- Finalize the Time of Engagement
- Finalize the Assets in Scope
- Finalize the Point of Contact for each party
- Google Dorks
- theHarvester / Hunter.io
- Employee / Website Breach (haveibeenpwned, raidforums, leakedsource)
- Shodan.io / Censys
- Censys / Facebook Transparency / Google Transparency
- Get subdomains from CRT.SH or tools.secuna.io
- LDAP info in SSL/TLS certificate
- WHOIS Records
- Wayback Machine
- StackOverflow
- Whitepaper/Documentation
- Cloudflare DNS check
- Find endpoints in javascript files (grep for HTTP methods)
- Missing SPF Record
- Missing DMARC Record
- Missing DKIM Record
- Missing Security Headers
- Public Github repositories
- Check comments on source code
- Check issues on repositories
- Check for API keys
- Check commits
- httpx to identify technologies (https://github.com/projectdiscovery/httpx)
- nuclei for scanning (https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei)
- wafw00f to identify web app firewall (Cloudflare, AWS, Fastly, etc...)
- Test for SSL/TLS
- Directory and File Bruteforcing using Wfuzz, gobuster, dirsearch
- robots.txt
- sitemap.xml
- crossdomain.xml
- clientaccesspolicy.xml
- /.well-known/
- /server-status/
- .git folder
- backup files
- Burp Active Scanner
- Check for version numbers in the website
- Sublist3r / wfuzz for subdomain enumeration
- Username
- Special Characters (exclude <,>,[,],",'{,} because of XSS issues and dot (.) to avoid username like index.php)
- Username Uniqueness (Admin, ADMIN, admin, etc)
- Reserved Usernames (admin, privacy, security must not be used as user's username)
- Password
- Minimum of 8 characters with no maximum number
- Must not allow dictionary word as password
- Does the application know your old password (if tried again)
- Email
- Must not accept any special character other than
- Must not accept any special character other than
- Check for XSS (single quotes) in input fields
- SQL Injection (sqlmap)
- HTTP Method when sending credentials (GET or POST)
- Missing Rate Limit
- Prensence of CAPTCHA
- CAPTCHA provider?
- Check if bypassable by OCR
- Check with existing account
- Check for Parameter pollution
- Check for default credentials
- Enumeration
- Username doesn't exist
- Password is incorrect
- Email does not exist
- Missing Rate Limit
- HTTP Method when sending username/password (GET or POST)
- Account Policy
- How many invalid requests until user gets locked out?
- Check for XSS in input fields (<,>,[,],",'{,} characters)
- SQL Injection (sqlmap)
- Check for Parameter pollution
- Enumeration
- Username doesn't exist
- Email does not exist
- Missing Rate Limit
- HTTP Method when sending username/password (GET or POST)
- Account Policy
- How many requests until user gets locked out?
- Can reset token be used again?
- Check and Monitor the Expiration of Token
- Leakage of Reset Password Token
- Check for Parameter pollution
- check if you can change whitelist/blacklisted domain
- does application require to input current password when changing?
- does application require to input OTP when changing?
- Does the application know your old password (if tried again)
- What happens if you input null instead of a value?
- does the application accept the (+) character when changing?
- Check for Parameter pollution
- Check cookie if it's still usable after logout
- Cache issue, Logout then click back button
- Check for broken access control
- AutoRepeater for automation of IDOR
- Horizontal privesc
- Vertical privesc
- What happens if user has no activity for 15 minutes? (OWASP compliance)
- Check length of cookie (9 characters or more)
- Best Practices
- Does the application log unauthenticated requests
- Does the application log authenticated requests
- Does the application log authorized requests
- Does the application log unauthorized requests
- Check for verbosity of logs
- Check for ban bypass
- change something you are (either username, MAC Address, user agent)
- change where you are (either IP, Location, ASN)
- Local File Inclusion
- Open Redirect
- SQLi Testing
- Null (Byte) Testing
- CLRF Testing
- XSS Testing
- HTML tag injection testing
- SSTI Testing
testing - Remote Code Execution commands
- IDOR Testing
- Insecure Deserialization
- XML External Entities
- File Uploader
- Check how discounts are computed.
- Race Condition bugs.
- Check if AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting) is properly implemented.