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Simon James Goring
Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin, 550 North Park St, Madison WI, 53706
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Email: [email protected]
Website: Homepage


2012 Ph.D. Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver BC - Thesis
2003 B.Sc. Plant Science, University of Northern British Columbia Prince George, BC
1999 Forest Technician Diploma, Sir Sandford Fleming College Lindsay, ON

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Research Positions

January 2022 – Current Data Scientist II. Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin. Madison, WI
July 2014 – December 2021 Assistant Scientist. Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin. Madison, WI
July 2011 – July 2014 Post-Doctoral Researcher. Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin. Madison, WI
2004 - 2005 Dr. Staffan Lindgren (University of Northern BC)
2003 – 2004 Dr. Josef D Ackerman (University of Guelph)
Spring 2002 Dr. Michael Gillingham (UNBC)
Summer 2000 Dr. Dale Vitt (University of Alberta)

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2007 - 2011







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Goring S., Dominguez S. 2022. neotoma2 – an improved R package for the Neotoma Paleoecological Database. [GitHub]
Goring S., Stryker M., Nelson JK. 2022. Neotoma API Implementation. [GitHub]
Blaauw M & Goring SJ. 2014. clam: Classic age modeling in R. [GitHub]
Goring S. (2013) neotoma – an R package for the Neotoma Paleoecological Database. [GitHub]

Chapters, Comments & Opinion

Keenlyside K, Nantel P, Pellatt M, Goring S, Gray P. (2014) Chapter 6: Natural environment and biodiversity. In: From Impacts to Adaptation – Assessment Update. Natural Resources Canada. [Open Access]
Gill JL, Blois JL, Goring S, Marlon JR, Bartlein PJ, Nicoll K, Scott AC, Whitlock C. (2012) Paleoecological changes at Lake Cuitzeo were not consistent with an extraterrestrial impact. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 109: E2243. [Link]
Blois J, Goring S, Smith A. (2011) Integrating paleoecological databases: the Neotoma Consortium Workshop, September 23- 2 26, 2010. EOS Transactions of the AGU. 92:48. [Link]
Mooers AO, Goring SJ, Turvey S, Kuhn T. (2009) "Holocene extinctions and the loss of feature diversity". Holocene Extinctions (S. Turvey, ed.) Oxford University Press, Oxford. [Link]

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2022 Collaborative Research: Disciplinary Improvements for Past Global Change Research: Connecting Data Systems and Practitioners ($250,464 -- NSF 2226369) 2020 Collaborative Research: Neotoma Paleoecology Database, a Multi-Proxy, International, Community-Curated Data Resource for Global Change Research ($318,563 -- NSF 1948926)
2019 EarthCube Data Capabilities: Collaborative Proposal: Reducing Time-To-Science in the Earth Sciences: Annotations to foster convergence, inclusion, and credit ($616,613 -- NSF 1928366)
2019 Belmont Forum Collaborative Research: Abrupt Change in Climate and Ecosystems: Where are the Tipping Points? ($150,000 – NSF ICER 1929476)
2017 Collaborative Proposal: EarthCube Integration: THROUGHPUT: Standards and Services for Community Curated Repositories ($179,739 -- NSF 1740699)
2015 Collaborative Research: Leveraging domain repositories in Flyover Country, a mobile app for geoscience outreach, data discovery, and visualization ($162,778 -- NSF 1550855) 2015 Collaborative Research: Neotoma Paleoecology Database, Integrative Cyberinfrastructure for Global Change Research ($353,394 -- NSF 1550707) 2015 Building Interoperable Cyberinfrastructure (CI) at the Interface between Paleogeoinformatics and Bioinformatics ($285,000 – NSF EarthCube Integrative Activities)
2014 Climate Prediction in No-Analogue Space – PI (Amazon Web Services in Education Grant, 1yr – $6000)
2014 Memorandum of Understanding – United States Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis Program

