Learn drive is the neural mechanism by which the brain assembles the jigsaw puzzle of world knowledge.
The term learn drive is essential for proving the inefficiency of schooling.
The learn drive is a natural tendency of the brain to seek new information. The learn drive is generated by a guidance system hard-wired in the brain. This guidance system activates the reward centers upon detecting novel patterns in memory storage.
I purposefully avoid the term curiosity, which is often used in psychology. Without precise understanding of the mechanisms of the learn drive, my whole reasoning against the present school system would collapse. The need for a simple and precise term will become clearer when I explain why I do not want to employ other established terms that might easily be misconstrued.
Terms such as curiosity, novelty seeking, boredom susceptibility, openness to experience, need of cognition, and intellectual engagement are often used in various contexts to imply the existence of the learn drive. They are either misleading or mean different things. They all carry a baggage that may obscure the picture. This includes decades of disagreements in science, popular use, inappropriate connotations, and more.
好奇心(curiosity)、新颖寻求(novelty seeking)、无聊易感性(boredom susceptibility)、经验开放性(openness to experience)、认知需求(need of cognition)和智力投入(intellectual engagement)等术语经常被用于不同的上下文中,以暗示学习内驱力的存在。它们要么是误导,要么意味着不同的东西。他们都有一个包袱,可能会使这个概念模糊不清。这包括几十年来在科学、流行用法、不恰当内涵等方面的分歧。
Conditions needed to delineate the learn drive:
- learn drive is innate (i.e. we are born with it)
- learn drive is trainable (i.e. it can be enhanced with learning)
- learn drive can be suppressed
- learn drive is not spurred by stress
- learn drive delivers its own reward
- learn drive is not a personality trait (i.e. we all exhibit the learn drive, at least as children)
- 学习内驱力是与生俱来的(即我们生来就有学习内驱力)
- 学习内驱力是可以培养的(即可以通过学习来增强)
- 学习内驱力可以被抑制
- 学习内驱力不是由压力驱动的
- 学习内驱力会带来回报
- 学习内驱力不是一种性格特征(即我们都表现出学习内驱力,至少在儿童时期)
Learn drive is a vital evolutionary adaptation and employs information entropy to make judgements about the environment and internal inputs. Most of all, learn drive is a highly desirable property of the human brain.
In terms of neural networks, the learn drive can be run by very simple mechanisms that may produce a family of similar trajectories for exploring the environment. If you plot the movements of a toddler in a new environment, you may find it hard to distinguish from a graph generated by a cockroach. However, the ultimate memory effect is wildly different.
The term curiosity could be used instead of the learn drive. It has a precise scientific definition but it also has negative connotations in popular use. The learn drive is wholly positive. The learn drive is the instinct that makes humans land on the moon. We say "curiosity killed the cat". A Polish proverb says "curiosity is the first step to hell". I say "curiosity is the first step to knowledge". We use terms like "morbid curiosity" or associate curiosity with an older lady cranking her neck out of the window to suck in the latest gossip. Curiosity has also been tainted by its association with motivation and reward. Kids may be curious about what time a candy shop will open. This type of curiosity can be induced without the learn drive. Grades in schooling can generate "curiosity" that will not propel a child to greatness. The learn drive is information-based and is less likely to lead to a blind alley. The term curiosity drive_could serve the role of the learn drive if it was based on a confirmed theory and defined precisely as omnipresent (rather than generated by uncertainty). Throughout this article I explain that we need to cherish and foster the learn drive in education. I hear this often: _curiosity can wait, learning is a priority. There is no such ambiguity with the term learn drive. If I kept saying "we need to foster curiosity", nobody would take it seriously!
Boredom susceptibility or boredom intolerance is very close to the learn drive, however, it implies impatience. It is a repulsive force while the learn drive is based on hunger for new knowledge. Both may be based on the same mechanism, but this article needs to focus on the positive aspect of the learn drive. Substitute learn drive in my texts with boredom susceptibility and you will see a dramatic change in connotations.
Openness to experience is a personality trait. It might equally well be defined as the ability to control fears generated by explorations sparked by the learn drive. All people experience the learn drive but some will have it suppressed by situational anxiety.
Disposition to seek knowledge is a rare term that has never been properly defined. It is used by experts such as Dr Lilian Katz. The term is pretty fitting, however, it is inconveniently long and disposition is far less accurate than drive. Drive is better at expressing the innate nature of the phenomenon. In addition, knowledge seeking is a term often used in the field of information retrieval.
求知倾向是一个罕见的、从未被定义过的术语。一些专家比如 Lilian Katz 博士有用过这个词。这个词很合适,但是它太长了,而且倾向远不如内驱力准确。内驱力更善于表达现象的本质。此外,knowledge seeking 是信息检索领域经常使用的一个术语。
Need for cognition as the name implies is wider than the learn drive. Playing checkers may satisfy one's need for cognition, but it may easily fail to satisfy the learn drive. The term need for cognition overlaps with a subset of curiosity labelled intellectual curiosity. Both fail to precisely cover the conditions listed for the learn drive.
