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1 Introduction


1.1 Failure of schooling


Instead of educating, these days schools do a lot of damage to many children. The school was to be the tool of new Renaissance, or new Enlightenment. It has become a tool of oppression that deprives kids of freedom and the love of learning.


Education systems around the world follow the same wrong design that needs to be abolished. This book provides a suggestion how this might be done with minimum side effects.


While dreaming about the Grand Education Reform, I took an unusual approach: instead of talking to adults, I mostly talked to kids. Moreover, I hope to have teen folks as my main target audience. My texts are hard, but they are easier for a smart kid who already knows and feels exactly what I am talking about.


I do not believe I will convince many parents, educators or authorities. I primarily hope for kids to start the revolution from the bottom up. Kids are more open, and they understand their own problems better. Moreover, given a bit of love, they are more likely to convince their own parents than I am. See: Why this book will fail

相信我能说服许多家长、教育工作者或权威人士。我主要希望孩子们能从下而上开始革命。孩子们更开放,他们更了解自己的问题。而且, 考虑到亲情, 他们比我更有可能说服自己的父母。参见:为什么这本书会失败

1.2 Scrapping the school system


I have spent over two decades in the school system, three decades working in the field of memory and learning, and my whole life learning on my own. The contrast between schools and self-directed learning is so stark that I wake up daily in disbelief about the survival of the old Prussian factory school model. The main thesis of this article is that schooling is the thing of the past. The future will be based on free learning. Before humanity is taken over by artificial intelligence, there is still a lot of room for progress. The human brain has an amazing potential. These days, most of that potential is wasted at school. There is no denying that schools have changed the world for the better. The same can be said about the combustion engine. However, these are the days for scrapping the old technologies and the old systems. It is time for a change.


1.3 Brain-based reform


Employing the principles of neuroscience, this book explains from grounds up how learning occurs, how it can be made dramatically more effective, how schools counteract effective learning, and how this can be remedied with a universal school reform.


1.4 Love for children


Most of my texts bring up old truths that have been reiterated by dozens of great educators and writers of the past and present. You will find echoes, in no particular order, of Gray, Holt, Greenberg, Mitra, Robinson, Locke, and dozens of others. I amplify the writings of giants with a bit of neuroscience and my own research into efficient learning. See: My qualifications.

我的大部分文章都提到了过去和现在几十位伟大的教育家和作家一再强调的古老真理。你会发现Gray Holt, Greenberg, Mitra, Robinson,Locke(顺序不分先后)和其他许多人都有类似的经历。我用一点神经科学知识和我自己对高效学习的研究,进一步充实一些伟人的著作。参见:我的资历

True giants of educational thought had one thing in common: deep and unadulterated love of children. Many started their journey by setbacks in their own educational efforts as parents or teachers. They all based their thinking on detailed analysis and observation. They did not analyze test scores. They observed and consulted children.


What makes a great educator is love for children as opposed to the infatuation with what they might become


Some of the concepts in this book are unique and I credit those to my three decades involvement in free learning based on spaced repetition. The work of giants has been extended with a bit of research on memory, sleep, creativity, and problems solving.

这本中的一些概念是独特的,我把这些归功于我 30 年来在基于间隔重复自由学习中的投入。伟人的工作已经扩展到一些关于记忆、睡眠、创造力和解决问题方面的研究。

I would like to believe that I care about kids no less than Gray or Holt, but I also bring an extra agenda that might be missing in their work: I am looking for a formula for mass-production of little Nobel Prize winners, researchers, engineers, and creative problem solvers. The good news is that this formula aligns perfectly with free learningphilosophy for there is no true genius without true freedom. In other words, my departure from unadulterated love to the business of education is a minor one, and no kid shall ever be hurt by that deflection. Just the opposite, pure love that brings up a healthy and productive child is love fulfilled.