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2022 DSCI591: Data Science Capstone Project (University of British Columbia)
2021 DSCI591: Data Science Capstone Project (University of British Columbia)
2020 DSCI591: Data Science Capstone Project (University of British Columbia)
2020 DSCI513: Databases and Data Retrieval (University of British Columbia)
2019 DSCI591: Data Science Capstone Project (University of British Columbia)
2015 GEOG378: Hybrid-online - Introduction to Geocomputing (University of Wisconsin)
2014 Pollen: Field, Laboratory, and Data Analysis workshop. Instructor & co-lead. University of Maine, June 2014
2013 Climatic Environments of the Past University of Wisconsin – Madison. Guest lecturer (Dating Techniques, The Anthropocene)
2013 Quaternary Vegetation Dynamics – University of Wisconsin – Madison. Some course design, multiple (4) lectures & some lab design.
2012 Conservation Paleoecology University of Wisconsin – Madison Seminar, co-instruction with J. Williams, J. Blois, A. Ordonez.
2012 Camp PalEON – University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center. Age-depth modeling unit, support for student projects & lake coring module.
2009 Using R for Paleoecological Research – University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford, BC. One day seminar introducing R workflows for paleoecological research
2008 Paleobiology and Palynology (TA; Simon Fraser University)
2007 General Biology (TA; Simon Fraser University)

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Invited Presentations and Workshops

Goring S. The neotoma package and semi-automated chronology construction for paleoecological databases. Neotoma Chronology Workshop. Belfast UK, January 2014.
Goring S, Lacourse T, Pellatt MG, Mathewes RW. Pollen richness is not equivalent to plant species richness: a cautionary tale. AASP 46th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, October 2013.
Goring S, Brewer S, Grimm E. Neotoma – Hands-on computing workshop. AASP 46th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, October 2013.
Goring S. The more things change: Using the past to understand an uncertain future. Faculty of Environment; University of Waterloo. Waterloo, ON. July 30, 2013.
Goring S, Weathers KC, Dodds WK, Soranno PA, Sweet LC, Cheruvelil KS, Kominoski JS, Rüegg J, Thorn AM, Utz RM. Cultural credit for collaborative contributions to support interdisciplinary ecology. NSF Macrosystems Biology Meeting. Washington DC. June 6, 2013.
Goring S, Williams JW, Ruid M, MacLachlan JS, Jackson ST, Paciorek CJ, Thurman A, Zhu J, Brooks W, Mladenoff DJ, Cogbill C, Record S, Dietze MC. What the Public Lands Survey can tell us about climate change, vegetation and models of future (and past) change. Quaternary Paleoecology Series. University of Minnesota. April 10, 2013.
Goring S, Williams JW, Ruid M, MacLachlan JS, Jackson ST, Paciorek CJ, Thurman A, Zhu J, Brooks W, Mladenoff DJ, Cogbill C, Record S, Dietze MC. Using the past to predict the future: The Public Land Survey, 19th century climate and the PalEON Project. Yi-Fu Tuan Seminar Series. University of Wisconsin – Madison. February 15, 2013

Selected Presentations

Goring S, Williams JW, Ruid M, MacLachlan JS, Jackson ST, Paciorek CJ, Thurman A, Zhu J, Brooks W, Mladenoff DJ, Cogbill C, Record S, Dietze MC. Estimating pre-settlement vegetation in the American Midwest: Exploring climate relationships and links to proxy data for robust data assimilation. International Biogeography Society Biennial Meeting. January 2013, Miami, FL.
Goring S. Holocene reconstructions for British Columbia, Canada using pollen as a proxy for climate: applications, validation and trepidation. Climate People and the Environment Program Seminar Series. Feb 24, 2012. Madison, WI.
Goring S, Mathewes R. Towards a comprehensive Holocene temperature and precipitation record for British Columbia using a pollen-based multi-method approach. CANQUA - GeoHydro 2011. August 28 – September 1, 2011. Quebec City, QC.
Goring S, Mathewes RW, Lacourse T, Pellatt MG. Match and Mismatch: Pollen-Based Climate Reconstruction and the Instrumental Records from Southwestern British Columbia, Canada. 8th European Paleobotany – Palynology Conference. July 2010. Budapest, Hungary.
Goring SJ, Lacourse T, Pellatt MG, Walker IR & RW Mathewes. Multivariate climate reconstruction using a modern pollen database for British Columbia. IPC/IOPC. August 31, 2008. Bonn, Germany.
Goring SJ & RW Mathewes. Southwestern British Columbia Revisited: Paleoclimatic History. Botany 2008. July 28, 2008. Vancouver, British Columbia.

