaxY) / 2 + bgcam_DEF.centerOffset[1]) - HalfFieldHeight;
- Int32 index = 0;
- Single value = num;
- this.parallaxOrg[0] = value;
- this.curVRP[index] = value;
- Int32 index2 = 1;
- value = num2;
- this.parallaxOrg[1] = value;
- this.curVRP[index2] = value;
+ if (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 70) // Opening-For FMV)
+ return;
+ // EBG_stateInit()
+ BGCAM_DEF bgCamera = this.scene.cameraList[this.curCamIdx];
+ Single centerOffsetX = (Single)((bgCamera.vrpMinX + bgCamera.vrpMaxX) / 2 - bgCamera.centerOffset[0]) - HalfFieldWidth;
+ Single centerOffsetY = (Single)((bgCamera.vrpMinY + bgCamera.vrpMaxY) / 2 + bgCamera.centerOffset[1]) - HalfFieldHeight;
+ this.parallaxOrg.x = centerOffsetX;
+ this.curVRP.x = centerOffsetX;
+ this.parallaxOrg.y = centerOffsetY;
+ this.curVRP.y = centerOffsetY;
this.scrollWindowPos = new Int16[4][];
this.scrollWindowDim = new Int16[4][];
this.scrollWindowAlphaX = new Int16[4];
@@ -1041,19 +861,15 @@ private Int32 EBG_sceneInit()
for (Int32 i = 0; i < 4; i++)
this.scrollWindowPos[i] = new Int16[2];
- this.scrollWindowDim[i] = new Int16[2];
this.scrollWindowPos[i][0] = 0;
this.scrollWindowPos[i][1] = 0;
- this.scrollWindowDim[i][0] = bgcam_DEF.w;
- this.scrollWindowDim[i][1] = bgcam_DEF.h;
+ this.scrollWindowDim[i] = new Int16[2];
+ this.scrollWindowDim[i][0] = bgCamera.w;
+ this.scrollWindowDim[i][1] = bgCamera.h;
this.scrollWindowAlphaX[i] = 256;
this.scrollWindowAlphaY[i] = 256;
- return 1;
- }
- private Int32 EBG_animationInit()
- {
+ // EBG_animationInit();
List animList = this.scene.animList;
List overlayList = this.scene.overlayList;
Int32 animCount = this.scene.animCount;
@@ -1067,11 +883,7 @@ private Int32 EBG_animationInit()
List frameList = bgAnim.frameList;
overlayList[frameList[0].target].SetFlags(BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Active, true);
- return 1;
- }
- public Int32 EBG_attachInit()
- {
+ // EBG_attachInit();
this.attachCount = 0;
for (Int32 i = 0; i < 10; i++)
@@ -1084,7 +896,7 @@ public Int32 EBG_attachInit()
this.attachList[i].x = 0;
this.attachList[i].y = 0;
- return 1;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_init()");
public Int32 EBG_sceneGetVRP(ref Int16 x, ref Int16 y)
@@ -1092,8 +904,9 @@ public Int32 EBG_sceneGetVRP(ref Int16 x, ref Int16 y)
if (this.scene.cameraList.Count <= 0)
return 0;
BGCAM_DEF bgCamera = this.scene.cameraList[this.curCamIdx];
- x = (Int16)(this.curVRP[0] + bgCamera.centerOffset[0] + HalfFieldWidth);
- y = (Int16)(this.curVRP[1] - bgCamera.centerOffset[1] + HalfFieldHeight);
+ x = (Int16)(this.curVRP.x + bgCamera.centerOffset[0] + HalfFieldWidth);
+ y = (Int16)(this.curVRP.y - bgCamera.centerOffset[1] + HalfFieldHeight);
+ //Log.Message("EBG_sceneGetVRP curVRP" + x);
return 1;
@@ -1106,6 +919,11 @@ public Int32 EBG_overlaySetActive(Int32 overlayNdx, Int32 activeFlag)
public Int32 EBG_overlayDefineViewport(Int32 viewportNdx, Int16 x, Int16 y, Int16 w, Int16 h)
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_overlayDefineViewport " + viewportNdx + " | x:" + x + " y:" + y + " w:" + w + " h:" + h);
+ if (!(viewportNdx >= 0 && viewportNdx < 4))
+ viewportNdx = 0;
this.scrollWindowPos[viewportNdx][0] = x;
this.scrollWindowPos[viewportNdx][1] = y;
this.scrollWindowDim[viewportNdx][0] = w;
@@ -1115,6 +933,7 @@ public Int32 EBG_overlayDefineViewport(Int32 viewportNdx, Int16 x, Int16 y, Int1
public Int32 EBG_overlayDefineViewportAlpha(Int32 viewportNdx, Int32 alphaX, Int32 alphaY)
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_overlayDefineViewportAlpha " + viewportNdx + " | alphaX:" + alphaX + " alphaY:" + alphaY);
this.scrollWindowAlphaX[viewportNdx] = (Int16)alphaX;
this.scrollWindowAlphaY[viewportNdx] = (Int16)alphaY;
return 1;
@@ -1124,6 +943,8 @@ public Int32 EBG_overlaySetViewport(Int32 overlayNdx, Int32 viewportNdx)
BGOVERLAY_DEF bgOverlay = this.scene.overlayList[overlayNdx];
bgOverlay.viewportNdx = (Byte)viewportNdx;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_overlaySetViewport | overlayNdx:" + overlayNdx + " viewportNdx:" + bgOverlay.viewportNdx);
return 1;
@@ -1132,18 +953,19 @@ public Int32 EBG_overlaySetLoop(Int32 overlayNdx, UInt32 flag, Int32 dx, Int32 d
BGOVERLAY_DEF bgOverlay = this.scene.overlayList[overlayNdx];
if (flag != 0u)
+ //SmoothCamActive = false;
bgOverlay.flags |= BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Loop;
if (this.scene.combineMeshes)
this.scene.CreateSeparateOverlay(this, this.UseUpscalFM, overlayNdx);
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_overlaySetLoop " + overlayNdx + " | loop | dx:" + dx + " dy:" + dy);
bgOverlay.flags &= ~BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Loop;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_overlaySetLoop " + overlayNdx + " | noloop | dx:" + dx + " dy:" + dy);
- bgOverlay.dX = (Int16)dx;
- bgOverlay.fracX = 0;
- bgOverlay.dY = (Int16)dy;
- bgOverlay.fracY = 0;
+ bgOverlay.scrollX = (Int16)dx;
+ bgOverlay.scrollY = (Int16)dy;
return 1;
@@ -1151,9 +973,16 @@ public Int32 EBG_overlaySetLoopType(Int32 overlayNdx, UInt32 isScreenAnchored)
BGOVERLAY_DEF bgOverlay = this.scene.overlayList[overlayNdx];
if (isScreenAnchored != 0u)
+ {
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_overlaySetLoopType " + overlayNdx + " | + ScreenAnchored");
bgOverlay.flags |= BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScreenAnchored;
+ }
+ {
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_overlaySetLoopType " + overlayNdx + " | - ScreenAnchored");
bgOverlay.flags &= ~BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScreenAnchored;
+ }
return 1;
@@ -1162,39 +991,44 @@ public Int32 EBG_overlaySetScrollWithOffset(Int32 overlayNdx, UInt32 flag, Int32
BGOVERLAY_DEF bgOverlay = this.scene.overlayList[overlayNdx];
if (flag != 0u)
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_overlaySetScrollWithOffset " + overlayNdx + " | ScrollWithOffset");
bgOverlay.flags |= BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScrollWithOffset;
+ //SmoothCamActive = false;
if (this.scene.combineMeshes)
this.scene.CreateSeparateOverlay(this, this.UseUpscalFM, overlayNdx);
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_overlaySetScrollWithOffset " + overlayNdx + " | not ScrollWithOffset");
bgOverlay.flags &= ~BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScrollWithOffset;
if (isXOffset != 0u)
- bgOverlay.dX = (Int16)offset;
- bgOverlay.dY = (Int16)delta;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_overlaySetScrollWithOffset " + overlayNdx + " | isXOffset");
+ bgOverlay.scrollX = (Int16)offset;
+ bgOverlay.scrollY = (Int16)delta;
bgOverlay.isXOffset = 1;
- bgOverlay.dX = (Int16)delta;
- bgOverlay.dY = (Int16)offset;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_overlaySetScrollWithOffset " + overlayNdx + " | not isXOffset");
+ bgOverlay.scrollX = (Int16)delta;
+ bgOverlay.scrollY = (Int16)offset;
bgOverlay.isXOffset = 0;
- bgOverlay.fracX = 0;
- bgOverlay.fracY = 0;
return 1;
public Int32 EBG_charAttachOverlay(Int32 overlayNdx, Int16 attachX, Int16 attachY, SByte surroundMode, Byte r, Byte g, Byte b)
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_charAttachOverlay " + overlayNdx + " | attachX:" + attachX + " attachY:" + attachY);
this.attachList[this.attachCount].ndx = (Int16)overlayNdx;
this.attachList[this.attachCount].x = attachX;
this.attachList[this.attachCount].y = attachY;
this.attachList[this.attachCount].surroundMode = surroundMode;
if (surroundMode >= 0)
+ if (dbug) Log.Message(" |_ EBG_charAttachOverlay surroundMode: RGB:" + r + g + b);
this.attachList[this.attachCount].r = r;
this.attachList[this.attachCount].g = g;
this.attachList[this.attachCount].b = b;
@@ -1206,6 +1040,7 @@ public Int32 EBG_charAttachOverlay(Int32 overlayNdx, Int16 attachX, Int16 attach
public Int32 EBG_animAnimate(Int32 animNdx, Int32 frameNdx)
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_animAnimate | anim:" + animNdx + " frame:" + frameNdx);
BGANIM_DEF bgAnim = this.scene.animList[animNdx];
bgAnim.flags |= BGANIM_DEF.ANIM_FLAG.Animate;
bgAnim.curFrame = frameNdx << 8;
@@ -1215,6 +1050,7 @@ public Int32 EBG_animAnimate(Int32 animNdx, Int32 frameNdx)
public Int32 EBG_animShowFrame(Int32 animNdx, Int32 frameNdx)
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_animShowFrame | anim:" + animNdx + " frame:" + frameNdx);
BGANIM_DEF bgAnim = this.scene.animList[animNdx];
List frameList = bgAnim.frameList;
List overlayList = this.scene.overlayList;
@@ -1228,31 +1064,30 @@ public Int32 EBG_animSetActive(Int32 animNdx, Int32 flag)
BGANIM_DEF bgAnim = this.scene.animList[animNdx];
if (flag != 0)
+ {
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_animSetActive | PLAY anim:" + animNdx);
bgAnim.flags |= BGANIM_DEF.ANIM_FLAG.StartPlay;
+ }
+ {
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_animSetActive | STOP anim:" + animNdx);
bgAnim.flags &= ~BGANIM_DEF.ANIM_FLAG.StartPlay;
+ }
return 1;
public Int32 EBG_animSetFrameRate(Int32 animNdx, Int32 frameRate)
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_animSetFrameRate | anim:" + animNdx + " frameRate:" + frameRate);
BGANIM_DEF bgAnim = this.scene.animList[animNdx];
bgAnim.frameRate = (Int16)frameRate;
return 1;
- public Int32 EBG_animSetFrameWaitAll(Int32 animNdx, Int32 frameWait)
- {
- BGANIM_DEF bgAnim = this.scene.animList[animNdx];
- List frameList = bgAnim.frameList;
- for (Int32 i = 0; i < bgAnim.frameCount; i++)
- frameList[i].value = (SByte)frameWait;
- return 1;
- }
public Int32 EBG_animSetFrameWait(Int32 animNdx, Int32 frameNdx, Int32 frameWait)
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_animSetFrameWait | anim:" + animNdx + " frame:" + frameNdx + " frameWait:" + frameWait);
BGANIM_DEF bgAnim = this.scene.animList[animNdx];
List frameList = bgAnim.frameList;
frameList[frameNdx].value = (SByte)frameWait;
@@ -1261,6 +1096,7 @@ public Int32 EBG_animSetFrameWait(Int32 animNdx, Int32 frameNdx, Int32 frameWait
public Int32 EBG_animSetFlags(Int32 animNdx, Int32 flags)
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_animSetFlags " + animNdx + " | flags:" + flags);
BGANIM_DEF bgAnim = this.scene.animList[animNdx];
bgAnim.flags |= (BGANIM_DEF.ANIM_FLAG)flags & BGANIM_DEF.ANIM_FLAG.Modifiables;
return 1;
@@ -1268,6 +1104,7 @@ public Int32 EBG_animSetFlags(Int32 animNdx, Int32 flags)
public Int32 EBG_animSetPlayRange(Int32 animNdx, Int32 frameStart, Int32 frameEnd)
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_animSetPlayRange " + animNdx + " | frames: " + frameStart + " to " + frameEnd);
BGANIM_DEF bgAnim = this.scene.animList[animNdx];
List frameList = bgAnim.frameList;
bgAnim.flags |= BGANIM_DEF.ANIM_FLAG.StartPlay;
@@ -1281,6 +1118,7 @@ public Int32 EBG_animSetPlayRange(Int32 animNdx, Int32 frameStart, Int32 frameEn
public Int32 EBG_animSetVisible(Int32 animNdx, Int32 isVisible)
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_animSetVisible | anim:"+ animNdx + " Visible:" + (isVisible != 0));
BGANIM_DEF bgAnim = this.scene.animList[animNdx];
List frameList = bgAnim.frameList;
List overlayList = this.scene.overlayList;
@@ -1300,19 +1138,15 @@ public Int32 EBG_cameraSetViewport(Int32 camNdx, Int16 minX, Int16 maxX, Int16 m
bgCamera.vrpMaxX = (Int16)Math.Max(maxX - HalfFieldWidthNative, HalfFieldWidthNative);
bgCamera.vrpMinY = (Int16)Math.Min(minY + HalfFieldHeight, bgCamera.h - HalfFieldHeight);
bgCamera.vrpMaxY = (Int16)Math.Max(maxY - HalfFieldHeight, HalfFieldHeight);
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_cameraSetViewport | vrpMinX:" + bgCamera.vrpMinX + " vrpMaxX:" + bgCamera.vrpMaxX + " vrpMinY:" + bgCamera.vrpMinY + " vrpMaxY:" + bgCamera.vrpMaxY);
return 1;
- public bool EBG_isCombineMesh(BGOVERLAY_DEF overlayPtr)
- {
- return overlayPtr.transform.GetComponent() != null;
- }
public Int32 EBG_overlaySetShadeColor(Int32 overlayNdx, Byte r, Byte g, Byte b)
BGOVERLAY_DEF bgOverlay = this.scene.overlayList[overlayNdx];
List spriteList = bgOverlay.spriteList;
- if (this.EBG_isCombineMesh(bgOverlay))
+ if (bgOverlay.transform.GetComponent() != null) //EBG_isCombineMesh
Material material = bgOverlay.transform.gameObject.GetComponent().material;
material.SetColor("_Color", new Color(r / 128f, g / 128f, b / 128f, 1f));
@@ -1320,6 +1154,7 @@ public Int32 EBG_overlaySetShadeColor(Int32 overlayNdx, Byte r, Byte g, Byte b)
else if (spriteList.Count > 0)
+ //if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_overlaySetShadeColor | !EBG_isCombineMesh(bgOverlay) && (spriteList.Count > 0)");
Material material = spriteList[0].transform.gameObject.GetComponent().material;
Int32 spriteCount = bgOverlay.spriteCount;
Int32 indexShift = FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.id != 0 ? spriteCount : 0;
@@ -1327,6 +1162,7 @@ public Int32 EBG_overlaySetShadeColor(Int32 overlayNdx, Byte r, Byte g, Byte b)
for (Int32 i = 0; i < spriteCount; i++)
spriteList[i + indexShift].transform.gameObject.GetComponent().material = material;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_overlaySetShadeColor " + overlayNdx + " | RGB:" + r + g + b);
return 1;
@@ -1334,12 +1170,12 @@ public Int32 EBG_overlayMove(Int32 overlayNdx, Int16 dx, Int16 dy, Int16 dz)
BGOVERLAY_DEF bgOverlay = this.scene.overlayList[overlayNdx];
FieldMapInfo.fieldmapExtraOffset.UpdateOverlayOffset(this.mapName, overlayNdx, ref dz);
- Int16 destX = (Int16)Mathf.Clamp(bgOverlay.orgX + dx, bgOverlay.minX, bgOverlay.maxX);
- Int16 destY = (Int16)Mathf.Clamp(bgOverlay.orgY + dy, bgOverlay.minY, bgOverlay.maxY);
+ float destX = (float)Mathf.Clamp(bgOverlay.orgX + dx, bgOverlay.minX, bgOverlay.maxX);
+ float destY = (float)Mathf.Clamp(bgOverlay.orgY + dy, bgOverlay.minY, bgOverlay.maxY);
// TODO Check Native: #147
UInt16 destZ;
- if (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 2351 && overlayNdx >= 3 && overlayNdx <= 17)
+ if (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 2351 && overlayNdx >= 3 && overlayNdx <= 17) // official fix of the mine bucket
destZ = 3000;
destZ = (UInt16)(bgOverlay.orgZ + (UInt16)dz);
@@ -1351,17 +1187,19 @@ public Int32 EBG_overlayMove(Int32 overlayNdx, Int16 dx, Int16 dy, Int16 dz)
bgOverlay.curY = destY;
bgOverlay.curZ = destZ;
bgOverlay.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(destX, destY, destZ);
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_overlayMove " + overlayNdx + " | destX:" + destX + " destY:" + destY + " destZ:" + destZ);
return 1;
public Int32 EBG_overlaySetOrigin(Int32 overlayNdx, Int32 orgX, Int32 orgY)
BGOVERLAY_DEF bgOverlay = this.scene.overlayList[overlayNdx];
- bgOverlay.curX = (Int16)orgX;
- bgOverlay.curY = (Int16)orgY;
- bgOverlay.orgX = bgOverlay.curX;
- bgOverlay.orgY = bgOverlay.curY;
+ bgOverlay.curX = (float)orgX;
+ bgOverlay.curY = (float)orgY;
+ bgOverlay.orgX = (float)orgX;
+ bgOverlay.orgY = (float)orgY;
this.flags |= FieldMapFlags.Unknown128;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_overlaySetOrigin " + overlayNdx + " | orgX:" + orgX + " orgY:" + orgY);
return 1;
@@ -1369,11 +1207,17 @@ public Int32 EBG_overlaySetParallax(Int32 overlayNdx, UInt32 flag, Int32 dx, Int
BGOVERLAY_DEF bgOverlay = this.scene.overlayList[overlayNdx];
if (flag != 0u)
+ {
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_overlaySetParallax " + overlayNdx + " | + Parallax | dx:" + dx + " dy:" + dy);
bgOverlay.flags |= BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Parallax;
+ }
+ {
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_overlaySetParallax " + overlayNdx + " | - Parallax | dx:" + dx + " dy:" + dy);
bgOverlay.flags &= BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Parallax;
- bgOverlay.dX = (Int16)dx;
- bgOverlay.dY = (Int16)dy;
+ }
+ bgOverlay.scrollX = (Int16)dx;
+ bgOverlay.scrollY = (Int16)dy;
return 1;
@@ -1383,258 +1227,276 @@ public void UpdateOverlayAll()
BGCAM_DEF bgCamera = this.scene.cameraList[this.curCamIdx];
Vector2 realVrp = new Vector2();
- realVrp[0] = this.curVRP[0] + bgCamera.centerOffset[0] + HalfFieldWidth;
- realVrp[1] = this.curVRP[1] - bgCamera.centerOffset[1] + HalfFieldHeight;
- this.scene.scrX = (Int16)(this.scene.curX + HalfFieldWidth - realVrp[0]);
- this.scene.scrY = (Int16)(this.scene.curY + HalfFieldHeight - realVrp[1]);
+ realVrp.x = this.curVRP.x + bgCamera.centerOffset[0] + HalfFieldWidth;
+ realVrp.y = this.curVRP.y - bgCamera.centerOffset[1] + HalfFieldHeight;
+ this.scene.scrX = this.scene.curX + HalfFieldWidth - realVrp.x;
+ this.scene.scrY = this.scene.curY + HalfFieldHeight - realVrp.y;
List overlayList = this.scene.overlayList;
for (int i = 0; i < this.scene.overlayCount; i++)
- this.UpdateOverlay(i, overlayList[i], realVrp);
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ this.UpdateOverlay(i, overlayList[i], realVrp);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Log.Error(e);
+ }
+ }
- private void UpdateOverlay(Int32 ovrNdx, BGOVERLAY_DEF overlayPtr, Vector2 realVrp)
+ private void UpdateOverlay(Int32 ovrNdx, BGOVERLAY_DEF bgOverlay, Vector2 realVrp)
+ //if (dbug && ovrNdx == 24) Log.Message("before: overlayPtr.curX:" + overlayPtr.curX);
BGSCENE_DEF bgScene = this.scene;
- ushort spriteCount = overlayPtr.spriteCount;
- List spriteList = overlayPtr.spriteList;
- short num = (short)(overlayPtr.curX + bgScene.scrX);
- short num2 = (short)(overlayPtr.curY + bgScene.scrY);
- short num3 = (short)(overlayPtr.curZ + (ushort)bgScene.curZ);
- if ((overlayPtr.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Loop) != 0)
- {
- short num4;
- short num5;
- if ((overlayPtr.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScreenAnchored) != 0)
+ ushort spriteCount = bgOverlay.spriteCount;
+ List spriteList = bgOverlay.spriteList;
+ float screenX = bgOverlay.curX + bgScene.scrX;
+ float screenY = bgOverlay.curY + bgScene.scrY;
+ if ((bgOverlay.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Loop) != 0)
+ {
+ //if (dbug) Log.Message("UpdateOverlay | BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Loop"); // example: scrolling sky 505
+ float anchorX;
+ float anchorY;
+ if ((bgOverlay.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScreenAnchored) != 0)
- num4 = this.scrollWindowPos[(int)overlayPtr.viewportNdx][0];
- num5 = this.scrollWindowPos[(int)overlayPtr.viewportNdx][1];
+ anchorX = this.scrollWindowPos[(int)bgOverlay.viewportNdx][0];
+ anchorY = this.scrollWindowPos[(int)bgOverlay.viewportNdx][1];
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("UpdateOverlay " + ovrNdx + " | Loop ScreenAnchored anchorX:" + anchorX + " anchorY:" + anchorY);
- num4 = (short)(HalfFieldWidth - realVrp[0] + (float)this.scrollWindowPos[(int)overlayPtr.viewportNdx][0]);
- num5 = (short)(HalfFieldHeight - realVrp[1] + (float)this.scrollWindowPos[(int)overlayPtr.viewportNdx][1]);
+ anchorX = (float)(HalfFieldWidth - realVrp.x + this.scrollWindowPos[(int)bgOverlay.viewportNdx][0]);
+ anchorY = (float)(HalfFieldHeight - realVrp.y + this.scrollWindowPos[(int)bgOverlay.viewportNdx][1]);
- short num6 = this.scrollWindowDim[(int)overlayPtr.viewportNdx][0];
- short num7 = this.scrollWindowDim[(int)overlayPtr.viewportNdx][1];
- if (overlayPtr.dX < 0)
+ if (bgOverlay.scrollX != 0)
- short num8 = (short)(256 - (overlayPtr.dX << 8 >> 8));
- num = (short)((((int)overlayPtr.curX << 8 | (int)overlayPtr.fracX) + (int)num8 >> 8) + (int)bgScene.scrX);
- }
- if (overlayPtr.dY < 0)
- {
- short num9 = (short)(256 - (overlayPtr.dX << 8 >> 8));
- num2 = (short)((((int)overlayPtr.curY << 8 | (int)overlayPtr.fracY) + (int)num9 >> 8) + (int)bgScene.scrY);
- }
- if (overlayPtr.dX != 0)
- {
- num = (short)((num - (num6 - (short)overlayPtr.w)) % (short)overlayPtr.w + (num6 - (short)overlayPtr.w));
+ if (bgOverlay.scrollX < 0)
+ {
+ short deltaX = (short)(256 - ((short)(bgOverlay.scrollX) << 8 >> 8));
+ screenX = (float)((((int)bgOverlay.curX << 8) + (int)deltaX >> 8) + (int)bgScene.scrX);
+ }
+ screenX = (float)((screenX - (this.scrollWindowDim[(int)bgOverlay.viewportNdx][0] - (float)bgOverlay.w)) % (float)bgOverlay.w + (this.scrollWindowDim[(int)bgOverlay.viewportNdx][0] - (float)bgOverlay.w));
- if (overlayPtr.dY != 0)
+ if (bgOverlay.scrollY != 0)
- num2 = (short)((num2 - (num7 - (short)overlayPtr.h)) % (short)overlayPtr.h + (num7 - (short)overlayPtr.h));
+ if (bgOverlay.scrollY < 0)
+ {
+ short deltaY = (short)(256 - ((short)(bgOverlay.scrollX) << 8 >> 8));
+ screenY = (float)((((int)bgOverlay.curY << 8) + (int)deltaY >> 8) + (int)bgScene.scrY);
+ }
+ screenY = (float)((screenY - (this.scrollWindowDim[(int)bgOverlay.viewportNdx][1] - (float)bgOverlay.h)) % (float)bgOverlay.h + (this.scrollWindowDim[(int)bgOverlay.viewportNdx][1] - (float)bgOverlay.h));
- bool flag = this.mapName == "FBG_N18_GTRE_MAP360_GT_GRD_0";
- for (short num10 = 0; num10 < (short)spriteCount; num10 = (short)(num10 + 1))
+ for (short i = 0; i < spriteCount; i++)
- BGSPRITE_LOC_DEF bgsprite_LOC_DEF = spriteList[(int)num10];
- Vector3 cacheLocalPos = bgsprite_LOC_DEF.cacheLocalPos;
- if ((overlayPtr.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScreenAnchored) != 0)
+ BGSPRITE_LOC_DEF bgSprite = spriteList[i];
+ Vector3 cacheLocalPos = bgSprite.cacheLocalPos;
+ float anchoredX = screenX + bgSprite.offX;
+ float anchoredY = screenY + bgSprite.offY;
+ if ((bgOverlay.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScreenAnchored) != 0)
- short num11 = (short)(num + (short)bgsprite_LOC_DEF.offX);
- if (overlayPtr.dX != 0)
+ //if (dbug) Log.Message("UpdateOverlay " + ovrNdx + " | ScreenAnchored"); // example: 507, 931, 951
+ if (bgOverlay.scrollX != 0) // is moving on X axis
- if (num11 + 16 >= (short)overlayPtr.w)
+ if (anchoredX + 16f - SmoothCamDelta.x >= bgOverlay.w)
- num11 = (short)(num11 - (short)overlayPtr.w);
+ anchoredX -= bgOverlay.w;
- else if (num11 <= -16)
+ else if (anchoredX - SmoothCamDelta.x <= -16f)
- num11 = (short)(num11 + (short)overlayPtr.w);
+ anchoredX += bgOverlay.w;
- short num12 = (short)(num2 + (short)bgsprite_LOC_DEF.offY);
- if (overlayPtr.dY != 0)
+ if (bgOverlay.scrollY != 0) // is moving on Y axis
- if (num12 + 16 >= (short)overlayPtr.h)
+ if (anchoredY + 16f + SmoothCamDelta.y >= bgOverlay.h)
- num12 = (short)(num12 - (short)overlayPtr.h);
+ anchoredY -= bgOverlay.h;
- else if (num12 <= -16)
+ else if (anchoredY + SmoothCamDelta.y <= -16f)
- num12 = (short)(num12 + (short)overlayPtr.h);
+ anchoredY += bgOverlay.h;
- cacheLocalPos.x = (float)(num11 + num4);
- cacheLocalPos.y = (float)(num12 + num5);
+ cacheLocalPos.x = anchoredX + anchorX;
+ cacheLocalPos.y = anchoredY + anchorY;
- short num11 = (short)(num + (short)bgsprite_LOC_DEF.offX);
- if (overlayPtr.dX != 0)
+ //if (dbug) Log.Message("UpdateOverlay " + ovrNdx + " | not enchored"); // example: 507, 931, 951
+ if (bgOverlay.scrollX != 0)
- if (num11 + 16 >= (short)overlayPtr.w)
+ if (anchoredX + 16f >= bgOverlay.w) // - SmoothCamDelta.x
- num11 = (short)(num11 - (short)overlayPtr.w);
+ anchoredX -= bgOverlay.w;
- else if (num11 <= -16)
+ else if (anchoredX <= -16f) // + SmoothCamDelta.x)
- num11 = (short)(num11 + (short)overlayPtr.w);
+ anchoredX += bgOverlay.w;
- cacheLocalPos.x = (float)(num11 + num4);
+ cacheLocalPos.x = anchoredX + anchorX;
- cacheLocalPos.x = (float)num11;
+ cacheLocalPos.x = anchoredX;
- short num12 = (short)(num2 + (short)bgsprite_LOC_DEF.offY);
- if (overlayPtr.dY != 0)
+ if (bgOverlay.scrollY != 0)
- if (num12 + 16 >= (short)overlayPtr.h)
+ if (anchoredY + 16f >= (short)bgOverlay.h) // - SmoothCamDelta.y
- num12 = (short)(num12 - (short)overlayPtr.h);
+ anchoredY -= bgOverlay.h;
- else if (num12 <= -16)
+ else if (anchoredY <= -16f) // + SmoothCamDelta.y)
- num12 = (short)(num12 + (short)overlayPtr.h);
+ anchoredY += bgOverlay.h;
- cacheLocalPos.y = (float)(num12 + num5);
+ cacheLocalPos.y = anchoredY + anchorY;
- cacheLocalPos.y = (float)num12;
+ cacheLocalPos.y = anchoredY;
cacheLocalPos.y += 16f;
- if (flag)
- {
+ if (this.mapName == "FBG_N18_GTRE_MAP360_GT_GRD_0") // map 1000
cacheLocalPos.x += 8f;
- }
- cacheLocalPos.x -= (float)(this.scene.scrX + overlayPtr.curX);
- cacheLocalPos.y -= (float)(this.scene.scrY + overlayPtr.curY);
- bgsprite_LOC_DEF.cacheLocalPos = cacheLocalPos;
- bgsprite_LOC_DEF.transform.localPosition = cacheLocalPos;
+ cacheLocalPos.x -= (this.scene.scrX + bgOverlay.curX);
+ cacheLocalPos.y -= (this.scene.scrY + bgOverlay.curY);
+ bgSprite.cacheLocalPos = cacheLocalPos;
+ bgSprite.transform.localPosition = cacheLocalPos;
- overlayPtr.transform.localPosition = new Vector3((float)overlayPtr.curX * 1f, (float)overlayPtr.curY * 1f, overlayPtr.transform.localPosition.z);
+ bgOverlay.transform.localPosition = new Vector3((float)bgOverlay.curX, (float)bgOverlay.curY, bgOverlay.transform.localPosition.z);
- else if ((overlayPtr.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScrollWithOffset) != 0)
+ else if ((bgOverlay.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScrollWithOffset) != 0)
- short num4;
- short num5;
- if ((overlayPtr.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScreenAnchored) != 0)
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("UpdateOverlay | BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScrollWithOffset - current map: " + FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo);
+ float anchorX;
+ float anchorY;
+ if ((bgOverlay.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScreenAnchored) != 0)
- num4 = this.scrollWindowPos[(int)overlayPtr.viewportNdx][0];
- num5 = this.scrollWindowPos[(int)overlayPtr.viewportNdx][1];
+ anchorX = this.scrollWindowPos[(int)bgOverlay.viewportNdx][0];
+ anchorY = this.scrollWindowPos[(int)bgOverlay.viewportNdx][1];
+ //if (dbug) Log.Message("UpdateOverlay | BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScrollWithOffset | anchorX:" + anchorX + " anchorY:" + anchorY);
- num4 = (short)(HalfFieldWidth - realVrp[0] + (float)this.scrollWindowPos[(int)overlayPtr.viewportNdx][0]);
- num5 = (short)(HalfFieldHeight - realVrp[1] + (float)this.scrollWindowPos[(int)overlayPtr.viewportNdx][1]);
+ anchorX = HalfFieldWidth - realVrp.x + this.scrollWindowPos[(int)bgOverlay.viewportNdx][0];
+ anchorY = HalfFieldHeight - realVrp.y + this.scrollWindowPos[(int)bgOverlay.viewportNdx][0];
- short num6 = this.scrollWindowDim[(int)overlayPtr.viewportNdx][0];
- short num7 = this.scrollWindowDim[(int)overlayPtr.viewportNdx][1];
- if (overlayPtr.isXOffset != 0)
+ if (bgOverlay.isXOffset != 0)
- num2 = (short)((num2 - (num7 - (short)overlayPtr.h)) % (short)overlayPtr.h + (num7 - (short)overlayPtr.h));
- num = (short)(num + num2 * overlayPtr.dX / (short)overlayPtr.h % (short)overlayPtr.w);
+ screenY = (screenY - (this.scrollWindowDim[(int)bgOverlay.viewportNdx][1] - (short)bgOverlay.h)) % (short)bgOverlay.h + (this.scrollWindowDim[(int)bgOverlay.viewportNdx][1] - (short)bgOverlay.h);
+ screenX = screenX + screenY * bgOverlay.scrollX / (short)bgOverlay.h % (short)bgOverlay.w;
- num = (short)((num - (num6 - (short)overlayPtr.w)) % (short)overlayPtr.w + (num6 - (short)overlayPtr.w));
- num2 = (short)(num2 + num * overlayPtr.dY / (short)overlayPtr.w % (short)overlayPtr.h);
+ screenX = (screenX - (this.scrollWindowDim[(int)bgOverlay.viewportNdx][0] - (short)bgOverlay.w)) % (short)bgOverlay.w + (this.scrollWindowDim[(int)bgOverlay.viewportNdx][0] - (short)bgOverlay.w);
+ screenY = screenY + screenX * bgOverlay.scrollY / (short)bgOverlay.w % (short)bgOverlay.h;
- for (short num10 = 0; num10 < (short)spriteCount; num10 = (short)(num10 + 1))
+ for (short i = 0; i < spriteCount; i++)
- BGSPRITE_LOC_DEF bgsprite_LOC_DEF2 = spriteList[(int)num10];
- Vector3 localPosition = bgsprite_LOC_DEF2.transform.localPosition;
- if (overlayPtr.isXOffset != 0)
+ BGSPRITE_LOC_DEF bgSprite = spriteList[i];
+ Vector3 localPosition = bgSprite.transform.localPosition;
+ if (bgOverlay.isXOffset != 0)
- short num13 = 0;
- short num14 = (short)(num2 + (short)bgsprite_LOC_DEF2.offY);
- if (num14 + 16 >= (short)overlayPtr.h)
+ float xOffset = 0;
+ float yOffset = screenY + bgSprite.offY;
+ if (yOffset + 16 >= (short)bgOverlay.h)
- num14 = (short)(num14 - (short)overlayPtr.h);
- num13 = (short)(-overlayPtr.dX);
+ yOffset = yOffset - bgOverlay.h;
+ xOffset = -bgOverlay.scrollX;
- else if (num14 <= -16)
+ else if (yOffset <= -16)
- num14 = (short)(num14 + (short)overlayPtr.h);
- num13 = overlayPtr.dX;
+ yOffset = yOffset + bgOverlay.h;
+ xOffset = bgOverlay.scrollX;
- short num15 = (short)(num + (short)bgsprite_LOC_DEF2.offX + num13);
- localPosition.x = (float)num15;
- localPosition.y = (float)(num14 + num5);
+ float xOffsetAdjusted = (screenX + (short)bgSprite.offX + xOffset);
+ localPosition.x = (float)xOffsetAdjusted;
+ localPosition.y = (float)(yOffset + anchorY);
- short num13 = 0;
- short num15 = (short)(num + (short)bgsprite_LOC_DEF2.offX);
- if (num15 + 16 >= (short)overlayPtr.w)
+ short xOffset = 0;
+ short xOffsetAdjusted = (short)(screenX + (short)bgSprite.offX);
+ if (xOffsetAdjusted + 16 >= (short)bgOverlay.w)
- num15 = (short)(num15 - (short)overlayPtr.w);
- num13 = (short)(-overlayPtr.dY);
+ xOffsetAdjusted = (short)(xOffsetAdjusted - (short)bgOverlay.w);
+ xOffset = (short)(-bgOverlay.scrollY);
- else if (num15 <= -16)
+ else if (xOffsetAdjusted <= -16)
- num15 = (short)(num15 + (short)overlayPtr.w);
- num13 = overlayPtr.dY;
+ xOffsetAdjusted = (short)(xOffsetAdjusted + (short)bgOverlay.w);
+ xOffset = (short)(bgOverlay.scrollY);
- short num14 = (short)(num2 + (short)bgsprite_LOC_DEF2.offY + num13);
- localPosition.x = (float)(num15 + num4);
- localPosition.y = (float)num14;
+ localPosition.x = (float)(xOffsetAdjusted + anchorX);
+ localPosition.y = screenY + (float)bgSprite.offY + xOffset;
localPosition.y += 16f;
- localPosition.x -= (float)(this.scene.scrX + overlayPtr.curX);
- localPosition.y -= (float)(this.scene.scrY + overlayPtr.curY);
- bgsprite_LOC_DEF2.transform.localPosition = localPosition;
+ localPosition.x -= (this.scene.scrX + bgOverlay.curX);
+ localPosition.y -= (this.scene.scrY + bgOverlay.curY);
+ bgSprite.transform.localPosition = localPosition;
- overlayPtr.transform.localPosition = new Vector3((float)overlayPtr.curX * 1f, (float)overlayPtr.curY * 1f, overlayPtr.transform.localPosition.z);
+ bgOverlay.transform.localPosition = new Vector3((float)bgOverlay.curX * 1f, (float)bgOverlay.curY * 1f, bgOverlay.transform.localPosition.z);
- float num16;
- float num17;
- if ((overlayPtr.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Parallax) != 0 && overlayPtr.isSpecialParallax)
- {
- num16 = overlayPtr.parallaxCurX;
- num17 = overlayPtr.parallaxCurY;
- }
- else
+ bgOverlay.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(bgOverlay.curX, bgOverlay.curY, bgOverlay.transform.localPosition.z);
+ }
+ //if (dbug && ovrNdx == 24) Log.Message("after: overlayPtr.curX:" + overlayPtr.curX);
+ bgOverlay.scrX = screenX;
+ bgOverlay.scrY = screenY;
+ foreach (int[] entry in FixDepthOfLayer)
+ {
+ if (entry[0] == FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo && entry[1] == this.camIdx && entry[2] == ovrNdx)
- num16 = (float)overlayPtr.curX;
- num17 = (float)overlayPtr.curY;
+ bgOverlay.curZ = (ushort)entry[3];
+ bgOverlay.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(bgOverlay.transform.localPosition.x, bgOverlay.transform.localPosition.y, entry[3]);
- overlayPtr.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(num16 * 1f, num17 * 1f, overlayPtr.transform.localPosition.z);
- overlayPtr.scrX = num;
- overlayPtr.scrY = num2;
+ public static readonly Int32[][] FixDepthOfLayer =
+ {
+ // [mapNo,camIdx,ovrNdx,Z],
+ [403,0,23,560], // Dali underground wall over box
+ [403,0,27,1523], // Dali underground barrel
+ [951,0,2,1214], // Gargan Roo's railing
+ [1000,0,12,0], // Clayra's Trunk text
+ [1652,1,5,911], // Iifa platform
+ [1656,0,3,998], // Iifa statue glow (was not active on PSX)
+ [2922,0,8,4329], // Crystal world (was not active on PSX)
+ [2922,0,10,3179], // Crystal world (was not active on PSX)
+ [2922,0,11,3179], // Crystal world (was not active on PSX)
+ [2922,0,12,6080], // Crystal world (was not active on PSX)
+ };
public void EBG_scene2DScroll(Int16 destX, Int16 destY, UInt16 frameCount, UInt32 scrollType)
if (!IsActive)
- this.startPoint[0] = (Int16)this.curVRP[0];
- this.startPoint[1] = (Int16)this.curVRP[1];
- BGCAM_DEF bgcam_DEF = this.scene.cameraList[this.curCamIdx];
+ this.startPoint.x = this.curVRP.x;
+ this.startPoint.y = this.curVRP.y;
+ BGCAM_DEF bgCamera = this.scene.cameraList[this.curCamIdx];
if (Configuration.Graphics.WidescreenSupport)
- if (destX > bgcam_DEF.vrpMaxX)
- destX = bgcam_DEF.vrpMaxX;
- else if (destX < bgcam_DEF.vrpMinX)
- destX = bgcam_DEF.vrpMinX;
+ destX = (Int16)Mathf.Clamp(destX, bgCamera.vrpMinX, bgCamera.vrpMaxX);
- this.endPoint[0] = destX;
- this.endPoint[1] = destY;
+ this.endPoint.x = destX;
+ this.endPoint.y = destY;
this.frameCount = (Int16)frameCount;
this.curFrame = 1;
this.flags &= ~FieldMapFlags.Generic15;
if (scrollType == (UInt32)FieldMapFlags.RotationScroll)
IsRotationScroll = true;
this.flags |= FieldMapFlags.Unknown1;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_scene2DScroll | X:" + startPoint.x + " -> " + endPoint.x + " | Y:" + startPoint.y + " -> " + endPoint.y + " | frameCount:" + frameCount + " scrollType:" + scrollType);
public void EBG_scene2DScrollRelease(Int32 frameCount, UInt32 scrollType)
@@ -1642,9 +1504,9 @@ public void EBG_scene2DScrollRelease(Int32 frameCount, UInt32 scrollType)
if (!IsActive)
- BGCAM_DEF bgcam_DEF = this.scene.cameraList[this.curCamIdx];
- this.startPoint[0] = (Int16)this.curVRP[0];
- this.startPoint[1] = (Int16)this.curVRP[1];
+ BGCAM_DEF bgCamera = this.scene.cameraList[this.curCamIdx];
+ this.startPoint.x = (float)this.curVRP.x;
+ this.startPoint.y = (float)this.curVRP.y;
Vector3 vertex = Vector3.zero;
if (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 1656 && this.playerController == null)
@@ -1660,31 +1522,21 @@ public void EBG_scene2DScrollRelease(Int32 frameCount, UInt32 scrollType)
this.playerController = ((Actor)PersistenSingleton.Instance.GetObjUID(2)).fieldMapActorController;
vertex = this.playerController.curPos;
- vertex.y += (Single)this.charAimHeight;
- vertex = PSX.CalculateGTE_RTPT(vertex, Matrix4x4.identity, bgcam_DEF.GetMatrixRT(), bgcam_DEF.GetViewDistance(), this.offset);
+ vertex.y += (float)this.charAimHeight;
+ vertex = PSX.CalculateGTE_RTPT(vertex, Matrix4x4.identity, bgCamera.GetMatrixRT(), bgCamera.GetViewDistance(), this.offset);
vertex.x += this.offset.x;
vertex.y += this.offset.y;
- Single num = (Int32)vertex.x;
- Single num2 = (Int32)vertex.y;
- Single num3 = (bgcam_DEF.w >> 1) + bgcam_DEF.centerOffset[0] + (num - HalfFieldWidth);
- Single num4 = (bgcam_DEF.h >> 1) + bgcam_DEF.centerOffset[1] + (num2 - HalfFieldHeight);
- num3 -= this.offset.x - HalfFieldWidth;
- num4 += this.offset.y - HalfFieldHeight;
- num4 *= -1f;
- if (num3 < bgcam_DEF.vrpMinX)
- num3 = bgcam_DEF.vrpMinX;
- else if (num3 > bgcam_DEF.vrpMaxX)
- num3 = bgcam_DEF.vrpMaxX;
- if (num4 < bgcam_DEF.vrpMinY)
- num4 = bgcam_DEF.vrpMinY;
- else if (num4 > bgcam_DEF.vrpMaxY)
- num4 = bgcam_DEF.vrpMaxY;
- this.endPoint[0] = (Int16)num3;
- this.endPoint[1] = (Int16)num4;
+ float targetX = (bgCamera.w / 2) + bgCamera.centerOffset[0] + vertex.x - this.offset.x;
+ float targetY = -( (bgCamera.h / 2) + bgCamera.centerOffset[1] + vertex.y + this.offset.y - (2 * HalfFieldHeight) );
+ targetX = Mathf.Clamp(targetX, bgCamera.vrpMinX, bgCamera.vrpMaxX);
+ targetY = Mathf.Clamp(targetY, bgCamera.vrpMinY, bgCamera.vrpMaxY);
+ this.endPoint.x = targetX;
+ this.endPoint.y = targetY;
if (frameCount == -1)
this.frameCount = 30;
@@ -1696,9 +1548,11 @@ public void EBG_scene2DScrollRelease(Int32 frameCount, UInt32 scrollType)
if (scrollType != UInt32.MaxValue)
IsRotationScroll = scrollType == (UInt64)FieldMapFlags.RotationScroll;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_scene2DScrollRelease | targetX:" + targetX + " targetY:" + targetY);
- public Int32 EBG_animationService()
+ public Int32 BgAnimationService()
for (Int32 i = 0; i < this.scene.animList.Count; i++)
@@ -1759,19 +1613,20 @@ public Int32 EBG_animationService()
+ //if (dbug) Log.Message("BgAnimationService");
return 1;
- private Int32 EBG_attachService()
+ private Int32 BgAttachService()
if (this.attachCount == 0)
return 0;
- BGCAM_DEF bgcam_DEF = this.scene.cameraList[this.camIdx];
- BGSCENE_DEF bgscene_DEF = this.scene;
+ BGCAM_DEF bgCamera = this.scene.cameraList[this.camIdx];
+ BGSCENE_DEF bgScene = this.scene;
List overlayList = this.scene.overlayList;
Vector3 vertex = this.playerController.curPos;
vertex.y += (Single)this.charAimHeight;
- vertex = PSX.CalculateGTE_RTPT(vertex, Matrix4x4.identity, bgcam_DEF.GetMatrixRT(), bgcam_DEF.GetViewDistance(), this.offset);
+ vertex = PSX.CalculateGTE_RTPT(vertex, Matrix4x4.identity, bgCamera.GetMatrixRT(), bgCamera.GetViewDistance(), this.offset);
vertex.y *= -1f;
for (Byte i = 0; i < this.attachCount; i++)
@@ -1781,126 +1636,149 @@ private Int32 EBG_attachService()
Int16 x = ebg_ATTACH_DEF.x;
Int16 y = ebg_ATTACH_DEF.y;
- Int16 overlayX = overlayList[index].curX = (Int16)(vertex.x - bgscene_DEF.curX - x + bgcam_DEF.vrpMinX);
- Int16 overlayY = overlayList[index].curY = (Int16)(vertex.y - bgscene_DEF.curY - y + bgcam_DEF.vrpMinY);
- overlayList[index].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(overlayX, overlayY, 0f);
+ float overlayX = overlayList[index].curX = (Int16)(vertex.x - bgScene.curX - x + bgCamera.vrpMinX);
+ float overlayY = overlayList[index].curY = (Int16)(vertex.y - bgScene.curY - y + bgCamera.vrpMinY);
+ overlayList[index].transform.localPosition = new Vector3((short)overlayX, (short)overlayY, 0f);
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("BgAttachService | vertex.x:" + vertex.x + " vertex.y:" + vertex.y);
return 1;
- public Int32 EBG_sceneServiceScroll(BGSCENE_DEF scenePtr)
+ public Int32 SceneServiceScroll(BGSCENE_DEF bgScene)
- Int32 overlayCount = (Int32)scenePtr.overlayCount;
- List overlayList = scenePtr.overlayList;
+ Int16 map = FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo;
+ Int32 overlayCount = (Int32)bgScene.overlayCount;
+ List overlayList = bgScene.overlayList;
for (Int32 i = 0; i < overlayCount; i++)
- BGOVERLAY_DEF bgoverlay_DEF = overlayList[i];
- if ((bgoverlay_DEF.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Loop) != 0)
+ BGOVERLAY_DEF bgOverlay = overlayList[i];
+ if ((bgOverlay.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Loop) != 0)
- if (bgoverlay_DEF.dX != 0 && bgoverlay_DEF.dX != 32767)
+ if (bgOverlay.scrollX != 0 && bgOverlay.scrollX != 32767)
- Int32 num = (Int32)(bgoverlay_DEF.curX - bgoverlay_DEF.orgX) << 8 | (Int32)(bgoverlay_DEF.fracX & 255);
- num += (Int32)bgoverlay_DEF.dX;
- bgoverlay_DEF.curX = (Int16)((num >> 8) % (Int32)bgoverlay_DEF.w + (Int32)bgoverlay_DEF.orgX);
- bgoverlay_DEF.fracX = (Int16)(num & 255);
+ bgOverlay.curX = (bgOverlay.curX % (Int32)bgOverlay.w) + (bgOverlay.scrollX / 256f);
- if (bgoverlay_DEF.dY != 0 && bgoverlay_DEF.dY != 32767)
+ if (bgOverlay.scrollY != 0 && bgOverlay.scrollY != 32767)
- Int32 num = (Int32)(bgoverlay_DEF.curY - bgoverlay_DEF.orgY) << 8 | (Int32)(bgoverlay_DEF.fracY & 255);
- num += (Int32)bgoverlay_DEF.dY;
- bgoverlay_DEF.curY = (Int16)((num >> 8) % (Int32)bgoverlay_DEF.h + (Int32)bgoverlay_DEF.orgY);
- bgoverlay_DEF.fracY = (Int16)(num & 255);
+ bgOverlay.curY = (bgOverlay.curY % (Int32)bgOverlay.h) + (bgOverlay.scrollY / 256f);
+ }
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("SceneServiceScroll " + i + " | Loop | curX:" + bgOverlay.curX + " / curY:" + bgOverlay.curY);
+ if (Configuration.Graphics.InitializeWidescreenSupport())
+ {
+ switch (map)
+ {
+ case 1651: // Iifa roots 1
+ bgOverlay.curX = 200; break;
+ case 1758: // Iifa roots 2
+ bgOverlay.curX = 200; bgOverlay.curY = 0; break;
+ }
- if ((bgoverlay_DEF.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScrollWithOffset) != 0)
+ if ((bgOverlay.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScrollWithOffset) != 0) // loop in diagonal (816) or loop + parallax (2904)
- if (bgoverlay_DEF.isXOffset != 0)
+ if (bgOverlay.isXOffset != 0)
- if (bgoverlay_DEF.dY != 32767)
+ if (bgOverlay.scrollY != 32767)
- Int32 num = (Int32)bgoverlay_DEF.curY << 8 | (Int32)(bgoverlay_DEF.fracY & 255);
- num += (Int32)bgoverlay_DEF.dY;
- bgoverlay_DEF.curY = (Int16)((num >> 8) % (Int32)bgoverlay_DEF.h);
- bgoverlay_DEF.fracY = (Int16)(num & 255);
+ bgOverlay.curY = bgOverlay.curY % (Int32)bgOverlay.h + (bgOverlay.scrollY / 256f);
- else if (bgoverlay_DEF.dX != 32767)
+ else if (bgOverlay.scrollX != 32767)
- Int32 num = (Int32)bgoverlay_DEF.curX << 8 | (Int32)(bgoverlay_DEF.fracX & 255);
- num += (Int32)bgoverlay_DEF.dX;
- bgoverlay_DEF.curX = (Int16)((num >> 8) % (Int32)bgoverlay_DEF.w);
- bgoverlay_DEF.fracX = (Int16)(num & 255);
+ bgOverlay.curX = bgOverlay.curX % (Int32)bgOverlay.w + (bgOverlay.scrollX / 256f);
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("SceneServiceScroll " + i + " | ScrollWithOffset | X:" + bgOverlay.curX + " Y:" + bgOverlay.curY);
- if ((bgoverlay_DEF.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Parallax) != 0)
+ if ((bgOverlay.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Parallax) != 0)
- Int32 num = (Int32)((Single)(bgoverlay_DEF.orgX << 8) + (this.curVRP[0] - this.parallaxOrg[0]) * (Single)bgoverlay_DEF.dX);
- bgoverlay_DEF.curX = (Int16)(num >> 8);
- bgoverlay_DEF.fracX = (Int16)(num & 255);
- num = (Int32)((Single)(bgoverlay_DEF.orgY << 8) + (this.curVRP[1] - this.parallaxOrg[1]) * (Single)bgoverlay_DEF.dY);
- bgoverlay_DEF.curY = (Int16)(num >> 8);
- bgoverlay_DEF.fracY = (Int16)(num & 255);
- if (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 1251 || FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 150 || FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 805 || FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 808 || FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 2953 || FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 2952 || FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 1009 || FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 1108 || FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 1758 || FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 1651 || FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 2851 || FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 3100 || FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 2720 || FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 1908 || FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 908)