我愿意相信,我对孩子们的关心不亚于 Gray 或 Holt ,但我也带来了他们的工作中可能缺失的一个额外议程:我正在寻找一个方案,用于批量培养小诺贝尔奖得主、小研究人员、小工程师和小创造性问题解决者。好消息是,这个方案完全符合自由学习理念,因为没有真正的自由,就没有真正的天才。换句话说,我从纯粹的爱转向了教育事业,这是一个很小的转变,任何孩子都不会因为这种转变而受到伤害。恰恰相反,纯粹的爱能培养出一个健康而有成就的孩子,这就是爱的满足。

1.5 Executive Summary


This book is too long. You can best consume it with incremental reading. If this is still too much, go to the summary and follow the links to things you disagree with. The ultimate summary is that schooling undermines the brain potential carried by the young generation. We can do far better. Not 20% better, not 200% better, far more! I include some numbers in the text.

这本书太长了。您可以通过渐进阅读来最好地阅读它。如果这还样是太多,到摘要这一章,并遵循链接去阅读你不同意的东西。本书最终的结论是,上学削弱了年轻一代的大脑潜能。我们可以做得更好。不是 20% 更好,不是 200% 更好,而是更多!我在文章中涵盖了一些数字。

1.6 Kids are not adults in miniature


An important thing to keep in mind when designing a perfect education ecosystem is that a child's brain works according to entirely different rules than an adult's brain. We need to set kids free and never forget that our brains differ, our memories distort the past, and that the kid knows his or her own brain better!


The key to resolving the problem of adults being unable to empathize with kid's brains is the appreciation of the power of the learn drive and the importance of the fundamental law of learning. In simplest terms, it can be shown in strictly scientific terms that pleasure is an inevitable outcome of efficient learning.


We need to provide kids with conditions for a flourishing learn drive that underlies self-directed learning. Free learning is based on learning skills. Learning at school is a passive process. This passivity stunts vital skills and habits used in efficient learning. Freedom is essential in decision-making, which is a starting point for developing the necessary skillset.


1.7 Fundamental law of learning


Adults claim that kids hate school because they are ignorant of its benefits. They say: "Children cannot see far enough". As a result, old folks believe that learning should be imposed in the name of grand educational goals. This might be #1 myth that underlies the concept of schooling. This is extremely dangerous because of the circular feedback between goals and knowledge valuations. As goal valuations are knowledge-based, they cannot be imposed extrinsically. At the same time, acquisition is knowledge-based. Consequently, all learning is incremental. This means that the opposite is true to what many adults believe: kids are best evaluators of what knowledge fits their current knowledge model.


Metaphorically speaking, if we want kids to get to Mt Everest, we may hint of its existence, but we cannot push the child in a straight line to the summit. Instead, the kid needs to incrementally find her way up by looking for the best options from her current position. We cannot scream instructions from the hills because it is the kid who can see best which stone is a threat and which path provides best opportunities.


The new brain science tells us that there is a detector of value in the brain. This detector is vital for top quality learning. It accepts the valuable knowledge that fits into knowledge models and rejects everything else. Schooling around the world, with not a single country exception, largely ignores that detector! By remedying this massive global error, we can increase the value of learning and the quality of knowledge. Due to the compound interest, change in strategy can have hard-to-predict dimensions. This is a massive potential for mankind that lays unused and ready to explode.


1.8 Message to our future selves


The biggest effect of schooling, instead of great learning, is the lifelong impact on the loss of interest in further learning. Instead of teaching kids how to learn, the school conditions children to hate school. However, the school ends, and a far worse side effect remains: hate of learning. Luckily, the human mind is inherently hungry for learning, and most people recover in a span of a decade. Upon recovery, the memory will whitewash the past, and adults will attribute their own successes to schooling. This perpetuates the vicious cycle. Adults do not understand kids. They do not even understand their own brains from years before when they were kids themselves. The memory has no way of sending an accurate message to the future. See: Schools suppress the learn drive


1.9 Dangers of early instruction


Early instruction is particularly dangerous. This book introduces the concept of toxic memory, which is monumental for understanding the harm inflicted by schooling. I have seen toxic memories thrive under the impact of SuperMemo. I saw them grow like you see plants or pet animals grow in your household. The faster we send kids to school, the greater the chance of the damage. Many governments around the world are eager to reduce the school age. They have no clue!

