Mobile Application Pentesting Checklist
- Jadx
- Apktool
- APKid
- Ghidra
- Android Debug Bridge
- Useful commands:
adb pull <file-from-device> <local-device-location>
adb shell pm list packages | grep <app-name>
adb pull /data/data/com.example.apk
- Useful commands:
- Oversecured app scanner
- Genymotion
- Android Studio virtual device
- Physical device (rooted/non-rooted)
- Native Applications
- Android
- Java, Kotlin
- Android NDK: C, C++
- iOS
- Objective-C, Swift
- Android
- Hybrid Applications
- Xamarin: C#
- decompile application libraries using dnspy or other c# decompilers
- React Native, Cordova: Javascript
- check for
to view the source code
- check for
- Xamarin: C#
- Check for sensitive strings (API keys, hardcoded credentials) - [ ] res/strings.xml
- Source code review
- Apps which handle sensitive information should have integrity checks, check if device is rooted
- vulnerable/weak hash and cryptographic algorithms
- Check for anti-debugging/anti-hooking techniques
- Review AndroidManifest.xml to view which components are defined
- Dangerous permissions
- Android api level, sdk version used
- Reverse engineer native libraries.
- System.LoadLibrary(“name-of-library”)
- Is the application obfuscated?
- Dynamic code loading through .dex files
- Does the app contain a network security policy?
- Does the app create any new files when being installed?
- Firebase integration, check strings.xml for firebase url
- Is
- Is
- Bypass SSL pinning to intercept requests sent by the application
- Monitor logs/clipboard for data leakage, debug statements
- Hook, call arbitrary methods using frida
- Connect to device shell
adb shell
/adb root
- View shared preferences, sqlite databases
- Patch an application
- Decompile the apk using apktool:
apktool d app.apk
- Edit the .smali code that you want to patch
- Recompile with:
apktool b app/ -o app-recompiled.apk
- Sign the apk with your custom keystore:
jarsigner -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore mycustom.keystore -storepass mystorepass app-recompiled.apk mykeyaliasname
- Zipalign:
zipalign 4 app-recompiled.apk app-final.apk
- Decompile the apk using apktool:
- android:debuggable=”true”
- android:allowBackups=”true”
adb backup -f backup.ab <app.apk> ; dd if=backup.ab bs=24 skip=1 | python3 -c "import zlib,sys;sys.stdout.buffer.write(zlib.decompress(" > backup.tar ; tar -xvf backup.tar
- Exported Components:
- Activities: if an activity with sensitive information is exported you could bypass the authentication mechanisms to access it.
adb shell am start -n com.example.demo/com.example.ExportedActivity --es extra_key “extra_value”
- Services
- Broadcast Receivers
- Content Providers
- Insecure deep links
- Check android manifest for activities that have intent filters which accept data/scheme fields
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "scheme://hostname/path?param=value" []
- Remote Code Execution | Arbitrary Code Execution
- Interception of implicit intents
- Insecure use of http
- Insecure Data Storage
- Stored files stored in world-readable | world-writable locations
- Lack of integrity/tampering checks for dynamically loaded code, native libraries
- If there is an integrity check, it might be vulnerable to race condition
- If no integrity checks, try man-in-the-disk attacks
- Access to arbitrary files, leads to theft
- Insecure broadcasts (which may have sensitive information) can be intercepted by system-wide broadcast receivers
- Vulnerable Webviews
- setJavascriptEnabled: may lead to javascript code exec if parsing user-provided input
- Zip Directory Traversal
- Exposed notification controller
- Easily bypassable host checks
- Exposed ports
- Weak 2FA
- Bruteforceable pins
TODO: add stuff
- Insecure data object reference
- Improper authorization checks/bypasses
- Race conditions
- Information exposure
- Lack of ratelimit on authentication endpoints