A simple worker.js
script to make QR (Quick Response) Codes Auto Generate for your UPI Payments, Easily Free Deploy on Cloudflare Workers, Fast Responsive Neon-Dark Design
- Fast and Responsive
- Generate URLs On the Go
- Build with Dark Neon Design
- Attach Parameters for Fixed Payment with UPI ID
- Use for Anytime, Anywhere for Anyone
Add Landing Page for Generate Links - Add Custom Access to Generate Page Only
- Excrypt Params, So that Users can't Change
Step 1 : Create a Cloudflare Account
Step 2 : Go to Workers & Pages Tab, and Click on Create Worker and Choose a Sub Domain
Step 3 : Copy code from Repo's worker.js file and Paste it
Step 4 : Click on Deploy and your Site is Ready !
No need to make URL formatting manually, its just for understanding, Visit direct Base URL to generate URL
Format : https://your_url/pay?pa=demonic@ybl&pn=Demon&cu=INR&am=500
Sample Generate URL : https://payme.mysterysd.in/
Sample Pay URL (With Amt) : https://payme.mysterysd.in/pay?pa=demonic@ybl&pn=Demon&cu=INR&am=500
Sample Pay URL (Without Amt) : https://payme.mysterysd.in/pay?pa=demonic@ybl&pn=Demon&cu=INR
Params | Desp | Required | Example |
pa= |
Paymee Address ( UPI ID or VPA ) | *Required | sample@ybl |
pn= |
Paymee Name | Optional | MysterySD |
am= |
Amount of Money to Pay | Optional | Like 250, Only Digits |
(Developer)- Inspired from
and to make for Easy Deployments