早期教育尤其危险。本书介绍了毒性记忆的概念,这对于理解学校教育造成的危害是非常重要的。我曾见过在 SuperMemo 的影响下,毒性记忆蓬勃发展。我看见它们生长,就像你看见植物或宠物在你家里成长一样。我们越早送孩子上学,受害的可能性就越大。世界上许多国家的政府都渴望降低学龄。他们对此一无所知!

1.10 Futility of cramming


Cram schools are particularly dangerous. Not only they damage the kids. They may also provide fantastic short-term returns that dazzle the educators with a lesser understanding of neuroscience. This is why many ambitious educators marvel about copying Korean or Singaporean success. Having corrected for cultural differences, I suggest they should look at the correlation between academic success and future creative achievement. For example, see Nobel Prize per capita rankings where "lazy" UK ranks high as opposed to the Asian giants. An even more convincing example should come from biographies of great geniuses of the past: scientists, inventors, and discoverers. We need to study their unschooling to understand the principles that lead to growing giant creative brains! There is little or no cramming on the path to genius.


1.11 Learning skill impotence


Limited reliance on self-directed learning at school is like lack of exercise. It turns the intellect into a lazy slob. Many people hate to exercise because of years of neglect. When they resume at the middle age, at some point, exercise can be so pleasurable that it is rediscovered as truly addictive. The same is true of learning.


We have a boatload of evidence: behavioral, neurophysiological, cultural, anecdotal, etc. that suppressing individual freedoms at young age negatively affects creative powers later in life. What might be great for a conformist "harmonious" society of North Korea, or rather helpful in a rural community of an impoverished country, may be highly unwelcome in a high-tech society with an appetite for Nobel-winning achievements in science.


We can track a golden nugget of knowledge from its source to a big discovery. From the moment when the nugget meets the brain to the ultimate reward of a breakthrough. The travel of the knowledge through the brain is hindered by restrictions imposed by schooling at all stages. To see how this happens, read: Why schools fail.


Freedom of learning is the key to developing high skills in knowledge acquisition and creative problem solving.


1.12 Grand Education Reform


Once we free our own kids to do free learning we need to free the entire education system. Let all types of schools and ideas thrive (see: Grand Education Reform). The incremental and evolutionary school reform process should proceed with an important goal in mind: all brains on the planet should be set free to pursue free learning. After that, barring disaster, only the age of the machines can change the direction of mankind.


1.13 When school is a blessing


Schools can be a blessing. In a small village in post-Ebola Liberia, in a Rio favela, in a 10-house village in Poland, in the Mathare slum, in post-Taliban Afghanistan, or in a poverty trap of immigrant banlieue, a school is a blessing. It may be an escape from poverty, violence, or abuse. It may be a path to an enlightened future. In my vicinity, kids do drugs when they do not go to school. In a village, 15 km away, their prime entertainment is drinking beer in front of the local shop. In that sense, school is shielding kids from the poisonous effects of inaction, inert community, or pathological family.

学校可以是一种眷顾。在后埃博拉时代的利比里亚,在里约热内卢贫民窟的一个小村庄,在波兰的一个 10 户人家的村庄,在后塔利班时代的阿富汗,在 Mathare 贫民窟,在贫穷的移民郊区,学校是一种眷顾。它可能是一种摆脱贫困、暴力或虐待的方式。这也许是一条通向光明未来的道路。在我附近,孩子们不上学就吸毒。在 15 公里外的一个村子里,他们的主要娱乐活动是在当地商店前喝啤酒。从这个意义上说,学校是在保护孩子免受不作为、迟钝的社区或病态家庭的有害影响。

However, schools are a blessing only early in those few tough circumstances, esp. early in the evolutionary process of a developing school system. After they are a blessing, schools become universal, and then compulsory. And then they evolve into a tool of oppression that optimizes in one direction only: more pressure for better scores. All that oppression comes with best intentions that are driven by ignorance.


