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Standard Satellite v0

JPLangner edited this page Feb 24, 2023 · 11 revisions

This node creates the standard satellite version 0. It contains the descriptive data, splitted by privacy, security and rate of change or the in your company defined rules.

User Configuration

Config Name Config Type Explanation
Hashkey Column columnSelector In the Config section on the right there is a tab called 'Data Vault'. Expand this and you get a column selector list 'Hashkey Column'. Select the hashkey of this satellite and bring it to the right side.
Hashdiff Column columnSelector In the Config section on the right there is a tab called 'Data Vault'. Expand this and you get a column selector list 'Hashdiff Column'. Select the hashdiff of this satellite and bring it to the right side.

System Columns

No Sys Columns are added inside a Satellite v0 Node.

Example 1


In this example we got a standard satellite v0 with non privacy data. The source table is the 'STG_CUSTOMER_WIKI'.

Create the node:

Sat v0 Node

  • Select the 'STG_CUSTOMER_WIKI' and create the node 'SAT_v0_CUSTOMER_WIKI' with the node type 'Datavault4Coalesce: Satellite v0'
  • Rename the satellite using your naming conventions. In this case rename it to 'customer_wiki_n0_s'

Sat v0 Columns

  • Open the node and delete all unnecessary columns, so that you only keep the Hashkey, Hashdiff, LoadDate Timestamp and Record Source aswell as the right descriptive data for that satellite

Sat v0 Column Selector

  • In the Config section on the right there is a tab called 'Data Vault'
  • Expand this and you get a column selector list 'Hashkey Column' and 'Hashdiff Column'
    • Select the hashkey of this satellite and bring it to the right side in the 'Hashkey Column' section
    • Select the hashdiff of this satellite and bring it to the right side in the 'Hashdiff Column' section

Sat v0 Graph

  • Create and run the node

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