+ bgOverlay.curX = bgOverlay.orgX + ((this.curVRP.x + SmoothCamDelta.x - this.parallaxOrg.x) * (bgOverlay.scrollX / 256f));
+ bgOverlay.curY = bgOverlay.orgY + ((this.curVRP.y - SmoothCamDelta.y - this.parallaxOrg.y) * (bgOverlay.scrollY / 256f));
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("SceneServiceScroll " + i + " | Parallax | X:" + bgOverlay.curX + " Y:" + bgOverlay.curY + " SmoothCamDelta.x " + SmoothCamDelta.x);
+ if (Configuration.Graphics.InitializeWidescreenSupport())
- bgoverlay_DEF.isSpecialParallax = true;
- Single num2 = (Single)(bgoverlay_DEF.orgX * 256) + (this.curVRP[0] - this.parallaxOrg[0]) * (Single)bgoverlay_DEF.dX;
- bgoverlay_DEF.parallaxCurX = num2 / 256f;
- bgoverlay_DEF.fracX = (Int16)((Int32)num2 & 255);
- num2 = (Single)(bgoverlay_DEF.orgY * 256) + (this.curVRP[1] - this.parallaxOrg[1]) * (Single)bgoverlay_DEF.dY;
- bgoverlay_DEF.parallaxCurY = num2 / 256f;
- bgoverlay_DEF.fracY = (Int16)((Int32)num2 & 255);
+ switch (map)
+ {
+ case 1651: // Iifa roots 1
+ bgOverlay.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.1f, 1.1f, 1f); bgOverlay.curX = -8; break;
+ case 1657:
+ bgOverlay.curX = this.mainCamera.transform.localPosition.x * (bgOverlay.scrollX / 256f) - (float)0.25; break;
+ case 1758: // Iifa roots 2
+ bgOverlay.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.1f, 1.1f, 1f); bgOverlay.curX = -8; break;
+ case 2600: // 464/416
+ bgOverlay.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.12f, 1.12f, 1f); bgOverlay.curX -= 24; break;
+ case 2602: // 384/328
+ bgOverlay.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.05f, 1.05f, 1f); bgOverlay.curX = 28; break;
+ case 2605: // 400/368
+ bgOverlay.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.1f, 1.1f, 1f); bgOverlay.curX -= 16; break;
+ case 2606:
+ bgOverlay.curX = this.mainCamera.transform.localPosition.x * (bgOverlay.scrollX / 256f); break;
+ case 2607: // 416/400
+ bgOverlay.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.05f, 1.05f, 1f); bgOverlay.curX -= 8; bgOverlay.curY -= 8; break;
+ case 2651:
+ bgOverlay.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.2f, 1.2f, 1f); bgOverlay.curX -= 56; bgOverlay.curY -= 16; break;
+ case 2660: // 536/528
+ bgOverlay.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.02f, 1.02f, 1f); bgOverlay.curX -= 8; break;
+ }
if ((this.flags & FieldMapFlags.Unknown128) != 0u)
- this.orgVRP[0] = this.curVRP[0];
- this.orgVRP[1] = this.curVRP[1];
+ this.orgVRP.x = this.curVRP.x;
+ this.orgVRP.y = this.curVRP.y;
this.flags &= FieldMapFlags.Generic127;
return 1;
- public void EBG_sceneService2DScroll()
+ public void SceneService2DScroll()
if (!IsActive)
- FieldMapFlags fl = this.flags & FieldMapFlags.Generic7;
- if (fl == 0 || fl >= FieldMapFlags.Unknown4)
+ FieldMapFlags flags = this.flags & FieldMapFlags.Generic7;
+ if (flags == 0 || flags >= FieldMapFlags.Unknown4)
Int16 currentFrame = this.curFrame;
Int16 totalFrames = this.frameCount;
- BGCAM_DEF currentCamera = this.scene.cameraList[this.curCamIdx];
- Int16 aimX = (Int16)(this.endPoint.x - currentCamera.centerOffset[0] - HalfFieldWidth - this.startPoint.x);
- Int16 aimY = (Int16)(this.endPoint.y + currentCamera.centerOffset[1] - HalfFieldHeight - this.startPoint.y);
- Single viewportX = this.curVRP.x;
- Single viewportY = this.curVRP.y;
+ BGCAM_DEF bgCamera = this.scene.cameraList[this.curCamIdx];
+ float aimX = (float)(this.endPoint.x - bgCamera.centerOffset[0] - HalfFieldWidth - this.startPoint.x);
+ float aimY = (float)(this.endPoint.y + bgCamera.centerOffset[1] - HalfFieldHeight - this.startPoint.y);
+ float viewportX = this.curVRP.x;
+ float viewportY = this.curVRP.y;
if (IsRotationScroll)
- Int32 fixedPointAngle = 2048 * currentFrame / totalFrames + 2048;
+ Int32 fixedPointAngle = (2048 * currentFrame / totalFrames) + 2048;
Int32 rcos = ff9.rcos(fixedPointAngle) + 4096;
- Int32 rotX = aimX * rcos / 8192;
- Int32 rotY = aimY * rcos / 8192;
- this.curVRP[0] = this.startPoint[0] + rotX;
- this.curVRP[1] = this.startPoint[1] + rotY;
+ float rotX = aimX * rcos / 8192;
+ float rotY = aimY * rcos / 8192;
+ this.curVRP.x = (float)(this.startPoint.x + rotX);
+ this.curVRP.y = (float)(this.startPoint.y + rotY);
+ //if (dbug) Log.Message("SceneService2DScroll(IsRotationScroll) | this.curVRP.x:" + this.curVRP.x + " this.curVRP.y:" + this.curVRP.y);
- this.curVRP[0] = this.startPoint[0] + aimX * currentFrame / (Single)totalFrames;
- this.curVRP[1] = this.startPoint[1] + aimY * currentFrame / (Single)totalFrames;
+ this.curVRP.x = this.startPoint.x + aimX * currentFrame / totalFrames;
+ this.curVRP.y = this.startPoint.y + aimY * currentFrame / totalFrames;
+ //if (dbug) Log.Message("SceneService2DScroll | this.curVRP.x:" + this.curVRP.x + " this.curVRP.y:" + this.curVRP.y);
- viewportX = this.curVRP[0] - viewportX;
- viewportY = this.curVRP[1] - viewportY;
+ viewportX = this.curVRP.x - viewportX;
+ viewportY = this.curVRP.y - viewportY;
+ //if (dbug) Log.Message("SceneService2DScroll | viewportX:" + viewportX + " viewportY:" + viewportY);
- UpdateOverlayXY((Int16)viewportX, (Int16)viewportY);
+ UpdateOverlayXY(viewportX, viewportY);
- this.charOffset = new Vector2(this.curVRP[0], this.curVRP[1]);
+ this.charOffset = new Vector2(this.curVRP.x, this.curVRP.y);
- if (fl == FieldMapFlags.Unknown1)
+ if (flags == FieldMapFlags.Unknown1)
this.flags &= ~FieldMapFlags.Unknown1;
this.flags |= FieldMapFlags.Unknown2;
@@ -1921,50 +1799,96 @@ public void EBG_sceneService2DScroll()
- private void UpdateOverlayXY(Int16 dx, Int16 dy)
+ private void UpdateOverlayXY(float dx, float dy)
- for (Int32 overlayIndex = 0; overlayIndex < this.scene.overlayCount; overlayIndex++)
+ for (Int32 overlayNdx = 0; overlayNdx < this.scene.overlayCount; overlayNdx++)
- BGOVERLAY_DEF overlay = this.scene.overlayList[overlayIndex];
- if ((overlay.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Loop) != 0)
- {
- if (overlay.dX != 0)
- overlay.curX = (Int16)(overlay.curX + dx);
- if (overlay.dY != 0)
- overlay.curY = (Int16)(overlay.curY + dy);
+ BGOVERLAY_DEF bgOverlay = this.scene.overlayList[overlayNdx];
- this.EBG_alphaScaleX(overlay, dx);
- this.EBG_alphaScaleY(overlay, dy);
+ if ((bgOverlay.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Loop) != 0)
+ {
+ if (bgOverlay.scrollX != 0)
+ bgOverlay.curX += dx;
+ if (bgOverlay.scrollY != 0)
+ bgOverlay.curY += dy;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("UpdateOverlayXY " + overlayNdx + " | Loop | dx:" + dx + " scrollX:" + bgOverlay.scrollX + " curX:" + bgOverlay.curX + " scrollY:" + bgOverlay.scrollY + " curY:" + bgOverlay.curY);
+ this.alphaScaleX(bgOverlay, dx);
+ this.alphaScaleY(bgOverlay, dy);
- else if ((overlay.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScrollWithOffset) != 0)
+ else if ((bgOverlay.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScrollWithOffset) != 0)
- if (overlay.isXOffset != 0)
- overlay.curY = (Int16)(overlay.curY + dy);
+ if (bgOverlay.isXOffset != 0)
+ bgOverlay.curY += dy;
- overlay.curX = (Int16)(overlay.curX + dx);
- this.EBG_alphaScaleX(overlay, dx);
- this.EBG_alphaScaleY(overlay, dy);
+ bgOverlay.curX += dx;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("UpdateOverlayXY " + overlayNdx + " | dx:" + dx + " ScrollWithOffset | curX:" + bgOverlay.curX + " curY:" + bgOverlay.curY);
+ this.alphaScaleX(bgOverlay, dx);
+ this.alphaScaleY(bgOverlay, dy);
- private void EBG_sceneService3DScroll()
+ public float alphaScaleX(BGOVERLAY_DEF bgOverlay, float dx)
+ {
+ float scaledValue = dx * 65536;
+ float ScaleFactor = (float)this.scrollWindowAlphaX[(Int32)bgOverlay.viewportNdx] * 256;
+ if (ScaleFactor == 65536)
+ {
+ return bgOverlay.curX;
+ }
+ scaledValue = (bgOverlay.curX * 65536) - scaledValue * Math3D.Fixed2Float((int)Math.Abs(ScaleFactor));
+ bgOverlay.curX = scaledValue / 65536;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_alphaScaleX | scaledValue:" + scaledValue + " ScaleFactor:" + ScaleFactor + " curX:" + bgOverlay.curX);
+ return bgOverlay.curX;
+ }
+ public float alphaScaleY(BGOVERLAY_DEF bgOverlay, float dy)
+ {
+ float scaledValue = dy * 65536;
+ float ScaleFactor = (float)this.scrollWindowAlphaY[(Int32)bgOverlay.viewportNdx] * 256;
+ if (ScaleFactor == 65536)
+ {
+ return bgOverlay.curY;
+ }
+ scaledValue = (bgOverlay.curY * 65536) - Math3D.Float2Fixed(Math3D.Fixed2Float((int)scaledValue) * Math3D.Fixed2Float((int)Math.Abs(ScaleFactor)));
+ bgOverlay.curY = scaledValue / 65536;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_alphaScaleY | scaledValue:" + scaledValue + " ScaleFactor:" + ScaleFactor + " curY:" + bgOverlay.curY);
+ return bgOverlay.curY;
+ }
+ private void SceneService3DScroll()
- if (!IsScene3dScrollAllowed())
+ Int16 map = FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo;
+ if ((this.flags & FieldMapFlags.Generic7) != 0u || !this.IsActive || map == 70 || this.curCamIdx < 0 || this.curCamIdx > this.scene.cameraList.Count)
- CrutchForIpsenMap(); // EVT_IPSEN_IP_CNT_2
- CrutchForEvaMap(); // EVT_EVA1_IF_PTS_1
+ if (map == 2512 && this.playerController == null) // CrutchForIpsenMap EVT_IPSEN_IP_CNT_2
+ {
+ this.playerController = ((Actor)PersistenSingleton.Instance.GetObjUID(2)).fieldMapActorController;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("SceneService3DScroll | CrutchForIpsenMap");
+ }
+ if (map == 1656) // CrutchForEvaMap EVT_EVA1_IF_PTS_1
+ {
+ Int32 isNeedOffset = PersistenSingleton.Instance.eBin.getVarManually(7385);
+ if (isNeedOffset == 1)
+ {
+ this.playerController = null;
+ this.extraOffset.x = -16f;
+ this.extraOffset.y = -8f;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("SceneService3DScroll | CrutchForEvaMap | isNeedOffset");
+ }
+ }
Vector3 prevScrOffset = Vector3.zero;
- BGCAM_DEF currentCamera = this.scene.cameraList[this.curCamIdx];
+ BGCAM_DEF bgCamera = this.scene.cameraList[this.curCamIdx];
if (this.playerController != null)
prevScrOffset = this.playerController.curPos;
prevScrOffset.y += this.charAimHeight;
- prevScrOffset = PSX.CalculateGTE_RTPT(prevScrOffset, Matrix4x4.identity, currentCamera.GetMatrixRT(), currentCamera.GetViewDistance(), this.offset);
+ prevScrOffset = PSX.CalculateGTE_RTPT(prevScrOffset, Matrix4x4.identity, bgCamera.GetMatrixRT(), bgCamera.GetViewDistance(), this.offset);
@@ -1973,165 +1897,37 @@ private void EBG_sceneService3DScroll()
this.prevScr = prevScrOffset;
- Single aimX = (currentCamera.w >> 1) + currentCamera.centerOffset[0] + prevScrOffset.x - HalfFieldWidth;
- Single aimY = (currentCamera.h >> 1) + currentCamera.centerOffset[1] + prevScrOffset.y - HalfFieldHeight;
- Single prevScrX = prevScrOffset.x;
- Single prevScrY = prevScrOffset.y;
+ float aimX = (bgCamera.w >> 1) + bgCamera.centerOffset[0] + prevScrOffset.x - HalfFieldWidth;
+ float aimY = (bgCamera.h >> 1) + bgCamera.centerOffset[1] + prevScrOffset.y - HalfFieldHeight;
+ float prevScrX = prevScrOffset.x;
+ float prevScrY = prevScrOffset.y;
aimX -= this.offset.x - HalfFieldWidth;
aimY += this.offset.y - HalfFieldHeight;
aimY *= -1f;
- if (aimX < currentCamera.vrpMinX)
- prevScrX = this.offset.x - (currentCamera.w >> 1) - currentCamera.centerOffset[0] + currentCamera.vrpMinX;
- else if (aimX > currentCamera.vrpMaxX)
- prevScrX = this.offset.x - (currentCamera.w >> 1) - currentCamera.centerOffset[0] + currentCamera.vrpMaxX;
- if (aimY < currentCamera.vrpMinY)
- prevScrY = this.offset.y + (currentCamera.h >> 1) + currentCamera.centerOffset[1] - currentCamera.vrpMinY;
- else if (aimY > currentCamera.vrpMaxY)
- prevScrY = this.offset.y + (currentCamera.h >> 1) + currentCamera.centerOffset[1] - currentCamera.vrpMaxY;
- this.charOffset.x = prevScrX - currentCamera.centerOffset[0];
- this.charOffset.y = -(prevScrY - currentCamera.centerOffset[1]);
- Int16 dx, dy;
- this.EBG_lookAtPoint(currentCamera, aimX, aimY, out dx, out dy);
- UpdateOverlayXY(dx, dy);
- }
- private void CrutchForEvaMap()
- {
- const Int32 evaMapIndex = 1656; //EVT_EVA1_IF_PTS_1
- if (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo != evaMapIndex)
- return;
- Int32 isNeedOffset = PersistenSingleton.Instance.eBin.getVarManually(7385);
- if (isNeedOffset == 1)
- {
- this.playerController = null;
- this.extraOffset.x = -16f;
- this.extraOffset.y = -8f;
- }
- }
- private void CrutchForIpsenMap()
- {
- const Int32 ipsenMapIndex = 2512; // EVT_IPSEN_IP_CNT_2
- if (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == ipsenMapIndex && this.playerController == null)
- {
- this.playerController = ((Actor)PersistenSingleton.Instance.GetObjUID(2)).fieldMapActorController;
- }
- }
- private Boolean IsScene3dScrollAllowed()
- {
- if ((this.flags & FieldMapFlags.Generic7) != 0u)
- return false;
- if (!IsActive)
- return false;
- if (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == 70) // Opening-For FMV
- return false;
- if (this.curCamIdx < 0 || this.curCamIdx > this.scene.cameraList.Count)
- return false;
+ if (aimX < bgCamera.vrpMinX)
+ prevScrX = this.offset.x - (bgCamera.w >> 1) - bgCamera.centerOffset[0] + bgCamera.vrpMinX;
+ else if (aimX > bgCamera.vrpMaxX)
+ prevScrX = this.offset.x - (bgCamera.w >> 1) - bgCamera.centerOffset[0] + bgCamera.vrpMaxX;
- return true;
- }
+ if (aimY < bgCamera.vrpMinY)
+ prevScrY = this.offset.y + (bgCamera.h >> 1) + bgCamera.centerOffset[1] - bgCamera.vrpMinY;
+ else if (aimY > bgCamera.vrpMaxY)
+ prevScrY = this.offset.y + (bgCamera.h >> 1) + bgCamera.centerOffset[1] - bgCamera.vrpMaxY;
- public static Int32 f1616_mul(Int32 a, Int32 b)
- {
- return Math3D.Float2Fixed(Math3D.Fixed2Float(a) * Math3D.Fixed2Float(b));
- }
+ this.charOffset.x = prevScrX - bgCamera.centerOffset[0];
+ this.charOffset.y = -(prevScrY - bgCamera.centerOffset[1]);
- public Int16 EBG_alphaScaleX(BGOVERLAY_DEF oPtr, Int16 val)
- {
- Int32 num = (Int32)val << 16;
- Int32 num2 = (Int32)this.scrollWindowAlphaX[(Int32)oPtr.viewportNdx] << 8;
- if (num2 == 65536)
- {
- return oPtr.curX;
- }
- if (num2 < 0)
- {
- num2 = -num2;
- num = ((Int32)oPtr.curX << 16) - FieldMap.f1616_mul(num, num2);
- oPtr.curX = (Int16)(num >> 16);
- oPtr.fracX = (Int16)(num >> 8 & 255);
- }
- else
- {
- num = ((Int32)oPtr.curX << 16) + FieldMap.f1616_mul(num, num2);
- oPtr.curX = (Int16)(num >> 16);
- oPtr.fracX = (Int16)(num >> 8 & 255);
- }
- return oPtr.curX;
- }
- public Int16 EBG_alphaScaleY(BGOVERLAY_DEF oPtr, Int16 val)
- {
- Int32 num = (Int32)val << 16;
- Int32 num2 = (Int32)this.scrollWindowAlphaY[(Int32)oPtr.viewportNdx] << 8;
- if (num2 == 65536)
- {
- return oPtr.curY;
- }
- if (num2 < 0)
- {
- num2 = -num2;
- num = ((Int32)oPtr.curY << 16) - FieldMap.f1616_mul(num, num2);
- oPtr.curY = (Int16)(num >> 16);
- oPtr.fracY = (Int16)(num >> 8 & 255);
- }
- else
- {
- num = ((Int32)oPtr.curY << 16) + FieldMap.f1616_mul(num, num2);
- oPtr.curY = (Int16)(num >> 16);
- oPtr.fracY = (Int16)(num >> 8 & 255);
- }
- return oPtr.curY;
- }
+ float prevVRPx = this.curVRP.x;
+ float prevVRPy = this.curVRP.y;
+ this.curVRP.x = Mathf.Clamp(aimX, bgCamera.vrpMinX, bgCamera.vrpMaxX) - bgCamera.centerOffset[0] - HalfFieldWidth;
+ this.curVRP.y = Mathf.Clamp(aimY, bgCamera.vrpMinY, bgCamera.vrpMaxY) + bgCamera.centerOffset[1] - HalfFieldHeight;
+ float dx = this.curVRP.x - prevVRPx;
+ float dy = this.curVRP.y - prevVRPy;
+ if (dbug) Log.Message("SceneService3DScroll | dx:" + dx + " dy:" + dy + " curVRP.x:" + this.curVRP.x + " curVRP.y:" + this.curVRP.y);
- public Int32 EBG_lookAtPoint(BGCAM_DEF camPtr, Single aimX, Single aimY, out Int16 dX, out Int16 dY)
- {
- if (!IsActive)
- {
- dX = 0;
- dY = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- Single x = this.curVRP.x;
- Single y = this.curVRP.y;
- if (aimX < (Single)camPtr.vrpMinX)
- {
- this.curVRP[0] = (Single)camPtr.vrpMinX;
- }
- else if (aimX > (Single)camPtr.vrpMaxX)
- {
- this.curVRP[0] = (Single)camPtr.vrpMaxX;
- }
- else
- {
- this.curVRP[0] = aimX;
- }
- if (aimY < (Single)camPtr.vrpMinY)
- {
- this.curVRP[1] = (Single)camPtr.vrpMinY;
- }
- else if (aimY > (Single)camPtr.vrpMaxY)
- {
- this.curVRP[1] = (Single)camPtr.vrpMaxY;
- }
- else
- {
- this.curVRP[1] = aimY;
- }
- this.curVRP[0] = this.curVRP[0] - (Single)camPtr.centerOffset[0] - HalfFieldWidth;
- this.curVRP[1] = this.curVRP[1] + (Single)camPtr.centerOffset[1] - HalfFieldHeight;
- dX = (Int16)(this.curVRP.x - x);
- dY = (Int16)(this.curVRP.y - y);
- return 1;
+ UpdateOverlayXY(dx, dy);
public void EBG_char3DScrollSetActive(UInt32 isActive, Int32 frameCount, UInt32 scrollType)
@@ -2155,19 +1951,20 @@ public void EBG_charLookAtUnlock()
if (!IsLocked)
- BGSCENE_DEF bgscene_DEF = this.scene;
- if (bgscene_DEF != null)
- {
- BGCAM_DEF bgcam_DEF = this.scene.cameraList[this.curCamIdx];
- this.origVRPMinX = bgcam_DEF.vrpMinX;
- this.origVRPMaxX = bgcam_DEF.vrpMaxX;
- this.origVRPMinY = bgcam_DEF.vrpMinY;
- this.origVRPMaxY = bgcam_DEF.vrpMaxY;
- bgcam_DEF.vrpMinX = (Int16)this.SHRT_MIN;
- bgcam_DEF.vrpMaxX = (Int16)this.SHRT_MAX;
- bgcam_DEF.vrpMinY = (Int16)this.SHRT_MIN;
- bgcam_DEF.vrpMaxY = (Int16)this.SHRT_MAX;
+ BGSCENE_DEF bgScene = this.scene;
+ if (bgScene != null)
+ {
+ BGCAM_DEF bgCamera = this.scene.cameraList[this.curCamIdx];
+ this.origVRPMinX = bgCamera.vrpMinX;
+ this.origVRPMaxX = bgCamera.vrpMaxX;
+ this.origVRPMinY = bgCamera.vrpMinY;
+ this.origVRPMaxY = bgCamera.vrpMaxY;
+ bgCamera.vrpMinX = (Int16)this.SHRT_MIN;
+ bgCamera.vrpMaxX = (Int16)this.SHRT_MAX;
+ bgCamera.vrpMinY = (Int16)this.SHRT_MIN;
+ bgCamera.vrpMaxY = (Int16)this.SHRT_MAX;
IsLocked = false;
+ //if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_charLookAtUnlock bgCamera.vrpMinX " + bgCamera.vrpMinX + " bgCamera.vrpMaxX " + bgCamera.vrpMaxX);
@@ -2176,15 +1973,16 @@ public void EBG_charLookAtLock()
if (IsLocked)
- BGSCENE_DEF bgscene_DEF = this.scene;
- if (bgscene_DEF != null)
+ BGSCENE_DEF bgScene = this.scene;
+ if (bgScene != null)
- BGCAM_DEF bgcam_DEF = this.scene.cameraList[this.curCamIdx];
- bgcam_DEF.vrpMinX = this.origVRPMinX;
- bgcam_DEF.vrpMaxX = this.origVRPMaxX;
- bgcam_DEF.vrpMinY = this.origVRPMinY;
- bgcam_DEF.vrpMaxY = this.origVRPMaxY;
+ BGCAM_DEF bgCamera = this.scene.cameraList[this.curCamIdx];
+ bgCamera.vrpMinX = this.origVRPMinX;
+ bgCamera.vrpMaxX = this.origVRPMaxX;
+ bgCamera.vrpMinY = this.origVRPMinY;
+ bgCamera.vrpMaxY = this.origVRPMaxY;
IsLocked = true;
+ //if (dbug) Log.Message("EBG_charLookAtLock bgCamera.vrpMinX " + bgCamera.vrpMinX + " bgCamera.vrpMaxX " + bgCamera.vrpMaxX);
@@ -2276,722 +2074,97 @@ public void EBG_charLookAtLock()
private static readonly Dictionary combineMeshDict = new Dictionary
- {
- 351,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 358,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 13,
- 14
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 450,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 407,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 55,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 5
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 57,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 60,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 15,
- 16
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 111,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 10
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 153,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 154,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 307,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 6,
- 8
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 308,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 309,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 507,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 8,
- 9,
- 10
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 551,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 13
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 556,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 27
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 566,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 576,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 603,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 35
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 612,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 662,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 705,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 25
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 706,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 13
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 707,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 751,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 755,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 766,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 802,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 810,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 6,
- 7
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 815,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 910,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 12,
- 13,
- 14,
- 15,
- 16,
- 17,
- 19
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 1910,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 12,
- 13,
- 14,
- 15,
- 16,
- 17,
- 19
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 916,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 951,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 952,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 957,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 1056,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 19,
- 24
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 1106,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 19,
- 24
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 1153,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 6,
- 7
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 1206,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 5,
- 6,
- 7,
- 8,
- 9,
- 10,
- 11
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 1207,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 7,
- 8
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 1214,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 1215,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 1222,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 21,
- 22,
- 23,
- 24,
- 25
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 1223,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 5,
- 6,
- 7,
- 8,
- 9,
- 10,
- 11
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 1301,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 13
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 1307,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 1312,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 1355,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 1362,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 1455,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 3054,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 1505,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 0,
- 8,
- 13
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 1950,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 1225,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 5,
- 6,
- 7,
- 8,
- 9,
- 10,
- 11
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 1801,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 5,
- 6,
- 7,
- 8,
- 9,
- 10,
- 11
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 1802,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 7,
- 8
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 3002,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 7,
- 8
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 1806,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 1807,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 1814,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 21,
- 22,
- 23,
- 24,
- 25
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 1816,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 15,
- 16,
- 17,
- 18,
- 19
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 1823,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 1852,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 1860,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 10
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 1865,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 17,
- 18,
- 20
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 2000,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 2001,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 7,
- 8
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 2101,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 13
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 565,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 2112,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 605,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 2155,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 2162,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 2200,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 12,
- 13,
- 14,
- 15,
- 16,
- 17,
- 18,
- 19,
- 21,
- 22,
- 23,
- 24,
- 25
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 2217,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 2220,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 4,
- 5,
- 6,
- 7
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 2221,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 2,
- 4,
- 5,
- 26,
- 29
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 2404,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 2453,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 1
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 2853,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 4,
- 5,
- 6,
- 7,
- 8,
- 9,
- 10,
- 11,
- 12,
- 13,
- 14,
- 15
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 2502,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 2506,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 2509,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 2,
- 3
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 2652,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 4
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 2906,
- (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null
- },
- {
- 3100,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 38,
- 40,
- 46,
- 47,
- 48,
- 49,
- 50,
- 52
- }
- }
- },
- {
- 2107,
- new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData
- {
- skipOverlayList = new List
- {
- 0,
- 1,
- 2,
- 3,
- 4,
- 5,
- 12
- }
- }
- }
+ {351, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null},
+ {358, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 13, 14 }}},
+ {450, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {407, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {55, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 5 }}},
+ {57, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {60, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 15, 16 }}},
+ {111, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 10 }}},
+ {153, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {154, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {307, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 6, 8 }}},
+ {308, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {309, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {507, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 8, 9, 10 }}},
+ {551, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 13 }}},
+ {556, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 27 }}},
+ {566, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {576, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {603, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 35 }}},
+ {612, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {662, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {705, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 25 }}},
+ {706, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 13 }}},
+ {707, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {751, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {755, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {766, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {802, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {810, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 6, 7 }}},
+ {815, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {910, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19 }}},
+ {1910, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19 }}},
+ {916, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {951, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {952, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {957, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {1056, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 19, 24 }}},
+ {1106, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 19, 24 }}},
+ {1153, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 6, 7 }}},
+ {1206, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 }}},
+ {1207, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 7, 8 }}},
+ {1214, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {1215, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {1222, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 }}},
+ {1223, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 }}},
+ {1301, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 13 }}},
+ {1307, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {1312, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {1355, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {1362, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {1455, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {3054, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {1505, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 0, 8, 13 }}},
+ {1950, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {1225, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 }}},
+ {1801, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 }}},
+ {1802, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 7, 8 }}},
+ {3002, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 7, 8 }}},
+ {1806, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {1807, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {1814, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 }}},
+ {1816, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 }}},
+ {1823, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {1852, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {1860, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 10 }}},
+ {1865, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 17, 18, 20 }}},
+ {2000, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {2001, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 7, 8 }}},
+ {2101, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 13 }}},
+ {565, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {2112, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {605, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {2155, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {2162, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {2200, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 }}},
+ {2217, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {2220, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 4, 5, 6, 7 }}},
+ {2221, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 2, 4, 5, 26, 29 }}},
+ {2404, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {2453, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 1 }}},
+ {2853, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 }}},
+ {2502, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {2506, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {2509, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 2, 3 }}},
+ {2652, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 4 }}},
+ {2906, (FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData)null },
+ {3100, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 38, 40, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52 }}},
+ {2107, new FieldMap.EbgCombineMeshData { skipOverlayList = new List { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12 }}}
- public static List fieldMapNameWithAreaTitle = new List
+ public static readonly List fieldMapNameWithAreaTitle = new List
@@ -3073,14 +2246,34 @@ public static void OnWidescreenSupportChanged()
PsxFieldWidth = CalcPsxFieldWidth();
PsxScreenWidth = CalcPsxScreenWidth();
- if (Configuration.Graphics.InitializeWidescreenSupport() && IsNarrowMap())
+ int map = FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo;
+ //Log.Message("fldMapNo:" + FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo + " MapWidth:" + NarrowMapList.MapWidth(FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo) + " PsxFieldWidth:" + PsxFieldWidth + " PsxScreenWidth:" + PsxScreenWidth + " InitializeWidescreenSupport():" + Configuration.Graphics.InitializeWidescreenSupport() + " WidescreenSupport:" + Configuration.Graphics.WidescreenSupport);
+ if (Configuration.Graphics.InitializeWidescreenSupport())
- foreach (KeyValuePair entry in actualNarrowMapWidthDict)
+ Int32 mapWidth = NarrowMapList.MapWidth(map);
+ //Log.Message("Configuration.Graphics.WidescreenSupport " + Configuration.Graphics.WidescreenSupport + " CalcPsxFieldWidth() " + CalcPsxFieldWidth() + " PsxScreenWidth 1 " + CalcPsxScreenWidth() + " Screen.width " + Screen.width + " Screen.height " + Screen.height + "mapWidth " + mapWidth);
+ if (mapWidth <= PsxScreenWidth && PersistenSingleton.Instance.CurrentScene != "BattleMap")
- if (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == entry.Key)
+ PsxFieldWidth = (Int16)mapWidth;
+ PsxScreenWidth = (Int16)mapWidth;
+ //Log.Message("PsxScreenWidth 2 " + PsxScreenWidth);
+ }
+ }
+ if (map >= 3000 && map <= 3012) //pre-#324 way of doing to fix narrows in ending
+ {
+ PsxFieldWidth = Configuration.Graphics.WidescreenSupport ? CalcPsxFieldWidth() : PsxFieldWidthNative;
+ PsxScreenWidth = Configuration.Graphics.WidescreenSupport ? CalcPsxScreenWidth() : PsxScreenWidthNative;
+ if (Configuration.Graphics.InitializeWidescreenSupport() && IsNarrowMap())
+ {
+ foreach (KeyValuePair entry in NarrowMapList.actualNarrowMapWidthDict)
- PsxFieldWidth = (Int16)(entry.Value);
- PsxScreenWidth = PsxFieldWidth;
+ if (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo == entry.Key)
+ {
+ PsxFieldWidth = (Int16)(entry.Value);
+ PsxScreenWidth = PsxFieldWidth;
+ }
@@ -3090,10 +2283,12 @@ public static void OnWidescreenSupportChanged()
ShaderMulY = CalcShaderMulY();
Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_MulX", ShaderMulX);
Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_MulY", ShaderMulY);
+ //Log.Message("OnWidescreenSupportChanged()");
+ //Log.Message("HalfFieldWidth " + HalfFieldWidth + " HalfScreenWidth " + HalfScreenWidth + " ShaderMulX " + ShaderMulX + " PsxFieldWidth " + CalcShaderMulX() + " CalcShaderMulX() ");
- private static Int16 CalcPsxFieldWidth() => Configuration.Graphics.WidescreenSupport ? (Int16)(PsxFieldHeightNative * Screen.width / Screen.height) : PsxFieldWidthNative;
- private static Int16 CalcPsxScreenWidth() => Configuration.Graphics.WidescreenSupport ? (Int16)(PsxScreenHeightNative * Screen.width / Screen.height) : PsxScreenWidthNative;
+ private static Int16 CalcPsxFieldWidth() => Configuration.Graphics.InitializeWidescreenSupport() ? (Int16)(PsxFieldHeightNative * Screen.width / Screen.height) : PsxFieldWidthNative;
+ private static Int16 CalcPsxScreenWidth() => Configuration.Graphics.InitializeWidescreenSupport() ? (Int16)(PsxScreenHeightNative * Screen.width / Screen.height) : PsxScreenWidthNative;
private static Single CalcShaderMulX() => 1f / HalfFieldWidth;
private static Single CalcShaderMulY() => 1f / HalfFieldHeight;
@@ -3132,4 +2327,15 @@ private Boolean IsRotationScroll
this.flags &= ~FieldMapFlags.RotationScroll;
+ private bool dbug = false;
+ private float Prev_CamPositionX, Prev_CamPositionY;
+ private Int16 SmoothCamPercent()
+ {
+ return (Int16)Mathf.Clamp(Configuration.Graphics.CameraStabilizer, 0, 99);
+ }
+ private Int16 SmoothCamDelay;
+ private Vector2 SmoothCamDelta;
+ private Boolean SmoothCamActive;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Field/Map/NarrowMapList.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Field/Map/NarrowMapList.cs
index 7a1a6c04f..fca747624 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Field/Map/NarrowMapList.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Field/Map/NarrowMapList.cs
@@ -2,33 +2,111 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Memoria;
+using Memoria.Prime;
public static class NarrowMapList
- public static Boolean IsCurrentMapNarrow() => IsNarrowMap(FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo, PersistenSingleton.Instance?.fieldmap?.camIdx ?? -1);
- public static Boolean IsNarrowMap(Int32 mapId, Int32 camId)
+ public static Boolean IsCurrentMapNarrow(Int32 ScreenWidth) => IsNarrowMap(FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo, PersistenSingleton.Instance?.fieldmap?.camIdx ?? -1, ScreenWidth);
+ public static Boolean IsNarrowMap(Int32 mapId, Int32 camId, Int32 ScreenWidth)
- if (_ScreenIs16to10 && ListWideWhen16to10.Contains(mapId))
- return false;
- if (ListFullNarrow.Contains(mapId))
+ if (SpecificScenesNarrow(mapId, camId))
return true;
- if (ListPartialNarrow.TryGetValue(mapId, out HashSet narrowCams) && narrowCams.Contains(camId))
+ if (MapWidth(mapId) <= ScreenWidth)
return true;
+ //if (ListFullNarrow.Contains(mapId))
+ // return true;
+ //if (ListPartialNarrow.TryGetValue(mapId, out HashSet narrowCams) && narrowCams.Contains(camId))
+ // return true;
+ //Log.Message("camId:" + camId + ", mapid:" + mapId);
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static Boolean SpecificScenesNarrow(Int32 mapId, Int32 currCamera)
+ {
+ Int32 currIndex = PersistenSingleton.Instance.eBin.getVarManually(EBin.MAP_INDEX_SVR);
+ Int32 currCounter = PersistenSingleton.Instance.eBin.getVarManually(EBin.SC_COUNTER_SVR);
+ foreach (int[] entry in Map_Index_Narrow_List)
+ {
+ if (entry[0] == mapId && entry[1] == currIndex)
+ return true;
+ }
+ foreach (int[] entry in Map_Counter_Narrow_List)
+ {
+ if (entry[0] == mapId && entry[1] == currCounter)
+ return true;
+ }
+ foreach (int[] entry in Map_Camera_Narrow_List)
+ {
+ if (entry[0] == mapId && entry[1] == currCamera)
+ return true;
+ }
return false;
- private static readonly Boolean _ScreenIs16to10 = Configuration.Graphics.ScreenIs16to10();
+ public static Int32 MapWidth(Int32 mapId)
+ {
+ Int32 width = 500;
+ Int32 currCamera = PersistenSingleton.Instance?.fieldmap?.camIdx ?? -1;
+ if (ListFullNarrow.Contains(mapId) || SpecificScenesNarrow(mapId, currCamera))
+ width = 320;
+ foreach (KeyValuePair entry in actualNarrowMapWidthDict)
+ {
+ if (mapId == entry.Key && !SpecificScenesNarrow(entry.Key, currCamera))
+ width = (Int32)entry.Value;
+ }
+ //Log.Message("width:" + width + "PersistenSingleton.Instance?.fieldmap?.camIdx" + PersistenSingleton.Instance?.fieldmap?.camIdx);
+ return width;
+ }
- private static readonly Dictionary> ListPartialNarrow = new Dictionary>()
+ public static readonly int[][] Map_Index_Narrow_List =
- // Not yet implemented
- // For now, using this "per camera" narrow list bugs, surely because of the camera position shift in FieldMap.CenterCameraOnPlayer
- //{ 0154, new HashSet() { 0 } }, // A. Castle/Hallway
- //{ 1215, new HashSet() { 0 } }, // A. Castle/Hallway
- //{ 1807, new HashSet() { 0 } }, // A. Castle/Hallway
+ // [mapNo,index],
+ [50,0], // first scene
+ [150,325], // Zidane infiltrate Alex Castle
+ [254,26], // MBG103 - Evil Forest
+ [352,3], // Arrival at Dali: vivi visible before sleeping
+ [355,18], // Steiner to the barmaid
+ [600,32], // Throne, meet cid
+ [615,57], // Meet garnet on Lindblum Tower
+ [615,58], // Meet garnet on Lindblum Tower (2)
+ [1206,0], // Queen and Kuja salon Alex, drug garnet
+ [1602,16], // scene at Madain Sari night w/ Vivi/Zidane/Eiko eavesdropping, bugged if you see too much
+ [1823,331], // Garnet coronation, garnet visible
+ [1815,0], // Love quiproquo at the docks
+ [1816,315], // Love quiproquo at the docks
+ [2007,2], // MBG111 - Alex castle changing
+ [2211,8], // Lindblum meeting after Alexander scene: ATE with kuja at his ship, Zorn & Thorn visible too soon and blending
+ [2404,25], // Baku seen waiting on the docks too soon
+ [2705,-1], // Pandemonium, you're not alone sequence, several glitches
+ [2706,-1], // Pandemonium, you're not alone sequence, several glitches
+ [2707,-1], // Pandemonium, you're not alone sequence, several glitches
+ [2708,-1], // Pandemonium, you're not alone sequence, several glitches
+ [2711,0], // Pandemonium, people are waiting in line after Kuja is defeated
- private static readonly HashSet ListFullNarrow = new HashSet()
+ public static readonly int[][] Map_Counter_Narrow_List =
+ {
+ // [mapNo,counter],
+ //[951,4500], // Gargan roo, secondary screen is smaller, but only visible in 1 scene
+ [1554,6300], // MBG109 - roots
+ [1554,6305], // MBG109 - roots
+ [2905,11620], // MBG118 - Memoria pink castle
+ };
+ public static readonly int[][] Map_Camera_Narrow_List =
+ {
+ // [mapNo,camIdx],
+ //[951,1], // // Gargan roo, secondary screen is smaller, but only visible in 1 scene
+ };
+ public static readonly HashSet ListFullNarrow = new HashSet()
0052, // Prima Vista/Meeting Rm
0053, // Prima Vista/Meeting Rm
@@ -56,6 +134,7 @@ public static Boolean IsNarrowMap(Int32 mapId, Int32 camId)
0150, // A. Castle/Guardhouse
0151, // A. Castle/Throne
0153, // A. Castle/Hallway
+ 0154,
0157, // A. Castle/Kitchen
0160, // A. Castle/Courtyard
0161, // A. Castle/Courtyard
@@ -73,7 +152,7 @@ public static Boolean IsNarrowMap(Int32 mapId, Int32 camId)
0209, // Prima Vista/Event
0251, // Evil Forest/Trail
0252, // Evil Forest/Trail
- 0254, // Evil Forest/Swamp
+ //0254, // Evil Forest/Swamp
0255, // Evil Forest/Riverbank
0256, // Evil Forest/Trail
0259, // Evil Forest/Trail
@@ -120,7 +199,7 @@ public static Boolean IsNarrowMap(Int32 mapId, Int32 camId)
0574, // Lindblum/Festival
0576, // Lindblum/Festival
- 0600, // L. Castle/Royal Cham.
