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- 翻译I would never send my kids to school这本书
- 1Introduction
- 1.1Failure of schooling
- 1.2Scrapping the school system
- 1.3Brain-based reform
- 1.4Love for children
- 1.5Executive Summary
- 1.6Kids are not adults in minature
- 1.7Fundamental law of learning
- 1.8Message to our future selves
- 1.9Dangers of early instruction
- 1.10Futility of cramming
- 1.11Learning skill impotence
- 1.12Grand Education Reform
- 1.13When school is a blessing
- 1.14The Optimization Error
- 1.15Fostering diversity
- 1.16Death of knowledge
- 1.17Prediction: Death of schooling
- 2Motto
- 3Brain science
- 4Learn drive
- 5Effect of schooling on the learn drive
- 5.1Learn drive vs. age
- 5.2Learn drive vs. knowledge
- 5.3Learn drive vs. learning
- 5.4Teacher problem
- 5.5Learn drive distortions
- 5.6School enthusiasm
- 5.7Powering learn drive with SuperMemo
- 5.7.1Enhancing the learn drive
- 5.7.2Stunting the learn drive
- 5.7.3Learn drive at middle age
- 5.8Perpetual learn drive
- 5.9Summary: Changes to the learn drive
- 6Learn drive and reward
- 6.1The main problem in education
- 6.2Learn drive and entropy
- 6.3Prior knowledge in information seeking
- 6.4Entropy detectors in the brain
- 6.5Speed of information processing
- 6.6Probability vs. knowledge
- 6.7Predictability and surprisal
- 6.8Detecting surprisal
- 6.9The wow factor
- 6.10Knowledge valuation network
- 6.10.1Knowledge valuations
- 6.10.2The emotional brain and the rational brain
- 6.10.3Decision tree in fast thinking
- 6.10.4Valuation network in education
- 6.10.5Knowledge valuation that affects the course of life
- 6.11Learntropy
- 6.12Signal timing vs. learntropy
- 6.13Learntropy and learn drive
- 6.14Optimum information delivery
- 6.15Gripping lectures
- 6.16Learning rewards
- 6.16.1Learn drive reward
- 6.16.2Evolution of the learn drive
- 6.16.3Procedural learning reward
- 6.16.4Declarative learning reward
- 6.16.5Reward centers in learning
- 6.17Biederman model
- 6.17.1Pleasure of reading about the pleasure of reading
- 6.17.2Opioid vs. dopamine pleasure
- 6.17.3Pleasure of association
- 6.17.4Impact of memory on the pleasure of learning
- 6.17.5Stages of learn drive evolution
- 6.18Desirable difficulty
- 6.19Addiction to learning
- 6.19.1Inborn addiction
- 6.19.2Learning and gambling
- 6.19.3Learning and sleep
- 6.19.4Learning and exercise
- 6.19.5Learning restraint
- 6.20Displeasure of learning
- 6.21Learning and procrastination
- 6.22Learning and depression
- 6.22.1Learning at school
- 6.22.2Impact of memory on mood
- 6.22.3Anti-depressants
- 6.22.4Learn drive and optimism
- 6.22.5Can learning help you?
- 6.23Optimization of education: Global or Local?
- 6.23.1Perfect model of education
- 6.23.2Optimization based on the learn drive
- 6.23.3Designing a child's mind
- 6.23.4Reliance on emergence
- 6.23.5The tree metaphor
- 6.23.6Local optimization
- 6.23.7Is global optimization possible?
- 6.24Fundamental law of learning
- 6.25Summary: Pleasure of learning
- 7Learn drive vs. learned helplessness
- 8Education counteracts evolution
- 8.1Inefficiency of education
- 8.2Exploration algorithm
- 8.3Evolving imitation
- 8.4Imitation vs. novelty seeking
- 8.5Language, religions, and war
- 8.6The advent of mass education
- 8.7Coercive immitation
- 8.8Resistance to social pressure
- 8.9Resistance to extrinsic valuation
- 8.10Variations of resistance in a population
- 8.11Wieman drafts the future of exploratory learning
- 8.12Incremental reading is based on exploration
- 8.13Two key errors of education systems
- 8.14Overoptimization
- 8.15The Grand Education Reform
- 9Toxic memory
- 9.1Hate of school
- 9.2What are toxic memories?
- 9.3Toxic memory: mechanism
- 9.4School: an unhappy institution
- 9.5Early learning programs
- 9.6Mathematics
- 9.7Alzheimer's disease
- 9.8Examples
- 9.8.1Fear of fractions
- 9.8.2Fear of reading
- 9.8.3Multiplication table
- 9.8.4Sequence of months
- 9.8.5Delaying math instruction
- 9.8.6Fear with no purpose
- 9.8.7Meaningless history
- 9.8.8Trouble with counting
- 9.9Toxic memories in SuperMemo
- 9.9.1SuperMemo leeches
- 9.9.2Inefficiency of SuperMemo
- 9.9.3Toxic SuperMemo
- 9.9.4Toxic memories in language learning
- 9.9.5Toxic memories in Advanced English
- 9.9.6Toxic memories in incremental reading
- 10Why schools fail?
