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Standard Satellite v1

JPLangner edited this page Feb 24, 2023 · 6 revisions

This node creates the standard satellite version 1. It contains the same data as the version 0 satellite, but adds the column 'ledts', which defines the end of the validation, as a new row is set to active. It also adds the 'is_active' column, which defines if a row describes the latest descriptive data. Although the columns 'ledts' and 'is_active' get updated, it is best practice, because the satellite v1 is a view and not materialized, following the insert only approach.

User Configuration

Config Name Config Type Explanation
Hashkey Column columnSelector In the Config section on the right there is a tab called 'Data Vault'. Expand this and you get a column selector list 'Hashkey Column'. Select the hashkey of this satellite and bring it to the right side.

System Columns

Sys Column Name Default Value Explanation
ledts COALESCE(LEAD("{{ get_value_by_column_attribute("is_ldts") }}" - INTERVAL '1 MICROSECOND') OVER (PARTITION BY "{{ get_value_by_column_attribute("is_hk") }}" ORDER BY "{{ get_value_by_column_attribute("is_ldts") }}"),{{ datavault4coalesce__string_to_timestamp(datavault4coalesce.config.timestamp_format, datavault4coalesce.config.end_of_all_times) }}) The 'ledts' is the calculated load end date of a row. It is calculated when a new different row with is inserted, which contains different descriptive data to the same hashkey.
is_current CASE WHEN LEAD("{{ get_value_by_column_attribute("is_ldts") }}" - INTERVAL '1 MICROSECOND') OVER (PARTITION BY "{{ get_value_by_column_attribute("is_hk") }}" ORDER BY "{{ get_value_by_column_attribute("is_ldts") }}") IS NULL THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END The 'is_current' column indicates whether the current row is the latest one, containing the most actual data. It is calculated the same way as the 'ledts' column.

Example 1


In this example we got a standard satellite v0 with non privacy data. The source table is the 'STG_CUSTOMER_WIKI'.

Create the node:

Sat v1 Node

  • Select the 'customer_wiki_n0_s' and create the node 'SAT_v1_customer_wiki_n0_s' with the node type 'Datavault4Coalesce: Satellite v1'
  • Rename the satellite using your naming conventions. In this case rename it to 'customer_wiki_n1_s'

Sat v1 Column Selector

  • In the Config section on the right there is a tab called 'Data Vault'
  • Expand this and you get a column selector list 'Hashkey Column'
    • Select the hashkey of this satellite and bring it to the right side in the 'Hashkey Column' section

Sat v0 Graph

  • Create the node

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