+ //0600, // L. Castle/Royal Cham.
0601, // L. Castle/Lift
0606, // L. Castle/Event
0607, // L. Castle/Hangar
@@ -158,10 +237,12 @@ public static Boolean IsNarrowMap(Int32 mapId, Int32 camId)
0930, // Treno/Tot Residence
+ 0931, // Treno/Tot Residence
0932, // Treno/Event
0951, // Gargan Roo/Passage
0954, // Gargan Roo/Tunnel
+ 0955,
1000, // Cleyra/Tree Roots
1001, // Cleyra/Tree Roots
1002, // Cleyra/Tree Roots
@@ -189,7 +270,8 @@ public static Boolean IsNarrowMap(Int32 mapId, Int32 camId)
1212, // A. Castle/East Tower
1213, // A. Castle/Guardhouse
1214, // A. Castle/Hallway
- 1216,
+ 1215,
+ //1216,
1221, // A. Castle/Courtyard
1222, // A. Castle/Courtyard
@@ -248,12 +330,12 @@ public static Boolean IsNarrowMap(Int32 mapId, Int32 camId)
1609, // Mdn. Sari/Cove
1610, // Mdn. Sari/Cove
- 1651, // Iifa Tree/Tree Roots
- 1652, // Iifa Tree/Roots
+ //1651, // Iifa Tree/Tree Roots
+ //1652, // Iifa Tree/Roots
1655, // Iifa Tree/Tree Path
1656, // Iifa Tree/Eidolon Moun
1657, // Iifa Tree/Tree Roots
- 1658, // Iifa Tree/Silver Drago
+ 1658, // Iifa Tree/Silver Dragon
@@ -272,15 +354,16 @@ public static Boolean IsNarrowMap(Int32 mapId, Int32 camId)
1755, // Iifa Tree/Bottom
1756, // Iifa Tree/Bottom
- 1758, // Iifa Tree/Tree Roots
+ //1758, // Iifa Tree/Tree Roots
1800, // A. Castle/Tomb
1803, // A. Castle/Guardhouse
1806, // A. Castle/Hallway
- 1808,
+ 1807, // A. Castle/Hallway
+ //1808,
1813, // A. Castle/Courtyard
1814, // A. Castle/Courtyard
- 1816, // A. Castle/Courtyard
+ //1816, // A. Castle/Courtyard
1817, // A. Castle/Neptune
1818, // A. Castle/Neptune
1820, // A. Castle/West Tower
@@ -303,7 +386,7 @@ public static Boolean IsNarrowMap(Int32 mapId, Int32 camId)
2005, // A. Castle/Altar
- 2007, // A. Castle/Altar
+ //2007, // A. Castle/Altar
2008, // A. Castle/Altar
2050, // Alexandria/Main Street
@@ -311,7 +394,7 @@ public static Boolean IsNarrowMap(Int32 mapId, Int32 camId)
2101, // Lindblum/B.D. Station
2103, // Lindblum/Inn
2108, // Lindblum/Synthesist
- 2109, // Lindblum/Wpn. Shop
+ //2109, // Lindblum/Wpn. Shop
2114, // Lindblum/Theater Ave.
@@ -366,19 +449,14 @@ public static Boolean IsNarrowMap(Int32 mapId, Int32 camId)
2552, // Earth Shrine/Interior
- 2600, // Terra/Hilltop
2602, // Terra/Stepping Stones
- 2605, // Terra/Treetop
- 2606, // Terra/Tree base
- 2607, // Terra/Bridge
+ //2606, // Terra/Tree base
2608, // Terra/Event
- 2651, // Bran Bal/Entrance
2654, // Bran Bal/Pond
2657, // Bran Bal/Storage
- 2660, // Bran Bal/Hilltop
2701, // Pand./Path
2715, // Pand./Event
@@ -392,7 +470,6 @@ public static Boolean IsNarrowMap(Int32 mapId, Int32 camId)
2901, // Memoria/Entrance
2902, // Memoria/Stairs of Time
2904, // Memoria/Outer Path
- 2905,
2908, // Memoria/Time Interval
2909, // Memoria/Ruins
@@ -419,7 +496,9 @@ public static Boolean IsNarrowMap(Int32 mapId, Int32 camId)
2950, // Chocobo’s Forest
2953, // Chocobo’s Dream World
+ 3003,
+ 3006,
3008, // Ending/Prima Vista - Meeting Room
3010, // Ending/TH
@@ -430,138 +509,217 @@ public static Boolean IsNarrowMap(Int32 mapId, Int32 camId)
3056, // Mage Village/Rooftop
3058, // Mage Village/Water Mil
- 3100,
+ 3100, // Mog Post
- private static readonly HashSet ListWideWhen16to10 = new HashSet()
+ public static readonly Dictionary mapCameraMargin = new Dictionary
- 55,
- 60,
- 102,
- 109,
- 150,
- 157,
- 161,
- 162,
- 201,
- 206,
- 207,
- 251,
- 252,
- 262,
- 405,
- 407,
- 456,
- 505,
- 553,
- 556,
- 561,
- 565,
- 566,
- 568,
- 569,
- 571,
- 613,
- 656,
- 657,
- 658,
- 659,
- 663,
- 705,
- 751,
- 753,
- 755,
- 806,
- 813,
- 851,
- 855,
- 901,
- 911,
- 913,
- 950,
- 1017,
- 1018,
- 1054,
- 1058,
- 1104,
- 1108,
- 1153,
- 1201,
- 1205,
- 1210,
- 1213,
- 1218,
- 1222,
- 1251,
- 1254,
- 1303,
- 1312,
- 1313,
- 1363,
- 1403,
- 1404,
- 1408,
- 1414,
- 1424,
- 1452,
- 1453,
- 1456,
- 1509,
- 1600,
- 1601,
- 1602,
- 1656,
- 1700,
- 1701,
- 1702,
- 1803,
- 1810,
- 1814,
- 1817,
- 1820,
- 1852,
- 1858,
- 1901,
- 1911,
- 1913,
- 1953,
- 2002,
- 2004,
- 2006,
- 2052,
- 2103,
- 2112,
- 2113,
- 2163,
- 2200,
- 2212,
- 2213,
- 2222,
- 2352,
- 2353,
- 2355,
- 2400,
- 2406,
- 2451,
- 2502,
- 2503,
- 2551,
- 2601,
- 2650,
- 2657,
- 2658,
- 2706,
- 2851,
- 2855,
- 2856,
- 2904,
- 2906,
- 2913,
- 2915,
- 2928,
- 3005,
- 3052,
- 3055,
- 3100,
+ //{mapNo,pixels on each side to crop because of scrollable}
+ {1051,9},
+ {1057,17},
+ {1058,16},
+ {1060,17},
+ {1652,16},
+ {1653,16},
+ //{154,16},
+ };
+ public static readonly Dictionary actualNarrowMapWidthDict = new Dictionary
+ {
+ //{mapNo,(actualWidth - 2)}
+ {163,318},
+ {606,318},
+ {1050,316},
+ {203,334},
+ {760,334},
+ {814,334},
+ {816,334},
+ {1151,334},
+ {1458,334},
+ {1500,334},
+ {1506,334},
+ {1605,334},
+ {1606,334},
+ {1608,334},
+ {1660,334},
+ {1661,334},
+ {1662,334},
+ {1705,334},
+ {1707,334},
+ {1751,334},
+ {2202,334},
+ {2204,334},
+ {2205,334},
+ {2208,334},
+ {2254,334},
+ {2257,334},
+ {2303,334},
+ {2365,334},
+ {2513,334},
+ {2756,334},
+ {2932,334},
+ {3057,334},
+ {114,350},
+ {550,350},
+ {620,350},
+ {802,350},
+ {803,350},
+ {1212,350},
+ {1300,350},
+ {1370,350},
+ {1508,350},
+ {1650,350},
+ {1657,346},
+ {1752,350},
+ {1757,350},
+ {1863,350},
+ {1951,350},
+ {1952,350},
+ {2000,350},
+ {2055,350},
+ {2771,350},
+ {2203,350},
+ {2261,350},
+ {2356,350},
+ {2362,350},
+ {2500,350},
+ {2501,350},
+ {2654,350},
+ {60,366},
+ {150,366},
+ {161,366},
+ {201,366},
+ {262,366},
+ {565,366},
+ {911,366},
+ {1213,366},
+ {1222,366},
+ {1251,366},
+ {1254,366},
+ {1312,366},
+ {1403,366},
+ {1803,366},
+ {1814,366},
+ {1817,366},
+ {1911,366},
+ {1953,366},
+ {2002,366},
+ {2004,366},
+ {2006,366},
+ {2112,366},
+ {2400,366},
+ {2502,366},
+ {2503,366},
+ {2650,366},
+ {2904,366},
+ {2913,366},
+ {2928,366},
+ {3100,366},
+ {102,382},
+ {109,382},
+ {162,382},
+ {206,382},
+ {207,382},
+ {251,382},
+ {252,382},
+ {407,382},
+ {553,382},
+ {556,382},
+ {705,382},
+ {751,382},
+ {813,382},
+ {950,382},
+ {1017,382},
+ {1018,382},
+ {1058,380},
+ {1108,380},
+ {1201,382},
+ {1210,382},
+ {1303,382},
+ {1404,382},
+ {1452,382},
+ {1453,382},
+ {1509,382},
+ {1656,382},
+ {1820,382},
+ {1852,382},
+ {1858,382},
+ {2052,382},
+ {2103,382},
+ {2200,382},
+ {2222,382},
+ {2355,382},
+ {2406,382},
+ {2451,382},
+ {2602,382},
+ {2657,382},
+ {2851,382},
+ {2855,382},
+ {2856,382},
+ {2915,382},
+ {3052,382},
+ {55,398},
+ {157,398},
+ {405,398},
+ {456,398},
+ {505,398},
+ {561,398},
+ {566,398},
+ {568,398},
+ {569,398},
+ {571,398},
+ {613,398},
+ {656,398},
+ {657,398},
+ {658,398},
+ {659,398},
+ {663,398},
+ {753,398},
+ {755,398},
+ {806,398},
+ {851,398},
+ {855,398},
+ {901,398},
+ {913,398},
+ {1054,398},
+ {1104,398},
+ {1153,398},
+ {1218,398},
+ {1313,398},
+ {1363,398},
+ {1408,398},
+ {1414,398},
+ {1424,398},
+ {1456,398},
+ {1600,398},
+ {1601,398},
+ {1602,398},
+ {1700,398},
+ {1701,398},
+ {1702,398},
+ {1810,398},
+ {1901,398},
+ {1913,398},
+ {2113,398},
+ {2163,398},
+ {2212,398},
+ {2213,398},
+ {2352,398},
+ {2353,398},
+ {2551,398},
+ {2601,398},
+ {2658,398},
+ {2706,398},
+ {2906,398},
+ {3005,398},
+ {3055,398},
+ {1205,384},
+ {154,352},
+ {1215,352},
+ {1805,352},
+ {1807,352},
+ //{1652,336},
+ {2552,352},
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Game/GameOverUI.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Game/GameOverUI.cs
index e3845b3ae..1d3a5558e 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Game/GameOverUI.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Game/GameOverUI.cs
@@ -1,16 +1,35 @@
using System;
using System.Collections;
using Assets.Scripts.Common;
+using Memoria.Assets;
using UnityEngine;
public class GameOverUI : UIScene
public override void Show(UIScene.SceneVoidDelegate afterFinished = null)
- SceneDirector.FF9Wipe_FadeInEx(30);
+ SceneDirector.FF9Wipe_FadeInEx(30);
UIScene.SceneVoidDelegate sceneVoidDelegate = delegate
- SceneDirector.FF9Wipe_FadeInEx(24);
+ // Replace gameover screen with modded version if it exists
+ UI2DSprite sprite2D = this.GameOverSprite.GetComponent();
+ Sprite sprite = sprite2D.sprite2D;
+ String externalPath = AssetManager.SearchAssetOnDisc("EmbeddedAsset/UI/Sprites/gameover", true, false);
+ if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(externalPath))
+ {
+ Texture2D texture = StreamingResources.LoadTexture2D(externalPath);
+ sprite2D.sprite2D = Sprite.Create(texture, sprite.rect, sprite.pivot);
+ sprite2D.sprite2D.name = sprite.name;
+ }
+ externalPath = AssetManager.SearchAssetOnDisc("EmbeddedAsset/UI/Sprites/gameover.png", true, false); // also check .png for simplicity
+ if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(externalPath))
+ {
+ Texture2D texture = StreamingResources.LoadTexture2D(externalPath);
+ sprite2D.sprite2D = Sprite.Create(texture, sprite.rect, sprite.pivot);
+ sprite2D.sprite2D.name = sprite.name;
+ }
+ SceneDirector.FF9Wipe_FadeInEx(24);
@@ -56,7 +75,7 @@ public override Boolean OnKeyConfirm(GameObject go)
private void AnimatePanel(Int32 alpha)
- TweenAlpha.Begin(this.GameOverSprite, this.duration, (Single)alpha);
+ TweenAlpha.Begin(this.GameOverSprite, this.duration, (Single)alpha);
private void GoToTitleScene()
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Honolulu/HonoluluFieldMain.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Honolulu/HonoluluFieldMain.cs
index d468c36e7..39ae72bbf 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Honolulu/HonoluluFieldMain.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Honolulu/HonoluluFieldMain.cs
@@ -145,8 +145,12 @@ private void ff9InitStateFieldMap(Int32 MapNo)
if (sndEffectResSoundID2 != -1 && sndEffectResSoundID2 == sndEffectResSoundID4)
- PlayerWindow.Instance.SetTitle($"Map: {FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo}, Loc: {FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldLocNo} Name: {FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.mapNameStr}");
- FPSManager.DelayMainLoop(Time.realtimeSinceStartup - loadStartTime);
+ Int32 camNumber = PersistenSingleton.Instance?.fieldmap?.camIdx ?? -1;
+ String camNumberStr = "-" + camNumber;
+ if (camNumber == -1) { camNumberStr = ""; };
+ String camIdxIfCam = (PersistenSingleton.Instance?.fieldmap?.scene?.cameraList.Count > 1 && PersistenSingleton.Instance?.fieldmap?.camIdx != -1) ? "-" + PersistenSingleton.Instance.fieldmap.camIdx : "";
+ PlayerWindow.Instance.SetTitle($"Map: {FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo}{camIdxIfCam} ({FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.mapNameStr}) | Index/Counter: {PersistenSingleton.Instance.eBin.getVarManually(EBin.MAP_INDEX_SVR)}/{PersistenSingleton.Instance.eBin.getVarManually(EBin.SC_COUNTER_SVR)} | Loc: {FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldLocNo}");
+ FPSManager.DelayMainLoop(Time.realtimeSinceStartup - loadStartTime);
public override void HonoUpdate()
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/ISd/ISdLibAPI.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/ISd/ISdLibAPI.cs
index ba076f732..e65e197ae 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/ISd/ISdLibAPI.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/ISd/ISdLibAPI.cs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public virtual Int32 SdSoundSystem_Resume()
return 0;
- public virtual Int32 SdSoundSystem_AddData(IntPtr akb)
+ public virtual Int32 SdSoundSystem_AddData(IntPtr akb, SoundProfile profile)
SoundLib.Log("No Implementation");
return 0;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/ISd/ISdLibAPIProxy.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/ISd/ISdLibAPIProxy.cs
index afc7bc014..92558a85e 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/ISd/ISdLibAPIProxy.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/ISd/ISdLibAPIProxy.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-using System;
+using Global.Sound.SoLoud;
+using Memoria;
using UnityEngine;
public class ISdLibAPIProxy
@@ -24,11 +25,18 @@ private static void Initialize()
if (Application.HasProLicense())
- ISdLibAPIProxy.instance = new SdLibAPIWithProLicense();
+ if(Configuration.Audio.Backend == 0)
+ {
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.instance = new SdLibAPIWithProLicense();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.instance = new SdLibAPIWithSoloud();
+ }
- ISdLibAPIProxy.instance = new SdLibApiWithoutProLicense();
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.instance = new SdLibAPIWithSoloud();
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/JsonParser.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/JsonParser.cs
index ea296443b..d4cc1461a 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/JsonParser.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/JsonParser.cs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
using SimpleJSON;
using UnityEngine;
using FF9;
+using Memoria.Prime;
public class JsonParser : ISharedDataParser
@@ -519,7 +520,7 @@ private void ParseEventJsonToData(JSONNode jsonData, Boolean oldSaveFormat = tru
for (Int32 i = 0; i < jsonData["gAbilityUsage"].Count; i++)
JSONClass abilClass = jsonData["gAbilityUsage"][i].AsObject;
- if (abilClass != null && abilClass["id"] != null && abilClass["count"] != null)
+ if (abilClass != null && abilClass["id"] != null && abilClass["count"] != null) // Regardless of whether the ability exists or not with the current settings
eventState.gAbilityUsage[(BattleAbilityId)abilClass["id"].AsInt] = abilClass["count"].AsInt;
@@ -640,9 +641,12 @@ private FF9SAVE_MINIGAME ParseQuadMistJsonToData(JSONNode jsonData, Boolean oldS
JSONClass asObject = jsonData["MiniGameCard"][i].AsObject;
if (asObject["id"] != null && (TetraMasterCardId)asObject["id"].AsInt != TetraMasterCardId.NONE)
+ Int32 cardId = asObject["id"].AsInt;
+ if ((TetraMasterCardId)cardId == TetraMasterCardId.NONE || cardId >= CardPool.TOTAL_CARDS) // Cards that don't exist (not possible yet) are discarded
+ continue;
QuadMistCard card = new QuadMistCard();
if (asObject["id"] != null)
- card.id = (TetraMasterCardId)asObject["id"].AsInt;
+ card.id = (TetraMasterCardId)cardId;
if (asObject["side"] != null)
card.side = (Byte)asObject["side"].AsInt;
if (asObject["atk"] != null)
@@ -683,11 +687,18 @@ private void ParseQuadMistDataToJson(FF9SAVE_MINIGAME data, JSONClass dataNode,
dataProfileClass.Add("sDraw", data.sDraw.ToString());
JSONArray dataProfileArray = new JSONArray();
Int32 count = oldSaveFormat ? 100 : data.MiniGameCard.Count;
+ Int32 cardIndex = 0;
for (Int32 i = 0; i < count; i++)
- if (i < data.MiniGameCard.Count)
+ if (oldSaveFormat)
+ {
+ // Prevent adding cards with non-vanilla IDs at all (not yet possible)
+ while (cardIndex < data.MiniGameCard.Count && (Int32)data.MiniGameCard[cardIndex].id >= 100)
+ cardIndex++;
+ }
+ if (cardIndex < data.MiniGameCard.Count)
- QuadMistCard card = data.MiniGameCard[i];
+ QuadMistCard card = data.MiniGameCard[cardIndex];
JSONClass cardClass = new JSONClass();
cardClass.Add("id", ((Int32)card.id).ToString());
cardClass.Add("side", "0");
@@ -713,6 +724,7 @@ private void ParseQuadMistDataToJson(FF9SAVE_MINIGAME data, JSONClass dataNode,
{ "arrow", "255" }
+ cardIndex++;
dataProfileClass.Add("MiniGameCard", dataProfileArray);
dataNode.Add("30000_MiniGame", dataProfileClass);
@@ -932,14 +944,21 @@ private void ParseCommonDataToJson(FF9StateGlobal data, JSONClass dataNode, JSON
JSONArray dataItemClass = new JSONArray();
Int32 itemCount = oldSaveFormat ? 256 : data.item.Count;
+ Int32 itemIndex = 0;
for (Int32 i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
- if (i < data.item.Count)
+ if (oldSaveFormat)
+ {
+ // Prevent adding items with non-vanilla IDs at all
+ while (itemIndex < data.item.Count && (Int32)data.item[itemIndex].id >= 256)
+ itemIndex++;
+ }
+ if (itemIndex < data.item.Count)
dataItemClass.Add(new JSONClass
- { "id", ((Int32)data.item[i].id).ToString() },
- { "count", data.item[i].count.ToString() }
+ { "id", ((Int32)data.item[itemIndex].id).ToString() },
+ { "count", data.item[itemIndex].count.ToString() }
@@ -947,9 +966,10 @@ private void ParseCommonDataToJson(FF9StateGlobal data, JSONClass dataNode, JSON
dataItemClass.Add(new JSONClass
{ "id", "255" },
- { "count", "255" }
+ { "count", "0" }
+ itemIndex++;
dataProfileClass.Add("items", dataItemClass);
if (oldSaveFormat)
@@ -1109,7 +1129,7 @@ private void ParseCommonJsonToData(JSONNode jsonData, Boolean oldSaveFormat = tr
if (playerInfoClass != null && playerInfoClass["slot_no"] != null)
charId = (CharacterId)playerInfoClass["slot_no"].AsInt;
PLAYER player = ffglobal.GetPlayer(charId);
- if (player == null)
+ if (player == null) // Discard playable characters that don't exist
if (oldSaveFormat && playerClass["category"] != null)
@@ -1193,10 +1213,13 @@ private void ParseCommonJsonToData(JSONNode jsonData, Boolean oldSaveFormat = tr
player.info.menu_type = (CharacterPresetId)playerInfoClass["menu_type"].AsInt;
if (playerClass["status"] != null)
player.status = (BattleStatus)playerClass["status"].AsInt;
- if (playerClass["equip"] != null)
- for (Int32 j = 0; j < playerClass["equip"].Count && j < CharacterEquipment.Length; j++)
- player.equip[j] = (RegularItem)playerClass["equip"][j].AsInt;
- JSONClass playerBonusClass = playerClass["bonus"].AsObject;
+ if (playerClass["equip"] != null)
+ for (Int32 j = 0; j < playerClass["equip"].Count && j < CharacterEquipment.Length; j++)
+ if (ff9item._FF9Item_Data.ContainsKey((RegularItem)playerClass["equip"][j].AsInt))
+ player.equip[j] = (RegularItem)playerClass["equip"][j].AsInt;
+ else
+ player.equip[j] = RegularItem.NoItem;
+ JSONClass playerBonusClass = playerClass["bonus"].AsObject;
if (playerBonusClass["dex"] != null)
player.bonus.dex = (UInt16)playerBonusClass["dex"].AsInt;
if (playerBonusClass["str"] != null)
@@ -1242,12 +1265,13 @@ private void ParseCommonJsonToData(JSONNode jsonData, Boolean oldSaveFormat = tr
if ((player.sa[j >> 5] & (1u << j)) != 0u)
- else if (playerClass["sa_extended"] != null)
- {
- for (Int32 j = 0; j < playerClass["sa_extended"].Count; j++)
- ff9abil.FF9Abil_SetEnableSA(player, (SupportAbility)playerClass["sa_extended"][j].AsInt, true);
- }
- }
+ else if (playerClass["sa_extended"] != null)
+ {
+ for (Int32 j = 0; j < playerClass["sa_extended"].Count; j++)
+ if (ff9abil.FF9Abil_GetIndex(player, playerClass["sa_extended"][j].AsInt) > 0)
+ ff9abil.FF9Abil_SetEnableSA(player, (SupportAbility)playerClass["sa_extended"][j].AsInt, true);
+ }
+ }
if (playerBonusClass["maxHpLimit"] != null)
player.maxHpLimit = playerBonusClass["maxHpLimit"].AsUInt;
if (playerBonusClass["maxMpLimit"] != null)
@@ -1319,7 +1343,7 @@ private void ParseCommonJsonToData(JSONNode jsonData, Boolean oldSaveFormat = tr
if (itemClass != null)
RegularItem itemId = (RegularItem)itemClass["id"].AsInt;
- if (itemId != RegularItem.NoItem)
+ if (itemId != RegularItem.NoItem && ff9item._FF9Item_Data.ContainsKey(itemId)) // Discard items that are registerd in the save but that don't exist with the current settings
ffglobal.item.Add(new FF9ITEM(itemId, (Byte)itemClass["count"].AsInt));
@@ -1340,7 +1364,7 @@ private void ParseCommonJsonToData(JSONNode jsonData, Boolean oldSaveFormat = tr
JSONClass rareItemClass = jsonData["rareItemsEx"][i].AsObject;
if (rareItemClass == null || rareItemClass["id"] == null)
- Int32 rareItemId = rareItemClass["id"].AsInt;
+ Int32 rareItemId = rareItemClass["id"].AsInt; // Rare items that don't exist (typically because a mod was disabled) appear as blank rare items; they are not discarded
if (rareItemClass["obtained"] != null && rareItemClass["obtained"].AsBool)
if (rareItemClass["used"] != null && rareItemClass["used"].AsBool)
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/MBG.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/MBG.cs
index 17ff69616..677438b6a 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/MBG.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/MBG.cs
@@ -189,12 +189,12 @@ public void SetFieldMap(FieldMap fieldMap)
this.mbgCamera.depth = -4096f;
this.currentFieldMap = fieldMap;
- MBG.MBGParms.oldBGCamNdx = this.currentFieldMap.GetCurrentCameraIndex();
+ MBG.MBGParms.oldBGCamNdx = this.currentFieldMap.camIdx;
Camera mainCamera = fieldMap.GetMainCamera();
- }
+ }
- public void Play()
+ public void Play()
this.tempTargetFrameRate = FPSManager.GetTargetFPS();
this.tempVirtualAnalogStatus = VirtualAnalog.IsEnable;
@@ -223,8 +223,8 @@ public void Play()
this.isWaitForPause = false;
this.played = true;
- PlayerWindow.Instance.SetTitle($"FPS: {FPSManager.GetTargetFPS()}");
- this.movieMaterial.Play();
+ PlayerWindow.Instance.SetTitle($"FMV: {this.movieMaterial.movieKey} | Map: {FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo} ({FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.mapNameStr}) | Index/Counter: {PersistenSingleton.Instance.eBin.getVarManually(EBin.MAP_INDEX_SVR)}/{PersistenSingleton.Instance.eBin.getVarManually(EBin.SC_COUNTER_SVR)} | Loc: {FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldLocNo}");
+ this.movieMaterial.Play();
public void Pause(Boolean doPause)
@@ -312,8 +312,10 @@ public void Stop()
- PlayerWindow.Instance.SetTitle(String.Empty);
- vib.VIB_actuatorReset(0);
+ //PlayerWindow.Instance.SetTitle(String.Empty);
+ PlayerWindow.Instance.SetTitle($"Map: {FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldMapNo} ({FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.mapNameStr}) | Index/Counter: {PersistenSingleton.Instance.eBin.getVarManually(EBin.MAP_INDEX_SVR)}/{PersistenSingleton.Instance.eBin.getVarManually(EBin.SC_COUNTER_SVR)} | Loc: {FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.fldLocNo}");
+ vib.VIB_actuatorReset(0);
this.movieMaterial.Transparency = 0f;
this.mbgCamera.depth = -4096f;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/SFX/SfxSoundPlayer.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/SFX/SfxSoundPlayer.cs
index f42c2cd5e..dc4d054de 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/SFX/SfxSoundPlayer.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/SFX/SfxSoundPlayer.cs
@@ -136,20 +136,18 @@ public SoundProfile PlaySfxSound(Int32 soundIndexInSpecialEffect, Single soundVo
return soundProfile;
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
if (ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_IsExist(soundProfile.SoundID) != 0)
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.SoundVolume * this.Volume, 0);
- SoundLib.Log("Panning: " + soundProfile.Panning);
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetPanning(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.Panning, 0);
Int32 fastForwardFactor = HonoBehaviorSystem.Instance.GetFastForwardFactor();
if (fastForwardFactor != 1)
- Single pitch2 = (Single)fastForwardFactor * soundProfile.Pitch;
- soundProfile.Pitch = pitch2;
+ soundProfile.Pitch = (Single)fastForwardFactor * soundProfile.Pitch;
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetPitch(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.Pitch, 0);
- }
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
+ }
SoundLib.Log("failed to play sound");
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sd/SdLibAPIWithProLicense.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sd/SdLibAPIWithProLicense.cs
index 099efc7bc..a3cf6cde2 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sd/SdLibAPIWithProLicense.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sd/SdLibAPIWithProLicense.cs
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public override Int32 SdSoundSystem_Resume()
return SdLibAPI.SdSoundSystem_Resume();
- public override Int32 SdSoundSystem_AddData(IntPtr akb)
+ public override Int32 SdSoundSystem_AddData(IntPtr akb, SoundProfile profile)
return SdLibAPI.SdSoundSystem_AddData(akb);
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Lib/SoundLib.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Lib/SoundLib.cs
index def78bf7c..6449e18fc 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Lib/SoundLib.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Lib/SoundLib.cs
@@ -21,10 +21,14 @@ public static void PlayMovieMusic(String movieName, Int32 offsetTimeMSec = 0)
Int32 movieSoundIndex = SoundLib.GetMovieSoundIndex(movieName);
if (movieSoundIndex != -1)
- //if (movieName == "FMV000")
- // SoundLib.MovieAudioPlayer.PlayMusic(movieSoundIndex, offsetTimeMSec, SoundProfileType.MovieAudio);
- //else
- SoundLib.MovieAudioPlayer.PlayMusic(movieSoundIndex, offsetTimeMSec, SoundProfileType.MovieAudio);
+ if (movieName == "FMV000")
+ {
+ SoundLib.MusicPlayer.PlayMusic(movieSoundIndex, offsetTimeMSec, SoundProfileType.MovieAudio);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SoundLib.MovieAudioPlayer.PlayMusic(movieSoundIndex, offsetTimeMSec, SoundProfileType.MovieAudio);
+ }
@@ -150,9 +154,7 @@ public static void StopMovieMusic(String movieName, Boolean isForceStop = false)
else if (String.Equals(movieName, "FMV000"))
- Int32 ticks = 90;
- Int32 fadeOut = AllSoundDispatchPlayer.ConvertTickToMillisec(ticks);
- SoundLib.MovieAudioPlayer.StopMusic(fadeOut);
+ SoundLib.MusicPlayer.StopMusic(AllSoundDispatchPlayer.MINIMUM_SONG_FADE_MS);
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Loader/SoundImporter.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Loader/SoundImporter.cs
index e7c2ca73c..d45f0909f 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Loader/SoundImporter.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Loader/SoundImporter.cs
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public override void Load(SoundProfile profile, ResultCallback callback, SoundDa
- Int32 bankID = ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_AddData(akbData);
+ Int32 bankID = ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_AddData(akbData, profile);
profile.AkbBin = akbData;
profile.BankID = bankID;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Loader/SoundLoaderDocumentDirectory.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Loader/SoundLoaderDocumentDirectory.cs
index 8a763e93b..4827e6008 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Loader/SoundLoaderDocumentDirectory.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Loader/SoundLoaderDocumentDirectory.cs
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public override void Load(SoundProfile profile, ISoundLoader.ResultCallback call
Byte[] source = File.ReadAllBytes(text);
IntPtr intPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((Int32)fileInfo.Length);
Marshal.Copy(source, 0, intPtr, (Int32)fileInfo.Length);
- Int32 bankID = ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_AddData(intPtr);
+ Int32 bankID = ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_AddData(intPtr, profile);
profile.AkbBin = intPtr;
profile.BankID = bankID;
callback(profile, soundDatabase);
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Loader/SoundLoaderResources.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Loader/SoundLoaderResources.cs
index 617e67ae9..8f3f9410f 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Loader/SoundLoaderResources.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Loader/SoundLoaderResources.cs
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public override void Load(SoundProfile profile, ISoundLoader.ResultCallback call
Marshal.Copy(akbHeader.WriteToBytes(), 0, intPtr, 304);
- Int32 bankID = ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_AddData(intPtr);
+ Int32 bankID = ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_AddData(intPtr, profile);
profile.AkbBin = intPtr;
profile.BankID = bankID;
callback(profile, soundDatabase);
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Loader/SoundLoaderStreamingAssets.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Loader/SoundLoaderStreamingAssets.cs
index 4d5d340f6..acab10358 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Loader/SoundLoaderStreamingAssets.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/Loader/SoundLoaderStreamingAssets.cs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public override void Load(SoundProfile profile, ISoundLoader.ResultCallback call
IntPtr intPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((Int32)fileInfo.Length);
Marshal.Copy(array, 0, intPtr, (Int32)fileInfo.Length);
- Int32 bankID = ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_AddData(intPtr);
+ Int32 bankID = ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_AddData(intPtr, profile);
profile.AkbBin = intPtr;
profile.BankID = bankID;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/MusicPlayer.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/MusicPlayer.cs
index c6e31fcb0..d9db78efc 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/MusicPlayer.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/MusicPlayer.cs
@@ -163,17 +163,17 @@ public void PlayMusic(SoundProfile soundProfileFromIndex, Int32 fadeIn)
private void StartSoundCrossfadeIn(SoundProfile soundProfile)
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
if (ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_IsExist(soundProfile.SoundID) == 0)
SoundLib.Log("failed to play sound");
soundProfile.SoundID = 0;
- }
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, 0f, 0);
+ }
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, 0f, 0);
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.SoundVolume * this.Volume, (Int32)(this.fadeInDuration * 1000f));
this.SetMusicPanning(this.playerPanning, soundProfile);
this.SetMusicPitch(this.playerPitch, soundProfile);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
this.upcomingSoundProfile = soundProfile;
@@ -302,13 +302,19 @@ public void SeekActiveSound(Int32 offsetTimeMSec)
SoundLib.Log("(activeSoundProfile == null");
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Stop(this.activeSoundProfile.SoundID, 0);
- this.activeSoundProfile.SoundID = ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_CreateSound(this.activeSoundProfile.BankID);
- Int32 num = ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(this.activeSoundProfile.SoundID, offsetTimeMSec);
- if (num != 0)
+ if (Configuration.Audio.Backend == 0)
- SoundLib.LogError("startSoundErrno errors with value: " + num);
+ Single volume = ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_GetVolume(this.activeSoundProfile.SoundID);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Stop(this.activeSoundProfile.SoundID, 0);
+ this.activeSoundProfile.SoundID = ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_CreateSound(this.activeSoundProfile.BankID);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(this.activeSoundProfile.SoundID, volume, 0);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(this.activeSoundProfile.SoundID, offsetTimeMSec);
+ else
+ {
+ // This will seek with Soloud
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(this.activeSoundProfile.SoundID, offsetTimeMSec);
+ }
public override void Update()
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/Bus.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/Bus.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ee077e16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/Bus.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+using SoLoud;
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+namespace Global.Sound.SoLoud
+ public class Bus : SoloudObject
+ {
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_create")]
+ internal static extern IntPtr Bus_create();
+ public Bus()
+ {
+ objhandle = Bus_create();
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_destroy")]
+ internal static extern IntPtr Bus_destroy(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ ~Bus()
+ {
+ Bus_destroy(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_setFilter")]
+ internal static extern void Bus_setFilter(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aFilterId, IntPtr aFilter);
+ public void setFilter(uint aFilterId, SoloudObject aFilter)
+ {
+ Bus_setFilter(objhandle, aFilterId, aFilter.objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_playEx")]
+ internal static extern uint Bus_playEx(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aSound, float aVolume, float aPan, int aPaused);
+ public uint play(SoloudObject aSound, float aVolume = 1.0f, float aPan = 0.0f, int aPaused = 0)
+ {
+ return Bus_playEx(objhandle, aSound.objhandle, aVolume, aPan, aPaused);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_playClockedEx")]
+ internal static extern uint Bus_playClockedEx(IntPtr aObjHandle, double aSoundTime, IntPtr aSound, float aVolume, float aPan);
+ public uint playClocked(double aSoundTime, SoloudObject aSound, float aVolume = 1.0f, float aPan = 0.0f)
+ {
+ return Bus_playClockedEx(objhandle, aSoundTime, aSound.objhandle, aVolume, aPan);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_play3dEx")]
+ internal static extern uint Bus_play3dEx(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aSound, float aPosX, float aPosY, float aPosZ, float aVelX, float aVelY, float aVelZ, float aVolume, int aPaused);
+ public uint play3d(SoloudObject aSound, float aPosX, float aPosY, float aPosZ, float aVelX = 0.0f, float aVelY = 0.0f, float aVelZ = 0.0f, float aVolume = 1.0f, int aPaused = 0)
+ {
+ return Bus_play3dEx(objhandle, aSound.objhandle, aPosX, aPosY, aPosZ, aVelX, aVelY, aVelZ, aVolume, aPaused);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_play3dClockedEx")]
+ internal static extern uint Bus_play3dClockedEx(IntPtr aObjHandle, double aSoundTime, IntPtr aSound, float aPosX, float aPosY, float aPosZ, float aVelX, float aVelY, float aVelZ, float aVolume);
+ public uint play3dClocked(double aSoundTime, SoloudObject aSound, float aPosX, float aPosY, float aPosZ, float aVelX = 0.0f, float aVelY = 0.0f, float aVelZ = 0.0f, float aVolume = 1.0f)
+ {
+ return Bus_play3dClockedEx(objhandle, aSoundTime, aSound.objhandle, aPosX, aPosY, aPosZ, aVelX, aVelY, aVelZ, aVolume);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_setChannels")]
+ internal static extern int Bus_setChannels(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aChannels);
+ public int setChannels(uint aChannels)
+ {
+ return Bus_setChannels(objhandle, aChannels);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_setVisualizationEnable")]
+ internal static extern void Bus_setVisualizationEnable(IntPtr aObjHandle, int aEnable);
+ public void setVisualizationEnable(int aEnable)
+ {
+ Bus_setVisualizationEnable(objhandle, aEnable);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_annexSound")]
+ internal static extern void Bus_annexSound(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle);
+ public void annexSound(uint aVoiceHandle)
+ {
+ Bus_annexSound(objhandle, aVoiceHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_calcFFT")]
+ internal static extern IntPtr Bus_calcFFT(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public float[] calcFFT()
+ {
+ float[] ret = new float[256];
+ IntPtr p = Bus_calcFFT(objhandle);
+ byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
+ for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; ++i)
+ {
+ int f_bits = Marshal.ReadInt32(p, i * 4);
+ buffer[0] = (byte)((f_bits >> 0) & 0xff);
+ buffer[1] = (byte)((f_bits >> 8) & 0xff);
+ buffer[2] = (byte)((f_bits >> 16) & 0xff);
+ buffer[3] = (byte)((f_bits >> 24) & 0xff);
+ ret[i] = BitConverter.ToSingle(buffer, 0);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_getWave")]
+ internal static extern IntPtr Bus_getWave(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public float[] getWave()
+ {
+ float[] ret = new float[256];
+ IntPtr p = Bus_getWave(objhandle);
+ byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
+ for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; ++i)
+ {
+ int f_bits = Marshal.ReadInt32(p, i * 4);
+ buffer[0] = (byte)((f_bits >> 0) & 0xff);
+ buffer[1] = (byte)((f_bits >> 8) & 0xff);
+ buffer[2] = (byte)((f_bits >> 16) & 0xff);
+ buffer[3] = (byte)((f_bits >> 24) & 0xff);
+ ret[i] = BitConverter.ToSingle(buffer, 0);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_getApproximateVolume")]
+ internal static extern float Bus_getApproximateVolume(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aChannel);
+ public float getApproximateVolume(uint aChannel)
+ {
+ return Bus_getApproximateVolume(objhandle, aChannel);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_getActiveVoiceCount")]
+ internal static extern uint Bus_getActiveVoiceCount(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public uint getActiveVoiceCount()
+ {
+ return Bus_getActiveVoiceCount(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_setVolume")]
+ internal static extern void Bus_setVolume(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aVolume);
+ public void setVolume(float aVolume)
+ {
+ Bus_setVolume(objhandle, aVolume);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_setLooping")]
+ internal static extern void Bus_setLooping(IntPtr aObjHandle, int aLoop);
+ public void setLooping(int aLoop)
+ {
+ Bus_setLooping(objhandle, aLoop);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_set3dMinMaxDistance")]
+ internal static extern void Bus_set3dMinMaxDistance(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aMinDistance, float aMaxDistance);
+ public void set3dMinMaxDistance(float aMinDistance, float aMaxDistance)
+ {
+ Bus_set3dMinMaxDistance(objhandle, aMinDistance, aMaxDistance);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_set3dAttenuation")]
+ internal static extern void Bus_set3dAttenuation(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aAttenuationModel, float aAttenuationRolloffFactor);
+ public void set3dAttenuation(uint aAttenuationModel, float aAttenuationRolloffFactor)
+ {
+ Bus_set3dAttenuation(objhandle, aAttenuationModel, aAttenuationRolloffFactor);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_set3dDopplerFactor")]
+ internal static extern void Bus_set3dDopplerFactor(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aDopplerFactor);
+ public void set3dDopplerFactor(float aDopplerFactor)
+ {
+ Bus_set3dDopplerFactor(objhandle, aDopplerFactor);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_set3dListenerRelative")]
+ internal static extern void Bus_set3dListenerRelative(IntPtr aObjHandle, int aListenerRelative);
+ public void set3dListenerRelative(int aListenerRelative)
+ {
+ Bus_set3dListenerRelative(objhandle, aListenerRelative);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_set3dDistanceDelay")]
+ internal static extern void Bus_set3dDistanceDelay(IntPtr aObjHandle, int aDistanceDelay);
+ public void set3dDistanceDelay(int aDistanceDelay)
+ {
+ Bus_set3dDistanceDelay(objhandle, aDistanceDelay);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_set3dColliderEx")]
+ internal static extern void Bus_set3dColliderEx(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aCollider, int aUserData);
+ public void set3dCollider(SoloudObject aCollider, int aUserData = 0)
+ {
+ Bus_set3dColliderEx(objhandle, aCollider.objhandle, aUserData);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_set3dAttenuator")]
+ internal static extern void Bus_set3dAttenuator(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aAttenuator);
+ public void set3dAttenuator(SoloudObject aAttenuator)
+ {
+ Bus_set3dAttenuator(objhandle, aAttenuator.objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_setInaudibleBehavior")]
+ internal static extern void Bus_setInaudibleBehavior(IntPtr aObjHandle, int aMustTick, int aKill);
+ public void setInaudibleBehavior(int aMustTick, int aKill)
+ {
+ Bus_setInaudibleBehavior(objhandle, aMustTick, aKill);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_setLoopPoint")]
+ internal static extern void Bus_setLoopPoint(IntPtr aObjHandle, double aLoopPoint);
+ public void setLoopPoint(double aLoopPoint)
+ {
+ Bus_setLoopPoint(objhandle, aLoopPoint);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_getLoopPoint")]
+ internal static extern double Bus_getLoopPoint(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public double getLoopPoint()
+ {
+ return Bus_getLoopPoint(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Bus_stop")]
+ internal static extern void Bus_stop(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public void stop()
+ {
+ Bus_stop(objhandle);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/Queue.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/Queue.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..303c6719a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/Queue.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+using SoLoud;
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+namespace Global.Sound.SoLoud
+ public class Queue : SoloudObject
+ {
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_create")]
+ internal static extern IntPtr Queue_create();
+ public Queue()
+ {
+ objhandle = Queue_create();
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_destroy")]
+ internal static extern IntPtr Queue_destroy(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ ~Queue()
+ {
+ Queue_destroy(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_play")]
+ internal static extern int Queue_play(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aSound);
+ public int play(SoloudObject aSound)
+ {
+ return Queue_play(objhandle, aSound.objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_getQueueCount")]
+ internal static extern uint Queue_getQueueCount(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public uint getQueueCount()
+ {
+ return Queue_getQueueCount(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_isCurrentlyPlaying")]
+ internal static extern int Queue_isCurrentlyPlaying(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aSound);
+ public int isCurrentlyPlaying(SoloudObject aSound)
+ {
+ return Queue_isCurrentlyPlaying(objhandle, aSound.objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_setParamsFromAudioSource")]
+ internal static extern int Queue_setParamsFromAudioSource(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aSound);
+ public int setParamsFromAudioSource(SoloudObject aSound)
+ {
+ return Queue_setParamsFromAudioSource(objhandle, aSound.objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_setParamsEx")]
+ internal static extern int Queue_setParamsEx(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aSamplerate, uint aChannels);
+ public int setParams(float aSamplerate, uint aChannels = 2)
+ {
+ return Queue_setParamsEx(objhandle, aSamplerate, aChannels);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_setVolume")]
+ internal static extern void Queue_setVolume(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aVolume);
+ public void setVolume(float aVolume)
+ {
+ Queue_setVolume(objhandle, aVolume);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_setLooping")]
+ internal static extern void Queue_setLooping(IntPtr aObjHandle, int aLoop);
+ public void setLooping(int aLoop)
+ {
+ Queue_setLooping(objhandle, aLoop);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_set3dMinMaxDistance")]
+ internal static extern void Queue_set3dMinMaxDistance(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aMinDistance, float aMaxDistance);
+ public void set3dMinMaxDistance(float aMinDistance, float aMaxDistance)
+ {
+ Queue_set3dMinMaxDistance(objhandle, aMinDistance, aMaxDistance);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_set3dAttenuation")]
+ internal static extern void Queue_set3dAttenuation(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aAttenuationModel, float aAttenuationRolloffFactor);
+ public void set3dAttenuation(uint aAttenuationModel, float aAttenuationRolloffFactor)
+ {
+ Queue_set3dAttenuation(objhandle, aAttenuationModel, aAttenuationRolloffFactor);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_set3dDopplerFactor")]
+ internal static extern void Queue_set3dDopplerFactor(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aDopplerFactor);
+ public void set3dDopplerFactor(float aDopplerFactor)
+ {
+ Queue_set3dDopplerFactor(objhandle, aDopplerFactor);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_set3dListenerRelative")]
+ internal static extern void Queue_set3dListenerRelative(IntPtr aObjHandle, int aListenerRelative);
+ public void set3dListenerRelative(int aListenerRelative)
+ {
+ Queue_set3dListenerRelative(objhandle, aListenerRelative);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_set3dDistanceDelay")]
+ internal static extern void Queue_set3dDistanceDelay(IntPtr aObjHandle, int aDistanceDelay);
+ public void set3dDistanceDelay(int aDistanceDelay)
+ {
+ Queue_set3dDistanceDelay(objhandle, aDistanceDelay);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_set3dColliderEx")]
+ internal static extern void Queue_set3dColliderEx(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aCollider, int aUserData);
+ public void set3dCollider(SoloudObject aCollider, int aUserData = 0)
+ {
+ Queue_set3dColliderEx(objhandle, aCollider.objhandle, aUserData);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_set3dAttenuator")]
+ internal static extern void Queue_set3dAttenuator(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aAttenuator);
+ public void set3dAttenuator(SoloudObject aAttenuator)
+ {
+ Queue_set3dAttenuator(objhandle, aAttenuator.objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_setInaudibleBehavior")]
+ internal static extern void Queue_setInaudibleBehavior(IntPtr aObjHandle, int aMustTick, int aKill);
+ public void setInaudibleBehavior(int aMustTick, int aKill)
+ {
+ Queue_setInaudibleBehavior(objhandle, aMustTick, aKill);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_setLoopPoint")]
+ internal static extern void Queue_setLoopPoint(IntPtr aObjHandle, double aLoopPoint);
+ public void setLoopPoint(double aLoopPoint)
+ {
+ Queue_setLoopPoint(objhandle, aLoopPoint);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_getLoopPoint")]
+ internal static extern double Queue_getLoopPoint(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public double getLoopPoint()
+ {
+ return Queue_getLoopPoint(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_setFilter")]
+ internal static extern void Queue_setFilter(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aFilterId, IntPtr aFilter);
+ public void setFilter(uint aFilterId, SoloudObject aFilter)
+ {
+ Queue_setFilter(objhandle, aFilterId, aFilter.objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Queue_stop")]
+ internal static extern void Queue_stop(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public void stop()
+ {
+ Queue_stop(objhandle);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/SdLibAPIWithSoloud.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/SdLibAPIWithSoloud.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba263969c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/SdLibAPIWithSoloud.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+using Memoria.Prime;
+using Memoria.Prime.AKB2;
+using SoLoud;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+using UnityEngine;
+namespace Global.Sound.SoLoud
+ internal class SdLibAPIWithSoloud : ISdLibAPI
+ {
+ public static bool isQuitting = false;
+ private const Int32 AkbHeaderSize = 304;
+ private static Soloud soloud = null;
+ private static Bus sfxBus = null;
+ private static Bus voiceBus = null;
+ private class StreamInfo
+ {
+ public AKB2Header akbHeader;
+ public WavStream data;
+ public SoundProfile profile;
+ }
+ private class Sound
+ {
+ public Sound(Int32 BankID)
+ {
+ bankID = BankID;
+ }
+ public Int32 bankID;
+ public Single volume = 1f;
+ }
+ private Dictionary streams = new Dictionary();
+ private Dictionary sounds = new Dictionary();
+ private void CleanUpSounds()
+ {
+ List toRemove = new List();
+ foreach (var id in sounds.Keys)
+ {
+ if (soloud.isValidVoiceHandle((uint)id) == 0) toRemove.Add(id);
+ }
+ foreach (var id in toRemove)
+ {
+ sounds.Remove(id);
+ }
+ SoundLib.Log($"Total sounds: {sounds.Count}");
+ }
+ public override Int32 SdSoundSystem_Create(String config)
+ {
+ SoundLib.Log("Create");
+ // Initialize SoLoud
+ if (soloud == null)
+ {
+ soloud = new Soloud();
+ soloud.init(1, 0, 48000);
+ Log.Message($"[Soloud] backend: {soloud.getBackendString()} samplerate:{soloud.getBackendSamplerate()}");
+ // Create buses
+ sfxBus = new Bus();
+ voiceBus = new Bus();
+ soloud.play(sfxBus, 1);
+ soloud.play(voiceBus, 1);
+ GameLoopManager.Quit += () => { isQuitting = true; };
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ public override void SdSoundSystem_Release()
+ {
+ SoundLib.Log("Release");
+ soloud.stopAll();
+ streams.Clear();
+ soloud.deinit();
+ }
+ public override Int32 SdSoundSystem_Suspend()
+ {
+ SoundLib.Log("Suspend");
+ soloud.setPauseAll(1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ public override Int32 SdSoundSystem_Resume()
+ {
+ SoundLib.Log("Resume");
+ soloud.setPauseAll(0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ public override Int32 SdSoundSystem_AddData(IntPtr akb, SoundProfile profile)
+ {
+ SoundLib.Log($"AddData({akb})");
+ unsafe
+ {
+ // Get the akb header
+ Byte[] akbBin = new byte[304];
+ Marshal.Copy(akb, akbBin, 0, 304);
+ StreamInfo stream = new StreamInfo();
+ stream.akbHeader.ReadFromBytes(akbBin);
+ stream.data = new WavStream();
+ stream.data.loadMem((IntPtr)((Byte*)akb + AkbHeaderSize), (uint)stream.akbHeader.ContentSize, true, true);
+ stream.profile = profile;
+ Int32 bankID = (Int32)stream.data.objhandle;
+ streams.Add(bankID, stream);
+ return bankID;
+ }
+ }
+ public override Int32 SdSoundSystem_AddStreamDataFromPath(String akbpath)
+ {
+ // Doesn't seem to be used
+ SoundLib.Log($"No Implementation - AddStreamDataFromPath({akbpath})");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ public override Int32 SdSoundSystem_RemoveData(Int32 bankID)
+ {
+ SoundLib.Log($"RemoveData({bankID})");
+ return streams.Remove(bankID) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ public override Int32 SdSoundSystem_CreateSound(Int32 bankID)
+ {
+ SoundLib.Log($"CreateSound({bankID})");
+ CleanUpSounds();
+ StreamInfo stream = streams[bankID];
+ Int32 soundID = 0;
+ switch (stream.profile.SoundProfileType)
+ {
+ case SoundProfileType.Sfx:
+ soundID = (Int32)sfxBus.play(streams[bankID].data, 1, 0, 1);
+ break;
+ case SoundProfileType.Voice:
+ soundID = (Int32)voiceBus.play(streams[bankID].data, 1, 0, 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ soundID = (Int32)soloud.play(streams[bankID].data, 1, 0, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ Sound voice = new Sound(bankID);
+ sounds.Add(soundID, voice);
+ // Is it a loop?
