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What is torchdata.nodes?

torchdata.nodes is a library of composable iterators (not iterables!) that let you chain together common dataloading and pre-proc operations. It follows a streaming programming model, although "sampler + Map-style" can still be configured if you desire.

torchdata.nodes adds more flexibility to the standard offering, and introduces multi-threaded parallelism in addition to multi-process (the only supported approach in, as well as first-class support for mid-epoch checkpointing through a state_dict/load_state_dict interface.

torchdata.nodes strives to include as many useful operators as possible, however it's designed to be extensible. New nodes are required to subclass torchdata.nodes.BaseNode, (which itself subclasses typing.Iterator) and implement next(), reset(initial_state) and get_state() operations (notably, not __next__, load_state_dict, nor state_dict)

Getting started

Install torchdata with pip.

pip install torchdata>=0.10.0

Generator Example

Wrap a generator (or any iterable) to convert it to a BaseNode and get started

from torchdata.nodes import IterableWrapper, ParallelMapper, Loader

node = IterableWrapper(range(10))
node = ParallelMapper(node, map_fn=lambda x: x**2, num_workers=3, method="thread")
loader = Loader(node)
result = list(loader)
# [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

Sampler Example

Samplers are still supported, and you can use your existing

from torchdata.nodes import SamplerWrapper, ParallelMapper, Loader

class SquaredDataset(
    def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> int:
        return i**2
    def __len__(self):
        return 10

dataset = SquaredDataset()
sampler = RandomSampler(dataset)

# For fine-grained control of iteration order, define your own sampler
node = SamplerWrapper(sampler)
# Simply apply dataset's __getitem__ as a map function to the indices generated from sampler
node = ParallelMapper(node, map_fn=dataset.__getitem__, num_workers=3, method="thread")
# Loader is used to convert a node (iterator) into an Iterable that may be reused for multi epochs
loader = Loader(node)
# [25, 36, 9, 49, 0, 81, 4, 16, 64, 1]
# [0, 4, 1, 64, 49, 25, 9, 16, 81, 36]

What's the point of torchdata.nodes?

We get it, just works for many many use cases. However it definitely has a bunch of rough spots:

Multiprocessing sucks

  • You need to duplicate memory stored in your Dataset (because of Python copy-on-read)
  • IPC is slow over multiprocess queues and can introduce slow startup times
  • You're forced to perform batching on the workers instead of main-process to reduce IPC overhead, increasing peak memory.
  • With GIL-releasing functions and Free-Threaded Python, multi-threading may not be GIL-bound like it used to be.

torchdata.nodes enables both multi-threading and multi-processing so you can choose what works best for your particular set up. Parallelism is primarily configured in Mapper operators giving you flexibility in the what, when, and how to parallelize.

Map-style and random-access doesn't scale

Current map dataset approach is great for datasets that fit in memory, but true random-access is not going to be very performant once your dataset grows beyond memory limitations unless you jump through some hoops with a special sampler.

torchdata.nodes follows a streaming data model, where operators are Iterators that can be combined together to define a dataloading and pre-proc pipeline. Samplers are still supported (see example above) and can be combined with a Mapper to produce an Iterator

Multi-Datasets do not fit well with the current implementation in

The current Sampler (one per dataloader) concepts start to break down when you start trying to combine multiple datasets. (For single datasets, they're a great abstraction and will continue to be supported!)

  • For multi-datasets, consider this scenario: len(dsA): 10 len(dsB): 20. Now we want to do round-robin (or sample uniformly) between these two datasets to feed to our trainer. With just a single sampler, how can you implement that strategy? Maybe a sampler that emits tuples? What if you want to swap with RandomSampler, or DistributedSampler? How will sampler.set_epoch work?

torchdata.nodes helps to address and scale multi-dataset dataloading by only dealing with Iterators, thereby forcing samplers and datasets together, focusing on composing smaller primitives nodes into a more complex dataloading pipeline.

IterableDataset + multiprocessing requires additional dataset sharding

Dataset sharding is required for data-parallel training, which is fairly reasonable. But what about sharding between dataloader workers? With Map-style datasets, distribution of work between workers is handled by the main process, which distributes sampler indices to workers. With IterableDatasets, each worker needs to figure out (through what data it should be returning.

Design choices

No Generator BaseNodes

See pytorch#1362 for more thoughts.

One difficult choice we made was to disallow Generators when defining a new BaseNode implementation. However we dropped it and moved to an Iterator-only foundation for a few reasons around state management:

  1. We require explicit state handling in BaseNode implementations. Generators store state implicitly on the stack and we found that we needed to jump through hoops and write very convoluted code to get basic state working with Generators
  2. End-of-iteration state dict: Iterables may feel more natural, however a bunch of issues come up around state management. Consider the end-of-iteration state dict. If you load this state_dict into your iterable, should this represent the end-of-iteration or the start of the next iteration?
  3. Loading state: If you call load_state_dict() on an iterable, most users would expect the next iterator requested from it to start with the loaded state. However what if iter is called twice before iteration begins?
  4. Multiple Live Iterator problem: if you have one instance of an Iterable, but two live iterators, what does it mean to call state_dict() on the Iterable? In dataloading, this is very rare, however we still need to work around it and make a bunch of assumptions. Forcing devs that are implementing BaseNodes to reason about these scenarios is, in our opinion, worse than disallowing generators and Iterables.

torchdata.nodes.BaseNode implementations are Iterators. Iterators define next(), get_state(), and reset(initial_state | None). All re-initialization should be done in reset(), including initializing with a particular state if one is passed.

However, end-users are used to dealing with Iterables, for example,

for epoch in range(5):
  # Most frameworks and users don't expect to call loader.reset()
  for batch in loader:
  sd = loader.state_dict()
  # Loading sd should not throw StopIteration right away, but instead start at the next epoch

To handle this we keep all of the assumptions and special end-of-epoch handling in a single Loader class which takes any BaseNode and makes it an Iterable, handling the reset() calls and end-of-epoch state_dict loading.