Novelty seeking is a concept widely used in psychology and behavioral science. It is often confused with curiosity. However, its right place is with the trait theory. Novelty seeking correlates with impulsivity and thrill or sensation seeking. It is then seen as a trait that may lead to behavioral problems. In contrast, the learn drive is the purest of human needs that makes us inventors and discoverers. Novelty seeking is part of Cloninger's model of personality. In some personality tests it is part of extroversion. It is hereditary, associated with dopamine receptors, and it might send you on a trip to Mt Everest. It might be associated with drug abuse. Mixed reports on correlation with D4 receptor gene have been interpreted as lack of consensus between psychologists on what novelty seeking actually is. The learn drive is universal, it is innate, but it is also highly dependent on the status of memory, i.e. it is shaped by experience.
新颖寻求是心理学和行为科学中广泛应用的概念。它经常与好奇心混淆。然而,它的正确位置在于特质理论。新颖寻求与冲动、刺激或感觉追求相关。并且它被视为一种可能导致行为问题的特质。与此相反,学习内驱力是人类最纯粹的需求,它使我们成为发明家和发现者。新颖寻求是 Cloninger 人格模型的一部分。在一些性格测试中,它是外向性的一部分。它是遗传的,与多巴胺受体有关,它可能会把你送上珠穆朗玛峰。它可能与药物滥用有关。与 D4 受体基因相关的形形色色的报告被解释为心理学家们对新颖寻求究竟是什么缺乏共识。学习内驱力是普遍的,是与生俱来的,但它也高度依赖于记忆的状态,即它是由经验塑造的。
In a lab, rats can be scared into novelty seeking. When a rat senses the smell of a predator, it will double its efforts to find a novel way out of its environment. This behavior shows a possible confusion between the innate drive and the induced drive. Rats behavior will depend on the balance between novelty seeking and the fear of risk. In other words, it is a balance between the search for the new and the fear of the new. One might wrongly use such rat experiments to conclude that kids might be scared into learning. The opposite is true. Chronic stress is one of the prime destroyers of the brain. It is a prime enemy in development, and prime suppressors of the learn drive. We then have a confusion between novelty seeking (behavior) and novelty seeking (instinct). Some procedures may increase the behavior without changing the instinct. You may scare an animal into novelty seeking (increase in behavior) while actually suppressing the instinct in the long term (instinct suppression). The attraction to the new and the fear of the new will always be present. In optimization of education, we need to focus on the attraction part, and eliminate the fear part. The learn drive is part of the attractive force in novelty seeking.
Anxiety may suppress or enhance exploration. If a child fears dark woods, its explorations will depend on whether it is in the woods (enhanced exploration), on its edge (inhibited exploration), or away from the woods (uninhibited exploration powered by the learn drive). In education, we want to maximize the learn drive and minimize anxiety.
The learn drive is a natural instinct to acquire new knowledge. It is present in all healthy students. It is a good force that changes the world.
Boredom can now be redefined as the absence of reward from the learn drive system. A healthy brain will resist boredom, and perceive it as a penalty. Children at school are gradually conditioned to tolerate boredom via the mechanism of learned helplessness.
I will try to show how we systematically undermine the learn drive by the way we treat newborns and toddlers. We continue the process by employing low-quality daycare, and ultimately destroy the learn drive by means of compulsory schooling. By the time of high school graduation, the learn drive will often have already been entirely ravaged and vestigial. This is often wrongly attributed to the process of aging or even natural development. This is a dangerous falsehood. The learn drive can power a septuagenarian as much as it powers a 7-year-old. I will explain how.
我将试图通过我们对待新生儿和初学走路的孩子的方式来展示我们是如何系统性地削弱学习内驱力的。我们继续采用低质量的日托,最终以义务教育的方式破坏学习内驱力。到了高中毕业的时候,学习内驱力往往已经完全被摧残而退化了。这往往被错误地归因于衰老过程,甚至被归咎于自然发展。这是一个危险的谎言。**学习内驱力可以为 70 多岁的老人提供和 7 岁孩子一样多的动力。**我将解释学习内驱力是如何做到的。
For a good discussion of curiosity theories, see:
- Curiosity and the pleasures of learning: Wanting and liking new information
- Curiosity and Exploration
- learn drive is a natural tendency of the brain to seek new information
- 学习内驱力是大脑寻求新信息的一种自然倾向
- learn drive activates the reward centers upon detecting novel patterns in memory storage
- 学习内驱力根据检测记忆存储中的新模式,激活奖励中枢
- learn drive is innate but is also trainable
- 学习内驱力是天生的,但也是可以训练的
- learn drive is universal
- 学习内驱力是普遍存在的
- learn drive can be suppressed
- 学习内驱力可以被抑制
- compulsory schooling is usually a suppressor of the learn drive
- 义务教育通常是抑制学习内驱力的因素
- learn drive does not need to decline with age, it can be sustained till the end of a healthy lifespan
- 学习内驱力不随着年龄的增长而衰退,它可以持续到健康的寿命结束
- best enhancer of the learn drive is rich learning
- 学习内驱力的最佳增强方法是丰富的学习