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7cf7854 · Jan 5, 2022


615 lines (477 loc) · 33 KB


File metadata and controls

615 lines (477 loc) · 33 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to sentinelsat will be listed here.

[Unreleased] – YYYY-MM-DD

CLI changes




[1.1.1] – 2021-11-23

CLI changes

  • Show help when no CLI arguments are provided.


  • Tests are no longer included in the Python source package to significantly reduce its size.


  • Fixed handling of missing Online OData attribute in older DHuS versions, such as (#535 @valgur)
  • Fix the filter_node function generated by make_path_filter so that node paths are no longer converted to lowercase before pattern matching. (#541 @avalentino)
  • In download_all(), the initial check on files already existing now ignores server errors when determining the file name. Any existing files are still skipped when initiating the download. (#543 @joooeey)

[1.1.0] – 2021-08-19

download_all() has been completely rewritten to correctly handle server-side concurrency limits and bugs.

CLI changes

  • New CLI option --fmt to specify the format of the listed products. (#526 @avalentino)
  • More detailed progress info during downloads. Added progressbars for overall download and LTA retrieval progress. Product names are now included in individual download progress bars. (#532 @valgur)
  • Progressbars no longer conflict with logging output. (#531 @valgur)
  • Added --fail-fast option for downloading. (#532)


  • Added concurrent_dl_limit and concurrent_lta_trigger_limit parameters to SentinelAPI which are used to ensure that the server-side limit for concurrent downloads (4 for and the maximum number of concurrent LTA retrievals (set to 10 by default) are respected everywhere. (#532)
  • Added an optional lta_timeout parameter to SentinelAPI, which sets the maximum time to wait for products to be retrieved from the LTA. Defaults to unlimited. (#532)
  • Added dl_retry_delay parameter to SentinelAPI, which defaults to 10 seconds and limits the rate of download retries to give the server some time to recover. (#532)
  • Added fail_fast option to download_all(). (#532)
  • Added support for SHA3-256 checksums used by some newer Sentinel-2 products. (#523 @valgur)
  • For more advanced use-cases, Downloader.download_all(), which returns a detailed DownloadStatus enum for each product, can now be used. (#532)
  • GeoJSON geometries consisting of multiple features are now supported. (#530 @mackland)


  • download_all() now waits for all LTA retrievals to finish before exiting. (#532)
  • Default n_concurrent_dl in download_all() increased from 2 to 4. (#532)
  • Default LTA retry period was reduced from 600 to 60 seconds. (#532)
  • SentinelProductsAPI has been merged into SentinelAPI and will be removed in a future release. (#532)
  • Suppressed the unnecessary server stacktrace printing for QueryLengthError. (#524 @valgur)


  • Changed logic for _get_filename when Content-Disposition header not present (#494 @rbrishabh)
  • download_all() strictly tracks and limits the number of concurrent GET requests made (which includes LTA triggering) to respect server-side limits. (#532, #508 @avalentino).
  • Triggering is now much more robust against server-side bugs (such as the frequent HTTP 500: NullPonterException, Postgres bugs, etc.). (#532)
  • Better handling of HTTP 403 error in trigger_offline_retrieval() (#491 @z4zz)
  • Downloading with download_all() can now be cleanly interrupted without the downloads remaining active in the background. (#481, #532 @valgur)

Development Changes

  • All downloading-related functionality has been moved into a separate Downloader class to keep the code more organized. The existing API has been kept as-is, however. (#532)

[1.0.1] – 2021-05-25


  • Fixed broken triggering of offline LTA products - use GET instead of HEAD since HEAD does not appear to be triggering retrieval correctly. (#486 @valgur, related to #386)

[1.0.0] – 2021-05-19

  • Dropped support for Python 2.7. Now setuptools requires Python >= 3.6.