+ if (stream.akbHeader.LoopEnd > 0)
+ {
+ double start = stream.akbHeader.LoopStart / (double)stream.akbHeader.SampleRate;
+ double end = stream.akbHeader.LoopEnd / (double)stream.akbHeader.SampleRate;
+ SoundLib.Log($"LoopStart: {start} LoopEnd: {end} Length: {stream.data.getLength()}");
+ soloud.setLoopStartPoint((uint)soundID, start);
+ soloud.setLoopEndPoint((uint)soundID, end);
+ }
+ return soundID;
+ }
+ public override Int32 SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_GetElapsedPlaybackTime(Int32 soundID)
+ {
+ //SoundLib.Log($"SoundCtrl_GetElapsedPlaybackTime({soundID})");
+ return (Int32)(soloud.getStreamTime((uint)soundID) * 1000);
+ }
+ public override Int32 SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_GetPlayTime(Int32 soundID)
+ {
+ // Doesn't seem to be used
+ SoundLib.Log($"No Implementation - SoundCtrl_GetPlayTime({soundID}");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ public override Int32 SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(Int32 soundID, Int32 offsetTimeMSec)
+ {
+ SoundLib.Log($"SoundCtrl_Start({soundID}, {offsetTimeMSec})");
+ if (!sounds.ContainsKey(soundID)) return 0;
+ if (offsetTimeMSec > 0)
+ {
+ soloud.seek((uint)soundID, offsetTimeMSec / 1000d);
+ }
+ soloud.setPause((uint)soundID, 0);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ public override void SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Stop(Int32 soundID, Int32 transTimeMSec)
+ {
+ SoundLib.Log($"SoundCtrl_Stop({soundID}, {transTimeMSec})");
+ if (!sounds.ContainsKey(soundID)) return;
+ if (transTimeMSec < 100) transTimeMSec = 100; // Add a small fade
+ soloud.fadeVolume((uint)soundID, 0, transTimeMSec / 1000d);
+ soloud.scheduleStop((uint)soundID, transTimeMSec / 1000d);
+ }
+ public override Int32 SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_IsExist(Int32 soundID)
+ {
+ return soloud.isValidVoiceHandle((uint)soundID); ;
+ }
+ public override void SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetPause(Int32 soundID, Int32 pauseOn, Int32 transTimeMSec)
+ {
+ SoundLib.Log($"SoundCtrl_SetPause({soundID}, {pauseOn}, {transTimeMSec})");
+ if (!sounds.ContainsKey(soundID)) return;
+ uint h = (uint)soundID;
+ double t = transTimeMSec / 1000d;
+ if (transTimeMSec > 0)
+ {
+ if (pauseOn != 0)
+ {
+ soloud.fadeVolume(h, 0, t);
+ soloud.schedulePause(h, t);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ soloud.setPause(h, pauseOn);
+ soloud.setVolume(h, 0);
+ soloud.fadeVolume(h, sounds[soundID].volume, t);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Should a small fade (100ms) be added?
+ soloud.setPause(h, pauseOn);
+ soloud.setVolume(h, sounds[soundID].volume);
+ }
+ }
+ public override Int32 SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_IsPaused(Int32 soundID)
+ {
+ SoundLib.Log("SoundCtrl_IsPaused");
+ return soloud.getPause((uint)soundID);
+ }
+ public override void SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(Int32 soundID, Single volume, Int32 transTimeMSec)
+ {
+ SoundLib.Log($"SoundCtrl_SetVolume({soundID}, {volume}, {transTimeMSec})");
+ if (!sounds.ContainsKey(soundID)) return;
+ if (volume < 0f || volume > 1f) Log.Message($"[SoLoud] Warning! Unexpected volume value. Volume = {volume} SoundID = {soundID}\n{Environment.StackTrace}");
+ volume = Mathf.Clamp01(volume);
+ sounds[soundID].volume = volume;
+ if (transTimeMSec > 0)
+ {
+ soloud.fadeVolume((uint)soundID, volume, transTimeMSec / 1000d);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ soloud.setVolume((uint)soundID, volume);
+ }
+ }
+ public override Single SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_GetVolume(Int32 soundID)
+ {
+ SoundLib.Log($"SoundCtrl_GetVolume({soundID})");
+ return soloud.getVolume((uint)soundID);
+ }
+ public override void SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetPitch(Int32 soundID, Single pitch, Int32 transTimeMSec)
+ {
+ // Soloud doesn't handle pitch (yet)
+ SoundLib.Log($"SoundCtrl_SetPitch({soundID}, {pitch}, {transTimeMSec})");
+ // Play at different speed (changes the pitch)
+ if (transTimeMSec > 0)
+ {
+ soloud.fadeRelativePlaySpeed((uint)soundID, pitch, transTimeMSec / 1000d);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ soloud.setRelativePlaySpeed((uint)soundID, pitch);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetPanning(Int32 soundID, Single panning, Int32 transTimeMSec)
+ {
+ SoundLib.Log($"SoundCtrl_SetPanning({soundID}, {panning}, {transTimeMSec})");
+ if (!sounds.ContainsKey(soundID)) return;
+ if (transTimeMSec > 0)
+ {
+ soloud.fadePan((uint)soundID, panning, transTimeMSec / 1000d);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ soloud.setPan((uint)soundID, panning);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetNextLoopRegion(Int32 soundID)
+ {
+ SoundLib.Log($"SoundCtrl_SetNextLoopRegion({soundID})");
+ if (!sounds.ContainsKey(soundID)) return;
+ StreamInfo stream = streams[sounds[soundID].bankID];
+ if (stream.akbHeader.LoopEndAlternate > 0)
+ {
+ double start = stream.akbHeader.LoopStartAlternate / (double)stream.akbHeader.SampleRate;
+ double end = stream.akbHeader.LoopEndAlternate / (double)stream.akbHeader.SampleRate;
+ SoundLib.Log($"LoopStart: ({start}) LoopEnd: {end}");
+ soloud.setLoopStartPoint((uint)soundID, start);
+ soloud.setLoopEndPoint((uint)soundID, end);
+ }
+ }
+ public override Int32 SdSoundSystem_BankCtrl_IsLoop(Int32 bankID, Int32 soundID)
+ {
+ // Doesn't seem to be used
+ SoundLib.Log($"No Implementation - BankCtrl_IsLoop({bankID}, {soundID})");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/Soloud.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/Soloud.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13c90a5f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/Soloud.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
+// SoLoud wrapper for C# (cs)
+// This file is autogenerated; any changes will be overwritten
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+namespace SoLoud
+ public class SoloudObject
+ {
+ public IntPtr objhandle;
+ }
+ public class Soloud : SoloudObject
+ {
+ public const int AUTO = 0;
+ public const int SDL1 = 1;
+ public const int SDL2 = 2;
+ public const int PORTAUDIO = 3;
+ public const int WINMM = 4;
+ public const int XAUDIO2 = 5;
+ public const int WASAPI = 6;
+ public const int ALSA = 7;
+ public const int JACK = 8;
+ public const int OSS = 9;
+ public const int OPENAL = 10;
+ public const int COREAUDIO = 11;
+ public const int OPENSLES = 12;
+ public const int VITA_HOMEBREW = 13;
+ public const int MINIAUDIO = 14;
+ public const int NOSOUND = 15;
+ public const int NULLDRIVER = 16;
+ public const int BACKEND_MAX = 17;
+ public const int CLIP_ROUNDOFF = 1;
+ public const int ENABLE_VISUALIZATION = 2;
+ public const int LEFT_HANDED_3D = 4;
+ public const int NO_FPU_REGISTER_CHANGE = 8;
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_create")]
+ internal static extern IntPtr Soloud_create();
+ public Soloud()
+ {
+ objhandle = Soloud_create();
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_destroy")]
+ internal static extern IntPtr Soloud_destroy(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ ~Soloud()
+ {
+ Soloud_destroy(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_initEx")]
+ internal static extern int Soloud_initEx(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aFlags, uint aBackend, uint aSamplerate, uint aBufferSize, uint aChannels);
+ public int init(uint aFlags = CLIP_ROUNDOFF, uint aBackend = AUTO, uint aSamplerate = AUTO, uint aBufferSize = AUTO, uint aChannels = 2)
+ {
+ return Soloud_initEx(objhandle, aFlags, aBackend, aSamplerate, aBufferSize, aChannels);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_deinit")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_deinit(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public void deinit()
+ {
+ Soloud_deinit(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getVersion")]
+ internal static extern uint Soloud_getVersion(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public uint getVersion()
+ {
+ return Soloud_getVersion(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getErrorString")]
+ internal static extern IntPtr Soloud_getErrorString(IntPtr aObjHandle, int aErrorCode);
+ public string getErrorString(int aErrorCode)
+ {
+ IntPtr p = Soloud_getErrorString(objhandle, aErrorCode);
+ return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(p);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getBackendId")]
+ internal static extern uint Soloud_getBackendId(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public uint getBackendId()
+ {
+ return Soloud_getBackendId(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getBackendString")]
+ internal static extern IntPtr Soloud_getBackendString(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public string getBackendString()
+ {
+ IntPtr p = Soloud_getBackendString(objhandle);
+ return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(p);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getBackendChannels")]
+ internal static extern uint Soloud_getBackendChannels(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public uint getBackendChannels()
+ {
+ return Soloud_getBackendChannels(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getBackendSamplerate")]
+ internal static extern uint Soloud_getBackendSamplerate(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public uint getBackendSamplerate()
+ {
+ return Soloud_getBackendSamplerate(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getBackendBufferSize")]
+ internal static extern uint Soloud_getBackendBufferSize(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public uint getBackendBufferSize()
+ {
+ return Soloud_getBackendBufferSize(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setSpeakerPosition")]
+ internal static extern int Soloud_setSpeakerPosition(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aChannel, float aX, float aY, float aZ);
+ public int setSpeakerPosition(uint aChannel, float aX, float aY, float aZ)
+ {
+ return Soloud_setSpeakerPosition(objhandle, aChannel, aX, aY, aZ);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getSpeakerPosition")]
+ internal static extern int Soloud_getSpeakerPosition(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aChannel, float[] aX, float[] aY, float[] aZ);
+ public int getSpeakerPosition(uint aChannel, float[] aX, float[] aY, float[] aZ)
+ {
+ return Soloud_getSpeakerPosition(objhandle, aChannel, aX, aY, aZ);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_playEx")]
+ internal static extern uint Soloud_playEx(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aSound, float aVolume, float aPan, int aPaused, uint aBus);
+ public uint play(SoloudObject aSound, float aVolume = -1.0f, float aPan = 0.0f, int aPaused = 0, uint aBus = 0)
+ {
+ return Soloud_playEx(objhandle, aSound.objhandle, aVolume, aPan, aPaused, aBus);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_playClockedEx")]
+ internal static extern uint Soloud_playClockedEx(IntPtr aObjHandle, double aSoundTime, IntPtr aSound, float aVolume, float aPan, uint aBus);
+ public uint playClocked(double aSoundTime, SoloudObject aSound, float aVolume = -1.0f, float aPan = 0.0f, uint aBus = 0)
+ {
+ return Soloud_playClockedEx(objhandle, aSoundTime, aSound.objhandle, aVolume, aPan, aBus);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_play3dEx")]
+ internal static extern uint Soloud_play3dEx(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aSound, float aPosX, float aPosY, float aPosZ, float aVelX, float aVelY, float aVelZ, float aVolume, int aPaused, uint aBus);
+ public uint play3d(SoloudObject aSound, float aPosX, float aPosY, float aPosZ, float aVelX = 0.0f, float aVelY = 0.0f, float aVelZ = 0.0f, float aVolume = 1.0f, int aPaused = 0, uint aBus = 0)
+ {
+ return Soloud_play3dEx(objhandle, aSound.objhandle, aPosX, aPosY, aPosZ, aVelX, aVelY, aVelZ, aVolume, aPaused, aBus);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_play3dClockedEx")]
+ internal static extern uint Soloud_play3dClockedEx(IntPtr aObjHandle, double aSoundTime, IntPtr aSound, float aPosX, float aPosY, float aPosZ, float aVelX, float aVelY, float aVelZ, float aVolume, uint aBus);
+ public uint play3dClocked(double aSoundTime, SoloudObject aSound, float aPosX, float aPosY, float aPosZ, float aVelX = 0.0f, float aVelY = 0.0f, float aVelZ = 0.0f, float aVolume = 1.0f, uint aBus = 0)
+ {
+ return Soloud_play3dClockedEx(objhandle, aSoundTime, aSound.objhandle, aPosX, aPosY, aPosZ, aVelX, aVelY, aVelZ, aVolume, aBus);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_playBackgroundEx")]
+ internal static extern uint Soloud_playBackgroundEx(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aSound, float aVolume, int aPaused, uint aBus);
+ public uint playBackground(SoloudObject aSound, float aVolume = -1.0f, int aPaused = 0, uint aBus = 0)
+ {
+ return Soloud_playBackgroundEx(objhandle, aSound.objhandle, aVolume, aPaused, aBus);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_seek")]
+ internal static extern int Soloud_seek(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, double aSeconds);
+ public int seek(uint aVoiceHandle, double aSeconds)
+ {
+ return Soloud_seek(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aSeconds);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_stop")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_stop(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle);
+ public void stop(uint aVoiceHandle)
+ {
+ Soloud_stop(objhandle, aVoiceHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_stopAll")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_stopAll(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public void stopAll()
+ {
+ Soloud_stopAll(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_stopAudioSource")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_stopAudioSource(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aSound);
+ public void stopAudioSource(SoloudObject aSound)
+ {
+ Soloud_stopAudioSource(objhandle, aSound.objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_countAudioSource")]
+ internal static extern int Soloud_countAudioSource(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aSound);
+ public int countAudioSource(SoloudObject aSound)
+ {
+ return Soloud_countAudioSource(objhandle, aSound.objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setFilterParameter")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_setFilterParameter(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, uint aFilterId, uint aAttributeId, float aValue);
+ public void setFilterParameter(uint aVoiceHandle, uint aFilterId, uint aAttributeId, float aValue)
+ {
+ Soloud_setFilterParameter(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aFilterId, aAttributeId, aValue);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getFilterParameter")]
+ internal static extern float Soloud_getFilterParameter(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, uint aFilterId, uint aAttributeId);
+ public float getFilterParameter(uint aVoiceHandle, uint aFilterId, uint aAttributeId)
+ {
+ return Soloud_getFilterParameter(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aFilterId, aAttributeId);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_fadeFilterParameter")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_fadeFilterParameter(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, uint aFilterId, uint aAttributeId, float aTo, double aTime);
+ public void fadeFilterParameter(uint aVoiceHandle, uint aFilterId, uint aAttributeId, float aTo, double aTime)
+ {
+ Soloud_fadeFilterParameter(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aFilterId, aAttributeId, aTo, aTime);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_oscillateFilterParameter")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_oscillateFilterParameter(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, uint aFilterId, uint aAttributeId, float aFrom, float aTo, double aTime);
+ public void oscillateFilterParameter(uint aVoiceHandle, uint aFilterId, uint aAttributeId, float aFrom, float aTo, double aTime)
+ {
+ Soloud_oscillateFilterParameter(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aFilterId, aAttributeId, aFrom, aTo, aTime);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getStreamTime")]
+ internal static extern double Soloud_getStreamTime(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle);
+ public double getStreamTime(uint aVoiceHandle)
+ {
+ return Soloud_getStreamTime(objhandle, aVoiceHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getStreamPosition")]
+ internal static extern double Soloud_getStreamPosition(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle);
+ public double getStreamPosition(uint aVoiceHandle)
+ {
+ return Soloud_getStreamPosition(objhandle, aVoiceHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getPause")]
+ internal static extern int Soloud_getPause(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle);
+ public int getPause(uint aVoiceHandle)
+ {
+ return Soloud_getPause(objhandle, aVoiceHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getVolume")]
+ internal static extern float Soloud_getVolume(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle);
+ public float getVolume(uint aVoiceHandle)
+ {
+ return Soloud_getVolume(objhandle, aVoiceHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getOverallVolume")]
+ internal static extern float Soloud_getOverallVolume(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle);
+ public float getOverallVolume(uint aVoiceHandle)
+ {
+ return Soloud_getOverallVolume(objhandle, aVoiceHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getPan")]
+ internal static extern float Soloud_getPan(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle);
+ public float getPan(uint aVoiceHandle)
+ {
+ return Soloud_getPan(objhandle, aVoiceHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getSamplerate")]
+ internal static extern float Soloud_getSamplerate(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle);
+ public float getSamplerate(uint aVoiceHandle)
+ {
+ return Soloud_getSamplerate(objhandle, aVoiceHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getProtectVoice")]
+ internal static extern int Soloud_getProtectVoice(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle);
+ public int getProtectVoice(uint aVoiceHandle)
+ {
+ return Soloud_getProtectVoice(objhandle, aVoiceHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getActiveVoiceCount")]
+ internal static extern uint Soloud_getActiveVoiceCount(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public uint getActiveVoiceCount()
+ {
+ return Soloud_getActiveVoiceCount(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getVoiceCount")]
+ internal static extern uint Soloud_getVoiceCount(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public uint getVoiceCount()
+ {
+ return Soloud_getVoiceCount(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_isValidVoiceHandle")]
+ internal static extern int Soloud_isValidVoiceHandle(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle);
+ public int isValidVoiceHandle(uint aVoiceHandle)
+ {
+ return Soloud_isValidVoiceHandle(objhandle, aVoiceHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getRelativePlaySpeed")]
+ internal static extern float Soloud_getRelativePlaySpeed(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle);
+ public float getRelativePlaySpeed(uint aVoiceHandle)
+ {
+ return Soloud_getRelativePlaySpeed(objhandle, aVoiceHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getPostClipScaler")]
+ internal static extern float Soloud_getPostClipScaler(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public float getPostClipScaler()
+ {
+ return Soloud_getPostClipScaler(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getGlobalVolume")]
+ internal static extern float Soloud_getGlobalVolume(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public float getGlobalVolume()
+ {
+ return Soloud_getGlobalVolume(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getMaxActiveVoiceCount")]
+ internal static extern uint Soloud_getMaxActiveVoiceCount(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public uint getMaxActiveVoiceCount()
+ {
+ return Soloud_getMaxActiveVoiceCount(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getLooping")]
+ internal static extern int Soloud_getLooping(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle);
+ public int getLooping(uint aVoiceHandle)
+ {
+ return Soloud_getLooping(objhandle, aVoiceHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getLoopPoint")]
+ internal static extern double Soloud_getLoopPoint(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle);
+ public double getLoopPoint(uint aVoiceHandle)
+ {
+ return Soloud_getLoopPoint(objhandle, aVoiceHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setLoopStartPoint")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_setLoopStartPoint(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, double aLoopPoint);
+ public void setLoopStartPoint(uint aVoiceHandle, double aLoopPoint)
+ {
+ Soloud_setLoopStartPoint(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aLoopPoint);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setLoopEndPoint")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_setLoopEndPoint(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, double aLoopPoint);
+ public void setLoopEndPoint(uint aVoiceHandle, double aLoopPoint)
+ {
+ Soloud_setLoopEndPoint(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aLoopPoint);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setLooping")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_setLooping(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, int aLooping);
+ public void setLooping(uint aVoiceHandle, int aLooping)
+ {
+ Soloud_setLooping(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aLooping);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setMaxActiveVoiceCount")]
+ internal static extern int Soloud_setMaxActiveVoiceCount(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceCount);
+ public int setMaxActiveVoiceCount(uint aVoiceCount)
+ {
+ return Soloud_setMaxActiveVoiceCount(objhandle, aVoiceCount);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setInaudibleBehavior")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_setInaudibleBehavior(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, int aMustTick, int aKill);
+ public void setInaudibleBehavior(uint aVoiceHandle, int aMustTick, int aKill)
+ {
+ Soloud_setInaudibleBehavior(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aMustTick, aKill);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setGlobalVolume")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_setGlobalVolume(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aVolume);
+ public void setGlobalVolume(float aVolume)
+ {
+ Soloud_setGlobalVolume(objhandle, aVolume);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setPostClipScaler")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_setPostClipScaler(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aScaler);
+ public void setPostClipScaler(float aScaler)
+ {
+ Soloud_setPostClipScaler(objhandle, aScaler);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setPause")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_setPause(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, int aPause);
+ public void setPause(uint aVoiceHandle, int aPause)
+ {
+ Soloud_setPause(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aPause);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setPauseAll")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_setPauseAll(IntPtr aObjHandle, int aPause);
+ public void setPauseAll(int aPause)
+ {
+ Soloud_setPauseAll(objhandle, aPause);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setRelativePlaySpeed")]
+ internal static extern int Soloud_setRelativePlaySpeed(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, float aSpeed);
+ public int setRelativePlaySpeed(uint aVoiceHandle, float aSpeed)
+ {
+ return Soloud_setRelativePlaySpeed(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aSpeed);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setProtectVoice")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_setProtectVoice(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, int aProtect);
+ public void setProtectVoice(uint aVoiceHandle, int aProtect)
+ {
+ Soloud_setProtectVoice(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aProtect);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setSamplerate")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_setSamplerate(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, float aSamplerate);
+ public void setSamplerate(uint aVoiceHandle, float aSamplerate)
+ {
+ Soloud_setSamplerate(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aSamplerate);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setPan")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_setPan(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, float aPan);
+ public void setPan(uint aVoiceHandle, float aPan)
+ {
+ Soloud_setPan(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aPan);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setPanAbsoluteEx")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_setPanAbsoluteEx(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, float aLVolume, float aRVolume, float aLBVolume, float aRBVolume, float aCVolume, float aSVolume);
+ public void setPanAbsolute(uint aVoiceHandle, float aLVolume, float aRVolume, float aLBVolume = 0, float aRBVolume = 0, float aCVolume = 0, float aSVolume = 0)
+ {
+ Soloud_setPanAbsoluteEx(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aLVolume, aRVolume, aLBVolume, aRBVolume, aCVolume, aSVolume);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setVolume")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_setVolume(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, float aVolume);
+ public void setVolume(uint aVoiceHandle, float aVolume)
+ {
+ Soloud_setVolume(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aVolume);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setDelaySamples")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_setDelaySamples(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, uint aSamples);
+ public void setDelaySamples(uint aVoiceHandle, uint aSamples)
+ {
+ Soloud_setDelaySamples(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aSamples);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_fadeVolume")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_fadeVolume(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, float aTo, double aTime);
+ public void fadeVolume(uint aVoiceHandle, float aTo, double aTime)
+ {
+ Soloud_fadeVolume(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aTo, aTime);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_fadePan")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_fadePan(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, float aTo, double aTime);
+ public void fadePan(uint aVoiceHandle, float aTo, double aTime)
+ {
+ Soloud_fadePan(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aTo, aTime);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_fadeRelativePlaySpeed")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_fadeRelativePlaySpeed(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, float aTo, double aTime);
+ public void fadeRelativePlaySpeed(uint aVoiceHandle, float aTo, double aTime)
+ {
+ Soloud_fadeRelativePlaySpeed(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aTo, aTime);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_fadeGlobalVolume")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_fadeGlobalVolume(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aTo, double aTime);
+ public void fadeGlobalVolume(float aTo, double aTime)
+ {
+ Soloud_fadeGlobalVolume(objhandle, aTo, aTime);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_schedulePause")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_schedulePause(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, double aTime);
+ public void schedulePause(uint aVoiceHandle, double aTime)
+ {
+ Soloud_schedulePause(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aTime);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_scheduleStop")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_scheduleStop(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, double aTime);
+ public void scheduleStop(uint aVoiceHandle, double aTime)
+ {
+ Soloud_scheduleStop(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aTime);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_oscillateVolume")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_oscillateVolume(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, float aFrom, float aTo, double aTime);
+ public void oscillateVolume(uint aVoiceHandle, float aFrom, float aTo, double aTime)
+ {
+ Soloud_oscillateVolume(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aFrom, aTo, aTime);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_oscillatePan")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_oscillatePan(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, float aFrom, float aTo, double aTime);
+ public void oscillatePan(uint aVoiceHandle, float aFrom, float aTo, double aTime)
+ {
+ Soloud_oscillatePan(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aFrom, aTo, aTime);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_oscillateRelativePlaySpeed")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_oscillateRelativePlaySpeed(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, float aFrom, float aTo, double aTime);
+ public void oscillateRelativePlaySpeed(uint aVoiceHandle, float aFrom, float aTo, double aTime)
+ {
+ Soloud_oscillateRelativePlaySpeed(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aFrom, aTo, aTime);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_oscillateGlobalVolume")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_oscillateGlobalVolume(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aFrom, float aTo, double aTime);
+ public void oscillateGlobalVolume(float aFrom, float aTo, double aTime)
+ {
+ Soloud_oscillateGlobalVolume(objhandle, aFrom, aTo, aTime);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setGlobalFilter")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_setGlobalFilter(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aFilterId, IntPtr aFilter);
+ public void setGlobalFilter(uint aFilterId, SoloudObject aFilter)
+ {
+ Soloud_setGlobalFilter(objhandle, aFilterId, aFilter.objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_setVisualizationEnable")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_setVisualizationEnable(IntPtr aObjHandle, int aEnable);
+ public void setVisualizationEnable(int aEnable)
+ {
+ Soloud_setVisualizationEnable(objhandle, aEnable);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_calcFFT")]
+ internal static extern IntPtr Soloud_calcFFT(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public float[] calcFFT()
+ {
+ float[] ret = new float[256];
+ IntPtr p = Soloud_calcFFT(objhandle);
+ byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
+ for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; ++i)
+ {
+ int f_bits = Marshal.ReadInt32(p, i * 4);
+ buffer[0] = (byte)((f_bits >> 0) & 0xff);
+ buffer[1] = (byte)((f_bits >> 8) & 0xff);
+ buffer[2] = (byte)((f_bits >> 16) & 0xff);
+ buffer[3] = (byte)((f_bits >> 24) & 0xff);
+ ret[i] = BitConverter.ToSingle(buffer, 0);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getWave")]
+ internal static extern IntPtr Soloud_getWave(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public float[] getWave()
+ {
+ float[] ret = new float[256];
+ IntPtr p = Soloud_getWave(objhandle);
+ byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
+ for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; ++i)
+ {
+ int f_bits = Marshal.ReadInt32(p, i * 4);
+ buffer[0] = (byte)((f_bits >> 0) & 0xff);
+ buffer[1] = (byte)((f_bits >> 8) & 0xff);
+ buffer[2] = (byte)((f_bits >> 16) & 0xff);
+ buffer[3] = (byte)((f_bits >> 24) & 0xff);
+ ret[i] = BitConverter.ToSingle(buffer, 0);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getApproximateVolume")]
+ internal static extern float Soloud_getApproximateVolume(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aChannel);
+ public float getApproximateVolume(uint aChannel)
+ {
+ return Soloud_getApproximateVolume(objhandle, aChannel);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getLoopCount")]
+ internal static extern uint Soloud_getLoopCount(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle);
+ public uint getLoopCount(uint aVoiceHandle)
+ {
+ return Soloud_getLoopCount(objhandle, aVoiceHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_getInfo")]
+ internal static extern float Soloud_getInfo(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, uint aInfoKey);
+ public float getInfo(uint aVoiceHandle, uint aInfoKey)
+ {
+ return Soloud_getInfo(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aInfoKey);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_createVoiceGroup")]
+ internal static extern uint Soloud_createVoiceGroup(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public uint createVoiceGroup()
+ {
+ return Soloud_createVoiceGroup(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_destroyVoiceGroup")]
+ internal static extern int Soloud_destroyVoiceGroup(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceGroupHandle);
+ public int destroyVoiceGroup(uint aVoiceGroupHandle)
+ {
+ return Soloud_destroyVoiceGroup(objhandle, aVoiceGroupHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_addVoiceToGroup")]
+ internal static extern int Soloud_addVoiceToGroup(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceGroupHandle, uint aVoiceHandle);
+ public int addVoiceToGroup(uint aVoiceGroupHandle, uint aVoiceHandle)
+ {
+ return Soloud_addVoiceToGroup(objhandle, aVoiceGroupHandle, aVoiceHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_isVoiceGroup")]
+ internal static extern int Soloud_isVoiceGroup(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceGroupHandle);
+ public int isVoiceGroup(uint aVoiceGroupHandle)
+ {
+ return Soloud_isVoiceGroup(objhandle, aVoiceGroupHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_isVoiceGroupEmpty")]
+ internal static extern int Soloud_isVoiceGroupEmpty(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceGroupHandle);
+ public int isVoiceGroupEmpty(uint aVoiceGroupHandle)
+ {
+ return Soloud_isVoiceGroupEmpty(objhandle, aVoiceGroupHandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_update3dAudio")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_update3dAudio(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public void update3dAudio()
+ {
+ Soloud_update3dAudio(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_set3dSoundSpeed")]
+ internal static extern int Soloud_set3dSoundSpeed(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aSpeed);
+ public int set3dSoundSpeed(float aSpeed)
+ {
+ return Soloud_set3dSoundSpeed(objhandle, aSpeed);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_get3dSoundSpeed")]
+ internal static extern float Soloud_get3dSoundSpeed(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public float get3dSoundSpeed()
+ {
+ return Soloud_get3dSoundSpeed(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_set3dListenerParametersEx")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_set3dListenerParametersEx(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aPosX, float aPosY, float aPosZ, float aAtX, float aAtY, float aAtZ, float aUpX, float aUpY, float aUpZ, float aVelocityX, float aVelocityY, float aVelocityZ);
+ public void set3dListenerParameters(float aPosX, float aPosY, float aPosZ, float aAtX, float aAtY, float aAtZ, float aUpX, float aUpY, float aUpZ, float aVelocityX = 0.0f, float aVelocityY = 0.0f, float aVelocityZ = 0.0f)
+ {
+ Soloud_set3dListenerParametersEx(objhandle, aPosX, aPosY, aPosZ, aAtX, aAtY, aAtZ, aUpX, aUpY, aUpZ, aVelocityX, aVelocityY, aVelocityZ);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_set3dListenerPosition")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_set3dListenerPosition(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aPosX, float aPosY, float aPosZ);
+ public void set3dListenerPosition(float aPosX, float aPosY, float aPosZ)
+ {
+ Soloud_set3dListenerPosition(objhandle, aPosX, aPosY, aPosZ);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_set3dListenerAt")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_set3dListenerAt(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aAtX, float aAtY, float aAtZ);
+ public void set3dListenerAt(float aAtX, float aAtY, float aAtZ)
+ {
+ Soloud_set3dListenerAt(objhandle, aAtX, aAtY, aAtZ);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_set3dListenerUp")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_set3dListenerUp(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aUpX, float aUpY, float aUpZ);
+ public void set3dListenerUp(float aUpX, float aUpY, float aUpZ)
+ {
+ Soloud_set3dListenerUp(objhandle, aUpX, aUpY, aUpZ);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_set3dListenerVelocity")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_set3dListenerVelocity(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aVelocityX, float aVelocityY, float aVelocityZ);
+ public void set3dListenerVelocity(float aVelocityX, float aVelocityY, float aVelocityZ)
+ {
+ Soloud_set3dListenerVelocity(objhandle, aVelocityX, aVelocityY, aVelocityZ);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_set3dSourceParametersEx")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_set3dSourceParametersEx(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, float aPosX, float aPosY, float aPosZ, float aVelocityX, float aVelocityY, float aVelocityZ);
+ public void set3dSourceParameters(uint aVoiceHandle, float aPosX, float aPosY, float aPosZ, float aVelocityX = 0.0f, float aVelocityY = 0.0f, float aVelocityZ = 0.0f)
+ {
+ Soloud_set3dSourceParametersEx(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aPosX, aPosY, aPosZ, aVelocityX, aVelocityY, aVelocityZ);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_set3dSourcePosition")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_set3dSourcePosition(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, float aPosX, float aPosY, float aPosZ);
+ public void set3dSourcePosition(uint aVoiceHandle, float aPosX, float aPosY, float aPosZ)
+ {
+ Soloud_set3dSourcePosition(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aPosX, aPosY, aPosZ);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_set3dSourceVelocity")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_set3dSourceVelocity(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, float aVelocityX, float aVelocityY, float aVelocityZ);
+ public void set3dSourceVelocity(uint aVoiceHandle, float aVelocityX, float aVelocityY, float aVelocityZ)
+ {
+ Soloud_set3dSourceVelocity(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aVelocityX, aVelocityY, aVelocityZ);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_set3dSourceMinMaxDistance")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_set3dSourceMinMaxDistance(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, float aMinDistance, float aMaxDistance);
+ public void set3dSourceMinMaxDistance(uint aVoiceHandle, float aMinDistance, float aMaxDistance)
+ {
+ Soloud_set3dSourceMinMaxDistance(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aMinDistance, aMaxDistance);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_set3dSourceAttenuation")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_set3dSourceAttenuation(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, uint aAttenuationModel, float aAttenuationRolloffFactor);
+ public void set3dSourceAttenuation(uint aVoiceHandle, uint aAttenuationModel, float aAttenuationRolloffFactor)
+ {
+ Soloud_set3dSourceAttenuation(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aAttenuationModel, aAttenuationRolloffFactor);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_set3dSourceDopplerFactor")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_set3dSourceDopplerFactor(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aVoiceHandle, float aDopplerFactor);
+ public void set3dSourceDopplerFactor(uint aVoiceHandle, float aDopplerFactor)
+ {
+ Soloud_set3dSourceDopplerFactor(objhandle, aVoiceHandle, aDopplerFactor);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_mix")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_mix(IntPtr aObjHandle, float[] aBuffer, uint aSamples);
+ public void mix(float[] aBuffer, uint aSamples)
+ {
+ Soloud_mix(objhandle, aBuffer, aSamples);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Soloud_mixSigned16")]
+ internal static extern void Soloud_mixSigned16(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aBuffer, uint aSamples);
+ public void mixSigned16(IntPtr aBuffer, uint aSamples)
+ {
+ Soloud_mixSigned16(objhandle, aBuffer, aSamples);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/WavStream.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/WavStream.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8734043aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/WavStream.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+using SoLoud;
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+namespace Global.Sound.SoLoud
+ public class WavStream : SoloudObject
+ {
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_create")]
+ internal static extern IntPtr WavStream_create();
+ public WavStream()
+ {
+ objhandle = WavStream_create();
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_destroy")]
+ internal static extern void WavStream_destroy(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ ~WavStream()
+ {
+ // Can cause a crash if called while quitting
+ if (!SdLibAPIWithSoloud.isQuitting) WavStream_destroy(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_load")]
+ internal static extern int WavStream_load(IntPtr aObjHandle, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string aFilename);
+ public int load(string aFilename)
+ {
+ return WavStream_load(objhandle, aFilename);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_loadMemEx")]
+ internal static extern int WavStream_loadMemEx(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aData, uint aDataLen, bool aCopy, bool aTakeOwnership);
+ public int loadMem(IntPtr aData, uint aDataLen, bool aCopy = false, bool aTakeOwnership = true)
+ {
+ return WavStream_loadMemEx(objhandle, aData, aDataLen, aCopy, aTakeOwnership);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_loadToMem")]
+ internal static extern int WavStream_loadToMem(IntPtr aObjHandle, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string aFilename);
+ public int loadToMem(string aFilename)
+ {
+ return WavStream_loadToMem(objhandle, aFilename);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_loadFile")]
+ internal static extern int WavStream_loadFile(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aFile);
+ public int loadFile(SoloudObject aFile)
+ {
+ return WavStream_loadFile(objhandle, aFile.objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_loadFileToMem")]
+ internal static extern int WavStream_loadFileToMem(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aFile);
+ public int loadFileToMem(SoloudObject aFile)
+ {
+ return WavStream_loadFileToMem(objhandle, aFile.objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_getLength")]
+ internal static extern double WavStream_getLength(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public double getLength()
+ {
+ return WavStream_getLength(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_setVolume")]
+ internal static extern void WavStream_setVolume(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aVolume);
+ public void setVolume(float aVolume)
+ {
+ WavStream_setVolume(objhandle, aVolume);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_setLooping")]
+ internal static extern void WavStream_setLooping(IntPtr aObjHandle, int aLoop);
+ public void setLooping(int aLoop)
+ {
+ WavStream_setLooping(objhandle, aLoop);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_set3dMinMaxDistance")]
+ internal static extern void WavStream_set3dMinMaxDistance(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aMinDistance, float aMaxDistance);
+ public void set3dMinMaxDistance(float aMinDistance, float aMaxDistance)
+ {
+ WavStream_set3dMinMaxDistance(objhandle, aMinDistance, aMaxDistance);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_set3dAttenuation")]
+ internal static extern void WavStream_set3dAttenuation(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aAttenuationModel, float aAttenuationRolloffFactor);
+ public void set3dAttenuation(uint aAttenuationModel, float aAttenuationRolloffFactor)
+ {
+ WavStream_set3dAttenuation(objhandle, aAttenuationModel, aAttenuationRolloffFactor);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_set3dDopplerFactor")]
+ internal static extern void WavStream_set3dDopplerFactor(IntPtr aObjHandle, float aDopplerFactor);
+ public void set3dDopplerFactor(float aDopplerFactor)
+ {
+ WavStream_set3dDopplerFactor(objhandle, aDopplerFactor);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_set3dListenerRelative")]
+ internal static extern void WavStream_set3dListenerRelative(IntPtr aObjHandle, int aListenerRelative);
+ public void set3dListenerRelative(int aListenerRelative)
+ {
+ WavStream_set3dListenerRelative(objhandle, aListenerRelative);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_set3dDistanceDelay")]
+ internal static extern void WavStream_set3dDistanceDelay(IntPtr aObjHandle, int aDistanceDelay);
+ public void set3dDistanceDelay(int aDistanceDelay)
+ {
+ WavStream_set3dDistanceDelay(objhandle, aDistanceDelay);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_set3dColliderEx")]
+ internal static extern void WavStream_set3dColliderEx(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aCollider, int aUserData);
+ public void set3dCollider(SoloudObject aCollider, int aUserData = 0)
+ {
+ WavStream_set3dColliderEx(objhandle, aCollider.objhandle, aUserData);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_set3dAttenuator")]
+ internal static extern void WavStream_set3dAttenuator(IntPtr aObjHandle, IntPtr aAttenuator);
+ public void set3dAttenuator(SoloudObject aAttenuator)
+ {
+ WavStream_set3dAttenuator(objhandle, aAttenuator.objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_setInaudibleBehavior")]
+ internal static extern void WavStream_setInaudibleBehavior(IntPtr aObjHandle, int aMustTick, int aKill);
+ public void setInaudibleBehavior(int aMustTick, int aKill)
+ {
+ WavStream_setInaudibleBehavior(objhandle, aMustTick, aKill);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_setLoopStartPoint")]
+ internal static extern void WavStream_setLoopStartPoint(IntPtr aObjHandle, double aLoopPoint);
+ public void setLoopStartPoint(double aLoopPoint)
+ {
+ WavStream_setLoopStartPoint(objhandle, aLoopPoint);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_setLoopEndPoint")]
+ internal static extern void WavStream_setLoopEndPoint(IntPtr aObjHandle, double aLoopPoint);
+ public void setLoopEndPoint(double aLoopPoint)
+ {
+ WavStream_setLoopEndPoint(objhandle, aLoopPoint);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_getLoopStartPoint")]
+ internal static extern double WavStream_getLoopStartPoint(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public double getLoopStartPoint()
+ {
+ return WavStream_getLoopStartPoint(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_getLoopEndPoint")]
+ internal static extern double WavStream_getLoopEndPoint(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public double getLoopEndPoint()
+ {
+ return WavStream_getLoopEndPoint(objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_setFilter")]
+ internal static extern void WavStream_setFilter(IntPtr aObjHandle, uint aFilterId, IntPtr aFilter);
+ public void setFilter(uint aFilterId, SoloudObject aFilter)
+ {
+ WavStream_setFilter(objhandle, aFilterId, aFilter.objhandle);
+ }
+ [DllImport("soloud", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "WavStream_stop")]
+ internal static extern void WavStream_stop(IntPtr aObjHandle);
+ public void stop()
+ {
+ WavStream_stop(objhandle);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/x64/soloud.dll b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/x64/soloud.dll
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1940aae62
Binary files /dev/null and b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/x64/soloud.dll differ
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/x86/soloud.dll b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/x86/soloud.dll
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8ea8295b
Binary files /dev/null and b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoLoud/x86/soloud.dll differ
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoundPlayer.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoundPlayer.cs
index 1fbb54ab5..62a493d28 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoundPlayer.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/Sound/SoundPlayer.cs
@@ -59,17 +59,16 @@ public static void StaticCreateSound(SoundProfile soundProfile)
public static void StaticStartSound(SoundProfile soundProfile, Single playerVolume = 1f)
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
if (ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_IsExist(soundProfile.SoundID) == 0)
SoundLib.Log("failed to play sound");
soundProfile.SoundID = 0;
- }
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.SoundVolume * playerVolume, 0);
- SoundLib.Log("Panning: " + soundProfile.Panning);
+ }
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.SoundVolume * playerVolume, 0);
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetPanning(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.Panning, 0);
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetPitch(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.Pitch, 0);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
SoundLib.Log("StartSound Success");
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/TileSystem/TileSystem.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/TileSystem/TileSystem.cs
index d7eef59bd..337583a2c 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/TileSystem/TileSystem.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/TileSystem/TileSystem.cs
@@ -384,9 +384,9 @@ public static byte[] GetImageData(Layer layer, BGOVERLAY_DEF overlayInfo, uint f
long overlayWidth = overlayInfo.w * factor;
Rectangle rect = layer.Rect;
- long left = overlayInfo.curX;
+ long left = (short)overlayInfo.curX;
long right = left + overlayInfo.w;
- long top = overlayInfo.curY;
+ long top = (short)overlayInfo.curY;
long bottom = top + overlayInfo.h;
long product = overlayHeight * overlayWidth;
long verticalOffset = (SPRITE_H - rect.Bottom % SPRITE_H) % SPRITE_H;
@@ -793,8 +793,8 @@ private static void GetBounds(List overlayList, int camIndex, out
for (int k = 0; k < overlay.spriteList.Count; k++)
BGSPRITE_LOC_DEF sprite = overlay.spriteList[k];
- int offX = sprite.offX + overlay.curX;
- int offY = sprite.offY + overlay.curY;
+ int offX = sprite.offX + (short)overlay.curX;
+ int offY = sprite.offY + (short)overlay.curY;
if (offX < minX) minX = offX;
if (offX > maxX) maxX = offX;
if (offY < minY) minY = offY;
@@ -969,8 +969,8 @@ public Overlay(byte[] layerImageData, BGOVERLAY_DEF overlayInfo, int orderNumber
Tile tileToPush = new Tile();
tileToPush.info = info.spriteList[k];
BGSPRITE_LOC_DEF spriteInfo = info.spriteList[k];
- tileToPush.x = (info.orgX + spriteInfo.offX - minX) / 16; // get global x
- tileToPush.y = (info.orgY + spriteInfo.offY - minY) / 16; // get global y
+ tileToPush.x = ((short)(info.orgX) + spriteInfo.offX - minX) / 16; // get global x
+ tileToPush.y = ((short)(info.orgY) + spriteInfo.offY - minY) / 16; // get global y
tileToPush.overlay = this;
_map[tileToPush.x, tileToPush.y] = tileToPush;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/TimerUI.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/TimerUI.cs
