This small demo test pipeline tries to replicate a simple MCMICRO run using core tools, only using nf-core modules.
To recreate a very basic pipeline similar to what MCMICRO does (without any bells and whistles), we first created a pipeline template using nf-core tools : nf-core create
. Additional modules such as fastqc and multiqc were removed, as they are not used for imaging QC at this point. Several components of the nf-core template were removed if not needed, to make this demo as lightweight as possible, without confusing, non-used files. Modules that are already merged into nf-core/modules were installed
nf-core create
nf-core modules install coreograph
nf-core modules install cellpose
nf-core modules install deepcell/mesmer
nf-core modules install mcquant
nf-core modules install scimap/mcmicro
SchapiroLabor/mcmicro_nfcore_demo was originally written by SchapiroLabor.
We thank the following people for their contribution to nf-core modules used in this demo pipeline: