An instance of CreateWallet needs to be initialized before it can be used:
var createWallet = new blockchain.CreateWallet(password, apiCode [, options]);
The CreateWallet class supports method chaining.
- privateKey: a private key to add to the created wallet (string)
- label: a label to add to the first address in the wallet (string)
- email: an email address to associate with this wallet (string)
Creates a wallet from the parameters assigned in the constructor of CreateWallet.
Responds with a Wallet Object as the callback's data parameter.
Wallet Object Properties:
- guid: the auto-generated wallet identifier (string)
- address: the first auto-generated address (string)
- link: the url address of the the new wallet (string)
Creates a wallet from the parameters assigned in the constructor of CreateWallet.
Responds with an instance of MyWallet (docs) as the callback's data parameter.