index 035c0f429..78c44cff4 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/TimerUI.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/TimerUI.cs
@@ -130,6 +130,8 @@ private static void Create(Boolean resetFlag)
GameObject prefab = Resources.Load("EmbeddedAsset/UI/Prefabs/Timer Container") as GameObject;
GameObject gameObject = NGUITools.AddChild(PersistenSingleton.Instance.gameObject, prefab);
gameObject.name = "Timer Container";
+ if (Configuration.Graphics.WidescreenSupport)
+ gameObject.transform.AddX(-200f); // Fix https://github.com/Albeoris/Memoria/issues/366 (adapted to 16:9 widescreen only)
TimerUI.digit0 = gameObject.gameObject.FindChild("Digit Panel/Digit0").GetComponent();
TimerUI.digit1 = gameObject.gameObject.FindChild("Digit Panel/Digit1").GetComponent();
TimerUI.digit2 = gameObject.gameObject.FindChild("Digit Panel/Digit2").GetComponent();
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/TitleUI.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/TitleUI.cs
index d836a29e8..d43d0e780 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/TitleUI.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/TitleUI.cs
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
using Memoria.Speedrun;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
+using static AssetManager;
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
// ReSharper disable NotAccessedField.Local
@@ -368,20 +369,31 @@ public override void Show(SceneVoidDelegate afterFinished = null)
sprite2D.sprite2D = Sprite.Create(texture, sprite.rect, sprite.pivot);
sprite2D.sprite2D.name = sprite.name;
- else
+ // Replace title screen with modded version if it exists
+ externalPath = AssetManager.SearchAssetOnDisc("EmbeddedAsset/UI/Sprites/title_bg", true, false);
+ if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(externalPath))
- //TextureHelper.WriteTextureToFile(TextureHelper.CopyAsReadable(sprite.texture), "StreamingAssets/UI/Sprites/US/" + sprite.name + ".png");
+ Texture2D texture = StreamingResources.LoadTexture2D(externalPath);
+ sprite2D.sprite2D = Sprite.Create(texture, sprite.rect, sprite.pivot);
+ sprite2D.sprite2D.name = sprite.name;
- //
- UITexture logo = this.MenuPanelObject.GetChild(1).GetComponent();
- externalPath = "StreamingAssets/UI/Sprites/US/" + logo.name + ".png";
- if (File.Exists(externalPath))
+ externalPath = AssetManager.SearchAssetOnDisc("EmbeddedAsset/UI/Sprites/title_bg.png", true, false); // also check .png for simplicity
+ if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(externalPath))
- logo.mainTexture = StreamingResources.LoadTexture2D("StreamingAssets/UI/Sprites/US/" + logo.name + ".png");
+ Texture2D texture = StreamingResources.LoadTexture2D(externalPath);
+ sprite2D.sprite2D = Sprite.Create(texture, sprite.rect, sprite.pivot);
+ sprite2D.sprite2D.name = sprite.name;
- else
+ // Replace title logo with modded version if it exists (advice: replace with transparent and include logo in title_bg.png)
+ UITexture texture2D = this.MenuPanelObject.GetChild(1).GetComponent();
+ externalPath = AssetManager.SearchAssetOnDisc("EmbeddedAsset/UI/Materials/title_logo", true, false);
+ if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(externalPath))
- //TextureHelper.WriteTextureToFile(TextureHelper.CopyAsReadable(logo.mainTexture), "StreamingAssets/UI/Sprites/US/" + logo.name + ".png");
+ Texture2D texture = StreamingResources.LoadTexture2D(externalPath);
+ texture2D.mainTexture = texture;
catch (Exception ex)
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/UI/UIManager.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/UI/UIManager.cs
index 3fe676d3a..dfb6c687d 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/UI/UIManager.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/UI/UIManager.cs
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ public UIManager.UIState State
if (value == UIState.FieldHUD && FieldMap.IsNarrowMap())
- else
- Configuration.Graphics.RestoreDisabledWidescreenSupport();
+ else if (state == UIState.FieldHUD && value != UIState.Pause)
+ Configuration.Graphics.RestoreDisabledWidescreenSupport();
this.state = value;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/UI/UIRoot.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/UI/UIRoot.cs
index dfa36beee..5fb9a30d5 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/UI/UIRoot.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/UI/UIRoot.cs
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ private void FixWideScreenPauseBackground()
- UISprite pauseBackground = gameObject
+ UISprite pauseBackground = gameObject
.FindChild("Pause Container")
.FindChild("Dim Background")
@@ -151,7 +151,21 @@ private void FixWideScreenPauseBackground()
Log.Error(ex, "Failed to fix wide screen pause background.");
- }
+ try
+ {
+ UISprite quitBackground = gameObject
+ .FindChild("Quit Container")
+ .FindChild("Panel")
+ .FindChild("Dim Background")
+ .GetComponent();
+ quitBackground.width = 4096;
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ Log.Error(ex, "Failed to fix wide screen quit background.");
+ }
+ }
protected virtual void OnEnable()
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/UI/UIStretch.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/UI/UIStretch.cs
index 9adb5b19d..70ce41f36 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/UI/UIStretch.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/UI/UIStretch.cs
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ private void Update()
UIWidget uiwidget = (!(this.container == (UnityEngine.Object)null)) ? this.container.GetComponent() : ((UIWidget)null);
UIPanel uipanel = (!(this.container == (UnityEngine.Object)null) || !(uiwidget == (UnityEngine.Object)null)) ? this.container.GetComponent() : ((UIPanel)null);
- Single num = 1f;
+ Single widgetWidth = 1f;
if (uiwidget != (UnityEngine.Object)null)
Bounds bounds = uiwidget.CalculateBounds(base.transform.parent);
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ private void Update()
if (uipanel.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.None)
- Single num2 = (!(this.mRoot != (UnityEngine.Object)null)) ? 0.5f : ((Single)this.mRoot.activeHeight / (Single)Screen.height * 0.5f);
- this.mRect.xMin = (Single)(-(Single)Screen.width) * num2;
- this.mRect.yMin = (Single)(-(Single)Screen.height) * num2;
+ Single widgetHeight = (!(this.mRoot != (UnityEngine.Object)null)) ? 0.5f : ((Single)this.mRoot.activeHeight / (Single)Screen.height * 0.5f);
+ this.mRect.xMin = (Single)(-(Single)Screen.width) * widgetHeight;
+ this.mRect.yMin = (Single)(-(Single)Screen.height) * widgetHeight;
this.mRect.xMax = -this.mRect.xMin;
this.mRect.yMax = -this.mRect.yMin;
@@ -101,73 +101,73 @@ private void Update()
this.mRect = this.uiCamera.pixelRect;
if (this.mRoot != (UnityEngine.Object)null)
- num = this.mRoot.pixelSizeAdjustment;
+ widgetWidth = this.mRoot.pixelSizeAdjustment;
- Single num3 = this.mRect.width;
- Single num4 = this.mRect.height;
- if (num != 1f && num4 > 1f)
+ Single scaleFactorX = this.mRect.width;
+ Single scaleFactorY = this.mRect.height;
+ if (widgetWidth != 1f && scaleFactorY > 1f)
- Single num5 = (Single)this.mRoot.activeHeight / num4;
- num3 *= num5;
- num4 *= num5;
+ Single pixelSizeAdjustment = (Single)this.mRoot.activeHeight / scaleFactorY;
+ scaleFactorX *= pixelSizeAdjustment;
+ scaleFactorY *= pixelSizeAdjustment;
Vector3 vector = (!(this.mWidget != (UnityEngine.Object)null)) ? this.mTrans.localScale : new Vector3((Single)this.mWidget.width, (Single)this.mWidget.height);
if (this.style == UIStretch.Style.BasedOnHeight)
- vector.x = this.relativeSize.x * num4;
- vector.y = this.relativeSize.y * num4;
+ vector.x = this.relativeSize.x * scaleFactorY;
+ vector.y = this.relativeSize.y * scaleFactorY;
else if (this.style == UIStretch.Style.FillKeepingRatio)
- Single num6 = num3 / num4;
- Single num7 = this.initialSize.x / this.initialSize.y;
- if (num7 < num6)
+ Single widthHeightRatio = scaleFactorX / scaleFactorY;
+ Single initialWidthHeightRatio = this.initialSize.x / this.initialSize.y;
+ if (initialWidthHeightRatio < widthHeightRatio)
- Single num8 = num3 / this.initialSize.x;
- vector.x = num3;
+ Single num8 = scaleFactorX / this.initialSize.x;
+ vector.x = scaleFactorX;
vector.y = this.initialSize.y * num8;
- Single num9 = num4 / this.initialSize.y;
+ Single num9 = scaleFactorY / this.initialSize.y;
vector.x = this.initialSize.x * num9;
- vector.y = num4;
+ vector.y = scaleFactorY;
else if (this.style == UIStretch.Style.FitInternalKeepingRatio)
- Single num10 = num3 / num4;
- Single num11 = this.initialSize.x / this.initialSize.y;
- if (num11 > num10)
+ Single widthHeightRatio = scaleFactorX / scaleFactorY;
+ Single initialWidthHeightRatio = this.initialSize.x / this.initialSize.y;
+ if (initialWidthHeightRatio > widthHeightRatio)
- Single num12 = num3 / this.initialSize.x;
- vector.x = num3;
+ Single num12 = scaleFactorX / this.initialSize.x;
+ vector.x = scaleFactorX;
vector.y = this.initialSize.y * num12;
- Single num13 = num4 / this.initialSize.y;
+ Single num13 = scaleFactorY / this.initialSize.y;
vector.x = this.initialSize.x * num13;
- vector.y = num4;
+ vector.y = scaleFactorY;
if (this.style != UIStretch.Style.Vertical)
- vector.x = this.relativeSize.x * num3;
+ vector.x = this.relativeSize.x * scaleFactorX;
if (this.style != UIStretch.Style.Horizontal)
- vector.y = this.relativeSize.y * num4;
+ vector.y = this.relativeSize.y * scaleFactorY;
if (this.mSprite != (UnityEngine.Object)null)
- Single num14 = (!(this.mSprite.atlas != (UnityEngine.Object)null)) ? 1f : this.mSprite.atlas.pixelSize;
- vector.x -= this.borderPadding.x * num14;
- vector.y -= this.borderPadding.y * num14;
+ Single atlasPixelSize = (!(this.mSprite.atlas != (UnityEngine.Object)null)) ? 1f : this.mSprite.atlas.pixelSize;
+ vector.x -= this.borderPadding.x * atlasPixelSize;
+ vector.y -= this.borderPadding.y * atlasPixelSize;
if (this.style != UIStretch.Style.Vertical)
this.mSprite.width = Mathf.RoundToInt(vector.x);
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/World/WorldHUD.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/World/WorldHUD.cs
index 24fd969e7..a3fb5fe42 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/World/WorldHUD.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/World/WorldHUD.cs
@@ -623,19 +623,29 @@ public void InitialHUD()
if (WMUIData.ActiveMapNo == 1)
- Sprite sprite = AssetManager.Load("EmbeddedAsset/UI/Sprites/world_map_full_all", false);
- this.miniMapSprite.spriteName = "world_map_mini_all";
+ String externalPath = AssetManager.SearchAssetOnDisc("EmbeddedAsset/UI/Sprites/world_map_full_all.png", true, false);
+ if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(externalPath))
+ externalPath = "EmbeddedAsset/UI/Sprites/world_map_full_all.png";
+ else
+ externalPath = "EmbeddedAsset/UI/Sprites/world_map_full_all";
+ Sprite fullMapSprite = AssetManager.Load(externalPath, false);
+ this.miniMapSprite.spriteName = "world_map_mini_all";
this.miniMapButton.normalSprite = "world_map_mini_all";
- this.mapSprite.sprite2D = sprite;
- this.mapButton.normalSprite2D = sprite;
+ this.mapSprite.sprite2D = fullMapSprite;
+ this.mapButton.normalSprite2D = fullMapSprite;
- Sprite sprite2 = AssetManager.Load("EmbeddedAsset/UI/Sprites/world_map_full_mistcontinent", false);
+ String externalPath = AssetManager.SearchAssetOnDisc("EmbeddedAsset/UI/Sprites/world_map_full_mistcontinent.png", true, false);
+ if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(externalPath))
+ externalPath = "EmbeddedAsset/UI/Sprites/world_map_full_mistcontinent.png";
+ else
+ externalPath = "EmbeddedAsset/UI/Sprites/world_map_full_mistcontinent";
+ Sprite mistContinentMapSprite = AssetManager.Load(externalPath, false);
this.miniMapSprite.spriteName = "world_map_mini_mistcontinent";
this.miniMapButton.normalSprite = "world_map_mini_mistcontinent";
- this.mapSprite.sprite2D = sprite2;
- this.mapButton.normalSprite2D = sprite2;
+ this.mapSprite.sprite2D = mistContinentMapSprite;
+ this.mapButton.normalSprite2D = mistContinentMapSprite;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/battle/BattleHUD/BattleHUD.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/battle/BattleHUD/BattleHUD.cs
index 5ec7151d4..6f4becc2b 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/battle/BattleHUD/BattleHUD.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/battle/BattleHUD/BattleHUD.cs
@@ -1218,9 +1218,9 @@ private AbilityStatus GetAbilityState(Int32 abilId, Int32 playerIndex = -1)
playerIndex = CurrentPlayerIndex;
AbilityPlayerDetail abilityPlayerDetail = _abilityDetailDict[playerIndex];
BattleUnit unit = FF9StateSystem.Battle.FF9Battle.GetUnit(playerIndex);
- AA_DATA aaData = ff9abil.GetActionAbility(abilId);
+ AA_DATA patchedAbil = FF9StateSystem.Battle.FF9Battle.aa_data[BattleAbilityHelper.Patch(ff9abil.GetActiveAbilityFromAbilityId(abilId), unit.Player.Data)];
- if ((Configuration.Battle.LockEquippedAbilities == 2 || Configuration.Battle.LockEquippedAbilities == 3) && abilityPlayerDetail.Player.Index != CharacterId.Quina && abilityPlayerDetail.HasAp && !abilityPlayerDetail.AbilityEquipList.ContainsKey(abilId) && ff9abil.IsAbilityActive(abilId))
+ if ((Configuration.Battle.LockEquippedAbilities == 2 || Configuration.Battle.LockEquippedAbilities == 3) && abilityPlayerDetail.Player.Index != CharacterId.Quina && abilityPlayerDetail.HasAp && !abilityPlayerDetail.AbilityEquipList.ContainsKey(abilId) && ff9abil.IsAbilityActive(abilId))
return AbilityStatus.None;
if (abilityPlayerDetail.HasAp && !abilityPlayerDetail.AbilityEquipList.ContainsKey(abilId) && ff9abil.IsAbilityActive(abilId))
@@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ private AbilityStatus GetAbilityState(Int32 abilId, Int32 playerIndex = -1)
- if ((aaData.Category & 2) != 0)
+ if ((patchedAbil.Category & 2) != 0)
if (FF9StateSystem.Battle.FF9Battle.btl_scene.Info.NoMagical)
return AbilityStatus.Disable;
@@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@ private AbilityStatus GetAbilityState(Int32 abilId, Int32 playerIndex = -1)
return AbilityStatus.Disable;
- if (GetActionMpCost(aaData, unit) > unit.CurrentMp)
+ if (GetActionMpCost(patchedAbil, unit) > unit.CurrentMp)
return AbilityStatus.Disable;
return AbilityStatus.Enable;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/battle/Result/BattleResultUI.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/battle/Result/BattleResultUI.cs
index 7aa556de5..fc4260687 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/battle/Result/BattleResultUI.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/battle/Result/BattleResultUI.cs
@@ -98,21 +98,20 @@ public override Boolean OnKeyConfirm(GameObject go)
this.currentState = BattleResultUI.ResultState.EndEXPAndAP;
- BattleEndValue[] array = this.expValue;
- for (Int32 i = 0; i < (Int32)array.Length; i++)
+ for (Int32 i = 0; i < this.expValue.Length; i++)
- BattleEndValue battleEndValue = array[i];
- battleEndValue.step = battleEndValue.value;
+ BattleEndValue endValue = this.expValue[i];
+ endValue.step = endValue.value;
- BattleEndValue[] array2 = this.apValue;
- for (Int32 j = 0; j < (Int32)array2.Length; j++)
+ for (Int32 i = 0; i < this.apValue.Length; i++)
- BattleEndValue battleEndValue2 = array2[j];
- battleEndValue2.step = battleEndValue2.value;
+ BattleEndValue endValue = this.apValue[i];
+ endValue.step = endValue.value;
+ this.DisplayCharacterInfo();
@@ -223,20 +222,17 @@ private void DisplayCharacterInfo()
PLAYER player = FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.party.member[i];
if (player != null)
- UInt64 num = (player.level >= ff9level.LEVEL_COUNT) ? player.exp : ff9level.CharacterLevelUps[player.level].ExperienceToLevel;
+ UInt64 nextLvl = (player.level >= ff9level.LEVEL_COUNT) ? player.exp : ff9level.CharacterLevelUps[player.level].ExperienceToLevel;
BattleResultUI.CharacterBattleResultInfoHUD characterBattleResultInfoHUD = this.characterBRInfoHudList[i];
characterBattleResultInfoHUD.NameLabel.text = player.Name;
characterBattleResultInfoHUD.LevelLabel.text = player.level.ToString();
characterBattleResultInfoHUD.ExpLabel.text = player.exp.ToString();
- characterBattleResultInfoHUD.NextLvLabel.text = (num - player.exp).ToString();
+ characterBattleResultInfoHUD.NextLvLabel.text = (nextLvl - player.exp).ToString();
FF9UIDataTool.DisplayCharacterAvatar(player, new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f), new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f), characterBattleResultInfoHUD.AvatarSprite, false);
UISprite[] statusesSpriteList = characterBattleResultInfoHUD.StatusesSpriteList;
for (Int32 j = 0; j < statusesSpriteList.Length; j++)
- {
- UISprite uisprite = statusesSpriteList[j];
- uisprite.alpha = 0f;
- }
+ statusesSpriteList[j].alpha = 0f;
Int32 spriteSlot = 0;
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in BattleResultUI.BadIconDict)
@@ -277,7 +273,9 @@ private void ShowLevelUpAnimation(Int32 index)
if (this.finishedLevelUpAnimation[index] >= this.totalLevelUp[index])
- FF9Sfx.FF9SFX_Play(683);
+ if (!this.isLevelUpSoundPlayed)
+ FF9Sfx.FF9SFX_Play(683);
+ this.isLevelUpSoundPlayed = true;
this.levelUpSpriteTween[index].TweenIn(new Byte[1], delegate
@@ -388,17 +386,14 @@ private void InitialNormal()
this.abilityLearned[2] = new List();
this.abilityLearned[3] = new List();
this.isReadyToShowNextAbil = new Boolean[] { true, true, true, true };
- Boolean flag = true;
- for (Int32 i = 0; i < this.expValue.Length && flag; i++)
+ Boolean skipEXPAndAP = true;
+ for (Int32 i = 0; i < this.expValue.Length && skipEXPAndAP; i++)
if (this.expValue[i].value != 0u)
- flag = false;
- for (Int32 i = 0; i < this.apValue.Length && flag; i++)
+ skipEXPAndAP = false;
+ for (Int32 i = 0; i < this.apValue.Length && skipEXPAndAP; i++)
if (this.apValue[i].value != 0u)
- flag = false;
- for (Int32 i = 0; i < this.expValue.Length && flag; i++)
- if (this.expValue[i].value != 0u)
- flag = false;
- if (!flag)
+ skipEXPAndAP = false;
+ if (!skipEXPAndAP)
this.currentState = BattleResultUI.ResultState.Start;
this.currentState = BattleResultUI.ResultState.EndEXPAndAP;
@@ -650,7 +645,9 @@ private void AddAp(Int32 id, UInt32 ap)
private void ApLearned(Int32 id, Int32 abilId)
- FF9Sfx.FF9SFX_Play(1043);
+ if (!this.isAbilityLearnSoundPlayed)
+ FF9Sfx.FF9SFX_Play(1043);
+ this.isAbilityLearnSoundPlayed = true;
BattleAchievement.UpdateAbilitiesAchievement(abilId, true);
@@ -783,16 +780,15 @@ private void Update()
if (PersistenSingleton.Instance.State == UIManager.UIState.BattleResult)
+ this.isLevelUpSoundPlayed = false;
+ this.isAbilityLearnSoundPlayed = false;
BattleResultUI.ResultState resultState = this.currentState;
- if (resultState != BattleResultUI.ResultState.EXPAndAPTick)
+ if (resultState == BattleResultUI.ResultState.GilTick)
- if (resultState == BattleResultUI.ResultState.GilTick)
- {
- this.UpdateGil();
- this.DisplayGilAndItemInfo();
- }
+ this.UpdateGil();
+ this.DisplayGilAndItemInfo();
- else
+ else if (resultState == BattleResultUI.ResultState.EXPAndAPTick)
@@ -934,6 +930,11 @@ private void Awake()
private Boolean isTimerDisplay;
+ [NonSerialized]
+ private Boolean isLevelUpSoundPlayed = false;
+ [NonSerialized]
+ private Boolean isAbilityLearnSoundPlayed = false;
public static Dictionary BadIconDict = new Dictionary
{ BattleStatus.Petrify, 154 },
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/btl_cmd.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/btl_cmd.cs
index c4782452d..e8addb1ae 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/btl_cmd.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/btl_cmd.cs
@@ -35,16 +35,16 @@
public class btl_cmd
/* Notes on commands:
- Each BTL_DATA has 6 potential commands at the same time.
- Only the first 3 are initialized for enemies by default (btl_cmd.InitCommand).
- With Memoria: the 6 commands are all used even for enemies (the last 3 are used for btl_scrp.SetCharacterData(id == 114)).
- btl.cmd[0] -> normal commands (including berserk/confuse)
- btl.cmd[1] -> counter-attacks
- btl.cmd[2] -> reserved for death/stone animation (cmd_no == 60/62, sub_no == 0)
- btl.cmd[3] -> first cast of a double-cast command or Spear (saved duplicate) or Eidolon phantom
- btl.cmd[4] -> reserved for trance animation (cmd_no == 59, sub_no == 0)
- btl.cmd[5] -> reserved for reraise animation (cmd_no == 61, sub_no == 0)
- */
+ Each BTL_DATA has 6 potential commands at the same time.
+ Only the first 3 are initialized for enemies by default (btl_cmd.InitCommand).
+ With Memoria: the 6 commands are all used even for enemies (the last 3 are used for btl_scrp.SetCharacterData(id == 114)).
+ btl.cmd[0] -> normal commands (including berserk/confuse)
+ btl.cmd[1] -> counter-attacks
+ btl.cmd[2] -> reserved for death/stone animation (cmd_no == 60/62, sub_no == 0)
+ btl.cmd[3] -> first cast of a double-cast command or Spear (saved duplicate) or Eidolon phantom
+ btl.cmd[4] -> reserved for trance animation (cmd_no == 59, sub_no == 0)
+ btl.cmd[5] -> reserved for reraise animation (cmd_no == 61, sub_no == 0)
+ */
public btl_cmd()
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ public static void SetCommand(CMD_DATA cmd, BattleCommandId commandId, Int32 sub
public static UInt16 GetRandomTargetForCommand(BTL_DATA caster, BattleCommandId commandId, Int32 subNo)
- {
+ {
CMD_DATA testCmd = new CMD_DATA
regist = caster,
@@ -695,6 +695,10 @@ public static void CommandEngine(FF9StateBattleSystem btlsys)
if (btl_stat.CheckStatus(caster, BattleStatus.Berserk))
BattleVoice.TriggerOnStatusChange(caster, "Used", BattleStatus.Berserk);
+ else if (cmd.cmd_no == BattleCommandId.JumpAttack || cmd.cmd_no == BattleCommandId.JumpTrance)
+ {
+ BattleVoice.TriggerOnStatusChange(caster, "Used", BattleStatus.Jump);
+ }
BattleVoice.TriggerOnBattleAct(caster, "CommandPerform", cmd);
@@ -846,7 +850,7 @@ private static void DequeueCommand(CMD_DATA cmd, Boolean escape_check)
cmdData.info.stat = 0;
cmdData.info.priority = 0;
if (escape_check && cmdData.cmd_no == BattleCommandId.SysEscape)
- FF9StateSystem.Battle.FF9Battle.cmd_status &= 65534;
+ FF9StateSystem.Battle.FF9Battle.cmd_status &= 0xFFFE;
public static Boolean CheckSpecificCommand(BTL_DATA btl, BattleCommandId cmd_no)
@@ -1110,7 +1114,7 @@ public static Boolean CheckCommandCondition(FF9StateBattleSystem btlsys, CMD_DAT
BattleMesages tranceMessage = BattleMesages.Trance;
if (caster.IsUnderPermanentStatus(BattleStatus.Trance))
- {
+ {
tranceMessage = BattleMesages.PermanentTrance;
String permTrance = FF9TextTool.BattleFollowText((Int32)tranceMessage + 7);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(permTrance) || permTrance.Length <= 1)
@@ -1203,7 +1207,7 @@ public static void KillAllCommand(FF9StateBattleSystem btlsys)
cp = ncp;
- btlsys.cmd_status &= 65523;
+ btlsys.cmd_status &= 0xFFF3;
btlsys.phantom_no = BattleAbilityId.Void;
btlsys.phantom_cnt = 0;
@@ -1214,7 +1218,7 @@ public static void ClearSysPhantom(BTL_DATA btl)
FF9StateBattleSystem stateBattleSystem = FF9StateSystem.Battle.FF9Battle;
KillSpecificCommand(btl, BattleCommandId.SysPhantom);
- stateBattleSystem.cmd_status &= 65523;
+ stateBattleSystem.cmd_status &= 0xFFF3;
stateBattleSystem.phantom_no = BattleAbilityId.Void;
stateBattleSystem.phantom_cnt = 0;
@@ -1348,7 +1352,7 @@ public static void FinishCommand(FF9StateBattleSystem btlsys, CMD_DATA cmd)
else if (commandId == BattleCommandId.JumpAttack)
- FF9StateSystem.Battle.FF9Battle.cmd_status &= 65519;
+ FF9StateSystem.Battle.FF9Battle.cmd_status &= 0xFFEF;
else if (commandId == BattleCommandId.JumpTrance)
@@ -1362,7 +1366,7 @@ public static void FinishCommand(FF9StateBattleSystem btlsys, CMD_DATA cmd)
caster.Data.tar_mode = 2;
caster.Data.SetDisappear(true, 2);
- FF9StateSystem.Battle.FF9Battle.cmd_status &= 65519;
+ FF9StateSystem.Battle.FF9Battle.cmd_status &= 0xFFEF;
if (IsNeedToDecreaseTrance(caster, commandId, cmd))
@@ -1398,7 +1402,7 @@ public static void FinishCommand(FF9StateBattleSystem btlsys, CMD_DATA cmd)
- {
+ {
if (caster.Trance - tranceDelta < Byte.MaxValue)
caster.Trance += (Byte)(-tranceDelta);
@@ -1414,7 +1418,7 @@ public static void FinishCommand(FF9StateBattleSystem btlsys, CMD_DATA cmd)
else if (cmd.cmd_no == BattleCommandId.SysPhantom)
- btlsys.cmd_status &= 65527;
+ btlsys.cmd_status &= 0xFFF7;
btlsys.phantom_cnt = GetPhantomCount(caster);
else if (cmd.cmd_no < BattleCommandId.EnemyCounter && CheckUsingCommand(caster.Data.cmd[0]))
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/ff9/ff9.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/ff9/ff9.cs
index 3fc1825d2..7cfbf8a9f 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Global/ff9/ff9.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Global/ff9/ff9.cs
@@ -6522,13 +6522,13 @@ private static void w_movementShipOperation()
private static void w_movementPlaneOperation()
- Int32 num;
- ff9.w_moveGetPadStateLX(out num);
- Int32 num2;
- ff9.w_moveGetPadStateLY(out num2);
- Int32 num3;
- ff9.w_moveGetPadStateR(out num3);
- if (num3 < 0)
+ Int32 leftStickX;
+ ff9.w_moveGetPadStateLX(out leftStickX);
+ Int32 leftStickY;
+ ff9.w_moveGetPadStateLY(out leftStickY);
+ Int32 rightStick;
+ ff9.w_moveGetPadStateR(out rightStick);
+ if (rightStick < 0)
ff9.w_movePadDOWN = true;
@@ -6536,8 +6536,8 @@ private static void w_movementPlaneOperation()
ff9.w_movePadDOWN = false;
- num2 = -num2;
- Int32 num4 = num;
+ leftStickY = -leftStickY;
+ Int32 cameraChangeThreshold = leftStickX;
ff9.w_moveCHRControl_LR = false;
ff9.Pad pad = ff9.w_getPad();
if (pad.kPadR1 && pad.kPadL1 && !ff9.w_cameraSysData.cameraNotrot && ff9.w_moveAutoPilot != 0)
@@ -6548,11 +6548,11 @@ private static void w_movementPlaneOperation()
if (pad.kPadL1)
- num = -127;
+ leftStickX = -127;
if (pad.kPadR1)
- num = 127;
+ leftStickX = 127;
@@ -6569,12 +6569,12 @@ private static void w_movementPlaneOperation()
ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotationRev = 0f;
- ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotSpeed = ff9.PsxRot(ff9.w_moveCHRControlPtr.speed_rotation * num >> 7);
- Single num5 = ff9.S(-(Int32)ff9.w_moveCHRControlPtr.speed_updown * num2 / ff9.p1);
- ff9.w_moveCHRControl_YAlpha += (num5 - ff9.w_moveCHRControl_YAlpha) / ff9.p2;
+ ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotSpeed = ff9.PsxRot(ff9.w_moveCHRControlPtr.speed_rotation * leftStickX >> 7);
+ Single verticalMovementSpeed = ff9.S(-(Int32)ff9.w_moveCHRControlPtr.speed_updown * leftStickY / ff9.p1);
+ ff9.w_moveCHRControl_YAlpha += (verticalMovementSpeed - ff9.w_moveCHRControl_YAlpha) / ff9.p2;
ff9.w_moveCHRControl_YSpeed = ff9.w_moveCHRControl_YAlpha / ff9.p3;
- num5 = ff9.S(ff9.w_moveCHRControlPtr.speed_move * num3 / ff9.p1);
- ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZAlpha += (num5 - ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZAlpha) / ff9.p2;
+ verticalMovementSpeed = ff9.S(ff9.w_moveCHRControlPtr.speed_move * rightStick / ff9.p1);
+ ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZAlpha += (verticalMovementSpeed - ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZAlpha) / ff9.p2;
ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZSpeed = ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZAlpha / ff9.p3;
if (ff9.w_moveDoping)
@@ -6591,52 +6591,52 @@ private static void w_movementPlaneOperation()
ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotSpeed *= 580f - ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZSpeed * 256f / 2f;
ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotSpeed /= 256f;
- if (num != 0 || num3 < 0)
+ if (leftStickX != 0 || rightStick < 0)
- Byte b = ff9.w_moveAutoPilot;
- if (b != 1)
+ Byte autoPilotMode = ff9.w_moveAutoPilot;
+ if (autoPilotMode != 1)
- if (b == 2)
+ if (autoPilotMode == 2)
- Single num6 = -(ff9.S(ff9.w_naviLocationPos[ff9.w_naviMapno, ff9.w_frameAutoid].tx) - ff9.w_moveActorPtr.RealPosition[0]);
- Single num7 = -(ff9.S(ff9.w_naviLocationPos[ff9.w_naviMapno, ff9.w_frameAutoid].ty) - ff9.w_moveActorPtr.RealPosition[2]);
- if (num6 > ff9.S(196608))
+ Single horizontalMovementSpeed = -(ff9.S(ff9.w_naviLocationPos[ff9.w_naviMapno, ff9.w_frameAutoid].tx) - ff9.w_moveActorPtr.RealPosition[0]);
+ Single speedFactorUpDown = -(ff9.S(ff9.w_naviLocationPos[ff9.w_naviMapno, ff9.w_frameAutoid].ty) - ff9.w_moveActorPtr.RealPosition[2]);
+ if (horizontalMovementSpeed > ff9.S(196608))
- num6 -= ff9.S(393216);
+ horizontalMovementSpeed -= ff9.S(393216);
- if (num6 < ff9.S(-196608))
+ if (horizontalMovementSpeed < ff9.S(-196608))
- num6 += ff9.S(393216);
+ horizontalMovementSpeed += ff9.S(393216);
- if (num7 > ff9.S(163840))
+ if (speedFactorUpDown > ff9.S(163840))
- num7 -= ff9.S(327680);
+ speedFactorUpDown -= ff9.S(327680);
- if (num7 < ff9.S(-163840))
+ if (speedFactorUpDown < ff9.S(-163840))
- num7 += ff9.S(327680);
+ speedFactorUpDown += ff9.S(327680);
- Single num8 = (-ff9.ratan2(num7, num6) + ff9.PsxRot(1024)) % 360f;
+ Single speedFactorLR = (-ff9.ratan2(speedFactorUpDown, horizontalMovementSpeed) + ff9.PsxRot(1024)) % 360f;
Vector3 rot = ff9.w_moveActorPtr.rot;
- Single num9 = num8;
- num9 -= rot[1];
- if (num9 < ff9.PsxRot(-2048))
+ Single speedFactorForwardBackward = speedFactorLR;
+ speedFactorForwardBackward -= rot[1];
+ if (speedFactorForwardBackward < ff9.PsxRot(-2048))
- num9 += ff9.PsxRot(4096);
+ speedFactorForwardBackward += ff9.PsxRot(4096);
- if (num9 > ff9.PsxRot(2048))
+ if (speedFactorForwardBackward > ff9.PsxRot(2048))
- num9 -= ff9.PsxRot(4096);
+ speedFactorForwardBackward -= ff9.PsxRot(4096);
if (ff9.w_moveCHRControl_AutoPrev > ff9.S(50))
- if (num9 > ff9.PsxRot(20))
+ if (speedFactorForwardBackward > ff9.PsxRot(20))
ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotSpeed = ff9.PsxRot(20);
- else if (num9 < ff9.PsxRot(-20))
+ else if (speedFactorForwardBackward < ff9.PsxRot(-20))
ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotSpeed = ff9.PsxRot(-20);
@@ -6649,9 +6649,9 @@ private static void w_movementPlaneOperation()
- Single num10 = (ff9.S(ff9.w_naviLocationPos[ff9.w_naviMapno, ff9.w_frameAutoid].tx) - ff9.w_moveActorPtr.RealPosition[0]) / 32f;
- Single num11 = (ff9.S(ff9.w_naviLocationPos[ff9.w_naviMapno, ff9.w_frameAutoid].ty) - ff9.w_moveActorPtr.RealPosition[2]) / 32f;
- ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZSpeed = ff9.SquareRoot0(num10 * num10 + num11 * num11);
+ Single distanceToTargetX = (ff9.S(ff9.w_naviLocationPos[ff9.w_naviMapno, ff9.w_frameAutoid].tx) - ff9.w_moveActorPtr.RealPosition[0]) / 32f;
+ Single distanceToTargetY = (ff9.S(ff9.w_naviLocationPos[ff9.w_naviMapno, ff9.w_frameAutoid].ty) - ff9.w_moveActorPtr.RealPosition[2]) / 32f;
+ ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZSpeed = ff9.SquareRoot0(distanceToTargetX * distanceToTargetX + distanceToTargetY * distanceToTargetY);
if (ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZSpeed > ff9.S(400))
ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZSpeed = ff9.S(400);
@@ -6664,31 +6664,31 @@ private static void w_movementPlaneOperation()
Vector3 rot2 = ff9.w_moveActorPtr.rot;
Int32 index2;
- Single num12;
+ Single rotationChange;
if (rot2[2] > 180f)
Int32 index = index2 = 2;
- num12 = rot2[index2];
- rot2[index] = num12 - 360f;
+ rotationChange = rot2[index2];
+ rot2[index] = rotationChange - 360f;
Int32 index3 = index2 = 1;
- num12 = rot2[index2];
- rot2[index3] = num12 + ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotSpeed;
+ rotationChange = rot2[index2];
+ rot2[index3] = rotationChange + ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotSpeed;
Int32 index4 = index2 = 1;
- num12 = rot2[index2];
- rot2[index4] = num12 % 360f;
+ rotationChange = rot2[index2];
+ rot2[index4] = rotationChange % 360f;
ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotTrue = rot2[1] % 360f;
- if (ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotSpeed > 0f && ff9.w_cameraRotAngle > ff9.PsxRot(-(num4 * 1)))
+ if (ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotSpeed > 0f && ff9.w_cameraRotAngle > ff9.PsxRot(-(cameraChangeThreshold * 1)))
- ff9.w_cameraRotAngle += ff9.PsxRot(num4 / 8);
+ ff9.w_cameraRotAngle += ff9.PsxRot(cameraChangeThreshold / 8);
- if (ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotSpeed < 0f && ff9.w_cameraRotAngle < ff9.PsxRot(-(num4 * 1)))
+ if (ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotSpeed < 0f && ff9.w_cameraRotAngle < ff9.PsxRot(-(cameraChangeThreshold * 1)))
- ff9.w_cameraRotAngle += ff9.PsxRot(num4 / 8);
+ ff9.w_cameraRotAngle += ff9.PsxRot(cameraChangeThreshold / 8);
if (ff9.UnityUnit(ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZSpeed) == 0)
- ff9.w_cameraRotAngle += ff9.PsxRot(num4 / 8);
+ ff9.w_cameraRotAngle += ff9.PsxRot(cameraChangeThreshold / 8);
if (ff9.w_cameraRotAngle > ff9.PsxRot(ff9.w_moveCHRControlPtr.speed_roll))
@@ -6698,17 +6698,17 @@ private static void w_movementPlaneOperation()
ff9.w_cameraRotAngle = ff9.PsxRot(-ff9.w_moveCHRControlPtr.speed_roll);
- if (ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotSpeed > 0f && rot2[2] > ff9.PsxRot(-(num4 * 2)))
+ if (ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotSpeed > 0f && rot2[2] > ff9.PsxRot(-(cameraChangeThreshold * 2)))
Int32 index5 = index2 = 2;
- num12 = rot2[index2];
- rot2[index5] = num12 + ff9.PsxRot(num4 / 4);
+ rotationChange = rot2[index2];
+ rot2[index5] = rotationChange + ff9.PsxRot(cameraChangeThreshold / 4);
- if (ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotSpeed < 0f && rot2[2] < ff9.PsxRot(-(num4 * 2)))
+ if (ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotSpeed < 0f && rot2[2] < ff9.PsxRot(-(cameraChangeThreshold * 2)))
Int32 index6 = index2 = 2;
- num12 = rot2[index2];
- rot2[index6] = num12 + ff9.PsxRot(num4 / 4);
+ rotationChange = rot2[index2];
+ rot2[index6] = rotationChange + ff9.PsxRot(cameraChangeThreshold / 4);
if (rot2[2] > ff9.PsxRot(ff9.w_moveCHRControlPtr.speed_roll * 2))
@@ -6721,7 +6721,7 @@ private static void w_movementPlaneOperation()
ff9.w_moveActorPtr.rot = rot2;
if ((ff9.w_frameCounter & 1) != 0)
- Int64 num13 = ff9.m_GetIDTopograph(ff9.m_moveActorID);
+ Int64 rollSpeedThreshold = ff9.m_GetIDTopograph(ff9.m_moveActorID);
Boolean flag = ff9.w_movementCheckTopographID(ff9.w_movementWaterStatus, ff9.m_moveActorID);
switch (ff9.w_moveActorPtr.originalActor.index)
@@ -6731,8 +6731,8 @@ private static void w_movementPlaneOperation()
ff9.w_effectRegist(ff9.w_moveActorPtr.pos[0], ff9.S(200), ff9.w_moveActorPtr.pos[2], 6, 19200);
- Int32 num14 = (Int32)(ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZSpeed * 256f);
- if (num13 == 41L && num14 != 0 && ff9.w_moveActorPtr.pos[1] <= ff9.SH2)
+ Int32 rotationSpeed = (Int32)(ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZSpeed * 256f);
+ if (rollSpeedThreshold == 41L && rotationSpeed != 0 && ff9.w_moveActorPtr.pos[1] <= ff9.SH2)
ff9.w_effectRegist(ff9.w_moveActorPtr.pos[0], ff9.w_moveActorPtr.pos[1] + ff9.S(-100), ff9.w_moveActorPtr.pos[2], 14, 25600);
@@ -6745,27 +6745,27 @@ private static void w_movementPlaneOperation()
ff9.w_effectMoveStockHeight = 4096 - ff9.abs((Int32)(ff9.w_moveActorPtr.pos[1] * 256f) - 400) * 2;
ff9.w_effectRegist(ff9.w_moveActorPtr.pos[0], ff9.S(200), ff9.w_moveActorPtr.pos[2], 18, 32000);
- Int32 num15 = ff9.abs((Int32)(ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZSpeed * 256f));
- if (num15 > 511)
+ Int32 effectStockHeight = ff9.abs((Int32)(ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZSpeed * 256f));
+ if (effectStockHeight > 511)
- num15 = 511;
+ effectStockHeight = 511;
- Int32 num16 = (Int32)(ff9.abs(ff9.w_moveActorPtr.pos[1]) * 256f) >> 6;
- if (num16 > 48)
+ Int32 heightThreshold = (Int32)(ff9.abs(ff9.w_moveActorPtr.pos[1]) * 256f) >> 6;
+ if (heightThreshold > 48)
- num16 = 48;
+ heightThreshold = 48;
- num16 = 48 - num16;
- num16 *= num15;
- num16 >>= 9;
- ff9.w_musicSEVolumeIntpl(38, 20, (Byte)num16);
+ heightThreshold = 48 - heightThreshold;
+ heightThreshold *= effectStockHeight;
+ heightThreshold >>= 9;
+ ff9.w_musicSEVolumeIntpl(38, 20, (Byte)heightThreshold);
ff9.w_musicSEVolumeIntpl(38, 30, 0);
- Int32 num17 = (Int32)(ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZSpeed * 256f);
- if (num13 == 41L && num17 != 0 && ff9.w_moveActorPtr.pos[1] <= ff9.SH1)
+ Int32 speedThreshold = (Int32)(ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZSpeed * 256f);
+ if (rollSpeedThreshold == 41L && speedThreshold != 0 && ff9.w_moveActorPtr.pos[1] <= ff9.SH1)
ff9.w_effectMoveStockHeight = 4096 - ((Int32)(ff9.w_moveActorPtr.pos[1] * 256f) + 1300) * 2;
ff9.w_effectRegist(ff9.w_moveActorPtr.pos[0], ff9.w_moveActorPtr.pos[1] + ff9.S(-100), ff9.w_moveActorPtr.pos[2], 19, 32000);
@@ -6778,21 +6778,21 @@ private static void w_movementPlaneOperation()
private static void w_movementHumanCamOperation()
- Single num = (ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotation + ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotationRev) % 360f;
- Single num2 = ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotTrue % 360f;
- if (num - num2 >= ff9.PsxRot(2048))
+ Single cameraRotation = (ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotation + ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotationRev) % 360f;
+ Single characterRotation = ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotTrue % 360f;
+ if (cameraRotation - characterRotation >= ff9.PsxRot(2048))
- num -= ff9.PsxRot(4096);
+ cameraRotation -= ff9.PsxRot(4096);
- if (num - num2 < ff9.PsxRot(-2048))
+ if (cameraRotation - characterRotation < ff9.PsxRot(-2048))
- num += ff9.PsxRot(4096);
+ cameraRotation += ff9.PsxRot(4096);
- Single num3 = (ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotTrue - num) * ff9.PsxRot(3072) / ff9.PsxRot(4096);
+ Single rotationDifference = (ff9.w_moveCHRControl_RotTrue - cameraRotation) * ff9.PsxRot(3072) / ff9.PsxRot(4096);
ff9.cn5 = ff9.abs(ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotationMax) / 8f;
- if (ff9.abs(num3) < ff9.cn5)
+ if (ff9.abs(rotationDifference) < ff9.cn5)
- num3 = 0f;
+ rotationDifference = 0f;
if (ff9.UnityUnit(ff9.w_moveCHRControl_XZSpeed) != 0)
@@ -6808,7 +6808,7 @@ private static void w_movementHumanCamOperation()
if (!ff9.w_moveCHRControl_LR && !ff9.w_cameraSysData.cameraNotrot && ff9.w_framePhase == 2)
- ff9.cn2 = ff9.abs(num3);
+ ff9.cn2 = ff9.abs(rotationDifference);
if (ff9.cn2 < ff9.cn3)
ff9.cn2 = ff9.cn3;
@@ -6817,17 +6817,17 @@ private static void w_movementHumanCamOperation()
ff9.cn2 = ff9.cn4;
- Single num4 = num3 * ff9.S(256) / ff9.cn2;
- Single num5 = ((ff9.PsxRot(2048) - ff9.abs(num3)) * ff9.cn1 + 2048f) * 2f;
- num5 = num5 * ff9.w_movementCamRemain / 4096f;
- ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotation += num4 * num5 / 4096f;
+ Single rotationFactor = rotationDifference * ff9.S(256) / ff9.cn2;
+ Single rotationSpeedFactor = ((ff9.PsxRot(2048) - ff9.abs(rotationDifference)) * ff9.cn1 + 2048f) * 2f;
+ rotationSpeedFactor = rotationSpeedFactor * ff9.w_movementCamRemain / 4096f;
+ ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotation += rotationFactor * rotationSpeedFactor / 4096f;
ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotation %= 360f;
private static void w_movementPlaneCamOperation()
- Single num = ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotation;
+ Single cameraRotation = ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotation;
if (ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotation - ff9.w_moveActorPtr.rot[1] > ff9.PsxRot(2048))
ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotation -= ff9.PsxRot(4096);
@@ -6836,58 +6836,58 @@ private static void w_movementPlaneCamOperation()
ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotation += ff9.PsxRot(4096);
- if (num < 0f)
+ if (cameraRotation < 0f)
- num += ff9.PsxRot(4096);
+ cameraRotation += ff9.PsxRot(4096);
- num %= ff9.PsxRot(4096);
- if (num - ff9.w_moveActorPtr.rot[1] > ff9.PsxRot(2048))
+ cameraRotation %= ff9.PsxRot(4096);
+ if (cameraRotation - ff9.w_moveActorPtr.rot[1] > ff9.PsxRot(2048))
- num -= ff9.PsxRot(4096);
+ cameraRotation -= ff9.PsxRot(4096);
- if (num - ff9.w_moveActorPtr.rot[1] < ff9.PsxRot(-2048))
+ if (cameraRotation - ff9.w_moveActorPtr.rot[1] < ff9.PsxRot(-2048))
- num += ff9.PsxRot(4096);
+ cameraRotation += ff9.PsxRot(4096);
- Single num2 = ff9.w_moveActorPtr.rot[1] - num;
- num2 %= ff9.PsxRot(4096);
+ Single rotationDifference = ff9.w_moveActorPtr.rot[1] - cameraRotation;
+ rotationDifference %= ff9.PsxRot(4096);
if (!ff9.w_moveCHRControl_LR && !ff9.w_cameraSysData.cameraNotrot)
- Int32 num3 = ff9.UnityRot(num2);
- Int32 num4 = 16;
+ Int32 rotationDelta = ff9.UnityRot(rotationDifference);
+ Int32 rotationFactor = 16;
if (ff9.w_movementSoftRot)
- num4 = ff9.abs(num3) * 256 >> 12;
- if (num4 == 0)
+ rotationFactor = ff9.abs(rotationDelta) * 256 >> 12;
+ if (rotationFactor == 0)
- num4 = 1;
+ rotationFactor = 1;
- Int32 num5 = num3 % 4096 / num4;
- if (num5 != 0)
+ Int32 rotationIncrement = rotationDelta % 4096 / rotationFactor;
+ if (rotationIncrement != 0)
- ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotation += ff9.PsxRot((UInt16)num5);
+ ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotation += ff9.PsxRot((UInt16)rotationIncrement);
- else if (num4 > 1)
+ else if (rotationFactor > 1)
- num4 /= 2;
- if (num4 == 0)
+ rotationFactor /= 2;
+ if (rotationFactor == 0)
- num5 = num3 % 4096 / num4;
+ rotationIncrement = rotationDelta % 4096 / rotationFactor;
- while (num5 == 0);
- ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotation += ff9.PsxRot((UInt16)num5);
+ while (rotationIncrement == 0);
+ ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotation += ff9.PsxRot((UInt16)rotationIncrement);
ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotation = ff9.w_moveActorPtr.rot[1];
ff9.w_cameraSysDataCamera.rotation %= 360f;
- if (ff9.abs(num3) < 100)
+ if (ff9.abs(rotationDelta) < 100)
ff9.w_movementSoftRot = false;
@@ -7167,11 +7167,11 @@ public static void w_musicSEPlay(Int32 seno, Byte vol)
ff9.s_musicID s_musicID;
if (ff9.w_musicGetID(seno, out s_musicID))
- Int32 num = s_musicID.attr;
+ Int32 attributeNum = s_musicID.attr;
for (Int32 i = 0; i < s_musicID.figure; i++)
- FF9Snd.ff9wldsnd_sndeffect_play(s_musicID.id[i], num, vol, 127);
- num >>= 1;
+ FF9Snd.ff9wldsnd_sndeffect_play(s_musicID.id[i], attributeNum, vol, 127);
+ attributeNum >>= 1;
@@ -7181,11 +7181,11 @@ public static void w_musicSEVolume(Int64 seno, Byte vol)
ff9.s_musicID s_musicID;
if (ff9.w_musicProgress == 0 && ff9.w_musicGetID(seno, out s_musicID))
- Int32 num = s_musicID.attr;
+ Int32 attributeNum = s_musicID.attr;
for (Int32 i = 0; i < s_musicID.figure; i++)
- FF9Snd.ff9wldsnd_sndeffect_vol(s_musicID.id[i], num, vol);
- num >>= 1;
+ FF9Snd.ff9wldsnd_sndeffect_vol(s_musicID.id[i], attributeNum, vol);
+ attributeNum >>= 1;
@@ -7195,11 +7195,11 @@ public static void w_musicSEVolumeIntpl(Int32 seno, UInt16 tick, Byte vol)
ff9.s_musicID s_musicID;
if (ff9.w_musicGetID(seno, out s_musicID))
- Int32 num = s_musicID.attr;
+ Int32 attributeNum = s_musicID.attr;
for (Int32 i = 0; i < s_musicID.figure; i++)
- FF9Snd.ff9wldsnd_sndeffect_vol_intpl(s_musicID.id[i], num, tick, vol);
- num >>= 1;
+ FF9Snd.ff9wldsnd_sndeffect_vol_intpl(s_musicID.id[i], attributeNum, tick, vol);
+ attributeNum >>= 1;
@@ -7209,11 +7209,11 @@ public static void w_musicSEStop(Int32 seno)
ff9.s_musicID s_musicID;
if (ff9.w_musicGetID(seno, out s_musicID))
- Int32 num = s_musicID.attr;
+ Int32 attributeNum = s_musicID.attr;
for (Int32 i = 0; i < s_musicID.figure; i++)
- FF9Snd.ff9wldsnd_sndeffect_stop(s_musicID.id[i], num);
- num >>= 1;
+ FF9Snd.ff9wldsnd_sndeffect_stop(s_musicID.id[i], attributeNum);
+ attributeNum >>= 1;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Application/SmoothFrameUpdater_Field.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Application/SmoothFrameUpdater_Field.cs
index 09cf7409e..ce06c4ee4 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Application/SmoothFrameUpdater_Field.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Application/SmoothFrameUpdater_Field.cs
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public static void RegisterState()
foreach (BGOVERLAY_DEF bgLayer in fieldmap.scene.overlayList)
- if (bgLayer.transform != null && (bgLayer.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Active) != 0)
+ if (bgLayer.transform != null && !((bgLayer.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Loop) != 0) && !((bgLayer.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.ScrollWithOffset) != 0) ) // && (bgLayer.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Active) != 0)
if (bgLayer._smoothUpdateRegistered)
bgLayer._smoothUpdatePosPrevious = bgLayer._smoothUpdatePosActual;
@@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ public static void Apply(Single smoothFactor)
foreach (BGOVERLAY_DEF bgLayer in fieldmap.scene.overlayList)
- if (bgLayer.transform != null && (bgLayer.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Active) != 0 && bgLayer._smoothUpdateRegistered)
- {
+ if (bgLayer.transform != null && bgLayer._smoothUpdateRegistered) // && (bgLayer.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Active) != 0
+ {
Vector3 frameMove = bgLayer._smoothUpdatePosActual - bgLayer._smoothUpdatePosPrevious;
if (frameMove.sqrMagnitude > 0f && frameMove.sqrMagnitude < OverlaySmoothMovementMaxSqr)
bgLayer.transform.position = bgLayer._smoothUpdatePosActual + smoothFactor * frameMove;
@@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ public static void ResetState()
if (fieldmap?.scene?.overlayList != null)
foreach (BGOVERLAY_DEF bgLayer in fieldmap.scene.overlayList)
- if (bgLayer.transform != null && (bgLayer.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Active) != 0 && bgLayer._smoothUpdateRegistered)
- bgLayer.transform.position = bgLayer._smoothUpdatePosActual;
+ if (bgLayer.transform != null && bgLayer._smoothUpdateRegistered) // && (bgLayer.flags & BGOVERLAY_DEF.OVERLAY_FLAG.Active) != 0
+ bgLayer.transform.position = bgLayer._smoothUpdatePosActual;
if (_cameraRegistered)
Camera mainCamera = fieldmap?.GetMainCamera();
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Assets/Export/Grahpics/Export/FieldSceneExporter.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Assets/Export/Grahpics/Export/FieldSceneExporter.cs
index 3ada815d8..847443c8e 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Assets/Export/Grahpics/Export/FieldSceneExporter.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Assets/Export/Grahpics/Export/FieldSceneExporter.cs
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ private static void ExportOverlay(BGOVERLAY_DEF overlay, Texture2D atlas, String
TextureHelper.WriteTextureToFile(result, outputPath);
layer.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outputPath);
layer.Opacity = 255;
- layer.Rect = new Rectangle(overlay.curX * factor, overlay.curY * factor, textureWidth, textureHeight);
+ layer.Rect = new Rectangle((short)overlay.curX * factor, (short)overlay.curY * factor, textureWidth, textureHeight);
layer.Masks = new MaskInfo();
layer.BlendingRangesData = new BlendingRanges(layer);
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Assets/FieldCreator/FieldCreatorScene.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Assets/FieldCreator/FieldCreatorScene.cs
index 0e332c39c..74a6f4324 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Assets/FieldCreator/FieldCreatorScene.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Assets/FieldCreator/FieldCreatorScene.cs
@@ -453,8 +453,8 @@ private static void ExportField()
// Update the overlay Org positions with their Cur positions
foreach (BGOVERLAY_DEF bgOverlay in scene.overlayList)
- bgOverlay.orgX = bgOverlay.curX;
- bgOverlay.orgY = bgOverlay.curY;
+ bgOverlay.orgX = (short)bgOverlay.curX;
+ bgOverlay.orgY = (short)bgOverlay.curY;
bgOverlay.orgZ = bgOverlay.curZ;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Access/Audio.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Access/Audio.cs
index 1a2324bab..a5f4a687e 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Access/Audio.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Access/Audio.cs
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ public static Int32 MovieVolume
public static Boolean PriorityToOGG => Instance._audio.PriorityToOGG;
+ public static Int32 Backend => Instance._audio.Backend;
public static void SaveSoundVolume()
SaveValue(Instance._audio.Name, Instance._audio.SoundVolume);
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Access/Graphics.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Access/Graphics.cs
index cf1180363..03bf82cc1 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Access/Graphics.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Access/Graphics.cs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+using Memoria.Prime;
using System;
using UnityEngine;
@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ public static class Graphics
public static Int32 GarnetHair => Instance._graphics.GarnetHair;
public static Int32 TileSize => Instance._graphics.TileSize;
public static Int32 AntiAliasing => Instance._graphics.AntiAliasing;
+ public static Int32 CameraStabilizer => Instance._graphics.CameraStabilizer;
private static volatile Boolean _widescreenSupport = InitializeWidescreenSupport();
@@ -31,8 +33,12 @@ public static Boolean InitializeWidescreenSupport()
return false;
if ((Math.Abs(((Double)Screen.width / (Double)Screen.height) - (16d / 9d)) < 0.01) || (Math.Abs(((Double)Screen.width / (Double)Screen.height) - (16d / 10d)) < 0.01))
+ {
+ //Log.Message("WIDESCREEN | Screen.width:" + (Double)Screen.width + " Screen.height:" + (Double)Screen.height);
return true;
+ }
+ //Log.Message("Not Widescreen | Screen.width:" + (Double)Screen.width + " Screen.height:" + (Double)Screen.height);
return false;
public static Boolean ScreenIs16to10()
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Access/Hacks.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Access/Hacks.cs
index 7b637cf35..944c4ad99 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Access/Hacks.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Access/Hacks.cs
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ public static class Hacks
public static Int32 HippaulRacingViviSpeed => Instance._hacks.HippaulRacingViviSpeed;
public static Int32 StealingAlwaysWorks => Instance._hacks.StealingAlwaysWorks;
public static Boolean DisableNameChoice => Instance._hacks.DisableNameChoice;
+ public static Boolean ExcaliburIINoTimeLimit => Instance._hacks.ExcaliburIINoTimeLimit;
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Access/VoiceActing.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Access/VoiceActing.cs
index 31ba6e61b..352004e90 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Access/VoiceActing.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Access/VoiceActing.cs
@@ -12,19 +12,19 @@ public static class VoiceActing
public static Boolean LogVoiceActing => Instance._voiceActing.LogVoiceActing;
public static Boolean StopVoiceWhenDialogDismissed = Instance._voiceActing.StopVoiceWhenDialogDismissed;
public static Boolean AutoDismissDialogAfterCompletion = Instance._voiceActing.AutoDismissDialogAfterCompletion;
- public static Int32 Volume
- {
- get => Instance._voiceActing.Volume;
- set => Instance._voiceActing.Volume.Value = value;
- }
+ public static Int32 Volume = Instance._voiceActing.Volume.Value;
public static void SaveVolume()
- // We need to make sure VoiceActing is enabled otherwise the volume won't apply
- // This can happen if a mod enable the VoiceActing
- SaveValue(Instance._voiceActing.Name, Instance._voiceActing.Enabled);
+ Instance._voiceActing.Volume.Value = Volume;
SaveValue(Instance._voiceActing.Name, Instance._voiceActing.Volume);
+ public static void SaveAutoText()
+ {
+ Instance._voiceActing.AutoDismissDialogAfterCompletion.Value = AutoDismissDialogAfterCompletion;
+ SaveValue(Instance._voiceActing.Name, Instance._voiceActing.AutoDismissDialogAfterCompletion);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Memoria.ini b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Memoria.ini
index a907a93ae..cd9ee4d07 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Memoria.ini
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Memoria.ini
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ PriorityToOGG = 0
; GarnetHair (default 0) 0 = Default / 1 = Long / 2 = Short
; TileSize (default 32) Vanilla 32 / Moguri Mod 64
; AntiAliasing (default 8) Must be either 0, 2, 4 or 8: enable Unity's anti-aliasing algorithm to improve the render of 3D model edges
+ ; CameraStabilizer (0 to 99, default 85) Adds a smooth delay on the camera following the player. Value represents "stickiness" of camera to its original position, each frame.
