title | description |
August 2019 |
sensenet frontend updates of August 2019 |
Another 4 weeks went by, here are the changes we made 👇🏻
The first major version of the new admin surface is out with this release. 🥳 It is (and will be) available on admin.sensenet.com. Feel free to try it out and send us feedback. 🙋
- material-ui is upgraded to the latest
- all the package readme files are now unified, texts are polished and the badges are updated
@sensenet/[email protected]
- ODataBuilder URI component returns now an encoded url 👀
@sensenet/[email protected]
- settings are connected to settings docs
- favicon is added and set
- login form is now using the material-ui validation and error messages
- login form is redesingned: future buttons and links are added, colors are updated, etc. ✨
- info dialog shows the fields with the browse view instead of a hardcoded field list
- drawer is refactored and can be now customized in many ways
- a close button is added to the document viewer
@sensenet/[email protected]
- enum values are coming back as enum arrays from the server
@sensenet/[email protected]
- content load in reference grid can give back results array or one content
- reference grid is fixed when no allowed child types are present
@sensenet/[email protected]
- fix opening file from search dropdown
- document viewer can be closed by hitting 'esc' 💆
- fix document paging
@sensenet/[email protected]
- fix document viewer example to work with both id and path
You can find the release here