Before reporting an issue, see if a similar issue is already open. Also check if a similar issue was recently closed — your bug might have been fixed already.
To have your issue dealt with promptly, it's best to construct a minimal working example that exposes the issue in a clear and reproducible manner.
To install a developmental version of the project, first fork the project. Then:
git clone [email protected]:YOUR_USERNAME/
pip3 install -e .[doc,test,dev]
Please write reasonable unit tests for any new / changed functionality. See backtesting/test directory for existing tests. Before submitting a PR, ensure the tests pass:
python test
Also ensure that idiomatic code style is respected by running:
See doc/ Besides Jupyter Notebook examples, all documentation is generated from pdoc-compatible docstrings in code.
Please use explicit commit messages. See NumPy's development workflow for inspiration.