Enabled = 0
BattleFPS = 30
BattleTPS = 15
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ SkipIntros = 0
GarnetHair = 0
TileSize = 32
AntiAliasing = 8
+CameraStabilizer = 85
; DisableMouse (default 0) 0 = Can use the mouse to navigate in menus and move on the fields / 7 = Disable the mouse completly / 1 = Disable mouse for field menus and dialogs / 2 = Disable mouse for field movements / 4 = Disable mouse for battle menus
@@ -174,6 +176,7 @@ GilMax = 0
; HippaulRacingViviSpeed (default 33) Vivi's speed in the hippaul racing
; StealingAlwaysWorks (default 0) 1 = Always steals when move succeeds / 2 = Stealing has a 100% success rate (bandit ability)
; DisableNameChoice (default 0) Skip the character renaming windows
+ ; ExcaliburIINoTimeLimit (default 0) Give Excalibur II even when time is over
Enabled = 0
AllCharactersAvailable = 0
RopeJumpingIncrement = 1
@@ -181,6 +184,7 @@ FrogCatchingIncrement = 1
HippaulRacingViviSpeed = 33
StealingAlwaysWorks = 0
DisableNameChoice = 0
+ExcaliburIINoTimeLimit = 0
; TripleTriad (defaut 0) 0 = Tetra Master / 1 = "Tetra Triad" (a mix with both card games!) / 2 = Triple Triad (like FF8!)
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Structure/AudioSection.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Structure/AudioSection.cs
index adc718f8e..4d416b078 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Structure/AudioSection.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Structure/AudioSection.cs
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ private sealed class AudioSection : IniSection
public readonly IniValue MusicVolume;
public readonly IniValue MovieVolume;
public readonly IniValue PriorityToOGG;
+ public readonly IniValue Backend;
public AudioSection() : base(nameof(AudioSection), true)
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ public AudioSection() : base(nameof(AudioSection), true)
MusicVolume = BindInt32(nameof(MusicVolume), 100);
MovieVolume = BindInt32(nameof(MovieVolume), 100);
PriorityToOGG = BindBoolean(nameof(PriorityToOGG), false);
+ Backend = BindInt32(nameof(Backend), 1);
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Structure/GraphicsSection.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Structure/GraphicsSection.cs
index fe63262ff..cfa72543f 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Structure/GraphicsSection.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Structure/GraphicsSection.cs
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ private sealed class GraphicsSection : IniSection
public readonly IniValue AntiAliasing;
public readonly IniValue SkipIntros;
public readonly IniValue GarnetHair;
+ public readonly IniValue CameraStabilizer;
public GraphicsSection() : base(nameof(GraphicsSection), false)
@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ public GraphicsSection() : base(nameof(GraphicsSection), false)
AntiAliasing = BindInt32(nameof(AntiAliasing), 0);
SkipIntros = BindInt32(nameof(SkipIntros), 0);
GarnetHair = BindInt32(nameof(GarnetHair), 0);
+ CameraStabilizer = BindInt32(nameof(CameraStabilizer), 0);
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Structure/HacksSection.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Structure/HacksSection.cs
index a3d9828b6..7e9cdb649 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Structure/HacksSection.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/Configuration/Structure/HacksSection.cs
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ private sealed class HacksSection : IniSection
public readonly IniValue HippaulRacingViviSpeed;
public readonly IniValue StealingAlwaysWorks;
public readonly IniValue DisableNameChoice;
+ public readonly IniValue ExcaliburIINoTimeLimit;
public HacksSection() : base(nameof(HacksSection), false)
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ public HacksSection() : base(nameof(HacksSection), false)
HippaulRacingViviSpeed = BindInt32(nameof(HippaulRacingViviSpeed), 33);
StealingAlwaysWorks = BindInt32(nameof(StealingAlwaysWorks), 0);
DisableNameChoice = BindBoolean(nameof(DisableNameChoice), false);
+ ExcaliburIINoTimeLimit = BindBoolean(nameof(ExcaliburIINoTimeLimit), false);
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/VoiceActing/BattleVoice.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/VoiceActing/BattleVoice.cs
index e3a89628e..65d85c382 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/VoiceActing/BattleVoice.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/VoiceActing/BattleVoice.cs
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public BTL_DATA FindBtlUnlimited()
public static Boolean CheckCanSpeak(BTL_DATA btl, Int32 voicePriority, BattleStatus statusException = 0)
- if (btl.bi.disappear != 0)
+ if (btl.bi.disappear != 0 && ((statusException & BattleStatus.Jump) == 0 || !btl_stat.CheckStatus(btl, BattleStatus.Jump)))
return false;
if (btl_stat.CheckStatus(btl, BattleStatusConst.CannotSpeak & ~statusException))
return false;
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@ public static void TriggerOnBattleInOut(String when)
catch (Exception err)
+ Log.Error($"[VoiceActing] Couldn't evaluate condition: '{effect.Condition.Trim()}'");
@@ -295,6 +296,7 @@ public static void TriggerOnBattleAct(BTL_DATA actingChar, String when, CMD_DATA
catch (Exception err)
+ Log.Error($"[VoiceActing] Couldn't evaluate condition: '{effect.Condition.Trim()}'");
@@ -341,6 +343,7 @@ public static void TriggerOnHitted(BTL_DATA hittedChar, BattleCalculator calc)
catch (Exception err)
+ Log.Error($"[VoiceActing] Couldn't evaluate condition: '{effect.Condition.Trim()}'");
@@ -389,6 +392,7 @@ public static void TriggerOnStatusChange(BTL_DATA statusedChar, String when, Bat
catch (Exception err)
+ Log.Error($"[VoiceActing] Couldn't evaluate condition: '{effect.Condition.Trim()}'");
diff --git a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/VoiceActing/VoicePlayer.cs b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/VoiceActing/VoicePlayer.cs
index 4300b3bf2..3a2b3061b 100644
--- a/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/VoiceActing/VoicePlayer.cs
+++ b/Assembly-CSharp/Memoria/VoiceActing/VoicePlayer.cs
@@ -75,9 +75,8 @@ public void StartSound(SoundProfile soundProfile, Action onFinished = null)
SoundLib.Log("failed to play sound");
soundProfile.SoundID = 0;
- }
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.SoundVolume * this.Volume, 0);
- SoundLib.Log("Panning: " + soundProfile.Panning);
+ }
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.SoundVolume * this.Volume, 0);
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetPanning(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.Panning, 0);
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetPitch(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.Pitch, 0);
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
@@ -92,6 +91,7 @@ public static void PlayFieldZoneDialogAudio(Int32 FieldZoneId, Int32 messageNumb
String vaPath = String.Format("Voices/{0}/{1}/va_{2}", Localization.GetSymbol(), FieldZoneId, messageNumber);
Boolean useAlternatePath = false;
String vaAlternatePath = null;
+ String vaAlternatePath2 = null;
if (dialog.Po != null)
vaAlternatePath = String.Format("Voices/{0}/{1}/va_{2}_{3}", Localization.GetSymbol(), FieldZoneId, messageNumber, dialog.Po.uid);
@@ -112,6 +112,17 @@ public static void PlayFieldZoneDialogAudio(Int32 FieldZoneId, Int32 messageNumb
String[] msgStrings = dialog.Phrase.Split(new String[] { "[CHOO]" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
String msgString = msgStrings.Length > 0 ? messageOpcodeRegex.Replace(msgStrings[0], (match) => { return ""; }) : "";
+ if (!useAlternatePath && msgString.Length > 0 && msgString.Contains("\n“"))
+ {
+ string name = msgString.Split('\n')[0].Trim();
+ vaAlternatePath2 = string.Format("Voices/{0}/{1}/va_{2}_{3}", Localization.GetSymbol(), FieldZoneId, messageNumber, name);
+ if (AssetManager.HasAssetOnDisc("Sounds/" + vaAlternatePath2 + ".akb", true, true) || AssetManager.HasAssetOnDisc("Sounds/" + vaAlternatePath2 + ".ogg", true, false))
+ {
+ vaPath = vaAlternatePath = vaAlternatePath2;
+ useAlternatePath = true;
+ }
+ }
Boolean hasChoices = dialog.ChoiceNumber > 0;
Boolean isMsgEmpty = msgString.Length == 0;
Boolean shouldDismiss = Configuration.VoiceActing.AutoDismissDialogAfterCompletion && !hasChoices;
@@ -154,8 +165,10 @@ public static void PlayFieldZoneDialogAudio(Int32 FieldZoneId, Int32 messageNumb
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(vaAlternatePath))
SoundLib.VALog(String.Format("field:{0}, msg:{1}, text:{2}, path:{3} (not found)", FieldZoneId, messageNumber, msgString, vaPath));
- else
+ else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(vaAlternatePath2))
SoundLib.VALog(String.Format("field:{0}, msg:{1}, text:{2}, path:{3}, multiplay-path:{4} (not found)", FieldZoneId, messageNumber, msgString, vaPath, vaAlternatePath));
+ else
+ SoundLib.VALog(String.Format("field:{0}, msg:{1}, text:{2}, path:{3}, multiplay-path:{4} named-path:{5} (not found)", FieldZoneId, messageNumber, msgString, vaPath, vaAlternatePath, vaAlternatePath2));
isMsgEmpty = true;
@@ -220,7 +233,7 @@ public static SoundProfile CreateLoadThenPlayVoice(Int32 soundIndex, String vaPa
SoundProfileType = SoundProfileType.Voice,
SoundVolume = 1f,
Panning = 0f,
- Pitch = 0.5f
+ Pitch = Configuration.Audio.Backend == 0 ? 0.5f : 1f // SdLib needs 0.5f for some reason
@@ -283,17 +296,17 @@ public void ResumeAllSounds()
private void StartSoundCrossfadeIn(SoundProfile soundProfile)
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
if (ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_IsExist(soundProfile.SoundID) == 0)
SoundLib.Log("failed to play sound");
soundProfile.SoundID = 0;
- }
- ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, 0f, 0);
+ }
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, 0f, 0);
ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume(soundProfile.SoundID, soundProfile.SoundVolume * this.Volume, (Int32)(this.fadeInDuration * 1000f));
this.SetMusicPanning(this.playerPanning, soundProfile);
this.SetMusicPitch(this.playerPitch, soundProfile);
+ ISdLibAPIProxy.Instance.SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_Start(soundProfile.SoundID, 0);
this.upcomingSoundProfile = soundProfile;
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/Images/new_launcher_bg.png b/Memoria.Launcher/Images/new_launcher_bg.png
index 5481761c0..172bae1ac 100644
Binary files a/Memoria.Launcher/Images/new_launcher_bg.png and b/Memoria.Launcher/Images/new_launcher_bg.png differ
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/Images/new_launcher_bg.psd b/Memoria.Launcher/Images/new_launcher_bg.psd
index bf26905e9..dbc2f8a92 100644
Binary files a/Memoria.Launcher/Images/new_launcher_bg.psd and b/Memoria.Launcher/Images/new_launcher_bg.psd differ
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/Images/new_launcher_bg_bak.psd b/Memoria.Launcher/Images/new_launcher_bg_bak.psd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf26905e9
Binary files /dev/null and b/Memoria.Launcher/Images/new_launcher_bg_bak.psd differ
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/Ini/Memoria.ini b/Memoria.Launcher/Ini/Memoria.ini
index a907a93ae..128dd1c44 100644
--- a/Memoria.Launcher/Ini/Memoria.ini
+++ b/Memoria.Launcher/Ini/Memoria.ini
@@ -13,10 +13,12 @@ Size = 24
; PriorityToOGG (default 0) When enabled, ".ogg" audio files are used instead of the ".akb.bytes" counterpart when both exist; the AKB header is then generated again at each usage
+ ; Backend (default 1) Choose the audio backend. 0 = SdLib, legacy backend (not recommended) / 1 = Soloud, new better sounding backend
MusicVolume = 100
SoundVolume = 100
MovieVolume = 100
PriorityToOGG = 0
+Backend = 1
; BattleFPS (default 30) Controls the fluidity of battle graphics (frame per second)
@@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ PriorityToOGG = 0
; GarnetHair (default 0) 0 = Default / 1 = Long / 2 = Short
; TileSize (default 32) Vanilla 32 / Moguri Mod 64
; AntiAliasing (default 8) Must be either 0, 2, 4 or 8: enable Unity's anti-aliasing algorithm to improve the render of 3D model edges
+ ; CameraStabilizer (0 to 99, default 85) Adds a smooth delay on the camera following the player. Value represents "stickiness" of camera to its original position, each frame.
Enabled = 0
BattleFPS = 30
BattleTPS = 15
@@ -47,6 +50,7 @@ SkipIntros = 0
GarnetHair = 0
TileSize = 32
AntiAliasing = 8
+CameraStabilizer = 85
; DisableMouse (default 0) 0 = Can use the mouse to navigate in menus and move on the fields / 7 = Disable the mouse completly / 1 = Disable mouse for field menus and dialogs / 2 = Disable mouse for field movements / 4 = Disable mouse for battle menus
@@ -174,6 +178,7 @@ GilMax = 0
; HippaulRacingViviSpeed (default 33) Vivi's speed in the hippaul racing
; StealingAlwaysWorks (default 0) 1 = Always steals when move succeeds / 2 = Stealing has a 100% success rate (bandit ability)
; DisableNameChoice (default 0) Skip the character renaming windows
+ ; ExcaliburIINoTimeLimit (default 0) Give Excalibur II even when time is over
Enabled = 0
AllCharactersAvailable = 0
RopeJumpingIncrement = 1
@@ -181,6 +186,7 @@ FrogCatchingIncrement = 1
HippaulRacingViviSpeed = 33
StealingAlwaysWorks = 0
DisableNameChoice = 0
+ExcaliburIINoTimeLimit = 0
; TripleTriad (defaut 0) 0 = Tetra Master / 1 = "Tetra Triad" (a mix with both card games!) / 2 = Triple Triad (like FF8!)
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/Lang.cs b/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/Lang.cs
index f889769f6..f1df04c69 100644
--- a/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/Lang.cs
+++ b/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/Lang.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
using System;
using System.Globalization;
-using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Xml;
using Ini;
@@ -28,8 +27,8 @@ private static Lang Initialize()
String forcedLang = iniFile.ReadValue("Memoria", "LauncherLanguage");
String[] fileNames = String.IsNullOrEmpty(forcedLang) ?
- new String[] { CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName } :
- new String[] { forcedLang, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName };
+ new String[] { CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName } :
+ new String[] { forcedLang, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName, };
foreach (String name in fileNames)
cur = XmlHelper.LoadEmbadedDocument(assembly, $"Languages.{name}.xml");
@@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ private static Lang Initialize()
//File.AppendAllText("MBROutput2.txt", name + \n");
return new Lang(def, cur ?? def);
catch (Exception ex)
@@ -144,6 +142,8 @@ private static String GetSettings(string name)
return Instance.Value.GetString(name, nameof(Settings));
+ public static readonly string LauncherWindowTitle = GetSettings(nameof(LauncherWindowTitle));
public static readonly string ActiveMonitor = GetSettings(nameof(ActiveMonitor));
public static readonly string PrimaryMonitor = GetSettings(nameof(PrimaryMonitor));
public static readonly string Resolution = GetSettings(nameof(Resolution));
@@ -161,14 +161,12 @@ private static String GetSettings(string name)
public static readonly string BattleInterfaceType0 = GetSettings(nameof(BattleInterfaceType0));
public static readonly string BattleInterfaceType1 = GetSettings(nameof(BattleInterfaceType1));
public static readonly string BattleInterfaceType2 = GetSettings(nameof(BattleInterfaceType2));
- public static readonly string BattleInterfaceTooltip = GetSettings(nameof(BattleInterfaceTooltip));
public static readonly string SkipIntrosToMainMenu = GetSettings(nameof(SkipIntrosToMainMenu));
public static readonly string SkipBattleSwirl = GetSettings(nameof(SkipBattleSwirl));
public static readonly string AntiAliasing = GetSettings(nameof(AntiAliasing));
public static readonly string SkipBattleLoading = GetSettings(nameof(SkipBattleLoading));
public static readonly string HideCardsBubbles = GetSettings(nameof(HideCardsBubbles));
public static readonly string HideSteamBubbles = GetSettings(nameof(HideSteamBubbles));
- public static readonly string HideSteamBubblesTooltip = GetSettings(nameof(HideSteamBubblesTooltip));
public static readonly string TurnBasedBattles = GetSettings(nameof(TurnBasedBattles));
public static readonly string SpeedChoice = GetSettings(nameof(SpeedChoice));
public static readonly string SpeedChoiceType0 = GetSettings(nameof(SpeedChoiceType0));
@@ -177,7 +175,6 @@ private static String GetSettings(string name)
public static readonly string SpeedChoiceType3 = GetSettings(nameof(SpeedChoiceType3));
public static readonly string SpeedChoiceType4 = GetSettings(nameof(SpeedChoiceType4));
public static readonly string SpeedChoiceType5 = GetSettings(nameof(SpeedChoiceType5));
- public static readonly string SpeedChoiceTooltip = GetSettings(nameof(SpeedChoiceTooltip));
public static readonly string TripleTriad = GetSettings(nameof(TripleTriad));
public static readonly string TripleTriadType0 = GetSettings(nameof(TripleTriadType0));
public static readonly string TripleTriadType1 = GetSettings(nameof(TripleTriadType1));
@@ -195,7 +192,6 @@ private static String GetSettings(string name)
public static readonly string AccessBattleMenuType1 = GetSettings(nameof(AccessBattleMenuType1));
public static readonly string AccessBattleMenuType2 = GetSettings(nameof(AccessBattleMenuType2));
public static readonly string AccessBattleMenuType3 = GetSettings(nameof(AccessBattleMenuType3));
- public static readonly string AccessBattleMenuTooltip = GetSettings(nameof(AccessBattleMenuTooltip));
public static readonly string SpeedMode = GetSettings(nameof(SpeedMode));
public static readonly string SpeedFactor = GetSettings(nameof(SpeedFactor));
public static readonly string BattleAssistance = GetSettings(nameof(BattleAssistance));
@@ -208,10 +204,63 @@ private static String GetSettings(string name)
public static readonly string SBUIenabled = GetSettings(nameof(SBUIenabled));
public static readonly string BattleTPS = GetSettings(nameof(BattleTPS));
public static readonly string SharedFPS = GetSettings(nameof(SharedFPS));
+ public static readonly string BattleFPS = GetSettings(nameof(BattleFPS));
+ public static readonly string FieldFPS = GetSettings(nameof(FieldFPS));
+ public static readonly string WorldFPS = GetSettings(nameof(WorldFPS));
+ public static readonly string CameraStabilizer = GetSettings(nameof(CameraStabilizer));
public static readonly string UseOrchestralMusic = GetSettings(nameof(UseOrchestralMusic));
public static readonly string Use30FpsVideo = GetSettings(nameof(Use30FpsVideo));
+ public static readonly string MaxCardCount = GetSettings(nameof(MaxCardCount));
+ // Settings.ini Tooltips
+ public static readonly string ActiveMonitor_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(ActiveMonitor_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string WindowMode_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(WindowMode_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string Resolution_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(Resolution_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string Xsixfour_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(Xsixfour_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string Debuggable_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(Debuggable_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string CheckUpdates_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(CheckUpdates_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string SteamOverlayFix_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(SteamOverlayFix_Tooltip));
+ // Memoria.ini Tooltips
+ public static readonly string UseOrchestralMusic_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(UseOrchestralMusic_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string Use30FpsVideo_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(Use30FpsVideo_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string Widescreen_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(Widescreen_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string AntiAliasing_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(AntiAliasing_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string BattleTPS_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(BattleTPS_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string SharedFPS_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(SharedFPS_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string BattleFPS_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(BattleFPS_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string FieldFPS_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(FieldFPS_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string WorldFPS_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(WorldFPS_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string CameraStabilizer_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(CameraStabilizer_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string BattleInterface_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(BattleInterface_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string SkipIntrosToMainMenu_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(SkipIntrosToMainMenu_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string SkipBattleSwirl_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(SkipBattleSwirl_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string HideSteamBubbles_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(HideSteamBubbles_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string SpeedChoice_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(SpeedChoice_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string TripleTriad_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(TripleTriad_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string SoundVolume_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(SoundVolume_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string MusicVolume_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(MusicVolume_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string MovieVolume_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(MovieVolume_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string UsePsxFont_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(UsePsxFont_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string FontChoice_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(FontChoice_Tooltip));
+ // Memoria.ini Cheats tooltips
+ public static readonly string MaxStealRate_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(MaxStealRate_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string DisableCantConcentrate_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(DisableCantConcentrate_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string BreakDamageLimit_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(BreakDamageLimit_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string AccessBattleMenu_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(AccessBattleMenu_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string SpeedMode_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(SpeedMode_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string SpeedFactor_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(SpeedFactor_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string BattleAssistance_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(BattleAssistance_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string NoRandomBattles_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(NoRandomBattles_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string PermanentCheats_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(PermanentCheats_Tooltip));
+ public static readonly string MaxCardCount_Tooltip = GetSettings(nameof(MaxCardCount_Tooltip));
public static class SdLib
private static String GetSdLib(string name)
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/de.xml b/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/de.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2fae2c1f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/de.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/en.xml b/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/en.xml
index 3f39ec0fc..36d817e52 100644
--- a/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/en.xml
+++ b/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/en.xml
@@ -1,309 +1,330 @@
+ Elapsed = "Elapsed"
+ Remaining = "Remaining"
+ SecondAbbr = "sec"
+ ByteAbbr = "B"
+ KByteAbbr = "KB"
+ MByteAbbr = "MB"
+ GByteAbbr = "GB"
+ TByteAbbr = "TB"
+ PByteAbbr = "PB"
+ EByteAbbr = "EB"
+ />
+ OK = "OK"
+ Cancel = "Cancel"
+ Continue = "Continue"
+ Clone = "Clone"
+ Remove = "Remove"
+ Rollback = "Cancel"
+ Inject = "Inject"
+ SaveAs = "Save as..."
+ Exit = "EXIT"
+ Exiting = "Exiting..."
+ Launch = "PLAY"
+ Launching = "Launching..."
+ ModManager = "MOD MANAGER"
+ />
+ LauncherWindowTitle = "Final Fantasy IX | Memoria Launcher"
+ ActiveMonitor = "Active monitor"
+ PrimaryMonitor = " [Primary]"
+ Resolution = "Resolution"
+ WindowMode = "Window Mode"
+ Window = "Windowed"
+ ExclusiveFullscreen = "Fullscreen"
+ BorderlessFullscreen = "Borderless Fullscreen"
+ AudioSamplingFrequency = "Audio sampling frequency"
+ AudioSamplingFrequencyFormat = "{0} Hz"
+ Debuggable = " Debuggable"
+ CheckUpdates = " Check for updates"
+ IniOptions = "Options"
+ Widescreen = " Widescreen (16:9 or 16:10)"
+ BattleInterface = "Battle HUD"
+ BattleInterfaceType0 = "Big"
+ BattleInterfaceType1 = "Small"
+ BattleInterfaceType2 = "PSX-like"
+ SkipIntrosToMainMenu = " Skip intros to main menu"
+ SkipBattleSwirl = " Skip battle swirl"
+ AntiAliasing = " Anti-aliasing"
+ SkipBattleLoading = "Frames to load battle"
+ HideCardsBubbles = " Hide cards bubbles"
+ HideSteamBubbles = " Show only PSX bubbles"
+ TurnBasedBattles = " Turn-based battles"
+ SpeedChoice = "ATB Mode"
+ SpeedChoiceType0 = "Normal"
+ SpeedChoiceType1 = "Fast"
+ SpeedChoiceType2 = "Turn-Based"
+ SpeedChoiceType3 = "Dynamic (1)"
+ SpeedChoiceType4 = "Dynamic (2)"
+ SpeedChoiceType5 = "Dynamic"
+ TripleTriad = "Card game"
+ TripleTriadType0 = "Tetra Master"
+ TripleTriadType1 = "Tetra Triad"
+ TripleTriadType2 = "Triple Triad"
+ Volume = "Volume:"
+ SoundVolume = "🔊Sound"
+ MusicVolume = "🎵Music"
+ MovieVolume = "🔊Movie"
+ IniCheats = "Cheats"
+ MaxStealRate = " 100% steal rate"
+ DisableCantConcentrate = " Disable 'can't concentrate'"
+ BreakDamageLimit = " Break damage limit"
+ AccessBattleMenu = "Menu in battles"
+ AccessBattleMenuType0 = "No access"
+ AccessBattleMenuType1 = "Limited access"
+ AccessBattleMenuType2 = "Individual access"
+ AccessBattleMenuType3 = "Unlimited access"
+ SpeedMode = " Speed mode | F1"
+ SpeedFactor = "Speed"
+ BattleAssistance = " Battle cheats | F2 F3"
+ PermanentTranse = " Permanent transe | F2"
+ MaxDamage = " Max damage | F3"
+ NoRandomBattles = " No random battles | F4"
+ PermanentCheats = " Permanent cheats | F5 F6 F7"
+ UsePsxFont = "Use PSX font"
+ FontChoice = "Font"
+ SBUIenabled = "Scaled Battle UI"
+ BattleTPS = "Battle speed"
+ SharedFPS = "Frames Per Second"
+ BattleFPS = "Battle"
+ FieldFPS = "Field"
+ WorldFPS = "World"
+ CameraStabilizer = "Camera stabilizer"
+ UseOrchestralMusic = "Orchestral music (Moguri)"
+ Use30FpsVideo = "30 FPS videos (Moguri)"
+ MaxCardCount = "10k cards"
+ ActiveMonitor_Tooltip = "Choose a screen"
+ WindowMode_Tooltip = "-Windowed: run the game in a window
-Fullscreen: Game takes the whole display
-Borderless Fullscreen: Takes the whole display but as a windowed process"
+ Resolution_Tooltip = "Screen resolution
Only 16:9 and 16:10 support Widescreen"
+ Xsixfour_Tooltip = "-X64 (recommanded)
-X86 (legacy)"
+ Debuggable_Tooltip = "For developers"
+ CheckUpdates_Tooltip = "Will ask you if you want to automatically download
the latest Memoria from github when you press play"
+ SteamOverlayFix_Tooltip = "/!\ ONLY FOR WINDOWS /!\
Will patch the launcher for people
having problems displaying the Steam overlay
(Steam achievements also depend on it)"
+ UseOrchestralMusic_Tooltip = "Moguri mod: orchestral soundtrack by Pontus Hultgren,
not recommended for people who want the original experience"
+ Use30FpsVideo_Tooltip = "Moguri mod: 30fps FMVs (from original 15fps)
Inbetween images created by AI"
+ Widescreen_Tooltip = "Supported on 16:9 and 16:10 resolutions
Removes side bars when possible,
Shows a wider part of the backgrounds/worldmap/battles
Note: some backgrounds will still be displayed with black bars,
as the original game did not have more pixels"
+ AntiAliasing_Tooltip = "Activate anti-aliasing"
+ SharedFPS_Tooltip = "Game FPS (frequency of images)
original was between 15 and 30
Standard of screens: 60"
+ CameraStabilizer_Tooltip = "Value of the delay between the player and the camera
Makes the game smoother to play
0 disables the feature
Recommended value: between 80 and 90"
+ BattleInterface_Tooltip = "Big (default)
Small: smaller
PSX-like: brings back the classic look and structure of the battle menu
Customize the battle UI in-game with Alt+F1"
+ SkipIntrosToMainMenu_Tooltip = "Skip logos and warnings to main menu"
+ SkipBattleSwirl_Tooltip = "On: battle start instantly (default)
Off: slight delay before battles, like the original"
+ HideSteamBubbles_Tooltip = "Disable speech bubbles added by the FFIX 2016 re-release
('card', 'beach' and NPC interaction)"
+ SpeedChoice_Tooltip = "-Normal: (default)
-Fast: the ATB fills up immediately during idle times
-Turn-based: ATB stops during a character's turn but fills instantly
-Dynamic: characters and enemies can act simultaneously"
+ TripleTriad_Tooltip = "-Tetra Master (default)
-Tetra Triad: replaces Tetra Master with a mix between Tetra Master and Triple Triad
-Triple Triad: replaces Tetra Master with Triple Triad from FF8 adapted to FF9"
+ SoundVolume_Tooltip = "Interface and noises volume"
+ MusicVolume_Tooltip = "Music volume"
+ MovieVolume_Tooltip = "FMV and main menu volume"
+ FontChoice_Tooltip = "Game font"
+ MaxStealRate_Tooltip = "Cheat: always succeeds when stealing"
+ DisableCantConcentrate_Tooltip = "Cheat: removes Garnet concentration malus (later in the story)"
+ BreakDamageLimit_Tooltip = "Cheat: removes the damage limit of 9999"
+ AccessBattleMenu_Tooltip = "If the 'Menu' command does not appear, access
the menu with the button △/Y from the 'Item' command
In limited access, using the menu costs a turn"
+ SpeedMode_Tooltip = "(Non-mod cheats)
Fast game (F1)"
+ SpeedFactor_Tooltip = "Speed multiplier of above setting"
+ BattleAssistance_Tooltip = "(Non-mod cheats)
Instant transe (F2)
Max damage (F3)"
+ NoRandomBattles_Tooltip = "(Non-mod cheats)
no random encounters (F4)"
+ PermanentCheats_Tooltip = "(Non-mod cheats)
Maximum everything F5/F6/F7
(these cheats will stay on your save and disable achievements)"
+ BattleTPS_Tooltip = "Base speed of battles, normal is 15"
+ UsePsxFont_Tooltip = "Selects the original PSX font (no install needed)"
+ BattleFPS_Tooltip = "Image refresh rate in battle (default: 30)"
+ FieldFPS_Tooltip = "Image refresh rate on normal backgrounds (default: 30)"
+ WorldFPS_Tooltip = "Image refresh rate on the world map (default: 20)"
+ MaxCardCount_Tooltip = "Limit to cards in inventory raised to 10000"
+ />
+ Caption = "Patch SdLib.dll"
+ AreYouSure = "Are you sure you want to patch SdLib.dll?"
+ SuccessBoth = "SdLib.dll is successfully patched for both platforms."
+ SuccessX64 = "SdLib.dll is successfully patched for the x64 platform only."
+ SuccessX86 = "SdLib.dll is successfully patched for the x86 platform only."
+ Fail = "Unfortunately, we could not patch the SdLib.dll. Please share your version of this file."
+ CannotRead = "Cannot read audio sampling frequency from the file:"
+ CannotWrite = "Cannot read audio sampling frequency from the SdLib.dll"
+ />
+ Title = "Settings"
+ Description = "Various settings of the application."
+ NewTitle = "New"
+ NewDescription = "Initialize all settings default values."
+ FileTitle = "From file"
+ FileDescription = "Reads the application configuration file {0}"
+ />
+ Title = "Game Directory"
+ Description = "Location of the game files."
+ ConfigurationTitle = "Settings"
+ ConfigurationDescription = "Uses the information stored in the configuration file."
+ SteamRegistryTitle = "From registry (Steam)"
+ SteamRegistryDescription = "Retrieves information from Windows registry, using data from Steam."
+ UserTitle = "Manual"
+ UserDescription = "Allows you to manually select the directory to which you have installed the game."
+ />
+ Title = "Working Directory"
+ Description = "The directory to store the results of the application."
+ ConfigurationTitle = "Settings"
+ ConfigurationDescription = "Uses the information stored in the configuration file."
+ UserTitle = "Manual"
+ UserDescription = "Allows you to manually select a working directory."
+ />
+ Title = "Encoding"
+ Description = "Encoding for unpacking and packing the game text."
+ NewTitle = "New"
+ NewDescription = "Initializes the standard encoding based on the Windows-1252 encoding."
+ WorkingLocationTitle = "Working directory"
+ WorkingLocationDescription = "Reads the encoding from the working directory."
+ UserTitle = "Edit"
+ UserDescription = "Change the current encoding."
+ />
+ Title="Audio Settings"
+ Description="Settings of audio device."
+ NewTitle="New"
+ NewDescription="Initialize all settings default values."
+ />
+ Header = "Game Resources"
+ Unpack = "Unpack"
+ Pack = "Pack"
+ ArchivesNode ="Archives"
+ />
+ ResourceRemovingTitle = "Removing"
+ ConfirmResourceRemoving = "Are you sure you want to delete this resource?"
+ />
+ Name = "Name"
+ Pattern = "Pattern"
+ Encoding = "Encoding"
+ Font = "Font"
+ Edit = "Edit"
+ />
+ Title = "Choose the encoding"
+ Watermark = "Enter the encoding name..."
+ ConfirmMessageFormat = "You have chosen [{0}]. Right?"
+ ErrorMessageFormat = "Failed to recognize the encoding [{0}]."
+ />
+ Title = "Encoding edit"
+ />
+ Before = "Before:"
+ Width = "Width:"
+ After = "After:"
+ FromText = "From text:"
+ ToText = "To text:"
+ />
+ Row = "Row:"
+ Column = "Column:"
+ FromText = "From text:"
+ ToText = "To text:"
+ />
+ Title = "Done!"
+ ExtractionCompleteFormat = "Extraction complete for {0:hh\:mm\:ss}."