At that side of the spectrum, the school is a suppressant of the best qualities of human character. The gifted ones suffer most.


1.14 The Optimization Error


Progress in schooling is measured by grades and test scores. PISA tests are the gold standard for international competition. As grading and test scores are largely based on short-term learning for short-term results, we optimize in a highly harmful direction. We optimize for cramming, not for learning. Much less attention is paid to how much kids actually bring out from school. Perfect knowledge of history on the test day may translate to vestigial knowledge of history on the last day of school.

学校教育的进步是用分数和考试成绩来衡量的。PISA 测试是国际竞争的黄金标准。由于评分和考试成绩在很大程度上是基于短期学习来获得短期结果的,所以我们的优化方向是非常有害的。我们优化的是死记硬背,而不是学习。很少有人关注孩子们实际从学校里收获了多少。考试当天完善的历史知识很可能转化为在学校最后一天残存的历史知识

If grades and test scores are used in optimization of learning, we arrive at absurd conclusions such as: learning all night is good, evening caffeine is good, cramming is better than learning, spaced repetition is ineffective, and other equally absurd propositions.


To improve schooling we add more material and raise the bar. This pushes kids in the direction of short-term memory, more homework, less sleep, less exercise, less fun, harder suppression of the learn drive, greater risk of depression and behavioral disorders. We drive ourselves into a corner! This is a corner of unhappy society!


Adding volume and speed to education to beat the scores is like hoping that adding speed to speed-reading will result in better learning. We improve scores at the cost of actual knowledge. Even worse, we improve scores while seriously undermining human creativity and problem-solving capacity.


There is an optimum speed of reading or processing information or learning, and it is specific to each individual. Optimum speed can easily be reached in free learning, where it is subject to self-regulation.


The problem with optimization of education is that, ideally, we should make incremental corrections today, and measure the outcomes 30-50 years from now. This is why effective optimization of education must rely on models derived from the learning theory. Luckily, those models produce a relatively simple picture. The brain has been equipped with all tools needed to easily achieve far more than what we today think is possible.

优化教育的问题在于,理想情况下,我们应该在今天进行渐进修正,并衡量 30 - 50 年后的结果。这就是为什么有效的优化教育必须依赖于从学习理论推导出来的模型。幸运的是,这些模型生成了一个相对简单的画面。大脑已经配备了所有的工具,可以轻松地完成我们今天认为不可能完成的事情。

1.15 Fostering diversity


Homeschooling provides good grounds for free learning. A frequent complaint about homeschoolers and unschoolers is that they are weird or poorly socialized. That complain ignores the fact that the opposite of weird is homogenized, faceless, and uninteresting. The opposite of society built on all colors of education and knowledge is North Korea. And for the sake of healthy variety, we need the example of North Korea too. At least to cherish our freedoms and learn a thing or two about what makes people and societies happy.


When I promote English as the unifying language for the world, a friend joked that I might as well promote one brand of beer for the world. I need to stress that we always need to balance standards vs. variety. One language for the world is an essential tool for global communication. Variegated education is essential for knowledge evolution. For an unconstrained growth of human knowledge, we need excellent access to knowledge, excellent communication, and a global language should serve that goal too.


1.16 Death of knowledge


Great people have great visions. However, great visions often fail to materialize and die with their fathering visionaries.


Great ideas about great education have been invented and forgotten and then re-invented or re-discovered over and over again. This has been happening for no less than two millennia now.


