ShipEngine allows you programmatically create shipping labels. Please see our docs to learn more about creating shipping labels.
The CreateLabelFromShipmentDetails
method accepts shipment related params. You can view the properties hereCreateLabelFromShipmentDetails.Param
The CreateLabelFromShipmentDetails
method returns the label that was created.
You can view the properties here CreateLabelFromShipmentDetails.Result
using ShipEngineSDK;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System;
using ShipEngineSDK.CreateLabelFromShipmentDetails;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ShipEngineSDK.Common.Enums;
using ShipEngineSDK.Common;
public class Example
public async Task<Result> CreateLabelFromShipmentDetails()
var shipEngine = new ShipEngine("api_key");
var rateParams = new Params()
Shipment = new Shipment()
ServiceCode = "usps_priority_mail",
ShipFrom = new Address()
Name = "John Doe",
AddressLine1 = "4009 Marathon Blvd",
CityLocality = "Austin",
StateProvince = "TX",
PostalCode = "78756",
CountryCode = Country.US,
Phone = "512-555-5555"
ShipTo = new Address()
Name = "Amanda Miller",
AddressLine1 = "525 S Winchester Blvd",
CityLocality = "San Jose",
StateProvince = "CA",
PostalCode = "95128",
CountryCode = Country.US,
Phone = "512-555-5555"
Packages = new List<Package>()
new Package() {
Weight = new Weight() {
Value = 17,
Unit = WeightUnit.Pound
Dimensions = new Dimensions() {
Length = 36,
Width = 12,
Height = 24,
Unit = DimensionUnit.Inch,
var result = await shipEngine.CreateLabelFromShipmentDetails(rateParams);
return result;
catch (ShipEngineException e)
Console.WriteLine("Error creating label");
throw e;
LabelId: "se-81223599"
Status: LabelStatus.Completed
ShipmentId: "se-155796411"
ShipDate: "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z"
CreatedAt: "2021-09-01T15:32:21.799893Z"
ShipmentCost: {MonetaryValue}
Currency: Currency.USD
Amount: 115.51
InsuranceCost: {MonetaryValue}
Currency: Currency.USD
Amount: 0
TrackingNumber: "9405511899560775487501"
IsReturnLabel: false
RmaNumber: null
IsInternational: false
BatchId: ""
CarrierId: "se-423887"
ChargeEvent: ChargeEvent.CarrierDefault
ServiceCode: "usps_priority_mail"
PackageCode: "package"
Voided: false
VoidedAt: null
LabelFormat: LabelFormat.PDF
DisplayScheme: DisplayScheme.Label
LabelLayout: LabelLayout.FourBySix
Trackable: true
LabelImageId: null
CarrierCode: "stamps_com"
LabelDownload: {LabelDownload}
Href: ""
Pdf: ""
Png: ""
Zpl: ""
TrackingStatus: TrackingStatus.InTransit
FormDownload: null
InsuranceClaim: null
Packages: ...
PackageId: 86169368
PackageCode: "package"
Weight: {Weight}
Value: 17
Unit: WeightUnit.Pound
Dimensions: {Dimensions}
Unit: DimensionUnit.Inch
Length: 36
Width: 12
Height: 24
InsuredValue: {MonetaryValue}
Currency: Currency.USD
Amount: 0
TrackingNumber: "9405511899560775487501"
LabelMessages: {LabelMessages}
Reference1: null
Reference2: null
Reference3: null
ExternalPackageId: null
Sequence: 1