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Interoperability Helper

File metadata and controls

184 lines (137 loc) · 5.61 KB


While the C++/WinRT language projection is designed to provide no-compromise access to the modern Windows API, we recognize that there are instances where you need to interop with other libraries or tools that may not support C++/WinRT directly. The base library (winrt/base.h) provides a set of helper functions that assist in converting between C++/WinRT types and their equivalents in other language projections such as C++/CX or the Windows SDK headers produced by the MIDL compiler. Although we don’t directly support interop with other language projections, to avoid cross-dependencies, you can use the following helper functions to streamline the process as you migrate your code to C++/WinRT.

Converting from C++/WinRT to C++/CX

The following helper function may be used to convert a C++/WinRT object to an equivalent C++/CX object:

template <typename T>
T^ to_cx(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IUnknown const& from)
    return safe_cast<T^>(reinterpret_cast<Platform::Object^>(winrt::get_abi(from)));

This function uses the winrt::get_abi function to retrieve the source object’s underlying IUnknown pointer and then casts this to a C++/CX object before using the C++/CX safe_cast extension to query for the requested C++/CX type.

Converting from C++/CX to C++/WinRT

The following helper function may be used to convert a C++/CX object to an equivalent C++/WinRT object:

template <typename T>
T from_cx(Platform::Object^ from)
    T to{ nullptr };


    return to;

This function casts the C++/CX object to retrieve the source object’s underlying IUnknown pointer and then calls QueryInterface (the ABI equivalent of the C++/CX safe_cast extension) to query for the requested C++/WinRT type.

Converting from ABI to C++/WinRT

The following helper function may be used to convert an interface pointer defined by the Windows SDK headers produced by the MIDL compiler to an equivalent C++/WinRT object:

template <typename T>
T from_abi(::IUnknown* from)
    T to{ nullptr };


    return to;

This function simply calls QueryInterface to query for the requested C++/WinRT type.

Converting from C++/WinRT to ABI

A helper function is not required to convert from a C++/WinRT object to the equivalent interface pointer defined by the Windows SDK headers produced by the MIDL compiler. Simply use the as member function to query for the requested interface. It will return a winrt::com_ptr object wrapping the requested ABI type.


Here is a complete example of using these helpers. It also illustrates how you can deal with the namespace collisions across the different projections.

#pragma comment(lib, "windowsapp") 

#include <>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h>

#include <windows.ui.composition.h>
#include <winrt/windows.ui.composition.h>

namespace cx
    using namespace Windows::Foundation;
    using namespace Windows::UI::Composition;

namespace winrt
    using namespace Windows::Foundation;
    using namespace Windows::UI::Composition;

namespace abi
    using namespace ABI::Windows::Foundation;
    using namespace ABI::Windows::UI::Composition;

void ui_sample()
    winrt::Compositor compositor;
    winrt::Visual cpp = compositor.CreateContainerVisual();
    printf("opacity: %.2f\n", cpp.Opacity());

    // Convert from a C++/WinRT type to a C++/CX type

    cx::Visual^ cx = to_cx<cx::Visual>(cpp);
    printf("opacity: %.2f\n", cx->Opacity);

    // Convert from a C++/CX type to a C++/WinRT type

    winrt::Visual cpp_from_cx = from_cx<winrt::Visual>(cx);
    printf("opacity: %.2f\n", cpp_from_cx.Opacity());

    // Convert from a C++/WinRT type to a Windows SDK type

    winrt::com_ptr<abi::IVisual> ptr =<abi::IVisual>();
    float opacity{};
    printf("opacity: %.2f\n", opacity);

    // Convert from a Windows SDK type to a C++/WinRT type

    winrt::Visual cpp_from_abi = from_abi<winrt::Visual>(ptr.get());
    printf("opacity: %.2f\n", cpp_from_abi.Opacity());

void uri_sample()
    winrt::Uri cpp(L"");
    printf("C++/WinRT: %ls\n", cpp.Domain().c_str());

    // Convert from a C++/WinRT type to a C++/CX type

    cx::Uri ^ cx = to_cx<cx::Uri>(cpp);
    printf("C++/CX: %ls\n", cx->Domain->Data());

    // Convert from a C++/WinRT type to a Windows SDK type

    winrt::com_ptr<abi::IUriRuntimeClass> ptr =<abi::IUriRuntimeClass>();
    winrt::hstring domain;
    printf("ABI: %ls\n", domain.c_str());

    // Convert from a C++/CX type to a C++/WinRT type

    winrt::Uri cpp_from_cx = from_cx<winrt::Uri>(cx);
    WINRT_ASSERT(cpp.Domain() == cpp_from_cx.Domain());
    WINRT_ASSERT(cpp == cpp_from_cx);

    // Convert from a Windows SDK type to a C++/WinRT type

    winrt::Uri cpp_from_abi = from_abi<winrt::Uri>(ptr.get());
    WINRT_ASSERT(cpp.Domain() == cpp_from_abi.Domain());
    WINRT_ASSERT(cpp == cpp_from_abi);

int main()
