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2362f88 Β· May 15, 2024





This component lets you work with the sensenet Content Repository (create or manage content, execute queries, etc.) by providing a JavaScript client API for the main content operations. The library connects to a sensenet's REST API, but hides the underlying HTTP requests. You can work with simple load or create Content operations in JavaScript, instead of having to construct ajax requests yourself.

NPM version NPM downloads License: GPL v2 Sense/Net Services


# Yarn
yarn add @sensenet/client-core

npm install @sensenet/client-core


Creating a Repository instance

Your main entry point in this library is the Repository object. You can create an Instance by the following way:

import { Repository } from '@sensenet/client-core'

const repository = new Repository({
  repositoryUrl: '',
  oDataToken: 'OData.svc',
  defaultSelect: ['DisplayName', 'Icon'],
  requiredSelect: ['Id', 'Type', 'Path', 'Name'],
  defaultMetadata: 'no',
  defaultInlineCount: 'allpages',
  defaultExpand: [],
  defaultTop: 1000,
  • repositoryURL: The component will communicate with your repositoy using the following url. This will fall back to your window.location.href, if not specified. To enable your external app to send request against your sensenet portal change your Portal.settings. For further information about cross-origin resource sharing in sensenet check this article
  • oDataToken: Check your Sense/Net portal's web.config and if the ODataServiceToken is set, you can configure it here for the client side
  • token: Access token to authorize access to data
  • defaultSelect - These fields will be selected by default on each OData request. Can be a field, an array of fields or 'all'
  • requiredSelect - These fields will always be included in the OData $select statement. Also can be a field, an array of fields or 'all'
  • defaultMetadata - Default metadata value for OData requests. Can be 'full', 'minimal' or 'no'
  • defaultInlineCount - Default inlinecount OData parameter. Can be 'allpages' or 'none'
  • defaultExpand - Default fields to $expand, empty by default. Can be a field or an array of fields.
  • defaultTop - Default value to the odata $top parameter

Loading content

You can load a specified content by its full path or Id by the following way:

import { User } from '@sensenet/default-content-types'

const user = await repository.load<User>({
  idOrPath: '/Root/IMS/BuiltIn/Portal/Visitor', // you can also load by content Id
  oDataOptions: {
    // You can provide additional OData parameters
    expand: ['CreatedBy'],
    select: 'all',
console.log(user) // {d: { /*(...retrieved user data)*/ }}

You can also load a content reference by providing a full reference path (e.g.: /Root/IMS/BuiltIn/Portal/('Visitor')/CreatedBy)

If you want to load a content collection (children, query results or one-to-many references ) you can do it with the following method:

const portalUsers = await repository.loadCollection<User>({
  path: '/Root/IMS/BuiltIn/Portal',
  oDataOptions: {
    query: 'TypeIs:User',
    orderby: ['LoginName'],

console.log('Count: ', portalUsers.d.__count)
console.log('Users: ', portalUsers.d.results)

Creating and modifying content

You can execute specific POST, PATCH and PUT OData requests on the Repository instance:

const createdUser = await<User>({
  parentPath: 'Root/Parent',
  contentType: 'User',
  content: {
    Name: 'NewContent',
    /** ...additional content data */

// you can also use PUT in the similar way
const lockedUser = await repository.patch<User>({
  idOrPath: 'Root/Path/To/User',
  content: {
    Locked: true,

Delete, move, copy batch actions

You can execute these batch actions right on the Repository instance:

// you can use move in the similar way
const copyResult = await repository.copy({
  idOrPath: [45, 'Root/Path/To/Content'],
  targetPath: 'Root/Target/Path',

const deleteResult = await repository.delete({
  idOrPath: 'Root/Path/To/Content/To/Delete',
  permanent: true,

Executing custom actions

You can define and execute your custom OData actions by the following way:

interface CustomActionBodyType {
  Name: string
  Value: string
interface CustomActionReturnType {
  Result: any
const actionResult = await repository.executeAction<CustomActionBodyType, CustomActionReturnType>({
  idOrPath: 'Path/to/content',
  method: 'POST',
  name: 'MyOdataCustomAction',
  body: {
    Name: 'foo',
    Value: 'Bar',

Shortcuts for built-in Odata actions

You can use built-in actions in the and in the repository.versioning namespaces on repository instances.