- Added Public headers for Swift Package
is now part of the package
- Fixed infinite retries for network errors
- Privacy Manifest updates
- Fixed project build
- Added Privacy Manifest
- The Podspec iOS deployment target is set to 12.0
- Removing samples/HackerNewsReader submodule directory
- Removing submodule HackerNewsReader dependency
- A function declaration without a prototype is deprecated in all version of C
- The iOS deployment target is set to 9. But the range of supported deployment version is 12. to 16.4.99
- 'TARGET_OS_MACCATALYST' is not defined , evaluates to 0.
- 'archiveRootObject:toFile:' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 12.0 - Use +archivedDataWithRootObject:requiringSecureCoding:error: and -writeToURL:options:error: instead
- 'unarchiveObjectWithFile:' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 12.0 - Use +unarchivedObjectOfClass:fromData:error: instead
- 'subscriberCellularProvider' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 12.0 , Replace 'subscriberCellularProvider' with 'serviceSubscriberCellularProviders'
Deprecated fields
- Adding a new public method collect() to collect mobile events on demand
- Fixes SwiftPM build error for unsupported app extensions #100
Create PROPOSETECHNICIALDESIGNDOC.md Add modules to DESIGNDOC.md Add images from /Images folder to Git Create DESIGNDOC.md Create PROPOSETECHNICIALDESIGNDOC.md
Swift package manager usability Changes in DESIGNDOC.md Update package and sift_ios file
- Fixed warning and Error related to MacCatalyst
- Fix Security Concern from converting Strings to Signed Integers for ipv6
- Create Swift package manager
- Upgrade SDK target deployment version
- Improved stability and test coverage
- Remove all warnings which gets generated during build
- Remove all warnings which gets generated during build
- Update README for sift rebrand
- Rename classes to remove SF reserve keyword from their names
- Removes fork() check
- Adds unsetUserId and fix userId NPE
- Better retry mechanics for errors
- Fixes iOS 11 crasher
- Excludes NaN and Infinity values from JSON body
- Adds sdk_version to app state events
- Query UIApplication on UI thread
- Updates event-batching logic
- Adds suspend / resume counter for stability
- Various stability improvements (KVO and uploader)
- Add more defensive checks before deferencing from batches
- Decreases TTL and batch size for device properties collection
- Remove AdSupport headers for IFA
- Reduces backup aggressiveness to eliminate potential race in background thread
- Adds gzip compression to event body
- Adds location configuration to Sift.h
- Collect app states, motion sensor data, location, and more
- Send app version and SDK version back to Sift
- Add samples/HackerNewsReader and integration guide
- Refine conditions of when to collect data
- Add rate limits to data collector
- Use structured schema for collected data
- Use identifier for vendor for installation ID
- Add back advertising identifier collection
- Allow user assign another queue as the default queue
- Make SDK log less
- Remove advertising identifier collection
- Implement the core part of the SDK (event batching and uploading)
- Collect device properties
- Support CocoaPods and Carthage
- Add demo app HelloSift