CLI changes

  • --start and --end CLI arguments no longer use the default values of NOW-1DAY and NOW. (#459 @valgur)
  • --footprints now expects a path for the output file to be specified instead of using the previous default <--path>/search_footprints.geojson. (#462 @valgur, #407 @IpsumCapra)
  • --uuid, --name and --query must now be repeated instead of passing a single comma-separated string. Repeated keywords get treated as an "or" expression. (#463 @valgur)
  • Display DHuS server version with CLI flag --info (#367 @thomasyoung-audet)
  • Added searching by placenames with the CLI flag --location (#372 @thomasyoung-audet)
  • Added CLI support for --geometry input as a WKT or GeoJSON string (#381 @thomasyoung-audet)
  • Download quicklooks directly with the CLI flag --quicklook (#361 @mackland)
  • Got rid of the special handling of --uuid and --name CLI arguments. The product IDs are now simply passed to api.query() as a set. As a result they no longer ignore the date range arguments (fixes #387). (#390 @valgur)
  • Added --timeout option with a default value of 60 seconds to avoid waiting indefinitely for a response. (#475 @valgur)
  • New --gnss CLI flag to use the GNSS end-point for orbit products query and download (#441 @avalentino).


  • Added setinelsat/ (#412 @avalentino)
  • Added get_stream() (#430 @fwfichtner)
  • New sentinelsat/ module providing a "product nodes" API that allows to filter and download only selected files of the requested products (#414 @avalentino)
  • Added trigger_offline_retrieval(). (#476 @valgur)
  • Added download_quicklooks() and download_all_quicklooks() (#361 @mackland)


  • Replaced SentinelAPIError exceptions with more specific types:

    • SentinelAPIError -- the parent, catch-all exception. Only used when no other more specific exception can be applied.
    • ServerError -- raised when the server responded in an unexpected manner, typically due to undergoing maintenance.
    • UnauthorizedError -- raised when attempting to retrieve a product with incorrect credentials.
    • QuerySyntaxError -- raised when the query string could not be parsed on the server side.
    • QueryLengthError -- raised when the query string length was excessively long.
    • InvalidKeyError -- raised when product with given key was not found on the server.
    • InvalidChecksumError -- MD5 checksum of a local file does not match the one from the server.
    • LTAError -- raised when triggering a retrieval from the Long Term Archive failed.
    • LTATriggered -- raised in some cases when the product is offline and retrieval was triggered successfully.

    The new exceptions are still subclasses of SentinelAPIError for backwards compatibility. (#285 @valgur, @dwlsalmeida)

  • Tidied up the (internal) download code logic (#378 @valgur)

  • Added an "exception" field to the failed_products dict returned by in .download_all() for easier debugging (#378 @valgur)

  • Fixed the server-side space handling change issue reported in #383 by quoting instead of backslash-escaping the strings. (#390 @valgur)

  • Queries now use (key:value OR key:value) format instead of the previous key:(value OR value) format, which for some reason took tens of seconds per query. (#390 @valgur)

  • Empty queries raise a ValueError immediately on the client side instead of letting the server generate it. (#390 @valgur)

  • Added stricter checks for empty keyword values in queries, which would cause server-side errors. (#390 @valgur)

  • Gracefully handle cancelled futures. (#448 and #479 @avalentino)

  • Use the HTTP status instead of OData metadata to determine the online status of a product when downloading. This is a workaround for the rare server-side bug of the OData info for the online status being incorrect (#467). (#469 @valgur)

  • download() now raises LTATriggered or LTAError if the requested product is offline. (#476 @valgur) This is a workaround for the rare server-side bug of the OData info for the online status being incorrect (#467). (#469 @valgur)

  • Set the default query timeout to 60 seconds to avoid waiting indefinitely for a response. (#475 @valgur)

  • download_all now returns a named tuple for clarity. (#477 @valgur)

  • Search queries now use GET instead of POST requests because the Sentinel-5P Pre-Operations Data Hub does not support POST (#380). As a consequence, the search query contents are now limited to latin1 encoding instead of UTF-8. (#473 @valgur)

  • Use for nicer progress reporting in notebooks. (#480 @valgur)


  • Removed query_raw() that was deprecated in v0.12.


