MagickShot is an ImageMagick wrapper that takes a screenshot, saves it to a specified folder, shows a thumbnail, uploads it to a range of optional uploaders, and finally, copies the link to your clipboard. I have it bound to the printscr button on my machine, it makes sharing desktops very snappy!
- Auto upload!
- Thumbnail popup!
- Open source!
- imagemagick for images
- ffmpeg for video
- slop for range
- dzen for thumbnail
Simply clone the repo, make a config file, and run the script! The config file location is '~/.MagickShot/config', and it should run out-of-box with default settings with the example config (once you create the save path in the example config)!
SCREENSHOT There! In the top right, you see the generated thumbnail, the list of imgur generated links, and the name of the file that scrot took!