Plato, Aristotle, and John Locke have been dead for centuries. John Holt is dead. Ivan Illich is dead. Urie Bronfenbrenner is dead. So are Raymond Moore and Roland Meighan. They left great books that inspire new generations of educators. Their golden aphorisms are great memes for the web, but they have little impact on education driven by short-term demands of the day. The idea of free learning meets with the resistance of short-term goals worshiped by the majority affected by age's old ailment: short-sightedness.

柏拉图、亚里士多德和 John Locke 已经去世好几个世纪了。John Holt 死了。Ivan Illich 死了。Urie Bronfenbrenner 死了。Raymond Moore 和 Roland Meighan 也是如此。他们留下了激励新一代教育家的伟大著作。他们的黄金格言对于网络来说是伟大的模因,但它们对当时短期需求驱动的教育影响甚微。自由学习的理念遭到多数受老毛病(短视)影响的人所崇拜的短期目标的抵制。

Danny Greenberg and John Taylor Gatto are in their 80s. Peter Gray is in his 70s. Ken Robinson will be seventy soon. Even the new kid on the block, Sugata Mitra is past his mid 60s.

Danny Greenberg John Taylor Gatto 都 80 多岁了。Peter Gray 70 多岁了。Ken Robinson 快 70 岁了。即使是领域里新来的孩子,Sugata Mitra 也已经 60 多岁了。

I have struggled now for 3 decades promoting spaced repetition and incremental reading. Spaced repetition is now slowly gaining popularity among students of languages, and in medical sciences. Incremental reading is still in the starting block. Apart from SuperMemo, only two incremental reading plug-in attempts for Anki have been made. The road ahead is long and winding.

30 年来,我一直在努力推广间隔重复渐进阅读。间隔重复现在在语言和医学科学的学生中逐渐流行起来。渐进阅读仍然处于起始阶段。除了 SuperMemo 之外,只有两个针对 Anki 的渐进阅读插件尝试。前面的路又长又曲折。

With all those wise brains dead or aging, we still give preference to a form of schooling that was praised and skillfully employed by Hitler or Stalin. We still accept the totalitarian solutions with a good-hearted conviction that they are good for society.


My book will fail. If Nobel-winning Milton Friedman still gets ignored or misunderstood in reference to school choice, what are my chances of breaking through the wall of indifference or ignorance? I see some chance in social media and in the power of collective wisdom of homeschoolers, unschoolers, democratic schools, and free learners across the globe. I see a chance in the rebellious nature of the enslaved youth.

我的失败了。如果诺贝尔奖得主 Milton Friedman择校方面的选择仍被忽视或误解,我突破冷漠或无知之墙的机会有多大?我在社交媒体上看到了一些机会,也看到了世界各地的在家学习者、不上学者、民主学校和自由学习者集体智慧的力量。我从被奴役的年轻人的叛逆本性中看到了机会。

1.17 Prediction: Death of schooling


Radical dreams of Holt, Gatto, and Illich will come true soon. Not for whole societies though. One job of schooling will likely not end: schools will remain containers for storing kids while parents are at work. For this to change, we would need to take a collective breath, reprioritize, slow down, and take a more creative approach to life. I am not optimistic. The rush will continue.

Holt 、Gatto 和 Illich 的激进梦想很快就会实现。但这并不适用于整个社会。学校教育的一项工作可能不会结束:当家长们在工作时,学校仍将是托管孩子的设施。为了改变这种状况,我们需要集体呼吸,调整优先顺序,放慢脚步,采取更有创造性的生活方式。我并不乐观。这股热潮将继续下去。

However, more kids will get homeschooled and fight for changes in the law, more democratic schools will crop up, more Montessori schools and other freedom-based solutions will become popular. The old-style public school will rule the roost, but freedoms will be expanded by law. Nationalism and national curriculum will be curbed. The explosion of free learning is exponential.


I am glad I am not dead yet. Old Prussian school system will die soon. I wager I will see it happen!