  • Fix location information for Nominatim bounding box queries (#384)
  • Get file name extension more reliably from either the HTTP header or an OData attribute. (#378, #472 @valgur)
  • Updated the API Hub URL to
  • Server-side error info has become much more detailed and the client code has been updated to correctly handle that.
  • check_existing() now determines the filename correctly for Sentinel-5 products. (@valgur #452)
  • Fix accidental downloading of the whole product in memory when the product is actually available despite being marked as offline in its metadata. (#386, #421, #454 @lucadelu)
  • Fixed timeout not being used in some queries. (#454 @valgur)

Development Changes

  • Fixed failing Read The Docs builds (#370)
  • Replaced Travis CI with Github Actions. Added testing on MacOS and Windows. (#438 @avalentino)
  • Made tests more robust by not relying on specific products being returned where possible.

[0.14] – 2020-06-12


  • trigger retrieval of offline products from LTA, while downloading online products (#297 @gbaier)
  • allow input of multiple values per query parameter as logical OR (#321 @OlgaCh)
  • document CODA password limitations (#315 @nishadhka)


  • warn users about complex queries (#290)


  • discontinued support for Python <=3.4


  • Missing Online field in OData response defaults to Online: True instead of raising a KeyError (#281 @viktorbahr)
  • Missing ContentGeometry field in OData response defaults to footprint: None instead of raising a TypeError (#286 #325 @lukasbindreiter)

Development Changes

  • code formatting with black checked by Travis-CI (#352)
  • reorganize unit tests into small groups with their own files (#287)
  • reduced code duplication in unit tests by making greater use of pytest fixtures. (#287)
  • force unit tests to include one of the markers 'fast', 'scihub' or 'mock_api' (#287)
  • automatic return code checking of CLI tests (#287)
  • Replaced direct vcrpy usage in unit tests with pytest-vcr. The pytest command line options changed from --vcr disable to --disable-vcr and --vcr [use|record_new|reset] to --vcr-record [once|record_new|all. See vcrpy docs for details. (#283)

[0.13] – 2019-04-05


  • Query keywords with interval ranges now also support single-sided ranges by using None or '*' to denote no bound, for example query(date=(None, 'NOW-1YEAR')). If both bounds are set to unlimited, the keyword will be removed from the query. (#210)
  • Raise an exception in case of duplicate keywords present in a query. Case is ignored to match the server-side behavior. (#210)
  • Support for Python 3.7
  • Support for GeoJSON files with a single Feature without a FeatureCollection. (#224 @scottstanie)
  • Added support for Unicode symbols in search queries. (#230)
  • Raise ValueError exception if longitude is outside [-180, 180] or latitude is outside [-90, 90] (#236, #218 @Andrey-Raspopov)
  • optional timeout attribute to avoid indefinite wait on response from the server (#256, @viktorbahr)
  • Parsing the Online, CreationDate and IngestionDate fields of an OData response
  • Trying to download an offline product from the Copernicus Open Access Hub triggers its retrieval from the long term archive. Downloading of the product is not scheduled.
  • Added support for downloading Sentinel 5P data in the CLI via the '--sentinel 5' flag


  • Add support in the CLI for reading credentials from ~/.netrc and document existing functionality in the API (#90)


  • Spaces in query parameter values are now handled correctly be escaping them with a backslash, where appropriate. (#169, #211)
  • Fixed some CLI errors not returning a non-zero exit code. (#209)
  • Fixed typo for area_relation query parameter documentation from 'Intersection' to 'Intersects'. (#225 @scottstanie)
  • Updated check_query_length() logic to match the changed server-side behavior. (#230)
  • Clarify usage of GeoJSON files with CLI in docs (#229 @psal93)
  • to_geopandas() now returns an empty GeoDataFrame for an empty product list input.