+ InjectionCompleteFormat = "Injection complete for {0:hh\:mm\:ss}."
+ />
+ Title = "Question"
+ AreYouSureTitle = "Are you sure?"
+ NewVersionIsAvailable = "A new version is available, download now?"
+ />
+ Title = "Error!"
+ />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/es.xml b/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/es.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c538b8d2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/es.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/fr.xml b/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/fr.xml
index ca1a1d847..d19e060fd 100644
--- a/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/fr.xml
+++ b/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/fr.xml
@@ -2,284 +2,333 @@
+ />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/it.xml b/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/it.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e6f9c1da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/it.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/jp.xml b/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/jp.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f0ab48a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/jp.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/pt-BR.xml b/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/pt-BR.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b89546c2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/pt-BR.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/ru.xml b/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/ru.xml
index 59e665a57..4d89f9b08 100644
--- a/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/ru.xml
+++ b/Memoria.Launcher/Languages/ru.xml
@@ -2,169 +2,213 @@
+ Elapsed = "Прошло"
+ Remaining = "Осталось"
+ SecondAbbr = "сек"
+ ByteAbbr = "Б"
+ KByteAbbr = "КБ"
+ MByteAbbr = "МБ"
+ GByteAbbr = "ГБ"
+ TByteAbbr = "ТБ"
+ PByteAbbr = "ПБ"
+ EByteAbbr = "ЭБ"
+ />
+ OK = "OK"
+ Cancel = "Отмена"
+ Continue = "Продолжить"
+ Clone = "Сдублировать"
+ Remove = "Удалить"
+ Rollback = "Откатить"
+ Inject = "Внедрить"
+ SaveAs = "Сохранить как..."
+ Exit = "Выход"
+ Exiting = "Выходим..."
+ Launch = "Запуск"
+ Launching = "Запускаем..."
+ ModManager = "Установить Моды"
+ />
+ LauncherWindowTitle = "Final Fantasy IX | Запуск Мемории"
+ ActiveMonitor = "Активный монитор:"
+ Resolution = "Разрешение:"
+ WindowMode = "Режим окна:"
+ Window = "Оконный"
+ ExclusiveFullscreen = "Полноэкранный"
+ BorderlessFullscreen = "Оконный (без рамок)"
+ AudioSamplingFrequency = "Частота дискретизации звука:"
+ AudioSamplingFrequencyFormat = "{0} Гц"
+ Debuggable = "Отладка"
+ CheckUpdates = "Проверка обновлений"
+ IniOptions = "Опции"
+ Widescreen = "Широкоформатный (16:9 / 16:10)"
+ BattleInterface = "Боевой интерфейс"
+ BattleInterfaceType0 = "Большой"
+ BattleInterfaceType1 = "Маленький"
+ BattleInterfaceType2 = "Модель PSX"
+ BattleInterfaceTooltip = "Вы можете настроить интерфейс в игре, нажав Alt+F1"
+ SkipIntrosToMainMenu = "Пропустить заставку"
+ SkipBattleSwirl = "Замешательство при загрузке битвы"
+ AntiAliasing = "Сглаживание"
+ SkipBattleLoading = "Время загрузки битвы"
+ HideCardsBubbles = "Скрыть пузыри карт"
+ HideSteamBubbles = "Только пузыри PSX"
+ HideSteamBubblesTooltip = "Отключить пузыри «карта», «пляж»
и пузыри взаимодействия с NPC."
+ TurnBasedBattles = "Пошаговые бои"
+ SpeedChoice = "Скорость боя"
+ SpeedChoiceType0 = "Нормальная"
+ SpeedChoiceType1 = "Быстрая"
+ SpeedChoiceType2 = "Пошаговая"
+ SpeedChoiceType3 = "Динамическая (1)"
+ SpeedChoiceType4 = "Динамическая (2)"
+ SpeedChoiceType5 = "Динамическая"
+ SpeedChoiceTooltip = "Нормальная: режим по умолчанию
Быстрая: ATB сразу же заполняется во время простоя
Пошаговая: ATB останавливается во время хода персонажа
Динамичная: персонажи и враги могут действовать одновременно"
+ TripleTriad = "Карты"
+ TripleTriadType0 = "Tetra Master"
+ TripleTriadType1 = "Tetra Triad"
+ TripleTriadType2 = "Triple Triad"
+ Volume = "Громкость:"
+ SoundVolume = "🔊Звук"
+ MusicVolume = "🎵Музыка"
+ MovieVolume = "🔊Видео"
+ IniCheats = "Читы"
+ MaxStealRate = " 100% кража"
+ DisableCantConcentrate = " Гарнет не теряет концентрацию"
+ BreakDamageLimit = " Удалить лимит урона"
+ AccessBattleMenu = " Меню в боях"
+ AccessBattleMenuType0 = " Нет доступа"
+ AccessBattleMenuType1 = " Ограниченный"
+ AccessBattleMenuType2 = " Индивидуальный"
+ AccessBattleMenuType3 = " Неограниченный"
+ AccessBattleMenuTooltip = "Если команда «Меню» не появляется, войдите в меню
с помощью кнопки △/Y из команды «Элемент»
В ограниченном доступе использование меню стоит один ход"
+ SpeedMode = " Ускорение | F1"
+ SpeedFactor = "Множитель ускорения"
+ BattleAssistance = " Боевая помощь | F2 F3"
+ PermanentTranse = " Постоянный транс | F2"
+ MaxDamage = " Максимальный урон | F3"
+ NoRandomBattles = " Без случайных битв | F4"
+ PermanentCheats = " Постоянные читы | F5 F6 F7"
+ UsePsxFont = "Использовать шрифт PSX"
+ FontChoice = "Шрифт"
+ SBUIenabled = "Масштабируемый интерфейс битвы"
+ BattleTPS = "Скорость анимации битвы"
+ SharedFPS = "Частота кадров"
+ BattleFPS = "Бой"
+ FieldFPS = "Поле"
+ WorldFPS = "Мир"
+ CameraStabilizer = "Стабилизатор камеры"
+ UseOrchestralMusic = "Оркестровая музыка (Moguri)"
+ Use30FpsVideo = "30 FPS видео (Moguri)"
+ MaxCardCount = "10 000 карт"
+ ActiveMonitor_Tooltip = "Выберите экран"
+ WindowMode_Tooltip = "-Оконный: запускает игру в окне
-Полноэкранный: игра занимает весь экран
-Оконный без рамок: занимает весь экран, но работает как оконный процесс"
+ Resolution_Tooltip = "Разрешение экрана
Поддерживаются только форматы 16:9 и 16:10 для широкоформатного экрана"
+ Xsixfour_Tooltip = "-X64 (рекомендуется)
-X86 (устаревший)"
+ Debuggable_Tooltip = "Для разработчиков"
+ CheckUpdates_Tooltip = "Будет спрашивать, хотите ли вы автоматически загрузить
последнюю версию Мемории с GitHub, когда вы нажмете «Играть»"
+ SteamOverlayFix_Tooltip = "/!\ ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ WINDOWS /!\
Патчит лаунчер для людей,
у которых возникают проблемы с отображением оверлея Steam
(Достижения Steam также зависят"
+ UseOrchestralMusic_Tooltip = "Мод Moguri: оркестровая музыка от Понтуса Хультгрена,
не рекомендуется для тех, кто хочет оригинального опыта"
+ Use30FpsVideo_Tooltip = "Мод Moguri: видео с частотой кадров 30 кадров/с (вместо оригинальных 15 кадров/с)
Промежуточные изображения созданы с помощью искусственного интеллекта"
+ Widescreen_Tooltip = "Поддерживается в форматах 16:9 и 16:10
Убирает боковые полосы при возможности,
Показывает более широкую часть фоновых изображений
Примечание: некоторые фоны все равно будут отображаться с черными полосами,
поскольку у оригинальной игры не было больше пикселей"
+ AntiAliasing_Tooltip = "Активировать сглаживание"
+ SharedFPS_Tooltip = "Частота кадров игры (частота изображений)
Оригинально было от 15 до 30
Стандарт экранов: 60"
+ CameraStabilizer_Tooltip = "Задержка между игроком и камерой
Это делает игру более плавной в процессе игры
0 отключает эту функцию
Рекомендуемое значение: от 80 до 90."
+ BattleInterface_Tooltip = "Большой (по умолчанию)
Маленький: меньше
Похожий на PSX: возвращает классический вид и структуру меню битвы
Настройте интерфейс битвы в игре с помощью Alt+F1"
+ SkipIntrosToMainMenu_Tooltip = "Пропустить логотипы и предупреждения до главного меню"
+ SkipBattleSwirl_Tooltip = "Включено: битва начинается мгновенно (по умолчанию)
Выключено: небольшая задержка перед битвами, как в оригинале"
+ HideSteamBubbles_Tooltip = "Отключает пузыри речи, добавленные в версии Steam
('карта', 'пляж' и взаимодействие с NPC)"
+ SpeedChoice_Tooltip = "-Нормальный: (по умолчанию)
-Быстрый: ATB мгновенно заполняется во время простоя
-Пошаговый: ATB останавливается во время хода персонажа
-Динамичный: персонажи и враги могут действовать одновременно"
+ TripleTriad_Tooltip = "Tetra Master (по умолчанию)
Tetra Triad: заменяет Tetra Master смесью Tetra Master и Triple Triad
Triple Triad: заменяет Tetra Master на Triple Triad из FF8, адаптированный для FF9"
+ SoundVolume_Tooltip = "Громкость интерфейса и звуков"
+ MusicVolume_Tooltip = "Громкость музыки"
+ MovieVolume_Tooltip = "Громкость FMV и главного меню"
+ FontChoice_Tooltip = "Шрифт игры"
+ MaxStealRate_Tooltip = "Чит: всегда успешно крадет"
+ DisableCantConcentrate_Tooltip = "Чит: убирает недостаток концентрации у Гарнет (позже в игре)"
+ BreakDamageLimit_Tooltip = "Чит: убирает лимит урона в 9999"
+ AccessBattleMenu_Tooltip = "Если команда 'Меню' не появляется, доступ
к меню можно получить кнопкой △/Y в команде 'Предмет'
В режиме ограниченного доступа использование меню стоит один ход"
+ SpeedMode_Tooltip = "(Не модифицируемые читы)
Быстрая игра (F1)"
+ SpeedFactor_Tooltip = "Множитель скорости указанного выше режима"
+ BattleAssistance_Tooltip = "(Не модифицируемые читы)
Мгновенный транс (F2)
Максимальный урон (F3)"
+ NoRandomBattles_Tooltip = "(Не модифицируемые читы)
нет случайных встреч (F4)"
+ PermanentCheats_Tooltip = "(Не модифицируемые читы)
Максимум всего F5/F6/F7
(эти читы останутся в вашем сохранении и отключат достижения)"
+ BattleTPS_Tooltip = "Базовая скорость битвы, обычно 15"
+ UsePsxFont_Tooltip = "Выбирает оригинальный шрифт PSX (установка не требуется)"
+ BattleFPS_Tooltip = "Частота обновления изображения в бою (по умолчанию: 30)"
+ FieldFPS_Tooltip = "Частота обновления изображения на обычных фонах (по умолчанию: 30)"
+ WorldFPS_Tooltip = "Частота обновления изображения на картe мира (по умолчанию: 20)"
+ MaxCardCount_Tooltip = "Лимит карт в инвентаре увеличен до 10 000"
+ />
+ Caption = "Модификация SdLib.dll"
+ PrimaryMonitor = " [Основной]"
+ AreYouSure = "Вы уверены, что хотите модифицировать SdLib.dll?"
+ SuccessBoth = "SdLib.dll успешно модифицирована для обеих платформ."
+ SuccessX64 = "SdLib.dll успешно модифицирована, но только для x64 платформы."
+ SuccessX86 = "SdLib.dll успешно модифицирована, но только для x86 платформы."
+ Fail = "К сожалению, нам не удалось модифицировать SdLib.dll. Пожалуйста, поделитесь своей версией библиотеки, мы попробуем что-нибудь придумать."
+ CannotRead = "Не удалось прочитать текущее значение частоты дискретизации звука из файла:"
+ CannotWrite = "Не уадлось модифицировать текущее значение частоты дискретизации в файле SdLib.dll"
+ />
+ Title="Настройки"
+ Description="Различные настройки приложения."
+ NewTitle="Новые"
+ NewDescription="Инициализирует все настройки значениями по умолчанию."
+ FileTitle="Из файла"
+ FileDescription="Считывает настройки приложения из файла {0}"
+ />
+ Title="Каталог игры"
+ Description="Местоположении игровых файлов."
+ ConfigurationTitle="Из настроек"
+ ConfigurationDescription="Использует информацию, сохранённую в настроечном файле."
+ SteamRegistryTitle="Из реестр (Steam)"
+ SteamRegistryDescription="Получает информацию из реестра Windows, используя данные Steam."
+ UserTitle="Ручной выбор"
+ UserDescription="Позволяет вручную выбрать каталог, в который была установлена игра."
+ />
+ Title="Рабочий каталог"
+ Description="Директория для хранения результатов работы приложения."
+ ConfigurationTitle="Из настроек"
+ ConfigurationDescription="Использует информацию, сохранённую в настроечном файле."
+ UserTitle="Ручной выбор"
+ UserDescription="Позволяет вручную выбрать рабочий каталог."
+ />
+ Title="Кодировки"
+ Description="Кодировки для распаковки и упаковки игровых текстов."
+ NewTitle="Новая"
+ NewDescription="Инициализирует стандартную кодировку на основе Windows-1252 кодировки."
+ WorkingLocationTitle="Из рабочего каталога"
+ WorkingLocationDescription="Считывает кодировку из рабочего каталога."
+ UserTitle="Редактировать"
+ UserDescription="Изменить текущую кодировку."
+ />
+ Title="Настройки звука"
+ Description="Настройки аудио-устройства, используемого для воспроизведения звука."
+ NewTitle="Новые"
+ NewDescription="Инициализирует стандартные настройки аудио-устройства."
+ />
@@ -173,20 +217,18 @@
+ Header="Ресурсы игры"
+ Unpack="Распаковать"
+ Pack="Упаковать"
+ ArchivesNode ="Архивы"
+ />
+ ResourceRemovingTitle = "Удаление"
+ ConfirmResourceRemoving = "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот ресурс?"
+ />
@@ -195,42 +237,40 @@
+ Name = "Название"
+ Pattern = "Маска"
+ Encoding = "Кодировка"
+ Font = "Шрифт"
+ Edit = "Ред."
+ />
+ Title = "Выбор кодировки"
+ Watermark = "Введите имя кодировки..."
+ ConfirmMessageFormat = "Вы выбрали [{0}]. Верно?"
+ ErrorMessageFormat = "Не удалось распознать кодировку [{0}]."
+ />
+ Before = "До:"
+ Width = "Ширина:"
+ After = "После:"
+ FromText = "Из текста:"
+ ToText = "В текст:"
+ />
+ Row = "Ряд:"
+ Column = "Колонка:"
+ FromText = "Из текста:"
+ ToText = "В текст:"
+ />
+ Title = "Готово!"
+ ExtractionCompleteFormat = "Распаковка завершена за {0:hh\:mm\:ss}."
+ InjectionCompleteFormat = "Упаковка завершена за {0:hh\:mm\:ss}."
+ />
+ Title = "Вопрос"
+ AreYouSureTitle = "Вы уверены?"
+ NewVersionIsAvailable = "Доступна новая версия. Скачать?"
+ />
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/MainWindow.cs b/Memoria.Launcher/MainWindow.cs
index a9f3905fb..1c68a377f 100644
--- a/Memoria.Launcher/MainWindow.cs
+++ b/Memoria.Launcher/MainWindow.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ public MainWindow()
private void OnLoaded(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ Title = Lang.Settings.LauncherWindowTitle + " | " + MemoriaAssemblyCompileDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
if (GameSettings.AutoRunGame)
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/MainWindow.xaml b/Memoria.Launcher/MainWindow.xaml
index 65597ab56..49a2535e3 100644
--- a/Memoria.Launcher/MainWindow.xaml
+++ b/Memoria.Launcher/MainWindow.xaml
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
- Title="Final Fantasy IX | Memoria Launcher"
- Width="800"
- Height="610"
+ Title="{Binding LauncherWindowTitle, FallbackValue='Final Fantasy IX | Memoria Launcher'}"
+ Width="900"
+ Height="700"
@@ -13,17 +13,15 @@
@@ -31,48 +29,42 @@
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/Memoria.Launcher.csproj b/Memoria.Launcher/Memoria.Launcher.csproj
index c30e85bb4..b920d8971 100644
--- a/Memoria.Launcher/Memoria.Launcher.csproj
+++ b/Memoria.Launcher/Memoria.Launcher.csproj
@@ -132,14 +132,21 @@
@@ -151,8 +158,6 @@
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/Memoria/GameSettingsControl.cs b/Memoria.Launcher/Memoria/GameSettingsControl.cs
index 177f722e2..7dcd6fabf 100644
--- a/Memoria.Launcher/Memoria/GameSettingsControl.cs
+++ b/Memoria.Launcher/Memoria/GameSettingsControl.cs
@@ -44,34 +44,46 @@ public GameSettingsControl()
foreach (UInt16 frequency in EnumerateAudioSettings())
- SetRows(28);
+ SetRows(20);
- Width = 240;
- VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
+ Width = 260;
+ VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
Margin = new Thickness(5);
DataContext = this;
Thickness rowMargin = new Thickness(0, 7, 0, 5);
- AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.ActiveMonitor), row: 0, col: 0, rowSpan: 3, colSpan: 8).Margin = rowMargin;
+ UiTextBlock monitortext = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.ActiveMonitor), row: 0, col: 0, rowSpan: 3, colSpan: 8);
+ monitortext.Margin = rowMargin;
+ monitortext.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.ActiveMonitor_Tooltip;
UiComboBox monitor = AddUiElement(UiComboBoxFactory.Create(), row: 2, col: 0, rowSpan: 3, colSpan: 8);
monitor.ItemsSource = GetAvailableMonitors();
monitor.SetBinding(Selector.SelectedItemProperty, new Binding(nameof(ActiveMonitor)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
monitor.Margin = rowMargin;
+ monitor.Height = 20;
+ monitor.FontSize = 10;
- AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.WindowMode), row: 5, col: 0, rowSpan: 3, colSpan: 8).Margin = rowMargin;
+ UiTextBlock windowModetext = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.WindowMode), row: 5, col: 0, rowSpan: 3, colSpan: 8);
+ windowModetext.Margin = rowMargin;
+ windowModetext.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.WindowMode_Tooltip;
UiComboBox windowMode = AddUiElement(UiComboBoxFactory.Create(), row: 7, col: 0, rowSpan: 3, colSpan: 8);
windowMode.ItemsSource = EnumerateWindowModeSettings().ToArray();
windowMode.SetBinding(Selector.SelectedItemProperty, new Binding(nameof(WindowMode)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
windowMode.Margin = rowMargin;
+ windowMode.Height = 20;
+ windowMode.FontSize = 10;
- AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.Resolution), row: 10, col: 0, rowSpan: 3, colSpan: 3).Margin = rowMargin;
+ UiTextBlock resolutiontext = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.Resolution), row: 10, col: 0, rowSpan: 3, colSpan: 3);
+ resolutiontext.Margin = rowMargin;
+ resolutiontext.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.Resolution_Tooltip;
UiComboBox resolution = AddUiElement(UiComboBoxFactory.Create(), row: 10, col: 3, rowSpan: 3, colSpan: 5);
resolution.ItemsSource = EnumerateDisplaySettings().OrderByDescending(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.Split('x')[0])).ToArray();
resolution.SetBinding(Selector.SelectedItemProperty, new Binding(nameof(ScreenResolution)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
resolution.Margin = rowMargin;
+ resolution.Height = 20;
+ resolution.FontSize = 10;
/*UiTextBlock _audioText = UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.AudioSamplingFrequency);
_audioText.FontSize *= 0.8;
@@ -84,22 +96,26 @@ public GameSettingsControl()
audio.SetBinding(Selector.IsEnabledProperty, new Binding(nameof(AudioFrequencyEnabled)) {Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay});
audio.Margin = rowMargin;*/
- UiCheckBox x64 = AddUiElement(UiCheckBoxFactory.Create(" X64", null), 16, 0, 3, 4);
+ UiCheckBox x64 = AddUiElement(UiCheckBoxFactory.Create(" X64", null), 13, 0, 3, 4);
x64.Margin = rowMargin;
x64.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(IsX64)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
x64.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsEnabledProperty, new Binding(nameof(IsX64Enabled)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ x64.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.Xsixfour_Tooltip;
- UiCheckBox debuggableCheckBox = AddUiElement(UiCheckBoxFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.Debuggable, null), 16, 3, 3, 5);
+ UiCheckBox debuggableCheckBox = AddUiElement(UiCheckBoxFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.Debuggable, null), 13, 3, 3, 5);
debuggableCheckBox.Margin = rowMargin;
debuggableCheckBox.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(IsDebugMode)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ debuggableCheckBox.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.Debuggable_Tooltip;
- UiCheckBox checkUpdates = AddUiElement(UiCheckBoxFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.CheckUpdates, null), 18, 0, 3, 8);
+ UiCheckBox checkUpdates = AddUiElement(UiCheckBoxFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.CheckUpdates, null), 15, 0, 3, 8);
checkUpdates.Margin = rowMargin;
checkUpdates.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(CheckUpdates)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ checkUpdates.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.CheckUpdates_Tooltip;
- UiCheckBox steamOverlayFix = AddUiElement(UiCheckBoxFactory.Create(Lang.SteamOverlay.OptionLabel, null), 20, 0, 3, 8);
+ UiCheckBox steamOverlayFix = AddUiElement(UiCheckBoxFactory.Create(Lang.SteamOverlay.OptionLabel, null), 17, 0, 3, 8);
steamOverlayFix.Margin = rowMargin;
steamOverlayFix.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(SteamOverlayFix)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ steamOverlayFix.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.SteamOverlayFix_Tooltip;
foreach (FrameworkElement child in Children)
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/Memoria/MemoriaIniCheatControl.cs b/Memoria.Launcher/Memoria/MemoriaIniCheatControl.cs
index 76e677b6a..1ccb5ddfd 100644
--- a/Memoria.Launcher/Memoria/MemoriaIniCheatControl.cs
+++ b/Memoria.Launcher/Memoria/MemoriaIniCheatControl.cs
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ public MemoriaIniCheatControl()
- Width = 240;
- VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
- HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
+ Width = 260;
+ VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
+ HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
Margin = new Thickness(0);
DataContext = this;
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ public MemoriaIniCheatControl()
stealingAlwaysWorks.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(StealingAlwaysWorks)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
stealingAlwaysWorks.Foreground = Brushes.White;
stealingAlwaysWorks.Margin = rowMargin;
+ stealingAlwaysWorks.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.MaxStealRate_Tooltip;
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ public MemoriaIniCheatControl()
garnetConcentrate.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(GarnetConcentrate)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
garnetConcentrate.Foreground = Brushes.White;
garnetConcentrate.Margin = rowMargin;
+ garnetConcentrate.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.DisableCantConcentrate_Tooltip;
@@ -71,14 +73,15 @@ public MemoriaIniCheatControl()
breakDamageLimit.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(BreakDamageLimit)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
breakDamageLimit.Foreground = Brushes.White;
breakDamageLimit.Margin = rowMargin;
+ breakDamageLimit.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.BreakDamageLimit_Tooltip;
UiTextBlock accessBattleMenuText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.AccessBattleMenu), row, 0, 2, 4);
- accessBattleMenuText.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.AccessBattleMenuTooltip;
accessBattleMenuText.Foreground = Brushes.White;
accessBattleMenuText.Margin = rowMargin;
accessBattleMenuText.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.WrapWithOverflow;
+ accessBattleMenuText.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.AccessBattleMenu_Tooltip;
UiComboBox accessBattleMenuBox = AddUiElement(UiComboBoxFactory.Create(), row, 4, 2, 4);
accessBattleMenuBox.ItemsSource = new String[]{
@@ -87,8 +90,8 @@ public MemoriaIniCheatControl()
accessBattleMenuBox.SetBinding(Selector.SelectedIndexProperty, new Binding(nameof(AccessBattleMenu)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
- accessBattleMenuBox.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.AccessBattleMenuTooltip;
accessBattleMenuBox.Height = 20;
+ accessBattleMenuBox.FontSize = 10;
accessBattleMenuBox.Margin = rowMargin;
@@ -98,29 +101,58 @@ public MemoriaIniCheatControl()
speedMode.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(SpeedMode)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
speedMode.Foreground = Brushes.White;
speedMode.Margin = rowMargin;
+ speedMode.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.SpeedMode_Tooltip;
- UiTextBlock speedFactorText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.SpeedFactor), row, 0, 1, 2);
- speedFactorText.Foreground = Brushes.White;
- speedFactorText.Margin = rowMargin;
- UiTextBlock speedFactorTextindex = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(""), row, 2, 1, 1);
- speedFactorTextindex.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding(nameof(SpeedFactor)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ //UiTextBlock speedFactorText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.SpeedFactor), row, 0, 1, 3);
+ //speedFactorText.Foreground = Brushes.White;
+ //speedFactorText.Margin = rowMargin;
+ //speedFactorText.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.SpeedFactor_Tooltip;
+ UiTextBlock speedFactorTextindex = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(""), row, 0, 1, 1);
+ speedFactorTextindex.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding(nameof(SpeedFactor)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay, StringFormat = "{0}x" });
speedFactorTextindex.Foreground = Brushes.White;
- Slider speedFactor = AddUiElement(UiSliderFactory.Create(0), row, 3, 1, 5);
+ speedFactorTextindex.Margin = rowMargin;
+ Slider speedFactor = AddUiElement(UiSliderFactory.Create(0), row, 1, 1, 7);
speedFactor.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, new Binding(nameof(SpeedFactor)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
speedFactor.TickFrequency = 1;
speedFactor.IsSnapToTickEnabled = true;
+ speedFactor.TickPlacement = TickPlacement.BottomRight;
+ speedFactor.Height = 20;
speedFactor.Minimum = 2;
speedFactor.Maximum = 12;
speedFactor.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 3, 0);
+ UiTextBlock BattleTPSText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.BattleTPS), row, 0, 1, 8);
+ BattleTPSText.Foreground = Brushes.White;
+ BattleTPSText.Margin = rowMargin;
+ BattleTPSText.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.BattleTPS_Tooltip;
+ row++;
+ UiTextBlock BattleTPSindex = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(""), row, 0, 1, 1);
+ BattleTPSindex.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding(nameof(BattleTPS)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ BattleTPSindex.Foreground = Brushes.White;
+ BattleTPSindex.Margin = rowMargin;
+ Slider BattleTPSFactor = AddUiElement(UiSliderFactory.Create(0), row, 1, 1, 7);
+ BattleTPSFactor.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, new Binding(nameof(BattleTPS)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ BattleTPSFactor.TickFrequency = 15;
+ BattleTPSFactor.IsSnapToTickEnabled = true;
+ BattleTPSFactor.TickPlacement = TickPlacement.BottomRight;
+ BattleTPSFactor.Height = 20;
+ BattleTPSFactor.Minimum = 15;
+ BattleTPSFactor.Maximum = 150;
+ BattleTPSFactor.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 3, 0);
+ row++;
UiCheckBox battleAssistance = AddUiElement(UiCheckBoxFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.BattleAssistance, null), row, 0, 1, 8);
battleAssistance.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(BattleAssistance)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
battleAssistance.Foreground = Brushes.White;
battleAssistance.Margin = rowMargin;
+ battleAssistance.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.BattleAssistance_Tooltip;
@@ -133,6 +165,7 @@ public MemoriaIniCheatControl()
noRandomEncounter.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(NoRandomEncounter)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
noRandomEncounter.Foreground = Brushes.White;
noRandomEncounter.Margin = rowMargin;
+ noRandomEncounter.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.NoRandomBattles_Tooltip;
@@ -140,7 +173,16 @@ public MemoriaIniCheatControl()
masterSkill.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(MasterSkill)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
masterSkill.Foreground = Brushes.White;
masterSkill.Margin = rowMargin;
+ masterSkill.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.PermanentCheats_Tooltip;
+ /*row++;
+ UiCheckBox maxTetraMasterCards = AddUiElement(UiCheckBoxFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.MaxCardCount, null), row, 0, 1, 8);
+ maxTetraMasterCards.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(MaxCardCount)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ maxTetraMasterCards.Foreground = Brushes.White;
+ maxTetraMasterCards.Margin = rowMargin;
+ maxTetraMasterCards.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.MaxCardCount_Tooltip;
+ */
/*AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create("──────────────────────────────────────"), row++, 0, 1, 8).Foreground = Brushes.White;*/
@@ -222,6 +264,18 @@ public Int16 SpeedFactor
+ public Int16 BattleTPS
+ {
+ get { return _battletpsfactor; }
+ set
+ {
+ if (_battletpsfactor != value)
+ {
+ _battletpsfactor = value;
+ OnPropertyChanged();
+ }
+ }
+ }
public Int16 BattleAssistance
get { return _battleassistance; }
@@ -270,10 +324,20 @@ public Int16 MasterSkill
+ public Int16 MaxCardCount
+ {
+ get { return _maxcardcount; }
+ set
+ {
+ if (_maxcardcount != value)
+ {
+ _maxcardcount = value;
+ OnPropertyChanged();
+ }
+ }
+ }
- private Int16 _stealingalwaysworks, _garnetconcentrate, _breakDamageLimit, _accessBattleMenu, _speedmode, _speedfactor, _battleassistance, _attack9999, _norandomencounter, _masterskill;
+ private Int16 _stealingalwaysworks, _garnetconcentrate, _breakDamageLimit, _accessBattleMenu, _speedmode, _speedfactor, _battletpsfactor, _battleassistance, _attack9999, _norandomencounter, _masterskill, _maxcardcount;
private readonly String _iniPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Memoria.ini";
@@ -338,6 +402,16 @@ private void LoadSettings()
if (!Int16.TryParse(value, out _speedfactor))
_speedfactor = 2;
+ value = iniFile.ReadValue("Graphics", " " + nameof(BattleTPS));
+ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
+ {
+ _battletpsfactor = 15;
+ value = " 15";
+ OnPropertyChanged(nameof(BattleTPS));
+ }
+ if (!Int16.TryParse(value, out _battletpsfactor))
+ _battletpsfactor = 15;
value = iniFile.ReadValue("Cheats", nameof(BattleAssistance));
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
@@ -374,13 +448,22 @@ private void LoadSettings()
if (!Int16.TryParse(value, out _masterskill))
_masterskill = 0;
- value = null;
+ /*value = null;
foreach (String prop in new String[] { "BattleFPS", "FieldFPS", "WorldFPS" })
value = iniFile.ReadValue("Graphics", prop);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
+ }*/
+ value = iniFile.ReadValue("TetraMaster", nameof(MaxCardCount));
+ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
+ {
+ value = " 100";
+ OnPropertyChanged(nameof(MaxCardCount));
+ if (!Int16.TryParse(value, out _maxcardcount))
+ _maxcardcount = 1;
@@ -388,10 +471,12 @@ private void LoadSettings()
+ Refresh(nameof(BattleTPS));
+ Refresh(nameof(MaxCardCount));
catch (Exception ex){ UiHelper.ShowError(Application.Current.MainWindow, ex); }
@@ -456,6 +541,11 @@ private async void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] String propertyName = nu
if (SpeedFactor < 13)
iniFile.WriteValue("Cheats", propertyName + " ", " " + SpeedFactor);
+ case nameof(BattleTPS):
+ iniFile.WriteValue("Graphics", propertyName + " ", " " + BattleTPS);
+ if (BattleTPS != 15)
+ iniFile.WriteValue("Cheats", "Enabled ", " 1");
+ break;
case nameof(BattleAssistance):
iniFile.WriteValue("Cheats", propertyName + " ", " " + BattleAssistance);
iniFile.WriteValue("Cheats", "Attack9999 ", " " + BattleAssistance); // Merged
@@ -479,6 +569,17 @@ private async void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] String propertyName = nu
if (MasterSkill == 1)
iniFile.WriteValue("Cheats", "Enabled ", " 1");
+ case nameof(MaxCardCount):
+ if (MaxCardCount == 1)
+ {
+ iniFile.WriteValue("TetraMaster", propertyName + " ", " 10000");
+ iniFile.WriteValue("TetraMaster", "Enabled ", " 1");
+ }
+ else if (MaxCardCount == 0)
+ {
+ iniFile.WriteValue("TetraMaster", propertyName + " ", " 100");
+ }
+ break;
catch (Exception ex)
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/Memoria/MemoriaIniControl.cs b/Memoria.Launcher/Memoria/MemoriaIniControl.cs
index dc29d758b..049f10f6b 100644
--- a/Memoria.Launcher/Memoria/MemoriaIniControl.cs
+++ b/Memoria.Launcher/Memoria/MemoriaIniControl.cs
@@ -9,14 +9,12 @@
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Globalization;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing.Text;
using Ini;
using Application = System.Windows.Application;
using Binding = System.Windows.Data.Binding;
using HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
-using System.Linq;
// ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Local
@@ -32,15 +30,12 @@ public sealed class MemoriaIniControl : UiGrid, INotifyPropertyChanged
public MemoriaIniControl()
- PsxFontInstalled = true || IsOptionPresentInIni("Graphics", "UseGarnetFont");
- SBUIInstalled = false && IsOptionPresentInIni("Graphics", "ScaledBattleUI");
- SetRows(17);
+ SetRows(22);
- Width = 240;
- VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
- HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
+ Width = 260;
+ VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
+ HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
Margin = new Thickness(0);
DataContext = this;
@@ -61,6 +56,7 @@ public MemoriaIniControl()
isUsingOrchestralMusic.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(OrchestralMusic)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
isUsingOrchestralMusic.Foreground = Brushes.White;
isUsingOrchestralMusic.Margin = rowMargin;
+ isUsingOrchestralMusic.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.UseOrchestralMusic_Tooltip;
@@ -71,6 +67,7 @@ public MemoriaIniControl()
isUsing30fpsVideo.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(HighFpsVideo)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
isUsing30fpsVideo.Foreground = Brushes.White;
isUsing30fpsVideo.Margin = rowMargin;
+ isUsing30fpsVideo.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.Use30FpsVideo_Tooltip;
@@ -79,6 +76,7 @@ public MemoriaIniControl()
isWidescreenSupport.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(WidescreenSupport)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
isWidescreenSupport.Foreground = Brushes.White;
isWidescreenSupport.Margin = rowMargin;
+ isWidescreenSupport.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.Widescreen_Tooltip;
@@ -86,16 +84,18 @@ public MemoriaIniControl()
isAntiAliasing.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(AntiAliasing)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
isAntiAliasing.Foreground = Brushes.White;
isAntiAliasing.Margin = rowMargin;
+ isAntiAliasing.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.AntiAliasing_Tooltip;
UiTextBlock sharedFpsText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.SharedFPS), row, 0, 1, 8);
sharedFpsText.Foreground = Brushes.White;
sharedFpsText.Margin = rowMargin;
+ sharedFpsText.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.SharedFPS_Tooltip;
- UiTextBlock sharedFpsIndex = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(""), row, 0, 1, 1);
+ /*UiTextBlock sharedFpsIndex = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(""), row, 0, 1, 1);
sharedFpsIndex.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding(nameof(SharedFPS)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
sharedFpsIndex.Foreground = Brushes.White;
sharedFpsIndex.Margin = rowMargin;
@@ -105,14 +105,99 @@ public MemoriaIniControl()
sharedFps.IsSnapToTickEnabled = true;
sharedFps.Minimum = 15;
sharedFps.Maximum = 120;
- sharedFps.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 3, 0);
+ sharedFps.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 3, 0);*/
+ UiTextBlock battleFPSText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.BattleFPS), row, 0, 1, 2);
+ battleFPSText.Foreground = Brushes.White;
+ battleFPSText.Margin = rowMargin;
+ battleFPSText.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.BattleFPS_Tooltip;
+ UiTextBlock battleFPSIndex = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(""), row, 2, 1, 1);
+ battleFPSIndex.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding(nameof(BattleFPS)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ battleFPSIndex.Foreground = Brushes.White;
+ battleFPSIndex.Margin = rowMargin;
+ battleFPSIndex.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right;
+ Slider battleFPSSlider = AddUiElement(UiSliderFactory.Create(30), row, 3, 1, 5);
+ battleFPSSlider.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, new Binding(nameof(BattleFPS)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ battleFPSSlider.TickFrequency = 10;
+ battleFPSSlider.TickPlacement = TickPlacement.BottomRight;
+ battleFPSSlider.Height = 20;
+ battleFPSSlider.IsSnapToTickEnabled = true;
+ battleFPSSlider.Minimum = 20;
+ battleFPSSlider.Maximum = 120;
+ battleFPSSlider.Margin = new(3, 3, 3, 3);
+ row++;
+ UiTextBlock fieldFPSText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.FieldFPS), row, 0, 1, 2);
+ fieldFPSText.Foreground = Brushes.White;
+ fieldFPSText.Margin = rowMargin;
+ fieldFPSText.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.FieldFPS_Tooltip;
+ UiTextBlock fieldFPSIndex = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(""), row, 2, 1, 1);
+ fieldFPSIndex.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding(nameof(FieldFPS)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ fieldFPSIndex.Foreground = Brushes.White;
+ fieldFPSIndex.Margin = rowMargin;
+ fieldFPSIndex.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right;
+ Slider fieldFPSSlider = AddUiElement(UiSliderFactory.Create(30), row, 3, 1, 5);
+ fieldFPSSlider.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, new Binding(nameof(FieldFPS)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ fieldFPSSlider.TickFrequency = 10;
+ fieldFPSSlider.TickPlacement = TickPlacement.BottomRight;
+ fieldFPSSlider.Height = 20;
+ fieldFPSSlider.IsSnapToTickEnabled = true;
+ fieldFPSSlider.Minimum = 20;
+ fieldFPSSlider.Maximum = 120;
+ fieldFPSSlider.Margin = new(3, 3, 3, 3);
+ row++;
+ UiTextBlock worldFPSText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.WorldFPS), row, 0, 1, 2);
+ worldFPSText.Foreground = Brushes.White;
+ worldFPSText.Margin = rowMargin;
+ worldFPSText.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.WorldFPS_Tooltip;
+ UiTextBlock worldFPSIndex = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(""), row, 2, 1, 1);
+ worldFPSIndex.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding(nameof(WorldFPS)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ worldFPSIndex.Foreground = Brushes.White;
+ worldFPSIndex.Margin = rowMargin;
+ worldFPSIndex.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right;
+ Slider worldFPSSlider = AddUiElement(UiSliderFactory.Create(20), row, 3, 1, 5);
+ worldFPSSlider.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, new Binding(nameof(WorldFPS)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ worldFPSSlider.TickFrequency = 10;
+ worldFPSSlider.TickPlacement = TickPlacement.BottomRight;
+ worldFPSSlider.Height = 20;
+ worldFPSSlider.IsSnapToTickEnabled = true;
+ worldFPSSlider.Minimum = 20;
+ worldFPSSlider.Maximum = 120;
+ worldFPSSlider.Margin = new(3, 3, 3, 3);
+ row++;
+ UiTextBlock CameraStabilizerText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.CameraStabilizer), row, 0, 1, 8);
+ CameraStabilizerText.Foreground = Brushes.White;
+ CameraStabilizerText.Margin = rowMargin;
+ CameraStabilizerText.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.CameraStabilizer_Tooltip;
+ row++;
+ UiTextBlock CameraStabilizerIndex = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(""), row, 0, 1, 1);
+ CameraStabilizerIndex.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding(nameof(CameraStabilizer)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ CameraStabilizerIndex.Foreground = Brushes.White;
+ CameraStabilizerIndex.Margin = rowMargin;
+ Slider CameraStabilizerSlider = AddUiElement(UiSliderFactory.Create(0), row, 1, 1, 7);
+ CameraStabilizerSlider.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, new Binding(nameof(CameraStabilizer)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ CameraStabilizerSlider.TickFrequency = 1;
+ CameraStabilizerSlider.TickPlacement = TickPlacement.BottomRight;
+ CameraStabilizerSlider.Height = 20;
+ CameraStabilizerSlider.IsSnapToTickEnabled = true;
+ CameraStabilizerSlider.Minimum = 0;
+ CameraStabilizerSlider.Maximum = 99;
+ CameraStabilizerSlider.Margin = new(3, 3, 3, 3);
UiTextBlock battleInterfaceText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.BattleInterface), row, 0, 1, 4);
- battleInterfaceText.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.BattleInterfaceTooltip;
battleInterfaceText.Foreground = Brushes.White;
battleInterfaceText.Margin = rowMargin;
+ battleInterfaceText.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.BattleInterface_Tooltip;
UiComboBox battleInterfaceBox = AddUiElement(UiComboBoxFactory.Create(), row, 4, 1, 4);
battleInterfaceBox.ItemsSource = new String[]{
@@ -120,7 +205,6 @@ public MemoriaIniControl()
battleInterfaceBox.SetBinding(Selector.SelectedIndexProperty, new Binding(nameof(BattleInterface)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
- battleInterfaceBox.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.BattleInterfaceTooltip;
battleInterfaceBox.Height = 20;
battleInterfaceBox.FontSize = 10;
battleInterfaceBox.Margin = rowMargin;
@@ -131,6 +215,7 @@ public MemoriaIniControl()
isSkipIntros.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(SkipIntros)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
isSkipIntros.Foreground = Brushes.White;
isSkipIntros.Margin = rowMargin;
+ isSkipIntros.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.SkipIntrosToMainMenu_Tooltip;
@@ -138,6 +223,7 @@ public MemoriaIniControl()
isSkipBattleSwirl.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(BattleSwirlFrames)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
isSkipBattleSwirl.Foreground = Brushes.White;
isSkipBattleSwirl.Margin = rowMargin;
+ isSkipBattleSwirl.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.SkipBattleSwirl_Tooltip;
@@ -161,22 +247,21 @@ public MemoriaIniControl()
battleSwirlFrames.Minimum = 0;
battleSwirlFrames.Maximum = 120;
battleSwirlFrames.Margin = rowMargin;
- //soundVolumeSlider.Height = 4;
UiCheckBox isHideCards = AddUiElement(UiCheckBoxFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.HideSteamBubbles, null), row, 0, 1, 8);
isHideCards.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(HideCards)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
- isHideCards.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.HideSteamBubblesTooltip;
isHideCards.Foreground = Brushes.White;
isHideCards.Margin = rowMargin;
+ isHideCards.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.HideSteamBubbles_Tooltip;
- UiTextBlock speedChoiceText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.SpeedChoice), row, 0, 1, 3);
- speedChoiceText.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.SpeedChoiceTooltip;
+ UiTextBlock speedChoiceText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.SpeedChoice), row, 0, 1, 4);
speedChoiceText.Foreground = Brushes.White;
speedChoiceText.Margin = rowMargin;
- UiComboBox speedChoiceBox = AddUiElement(UiComboBoxFactory.Create(), row, 3, 1, 5);
+ speedChoiceText.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.SpeedChoice_Tooltip;
+ UiComboBox speedChoiceBox = AddUiElement(UiComboBoxFactory.Create(), row, 4, 1, 4);
speedChoiceBox.ItemsSource = new String[]{
@@ -186,17 +271,17 @@ public MemoriaIniControl()
speedChoiceBox.SetBinding(Selector.SelectedIndexProperty, new Binding(nameof(Speed)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
- speedChoiceBox.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.SpeedChoiceTooltip;
speedChoiceBox.Height = 20;
speedChoiceBox.FontSize = 10;
speedChoiceBox.Margin = rowMargin;
- UiTextBlock tripleTriadText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.TripleTriad), row, 0, 1, 3);
+ UiTextBlock tripleTriadText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.TripleTriad), row, 0, 1, 4);
tripleTriadText.Foreground = Brushes.White;
tripleTriadText.Margin = rowMargin;
- UiComboBox tripleTriadBox = AddUiElement(UiComboBoxFactory.Create(), row, 3, 1, 5);
+ tripleTriadText.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.TripleTriad_Tooltip;
+ UiComboBox tripleTriadBox = AddUiElement(UiComboBoxFactory.Create(), row, 4, 1, 4);
tripleTriadBox.ItemsSource = new String[]{
@@ -217,104 +302,96 @@ public MemoriaIniControl()
UiTextBlock soundVolumeText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.SoundVolume), row, 0, 1, 3);
soundVolumeText.Foreground = Brushes.White;
soundVolumeText.Margin = rowMargin;
- Slider soundVolumeSlider = AddUiElement(UiSliderFactory.Create(0), row, 3, 1, 6);
+ soundVolumeText.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.SoundVolume_Tooltip;
+ UiTextBlock soundVolumeTextIndex = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(""), row, 3, 1, 1);
+ soundVolumeTextIndex.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding(nameof(SoundVolume)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ soundVolumeTextIndex.Foreground = Brushes.White;
+ soundVolumeTextIndex.Margin = rowMargin;
+ soundVolumeTextIndex.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right;
+ Slider soundVolumeSlider = AddUiElement(UiSliderFactory.Create(0), row, 4, 1, 4);
soundVolumeSlider.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, new Binding(nameof(SoundVolume)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
soundVolumeSlider.TickFrequency = 5;
soundVolumeSlider.IsSnapToTickEnabled = true;
+ soundVolumeSlider.TickPlacement = TickPlacement.BottomRight;
+ soundVolumeSlider.Height = 20;
soundVolumeSlider.Minimum = 0;
soundVolumeSlider.Maximum = 100;
- soundVolumeSlider.Margin = rowMargin;
- UiTextBlock soundVolumeTextIndex = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(""), row, 1, 1, 2);
- soundVolumeTextIndex.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding(nameof(SoundVolume)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
- soundVolumeTextIndex.Foreground = Brushes.White;
- soundVolumeTextIndex.Margin = rowMargin;
- soundVolumeTextIndex.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right;
+ soundVolumeSlider.Margin = new(3, 3, 3, 3);
UiTextBlock musicVolumeText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.MusicVolume), row, 0, 1, 3);
musicVolumeText.Foreground = Brushes.White;
musicVolumeText.Margin = rowMargin;
- Slider musicVolumeSlider = AddUiElement(UiSliderFactory.Create(0), row, 3, 1, 6);
+ musicVolumeText.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.MusicVolume_Tooltip;
+ UiTextBlock musicVolumeTextIndex = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(""), row, 3, 1, 1);
+ musicVolumeTextIndex.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding(nameof(MusicVolume)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ musicVolumeTextIndex.Foreground = Brushes.White;
+ musicVolumeTextIndex.Margin = rowMargin;
+ musicVolumeTextIndex.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right;
+ Slider musicVolumeSlider = AddUiElement(UiSliderFactory.Create(0), row, 4, 1, 4);
musicVolumeSlider.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, new Binding(nameof(MusicVolume)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
musicVolumeSlider.TickFrequency = 5;
musicVolumeSlider.IsSnapToTickEnabled = true;
+ musicVolumeSlider.TickPlacement = TickPlacement.BottomRight;
+ musicVolumeSlider.Height = 20;
musicVolumeSlider.Minimum = 0;
musicVolumeSlider.Maximum = 100;
- musicVolumeSlider.Margin = rowMargin;
- UiTextBlock musicVolumeTextIndex = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(""), row, 1, 1, 2);
- musicVolumeTextIndex.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding(nameof(MusicVolume)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
- musicVolumeTextIndex.Foreground = Brushes.White;
- musicVolumeTextIndex.Margin = rowMargin;
- musicVolumeTextIndex.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right;
+ musicVolumeSlider.Margin = new(3, 3, 3, 3);
- UiTextBlock movieVolumeText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.MovieVolume), row, 0, 1, 6);
+ UiTextBlock movieVolumeText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.MovieVolume), row, 0, 1, 3);
movieVolumeText.Foreground = Brushes.White;
movieVolumeText.Margin = rowMargin;
- Slider movieVolumeSlider = AddUiElement(UiSliderFactory.Create(0), row, 3, 1, 6);
+ movieVolumeText.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.MovieVolume_Tooltip;
