A binary search is a data structure that uses nodes that are connected to other nodes.
Since its binary each node is connect to two other nodes.
typedef struct node* nodeptr;
struct node{
int val;
nodeptr left;
nodeptr right;
val is the data of the node it can be any datatype or struct
The left node of the current node. the left node's val is always less than the current node's val
The right node of the current node. the right node's val is always greater than the current node's val
The function adds a new node to the current tree.
void add_Node(nodeptr *root, int val){
nodeptr node = *root, parent;
nodeptr new_node = malloc(sizeof(nodeptr));
new_node->val = val;
new_node->left = NULL;
new_node->right = NULL;
while(node != NULL){
parent = node;
if(val < node->val)
node = node->left;
node = node->right;
if(parent == NULL)
*root = new_node;
else if(val < parent->val)
parent->left = new_node;
parent->right = new_node;
The node we use to traverse the tree.
The parent node of node. We use it so when node is NULL we know where to insert new_node
The new node to insert
The function deletes node inside the tree. This is not one function but many functions inside one.
The functions returns a boolean if the function finds the node. Uses two double pointers for parent and node.
bool searchDelete_Node(nodeptr *node, nodeptr *parent, int key){
bool found = false;
while (!found && (*node != NULL)){
if(key == (*node)->val)
found = true;
*parent = *node;
if(key < (*node)->val)
*node = (*node)->left;
*node = (*node)->right;
return found;
The functions frees a node with no children, and cuts the connection between the node and its parent.
void deleteLeaf_Node(nodeptr *root, nodeptr *node, nodeptr *parent){
if(*parent == NULL)
*root = NULL;
else if((*node)->val < (*parent)->val)
(*node)->left = NULL;
(*node)->right = NULL;
The function frees a node with one child, and connects the child of node to parent.
void deleteChild_Node(nodeptr *root, nodeptr *node, nodeptr *parent){
if(*parent == NULL)
if((*root)->right == NULL)
*root = (*root)->left;
*root = (*root)->right;
if((*node)->val < (*parent)->val)
if((*node)->right == NULL)
(*parent)->left = (*node)->left;
(*parent)->left = (*node)->right;
if((*node)->right == NULL)
(*parent)->right = (*node)->left;
(*parent)->right = (*node)->right;
The function frees a node with two children. Because node has two children we cant just use one of the children to swap with node. So we have to use the nodes inOrder predecessor.
void deleteChildren_Node(nodeptr *node, nodeptr *parent){
nodeptr successor;
*parent = (*node)->right;
while((*parent)->left != NULL){
successor = *parent;
*parent = (*parent)->left;
(*node)->val = (*parent)->val;
if(successor == NULL)
if((*parent)->right == NULL)
(*node)->right = NULL;
(*node)->right = (*parent)->right;
if((*parent)->right = NULL)
successor->left = NULL;
successor->left = (*parent)->right;
The main delete function. All the sub functions are inside Master Delete.
void masterDelete_Node(nodeptr *root, int val){
nodeptr node = *root, parent = NULL:
bool found;
found = searchDelete_Node(&node, &parent);
if(node->left == NULL && node->right == NULL)
deleteLeaf_Node(root, &node, &parent);
else if(node->left != NULL && node->right != NULL)
deleteChildren_Node(&node, &parent);
deleteChild_Node(root, &node, &parent);