Development Changes

  • Replaced [test] and [docs] with a single [dev] installation extras target. (#208)
  • Adapted .travis.yml to build fiona and pyproj from source for Python 3.7.
  • Minimum pytest version pytest >= 3.6.3 required by pytest-socket.
  • The existing practice of not accessing the network from unit tests, unless running with --vcr record_new or --vcr reset, is now enforced by throwing a SocketBlockedError in such cases. (#207)

[0.12.2] – 2018-06-20


  • made exceptions more verbose regarding optional dependencies (#176)
  • CLI username, password and DHuS URL can be set with environment variables DHUS_USER, DHUS_PASSWORD and DHUS_URL (#184, @temal-)
  • added information about known errors and DHuS issues to docs (#186, @martinber)


  • remove hard coded product type list from cli (#190, @lenniezelk)
  • Made the function signature of count() fully compatible with query(). Irrelevant parameters are simply ignored.


  • environment variables SENTINEL_USER and SENTINEL_PASSWORD are superceded by DHUS_USER and DHUS_PASSWORD


  • Updated handling of invalid queries. An exception is raised in such cases. #168
  • Fixed order_by parameter being ignored in queries that require multiple subqueries (that is, queries that return more than 100 products) (#200)
  • Special handling of quote symbols in query strings due to a server-side error is no longer necessary and has been removed. #168
  • Updated effective query length calculation in check_query_length() to reflect server-side changes.
  • skip failing tests on optional dependency Pandas for Python 3.3 and 3.4
  • Unit tests work irrespective of the directory they are run from.

[0.12.1] – 2017-10-24


  • Made checksumming the default behavior, and removed its flag from the CLI. (@gbaier2)


  • set requests encoding to UTF8
  • fixed a backwards incompatible change in the geojson dependency
  • inconsistent documentation on the use of range parameters such as date=

[0.12.0] – 2017-08-10


  • Option to change the type of spatial relation for the AOI in query(). The choices are 'Interesects', 'Contains' and 'IsWithin'.
  • order_by option to query() which controls the fields by which the products are sorted on the server side before being returned. -o/--order-by on the CLI.
  • limit the number of products returned by query() and to set the number of products to skip via offset. -l/--limit on the CLI.
  • Added raw parameter to query() to append any additional raw query string to the query.
  • Query parameters that take intervals as values can now be passed a tuple of the interval range values.
  • Date validation and parsing has been extended to all date-type parameters in queries, such as 'ingestiondate'.
  • Added count() which quickly returns the number of products matching a query on the server without retrieving the full response.
  • Method check_query_length to check if a query will fail because of being excessively long.
  • Option to adjust the number of decimal figures in the coordinates of the WKT string returned by geojson_to_wkt().
  • CLI option to query by UUID (--uuid) or filename (--name).
  • A more informative error message is shown if a too long query string was likely the cause of the query failing on the server side. This can be useful if the WKT string length would cause the query to fail otherwise.
  • Progressbars can be disabled by setting show_progressbars to False. Progressbars may be customized by overriding the _tqdm() method.
  • Contribution guidelines.
  • Tests for validity of documentation and RST files.


  • Merged CLI subcommands sentinel search and sentinel download into sentinelsat.
  • CLI uses keywords instead of positional arguments, i.e. --user <username>.
  • initial_date and end_date parameters in query() have been replaced with a single date parameter that takes a tuple of start and end dates as input.
  • Files being downloaded now include an '.incomplete' suffix in their name until the download is finished.
  • Removed check_existing option from download() and download_all(). Similar functionality has been provided in the new check_files() function.
  • format_query_date has been changed into a public function.
  • Added a progressbar to long-running queries.
  • Tests can now be run from any directory rather than the repository root.
  • Made the query string slightly more compact by getting rid of unnecessary 'AND' operators, spaces and parentheses.
  • Reduced the size of the cassettes used in unit tests.
  • changed license from AGPLv3 to GPLv3+


  • query_raw() has been merged with query() and is deprecated. Use query(raw=...) instead.


  • Show the correct progress value in the download progressbar when continuing from an incomplete file. (Thanks @gbaier!)
  • Added a workaround for a server-side bug when plus symbols are used in a query.

[0.11] – 2017-06-01


  • Replace pycurl dependency with requests. This makes installation significantly easier. (#117)
  • An exception is raised in download_all() if all downloads failed.
  • Change 'Sentinels Scientific Datahub' to 'Copernicus Open Access Hub' (#100)
  • Renamed py.test option --vcr reset_all to --vcr reset to better reflect its true behavior.