+ UiTextBlock movieVolumeTextIndex = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(""), row, 3, 1, 1);
+ movieVolumeTextIndex.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding(nameof(MovieVolume)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ movieVolumeTextIndex.Foreground = Brushes.White;
+ movieVolumeTextIndex.Margin = rowMargin;
+ movieVolumeTextIndex.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right;
+ Slider movieVolumeSlider = AddUiElement(UiSliderFactory.Create(0), row, 4, 1, 4);
movieVolumeSlider.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, new Binding(nameof(MovieVolume)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
movieVolumeSlider.TickFrequency = 5;
movieVolumeSlider.IsSnapToTickEnabled = true;
+ movieVolumeSlider.TickPlacement = TickPlacement.BottomRight;
+ movieVolumeSlider.Height = 20;
movieVolumeSlider.Minimum = 0;
movieVolumeSlider.Maximum = 100;
- movieVolumeSlider.Margin = rowMargin;
- UiTextBlock movieVolumeTextIndex = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(""), row, 1, 1, 2);
- movieVolumeTextIndex.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding(nameof(MovieVolume)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
- movieVolumeTextIndex.Foreground = Brushes.White;
- movieVolumeTextIndex.Margin = rowMargin;
- movieVolumeTextIndex.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right;
+ movieVolumeSlider.Margin = new(3, 3, 3, 3);
- if (PsxFontInstalled)
- {
- UiTextBlock fontChoiceText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.FontChoice), row, 0, 1, 2);
- fontChoiceText.Foreground = Brushes.White;
- fontChoiceText.Margin = rowMargin;
- _fontChoiceBox = AddUiElement(UiComboBoxFactory.Create(), row++, 2, 1, 6);
- FontCollection installedFonts = new InstalledFontCollection();
- String[] fontNames = new String[installedFonts.Families.Length + 2];
- fontNames[0] = _fontDefaultPC;
- fontNames[1] = _fontDefaultPSX;
- for (Int32 fontindex = 0; fontindex < installedFonts.Families.Length; ++fontindex)
- fontNames[fontindex+2] = installedFonts.Families[fontindex].Name;
- _fontChoiceBox.ItemsSource = fontNames;
- _fontChoiceBox.SetBinding(Selector.SelectedItemProperty, new Binding(nameof(FontChoice)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
- _fontChoiceBox.Height = 20;
- _fontChoiceBox.FontSize = 10;
- _fontChoiceBox.Margin = rowMargin;
- }
+ UiCheckBox usePsxFont = AddUiElement(UiCheckBoxFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.UsePsxFont, null), row, 0, 1, 8);
+ usePsxFont.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(UsePsxFont)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
+ usePsxFont.Foreground = Brushes.White;
+ usePsxFont.Margin = rowMargin;
+ usePsxFont.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.UsePsxFont_Tooltip;
- if (SBUIInstalled)
- {
- UiCheckBox useSBUI = AddUiElement(UiCheckBoxFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.SBUIenabled, null), row++, 0, 2, 8);
- useSBUI.SetBinding(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(nameof(ScaledBattleUI)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
- useSBUI.Foreground = Brushes.White;
- useSBUI.Margin = rowMargin;
- Slider sBUIScale = AddUiElement(UiSliderFactory.Create(0), row, 1, 1, 7);
- sBUIScale.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, new Binding(nameof(ScaleUIFactor)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
- sBUIScale.TickFrequency = 0.1;
- //musicVolumeSlider.TickPlacement = TickPlacement.BottomRight;
- sBUIScale.IsSnapToTickEnabled = true;
- sBUIScale.Minimum = 0.1;
- sBUIScale.Maximum = 3.0;
- sBUIScale.Margin = rowMargin;
- UiTextBlock sBUIScaleTextindex = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(""), row++, 0, 2, 1);
- sBUIScaleTextindex.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding(nameof(ScaleUIFactor)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
- sBUIScaleTextindex.Foreground = Brushes.White;
- sBUIScaleTextindex.Margin = new Thickness(8, 0, 0, 0);
- }
+ row++;
+ UiTextBlock fontChoiceText = AddUiElement(UiTextBlockFactory.Create(Lang.Settings.FontChoice), row, 0, 1, 2);
+ fontChoiceText.Foreground = Brushes.White;
+ fontChoiceText.Margin = rowMargin;
+ fontChoiceText.ToolTip = Lang.Settings.FontChoice_Tooltip;
+ _fontChoiceBox = AddUiElement(UiComboBoxFactory.Create(), row, 2, 1, 6);
+ //_fontChoiceBox.IsEnabled = false;
+ _fontChoiceBox.Height = 20;
+ _fontChoiceBox.FontSize = 10;
+ _fontChoiceBox.Margin = rowMargin;
+ FontCollection installedFonts = new InstalledFontCollection();
+ String[] fontNames = new String[installedFonts.Families.Length + 2];
+ fontNames[0] = _fontDefaultPC;
+ fontNames[1] = _fontDefaultPSX;
+ for (Int32 fontindex = 0; fontindex < installedFonts.Families.Length; ++fontindex)
+ fontNames[fontindex+2] = installedFonts.Families[fontindex].Name;
+ _fontChoiceBox.ItemsSource = fontNames;
+ _fontChoiceBox.SetBinding(Selector.SelectedItemProperty, new Binding(nameof(FontChoice)) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
- SanitizeMemoriaIni();
- //SanitizeMemoriaIni();
- public bool PsxFontInstalled = false;
- public bool SBUIInstalled = false;
public Int16 WidescreenSupport
get { return _iswidescreensupport; }
@@ -340,6 +417,55 @@ public Int16 SharedFPS
+ public Int16 BattleFPS
+ {
+ get { return _battlefps; }
+ set
+ {
+ if (_battlefps != value)
+ {
+ _battlefps = value;
+ OnPropertyChanged();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public Int16 FieldFPS
+ {
+ get { return _fieldfps; }
+ set
+ {
+ if (_fieldfps != value)
+ {
+ _fieldfps = value;
+ OnPropertyChanged();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public Int16 WorldFPS
+ {
+ get { return _worldfps; }
+ set
+ {
+ if (_worldfps != value)
+ {
+ _worldfps = value;
+ OnPropertyChanged();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public Int16 CameraStabilizer
+ {
+ get { return _camerastabilizer; }
+ set
+ {
+ if (_camerastabilizer != value)
+ {
+ _camerastabilizer = value;
+ OnPropertyChanged();
+ }
+ }
+ }
public Int16 BattleInterface
get { return _battleInterface; }
@@ -356,15 +482,32 @@ public Rect BattleInterfaceMenu
- switch (BattleInterface)
- {
- case 0:
- default:
- return new Rect(-400, -362, 630, 236);
- case 1:
- return new Rect(-602, -382, 530, 220);
- case 2:
- return new Rect(-552, -360, 650, 280);
+ if (WidescreenSupport == 0)
+ {
+ switch (BattleInterface)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ return new Rect(-400, -362, 630, 236);
+ case 1:
+ return new Rect(-400, -382, 530, 220);
+ case 2:
+ return new Rect(-400, -360, 650, 280);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (BattleInterface)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ return new Rect(-400, -362, 630, 236);
+ case 1:
+ return new Rect(-500, -382, 530, 220);
+ case 2:
+ return new Rect(-500, -360, 650, 280);
+ }
@@ -372,15 +515,31 @@ public Rect BattleInterfaceDetail
- switch (BattleInterface)
+ if (WidescreenSupport == 0)
- case 0:
- default:
- return new Rect(345, -380, 796, 230);
- case 1:
- return new Rect(558, -422, 672, 208);
- case 2:
- return new Rect(558, -422, 672, 208);
+ switch (BattleInterface)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ return new Rect(345, -380, 796, 230);
+ case 1:
+ return new Rect(345, -422, 672, 208);
+ case 2:
+ return new Rect(345, -422, 672, 208);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (BattleInterface)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ return new Rect(345, -380, 796, 230);
+ case 1:
+ return new Rect(500, -422, 672, 208);
+ case 2:
+ return new Rect(500, -422, 672, 208);
+ }
@@ -534,14 +693,14 @@ public Int16 MovieVolume
- public Int16 UseGarnetFont
+ public Int16 UsePsxFont
- get { return _usegarnetfont; }
+ get { return _usepsxfont; }
- if (_usegarnetfont != value)
+ if (_usepsxfont != value)
- _usegarnetfont = value;
+ _usepsxfont = value;
@@ -555,6 +714,7 @@ public String FontChoice
_fontChoice = value;
+ OnPropertyChanged("UsePsxFont");
@@ -595,7 +755,7 @@ public bool IsOptionPresentInIni(String category, String option)
return false;
- private Int16 _iswidescreensupport, _battleInterface, _isskipintros, _isusingorchestralmusic, _isusin30fpsvideo, _ishidecards, _speed, _tripleTriad, _battleswirlframes, _antialiasing, _soundvolume, _musicvolume, _movievolume, _usegarnetfont, _scaledbattleui, _sharedfps;
+ private Int16 _iswidescreensupport, _battleInterface, _isskipintros, _isusingorchestralmusic, _isusin30fpsvideo, _ishidecards, _speed, _tripleTriad, _battleswirlframes, _antialiasing, _soundvolume, _musicvolume, _movievolume, _usepsxfont, _scaledbattleui, _sharedfps, _battlefps, _fieldfps, _worldfps, _camerastabilizer;
private double _scaledbattleuiscale;
private String _fontChoice;
private UiComboBox _fontChoiceBox;
@@ -607,17 +767,21 @@ public void ComeBackToLauncherFromModManager()
private void LoadSettings()
if (!File.Exists(_iniPath))
- Stream input = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Ini.Memoria.ini");
- Stream output = File.Create(_iniPath);
- input.CopyTo(output, 8192);
+ Stream input = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Memoria.ini");
+ StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(input);
+ string text = reader.ReadToEnd();
+ File.WriteAllText(_iniPath, text);
+ SanitizeMemoriaIni();
IniFile iniFile = new IniFile(_iniPath);
String modstring = iniFile.ReadValue("Mod", "FolderNames");
@@ -668,6 +832,42 @@ private void LoadSettings()
if (!Int16.TryParse(value, out _sharedfps))
_sharedfps = 30;
+ value = iniFile.ReadValue("Graphics", "BattleFPS");
+ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
+ {
+ value = " 30";
+ OnPropertyChanged(nameof(BattleFPS));
+ }
+ if (!Int16.TryParse(value, out _battlefps))
+ _battlefps = 30;
+ value = iniFile.ReadValue("Graphics", "FieldFPS");
+ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
+ {
+ value = " 30";
+ OnPropertyChanged(nameof(FieldFPS));
+ }
+ if (!Int16.TryParse(value, out _fieldfps))
+ _fieldfps = 30;
+ value = iniFile.ReadValue("Graphics", "WorldFPS");
+ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
+ {
+ value = " 20";
+ OnPropertyChanged(nameof(WorldFPS));
+ }
+ if (!Int16.TryParse(value, out _worldfps))
+ _worldfps = 20;
+ value = iniFile.ReadValue("Graphics", "CameraStabilizer");
+ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
+ {
+ value = " 85";
+ OnPropertyChanged(nameof(CameraStabilizer));
+ }
+ if (!Int16.TryParse(value, out _camerastabilizer))
+ _camerastabilizer = 30;
String valueMenuPos = iniFile.ReadValue("Interface", "BattleMenuPosX");
String valuePSXMenu = iniFile.ReadValue("Interface", "PSXBattleMenu");
Int32 menuPosX = -400;
@@ -706,7 +906,7 @@ private void LoadSettings()
value = iniFile.ReadValue("Graphics", nameof(AntiAliasing));
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
- value = " 1";
+ value = " 8";
if (!Int16.TryParse(value, out _antialiasing))
@@ -777,8 +977,45 @@ private void LoadSettings()
if (!Int16.TryParse(value, out _movievolume))
_movievolume = 100;
+ value = iniFile.ReadValue("Font", "Enabled");
+ Int16 enabledFont = 0;
+ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || !Int16.TryParse(value, out enabledFont) || enabledFont == 0)
+ {
+ _fontChoice = _fontDefaultPC;
+ _usepsxfont = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ value = iniFile.ReadValue("Font", "Names");
+ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || value.Length < 2)
+ {
+ _fontChoice = _fontDefaultPC;
+ _usepsxfont = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ String[] fontList = value.Trim('"').Split(new[] { "\", \"" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
+ _fontChoice = fontList[0];
+ if (_fontChoice.CompareTo("Alexandria") == 0 || _fontChoice.CompareTo("Garnet") == 0)
+ {
+ _fontChoice = _fontDefaultPSX;
+ _usepsxfont = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _usepsxfont = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _fontChoiceBox.SelectedItem = _fontChoice;
+ Refresh(nameof(BattleFPS));
+ Refresh(nameof(FieldFPS));
+ Refresh(nameof(WorldFPS));
+ Refresh(nameof(CameraStabilizer));
@@ -791,53 +1028,7 @@ private void LoadSettings()
- if (PsxFontInstalled) {
- value = iniFile.ReadValue("Font", "Enabled");
- Int16 enabledFont = 0;
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || !Int16.TryParse(value, out enabledFont) || enabledFont == 0)
- {
- _fontChoice = _fontDefaultPC;
- }
- else
- {
- value = iniFile.ReadValue("Font", "Names");
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || value.Length < 2)
- {
- _fontChoice = _fontDefaultPC;
- }
- else
- {
- String[] fontList = value.Trim('"').Split(new[] { "\", \"" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
- _fontChoice = fontList[0];
- if (_fontChoice.CompareTo("Alexandria") == 0 || _fontChoice.CompareTo("Garnet") == 0)
- _fontChoice = _fontDefaultPSX;
- }
- }
- _fontChoiceBox.SelectedItem = _fontChoice;
- }
- if (SBUIInstalled)
- {
- value = iniFile.ReadValue("Graphics", nameof(ScaledBattleUI));
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
- {
- value = " 1";
- OnPropertyChanged(nameof(ScaledBattleUI));
- }
- if (!Int16.TryParse(value, out _scaledbattleui))
- _scaledbattleui = 1;
- OnPropertyChanged(nameof(ScaledBattleUI));
- value = iniFile.ReadValue("Graphics", nameof(ScaleUIFactor));
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
- {
- value = " 0.6";
- OnPropertyChanged(nameof(ScaleUIFactor));
- }
- if (!double.TryParse(value, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out _scaledbattleuiscale))
- _scaledbattleuiscale = 0.6;
- OnPropertyChanged(nameof(ScaleUIFactor));
- }
+ Refresh(nameof(UsePsxFont));
catch (Exception ex)
@@ -920,6 +1111,26 @@ private async void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] String propertyName = nu
iniFile.WriteValue("Graphics", "WorldFPS ", " " + SharedFPS);
iniFile.WriteValue("Graphics", "Enabled ", " 1");
+ case nameof(BattleFPS):
+ iniFile.WriteValue("Graphics", "BattleFPS ", " " + BattleFPS);
+ if (BattleFPS != 30)
+ iniFile.WriteValue("Graphics", "Enabled ", " 1");
+ break;
+ case nameof(FieldFPS):
+ iniFile.WriteValue("Graphics", "FieldFPS ", " " + FieldFPS);
+ if (FieldFPS != 30)
+ iniFile.WriteValue("Graphics", "Enabled ", " 1");
+ break;
+ case nameof(WorldFPS):
+ iniFile.WriteValue("Graphics", "WorldFPS ", " " + WorldFPS);
+ if (WorldFPS != 20)
+ iniFile.WriteValue("Graphics", "Enabled ", " 1");
+ break;
+ case nameof(CameraStabilizer):
+ iniFile.WriteValue("Graphics", "CameraStabilizer ", " " + CameraStabilizer);
+ if (CameraStabilizer != 0)
+ iniFile.WriteValue("Graphics", "Enabled ", " 1");
+ break;
case nameof(BattleInterface):
iniFile.WriteValue("Interface", "BattleMenuPosX ", " " + (Int32)BattleInterfaceMenu.X);
iniFile.WriteValue("Interface", "BattleMenuPosY ", " " + (Int32)BattleInterfaceMenu.Y);
@@ -997,23 +1208,35 @@ private async void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] String propertyName = nu
case nameof(MovieVolume):
iniFile.WriteValue("Audio", propertyName + " ", " " + MovieVolume);
- case nameof(UseGarnetFont):
- iniFile.WriteValue("Graphics", propertyName + " ", " " + UseGarnetFont);
- if (UseGarnetFont == 1)
- iniFile.WriteValue("Graphics", "Enabled ", " 1");
+ case nameof(UsePsxFont):
+ if (UsePsxFont == 1)
+ {
+ iniFile.WriteValue("Font", "Enabled ", " 1");
+ iniFile.WriteValue("Font", "Names ", " \"Alexandria\", \"Garnet\"");
+ FontChoice = _fontDefaultPSX;
+ }
+ else if (UsePsxFont == 0)
+ {
+ _usepsxfont = 0;
+ }
case nameof(FontChoice):
if (FontChoice.CompareTo(_fontDefaultPC) == 0)
+ {
iniFile.WriteValue("Font", "Enabled ", " 0");
+ _usepsxfont = 0;
+ }
else if (FontChoice.CompareTo(_fontDefaultPSX) == 0)
iniFile.WriteValue("Font", "Enabled ", " 1");
iniFile.WriteValue("Font", "Names ", " \"Alexandria\", \"Garnet\"");
+ _usepsxfont = 1;
iniFile.WriteValue("Font", "Enabled ", " 1");
iniFile.WriteValue("Font", "Names ", " \"" + FontChoice + "\", \"Times Bold\"");
+ _usepsxfont = 0;
case nameof(ScaledBattleUI):
@@ -1032,6 +1255,164 @@ private async void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] String propertyName = nu
private async void SanitizeMemoriaIni()
+ {
+ MakeSureSpacesAroundEqualsigns();
+ try
+ {
+ if (File.Exists(_iniPath))
+ {
+ IniFile iniFile = new IniFile(_iniPath);
+ String _checklatestadded = iniFile.ReadValue("Hacks", "ExcaliburIINoTimeLimit"); // check if the latest ini parameter is already there
+ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_checklatestadded))
+ {
+ MakeIniNotNull("Mod", "FolderNames", "");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Mod", "Priorities", "");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Mod", "UseFileList", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Font", "Enabled", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Font", "Names", "\"Arial\", \"Times Bold\"");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Font", "Size", "24");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Graphics", "Enabled", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Graphics", "BattleFPS", "30");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Graphics", "BattleTPS", "15");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Graphics", "FieldFPS", "30");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Graphics", "FieldTPS", "30");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Graphics", "WorldFPS", "20");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Graphics", "WorldTPS", "20");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Graphics", "MenuFPS", "60");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Graphics", "MenuTPS", "60");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Graphics", "BattleSwirlFrames", "13");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Graphics", "WidescreenSupport", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Graphics", "SkipIntros", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Graphics", "GarnetHair", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Graphics", "TileSize", "32");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Graphics", "AntiAliasing", "8");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Graphics", "CameraStabilizer", "85");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Control", "Enabled", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Control", "DisableMouse", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Control", "DialogProgressButtons", "\"Confirm\"");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Control", "WrapSomeMenus", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Control", "PSXScrollingMethod", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Control", "PSXMovementMethod", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Battle", "Enabled", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Battle", "SFXRework", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Battle", "Speed", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Battle", "NoAutoTrance", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Battle", "EncounterInterval", "960");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Battle", "EncounterInitial", "-1440");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Battle", "PersistentDangerValue", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Battle", "AutoPotionOverhealLimit", "-1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Battle", "GarnetConcentrate", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Battle", "SelectBestTarget", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Battle", "BreakDamageLimit", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Battle", "ViviAutoAttack", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Battle", "CountersBetterTarget", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Battle", "LockEquippedAbilities", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Battle", "FloatEvadeBonus", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Battle", "AccessMenus", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Battle", "CustomBattleFlagsMeaning", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Icons", "Enabled", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Icons", "HideCursor", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Icons", "HideCards", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Icons", "HideExclamation", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Icons", "HideQuestion", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Icons", "HideBeach", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Icons", "HideSteam", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Cheats", "Enabled", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Cheats", "Rotation", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Cheats", "Perspective", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Cheats", "SpeedMode", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Cheats", "SpeedFactor", "3");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Cheats", "SpeedTimer", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Cheats", "BattleAssistance", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Cheats", "Attack9999", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Cheats", "NoRandomEncounter", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Cheats", "MasterSkill", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Cheats", "LvMax", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Cheats", "GilMax", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Hacks", "Enabled", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Hacks", "AllCharactersAvailable", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Hacks", "RopeJumpingIncrement", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Hacks", "FrogCatchingIncrement", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Hacks", "HippaulRacingViviSpeed", "33");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Hacks", "StealingAlwaysWorks", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Hacks", "DisableNameChoice", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Hacks", "ExcaliburIINoTimeLimit", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("TetraMaster", "Enabled", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("TetraMaster", "TripleTriad", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("TetraMaster", "ReduceRandom", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("TetraMaster", "MaxCardCount", "100");
+ MakeIniNotNull("TetraMaster", "DiscardAutoButton", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("TetraMaster", "DiscardAssaultCards", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("TetraMaster", "DiscardFlexibleCards", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("TetraMaster", "DiscardMaxAttack", "224");
+ MakeIniNotNull("TetraMaster", "DiscardMaxPDef", "255");
+ MakeIniNotNull("TetraMaster", "DiscardMaxMDef", "255");
+ MakeIniNotNull("TetraMaster", "DiscardMaxSum", "480");
+ MakeIniNotNull("TetraMaster", "DiscardMinDeckSize", "10");
+ MakeIniNotNull("TetraMaster", "DiscardKeepSameType", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("TetraMaster", "DiscardKeepSameArrow", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("TetraMaster", "DiscardExclusions", "56, 75, 76, 77, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 98, 99, 100");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "BattleRowCount", "5");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "BattleColumnCount", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "BattleMenuPosX", "-400");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "BattleMenuPosY", "-362");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "BattleMenuWidth", "630");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "BattleMenuHeight", "236");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "BattleDetailPosX", "345");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "BattleDetailPosY", "-380");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "BattleDetailWidth", "796");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "BattleDetailHeight", "230");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "PSXBattleMenu", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "ScanDisplay", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "BattleCommandTitleFormat", "");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "BattleDamageTextFormat", "");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "BattleRestoreTextFormat", "");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "BattleMPDamageTextFormat", "");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "BattleMPRestoreTextFormat", "");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "MenuItemRowCount", "8");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "MenuAbilityRowCount", "6");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "MenuEquipRowCount", "5");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Interface", "MenuChocographRowCount", "5");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Fixes", "Enabled", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Fixes", "KeepRestTimeInBattle", "1");
+ MakeIniNotNull("SaveFile", "DisableAutoSave", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("SaveFile", "AutoSaveOnlyAtMoogle", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("SaveFile", "SaveOnCloud", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Speedrun", "Enabled", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Speedrun", "SplitSettingsPath", "");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Speedrun", "LogGameTimePath", "");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Debug", "Enabled", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Debug", "SigningEventObjects", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Debug", "StartModelViewer", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Debug", "StartFieldCreator", "0");
+ MakeIniNotNull("Debug", "RenderWalkmeshes", "0");
+ MakeSureSpacesAroundEqualsigns();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ UiHelper.ShowError(Application.Current.MainWindow, ex);
+ }
+ }
+ private async void MakeSureSpacesAroundEqualsigns()
@@ -1049,5 +1430,15 @@ private async void SanitizeMemoriaIni()
UiHelper.ShowError(Application.Current.MainWindow, ex);
+ private async void MakeIniNotNull(String Category, String Setting, String Defaultvalue)
+ {
+ IniFile iniFile = new IniFile(_iniPath);
+ String value = iniFile.ReadValue(Category, Setting);
+ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
+ {
+ iniFile.WriteValue(Category, Setting + " ", " " + Defaultvalue);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/ModManagerWindow.cs b/Memoria.Launcher/ModManagerWindow.cs
index af54bb104..abe5f9a70 100644
--- a/Memoria.Launcher/ModManagerWindow.cs
+++ b/Memoria.Launcher/ModManagerWindow.cs
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ private Boolean GenerateAutomaticDescriptionFile(String folderName)
return true;
- String name = "";
+ String name = folderName;
String author = "";
String category = "";
String description = "";
@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ private void UpdateSettings()
private void SetupFrameLang()
- Title = Lang.ModEditor.WindowTitle + " - " + ((MainWindow)this.Owner).MemoriaAssemblyCompileDate.ToString("Y", CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(Lang.LangName));
+ Title = Lang.ModEditor.WindowTitle + " | " + ((MainWindow)this.Owner).MemoriaAssemblyCompileDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
GroupModInfo.Header = Lang.ModEditor.ModInfos;
PreviewModWebsite.Content = Lang.ModEditor.Website;
CaptionModAuthor.Text = Lang.ModEditor.Author + ":";
diff --git a/Memoria.Launcher/ModManagerWindow.xaml b/Memoria.Launcher/ModManagerWindow.xaml
index c33c3eede..303574685 100644
--- a/Memoria.Launcher/ModManagerWindow.xaml
+++ b/Memoria.Launcher/ModManagerWindow.xaml
@@ -750,6 +750,7 @@
+ Foreground="#FFF"
ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource DownloadListViewItem}"
ItemsSource="{Binding downloadList, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedDownload, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}">
diff --git a/Memoria.MSBuild/BuildEnvironment.cs b/Memoria.MSBuild/BuildEnvironment.cs
index b000d4570..01f310059 100644
--- a/Memoria.MSBuild/BuildEnvironment.cs
+++ b/Memoria.MSBuild/BuildEnvironment.cs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ public static Boolean IsDebug
+ return false;
return true;
diff --git a/Memoria.MSBuild/Pack.cs b/Memoria.MSBuild/Pack.cs
index b69c0e2ed..3c1c057dc 100644
--- a/Memoria.MSBuild/Pack.cs
+++ b/Memoria.MSBuild/Pack.cs
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ public Boolean Execute()
Dictionary pathMap = new Dictionary(capacity: 400);
PackFolder("StreamingAssets", "StreamingAssets", compressStream, bw, pathMap, ref uncompressedDataSize);
+ PackFolder("FF9_Data", "FF9_Data", compressStream, bw, pathMap, ref uncompressedDataSize);
PackFolder("Debugger", "Debugger", compressStream, bw, pathMap, ref uncompressedDataSize);
PackDLLs("", "{PLATFORM}\\FF9_Data\\Managed", compressStream, bw, pathMap, ref uncompressedDataSize);
PackOptionalFile("Launcher\\Memoria.Launcher.exe", "FF9_Launcher.exe", compressStream, bw, pathMap, ref uncompressedDataSize);
@@ -65,6 +66,8 @@ public Boolean Execute()
PackOptionalFile("XInputDotNetPure.dll", "{PLATFORM}\\FF9_Data\\Managed\\XInputDotNetPure.dll", compressStream, bw, pathMap, ref uncompressedDataSize);
PackOptionalFile("JoyShockLibrary\\x64\\JoyShockLibrary.dll", "x64\\FF9_Data\\Plugins\\JoyShockLibrary.dll", compressStream, bw, pathMap, ref uncompressedDataSize);
PackOptionalFile("JoyShockLibrary\\x86\\JoyShockLibrary.dll", "x86\\FF9_Data\\Plugins\\JoyShockLibrary.dll", compressStream, bw, pathMap, ref uncompressedDataSize);
+ PackOptionalFile("Global\\Sound\\SoLoud\\x64\\soloud.dll", "x64\\FF9_Data\\Plugins\\soloud.dll", compressStream, bw, pathMap, ref uncompressedDataSize);
+ PackOptionalFile("Global\\Sound\\SoLoud\\x86\\soloud.dll", "x86\\FF9_Data\\Plugins\\soloud.dll", compressStream, bw, pathMap, ref uncompressedDataSize);
Int64 compressedDataSize = executableFile.Position - compressedDataPosition;
diff --git a/Memoria.Patcher/FF9_Data/EmbeddedAsset/FA/p_fa.mpc b/Memoria.Patcher/FF9_Data/EmbeddedAsset/FA/p_fa.mpc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f3101714
Binary files /dev/null and b/Memoria.Patcher/FF9_Data/EmbeddedAsset/FA/p_fa.mpc differ
diff --git a/Memoria.Patcher/GameInfo/GameLocationInfo.cs b/Memoria.Patcher/GameInfo/GameLocationInfo.cs
index 7f4bc8c9c..17304dc04 100644
--- a/Memoria.Patcher/GameInfo/GameLocationInfo.cs
+++ b/Memoria.Patcher/GameInfo/GameLocationInfo.cs
@@ -10,11 +10,13 @@ public sealed class GameLocationInfo
public readonly String ManagedPathX64;
public readonly String ManagedPathX86;
public readonly String StreamingAssetsPath;
+ public readonly String EmbeddedAssetPath;
public const String LauncherName = @"FF9_Launcher.exe";
private const String ManagedRelativePathX64 = @"x64\FF9_Data\Managed";
private const String ManagedRelativePathX86 = @"x86\FF9_Data\Managed";
private const String StreamingAssetsRelativePath = @"StreamingAssets";
+ private const String EmbeddedAssetRelativePath = @"FF9_Data";
public String LauncherPath => Path.Combine(RootDirectory, LauncherName);
@@ -24,6 +26,7 @@ public GameLocationInfo(String rootDirectory)
ManagedPathX64 = Path.Combine(rootDirectory, ManagedRelativePathX64);
ManagedPathX86 = Path.Combine(rootDirectory, ManagedRelativePathX86);
StreamingAssetsPath = Path.Combine(rootDirectory, StreamingAssetsRelativePath);
+ EmbeddedAssetPath = Path.Combine(rootDirectory, EmbeddedAssetRelativePath);
public void Validate()
diff --git a/Memoria.Patcher/Memoria.Patcher.csproj b/Memoria.Patcher/Memoria.Patcher.csproj
index 4bb748d03..8ba1fc07d 100644
--- a/Memoria.Patcher/Memoria.Patcher.csproj
+++ b/Memoria.Patcher/Memoria.Patcher.csproj
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
@@ -29,8 +31,6 @@
@@ -80,7 +80,130 @@
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
@@ -3510,7 +3633,7 @@
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 %28x86 и x64%29
+ Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 %28x86 et x64%29
diff --git a/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/Fieldmaps/fbg_n06_vgdl_map097_dl_viw_0/fbg_n06_vgdl_map097_dl_viw_0.bgs.bytes b/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/Fieldmaps/fbg_n06_vgdl_map097_dl_viw_0/fbg_n06_vgdl_map097_dl_viw_0.bgs.bytes
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..28295cdaa
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index 000000000..3c1606493
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index 000000000..e67b7cc8d
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index 000000000..bf0aa46fe
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index 000000000..95239ee0b
Binary files /dev/null and b/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/uk/evt_cleyra1_dun_05.eb.bytes differ
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index 000000000..795bd0ba9
Binary files /dev/null and b/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/uk/evt_eva2_iu_eug_0.eb.bytes differ
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index 000000000..8c35080b1
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index 000000000..c1be84609
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index 000000000..af2aed0b1
Binary files /dev/null and b/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/uk/evt_suna_sp_rpw_0.eb.bytes differ
diff --git a/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/us/evt_alex1_at_pub.eb.bytes b/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/us/evt_alex1_at_pub.eb.bytes
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf0aa46fe
Binary files /dev/null and b/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/us/evt_alex1_at_pub.eb.bytes differ
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..95239ee0b
Binary files /dev/null and b/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/us/evt_cleyra1_dun_05.eb.bytes differ
diff --git a/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/us/evt_eva2_iu_eug_0.eb.bytes b/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/us/evt_eva2_iu_eug_0.eb.bytes
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index 000000000..795bd0ba9
Binary files /dev/null and b/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/us/evt_eva2_iu_eug_0.eb.bytes differ
diff --git a/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/us/evt_eva2_iu_eug_1.eb.bytes b/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/us/evt_eva2_iu_eug_1.eb.bytes
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c35080b1
Binary files /dev/null and b/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/us/evt_eva2_iu_eug_1.eb.bytes differ
diff --git a/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/us/evt_eva2_iu_eug_2.eb.bytes b/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/us/evt_eva2_iu_eug_2.eb.bytes
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1be84609
Binary files /dev/null and b/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/us/evt_eva2_iu_eug_2.eb.bytes differ
diff --git a/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/us/evt_suna_sp_rpw_0.eb.bytes b/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/us/evt_suna_sp_rpw_0.eb.bytes
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..629b170fa
Binary files /dev/null and b/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Assets/Resources/commonasset/eventengine/eventbinary/field/us/evt_suna_sp_rpw_0.eb.bytes differ
diff --git a/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Data/Text/LocalizationPatch.txt b/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Data/Text/LocalizationPatch.txt
index 42cd8ebb9..a1c5935dc 100644
--- a/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Data/Text/LocalizationPatch.txt
+++ b/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Data/Text/LocalizationPatch.txt
@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ VoiceVolume,Voice Volume,Voice Volume,音声音量,Volumen de voz,Volume des voi
ATBModeNormal,ATB: Normal,ATB: Normal,ATBモード: 通常,ATB: Normal,ATB : Normal,ATB: Normaler,ATB: Normale
ATBModeFast,ATB: Fast,ATB: Fast,ATBモード: 高速,ATB: Rápido,ATB : Rapide,ATB: Schneller,ATB: Veloce
ATBModeTurnBased,ATB: Turn-Based,ATB: Turn-Based,ATBモード: ターン制,ATB: Por Turnos,ATB : Par Tour,ATB: Turn,ATB: A Turni
-ATBModeDynamic,ATB: Dynamic,ATB: Dynamic,ATBモード: 動的,ATB: Dinámico,ATB: Dynamique,ATB: Dynamischer,ATB: Dinamica
\ No newline at end of file
+ATBModeDynamic,ATB: Dynamic,ATB: Dynamic,ATBモード: 動的,ATB: Dinámico,ATB: Dynamique,ATB: Dynamischer,ATB: Dinamica
+AutoText,Auto Text,Auto Text,自動テキスト,Texto Automático,Texte Automatique,Autotext,Testo Automatico
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Memoria.Prime/Ini/IniReader.cs b/Memoria.Prime/Ini/IniReader.cs
index e3f4e20b1..44124673e 100644
--- a/Memoria.Prime/Ini/IniReader.cs
+++ b/Memoria.Prime/Ini/IniReader.cs
@@ -134,9 +134,11 @@ public void Read(Ini output)
vs.Value = ModFolders;
+ ResetDisabledSections();
+ ResetDisabledSections();
_sections = null;
_values = null;
@@ -271,12 +273,18 @@ private void FlushSection()
if (_currentSection != null && _currentSectionBinding != null)
- if (!_currentSection.Enabled.Value)
- _currentSection.Reset();
_sectionsRead[_currentSection.Name] = _currentSection;
+ private void ResetDisabledSections()
+ {
+ foreach (var section in _sectionsRead.Values)
+ {
+ if (!section.Enabled.Value)
+ section.Reset();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Memoria.Prime/OggFile/AKB2/AKB2Header.cs b/Memoria.Prime/OggFile/AKB2/AKB2Header.cs
index eaceb7ae9..656f51acf 100644
--- a/Memoria.Prime/OggFile/AKB2/AKB2Header.cs
+++ b/Memoria.Prime/OggFile/AKB2/AKB2Header.cs
@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ public struct AKB2Header
public UInt32 SampleCount; // Ignored?
public UInt32 LoopStart; // Samples
public UInt32 LoopEnd; // Samples
- public UInt16 Constant36;
+ public UInt32 Constant36;
public UInt32 LoopStartAlternate; // Samples; used when there are several loop regions (Final Battle)
public UInt32 LoopEndAlternate; // Samples; used when there are several loop regions (Final Battle)
- public UInt32 Zero38;
+ public UInt16 Zero38;
public UInt32 Constant39;
public UInt32 Constant40;
public UInt32 Constant41;
@@ -181,10 +181,10 @@ public void ReadFromBytes(Byte[] raw)
this.SampleCount = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
this.LoopStart = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
this.LoopEnd = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
- this.Constant36 = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
+ this.Constant36 = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
this.LoopStartAlternate = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
this.LoopEndAlternate = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
- this.Zero38 = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
+ this.Zero38 = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
this.Constant39 = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
this.Constant40 = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
this.Constant41 = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
diff --git a/Memoria.sln b/Memoria.sln
index 0a1eb7440..1d3feefad 100644
--- a/Memoria.sln
+++ b/Memoria.sln
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
-# Visual Studio Version 16
-VisualStudioVersion = 16.0.30011.22
+# Visual Studio Version 17
+VisualStudioVersion = 17.9.34714.143
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Assembly-CSharp", "Assembly-CSharp\Assembly-CSharp.csproj", "{3FE6492C-C2E2-48EE-9AD6-B2D9A7D43C93}"
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "References", "References",
Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Solution Items", "Solution Items", "{8A5C076A-6649-4A5D-A813-D9B4019C7EA8}"
ProjectSection(SolutionItems) = preProject
+ .editorconfig = .editorconfig
.gitattributes = .gitattributes
.gitignore = .gitignore
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b3e39a975..b97b6c30c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -6,36 +6,37 @@
- New launcher with easy options (for not included options: Memoria.ini)
- Mod Manager, with integrated community catalog and 1 click install
-- Support for:
- - Larger backgrounds resolution (e.g. Moguri)
- - Widescreen (select any 16:9 resolution)
+- Smooth camera movement
+- Optional features:
+ - Battle UI layouts (includes original PSX layout)
- Configurable framerate (15, 30, 60fps...)
+ - Configurable camera stabilizer
+ - Font change (includes original PSX font)
+ - Volume control
+ - Anti-aliasing
+ - Full analog movement
+- Support for:
+ - Larger backgrounds definition (e.g. Moguri)
+ - Widescreen (Supports 16:9 and 16:10)
- Unlocks FMV framerate change (e.g. Moguri)
- Voice acting (e.g. WIP project ECHO-S)
- - Font change (includes original PSX font)
- - Combat HUD layouts (includes original PSX layout)
- Many limitations removed for mods
- Some bugfixes
- Faster battles:
- Speed change
- - Swirl duration
- - Waiting skip
- - Turn-based mode
-- QoL:
- - Save/load anywhere (Alt+F5, Alt+F9)
- - Full analog movement
- - [LauncherBypass](https://github.com/Albeoris/Memoria/issues/70#issuecomment-626077188)
- - [Change audio volume](https://github.com/Albeoris/Memoria/issues/36#issuecomment-626098739) (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M)
- - Anti-aliasing
-- Cheats:
- - Stealing 100% rate
+ - Swirl duration / skip
+ - Turn-based mode / Waiting skip mode / Simultaneous attacks mode
+- Optional Cheats:
+ - Stealing 100% success
- Enable/Disable vanilla cheats
- Easy minigames (rope, frogs, racing)
+ - Excalibur II time limit removal
- Tetra Master (Card game):
- - Choice to replace with a custom version of Triple Triad (FFVIII)
- - Choice to replace with an hybrid of Tetra Master and Triple Triad
+ - (Option) replace with a custom version of Triple Triad (FFVIII) or Tetra Master/Triple Triad hybrid
+ - Raise card limit
- Auto discard cards
- Ways to tweak the randomness
+- Include individual mod assets in folders
- Edit game data (look at the "StreamingAssets\Data" folder)
- Change ability mechanics (look at the "StreamingAssets\Scripts" folder)
- Make every character available (Alt+F2)
@@ -73,12 +74,14 @@
## Build & Contribute
-- Use Visual Studio Community (2019 or above) or JetBrains Rider.
-- Make sure you have [.NET 3.5 SDK and .NET Framework 4.6.2](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/visual-studio-sdks?cid=getdotnetsdk) installed.
+- Use Visual Studio Community (2019 or above). Install .NET dev tools when prompted.
+- In Visual Studio, install ".NET Framework 3.5 Development Tools" & "Visual Studio Tools for Unity" (in Tools > Get Tools and Functionalities > Individual Components <>)
+- Install [.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and 4.6.2](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/visual-studio-sdks?cid=getdotnetsdk).
- Make a fork of the project and download it locally.
-- Install the game and copy all ".dll" files from "\FINAL FANTASY IX\x64\FF9_Data\Managed" to the "\References" folder in the solution directory.
-- [Check this thread](https://github.com/Albeoris/Memoria/discussions/274).
+- Open Powershell as administrator and execute `Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope LocalMachine`
+- Change directory to your Memoria Fork download location and run powershell script `.\SetupProjectEnvironment.ps1`
- Once you've commited your changes to your fork, make it a Pull Request to the main repository.
+- I recommend Github Desktop for easy push to repository.
## Scripting
diff --git a/References/Memoria.MSBuild.dll b/References/Memoria.MSBuild.dll
index 53493b690..c8b211174 100644
Binary files a/References/Memoria.MSBuild.dll and b/References/Memoria.MSBuild.dll differ
diff --git a/SetupProjectEnvironment.ps1 b/SetupProjectEnvironment.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eedd68cc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SetupProjectEnvironment.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# check we're elivated
+if (-Not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] 'Administrator')) {
+ if ([int](Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BuildNumber) -ge 6000) {
+ $CommandLine = "-File `"" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path + "`" " + $MyInvocation.UnboundArguments
+ Start-Process -FilePath PowerShell.exe -Verb Runas -ArgumentList $CommandLine
+ Exit
+ }
+Set-Location $PSScriptRoot;
+# make sure windows feature is installed
+$net3State = Get-WindowsCapability -Online -Name NetFx3
+if($net3State.State -ne "Installed"){
+ Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name NetFx3
+$skdInstallPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x64"
+$pathState = Test-Path -Path $skdInstallPath
+ Invoke-WebRequest https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=323507 -OutFile sdksetup.exe
+ Start-Process sdksetup.exe -Wait
+# find the game install location
+$appId = "377840";
+$gameInstalled = Test-Path -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Steam App $($appId)"
+ Write-Error "Final Fantasy IX is not installed via Steam we don't support piracy"
+ exit
+$ff9InstallLoc = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Steam App $($appId)"
+# copy files
+$filesPath = "$($ff9InstallLoc.InstallLocation)\x64\FF9_Data\Managed\"
+$dest = Resolve-Path "./References/"
+get-childitem $filesPath -recurse | Where-Object {$_.extension -eq ".dll"} | ForEach-Object {
+ Write-Output "Copying $($_.Name)"
+ Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $dest
+Write-Output "Project has been setup you can now open the solution file."
+read-host "Press ENTER to exit"
+# SIG # Begin signature block
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+# vuTmflN4mSAfgLKTvggv24/rWiVGzGxT9YEASVMw1Aj8ewTS4IndU8s7VS5+djSo
+# McbvIKck6+hI1shsylP4JyLvmxwLHtSworV9wmjhNd627h27a8RdrT1PH9ud0IF+
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+# ohzuC8KNqfcYf7Z4/iZgkBJ+UFNDcc6zokZ2uJIxWgPWXMEmhu1gMXgv8aGUsRda
+# CtVD2bSlbfsq7BiqljjaCun+RJgTgFRCtsuAEw0pG9+FA+yQN9n/kZtMLK+Wo837
+# Q4QOZgYqVWQ4x6cM7/G0yswg1ElLlJj6NYKLw9EcBXE7TF3HybZtYvj9lDV2nT8m
+# FSkcSkAExzd4prHwYjUXTeZIlVXqj+eaYqoMTpMrfh5MCAOIG5knN4Q/JHuurfTI
+# 5XDYO962WZayx7ACFf5ydJpoEowSP07YaBiQ8nXpDkNrUA9g7qf/rCkKbWpQ5bou
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+# ShBSND36E/ENVv8urPS0yOnpG4tIoBGxVCARPCg1BnyMJ4rBJAcOSnAWd18Jx5n8
+# KTAnMCWgI6Ahhh9odHRwOi8vY3JsLmNlcnR1bS5wbC9jdG5jYTIuY3JsMGwGCCsG
+# LmNvbTAyBggrBgEFBQcwAoYmaHR0cDovL3JlcG9zaXRvcnkuY2VydHVtLnBsL2N0
+# Ly93d3cuY2VydHVtLnBsL0NQUzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwFAAOCAgEAdYhYD+WPUCia
+# U58Q7EP89DttyZqGYn2XRDhJkL6P+/T0IPZyxfxiXumYlARMgwRzLRUStJl490L9
+# 4C9LGF3vjzzH8Jq3iR74BRlkO18J3zIdmCKQa5LyZ48IfICJTZVJeChDUyuQy6rG
+# DxLUUAsO0eqeLNhLVsgw6/zOfImNlARKn1FP7o0fTbj8ipNGxHBIutiRsWrhWM2f
+# 8pXdd3x2mbJCKKtl2s42g9KUJHEIiLni9ByoqIUul4GblLQigO0ugh7bWRLDm0Cd
+# Y9rNLqyA3ahe8WlxVWkxyrQLjH8ItI17RdySaYayX3PhRSC4Am1/7mATwZWwSD+B
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+# +O6rhtCfY6gRsQt2pSIIpMiE57a8O2SxxbfweLwpkVZKKLsrgGPqvbD//b9pibnv
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+# LmNlcnR1bS5wbC9jY3NjYTIwMjEuY2VyMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFN10XUwA23ufoHTK
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+# 6ftSKPQfrL3U5KhumoRJadMlmMDGltfCImxvaRWO0cRc/Wpk3r7remDrPtWo4Zo+
+# 2C0c+xy2/q5oGxyUY6eNLE1TS1xFHGBzpTrGNxPri2tcNz2d4Lsp11ClGu53n7XP
+# 6IM7T9unHebEHvtYPymYT44ebq8YY0h44c31u2m8KPQLLkxH0GVpBuQ0DPMrnuMc
+# QBG+ZCi23gl1QO3m6gdJftN7nweU/E57FcHxN2rS8UhwI0Oq1k5iL764grC95E4k
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+# SIG # End signature block