- 11Optimum push zone
- 11.1Push zone at school
- 11.2Zone of proximal development
- 11.3Push zone and coercion
- 11.4Comfort zone
- 11.5Regress zone
- 11.6The optimum push
- 11.7Zone changes
- 11.8Correcting development trajectory
- 11.9Changes to push zone with age
- 11.10Complexities of influence
- 11.11Predictability of a push
- 11.12Push zone: examples
- 11.13Minimum pressure, maximum outcome
- 11.14My own story
- 12Natural creativity cycle
- 12.1Creativity formula
- 12.2Natural creativity cycle
- 12.2.1Day
- creativity
- and creativity cycles
- bonus
- 12.2.2Sleep
- sleep
- sleep
- inventions
- 12.3Neural aspects of the creativity cycle
- 12.3.1Waking Day
- 12.3.2Night
- 12.3.3Next morning
- 12.4Depression and positive thinking
- 12.5Creative cycle control
- 12.6Impact of schooling
- 12.7Employing the creativity cycle
- 12.8Old school: creativity cycles
- 12.9Tools
- 12.9.1Learning
- 12.9.2Incremental reading
- 12.9.3SleepChart
- 12.10Summary: Natural creativity cycle
- 13Brain evolution
- 14Baby management
- 15How baby brain does not work
- 16Childhood amnesia
- 16.1Introduction
- 16.2Measuring amnesia
- 16.2.1Methodology problems
- 16.2.2Forming first memories
- 16.3Neurogenesis hypothesis
- 16.3.1Observing a child
- 16.3.2Neurogenesis hypothesis
- 16.3.3Future research
- 16.3.4Kids have no long-term memory
- 16.3.5Plasticity-vs-stability trade off
- 16.4Measuring infantile amnesia with SuperMemo
- 16.5Measurement example
- 16.6Retrospective recall curve
- 16.7Childhood amnesia: Mechanism
- 16.8Childhood amnesia mythology
- 16.9My first memories
- 16.10Conclusions for parents
- 16.11Summary: Childhood amnesia
- 17Daycare misery
- 18Stress resilience
- 18.1Good stress and bad stress
- 18.2Global loss of IQ
- 18.3Resistance to chronic stress
- 18.4Adaptation to stress
- 18.5Preparation for adulthood
- 18.5.1Stress resilience training
- 18.5.2Discipline training
- 18.6Homeschooler's sleep
- 18.7Optimum stress exposure
- 18.8Stress resilience
- 18.9Summary: Stress resilience
- 19Childhood passions
- 20Why kids hate school?
- 21Mountain climb metaphor
- 22Glossary
- 23References
- 24Further reading
- 25Summary
- 1Introduction
- 翻译History of spaced repetition
- 1 Introduction
- 2 1985: Birth of SuperMemo
- 3 1986: First steps of SuperMemo
- 4 1987: SuperMemo 1.0 for DOS
- 5 1988: Two component of memory
- 6 1989: SuperMemo adapts to user memory
- 7 1990: Universal formula for memory
- 7.1Optimum review vs. intermittent review
- 7.2Model of intermittent learning
- 7.3Past (1990) vs. Present (2018)
- 7.4Similarity to Algorithm SM-17
- 7.5Formulation of the problem of intermittent learning
- 7.6Solution to the problem of intermittent learning
- 7.7Simulations based on the model of intermittent learning
- 7.8Workload vs. Retention trade-off
- 7.9Conclusions: model of intermittent learning
- 8 1991: Employing forgetting curves
- 9 1994: Exponential nature of forgetting
- 9.1Forgetting curve: power or exponential
- 9.2Wrong thinking helped spaced repetition
- 9.3Contradictory models
- 9.4Collecting data
- 9.5First forgetting curve data
- 9.6Forgetting curve approximations
- 9.7Exponential forgetting prevails
- 9.8Negatively exponential forgetting curve
- 9.9Forgetting curve: Retrievability formula
- 9.10Retention vs. the forgetting index
- 9.11Forgetting curve for poorly formulated material
- 9.12Power law emerges in superposition of exponential forgetting curves
- 10 1995: Hypermedia SuperMemo
- 11 1997: Employing neural networks
- 11.1Neural Networks: Budding interest
- 11.2Push for neural networks
- 11.3Is SuperMemo inflexible?
- 11.4Futility of fine-tuning the spaced repetition algorithm
- 11.5Dreger's Neural Network Project
- 11.6Neural Network SuperMemo : Why memory model is essential for SuperMemo algorithms
- 11.7Neural Network SuperMemo: Design
- 11.8Neural Network SuperMemo: Implementation
- 11.9David Calinski and FullRecall
- 11.10Why is the neural network in FullRecall flawed?
- 11.11Future of neural networks in SuperMemo
- 12 1999: Choosing the name: "spaced repetition"
- 13 2005: Stability increase function
- 14 2014: Algorithm SM-17
- 15 Exponential adoption of spaced repetition
- 16 Summary of memory research
- 17 The anatomy of failure and success
- 18 Epilog