[0.10] – 2017-05-30


  • GeoJSON footprints are allowed to contain just a single geometry instead of a feature collection. Any geometry type that has a WKT equivalent is supported (rather than only Polygons).
  • get_product_odata() can be used to get the full metadata information available for a product if full=True is set.
  • Added query_raw() that takes full text search string as input and returns a parsed dictionary just like the updated query() method.
  • CLI: --sentinel=<int> option to select satellite (constellation)


  • SentinelAPI, etc. can be directly imported from sentinelsat rather than sentinelsat.sentinel.
  • query() changes:
    • The area argument expects a WKT string as input instead of a coordinate string. (Issue #101)
    • Date arguments can be disabled by setting them to None and their values are validated on the client side. (Issue #101)
    • The return value has been changed to a dict of dicts of parsed metadata values. One entry per product with the product ID as the key.
  • download_all() expects a list of product IDs as input. This is compatible with the output of query().
  • get_coordinates() has been replaced with functions read_geojson() and geojson_to_wkt(). (Issue #101)
  • Use more compact and descriptive error messages from the response headers, if available.


  • CLI: --sentinel1 and --sentinel2 will be removed with the next major release


  • to_dict() has been removed since it is no longer required.
  • load_query() has been made private (renamed to _load_query()).


  • Fixed invalid GeoJSON output in both the CLI and API. (Issue #104)
  • Fixed broken reporting of failed downloads in the CLI. (Issue #88)
  • Attempting to download a product with an invalid ID no longer creates an infinite loop and a more informative error message is displayed in the CLI.

[0.9.1] – 2017-03-06


  • --version option to command line utilities
  • install requirements for building the documentation
  • documentation of sorting with to_* convenience functions

[0.9] – 2017-02-26


  • Added to_dict, to_dataframe and to_geodataframe which convert the response content to respective types. The pandas, geopandas and shapely dependencies are not installed by default.


  • --footprints now includes all returned product properties in the output.
  • KeyError('No results returned.') is no longer returned for zero returned products in a response.
  • Renamed get_footprint to to_geojson and get_product_info to get_product_odata.
  • Added underscore to methods and functions that are not expected to be used outside the package.
  • Instance variables url and content have been removed, last_query and last_status_code have been made private.

[0.8.1] – 2017-02-05


  • added a changelog


  • use logging instead of print


  • docs represent new query and download_all behaviour

[0.8] – 2017-01-27


  • options to create new, reset or ignore vcr cassettes for testing


  • query now returns a list of search results
  • download_all requires the list of search results as an argument


  • SentinelAPI does not save query results as class attributes

[0.7.4] – 2017-01-14


  • Travis tests for Python 3.6

[0.7.3] – 2016-12-09


  • changed SentinelAPI max_rows attribute to page_size to better reflect pagination
  • tests use vcrpy cassettes


  • support GeoJSON polygons with optional (third) z-coordinate

[0.7.1] – 2016-10-28


  • pagination support for query results


  • number of query results per page set to 100

[0.6.5] – 2016-06-22


  • support for large queries


  • Removed redundant information from Readme that is also present on Readthedocs

[0.6.4] – 2016-04-06-03


  • initial_date / --start changed from ingestion to acquisition date

[0.6.1] – 2016-04-22


  • Sphinx documentation setup with autodoc and numpydoc
  • integration

[0.5.5] – 2016-01-13


  • Sentinel-2 support

[0.5.1] – 2015-12-18


  • Travis added as continuous integration service for automated testing

[0.5] – 2015-12-09


  • validate downloaded products with their MD5 checksums

[0.4.3] – 2015-11-23


  • option to select a different dhus api --url


  • as standard url

[0.4] – 2015-09-28


  • method to manually select the CA certificate bundle
  • function to return footprints of the queried Sentinel scenes


  • CA-certificate SSL errors

[0.3] – 2015-06-10


  • --query parameter to use extra search keywords in the cli

[0.1] – 2015-06-05

  • first release