- Modal/Dimmer - Modals and dimmers now include a new setting
which defaults toauto
. Modals and dimmers will automatically revert to using non-flex layouts when there may be layout issues with using flexbox. Modals will fall back to JS position whendetachable: false
is used or with IE11/Edge (Absolutely positioned elements inside flex containers in IE behave differently). - Dimmer - Dimmer now sets
at runtime, to support run-time swapping betweentop aligned
andmiddle aligned
using.dimmer('setting', 'variation', 'top aligned')
- Modal - Modal and Dimmer now prevent background page from scrolling on mobile or where touch events are present
- Dimmer - Dimmers now have centered content with a single wrapping
element. - Dimmer - Fixes issue with
inverted dimmer
having wrong text color Thanks @rijk #4631
- Site - Site now includes custom styles for in-page UI scrollbars (but not actual page scrollbar) by default in WebKit/Chrome. Components with inverted content like dimmer include an inverted scrollbar. You can disable this by setting
@useCustomScrollbars: false
in yoursite.variables
- Dimmer - Changing closable or inverted settings dynamically with
will now modify settings correctly on next show/hide without re-initialization - Dimmer - Fixed typo causing body dimmer to add unnecessary
position: relative;
Thanks @jinyangzhen #4707
- Dimmer/Modal - Fixed a bug which could cause a modal's dimmer to not obey
inverted: true
orblurring: true
when initializing modals with then afterwards without either setting.
- Modal - RGB values set for dimmer
were not being correctly interpreted #3665 Thanks @larsbo - Modal/Dimmer - Fixed issue with
not properly removing events from dimmer #3200
- Dimmer - Dimmer can now works correctly with
opacity: 0
#3167 Thanks @mdehoog
- Dimmer - Dimmer now removes variations like
is called.
- Dimmer - Dimmers now have a
variation which apply a glass-like effect when dimmed - Modal - Added new settings
which automatically set a modal's dimmer to either inverted or blurring. - Image -
rounded image
andcircular image
now apply border radius to all child elements, fixing dimmers, and other content rounding
- Card - Fixes dimmer background shorthand property causes transparent dimmer in minified version
- Dimmer - Fixed
setting not working correctly
- Card/Dimmer - Fix dimmer z-index being too high when inside a
ui card
. Added variable for specifying default dimmer color inside card.
- Modal - Modal no longer hides and reshows dimmer when opening a modal with another modal open with
exclusive: true
- Dimmer - Add
setting to override css value. Add to docs several undocumented settings, likeuseCSS
, andvariation
- Popup - Popups will now by default appear over all UI content, even dimmers.
- Modal - Modal now accepts custom dimmer settings with setting `dimmerSettings``
- Modal - Fixed issue with modal dimmer appearing cut off in some browsers, and not hiding
- Modal/Dimmer - Fixed issues with modal hiding during showing and showing during hiding, fixed issues with "hiding other" modals while a modal is mid-animation.
- Modal - Fixes issues with multiple modals sometimes not closing dimmers
- Modal - "Hammer" clicking multiple times on a hiding dimmer no longer causes animation issues
- Sidebar - Fixes issue with multiple sidebars sometimes causing dimmer to close prematurely
- Sidebar - Dimmer can now be clicked even before sidebar has finished showing to immediately close sidebar
- Dimmer - Dimmer will now automatically determine whether click-to-close is enabled by
- Dimmer - Multiple dimmers can now be used on the same context with
- Dimmer - Dimmer variations can be specified when creating a dimmer from javascript using
- Dimmer - Dimmers are less buggy when used with
on: 'hover
- Modal - Fixes element detaching sometimes in case where it is already inside a dimmer
- Dimmer - Adds more dimmer examples, fixes settings
- Dimmer - Dimmer now obeys border radius of parent
- Modal - Optimizes dimmer init on modal to occur on modal init and not modal show
- Fixes tests not passing for modal/dimmer
- Fixes modal hide/show dependency issue where dimmer would not always hide modal and vice-versa
- Dimmer can now take different durations for its show and hide
- Fixes modal not working due to destroy teardown in dimmer Issue #153
- Preserve 3D animations are now on by default for dimmers
- Refactored modal and dimmer components
- Fixes issues with dimmer settings sticking between separate modals with the same dimmer.