Selected Conference Posters

Goring S, et al. Effects of Euro-American settlement and historic climate variability on species-climate relationships and the co-occurrence of dominant tree species. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, December 2013, San Francisco, CA.
Williams JW, Goring S, Brooks W, Cogbill C, Dietze M, Jackson S, McLachlan J, Mladenoff D, Paciorek C, Thurman A, Zhu J and PalEON Participants. Forest composition and biomass at Euroamerican settlement in the upper Great Lakes. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 2012.
Goring SJ, Williams JW, Dietze MC, Jackson ST, Mladenoff D, Cogbill C, Zhu J, Thurman A, Brooks W. Reliable gridded estimates of pre-settlement vegetation for the Upper Midwest from Public Land Survey Data. American Quaternary Association Meeting, June 2012.
Goring SJ, Lacourse T, Pellatt MG, & RW Mathewes. How sensitive are pollen-based climate models to large-scale vegetation change? An example from Marion Lake, British Columbia. CANQUA. May 4-8th 2009. Vancouver, British Columbia.
Kuhn TS, Goring SJ & AO Mooers. Late-Quaternary extinctions and the shape of the Mammalian tree of life. CANQUA. May 4-8th 2009. Vancouver, British Columbia.

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2015 Earthcube Distinguished Lecturer - Early Career ($600 - National)
2015 Climate Informatics 2015 ($1100 Travel Grant - National)
2015 EarthCube Early Career Travel Grant ($500 - National)
2011 CANQUA – Alexis Dreimanis Award ($2000 – National Scholarship)
2011 President's Research Stipend ($6,250 –Simon Fraser University)
2009 NSERC PGS-D3 Scholarship ($63,000 – National Scholarship)
2009 AASP – The Palynological Society – Conference Travel Grant ($250USD)
2009 CANQUA – Student Poster Award (3rd Place with TS Kuhn - $100)
2008 Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution, Poster Award ($500)
2008 Simon Fraser University Graduate Fellowship ($6000)
2007 Iowa Lakeside Laboratory Scholarship ($390 - Iowa State University)
2004 van Adrichem Summer Research Bursary ($600 - UNBC)
1999 JB Goodhew Award (Recognition, Sir Sanford Fleming College)

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University Service

2022 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Climate Committee (University of Wisconsin) 2009 Biological Sciences Graduate Student Council (SFU)
2006 Faculty Search Committee – Two NSERC Canada Research Chair Tier II positions (SFU)
2002 – 2004 Student Senator: Member of the Senate Committees for University Budget & Library (UNBC)

Academic Service

2015 Program Committee – Climate Informatics 2015
2015 Developed the Early Career Travel Grant program for EarthCube.
2014 - 2015 Organizing Committee – NSF EarthCube All Hands Meeting
2014 - 2015 Engagement Team – NSF EarthCube Program
2013 Editorial Board - Open Quaternary
2013 Review Editor – Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution: Paleoecology
2013 PalEON Settlement Vegetation Workshop Organizer, Madison, WI
2012 – 2016 Canadian Association of Palynologists Executive, International Federation of Palynological Societies representative
2011 PalEON Settlement Vegetation Workshop Organizer, Madison, WI
2010 Neotoma Consortium Workshop, Participant, Madison, WI
2009 AASP – The Palynological Society Annual Meeting – Copy editor


Ecology Letters; Journal of Biogeography; Open Ecology Journal; Journal of Ecology; Environmental Modelling and Software; American Midland Naturalist, Climate of the Past; Earth Science Reviews; Quaternary Science Reviews; Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution: Paleoecology; Geology; PLOS One; Open Quaternary

Public Service

2015 Storytelling with Data – An introduction to data science (Two half day workshops) IT Academy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
2011 Big Brothers, In-School Mentoring Program, Vancouver, BC (since 2005)
2010 Why is Paleoecology Awesome? (Talk) East Side High School, Vancouver, BC
2009 Royal Canadian Mounted Police: Forensic analysis of pollen assemblages.